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Construction Cost of Chandradip 10 Storied Residential Building Project at Kalikapur, Patuakhali.

Materials Unit Price Total Price

Sl. No. Item Description
Cement(Bag) Sand(cft) Stone(cft) Rebar(kg) Cement Sand Stone Rebar
1 Pile (Length 55ft ) 86 Nos. 2236 4300 8600 18900 550 80 225 100 5398800
2 Pile Contructor Cost 4730 ft 100 473000
Total Pile Cost 5871800
3 Basement Slab Casting (26" Thick) 2695 5000 10000 27000 550 80 225 100 6832250
4 Retaining Wall(6" Rcc & 5" BW) 337 632 1265 3560 550 80 225 100 876535
4.1 5" Brick Wall for Ret. Wall 75 375 15000 Nos Brick 550 80 12 221705
5 Basement & Pile Cap CC Casting 170 615 13500 Nos Brick 550 80 12 304700
6 Column (Basement to Ground Floor) 156 290 588 4540 550 80 225 100 695300
7 Ground Floor Beam 208 390 781 4367 550 80 225 100 758025
7.1 Ground Floor Slab 580 1090 24000 6100 550 80 12 100 1304200
8 Contructor Cost 5290 sft 120 634800
9 Septic Tank & Tubewell 350000
Total Casting Cost up to Ground Floor 11977515
10 Typical Floor Cloumn 125 232 465 4540 550 80 225 100 645935
10.1 Typical Floor Beam 150 280 560 5900 550 80 225 100 820900
10.2 Typical Floor Slab 560 1050 23000 6000 550 80 12 100 1268000
11 Contructor Cost 5290 sft 120 634800
Each Floor Casting Cost 3369635

Summary of Construction Cost (only Frame)

a. Pile Casting Cost 5871800
b. Construction Cost up to Ground Floor 11977515
c. Total 9Nos. Floor Casting Cost 30326715
d. Price Contingency & Miscellanoius@ 4% of Total Cost 1927041.2
Total Construction Cost of Building (Only Frame) 50103071.2
In Words: Five Crore One Lac Three Thousand Seventy One and Paisa Twenty Only

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