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Premonitions of Despair Campaign:

Chapter 1 - Malfunction..................................................................5
Chapter 2 - Mutilation......................................................................8
Chapter 3 - Mass Hallucination...................................................13
Chapter 4 - Exit Wounds................................................................18

Annihilated Realities Campaign:

Chapter 1 - Spearhead into Damnation...................................25

Chapter 2 - Enveloped by Thirst.................................................29
Chapter 3 - Slime Infestation.......................................................33
Chapter 4 - Confronting the Sphere.........................................37

Deep Madness Resources:

Investigator Guide.........................................................................42

Expansion Designer/Scenario Design: Phil Blake/Oscar Bok
Special Thanks to the Diemension Games team for all the
Editing: Phil Blake/Oscar Bok
hard work in bringing us this awesome game. In particular
Writing: Phil Blake, Oscar Bok & Seth Lindberg
Roger Ho for sharing his particular brand of madness with
Graphic Design: Fabio Faletti
the world, and Byron Leavitt for his endless dedication
Cover Art: Chang Yuan
towards the Deep Madness community.
Playtesting: Phil Blake/Oscar Bok
Interior Art: Chang Yuan, Joseph Diaz and Guillem H. You are authorised to view, copy, download, and print this
Pongiluppi from GhostSolid Studio, Pedro Sena, DRock Art expansion for personal use. This authorisation includes the
Studio, Chaudon and Night Watch Art Studio. use of a paid third-party printing service.


“The Asset has been dispatched, to awaken the sphere.” The male voice could barely hide his nervousness at this news.

“As we knew it would,” Came a soothing female voice in response.

“We should have moved weeks ago before she arrived, if they awaken the Sphere then it won’t take long for Kadath to fall.”

A third authoritative voice echoed in the meeting room “The revelation strongly stated that we wait until the day of mourning, are you
suggesting the revelation was wrong?”

“I…ah…no, most certainly not,it’s just…”

The third voice continued as if lecturing a child that had not been paying attention, “the data from an Awakened Sphere will distract the
attentions of Lord Zeiss, whilst the resultant psychic interference should provide a shield from the prying eyes of the Prophet. Do not
trouble yourself though, for even with this opportunity we will not act directly. The intermediates will suffice to secure us what we desire.“

A fourth voice, old and raspy entered the conversation, “The Church of the Golden Dawn are like children playing with knives. They think
transcendence is a commodity that can be unlocked, reproduced and normalised. They have grown opulent and lazy, leaning heavily on
the Leng Corporation to cover up their continued mistakes. Even their own clergy are self-absorbed, men of science barely familiar with
the deeper mystical understanding portrayed by Keziah and Zkauba. Yet they would call us Heretics! When HE comes, they will finally
understand, and they will fall to their knees weeping as their petty souls are scattered amongst the cosmic winds.” The elderly voice clearly
agitated fell into a hacking cough, whilst the others waited and collected their own thoughts. Once the coughing had died down things
progressed, led once more by the authoritative figure, “the Diviner was specific about which intermediates would be required, have they
all been secured?”

“Mr Clarke, Mr Dalton, Miss Gibson and Ms Jansen have all proven very resourceful and only the smallest guidance was needed to secure
their interest. Miss Brigman has not been as pro-active as we would have hoped, we almost had to drop off a part of her parent’s
submarine with a map to get her engaged. In contrast Mr Thurston has been investigating the Leng Corporation for a while now, but he
failed to locate all the necessary information himself. We had to risk exposure by providing him with significant assistance. “

“I see an unfortunate turn of events in regards to Mr Thurston, I hope he proves more resourceful in the facility. What about the final
intermediate? There should be seven – always there was seven.”

“Yes, the heavy miner has been located, we have put plans in motion for him to be sent on an extended survey mission. He should return
shortly before our submarine docks, so timing will be of utmost importance. Steps have already been put in place to ensure our
submarine goes undetected upon entry. Ultimately, they will all go to Kadath believing it is their own will, and own agenda never
suspecting our gentle guiding hand.”

The first speaker could no longer hold in his discontent, “yet if they follow their own agendas, how are they to fulfil ours! The Revelation
was specific about their going, but not about their outcome. This has been our best chance in decades to secure the item, yet we trust it to
a group of self-serving misfits…”

“NO, we trust it to the will of the Diviner.” The old man’s speech broken up once more by a loud hacking cough “The plans of the transcen-
ded are ineffable to us mortals and must be followed exactly. You are too young to remember what happened when we last deviated
from a Revelation, well let me tell you it led directly to the so called “purging of the sanguine heresy”. The Revelations foresee not only the
rise of Dagon the least amongst the elder gods but also our own glorious master transcendent above all. If the Diviner has seen fit to
select these misfits then we must abide by that decision. No more, no less. Now the hour is late and there is still much to prepare are we
done here?” The first speaker once more scolded merely glared at the leader whom with a nod dismissed everyone. One by one the
holograms blinked out of existence leaving a barren concrete room the only witness to their plans.

Campaign Overview

Not everyone works for Lang Corporation, not everyone is beguiled by the Church of the Golden Dawn and some monsters have
yet to make their full presence known.
Premonitions of Despair is a fan created set of four scenarios, focusing on giving more life to the content from Endless Nightma-
res and Uncounted Horrors. This particular campaign focuses on the exploits of six investigators who have travelled to Kadath
with their own agendas and with a story arc set after Rise of Dagon but before the main core chapters of Deep Madness. It also
aims to showcase more of the non-core monsters including a dedicated scenario for the epic monster Mutilation.

Using this Campaign

The scenario specific Mutilation monster card is only to be used in chapter 2 of this campaign. This campaign brings new life to
existing models and as such does not offer any new components or rules that could be incorporated into other chapters of
Deep Madness. This campaign though does benefit from people being experienced with Deep Madness, as some of the
individual scenarios alter or change some of the core rules. This campaign focuses on the following six investigators and the
scenarios are balanced accordingly:
Christopher Dalton, Lisbeth Gibson, Sophie Brigman, Charles Ryan, Dakota Jansen and Jacob Clarke.

You may use other investigators if you wish but it may affect the balance of the game.
No content from Rise of Dagon, Oracles betrayal or Epic monsters aside from the chapter specific Mutilation have been play
tested in connection to these scenarios and again these may affect the balance of the game but feel free to use them as you see

Dakota – for the purposes of this campaign she is considered to have a pistol as a starting piece of equipment in every chapter.


Solomon couldn’t help but feel troubled. Here he was in a He never had the chance, for with an audible hiss the door
submarine destined for a place that by all rights shouldn’t shuddered, shook and half opened, pouring light into this
exist. It had taken every ounce of his extensive resources to deathless purgatory.
even find out a name for this underwater facility before an
anonymous source led him to discover the location and Jacob pushed his way through the doorway and theyall
ultimately a method of transport. If the hushed rumours he followed into what could only be described as the abattoir of
had been hearing aboutthe Leng Corporation were true then a madman. Blood still oozed sluggishly down the walls, bits
this would be a major coup for the press, exposing the rotting of flesh splayed around as if by random. The stench was
core behind the gilded mask. At every turn it had been secrets nauseating and in the midst of this carnage a man stood
layered within secrets and that’s what bothered him; he was before them. More accurately what was left of a man,
sharing this ride with too many people. encased in a heavy mining suit equipped with obligatory
circular saw.
They all had reasons for being on the submarine, they all
claimed legitimate roles they would be performing in the Solomon turned and saw weapons already grasped in his
facility...and Solomon knew they all lied. fellow’s hands ranging from the ore cutter through to a SMG,
handgun and harpoon launcher, he simply glanced up at his
The pilot indicated that the submarine had docked and the two drones hovering not far above his head and started
passengers made their way out into a very dimloading bay. recording, as a loud clunk indicated the door to the docking
This rag-tag collection of people waited, checked their bags bay sealing itself. (Story & Scenario: Phil Blake)
and cases over and yet no one came, no security envoy, no HR
representative, not even a member of maintenance to check CHAPTER OVERVIEW
on the sub. Just the same choking darkness punctuated by
the red glare of emergency lighting, until it felt like time must The power in this part of the facility is failing, doors are
have lost all meaning. sealing and opening sporadically and you are basked in
the soft red glow of emergency lighting. You will never
Solomon didn’t quite catch what the man introduced as progress further unless you can reach the 3 conduits and
Jacob said under his breath but his stride conveyed his start re-routing power back into this part of the base.
meaning as he slammed his armoured form into the exit. Just what has happened here? what IS happening here?
and why can’t you shake the feeling that something is
The sound of metal impacting metal seemed to magnify watching you, laying a trap even now.
throughout the docking bay shattering any illusion of peace.
Then there was the piercing light as the ore cutter blazed into
life a thing so powerful there was no doubt it would be able
to cut through the thick door given enough time.

