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Wider Objective:
What is the overall broader objective, to which the project will contribute?

Indicators of progress:
What are the key indicators related to the wider objective?

How indicators will be measured:

What are the sources of information on these indicators?

To Implement European Quality Assessment Standards into Turkmen educational system. Specific Project Objective/s:
What are the specific objectives, which the project shall achieve?

Level of intergation of Turkmen

educational system into European one Indicators of progress:

What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators showing whether and to what extent the projects specific objectives are achieved?

Percentage of electronic documents in the general documents circulation; percentage of teachers with good skill and students with good progress How indicators will be measured:

Assumptions & risks:

To develop standards, formal Ongoing development of education Certification marks of the developed procedures and associated quality assurance standards,formal standards, procedures and intstructions, instructions for the education procedures and associated insrtuctions at determined by the EU partners. quality assurance on the basis of Turkmen universities European quality assurance Percentage of teachers with good skill Level of the education quality principles. and students with good progress development To establish University Centers of Number of concluded agreements quality assurance, internal Bilateral agreements on mutual education assessment and external review. quality control ,agreements between all To elaborate co-operation between Regional Centres on enhancement of mutual assessment of education quality. University Centers to enhancing the mutual quality assurance decisions and quality assessment. Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes Indicators of progress: How indicators will be measured: What are the indicators to measure whether and to What are the sources of information on these (intangible):

What are the sources of information that exist and can What are the factors and conditions not under the be collected? What are the methods required to get this direct control of the project, which are necessary to information? achieve these objectives? What risks have to be considered?

Students, academic and administrative staff will be active in adopting the European Assessment Standards Centres' administarion bodies will be active in concluding of agreements

Assumptions & risks:

What external factors and conditions must be realised to obtain the expected outcomes and results on schedule?

Please provide the list of concrete

outputs/outcomes grouped in Workpackages, leading to the specific objective/s. Please list here the Workpackages (use bullet points): 1.A perspective plan of the continuous enhancement of education quality in Turkmenistan 2.Retrained group of Turkmen universities academic and administrative staff 3.Didactic package and project of Quality Assurance Standard for Turkmen Ministry of Education 4.National Quality Assurance Agency and

what extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects?


Elaborated Plan for continuous

enhancement of educational quality Developed standards, procedures and instructions for quality assessment Publishing of the reports of quality assessment results Concluding of agreements between the Centres at Turkmen universities Printing dissemination materials,

Estimation of the plan by external experts Estimation of the level of the materials by external experts Certification marks of the developed standards, procedures and intstructions, determined by the EU partners Percentage of teachers with good skill and students with good progress Number of concluded agreements Number of dissemination actions

The plan will be supported by EU partners We shall find enough specialists with high professional skill to organise large entry European standards will be adoptable to Turkmen education Information about European Quality Assessment Standards wil be accessible The assessment action will be successful.

University Centers of education quality assurance in Turkmenistan 5.Practical introduction of the Quality Assurance Standard 6.Training on the new quality assurance standards 7.DISSEMINATION 8.SUSTAINABILITY 9.QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING 10. MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT

dissemination presentations and promotions Increasing of effectiveness of the project actions Successful project realisation

Number of interested Turkmen

universities Quality characteristics of the project from the annual expert reports Achievement of all project outcomes

Turkmen universities will be interested in developed standards, formal procedures adaptation to their institutions Interest to developed standards, formal procedures from side of universities' staff and students Western quality standards are applicable for Turkmen conditions The project financing will be regular.

What are the key activities to be carried out and in what sequence in order to produce the expected results?

What inputs are required to implement these activities, e.g. staff time, equipment, mobilities, publications etc.?

Assumptions, risks and pre-conditions:

What pre-conditions are required before the project starts? What conditions outside the projects direct control have to be present for the implementation of the planned activities?

1.1. Kick-off meeting of all contact persons in Koblenz 1.2. Establishment of Academic Council 1.3. Brief visit EU members to Turkmen universities 1.4. Selection of 2 project experts by ASIIN 1.5. Development of the Perspective plan 1.6. Publishing of the Project Proceedings 2.1. Forming academic groups 2.2. Education quality assessment methodology courses 2.3. Selection of best participants of the courses 2.4. Intensive English courses for the selected staff 2.5. Retraining of the courses participants 2.6. Carrying out a seminar 3.1. Interview of main Turkmen universities and TurME

1.1. West-west mobility; east-west mobility; other costs for visas 1.2.staff costs for Turkmen universities 1.3.west-east mobility 1.4.. Staff costs for ASIIN 1.5. staff costs for Turkmen universities 1.6. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 2.1.staff costs for Turkmen universities 2.2. west-east mobility Staff costs for Turkmen universities 2.3. Other costs for language courses 2.4. staff costs for EU universities; eastwest mobility; other costs for visas 2.5.printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 3.1. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 3.2.west-west mobility, east-west mobility; other costs for visas 3.3.staff costs for Turkmen universities

