Task The Norman Conquest MOUMNI Ikram

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First name: IKRAM

Last name: MOUMNI

Gr: G42

Task: The Norman Conquest

Q: in no more than five lines, give a brief description to the Magna Carta, Feudalism,
William the Conqueror, Henry II, Richard “Coeur de Lion”, King John, Henry III, Edward
I, and Edward III.
1. Magna Carta: A 1215 document in England limiting royal power and
establishing rights, serving as a foundation for constitutional law.
2. Feudalism: A medieval system where land was granted in return for military
service; characterized by a hierarchical structure of lords, vassals, and serfs.
3. William the Conqueror: Norman ruler who defeated Harold II at the Battle of
Hastings in 1066, initiating Norman rule over England.
4. Henry II: Angevin king known for legal reforms, including the development of
common law and the establishment of royal courts.
5. Richard "Coeur de Lion": English king known for his role in the Third
Crusade; earned a reputation as a chivalrous knight.
6. King John: Much-maligned king who signed the Magna Carta in 1215, facing
baronial opposition due to perceived tyrannical rule.
7. Henry III: King during the mid-13th century, faced baronial reform demands,
and oversaw construction of Westminster Abbey's initial structure.
8. Edward I: Known as "Longshanks", he conquered Wales, expelled Jews, and
attempted to assert English dominance over Scotland.
9. Edward III: Initiated the Hundred Years' War against France, promoting
English nationalism and chivalric ideals.

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