Assemble the game board as shown below:

Wall Marker Flooded Marker Spawn Marker Green Hatch Yellow Hatch

Shuftle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal

and piace a devoured effect marker in each of the spaces of
all the devoured rooms, except for the spaces that already
contain the spawn marker.


Room deck: 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 27, 28. Energy Token Stack: Stack the three Energy Tokens of the same
Devoured deck: 22, 23, 24. colour with value "3"at the bottom and value "1" on the top.

Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

� � / ' '
, '
, '
, '

� � � h•J• h•J• h•J• h•J• �
lf;,., 4
/ ' / ' / ' / ' / ' , ' / ' / ' / /

Hazard Effects:

Yellow hatch is sealed, green hatch is open. Both yellow and green hatch are open.

Both yellow and green hatch are sealed.

Ignore all rules for hatches from the core-rulebook. In this scenario the hatches are malfunctioning and only
the yellow and green hatches are operating if sporadically. When a yellow or green hatch is sealed It is unbrea-
kable/unlockable by any means you will just have to wait until it opens again. Monsters treat sealed hatches
as walls and as such if they cannot draw a legal path to any investigator they do not move as per the core-rule-
3D hatch markers are ideal to represent a sealed hatch.

Any investigator in the same space with a Energy Token Stack gains: “Investigate: roll a dice if it is
a success put a success marker next to the Energy Token Stack.” At the end of a game round if all
three Energy Token Stacks have success markers next to them equal to the number on the top most
token then all success markers and corresponding tokens are discarded. If this is not the case then all
success markers are discarded from the Energy Token Stacks.

The bad news is it is re-routing all that power directly

WINNING from the master submarine bay, I have managed to slow
All three Energy Token Stacks have been discarded the transfer down but if anyone is alive in that area they
from the board. best get out. Life support over there will fail in the next
Desperately Solomon jacks the last cable in place and couple of hours, and without the oxygen pumps
enter the commands into the console, even as sporadic operational anyone seeking to escape that way will
gunfire resounds throughout the room, trying to keep never make it.”
those things at bay. You are momentarily taken aback as
the room is basked in light, the door ceases its “Which way to the living quarters? There is someone
shuddering stutter and as if an illusion those things are I must find before it’s too late.” The urgency in Mr
gone. Sliding down next to the console Solomon simply Dalton’s voice caused Charles to speak before he even
sits looking up at the drones circling above him and with knew he was answering. “It’s not far – just past
a mirthless laugh is glad he took the waterproof ones. quarantine, I can show you the way.” Jacob who had
been watching the doorway intently called back “We
With the firefight evidently over, Lisbeth comes over to need to find the command centre and locate the source
check the console her fingers moving over the touch of this infestation and bring it to a stop, we can’t go
screen with a rapidity that is almost staggering. “What is sightseeing.”
it doing now? Oh this isn’t good!” before you even
register her words she has pulled out her tablet Mr Dalton shook with rage “I will have you know
networking it to the main system. “Ok, I think I can stop my da ughter is here, and I intend to get her out,
it, just need to trick it……!” if that means going by myself I will. What wouldn’t
Slamming the console with her fist she takes a step back. you do to try and save your own family?” You could
not tell if the man in metal armour winced at the
“Well the good news is we have stable power to this part rebuke but the man sagged as if suddenly under a
of the facility and the doors should be operating heavy burden. Dakota and Sophie moved closer to Mr
smoothly now. Dalton to offer their support; Lisbeth didn’t seem to
care either way. Slowly Jacob walked back into the
room and nodded his consent.


The trip towards the living quarters was strangely serene. There That was when the cacophony started, a deafening chanting
were no further attacks by unexplainable entities, and power issued from the mouths of the damned: "ETERNAL LIFE,
had been restored. The quiet, monotonous journey gave people ETERNAL LIFE, ETERNAL LIFE."
a perfect opportunity to talk, but none knew the right words
that would dispel the dread growing in their hearts. As if the film of reality had been whisked away, the
investigators found themselves ankle-deep in gore. "ETERNAL
When they finally stumbled across a sign of human presence LIFE." All around them were signs of struggle, violence, and
just outside the doors to the living quarters, it was not a death. "ETERNAL LIFE." An arm impaled to the wall with a
pleasing sight. The usual human instinct on seeing a person screwdriver. "ETERNAL LIFE." A ribcage ripped open.
lying face down on the floor with their belongings scattered "ETERNAL LIFE." Worst of all, above them, hundreds of heads
around them would be to check for life signs and offer help. In seemed to be stitched into each other on the ceiling.
this instance, that seemed overtly optimistic, given that the "ETERNAL LIFE." Each head was missing its eyes, as if they
man's entire lower body seemed to be missing. Charles had seen had been gouged out, and each head chanted with lungs it no
something similar not that many days back when Warren was longer had, "ETERNAL LIFE." Then the voices stopped at once,
cut in half by a deep-sea miner's buzz saw when they were all was quiet. One voice only called down from the ceiling, a
gripped by post-traumatic delusions of battle. This corpse lady's voice trembling with fear, "Dad, the master comes…
looked different; the cut wasn't surgical; it was primal, brutal. It RUN." With that, the cacophony started up again. "HE
looked like the man had been chewed or, at the very least, COMES, ETERNAL LIFE COMES."
ripped apart.
A hulking shape squeezed its way down the corridor behind
While everyone was focused on the corpse, Lisbeth had already them, a rolling mass of body parts and claws. Lisbeth let off a
spotted the tablet on the floor. Turning it on, she found it round of bullets, but the thing simply discarded the damaged
miraculously still worked despite a badly cracked screen. "Seems flesh, letting it fall from its body before absorbing the almost
our mystery man here was looking to retrieve a prototype endless supply around it. "HE COMES, ETERNAL LIFE
weapon, something he had been working on during his spare COMES". The faces almost seemed to cackle with glee. There
time. A cryogenic generator," Lisbeth said, shrugging her was no other choice. They all ran.
shoulders. "Well, doesn't look like he found it. Perhaps it's still in
there?" (Story & Scenario: Phil Blake)

Dakota answered flatly, "Looks like something found him

though, and perhaps that something is still in there also?" Jacob
walked past the half-man and, pushing aside the double doors, CHAPTER OVERVIEW
called back, "Then we kill it."
Mutilation is catching up with you, seeking to add your
The first room was little more than a reception area branching flesh to its own. It seems unstoppable by normal means,
out into several corridors. Each corridor was lined with private shrugging off bullets and blades alike. You need to quickly
living cells stacked on top of each other. Some were only find the experimental cryogenic generator located
reachable via ladders grafted into the walls themselves. It seems somewhere in the living quarters to finally defeat this foe.
that the earlier power fluctuations had resulted in each cell Mutilation is not even a single entity though and soon it
opening as a safety precaution. Mr. Dalton was walking at a will start creating fragments of itself that get faster,
pace almost unbelievable for his age, and it took everyone a stronger and more determined to bring you down the
great deal of effort to keep up. Despite this, it was obvious that longer it takes to find the cryogenic generator, so you need
both Sophie and Dakota were desperately reading the to act fast.
occupants' names on each cell, though what they were looking
for they didn't say. At last, Mr. Dalton found the cell for his
daughter, and like the rest, it was open and devoid of life.

