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Production Planning & Control: The Management

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A multi-dimensional classification of production

systems for the design and selection of
production planning and control systems
a b
Bart L. Maccarthy & Flavio C. F. Fernandes
Division of Maufacturing Engineering and Operations Management , University of
Nottingham , University Park
Department of Production Engineering , Federal University of Sao Carlos , via
Washington Luiz, KM 235-13565-905, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Published online: 15 Nov 2010.

To cite this article: Bart L. Maccarthy & Flavio C. F. Fernandes (2000) A multi-dimensional classification of
production systems for the design and selection of production planning and control systems, Production Planning &
Control: The Management of Operations, 11:5, 481-496, DOI: 10.1080/09537280050051988

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PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 2000, VOL. 11, NO. 5, 481 ± 496

A multi-dimensional classi® cation of production

systems for the design and selection of production
planning and control systems
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Keywords production systems, classi® cation, production of the production planning and control area: it tends to inter-
planning and control, analysis and design of production systems face with all functional areas of the enterprise. An important
objective of the classi® cation system proposed here is to provide
a tool to assist in undertaking this di cult task. Real production
Abstract. A primary requirement for improved understanding systems are becoming more hybrid in order to be able to cope
of the management of production systems is an appropriate with change. We show that our classi® cation can successfully
classi® cation of such systems. This paper proposes a classi® ca- deal with such systems.
tion that facilitates a better understanding of real production
systems. It combines all the essential features, e.g. the ¯ ow of
materials with new classi® cation perspectives with respect to 1. Introduction
response time, repetitiveness and work organization. As much
previous work has in¯ uenced the approach proposed here, the Scienti® c knowledge is based on classi® cation. It has
paper also presents a review of relevant literature. The classi® -
cation has four groups of characteristics, comprising eight
been asserted for instance that expert systems are, in gen-
dimensions of descriptors, encompassing 12 variables. Choosing eral, classi® cation systems (Jain 1988). It is not surprising
or designing an appropriate production planning and control therefore that a classi® cation of classi® cations has been
system ( PPCS) is a di cult task due to the integrative character given. Good (1965) proposed the following classes based

A uthors: B. L. MacCarthy, Division of Maufacturing Engineering and Operations Management,

University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK, and F. C. F. Fernandes,
Department of Production Engineering at Federal University of SaÄo Carlos, via Washington Luiz,
KM 235-13565-905 , SaÄo Carlos, SP, Brazil.
BA RT M A CC A RTHY is a Senior Lecturer in the Division of Manufacturing Engineering and
Operations Management at the University of Nottingham. Prior to his appointment in 1987 he
had substantial experience in research and management in manufacturing industry including the
engineering, textiles and clothing sectors. He has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for
3 years and was acting Head of Division during the academic year 1996/1997. His research spans
systems analysis, modelling, optimization, and simulation in manufacturing, operations and logis-
tics. He has researched and published widely on decision support for planning and scheduling.
Current research projects include the analysis and modelling of responsiveness in order ful® llment
processes, statistical process control for performance measurement in scheduling and the modelling
of supply chains in the public sector.

F L A VIO C. F. F ERNANDE S has been an Assistant Professor at the Federal University of SaÄo Carlos
in Brazil since 1991. He has authored more than 30 papers on production planning and control and
operations research, and refereed for several academic and professional journals. During 1988 he
has been a visiting scholar in the Division of Manufacturing Engineering and Operations
Management of the University of Nottingham in the UK. One of his principal current interests
is how to reduce the gap between theory and practice in the production planning and control ® eld.

Production Planning & Control ISSN 0953± 7287 print/ISSN 1366± 5871 online # 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd
482 B. L. M acCarthy and F. C. F. Fernandes

on the purposes of producing classi® cations: (i) for men- classi® cations of production subsystems in 2.2. In section
tal clari® cation and communication; (ii) for discovering 2.3 we highlight the limitations of existing classi® cations,
new ® elds for research; (iii) for planning an organiza- especially from the perspective of PPCS. In particular we
tional structure or machine; (iv) as a check list; (v) for outline the major de® ciencies that need to be addressed
fun. The classi® cation we propose in this paper falls prin- with respect to contemporary manufacturin g enterprises
cipally into the third group but, as our classi® cation in section 2.4.
argues a new point of view, it is also useful for mental
clari® cation and communication.
Burbidge (1985) noted that when an engineer designs a 2.1. A review of production system classiŽcation
machine, laws of physics and metallurgy help to produce
an e cient design, but there is not a set of scienti® c laws 2.1.1. Pioneering classiŽcations
to help a production engineer faced with the problem of
designing an e cient production system. We contend The pioneering classi® cations are well known. Mallick
that this situation has not changed signi® cantly in the and Gaudreau (1951) identi® ed three types of produc-
intervening years. One of the reasons for this is that tion: (i) continuous process (with disintegration, e.g.
there is not an appropriate classi® cation of real produc- petrol re® ning; or with integration, e.g. synthetic rubber
tion systems. Existing classi® cations are oversimpli® ed, processing) ; (ii) mass production; and (iii) intermittent
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only consider a limited number of aspects or take a spe- process. Wild (1971) splits the last type, names some of
ci® c perspective. These classi® cations tend to be of little the classes di€ erently and presents the following similar
or limited value for analysing complex real production classi® cation: (i) process manufacture; (ii) mass produc-
systems or for aiding operations managers in selecting or tion; (iii) batch production ; (iv) jobbing manufacture
designing appropriate production planning and control (unitary production) . Many textbooks have followed
systems (PPCSs). Selecting or designing an appropriate this type of scheme.
PPCS is a di cult task due to the integrative character of Burbidge (1962) de® ned the following production
the production planning and control function: it tends to types: (i) line production [batch quantity (BQ) : 1; type
interface with all functional areas of the enterprise. A key of ¯ ow (TF) : line] ; (ii) batch production (BQ: more than
aspect of designing or selecting an e€ ective PPCS is the 1; TF: functional) ; (iii) jobbing production (BQ: same as
ability to classify production systems. This paper focuses order quantity, generally small; TF: functional) ; (iv) pro-
on this area, as we believe it constitutes a signi® cant gap cess batch production (BQ: more than 1; TF: line) ; (v)
between theory and practice in operations management. process jobbing production (BQ: same as order quantity,
It would be pretentious to propose a totally watertight generally small; TF: line). The following types of layout
classi® cation. Moreover, any such claim is likely to be were presented : (i) functional layout; (ii) group layout;
easily contradictable. In practice any classi® cation is a and (iii) line layout. Burbidge (1971), relating these types
trade-o€ between the level of detail needed for usefulness of layout and some characteristics of production control,
and the level of aggregation desirable for usability. We de® nes seven types of production systems: (i) line produc-
believe our classi® cation here will be a signi® cant con- tion; (iii) line batch production; (iii) group batch produc-
tribution for understanding complex real production tion; (iv) functional batch production; (v) line jobbing
systems, and for aiding design or selection of production production; (vi) group jobbing production; (vii) func-
planning and control systems in practice. tional jobbing production.
This paper has been in¯ uenced by much previous Insu cient attention has been given to empirical data
work. Therefore, a literature survey is presented in sec- on real production systems. Woodward (1965, 1980) con-
tion 2. The multi-dimensional classi® cation is presented ducted research on manufacturing ® rms in a region in the
in section 3. Section 4 shows how to apply the approach. UK. From information collected from 92 ® rms their pro-
The ® nal section presents the conclusions. duction systems were then classi® ed into 11 categories: (i)
production of units to requirements; (ii) production of
prototypes ; (iii) fabrication of large equipment in stages;
2. Review of literature on the classiŽ cation of (iv) production of small batches to customers’ orders; (v)
production systems production of large batches; (vi) production of customers’
large batches on assembly lines; (vii) mass production;
Here we survey the most important literature directly (viii) intermittent production of chemicals in multi-pur-
relevant to the aim of this paper. We have selected refer- pose plant; (ix) continuous ¯ ow production of liquids,
ences that are illustrative of approaches taken to the gases and crystalline substances; (x) production of stan-
subject. We present a review of classi® cations of produc- dardized components in large batches subsequently
tion systems in section 2.1 and a fairly brief review of assembled diversely; (xi) process production of crystalline
M ulti-dimensional classiŽcation of production systems 483

