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T/A white Spirit freature tokens with fying. I that ‘tenture i legendary, inst to of thove tokens that are tapped and stack Equip 2 er ee ns ear once Bares Te bc ene ra crn ra ree erg al 7 Poe a 6: Add one mana of any color in ur cominander’s color identity arted as a mare drop of water The ‘Magic Mirror crystallized i no ©, Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Bloodsiained! Mire: Search your library for 3 ‘Swamp or Mountain card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuile 1) brass's Tunnel-Grinder__2@) ‘When Brsss Tunnel-Grinder enters the battleteld discard any numer of cards, thom dv te many ean ps on “hie fern, pats bore counter "Dei ers Peery yond Creer ee een ee ey Senet eed Th eet eee Roe aeeera Maree ed conser pass er ke lta eee eater stare cae pela Hy ce: Add @ or &.) fl As Breeding Pool enters the batlefield, you may pay 2 life. Ifyou “One beginning, many path.” —Vanniar ‘You may play lands from your gravevard, ‘6: Choose target nonland permanent Gand in Your graveyard. Ifyou haven't fasta spel this turn, you may cast that ‘ard, Ivo do, you can't east additional Spells thie turn’ Activate only ae coe CARDA Coe eee! Prec ateeentes h my tower on bended knee or mm is as ash upon the wind.” the Wizened ‘Counterfux can't be countered by spells or abilities Counter target spi @thdon'e contro Overload 4 « 8/4 may cast this spel for its ovoid et IF yo do, i text By hla alist *rarget” ith "each Counter target spell The pyromancer summoned up her ‘might onslaught offre and rage. Jace feigned interest Whenever you cast a historic spel target player puts the top two cards of their Hiprary into thie graveyard. (Arajacs igendares, and Sagas ae historic.) ©: Add one mana of any color: Spend this mana only to cas legendary spell, tnd that spell ean be countered Thee were says the Hobbicren had Archacolgits don’t dig the dir over sen boon al al, ad some They excacare ome, raping of the years bcs magical grain by erain put itonto the bette fidcking. Until your next far, gains wampe you wait and hoxproof i yeu c Spa, ren, |(Exherinm Sculptor de | if | ona (raface Creature —Vedalken Ariicer dt} Kee ae Bier ch yur ry ra ae re it, and put it into your play = Mle Your bray raft abandon| sth hand D Thenever you cast a spell from exile Draw two cards, then discard two or a land enters the battlefield under card: your control from exile, create & Flashback 2@ (You may cast oi reen Wolf creature token, Irom evard for its flashback Discard a card: Exile the top ? card of your library. You may play it this torn Hc, Pay | life, Sacrifice Flooded 2 q Stand Search your ibraty for a Plains or Island card and put it ont : ©: Add © 10 your mana pool the battlefield Then shuffle your ‘ 2, e: Bach player draws a card, then library, Gneards 2 cord, HU ae [Legendary Carre — Dvart advisor “@) ‘Whenever you carts histori spell create {Treasure token, This ability eiggers oy iY ccsaar® Ifa play eld begin an car ie, thet MM Clipe Cate ra he Yor layer skips that turn instead. Bf tapped unless you control three or more rar’ Hourglass Pendant Alister Pests jefeld tapped all Ey When Gingerbread Cabin enters the f; Sates a Tease fr creo enunen and ind MM ccd Sees ak, gm | Sere, Gd peste stcretteceatay ee xk sth cbr See i ie i ae cee creer Degree area Ae a aan een aera excl er reer the SEL peace (Meteo ond cle tet Oo oS: se te Scr ic ia es wee the Gyre a. vill not harm you. Ge of turn, Forged out of oso or the quan of wea at Cad H eric eos sala Boon a a ee ee Hy Aad @ ore Prvexian ered gy a oar wes ena a Pana thn ateyor brary Acs Prt prod of ths” liny ony you eal hues oF more ‘a ‘Whenever you cast a historic spell, draw a card. (Arlee legonda P| cast. (Arajacts,legendares, and Sagas ee canee Fare fstorz.) q (i may ca geen rey ont 9 ‘untapped, other legendary creatures you SII cone ender nao: or pncel) ‘contra ive ward ok te op X cad af our rou Affirmative — @ 4, @: Target legendary Ge permtnen ards with conweried mana cost eerie caer oe ken ts a frie fom among them onto we bates Doctor's companion (You can have mo eos Pre rest nf your raeyad omnane ifthe other the Dost). Con «Barkin aid age rt MT LependaryCostre —Tifing Bataan the fist ‘ll sacking en f oturn, Alt itmal Comba Background ( “ ‘scond Pr ig! * a Dj Na 2 Ww } hs Lt My LW ee Return upc ce argt nd