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Abstract: structure & verb form use

Below is an example of a structured abstract. The headings for the sections have been
removed and the sentences have been numbered.
a) Complete the abstract with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
b) Provide section headings (e.g. conclusion, methods, practice implications,
background, results) for the abstract text. Which sentences go in each section?
c) Personal language has been avoided in the abstract. In which 4 sentences has this
been done? How has it been done?
d) Rewrite sentences 2 and 4 as passive sentences. Would they be ‘balanced’ sentences?
e) The noun ‘practice / practices’ is used 7 times in the text. Does it have the same
meaning in each occasion it is used? What is the meaning in each occasion it is used?
f) Provide a different noun phrase for “dentists’, practices’ and patients’ characteristics”
g) What is another word for ‘in-office’ in sentence 6.
h) Select phrases from the text which are common or which you might considering using

A number of articles ____________ (1. address) differences in productivity between
male and female dentists, but little ____________ (2. know) about differences between
the sexes in practice patterns regarding caries management. 2In this study, the authors
____________ (3. survey) general dentists who ____________ (4. be) members of The
Dental Practice-Based Research Network (DPBRN) and who ____________ (5.
practice) within the United States. 3The survey ____________ (6. include) questions
about dentists', practices' and patients' characteristics, as well as prevention,
assessment and treatment of dental caries. 4The authors ____________ (7. adjust) the
statistical models for differences in years since dental school graduation, practice model,
full-time versus part-time status, and practice owner or employee status before making
conclusions about sex differences. 5Three hundred ninety-three male (84 percent) and
73 female (16 percent) dentists ____________ (8. participate). 6Female dentists
____________ (9. recommend) at-home fluoride to a significantly larger number of their
patients than did male dentists, whereas male dentists ____________ (10. have) a
preference for using in-office fluoride treatments with pediatric patients. 7Female dentists
also ____________ (11. choose) to use preventive therapy more often at earlier stages
of dental caries. 8There ____________ (12. be) few differences between the sexes in
terms of diagnostic methods, time spent on or charges for restorative dentistry, and
busyness of the practice. 9Female DPBRN dentists ____________ (13. differ) from their
male counterparts in some aspects of the prevention, assessment and treatment of
dental caries, even with significant covariates taken into account. 10The practice patterns
of female dentists ____________ (14. suggest) a treatment philosophy with a greater
focus on caries prevention.

Abstract: structure & verb form use – exercise (03.05.20) - page 1 of 1

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