substances, subsequently prepared for sale by standard- equipment being linked by a material ¯ ow and an infor-
ized production methods. Eight ® rms did not ® t any of mation ¯ ow. He presented two equivalent classi® cations
the categories, a further four were extremely mixed and on the basis of features of useÐ a parallel classi® cation
the other two were in transition. and a morphological block classi® cation.
The classi® cation of Conway et al. (1967) should also Schmidt et al. (1985) proposed classes derived from the
be noted as it is used particularly in operational research: relationship between task divisibility, routing restrictions
(i) single machine; (ii) parallel machines; (iii) ¯ ow-shop; and production rate uniformity. Frizelle (1989) presents
and (iv) job-shop. As noted by Botta et al. (1997), this a categorization for plants by means of three letters (V, A
was expanded by Lenstra to include hybrid organizations and T) that resemble the `shape’ of the plant. The `V
characterized by parallel machines at any processing plant’ `is characterized by few raw materials subdividing
stage. into many ® nished products’. The `A plant’ presents
`many raw materials being assembled into few ® nished
products’ . The `T plant’ has a number of components
2.1.2. ClassiŽ cations derived by attributes that `can be assembled in a multiplicity of ways’ .
Sipper and Shapira (1989) classify production systems
Here we consider classi® cations based on attributes in accordance with the inventory control policy as: (i)
that are perceived as important in production systems
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pure WIP system; (ii) modi® ed WIP system (planned

or manufacturing enterprises more generally. Johnson to partly satisfy expected shortages) ; (iii) modi® ed JIT
and Montgomery (1974) classify production systems system (without any intermediate bu€ er stock and lots
based on the types of products and processes as follows. greater than one) ; and (iv) pure JIT system (unitary
(i) Continuous system : few families of similar products lots) .
produced on a large scale. (ii) Intermittent system : fre- In order to clarify the meaning of repetitive and inter-
quent changes in the production stages from one product
mittent manufacturing, De Toni and Panizzolo (1992)
to another, as a consequence of the large variety of man-
de® ne six categories of manufacturing systems: (i) indi-
ufactured items. They identify two subclasses: (a) inter-
vidual [type of plant (TP) : yards] ; (ii) unique (TP:
mittent ¯ ow-shop system : the ¯ ow pattern of all items is
laboratories) ; (iii) intermittent (TP: job-shops and
the same; (b) intermittent job-shop system: items do not
cells) ; (iv) discontinuous (TP: batch plants) ; (v) repeti-
have the same ¯ ow pattern. (iii) Large project system:
tive (TP: discrete lines) ; and (vi) continuous (TP: process
products are complex and special, and in many cases, are
lines). The classes were obtained by combining classi® ca-
produced in unitary quantities. They also consider a
tion of manufacturing systems, production volume and
fourth typeÐ (iv) the pure stock systemÐ where items
how the product is produced.
are bought, warehoused, distributed and sold, without
a processing phase. Wild (1995) in his well-known textbook ® rst classi® es
Observing that cellular manufacturing is intermediate the operational system by function (manufacture, trans-
in terms of application between the job-shop and the port, supply and service), and then by structure. Wild
¯ ow-shop, Black (1983) proposed the following classi® ca- classi® es manufacturing systems as: (i) make from stock,
tion: (i) large project system; (ii) job-shop; (iii) cellular to stock, to customer; (ii) make from source, to stock, to
manufacturing; (iv) ¯ ow-shop ; (v) continuous system. customer; (iii) make from stock, direct to customer; (iv)
Putnam (1983) summarized the basic di€ erences make from source, direct to customer.
between job-shop and ¯ ow-shop systems. Pyoun et al. (1995) present a classi® cation of the realiz-
Constable and New (1976) consider three characteris- able ¯ exibility in automated manufacturing systems.
tics in their approach: the structure of products (simple They identify: (i) mass production; (ii) mid-variety and
or complex) ; the layout (in line, functional or group lay- mid-volume; and (iii) multi-variety and small-volume
out) ; and the nature of the customers’ orders (for stock or production systems. Jichao (1996 ) classi® es production
by order). Bu€ a and Miller (1979) adopt a classi® cation systems for the purpose of variability detection, as: (i)
with four types of inventory production systems: (i) con- simple production system (includes either a single process
tinuous system for stock; (ii) continuous system by order; or independent multiple processes) ; and (ii) complex pro-
(iii) intermittent system for stock; and (iv) intermittent duction system (many processes with close inter-relation-
system by order. An intermittent system indicates that ships). Dulmet et al. (1997) propose a classi® cation of
production occurs in lots. Large projects are included processes according to the relationship between process
in category (iv). and product. In their approach the degree zero object is
Nys (1984) de® ned the technological system (TS) as the product, degree one object has direct leverage on the
the part of a manufacturing system that comprises a set of product (e.g. tools and pallets) up to the degree n object,
equipment for executing the technological process, the which has direct leverage on the degree n ¡ 1 object. T hey
484 B. L. M acCarthy and F. C. F. Fernandes