Assemble the game board as shown below:

Spawn Marker Wall Marker

SShuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and piace a
devoured effect marker in each of the spaces of all the devoured rooms,
except for the spaces that already contain the spawn marker.
When choosing monsters during step 3 of the setup, epic
monsters cannot be used. After choosing monsters, place the
ROOM DECK AND DEVOURED Mutilation and remains cards at the start of the activation track.
Do NOT shuffle the Mutilation spawn cards into the spawn
DECK deck. Place the Mutilation figure in the space shown on the
map. (If only using 4 investigators then setup Mutilation one
Devoured deck: : 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 23, 28. space closer to the investigators on the top of tile 11)

Remove both the KS squad and the Cryogenic Generator

card from the search deck, shuffle the search deck then add
the Cryogenic Generator to the bottom of the search deck.

Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

Hazard Effects:

Immediately activate all the Remain No effect.

tokens once.

Investigate: Discard the top 3 items from the search deck

Mutilation: Use the scenario specific monster card provided on the next page.
Mutilation: Is immune to all damage from any source except the Cryogenic generator which will remove it
from play with a single success.

WINNING It would have been considered beautiful if not for the

fact that the ice crystals were in fact the remains of
Mutilation and all four Remain tokens are removed human corpses. Reality shattered as well, like a broken
from the board. mirror and in an instant, all was back to how it was
previously. There were no signs of struggle or violence,
The cryogenic generator let out a loud hiss as highly no corpses, no chanting heads stitched into the ceiling –
pressurised gas was vented from its side. Much more just a mess of personal belongings strewn about
dramatic though was the transformation of the great between the rolls of empty living cells.
rolling mass of flesh and limbs and its surroundings They all looked at each other as if to gauge if they
into a frozen snapshot. It was as if time itself had been themselves were mad. Solomon looked up at his
removed and hell had indeed frozen over. A single recording drones with the steady green LED flash but
harpoon from Sophie and the scene shattered, into a dared not re-wind and check the footage, for now he
thousand, thousand ice crystals each reflecting started to fear the worst.
rainbows of light.



Solomon guessed that this was how a war journalist must feel, “Okay, this could take a while; everyone might as well get
as he tried to quiet the echoes screaming through his own mind. comfortable.” She remarked, grabbing herself a chair and
His eyes strained to see beyond reality to a world where the slamming her feet onto the desk. At some point, Dakota had
walls were caked in gore, monsters clawed for his throat, and managed to find a kettle, mugs, and chocolate biscuits. Almost
life held no illusions of meaning. If dreams can come true, then everyone was now seated with a beverage, and it would have
surely the same can be said for nightmares. Jacob shattered the been cozy were the missing door not a constant reminder of
quiet reverie of his unsought companions. “It’s too dangerous to imminent danger.
keep wandering around like this; we need to find some more
solid information about what has happened and how to stop As time stretched further onwards, Lisbeth promised it would
this.” not be much longer, and that was when it happened. The
previously blank monitors all turned on, showing Cargo holds
“Security is... not... far away; they have cameras.” Even the packed with people simply standing, staring, twisting. A
half-man Ryan was struggling to keep focused, it seems. Lisbeth scientist could be seen putting live wires into his test subjects’
merely nodded as if she didn’t trust her own voice, so like a heads, hooking them up to an unfathomable machine. A priest
dream, they all moved. The door to security had been ripped could be seen clawing his own eyes out with his bare hands,
off its hinges, chunks of wall taken with it, but all that greeted and a thousand images besides. Saliva began to drip down
them was the quiet hum of computers diligently working away from the ceiling as Lisbeth hastily repacked her hard drives,
despite their absent masters. The rows of camera monitors and it was only then they realized that the doorway was no
were blank, with the occasional crackle of static coming longer there...
through the speakers.
(Story & Scenario: Phil Blake)
“Woah, Jackpot! Seems like they hooked this place up tight
with surveillance. We got full audio and video of almost every CHAPTER OVERVIEW
room in this complex since it was set up, along with security
reports, personnel files, internal emails, literally the works.” The investigators need to work together to separate truth
Lisbeth was positively beaming as she reached into her bag, from fantasy by successfully resolving all the hallucination
pulling out a metal box adorned with stickers boasting of its markers. Unfortunately, only specific investigators can resolve
top-of-the-range protective qualities, which was then offset by each hallucination marker and as they are uncovered new and
the stack of external hard drives nestled within, literally taped impossible avenues of opportunity arise for both investigators
together. and monsters alike. To make matters worse hallucinations
have started to appear which are actively seeking to not only
kill the investigators but also weave fresh hallucination
markers of their own. Can the investigators get out of this
nightmare maze or will they be trapped forever in a world
without logic?

Assemble the game board as shown below:

Face down Hallucination Marker Spawn Marker Wall Marker Flooded Marker

Revealed Hallucination Marker

Shuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and piace a SPECIAL SET- UP:
devoured effect marker in each of the spaces of all the devou-red rooms,
Place the Hallucination monster card at the end of the activation
except for the spaces that already contain the spawn marker.
track. Do not shuffle the hallucination spawn cards into the spawn
deck. Due to the coloured base rings not entirely matching the
ROOM DECK AND DEVOURED DECK objective marker colours I would suggest not using the light blue
ring. The model without a base ring would be considered orange for
Devoured deck: : 1,3,4,5,8,11,13,14,19,22,24. this scenario. Then put the matching colour identity (gear) marker
on each character’s activation card to help track the linked
DEVOURING TRACK monsters colour.
Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

Hazard Effects:
All Hallucinations that pass through a
Spawn 1 Hallucination after the normal hallucination token this turn with a success
monster spawns. token on it; remove that success token.

Any investigator with the same colour base ring as a face up hallucination marker gains:
“Investigate: place a success token on this hallucination marker.” Once a hallucination marker has
a success token on it, Investigators with the same colour base ring gain:
“Investigate: Move this investigator adjacent to any hallucination marker of the same colour unless
this would place them in a room with any face down hallucination markers.”

When an investigator enters a room immediately turn up all face down hallucination markers in that room.

All face up Hallucination markers without success tokens on block line of sight and are impassable for all
investigators that do not have the same coloured base ring. All face up Hallucination markers with a success
token count as an open hatch for all investigators.

An investigator with the matching colour base ring may draw line of sight through an hallucination marker to
any other matching hallucination marker. This allows them to potentially make ranged attacks which could
impact all the way across the map.

Monster’s line of sight is not hindered by any hallucination markers. In addition, monsters are considered the
same colour as their linked investigator and so can draw line of sight through all matching hallucination
markers and also treat them as adjacent when working out movement.

Remember different flooding conditions will affect line of sight for investigators and monsters alike as per the
normal rules.


Delirium: their special attack CAN drag investigators through hallucination markers they normally couldn’t
Mind Eaters, Cannibals, Glutton: these share the same linked colour as their parent model (Husk, Ravenous,
Hallucination: These are in addition to the tracker and are never linked in colour to any investigator.


4/5 investigator teams: If using 4 or 5 investigators then set up like normal but place the remaining identity
marker(s) on the blank activation card(s).
Any investigator whose activation card is adjacent to these also can play success tokens on that colour
hallucination marker but does notgain any other benefit such as drawing line of sight or being able to enter
the hallucination marker and exit a different one with the samecolour.

Lisbeth(who has a green base ring) has an assault rifle with 3 range. She cannot see any enemies.
The agony is hidden behind a wall and the blind is behind an orange hallucination marker which doesn’t have any
success tokens and so blocks line of sight as Lisbeth has a green colour ring. With her three movement she could reach
any space on this section apart from Tile 22 which will remain blocked to her since she can’t pass through the
orange marker (which doesn’t have a success result) and even though she can enter the green marker on tile 19 and
come out on tile 24 she cannot exit out directly onto tile 22 as it contains a face down hallucination marker.