cars hom fal: Draw a card hen discard » card read our hand Bi, @: Transform Matalants te f} Great Door. Activate only if there are cai om MMM four or more permanent types amon, | is greater than vr i Boriern cards in your graveyard. (Artifact, q SESE B consol Aud [Top evo untsppednoctoken aciucts MMM, Untny target legen you control: Exile the top card of your feeem ores eas Day eemet peyton 2 E phe warhd «woul Euan party appod artifice? Is it not also of this re S Rete eee ee ©: Bay eee ere tammy Seer: So F creature, Forest or Islnd card and pu it onto Crete je batted Then suite your CO ten enna renter ets oe Legendary Artifact ®) ©: Add one mana of any color among legendary creatures and, ‘you control nade angie thas meres, ‘ i eee ks Soaring City: Return target artifact, Rem tates anos meee Denner eerie perenne cr) ae gets +1/+1 antl end of turn, BI score one — te ies eter eee inns foun anf thane -Trgt cate yo coarol cre then til scy 2 Then urge opponent tay tector agi CR hop cd Rave yu aw dtr unui end of urn. ible rat cc ons yn Nod 9 decde yaa ety whee ed Sth, pro SET contro hae stmbe Sf ifuenee cours on Palate filma The ibs of Pendaianen extend a far ea ee pe eee peer ces cf Ortane, sed tnt payer ose equal as the meek rogisand reach as igh as Sour ries Tes pea th pe) enpieeee ree Legendary Creature — EIPMonkey 18), ©, Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Polluted Delta: Search your library for an When you cat your x spl uring sland or Swamp cata, pur it onto “ommand deals 2 damage ee es eee ee the battlefield, then shuffle your to any target spponent’s library and create Treasure token, Then you tay’ cast the «Target player draws tWopcards, then ‘sles card without paving fs mana cost discard to card Ais spe cee Target playe open ffts relies the number of artifacts you contol It Spey Gere ou don cas hs wa you may library. Cesta hn Cee eee oe a 14, 02 Saxy 2. Actiate oly ifyou contol a legehdary ears stv whos mas dt es RM eh and branches uae tthe ‘etc he Salo Ra os 4 ay 21/1 colorless Thopter artifaee creature token with 1 1s: Draw a Legendary Land fei 2 i ora Flashback @6 a ee cine ses {(Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep _}] Legendary Land Carts ere neon oe eee OTe N IT Pass peek are ra ar sain haste until end of turn. T EC Se etiresicg ‘each legendary creature you control Boerne en eee gees Romito Se Re eT ee r Tote’ Spear a) pa ee eer et es Peesismuteimen er eet ad tp or ee As Steam Vent Stomping Ground \d = Mountain Forest As Stomping Ground enters the Cone ee ene a er Peeve een ee crete! a Mountain, ei Add ¢ oF 2. Legendary Artfact Land eansforms from The Bverflowing WIL) Add A upto one onto! becomes re Stomping Ground Ss eum! As Stomping Ground enters the Cone ee ene a er Peeve een ee crete! avinped reatre Whenever another artifct or creature is Dut nto grvesand from the baled Puta fest counter on equipped erate Equip 2 Trion hb ins dark ‘When The Grey Havens caer the bate, Add 8 Aone mana of any cor am londary creature card in Your area ‘Stone of Erech sure an opponent cont rice Stone of Eroch: Ese target plyet® gravyand: Draw a car erflowsing Well enters ‘mill wo cards, then 1: Copy target activate or triggered by Son sont fen enor legenary | she copy. (Man a pied The Sixth Doctor Peer oe eet Ur eed Rear aenceerscertd ene eee eee Ty Cac eer neentey eet errr Penge Ona oer jae eee ees Dea SS Peon (CoCr ies (eR OM Oe URC yates you control: Create a Food token. As long asThe Reality Chip is atached Pe orrentryrent Sse eect sees pear) oo Thirst for Knowledge Ze) Fy Dawe two cards i Cr] Pay 1 file, Sacrifice Verdant Catacombs: Search your library for ‘Swamp or Forest card and par ‘nto the battlefield, Then sbuflle your library. Windswepe Heath) MSE ar 7 = ae i ©, Pay I life, Sacrifice Windswept eat Search your ibrar for a yur frst spell from exile, exile cares fom rest or Plains card, put it onto the F ithe top of sour rary wnt you exe a ‘batlefield, then shuffle your library. nnnland Cand that ens less You may cast exiled cards on the bottom ef your Mbrary fn random onder, eee Each land is a Forest in addition to its other land types. , Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Wooded Foothills: Search your library for a /mountain or forest card and put it nto play, Taen shuffle your Hbrary.

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