state that it is su cient to deŽne Ž ve levels for a description of a system; (iv) multi-product single-machine system ; (v)
given shop. mixed-product sequential ¯ ow line I, where all the prod-
ucts have the same sequence of operations and there is no
necessity for machine resetting; (vi) multi-product
2.1.3. D escriptive classiŽcations sequential ¯ ow line where products have the same opera-
tional sequence but they have to be produced separately
These are classi® cations based on a description of the in batches; (vii) mixed-product bypass ¯ ow line I where
attributes of ® rms or production systems in a ® nite num- some products are not processed in all machines and
ber of classes. Ingham (1971) de® ned eight types of busi- equipment resetting is not necessary ; (viii) mixed-prod-
ness according to the relationships between marketing uct bypass ¯ ow line II, where some products are not
and production. From his work, it is possible to identify processed in all machines and equipment resetting is
the following classi® cation: make to stock; customize to necessary; (ix) multi-product backtracking ¯ ow line
order, i.e. the client can specify its needs in terms of where equipment resetting occurs, production is in
design of certain class of products; make to order, i.e. batches and the variation in operational sequences is
the items among a wide range of options are manufac- due to omitted and/or backtracked operations and the
tured after the con® rmation of customers’ orders; make to product ¯ ow is bidirectional; and (x) multi-product
order and to stock, i.e. make from orders for a wide range multidirectional backtracking system where the products
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of products and make for stock in the case of standard are batched, the operational sequences are so varied that
products with considerable and continual demand; make ¯ ow is multidirectional, and therefore, line production is
products to order and major components to stock (this not feasible.
class corresponds to what is now known as assemble to Burbidge (1970) identi® ed four categories of group
order) ; totally customized to order, i.e. `the ® rm does not technology systems: (i) single-machine system; (ii)
o€ er a range of products but a production service within group layout system; (iii) total group layout system
the limits of its equipment’ . (group layout plus classi® cation and coding system,
Barber and Hollier (1986a, 1986b) developed a classi- value analysis, variety reduction, standardization ) ; and
® cation of engineering batch manufacturin g companies (iv) line ¯ ow system, with characteristics between class
based on questionnaire evidence. They propose six (iii) and mass production.
groups according to the level of production control com- Many classi® cations of ¯ exible manufacturing systems
plexity. It is clear that several of the measures have been (FMS) have been presented, e.g. Groover (1980), Kusiak
di cult to estimate or interpret for many ® rms and (1985), and Maimon and Nof (1986). Browne et al.
responses were necessarily subjective. (1984) classi® ed FMSs as: ¯ exible machining cells, ¯ ex-
McCarthy et al. (1997) consider the evolution of manu- ible machining systems, ¯ exible transfer lines and ¯ exible
facturing changes in order to show how to construct a transfer multi-lines. Stecke and Browne (1985) added the
classi® cation based on cladistics (Kitching et al. 1998) descriptor `type of material handling system’ to the pre-
and give an example using the automotive sector. They vious classi® cation, so the resulting classi® cation is based
emphasize that with cladistics `it is possible to examine on the ¯ ow pattern of parts and more speci® cally on the
the way in which characters change within groups over routing ¯ exibility. MacCarthy and Liu (1993) and Liu
time, the direction in which characters change, and the and MacCarthy (1996 ) presented a classi® cation scheme
relative frequency with which they change . . . Thus, for FMSs based on a consistent set of de® nitions. They
organizational cladograms can be used as a tool for distinguished between : (i) a single ¯ exible machine
achieving successful organizational change’. Un- (SFM) ; (ii) a ¯ exible manufacturing cell (FMC) ; (iii)
fortunately, other sectors are not nearly as well documen- a multi-machine ¯ exible manufacturing system
ted in the literature as the automotive sector. (MMFMS) ; and (iv) a multi-cell ¯ exible manufacturing
system (MCFMS) , and show the relationship between
2.2. ClassiŽcations of production subsystems

Important contributions were made by Petrov (1966 ), 2.3. General comments on existing classiŽcations
Wild (1972) and Carrie (1975). Aneke and Carrie (1984)
integrated existing classi® cations of simple ¯ ow lines The only signi® cant previous paper that we have found
(mass production) and group technology ¯ ow line using that has reviewed production system classi® cations is that
six criteria. The classi® cation reduces to: (i) single-prod- by McCarthy (1995) with 14 references. He noted that
uct single-machine system; (ii) single-product multi- previous classi® cations, with the exception of Barber and
machine system; (iii) mixed-product single-machine Hollier (1986a), were subjective and that cladistics pro-
M ulti-dimensional classiŽcation of production systems 485