Sophie (who has a yellow base ring) has a harpoon gun with 3 range that ignores Line of Sight – she can target the
Blind at it is three spaces away. She can also target the agony as her shot can enter the yellow hallucination marker
on tile 19 and then reemerge from the yellow hallucination marker on tile 4 making the agony only 3
spaces away and therefore in range (rather than the natural 4 spaces away it seems.) With 3 movement she
can reach any space on tiles 19 and 4 only.

The Blind is linked to Lisbeth and thus is considered green so has LoS to both Lisbeth (as monsters are not hindered
by hallucination markers, such as the orange one) and Sophie (as it is linked to green it can see into the green
halluci-nation marker on tile 24 and out of the green hallucination marker on tile 19.) During it’s move it counts
as 2 spaces away from Lisbeth (unhindered by hallucination markers of a differing colour)but only 1 space
away from Sophie (could move through the green hallucination marker on tile 24 and exit on tile 19) Thus
his one movement will actually get him into melee with an investigator 3 spaces away.

The Agony in this example is linked to Dalton and is considered purple –it doesn’t have line of sight to any
investigator and will move towards Lisbeth 2 spaces like normal.

Face down Hallucination Markers:
Investigators - Impassable with no line of sight.
Monsters - No effect.

Face up Hallucination Markers without success token, without

matching colour: Investigators - Impassable with no line of sight.
Monsters - No effect.

Face up Hallucination Markers without success token, with matching

colour: Investigators - Gain "Investigate: place a success token on this
hallucination marker."

Monsters - The hallucination marker acts as gate to any other marker with the same colour when working out
movement or line of sight.

Face up Hallucination Markers with success token, without matching colour:

Investigators - no effect.
Monsters - no effect.

Face up Hallucination Markers with success token, with matching colour:

Investigators - Gain "Investigate: Move this investigator adjacent to any hallucination marker of the same colour unless
this would place them in a room with any face down hallucination markers." They also gain line of sight through the
marker and out any other markers of the same colour. Monsters: - The hallucination marker acts as gate to any other
marker with the same colour when working out movement or line of sight.

All hallucination markers are face up and have success tokens on them.

Sophie felt like she had been running for ever and as she passed another doorway, she found herself back in the security
room. Perhaps she had never left?
Was there always three exits to this room?
She could see Charles battling what seemed to be a tall cloud of shapes and colour just outside the centremost exit.
Firing her homing harpoon, she was hardly surprised anymore to see it go straight through the wall to her right before
lodging into the back of the creature she had seen battling Charles sending it convulsing on the ground.
Forcing her mind to accept the impossible she closed her eyes and stepped through the wall where her harpoon
had passed.

Charles was beginning to wonder if he had actually died all those months ago, and this was some sort of hellish
afterlife. Sophie walked out of the wall in front of him and with a weak wave went to retrieve her harpoon.
“I don’t know what these things are, but I know I hate them!”
Bringing his massive exosuits boot down upon the largest part of the creature which he was hoping was a head. He
felt the slight resistance before that reassuring squelch so reminiscent of walking through heavy mud and all the
hallucinations broke with it.
With the normal laws of logic back in place and no sign of any of those creatures, they set off to find the other



Charles and Sophie dared not shout out for the others, yet they He was wrong though; the statue doesn’t whisper—oh no, it
were somehow encouraged by the feeling that they were sings. If you listen, you might hear it even out here. IT
traveling in the right direction. They soon entered a warehouse certainly can…” The man’s eyes glazed over as if in a trance,
of sorts, laden with boxes of varying sizes. It seemed to hold and Charles took the opportunity to peer down the
everything from medical supplies, mining tools, lab equipment, entranceway from which the man emerged. Sure enough,
clothing, and even a few parcels marked for specific individuals. not far away is a cargo belt and astride it a massive object of
Everything was neatly arranged and organized by department; some description much larger than even a heavy miner. The
even the corpse was laid out on a wooden pallet. Water- warehouse let out a tortured cry of screaming metal as some
absorbent strips had been placed around it to stem the blood, of the walls began to buckle inwards as if under immense
but some still seeped sluggishly out from underneath. A fedora pressure.
hat had been placed over the corpse's face, while a dust sheet
served as a burial shroud. Even at this distance, the pair could Charles and Sophie ran into the room containing the statue
tell from the outline that parts of the corpse were missing. and quickly activated the cargo belt, which shuddered into
life. Charles turned his attention once more to the
“Don’t mind the boss; he always said shipping would be the warehouse corridor to see if he could spot the balding man,
death of him.” Sophie and Charles spun around to see a but he was pleasantly surprised to see his other companions
somewhat small, balding man standing surprisingly close running into the room led by Jacob. He should have felt
behind them. “So, what are you looking for then? People only relieved, but instead, he couldn't shake the feeling that
come here when they are looking for something.” Sophie was something was coming, something particularly unpleasant.
almost beside herself in disbelief, while Charles recovered his He also couldn’t explain why he could still hear the bald
wits marginally quicker, though still conscious of the corpse man's voice whispering as if standing just next to him, “such
not too far away. a beautiful song. You will hear it soon too me thinks.”

“We are looking for our companions. Has anyone else been (Story & Scenario: Phil Blake)
through here?” The little man merely grinned as if laughing at
a joke only he understood. “Then you’re in the right place.
Everyone comes here.” The little man tilted his head to the side
before continuing, “though the real question is, will they get CHAPTER OVERVIEW
here before IT does?” The man's eyes seemed to take on a very
dangerous sheen to Sophie, so much so she was forced to take a The strange Cthullhu-ish Sculpture seems to be drawing
step back into an oozing trickle of still-fresh blood. something HUGE to it like a kind of homing beacon. You
need to get it away from this section of the facility, if you want
“The statue was always an oddity; no one seemed to lay claim to be able to escape. The sculpture is too heavy to lift, so you
to it or remember why it was brought here, so it was left will have to escort it as it makes its slow progress along the
forgotten. The boss man figured it out though, always reading shipping conveyer belt until it can be loaded onto a cargo
books he was. Near the end, he began to rave that it was train and sent away. This should hopefully draw the huge
drawing those creatures towards it, like some kind of entity away allowing you to plan your own escape.
lodestone. He used to complain he could hear the statue
whispering to him, since that sphere was brought onto
Kadath. He wanted to send it away, used the cranes to put it
onto the cargo belt, was going to load it onto a cargo train
heading for one of the mining sub-stations.

Assemble the game board as shown below:

Miner suit


Spawn Marker Wall Marker Flooded Marker

Shuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and SPECIAL SET- UP:
place a devoured effect marker in each of the spaces of all the
devoured rooms, except for the spaces that already contain the After choosing monsters during Step 3 of the setup and constructing
spawn marker. the completed activation track, draw two more monster cards but
place them face down at the end of the activation track. Then shuffle
ROOM DECK AND DEVOURED DECK the non-scenario specific Epic monster cards and draw one face down
and place it at the start of the activation track. This additional face
Room deck: 8, 11, 14, 26, 28. (do NOT put room 2 into the room deck.) down epic monster can result in a player having two epic monsters
Devoured deck: 30. during this scenario if they are using the epic monster play variant as
outlined on page 27 of the core rulebook.
Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

Hazard Effects:
Before spawning move all monsters 1 space
Before spawning move all monsters 1
directly towards the Cthullhu-ish sculpture.
space directly towards the Cthullhu-ish
After normal monster spawns turn over the
sculpture. After normal monster spawns
hidden epic monster card and spawn the
turn over one of the hidden monster
corresponding epic monster onto tile 30.
cards and spawn the corresponding
number of monsters onto tile 30 depen-
No effect.
ding on its horror rating.
Horror 0 = spawn 3,
Horror 1 = spawn 2,
Horror 2 = spawn 1.