The main pre-condition is keeping of interest of administration, academic staff and students of Turkmen universities. It is very important to prepare academic staff and students to implementation of new assessment standards in education. The risk is not to find enough specialists in quality assessment field with high professional skill Marked out funds won't be enough to purchase all the needed equipment. The event can be ruined because of unforeseen contingencies Wrong directions of the plan development can be present Some misunderstandings between consortium members may take place, mutual consent won't be reached European languages won't be learned well in such short terms Retrained staff won't be able to implement European Assessment

3.2. Processing of results of the interview 3.3. Workshops for Turkmen academic staff 3.4. A project of Quality Assurance Standard 3.5. Discussion and approval of the standards 3.6. The Second Volume of the project proceedings 3.7. Project of Quality Assurance Standard presentation 4.1. A draft of the development plans for the Centers 4.2. Consideration of the plans drafts 4.3. Selection of the staff for the Agency and Centers 4.4. Formal approval of the Centres 4.5. Purchase of necessary equipment 4.6. Centers of Education Quality Assurance 4.7. Analysis of the first months of Centers work 4.8. Retraining of the Cenres staff in Germany 4.9. Regulation about the National Agency 4.10. Selection of the Agency staff 4.11. Purchasing equipment for the Agency 4.12. Official opening the Agency 4.13. The 3rd volume of the Project Proceedings 5.1. Formal approval of the developed standards 5.2. Final version of the Quality Assurance Package 5.3. Publishing the guidelines

3.4. .staff costs for Turkmen universities 3.5. printing and publishing costs for
Turkmen universities 3.6. .staff costs for Turkmen universities 3.7. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 4.1. staff costs for ATNIWL 4.2.printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 4.3. staff costs for Turkmen universities 4.4. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 4.5.Equipment costs for Turkmen universities 4.6. West-east mobility; printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 4.7. printing and publishing costs TPU 4.8. staff costs for KLU and ASIIN; eastwest mobility; other costs for visas. 4.9. staff costs for Turkmen universities; printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 4.10. staff costs for Turkmen universities; west-east mobility 4.11. equipment costs for TPU 4.12.east-west mobility 4.13. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 5.1. printing and publishing costs for TPU 5.2. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 5.3. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities

Standards into Turkmen educational systems The elaboration won't be performed thoroughly. Funds for printing won't be sufficient The development of computer system may not be finished in time. Some planned fuctions won't be realized. Assessment may not be full because of short terms. Some unaccounted features may be revealed Report may not be published in time Web-site may not represent all the necessary functions Lack of interest from the side of Turkmen universities in European standards of education Bulletin may not be published in time Universities may not be interested in continual cooperation Experts might show partiality while project reviewing Lack of orgainzation of responsible specialists for activity

5.4. Development of a distributed computer system 5.5. Internal education quality assessment 5.6. External reviews of EU experts 6.1. Preparation of teaching materials 6.2. Forming group for intensive retraining 6.3. Organization of two-week workshop 6.4. 4 Seminars 6.5. Publishing the volume of the Project Proceedings 7.1. Project web-page 7.2. Publication of the DEQUE quarterly bulletin 7.3. Annual dissemination seminar 8.1. Main statements of the Quality Assurance Standards 8.2. Accreditation of the courses on quality assurance 8.3. The status of a state establishment 8.4. Department of corresponding universities 8.5. Quarterly bulletins of the Agency 9.1. External reviews on the ongoing project 9.2. Day-to-day quality monitoring 9.3. Independent analysis 9.4. Project documentation keeping and analyzing 10.1. Coordination meetings 10.2. Establishing Project Management Committee 10.3. Everyday management and accounting

5.4. staff costs for TPU 5.5. staff costs for Turkmen universities 5.6. east-west mobility 6.1. equipment costs for Turkmen universities 6.2. staff costs for Turkmen universities 6.3. staff costs for Turkmen universities 6.4.West-east mobility; printing and publishing costs for ATNIWL and TPU 6.5. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 7.1. staff costs for TPU; equipment costs for TPU 7.2. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 7.3. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 8.1. printing and publishing costs for TurME 8.2. printing and publishing costs for TurME 8.3. printing and publishing costs TPU 8.4. printing and publishing costs for Turkmen universities 8.5. printing and publishing costs for TPU 9.1. staff costs for external experts 9.2. staff costs for ASIIN 9.3. staff costs for ASIIN 9.4.staff costs for KLU, Turkmen universities 10.1.west-west mobility; east-west mobility; other costs for visas; printing and publishing costs for KLU 10.2. staff costs for KLU and Turkmen

universities 10.3 staff costs for KLU ; indirect costs for KLU and Turkmen universities

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