vided a way of making an objective classi® cation. We . Consider assembly as a process related only to
would argue however that all classi® cations are necess- assembly lines, ignoring the fact that other types
arily subjective and that the important issue is not the of installations may also carry out assembly opera-
subjectivity of the classi® cation but rather its usefulness. tions.
Classi® cation has to be subjective because it represents an
author’ s perspective on production systems. Although Many further issues are crucial in contemporary
Barber and Hollier (1986a) use a quantitative approach manufacturing organizations and need to be addressed
in arriving at their classi® cation scheme, it is also sub- in e€ ective classi® cations. In the past, changes in business
jective because the number of groups, the characteristics needs occurred at low speeds and simple classi® cations of
the system may possess and the factors utilized to measure production systems were appropriate as a basis for
the characteristics are all chosen. Moreover, McCarthy designing a production system. In today’ s environments,
et al. (1997) also present an essentially subjective classi® - in order to accommodate more rapid changes, manu-
cation, e.g. there are many subjective choices in the facturing systems have become more and more hybrid.
chosen clade. There is a real need for a classi® cation that treats hybrid
All attempts at classi® cation are necessarily approxi- production systems in depth. A further issue is that of
mations and can always be criticized on this basis. Any work organization . Previous classi® cations do not con-
classi® cation involves choosing between the level of detail sider this issue but it is vital in contemporary organiza-
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and the level of aggregation. However, if the perspective tions. Response time and repetitiveness are also critical
and the rationale are clear then the bene® ts of a good variables from a control viewpoint and an e€ ective clas-
classi® cation are many. Some of the classi® cations dis- si® cation must address them. It is not su cient just to
cussed here are useful in providing insight and under- add a new variable to an existing classi® cation. The over-
standing of production systems, and some have clearly all scheme must be coherent in order to be applied e€ ec-
demonstrate d their usefulness in particular domains. tively.
We argue, however, that there is a real need for classi® - The classi® cation we present in the remainder of this
cations with de® ned objectives and areas of application. paper addresses these issues and most of the points noted
Unfortunately this is not the case in many of the classi® - above in a rational way. Our principal objective is to aid
cations above. the design and selection of production planning and con-
trol systems. The previous classi® cations that were most
in¯ uential to us are: Wild (1971) , Burbidge (1971),
Ingham (1971), Johnson and Montgomery (1974),
2.4. D eveloping a classiŽcation for the design or selection of Constable and New (1976 ), Black (1983) and Aneke
PPCS and Carrie (1984).

The need for improved classi® cations for the study,

analysis, design and management of production systems 3. A multi-dimensional classiŽ cation for
in today’ s global economies is clear. For example, production systems
Banerjee (1997) shows evidence that `in spite of many
millions having been spent in manufacturing planning 3.1. Overall structure
and control systems . . . no real solution to the need for
greater responsiveness and ¯ exibility has been found’. In A production system may be de® ned as a set of inter-
the context of contemporary manufacturing organiza- related elements that are designed to act in a manner that
tions, and in particular their control systems, the follow- generates ® nal products whose commercial value exceeds
ing are drawbacks that can be applied in some measure the costs of generating them. From the nature of these
to the classi® cations discussed above. elements, two types of subsystem may be identi® ed:
physical systems and managerial systems. In the ® rst
. Too general or very super® cial to be of use in any the elements are physical entities (e.g. a machine) and
context. in the second the elements are procedures that transform
. Disregard of important concepts, e.g. ¯ ow pattern. data into information in a decision process (e.g. an MRP
. Consideration of ¯ ow-shop characteristics only system) . Naturally people design and operate both types
within group technology cells. of subsystem and can therefore be considered as elements
. Placing the concept of job-shop in the context of of both.
¯ ow lines. Here we propose a multi-dimensional classi® cation for
. Failing to distinguish between assembly lines and production systems. We identify four main groups of
production lines. characteristics, comprising eight dimensions (A/B/C/D/
486 B. L. M acCarthy and F. C. F. Fernandes

E/F/G/H). Where appropriate, important variables cases it may also be necessary to consider it under pro-
within some of the dimensions have also been identi® ed. cessing characteristics.
The four groups and their associated dimensions are as Table 1 illustrates the structure of the classi® cation
follows. scheme. We use the forward slash symbol …=† to separate
the dimensions and the underscore symbol …¡† to sepa-
(1) General characterization: encompasses the follow- rate the variables. Letters and numbers are used as short-
ing dimensions: enterprise size (A) ; response time hand notation for levels or categories of each within each
(B) ; repetitiveness (C) ; and automation level (D) . dimension.
(2) Product characterization: encompasses the prod-
uct description (E) .
(3) Processing characterization: encompasses the pro-
cessing description (F). 3.2. D imensions and variables of the classiŽcation system
(4) Assembly characterization: encompasses the
dimensions: types of assembly (G) and types of 3.2.1. General characterization
work organization (H). First dimension ( A) : enterprise size
Several descriptors may de® ne the size of an enterprise:
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The choice of these groups, dimensions and variables

turnover, number of employees, market share, etc. For
was determined by our principal objective, i.e. that the
the purpose of analysing the PPCS, turnover or revenue
classi® cation be a valuable tool for designing or choosing
are not good descriptors because either or both may be
a PPC system. Our selection is in¯ uenced by our indus-
large if, e.g. raw materials are very expensive. The more
trial and academic experience in PPC. It is our view that
relevant descriptor of enterprise size is the number of
the dimensions, variables and levels represent a su cient
employees. By the number of employees, a ® rm in the
set in terms of breadth, depth and level of detail to cap-
UK is considered large if it has more than 250 employees
ture the salient characteristics of most production systems
(in Brazil, more than 500) and it is considered medium
from the perspective of production planning and control.
sized if the number of employees is between 50 and 250
In particular we have addressed the de® ciencies of exist-
(between 100 and 500 in Brazil).
ing classi® cations with respect to the reality of contem-
porary manufacturing organizations. The relevance of Second dimension ( B) : response time
the scheme to production planning and control systems Simply stating that a production system is make-to-
is discussed in section 4, and examples of applications are stock or make-to-order , etc. is of little use from the
presented in section 4.2. point of view of designing modern production planning
In the following section we present a description of the and control systems. Here we identify the dimension,
scheme. We enlarge on the discussion where we feel it response time, which speci® es how, strategically, an
necessary to justify our selection of dimensions and vari- enterprise wants to attend to its customers’ needs.
ables. We also emphasize some parts of the classi® cation Figure 1 illustrates three important parameters of an
because of their importance and novelty. In particular industrial production system: supplier lead time (SL),
we present new insights in relation to the existing classi- production lead time (PL) and distribution lead time
® cation literature on response time, repetitiveness level, (DL). The `® rst tier’ refers to the ® rst vendor in the
¯ ow of materials and types of work organization. The supply chain. The response time (RT) of the production
latter we have highlighted under assembly but in some system is the sum of SL, PL and DL. E€ ective manage-

Table 1. The multi-dimensional classi® cation system ( MDCS).