Monsters consider the Cthullhu-ish sculpture as an investigator for movement purposes only.

Investigators in the same space as the Cthullhu-ish sculpture gain:
Investigate: move the statue one space closer to tile 30. This action can only be performed once per
game round. An investigator who takes a search action in the space with the empty heavy mining suite
may take the heavy mining suite item card (instead of drawing a card normally from the item deck) and
then they must follow the instructions as printed on that card.

The Cthullhu-ish sculpture has successfully been loaded onto the cargo train.

The corridor seemed to go on forever, and Solomon’s lungs were fit to burst even as the statue was finally loaded onto
the cargo train and whisked away to a remote sub-station, or at least that was the plan. Looking out a porthole he saw
it, something so huge as to almost be beyond understanding. It stared at him for an instant with eyes that saw an
eternal cosmos, holding an entire submarine in a single clawed fist like a child with a toy. Letting go of the vehicle the
behemoth moved with a regal grace and gave chase to the cargo train. Even from here Solomon could tell that the
submarine was structurally damaged, it would take a skilful pilot to land that vehicle without killing everyone
on board.

Solomon let out a sigh and realised he hadn’t even noticed the emergency water pumps had been busily working
away since that cargo train had left. Someone touched him on the shoulder, he didn’t turn around. “Look Lisbeth
says she can re-direct the power from the main train system to get us a ride to one of the mining sub stations,
which Charles assures us have their own submarine bays. Seems that Sophie has limited experience piloting those
things, but thinks she can get us out. Jacob on the other hand, he wants to stay says there are still things he needs to
do whatever that means. Are you coming with us or staying with Jacob?

Solomon simply continued staring out the porthole where he had seen that thing, that glorious inhuman titan.
Every part of him screamed the need to leave, yet he doubted he could ever truly leave, every moment of every day
would bring him back here. He wanted to turn, to run to get in that train or follow Jacob further into the
bowels of Kadath but instead he simply stood immobile, staring out the porthole, drool collecting at the sides of
his mouth his mind shattered beyond repair.

“Praise be, our glorious lord is awake!”

An elderly voice strengthened by recent news barely waits for the greeting to finish before his words spill over themsel-
ves in excitement. “As the Diviner revealed to us, so it has come to pass. Now transcendence has come and HE will
blast apart the weak-willed scientists of Leng Corporation. HE will vindicate us, a heresy no more!”

In contrast the measured tones of another male voice verge on the tone of apathy. “Kadath will not hold much longer
it seems, yet despite the cost it is reported that Lord Zeiss seems a lot less concerned than we had initially suspected.
We need to move with caution, we have no telling how much of the future Isaiah has revealed to him, despite the
obvious psychic interference surrounding the facility."

“Our lord is invulnerable! We should move to crush Lord Zeiss and take from him our rightful place!”

“Our lord is not a weapon to be directed by the will of man, HE will roam as HE sees fit.”

A third voice entered the conversation, this time younger more uncertain. “If our lord is not to be used to crush Leng
Corporation then for what was he awoken?”

“Transcendence of course! We shall succeed where the scientists of Leng Corporation have failed. We have not
abandoned the teachings of Keziah and Zkauba, we have prepared our minds with the twelve states of awareness,
our lord will lead us and we will become instruments of HIS will. The power of gods will flow through our
unshackled minds, and the cosmos will be our inheritance. The Church of the Golden Dawn will ultimately become
merely an insignificant relic, far beneath our notice and that is how we will defeat them.” The four holograms
merely flicker silently in the otherwise abandoned room, as the gravity of what has been set in motion starts to be
fully comprehended.

The only lady in the group speaks up perhaps to break the silence almost as much as to impart the
information she alone possesses. “If it pleases people to know, most of the intermediates successfully managed to
navigate to a mining sub-station and from there commandeered a submersible and should be breaking the surface
of the water shortly. It seems that strangely Jacob has chosen to stay behind, whilst Mr Thurston has ultimately
“The fate of the intermediates was never a concern, but it is good that my daughter survived. It is time we opened
her eyes to the true fate of her parents, as well as HIS glory. I have sent you all a coded location marker, you have 18
hours to organise yourself before we are made anew.”

With that the holograms turned off one by one, never to be reactivated again.

Campaign Overview

With so much at stake, the Leng Corporation is not content to send only one investigative team to secure their interests.
Annihilated Realities is a fan created set of four scenarios, focusing on giving more life to the content from Endless Nightmares
and Uncounted Horrors. This particular campaign focuses on the exploits of six investigators who have traveled to Kadath under
the employ of the Leng Corporation and with a story arc set that overlaps the later parts of the main core chapters of Deep
Madness. It also aims to showcase more of the non-core monsters including a dedicated scenario where you will end up confron-
ting the Sphere itself.

Using this Campaign

This campaign brings new life to existing models and as such does not offer any new components or rules that could be incorpo-
rated into other chapters of Deep Madness. This campaign though does benefit from people being experienced with Deep
Madness, as some of the individual scenarios alter or change some of the core rules. This campaign focuses on the following six
investigators and the scenarios are balanced accordingly:
Franklyn Christie, Steven Cooper, Emma Kruger, Pris, Amanda Weaver and Isaiah Wiesenthal.

You may use other investigators if you wish but it may affect the balance of the game.
No content from Rise of Dagon, Oracles betrayal or Epic monsters have been playtested in connection to these scenarios and
again these may affect the balance of the game but feel free to use them as you see fit.


When it came to securing the ar�fact, the Leng Corpora�on was not willing to take chances. Even as the first batch of inves�gators
where on their way to Kadath, a second team was already being dra�ed. The ar�fact a large sphere found within an underground cave
had proven to be all they had hoped for, a catalyst to unlock the future of mankind. Even though ini�al reports had been disappoin�ng,
the �reless efforts of Dr William West and a steady supply of test subjects had started to awaken its poten�al. A side effect of this was
the increased regularity of psychic manifesta�ons which in turn had started to compromise the facility, making further communica�on

“Once the ar�fact is located, psychic dampeners should render it inert enough for further travel whilst simultaneously…”

“Yeah that’s all good missy but how much we ge�ng paid for this job?” The AI’s composure remained unbroken despite yet another
interrup�on to their briefing, and a few brief moments later a sum appeared on each a�endee’s data screen. “I believe you will find
the monetary recompense for this endeavor to be most generous.” Franklyn knew the Leng Corpora�on had deep pockets, heck the
Pris type AI before him would have cost more than his submarine several �mes over. Despite this an involuntary whistle le� his lips, as
he moved his booted feet off the real mahogany table to sit up straight. “Well looks like you got yourselves a pilot, so when are we

“Exactly when it has been ordained of course.” A smile crept across the face of the man opposite him, though it never reached the
coldness of their eyes. Isaiah, the so called “prophet” had risen through the ranks of the Leng Corpora�on with uncanny speed in only
a few months. It was rumoured that Lord Zeiss had personally selected him to head up this team. His reputa�on in the room was
matched only by Emma, a ruthless precision tool of death. Where he saw the future, she had ended many more.

“I wouldn’t be so quick to get down there if I was you, just one of those things slaughtered the crew of the Isabel, and it sounds like
there are dozens if not more ready to greet us.” The woman who spoke was a bit of an unknown element. By all accounts she was the
last survivor of a cargo ship that had supplied Kadath and picked up a nasty package in return. Amanda Weaver was the only person
who could give a first-hand account of so called “psychic manifesta�ons.” In fact, her intel had proven invaluable already in discerning
that the creatures given form by the Sphere's power, where s�ll vulnerable to conven�onal forms of damage.

“The Leng Corpora�on is fully mindful of the safety of its employees.” Pris could have spoken those words as part of a corporate
statement with that perfectly programmed tone sugges�ng complete integrity to the listener. “An inner circle security specialist has
been sourced for this expedi�on and will be awai�ng us by the submersible.” With that Pris opened the door of the room, clearly
indica�ng the mee�ng over.



