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(Prospects and challenges)

FATA is most poor and undeveloped territory of Pakistan. It comprise on seven offices under ancestral
organization. FATA is situated in vital position. Fata has numerous assets and minerals which can assume
a particular job in his advancement. Most recent quite a few years FATA hairy numerous wars and
revolts. Which affected its social and monetary setup. On the off chance that we think about the polices
for FATA. It is ignored by all the Government. That why this territory is undeveloped and enduring with
numerous issues . There are numerous issues like equity, instruction, water, sustenance and essential
rights. There are numerous security issues in light of the fact that FATA play a particular guideline in
intermediary wars. There are numerous non-state performing artists which are huge danger for
individuals of FATA and law authorization organizations. FATA is controlled by Government through the
article of 246,247 under the constitution of 1973 Pakistan. Presently FATA will develop with KPK. There
are numerous parts of this rise. A few people are against this rise and they believe that FATA is
expansive Area. Rise of FATA impacts the neighborhood individuals on the grounds that FATA has his
own way of life and progress. On the off chance that FATA develop with KPK. Individuals will lose their
personality and furthermore misfortune their right. KPK will get their assets. This will be hurtful for
nearby individuals. There is a major distinction between the way of life of FATA people groups and KPK.
Dr Rashid give reference from IBN KHULDUN book in his segment.

Ambassador Ayaz WAZIRE also give our opinion FATA people and one political party that FATA
cannot be merged with KPK. He said that main reason is that they need the province they can
rule to their own administration system but the government of Pakistan is not favor of a
separate province .so, government should sit with people of FATA to for regulating an
administrating system according to constitution demand and need of people.

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