General characterization * Enterprise size

* Response time
* Repetitiveness level
* Automation level
Product characterization Product description * Product structure
* Level of customization
* Number of products
Processing characterization Processing description * Types of bu€ er
* Type of layout
* Types of ¯ ow
Assembly characterization * Types of assembly
* Types of work organization
M ulti-dimensional classiŽcation of production systems 487

least 75% of the items are non-repetitive and to be

semi-repetitive if at least 25% of the items are repetitive
and at least 25% of the items are non-repetitive.
Undoubtedly these cut-o€ points are somewhat arbi-
trary, but they do re¯ ect our experience of real produc-
tion systems. Using these de® nitions we identify a range
from maximum repetitiveness (the pure continuous
system) to the minimum repetitiveness (large-scale
projects) .

Figure 1. Response time (RT) of a production system. . C ˆ PC: pure continuous system, e.g. petroleum
re® ning.
ment of response time is central to the achievement of . C ˆ SC: semi-continuous system, e.g. each pro-
competitive advantage. In the extreme case where the cessing unit is a pure continuous system and there
enterprise maintains stocks of all purchased materials are combinations of routes through processing units.
and all ® nal products, RT equals DL. Essentially In the process industries these are sometimes known
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 10:19 05 January 2015

response time is a policy decision in¯ uenced by techno- as batch processing production systems.
logical and operational constraints, marketing, and . C ˆ MP: mass production system. Almost all items
customers’ requirements and strategy. are repetitive.
We identify the following values for the parameter B of . C ˆ RP: repetitive production system. At least 75%
the classi® cation: of the items are repetitive. In the case of the metal/
mechanical parts sector, a typical RP production
. B ˆ SL ‡ PL ‡ DL if the system produces by order; system is the cellular manufacturing system with
. B ˆ DLa (P%) if the system produces for stock and ¯ ow-shop pattern of ¯ ow.
the service level is equal to P%; . C ˆ SR : semi-repetitive production system. There
. B ˆ DLb (P%) if the system does not produce (only are a considerable number of both repetitive and
buys, stocks, sells and delivers items) and the service non-repetitive items. In the case of the mechanical
level is equal to P%; parts sector, a typical SR production system is the
. B ˆ PL ‡ DL if the system produces to order but cellular manufacturing system with job-shop pat-
maintains stocks of raw materials; tern of ¯ ow.
. B ˆ SL ‡ DL if the system does not produce but it . C ˆ NR : non-repetitive production system. The
sells to order. majority (at least 75%) of items are not repetitive.
. C ˆ LP: large projects. T hird dimension ( C) : repetitiveness

In the report by APICS (1982), the term `repetitive- Fourth dimension ( D ) : automation level
ness’ is associated with the production volume of discrete The importance of the automation level for the control
items: the larger the volume, the more repetitive the of production systems has been recognized for a long
production system is considered to be. However, in an time. Bright (1958) demonstrated that the nature of the
environment where the production volume is very low control has a close relationship with the levels of auto-
due to very large processing times, e.g. one item per mation. We di€ erentiate the following states.
month, and the system only produces this item, then, in
spite of the low production volume, clearly the system . N. Normal automation comprises all types of
must be considered to be repetitive. Repetitiveness must mechanization where the human has a high degree
therefore be considered to be a function of more variables of participation at the operational or execution
than just production volume. The approach we adopt is level. Here we include classical ¯ ow-shop and job-
to ® rstly de® ne what we mean by a repetitive product shops, cellular manufacturin g systems with ¯ ow-
and then de® ne what we mean by repetitiveness of a shop characteristics (CM1 ) ; cellular manufacturing
production system. We de® ne a product to be repetitive systems with job-shop characteristics (CM2 ). In
if it consumes a signi® cant percentage of the annual CM1 the ¯ ow pattern is common and in CM2 the
available time of the production unit (we specify at least ¯ ow pattern is variable, allowing stages to be missed
5%). We de® ne a production system to be repetitive if at out and allowing counter-¯ ows (® gure 2) .
least 75% of the items that it produces are repetitive ones. . F. Flexible automation has, at the operational or
We de® ne a production system to be non-repetitive if at execution level, computer control taking the main
488 B. L. M acCarthy and F. C. F. Fernandes

production system with just a few additional

(4) Standard products: the clients do not interfere
in the product design.
. Number of products: we distinguish between:
S: for a single product; and
M: for multiple products.

Thus, a product characterization of ML_2_M

describes a production system with multiple products
Figure 2. Typical material ¯ ow in the semi-repetitive cellular having multi-levels and at least some customer-de® ned
manufacturing …CM2†.
product design parameters. The idea of a homogeneous
product range is important when we come to applying
role by means of technologies, e.g. local area net- the classi® cation. By this we mean that all products fall
works and computer numerical control, and will into the same product characterization. We have seven
often be accomplished by some form of FMS tech- possible sets of homogeneous products (SL_1, SL_2,
Downloaded by [Selcuk Universitesi] at 10:19 05 January 2015

nology. Here we distinguish between ¯ ow-shop ¯ ex- SL_4, ML_1, ML_2, ML_3, ML_4). The case SL_3
ible manufacturing system (FMS1 ) and job-shop (single level and `mushroom’ customization ) is not poss-
¯ exible manufacturing system (FMS2 ). ible.
. R. Rigid automation is the type found in transfer
lines with highly specialized and dedicated auto-
matic equipment.
. M. Mixed automation occurs where the production 3.2.3. Processing characterization
system has processing units with di€ erent automa-
tion levels. For example it could be composed of a Fifth dimension ( F) : processing description
manufacturing cell with normal level of automation This important aspect of production systems is repre-
and a FMS (¯ exible automation) . sented by three variables.