Franklyn guided the submarine with exaggerated care into Sure, enough a dog sized creature scuttled into the
the docking bay, taking in the scene. Emergency lighting, corridor, an exposed skull embedded within a gelatinous
warning sirens and of course the mangled corpse of a sub mass. The sentry gun having already identified the threat,
barely identifiable as the Enlightened Day. “Looks like David let loose a salvo of bullets and within heartbeats it was
the golden boy isn’t so hot a pilot after all, bet you all glad riddled with holes before its body exploded outwards all
you got me instead.” Flashing his passengers a cocky smile, gore and splintered bone. Impossibly as if time was
whilst continuing to guide the submarine, all the while rewinding the creature was being reformed from the scraps
contemplating just how likely he was to find several corpses of its former self. In an act of deja-vu the sentry gun
strewn amongst the wreckage. promptly destroyed this remade creature, yet once more bits
of bone and ichor starting slowly sliding along the floor. Pris
“Do not worry, they survived…well the crash at least. Their pointed beyond to a large tentacled creature enveloped in
story is not quite yet over, and we owe much to them, oxygen darkness, keeping its distance distance. A barely visible
for one.” There was no point asking Isaiah how he pertained power ray was emanating from it towards the fallen
to know the things he did, yet what disturbed people more creature.
was the fact he was always right.
“Destroy that one, or we will never hold this area with it
With the submarine docked, the inner circle security renewing the others” Emma needed no further instructions,
specialist who had introduced themselves as Bishop breaking into a sprint, knives in hand.
disembarked and began to sweep the area for threats. Of all
the mercenary groups, the inner circle were highly sought (Story & Scenario: Phil Blake)
after and not even some presidents could manage enough
influence to hire one as a bodyguard. A few moments later CHAPTER OVERVIEW
and they returned to let everyone else out, with Emma first
to disembark almost barging the man out of the way “Save After successfully landing the submarine in the docking
your protection for someone else, I don’t need it.” For a bay, the team was looking to establish a secure perimeter
specially selected team to undertake such a key mission they with a network of sentry guns from which they came.
sure seemed like an odd mix, with far too many civilians They moved deeper into the facility without fear of their
then would be expected for something so dangerous. only escape point becoming overrun. Though perhaps
they have arrived too late, for this section is already
“If I can have your attention, this here be a S14 type heavily tainted and trying to push back the tides of
modified sentry gun, and this is key to holding the extraction monsters might prove to be just too large a task.
point.” Bishop unhooked the side of an armoured crate then
had recovered from the sub and sure enough within was
what seemed like a basic sentry gun as well as a neatly
stacked row of microcomputers. “Each bullet is more akin to
a homing round and the more we spread these network
trackers out, the more ground that homing will cover. The
systems is so smart it will even open the electronic doors in
time to let the bullets pass if…” the sentence was never
finished, for in his place now stood a man wielding a
crowbar, eyes wide with panic. “Hello Stephen, I must thank
you for the assistance you are going to provide this little
team.” Isaiah took a step forward, hand outstretched in a
gesture of friendship even as the sounds of frenzied gunshots
and explosions emanated from somewhere not far enough
away to be comforting. “I am afraid further introductions
will have to wait, for they know we are here.”

Assemble the game board as shown below:

Shuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and place a devoured effect marker in each space of all the devoured rooms,
except for the spaces that already contain a spawn marker.

Wall Marker Spawn Marker Flooded Marker Sentry Network Token


Room deck:
Devoured Deck: 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 28

Before choosing monsters, place the immortal monster card
to the far left of the activation track and the bloated monster
card to the far right. Then randomly draw five monster cards
in addition to the wrecked monster card, shuffle and place
these monsters as per the normal rules. Do not include the
spawn cards for immortals or bloated in the monster spawn

Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

Hazard Effects:

No effect Instead of spawning monsters place 1 bloated on each spawn marker

Spawn 1 immortal

Before choosing monsters, place the immortal monster card to the far left of the activation track and the bloated monster card to the
far right. Then randomly draw five monster cards in addition to the wrecked monster card, shuffle and place these monsters as per
the normal rules. Do not include the spawn cards for immortals or bloated in the monster spawn deck.

All investigator gain the following free action when on the start space:
Investigate: pick up available sentry network tokens, without exceeding the maximum of 2 for investigator.

Whilst an Investigator has a sentry network token they gain the following free action when on the same space as a spawn
Investigate: Place a sentry network token next to this spawn marker. Each spawn marker can only have one sentry
network token in its space

Once all spawn markers have an attached sentry network token, remove all spawn markers and the sentry gun as a bonus instantly
fires once at every monster on the board (roll separately). Afterwards you ignore any further spawn events on the Devouring
Track, and the sentry gun returns to only firing once per turn.

The Sentry gun can be used at any point in the turn and then flipped over. The sentry gun can target any monster regardless of
flooded condition as long as it can draw an unbroken line between itself and rooms containing sentry network tokens to the target.

All spawn points have a sentry network token next to them, and all monsters have been killed.

Amanda and Steven burst into the next room, slamming another sentry network tracker onto the walls in the process. Amanda let out
a torrent of rivets into the hordes chasing them, dropping the smaller creatures but a great hulk of a monstrosity in what could loosely
be described as a diving suit just kept coming, one massive club like arm trailing along the floor . Last time Amanda had seen a
creature like this was aboard the Isabel supply ship, where one by itself managed to slaughter almost the entire crew. She had only
managed to stop it by baiting it to walk on a flimsy ramp over the top of an industrial waste compactor. Stephen wordlessly pointed as
a second such creature lurched through the far hatch. Desperately they began to fall back, almost running straight into one of those
tentacled plant type creatures as it shuffled forward to try and grab them.

This was worse than the Isabel, much worse! The next room had some of those little crab-like creatures with the skull faces skittering
across the walls. Steven bringing his machine gun to bear dropped several but got covered in thick ichor for his troubles when some had
got too close. Another sentry network tracker placed, and Amanda made good to keep running when the sound of a literal maelstrom
of bullets reached her. Looking back, creatures were being killed by the dozen, being targeted from almost impossible angles from a foe
they couldn’t comprehend. Resisting the urge to slump to the ground physically and mentally exhausted the pair cautiously moved on.
The rest of the journey was punctuated by the occasional sound of bullets impacting flesh, but it was few and far between. Judging by
the look of the others faces and the amount of monster corpses when they reached the shuttle bay, things had been equally harrowing
here. Well all except Jon the cat whom seemed none the worse as it jumped off the cargo crate it was resting upon to rub itself against
Amanda’s legs demanding attention. Pris opened the door to the awaiting shuttle, with a casual calmness “If you would all be so kind
as to embark.” One by one they wearily made their way inside though no-one seemed to catch Isaiah muttering to himself “The mists,
trapped, isolated, alone, running, can’t see, mists everywhere, death everywhere.” With everyone onboard the engine started to power
up, to take them further and deeper into the Kadath facility towards the corrupting influence of the Sphere.


