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Physics 400

Name: Nathan Cooper

Data Collection—Table 1:
Average Speed (cm/s)
Trials Distance (cm) Time (s) (see question 2)
Start 0 cm 0.0
1 100.0 cm (first section) 1.53 65.36
2 200.0 cm (first two sections) 2.94 68.02
3 300.0 cm (first three sections) 6.11 49.09
4 400.0 cm (entire distance) 11.85 33.75

Remember to include graphs A and B in this document or as separate attachments.

Data Collection – Table 2:

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.

Overall Average Speed (cm/s) from graph B


Questions: Answer using complete sentences and show your work for all calculations.

1. How does the shape of graph A compare to the shape of the graph B?
Graph A is a Curve while that of B is a Straight Line.

2. For graph A, you can determine the average speed over any interval by using the slope formula,
m = ∆y/∆x. Using two adjacent points, determine the average speed over each interval you
plotted. Be sure to show your work for all calculations. Include the average speeds in Table 1.
a. Interval 1: Slope = ∆y/∆x = (100-0)/(1.53-0) = 65.36 cm/s
b. Interval 2: Slope = ∆y/∆x = (200-100)/(2.94-1.53) = 70.09 cm/s
c. Interval 3: Slope = ∆y/∆x = (300-200)/(6.11-2.940) = 31.5 cm/s
d. Interval 4: Slope = ∆y/∆x = (400-300)/(11.85-6.11) = 17.42 cm/s

3. On graph B, find the slope of the line. That is the average speed for that graph. Record that in
Table 2.
Slope = ∆y/∆x = (400 – 0) / (11.85 – 0) = 400 /11.85 = 33.75 cm/s

4. Why are the speed values in Table 1 and Table 2 called "average" instead of "instantaneous"?
a. Graph A: Since the speeds calculated at all 4 occasions tell us the average speeds for
all those 4 intervals (not at those 4 instances), e.g. Average Speed for 100 cm = 65.36
cm/s (is in fact the Average Speed from 0 to 100 cm & not at exactly 100 cm instance).
b. Graph B: Since the Speed calculated for 400 cm (which is 33.75 cm/s) is the Average
Speed for entire 0 to 400 cm (not only at 400 cm).

5. Refer to the data from trials 1-4.

a. What happens to the average speed of the rolling ball as it moves from one 100.0
cm segment to the next 100.0 cm segment?
It’s speed increases from 1st 100 cms to next 100 cms.

b. What causes the change in the ball’s speed as it moves from one 100.0 cm segment to
the next 100.0 cm segment?
The effect of initial thrust (roll down due to gravitational pull) causes an increase in speed
from 1st 100 cms to next 100 cms.

6. How do the average speed values for the shorter intervals compare to the average speed value
for Graph B?
The Average Speed Values for Shorter Intervals (Graph A) are higher, whereas that for the One
Longer Intervals (Graph B) is less.

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.

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