. Types of layout: for this variable we identify the

3.2.2. Product characterization following types of layout:
P: product layout; Fourth dimension ( E) : product description F: functional layout or layout by process;
We identify three variables under the product descrip- G: group layout;
tion. FP: ® xed position layout : the resources (human,
equipment) move and not the product.
. Product structure: here we simply di€ erentiate . Types of bu€ er : for this variable we distinguish
between: between the following types of bu€ er:
SL: denoting single-level products requiring no (1) bu€ ers before the ® rst production stage;
assembly; and (2) intermediary bu€ ers between production
ML: denoting multi-level products requiring ass- stages;
embly. (3) bu€ ers after the last production stage.
. Level of customization: we distinguish between the . Types of ¯ ow: the third variable de® nes the follow-
following. ing types of ¯ ow:
(1) Customized products where the clients de® ne F1: single-stage , e.g. a machining centre;
all the parameters of the product design. F2: single-stage with identical machines in parallel;
(2) Semi-customized products where the clients F3: single-stage with non-identical machines in
de® ne part of the product design. parallel ;
(3) `Mushroom’ customization. Mather (1998) F4: unidirectional multi-stage processing (e.g. a
describes this concept as delaying product dif- classical ¯ ow-shop system) ;
ferentiation as late as possible in the production F5: unidirectional multi-stage processing that allows
system. There are a number of standard com- stages to be skipped;
ponents or modules that are combined in a F6 : unidirectional multi-stage processing with equal
large number ofways in the ® nal stages of the machines in parallel;
M ulti-dimensional classiŽcation of production systems 489

F7: unidirectional multi-stage processing with iden-

tical machines in parallel but allowing stages to be
skipped ;
F8: unidirectional multi-stage processing with non-
identical machines in parallel;
F9: unidirectional multi-stage processing with non-
identical machines in parallel, allowing stages to be
skipped ;
F10: multi-directional multi-stage processing (e.g. a
classical job-shop) ;
F11: multi-directional multi-stage processing with
identical machines in parallel;
F12: multi-directional multi-stage processing non- Figure 6. Multi-directional, multi-stage processing with non-
identical machines in parallel. identical parallel machines.

Obviously F12 is the most complex type of ¯ ow and all

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previous types are particular cases of this one. A descrip-

tion, e.g. G_1-3_F5 is a processing facility with group
layout and bu€ ers before the ® rst and after the last pro-
duction stages with type of ¯ ow F5 (unidirectional multi-
stage processing that allows stages to be skipped).

3.2.4. Assembly characterization Seventh dimension ( H)

We distinguish between nine types of assembly.
Figure 3. Single-stage processing, the general case.
. A1: Mixing (e.g. chemical ingredients).
. A2: Assembly of a large engineering project (e.g. a
large bridge) typically in a layout of ® xed position.
. A3: Assembly of heavy products (e.g. a large tool-
machine) in a layout of ® xed position.
. A4: Assembly of light products (e.g. a medical
equipment) in one workstation or in one of a set
of parallel workstations.
. A5: Paced assembly line where a conveyor never
stops and the workers may move to perform their
Figure 4. Uni-directional, multi-stage processing with identical tasks.
parallel machines. . A6: Paced assembly line where a conveyor stops
for a number of units of time (cycle time) and the
workers remain ® xed at their individual work-
. A7: Semi-paced assembly line where a conveyor
always moves and the worker releases the product
only when he ® nishes his tasks.
. A8: Unpaced assembly line where a conveyor
always moves and the worker simply attaches the
product to the conveyor when he ® nishes his tasks.
. A9: Unpaced assembly line where a transporter
Figure 5. Uni-directional, multi-stage processing with non- only moves when a worker activates it after ® nishing
identical parallel machines. his tasks (e.g. an overhead travelling crane).
490 B. L. M acCarthy and F. C. F. Fernandes Eighth dimension ( J ) : type of organization of the work

For this dimension we adopt a classi® cation of the
organization of the work based on Johnson (1991). Our
classi® cation is the ® rst to encompass this aspect. Work
organization may also be relevant to other types of pro-
cesses, but from a production control perspective it has
much greater impact in assembly operations. We distin-
guish the following ® ve types.

. (I ) Individual work: the number of workers is equal

to the number of workstations. In the case of as-
sembly lines, the criterion for allocating each task
to a workstation is the balancing of the whole line.
Two speci® c categories can be identi® ed.
(Ia) Without rotation. Each worker is ® xed on a
(Ib) With rotation. After each task has been allo-
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cated to a workstation, the ® rst set of workers

of the ® rst matched set of workstations form
the ® rst team and the second set of workers
form the second team, etc. Workers in the
Figure 7. The level of automation and the level of repetitiveness.
same team may rotate their workstations.
. (T) Team work. The workstations (or sublines) are
pre-de® ned and each one is operated by a single
team with several workers. The tasks carried out
systems there is a correspondence between the volume of
by each worker of the teams are decided by balanc-
production per product and variety of products, size of
ing of the subline. Two speci® c cases can be identi-
the production system and level of repetitiveness of the
® ed.
(Ta) Every task is assigned to a speci® c work- production system.
station. The relationship between volume of production Q and
(Tb) Just some tasks are assigned to a speci® c work- variety of products P is well known. For high Q and low
station. P a product layout is appropriate, for medium Q and
. (G) Self-managed work groups. As in the team work medium P a group layout is appropriate, and for low Q
cases the workstations are ® rst de® ned and then the and high P a functional layout is appropriate. The repe-
tasks to be performed by each workstation, but the titiveness level essentially combines P and Q in one vari-
group of workers of each workstation has autonomy able. This is illustrated in ® gure 7 relating repetitiveness
to organize the work inside the group. level and automation level. Here we plot the typical level
of repetitiveness against the level of automation for some
important modern manufacturing systems. The level of
4. A ppraisal and application of the multi- repetitiveness increases from job-shop, to CM2 , CM1 and
dimensional classiŽ cation system ¯ ow-shop systems. Naturally FMS1 has greater repeti-
tiveness than FMS2. Transfer lines have the greatest repe-
4.1. Relationships between the dimensions in the classiŽcation titiveness level. What is uncertain is the position of lines I
scheme and II ; this depends very much on the technology and
control system employed in the FMS.
Certain groups of characteristics occur quite com- The response time, level of customization and the way
monly in production systems. Here we illustrate some we apply our classi® cation enables us to treat the rela-
typical relationships between the general characteriza- tionship between the production system and the custo-
tion dimensions we have identi® ed. For instance, the mers in a deeper way than in traditional textbook
numbers of employees, level of automation and size of classi® cations, e.g. Ingham (1971) and Wild (1995).
the production system tend to be correlated. The size of The response time and the level of customization describe
the production system is closely related to important fea- the relationship between the production system and the
tures of the production system, e.g. the amount of capital market, and it is important therefore that literature
that can be invested in a PPCS. Also in real production related to PPC systems speci® es this relationship.
M ulti-dimensional classiŽcation of production systems 491