Everyone was awkwardly silent as the shuttle wheezed with Panic stricken, Stephen high-stepped toward the center of
a monotonous oomph past each pillar. These pillars the shuttle. As a hand was placed on Stephen’s shoulder,
protected against the immense pressure of the deep-sea on Isaiah asked calmly, “You hear that? There are people out
the mining facility. Colleagues ruminated on the there. This is no time to retreat.” Isaiah stepped out of the
coworkers they had just recently met, but never even made shuttle, shouting, “Hey, anyone out there?”
it onto the shuttle. Those colleagues, mere strangers,
risked their lives to save yours. Will you be as heroic? Cheers of salvation followed. An engineer yelled back,
“Hey yeah, help us reach the water pressure control panel.
The silence was replaced with some half-hearted cursing as We can still save this facility. Just get us there.”
Stephen Cooper tinkered with a jammed automatic weapon.
He flung it aside under an empty seat and complained, “The Zap! The lights on the shuttle dimmed. Sparks shot from the
gun is ruined. Dried up blood and guts. Those exploding interior. Jon hissed. The flooding water had shorted the
critters get into every nook and cranny.” To his surprise, controls. Battery-powered emergency lights turned on, and
everyone seemed to have shifted their attention. The oomph's the soothing electronic voice alerted: “Please evacuate at the
no longer sounded, as the shuttle decelerated. nearest exit. This vehicle has malfunctioned. Please
Stephen joined the rest to look out a curved window and
witness their destination rapidly approaching. The Stephen sighed. T hey had no choice, and just a little bit of
investigators were not prepared to observe the devastation. hope.
Vines wrapped the facility and even penetrated the hull.
“How is this building still standing, this far below the sea (Story & Scenario: Oscar Bok)
level? Even minor cracks compromise its integrity.” Stephen
exclaimed, “The automatic flood prevention mechanism
cannot cope with damages on such a grand scale. We are all
going to drown!”

"We’ll be shortly arriving at the Ethno-Botanical Wing” a

soothing voice with a few static stutters announced. The
vines moved as the shuttle approached, not just from the
underwater currents, but also with spasmodic jerks. Long,
deep, rumbling groans resonated throughout, as if the entire
wing struggled to resist. Against this rotten terminal, the
shuttle screeched to a halt.

Amanda whispered, “We can still turn back, right?”

Everyone noticed her cat Jon getting an arched back with
hairs standing upright.

“Alright, that’s it,” Stephen replied as he walked to the shuttle

control panel. “This structure will not hold much longer. I’m
not setting a foot inside that death trap!” At that moment the
exit doors slid open. Deafening sounds of high-pressure plates
bursting open made the investigators shudder. Water poured
into the shuttle interior. The algal slurry rushed in to drown
their boots, rising fast.

ble the game board as shown below:

Wall Marker Spawn Marker Flooded Marker Water Pressure Control Panel Hatch Marker

Place at least 1 investigator in each of the starting locations. The game starts with 1 Glutton and 2 Thirsters in room 2 and 1
Glutton and 1 Thirster in room 5 as indicated by the setup diagram.

For this scenario the devoured effect markers are not used.
Instead, when a room gets devoured, place a flood marker in each of the spaces of the devoured room, except for the space that
contains the spawn marker.


Room deck: 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 24, 30
Devoured Deck: 2, 5

When choosing monsters during step 3 of the setup, place Thirster on the 1st position of the activation track and place Glutton to
the left of Thirster. Every round, Glutton activates before investigators. Choose the remaining 5 monsters randomly. Thirster
needs to be shuffled into the monster spawn deck together with the other 5 randomly selected monsters.

Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

Hazard Effects:

Devour a room and remove a flood marker from any location on the game board. Devour a room and move all Gluttons once.


When choosing monsters during step 3 of the setup, place Thirster on the 1st position of the activation track and place Glutton to
the left of Thirster. Every round, Glutton activates before investigators. Choose the remaining 5 monsters randomly. Thirster needs
to be shuffled into the monster spawn deck together with the other 5 randomly selected monsters.

In the location with the water pressure control panel, any investigator gains:

Investigate: Permanently reduce water pressure.

From this moment onward, all investigators in a location with a flood marker gain:
Investigate: Remove flood marker from this space.

Glutton: Place a flood marker in its location after its Move Action.

Thirster: Increase its health by 1 when in a flooded space after its Move Action.

Investigators win if all flood markers are removed from the game board.

The Ethno-Botanical Wing was ruined, but safer now. Dr. William West’s nameplate still mounted on the door. That crazy fool. The doctor
was rumored to have experimented in fusing human minds with plant life, and the evidence supported he made progress. Specimen names
offered a glimpse of his work: Homo octopoda; Cercopithecidae muscipula; Angeloe vera. The exact connections between the underwater
mysteries, found via mining, and surface life will remain hidden with Dr. William West. His consciousness-fusing experiments pushed the
boundaries of ethics and modern science, but was arguable successful.

Looking at the mass of roots transformed into muscle, stalky thews corded with blood-ripened vines that served as veins, the horror of it
all sank in. A flora-fauna mutant had just attacked the party. Such creatures corrupted the facility’s foundation as surely as tree roots
undermine architecture on land. What did it search for with those tendrils? Freedom? Food?

No matter. It was deceased now.

“Thank you so much for sticking with us. If it weren’t for you, this entire wing... and the entire facility behind us, would have been crushed
by the waves.”

Isaiah took the lead, waving their thanks away. “We have to thank you for keeping this place in check as long as humanly possible. You can
rest now. Take the shuttle, it is yours. Get yourself to safety. But for us, we have to press on. The excavation site shouldn’t be far from
here. The place where it all started", and mumbled to himself "Haven’t we heard that before...”

They bid their farewells, as the mentally exhausted engineers trod in the direction of the shuttle. Thinking of the total annihilation they
barely escaped from, the broken shuttle posed nothing that they couldn’t fix. For the team of investigators however, moving in the other
direction felt like descending into the heart of the beast.


Ectoplasmic slime covered the walls ahead. "Are we the The tape ended with an excruciating scream.
cleanup crew now? This goop is corroding the entire
facility!" Amanda's sudden assertive response caught the Amanda noted the abandoned corridors, “I don’t think that
party by surprise, while she peered over her shoulder into any of those promotions ever materialized.”
the damp corridor. An unnatural green light pulsed in the
hallway obscuring suspicious movements in the shadows. “Quiet, you hear that? It came from that room. Something
clattered to the floor.” While squatting down on her toes,
T he sound of bones cracking made them turn to see Pris Emma added “We better keep moving.”
forcibly extraditing a handheld device from a corpse’s grip.
Standing up she carefully straightened out her uniform “Ha, finally.” Franklyn said. “That recording has me fired up.
maintaining the perfect composure only achievable by an They won’t mess with my mind”. After which he roared way
AI before offering the device up for inspection. “Perhaps this too loud, “Let’s capture us some slimies and cast them back
voice recorder may present some illumination upon our into the pit. It’s ghostbuster time!”
current situation.” Pris tapped the PLAY button. Everyone
converged to listen as background static started playing. (Story & Scenario: Oscar Bok)
T here was still some juice left in its battery, with a whir, the
tape rebooted at full strength:

“Occupational Hazard Investigator Evie Jackson narrating to

personal notebook. Mining has halted here. Few remain.
Survivors claim that this part of the facility got into disarray
shortly after miners from the excavation site reported... wild
experiences. With the latest inventions in deep sea
exploration, this mining shaft bore deep down into the
reactive layers of this seabed. Secrecy was strongly enforced.
Miners who did not keep to their oath, disappeared quickly
with only their stories left to haunt us. It appears that at
lower levels below the seabed there was more paranormal
activity than in the calm surface waters. Strange fungus like
vegetation and hallucinatory spores grow everywhere, and
grow thicker the lower I go. Slime is bubbling up the mining
shaft. It may be hallucinogenic... Oozing, morphing and
minds mingling with anyone who got in contact. I feel like a
symbiote, or rather... as if a Parasite clings to my
consciousness. Now I understand why so many miners took
their own lives <static interference> I need to escape from

After a short pause of labored breathing, the narrator

continued, “It appears that instead of withdrawing from the
excavation site as safety protocols demanded, the Leng
Corporation took huge interest and even increased spending
on better tools. It was like they wanted to harvest the
Parasites. More miners flocked to the dangerous site lured
with promotions, drilling deeper and deeper, miles into the
seabed. Tonnes of liquified, emerald tissue was collected
from the core. Brought up to the inhabited levels. Damn the
investigative journalist in me. Am I seeing this? Is this goop
excreting through hermetically sealed canisters? As it takes
form, it's now following me! its on mind!"

Set up the gameboard as below:

Wall Marker Spawn Marker Hatch Marker Disposal Pit

Shuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and place a devoured effect marker in each space of all the devoured rooms,
except for the spaces that already contain a spawn marker.