4.2. Using the classiŽcation to choose the overall structure of a not work well in non-repetitive situations. For some cases
PPCS there is the possibility to choose OPT type systems. For
large projects, PERT/CPM may be the most appropriate
All the 12 variables considered in our multi-dimen- choice.
sional classi® cation have direct impact on the complexity While the level of repetitiveness has a strong impact on
of the production planning and control (PPC) activities. the choice of basic PPCS, the other variables have sig-
Table 2 indicates the typical impact of each variable on ni® cant impact on the complexity of the detailed system
the complexity of PPC activities and the relationship to be de® ned. For example, MRP may be chosen as the
between each variable and the level of repetitiveness. basic system but the parametrizati on of the system
Repetitiveness is an important variable in our classi® ca- depends on the complexity of the PC activities. These
tion and we believe it to be the key variable for choosing are related to the variables in table 2 and also the con-
the overall structure of the PPCS. Table 2 also indicates straints that are restricting the production system.
the relationship between the variables and the choice of a
PPCS. The last line of table 2 is justi® ed by the following
reasoning: for discrete items the more repetitive the pro- 4.3. Applying the scheme
duction system is the more likely that the simplest of all
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PPCSÐ the kanbanÐ can be chosen; for intermediate Table 3 gives a complete view of the attributes of the
situations period batch control (PBC; Burbidge 1996 ) is multi-dimensional classi® cation scheme.
likely to be appropriate and for non-repetitive situations If the production system is composed of one set of
an MRP-based approach is likely to be necessary. homogenous products and one processing unit and/or
Kanban and PBC due to their logic and procedures do one assembly unit, the application of the multidimen-

Table 2. The variables and the choice of a PPC system.

Level of repetitiveness of production systems

Pure Semi Mass Semi- Non- Large

Other variables continuous continuous production Repetitive repetitive repetitive projects

Enterprise size For all levels of repetitiveness, the larger the enterprise the greater the complexity of production planning and
control ( PPC) activities
Response time DL(a7P%) DL(a7P%) DL( a7P%) DL( a7P%) PL ‡ DL PL ‡ DL or SL ‡ PL ‡ DL
SL ‡ PL ‡ DL
Automation level Rigid Rigid Rigid Normal or Normal or Normal or Normal
¯ exible ¯ exible ¯ exible
Product structure For all level of repetitiveness, the PPC activities for multi-level products are much more complex than for single-
level products
Level of Standard Standard Standard Standard Mushroom Semi- Customized
customization products or mushroom or mushroom or mushroom or semi- customized
customized or customized
Number of products For all levels of repetitiveness, the PPC activities for multi-products are much more complex than for single-
Types of layout Product Product Product Group Group Functional Fixed
layout layout layout layout layout layout position
Types of bu€ er (i) and ( iii) (i) , ( ii) (i) , ( ii) (i) , ( ii) (i), ( ii) (i), ( ii) Without
and ( iii) and ( iii) and ( iii) or ( i) or (ii) bu€ ers
Types of ¯ ow The complexity of PPC activities increases from (F1) in direction to (F12)
Types of assembly (A1) or (A1) or (A5) or ( A6) (A5) or ( A6) (A7) or ( A8) (A3) or ( A4) (A2)
disassembly disassembly or ( A7) or or ( A7) or or ( A9) or or no
no assembly no assembly no assembly assembly
Types of work If there is assembly, the type of work organization has
organization a direct impact on the way you will balance the work
in the assembly
Basic production A spread- A spread- Kanban Kanban or PBC or MRP PERT/
control system sheet to sheet to PBC OPT CPM
possible to be control the schedule
chosen rate of ¯ ow the work
492 B. L. M acCarthy and F. C. F. Fernandes

Table 3. Summary of multi-dimension classi® cation system (MDCS) .

General characterization Processing characterization

(A) * Enterprise size ( F) * Processing description

(L) : large number of employees * Types of layout
(M) : medium number of employees ( S) : single workstation
(S) : small number of employees ( P) : product layout
(B) * Response time ( F) : functional layout (layout by process)
…SL ‡ PL ‡ DL† if the system produces by order ( G) : group layout
…DL…a ¡ P%†† if the system produces for stock and ( FP) : layout of ® xed position
the service level is equal to P% * Types of bu€ er
…DL…b ¡ P%†† if the system does not produce ( only buy, ( 1) : bu€ er before the ® rst production stage
stock, deliver and sell items) and the services level is ( 2) : bu€ ers between intermediary stages
equal to P% ( 3) : bu€ er after the last product stage
…PL ‡ DL† if the system produces by order but maintains * Types of ¯ ow
stocks of raw materials ( F1) : mono-stage
…SL ‡ DL† the system does not produce and attends the ( F2) : mono-stage with equal machines in parallel
clients by order ( F3) : mono-stage with unequal machines in parallel
(C) * Repetitiveness level ( F4) : uni-directional multi-stages
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…PC† ! pure continuous system ( F5) : variable unidirectional multi-stages

…SC† ! semi-continuous system ( F6) : uni-directional multi-stages with equal
…MP† ! mass production system machines in parallel
…RP† ! repetitive production system ( F7) : variable uni-directional multi-stages with
…SR† ! semi-repetitive production system equal machines in parallel
…NR† ! non-repetitive production system ( F8) : uni-directional multi-stages with unequal
…LP† ! large project machines in parallel
(D) * Automation level ( F9) : variable uni-directional multi-stages with
(N) : normal automation unequal machines in parallel
(F) : ¯ exible automation ( F10) : multi-directional multi-stages
(R) : rigid automation ( F11) : multi-directional multi-stages with equal
(M) : mix automation machines in parallel
( F12) : multi-directional multi-stages with unequal
machines in parallel

Product characterization Assembly characterization

(E) * Product description ( G) * Types of assembly

* Product structure ( A1) : mixture of chemical ingredients
(SL) : single-level products ( A2) : assembly of a large project
(ML) : multi-level products ( A3) : assembly of heavy products in a layout of
* Level of customization ® xed position
(1) : customized products ( A4) : assembly of light products in one or in
(2) : semi-customized products parallel workstations
(3) : mushroom ( A5) : paced assembly line where the conveyor
(4) : standard products never stops
* Number of products ( A6) : paced assembly line where the conveyor stops
(S) : single-products for C ( cycle time) units of time
(M) : multi-products ( A7) : semi-paced assembly line
( A8) : unpaced assembly line I
( A9) : unpaced assembly line II
( H) * Types of work organization
( I) : individual workers
( T) : work teams
( G) : work groups

sional classi® cation is straightforward. Otherwise, we (2) If the level of automation is mixed (dimension
must consider the following general approach (® gure 8) . B ˆ M) then we have to specify for each pro-
We have to make the following explicit. cessing unit the level of automation (ALi ) and
other descriptors (type of layout, type of bu€ er
(1) The number n i of products in each case i …n1 ˆ and type of ¯ ow).
jSL_1j;. . . ; n7 ˆ jML_4j; where the modulus sym- (3) An assembly characterization (dimensions G and
bol indicates the number of elements in the set). H) for each assembly unit …1;. . . ; n†.
M ulti-dimensional classiŽcation of production systems 493

Figure 8. The general approach to apply the multi-dimensional classi® cation.

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Figure 9. The classi® cation for the example problem.

(4) Depending on the complexity of the production ¯ ow-shop ¯ ow pattern. The fourth and ® fth processing
system, we may need to show the relationship units are ¯ exible manufacturin g systems with job-shop
between the processing units and bu€ ers. A direc- type ¯ ow patterns and bu€ er after the last stage. There
ted graph may be an appropriate approach. is one assembly unit of the unpaced type where the con-
veyor always moves and the worker only attaches the
Here we ® rst present a concise illustrative example and product to the conveyor when he ® nishes his tasks with
then apply the approach to four examples from the normal level of automation operated by work groups.
literature. Figure 9 shows the classi® cation for this production
A production system manufactures machines utilized system and ® gure 10 uses a directed graph to show the
in the construction of roads. There are 2000 employees. relationship between the units and the bu€ ers.
There are processing units with ¯ exible levels of automa- We have also applied the approach to four production
tion and others with normal levels of automation. The systems described in recent literature in production plan-
system produces to order but maintains stocks of raw ning and control. Obviously the amount of detail given in
materials. It is a semi-repetitive production system. The each source is limited and variable, and the results are
products are complex, standard, multilevel ones. There necessarily incomplete, but it was felt to be an objective
are ® ve processing units. The ® rst one has a functional test of the applicability of the approach. Table 4 sum-
layout with bu€ ers between the intermediate stages, marizes the major characteristics of each of the systems
before the ® rst and after the last stage, a normal level from the information provided in the source.
of automation and a multi-directional multi-stage ¯ ow Artiba (1994) gives more detail for the processing char-
pattern with non-identical machines in parallel. The sec- acteristicsÐ a production system composed of six pro-
ond and third processing units are manufacturing cells cessing units all with ¯ ow pattern (F4) and the
with normal levels of automation. The second one has a transport of the materials between adjacent workstations
bu€ er before the ® rst stage and a uni-directional ¯ ow is made through pipes. The relationships among the six
pattern with identical machines in parallel. The third units are shown in ® gure 11 [e.g. the products that pass
one has a bu€ er after the last stage and a unidirectional processing unit 1 (PU1) follow through to PU4 or PU5].
494 B. L. M acCarthy and F. C. F. Fernandes

Figure 10. The relationship between units and bu€ ers.

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Figure 11. The relationships among the six units (based on Artiba 1994).

Table 4. Application of the MDCS to some literature examples.


Characterization Variables [1] [2] [3] [4]

General * Enterprise size * * * *

* Response time * * * *
* Repetitiveness level NR MP MP SC
* Automation level F R R R
Product Product description:
* Product structure ML ML ML ML
* Level of customization 1 3 4 3
* Number of products M M M M
Processing Processing discription:
* Types of layout F S P P
* Types of bu€ ers 2 1± 3 2 1± 3
* Types of ¯ ow F11 F1 F4 **
Assembly * Types of assembly A4 A4 A5 A1
* Types of organization of work Ð Ð Ð 1
Notes: A trace …¡† means that the descriptor considered does not apply ; an asterisk …¤† means that the information was omitted; and a double asterisk
…¤¤† means that additional description will be provided on the information cannot be put into a simple table.
[1] Anwar, M. F. and Nagi, R., 1998, Integrated scheduling of material handling and manufacturing activities for just-in-time production of complex
assemblies. International J ournal of Production Research, 36, 653± 681.
[2] Maimon, O. Z. and Braha, D., 1998, A genetic algorithm approach to scheduling PCBs on a single machine. International J ournal of Production
Research, 36, 761 ± 784.
[3] Dowlatshahi, S., 1996, An e cient solution for determining location and size of bu€ er stocks. Production Planning & Control, 7, 282 ± 291.
[4] Artiba, A., 1994, A rule-based planning system for parallel multiproduct manufacturing lines. Production Planning & Control, 5, 349± 359.

5. Conclusions are very super® cial whilst others disregard important ele-
ments. The lack of useful classi® cations is one reason that
Di€ erent classi® cations and taxonomies are necessary we believe underlies the lack of progress in operations
for di€ erent purposes as di€ erent perspectives on manu- management generally and production planning and
facturing systems are important for di€ erent aspects of control in particular.
analysis and design. However, many previous classi® ca- The classi® cation scheme described here can be suc-
tions have limited application: some are not explicit cessfully applied to real production systems because it
about the purpose of the proposed classi® cation and/or can treat in-depth the typical hybrid cases that arise in
M ulti-dimensional classiŽcation of production systems 495

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