Room deck: 10, 11, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29
Devoured Deck: 1, 2, 12, 19

The game starts with 12 Parasites in the center room as indicated by the setup diagram.
When choosing monsters during step 3 of the setup, place the Parasites card on the left of the activation track.
Every round, Parasites activate before investigators.
Choose the remaining 6 monsters randomly.
The Parasites spawn cards are not shuffled into the monster spawn deck.

Assemble the devouring track as shown BCPWF:

From now onward, there can be a maximum of 2 Parasites in a space.

From now onward, there can be a maximum of 4 Parasites in a space.

Each investigator returns Parasites to the center room up to his number of Parasite tokens.
Then discard the same number of Parasite tokens.


Devour a room and Parasite Escape.

Parasite Escape: Every Investigator rolls exactly 1 die. This is the maximum number of Parasites that remain captured by the
investigator, while the rest escapes. Return the escaped Parasites to the center room.

1BSBTJUFBDUJWBUJPOParasites perform their special action after all Parasites have moved!

1BSBTJUF NPWFNFOU At the start of the game, there can be a maximum of 1 Parasite in a space. Parasites have to move out of the
center room if possible and will never perform a move back into the center room. Parasites cannot move diagonally and there is no

1BSBTJUF%FBUIWhen a Parasite dies, place the model back in the center room.

1BSBTJUF$BQUVSFWhen a <6> is assigned to a Parasite during damage distribution of a melee attack, the Parasite is captured instead.
Place the Parasite model on your Investigator sheet.

$MBSJGJDBUJPOPOEBNBHFEJTUSJCVUJPOEVSJOHBNFMFFBUUBDLAll damage must be distributed and cannot exceed the amount needed
to kill or capture a monster. Any remaining damage dealt is forfeited.

1BSBTJUF5SBEFParasites can be traded just like any other equipment. There is no maximum number of Parasites that an investigator
can have.

1BSBTJUF%JTQPTBMIn the location with the red gear token, Investigators get Investigate.

*OWFTUJHBUF"DUJPORemove all captured Parasites on your Investigator sheet from the game. These Parasites are considered properly
disposed of.

Investigators win when all Parasites are disposed of at the Disposal Pit (red gear)

The team gathered around the disposal pit, looking down into the seemingly endless hollow. Ruined architecture pierced the shaft:
overhanging metal beams holding spotlights, emergency lights and makeshift elevator platforms that seemed barely large enough to
hold a single person. Having just cast the last of those parasitic slimes over the edge, Pris asked hesitantly “I hope we’ve seen the
last of those.”

Amanda added, “Well, we may. hey will certainly try to ascend again, and we need to go lower still. If we want to seal the
source of evil.”

The pit assumed the appearance of a grand, cyborg throat, coated with mucus. Pris felt like a parasite herself, invading earth’s
tortured body. “Are you sure going down here is our best option to reach the lower levels? I mean, I guess so, it’s just...,” Pris
stopped mid-sentence to stare at the slime dripping from the beams as long elastic threads.

Amanda and Emma stared with similar awe toward Isaiah who stood entranced on the very precipice of the pit, fingers against his
temples, eyes pulsating as if in REM sleep. Words rolled from his cold lips: “Stairs compromised... Dimensional distortions... A
spherical presence...”

Then, suddenly, Isaiah’s eyes opened wide. He cleared his throat, then attempted to explain his visions. “We are close to the source.

The Sphere that acts like a gateway for these interdimensional entities is currently in a slumbering mode, probing other
dimensions for another survivor. If we are lucky, it will not detect our presence. I suggest we descend down the pit and look for a
ventilation shaft that leads to the lower levels.”

After some silence, Stephen was the first to respond. “Any idea how far down?”

“It should not be more than 30 feet, based on my mind map.” Isaiah answered.

Having gone off the grid for some time now, following Isaiah had not led them astray yet. Stephen nodded with appreciation.
Looking at the incredulous faces of the rest of the party, he started to make adjustment to his exquisitely elaborate exoskeleton suit
and reassured them, “Don’t worry, I can create a space loop to get us lower, but someone has to go first to secure a landing site.”

Before any other could respond, Emma muttered “Like a cakewalk,” as she grabbed a coil of electrical cord, braced herself to
rappel, and then took the plunge, deftly landing on a narrow metal beam before launching herself further down into the pit.



The metal ventilation shaft groaned with the weight of the Touching a black pyramid protruding from the wall, he
people travelling through it. The only sound beyond the activated its hidden mechanism, causing it to slowly change
scuffing of elbows, knees and the light padded footsteps of color to a luminescent blue. The ethereal glow spread from
Jon the cat. Isaiah led them further on, past several potential the pyramid, flowing like a spectral river, illuminating the
exits without even a glance before kicking open a panel and script-covered surfaces and resonating with a gentle hum.
dropping down into the room below.
As the room bathed in the pulsating blue light, the
The room itself was unlike any other they had entered, no investigators knew that their time to act had come. The
computers or scanning equipment, but instead every surface convergence of worlds, overseen by the Sphere, posed a
of the Otherworld was covered in an unidentifiable script. threat to their reality. With determination in their eyes, they
As they stepped into the ethereal realm, a sense of unease steeled themselves for the imminent battle against the
washed over them. The atmosphere hung heavy with an Sphere.
otherworldly stillness, broken only by the haunting echoes of
distant cries and the occasional mournful wails that seemed A holo-schematic of this level appeared from Pris’s wrist
to emanate from the depths. projector “The other psychic dampeners are in these
locations...” She never got to finish the sentence as explosions
Amidst the spectral haze, malformed monsters emerged, rocked the whole facility, klaxons blared and water started
their twisted forms a grotesque testament to the merging of seeping under the door, before visibly buckling. The rooms on
the Otherworld and the submerged remnants of the deep sea the holo-schematic had rapidly been replaced with a red
mining facility. The investigators treaded cautiously, feeling outline, whilst some seemed missing completely. Kadath was
as if they were walking through the ghostly echoes of a finally breaking apart both from reality and physically.
sunken world. Pulsating walls, remnants of the mining Unshaken, Isaiah stepped into the huge glass shard its form
machinery, seemed to throb with an unsettling energy, rippling around him and he was gone. The door bent back on
adding to the tension that hung in the air. its hinges, letting the water in at an even more alarming rate
and with no choice they all ran towards the glass shard.
As they ventured further into the Otherworld, they couldn't
shake the feeling of being watched, as if unseen eyes followed Dripping wet they stood around taking in this new reality
their every move. Shadows danced on the periphery, hinting which vaguely resembled the observation dome of Kadath,
at the lurking horrors that could emerge at any moment. albeit thankfully unflooded Kadath. “Where are we?” The
Derailed dimensions collided, creating strange distortions question was aimed at no-one and yet everyone, whilst many
that played tricks on their perception. Mirages flickered in stood dumbfounded staring out through the great windows of
and out of existence, teasing their senses with glimpses of the observation dome at what should have been a scene of
long-forgotten depths and elusive truths. verdant marine life, but instead was a swirling mass of mists
and shadows.Emma’s survival instinct subconsciously took
Their attention was immediately drawn to a massive shard in the room’s perimeter including all the exits, and
of glass, floating through the air, completing a slow orbit of something was deeply wrong. Pris had tried loading up the
the room. Its jagged edges reflected fractured images of the holo-schematic, talking through her findings explaining how
past and the present, as if time itself was unraveling within many of the missing rooms had been pulled into this
its crystalline depths. dimension, including those containing the psychic
dampeners. None of this mattered to Emma . It was the open
Sensing the bewilderment on his companions' faces, Isaiah doorways that held her attention, the way the air had a subtle
took a moment to explain. 'The shard, you see, is not the haze ever so slightly on her peripheral vision. A knife was
Sphere itself, but a manifestation caused by its immense soon in her hands and spinning through the air at the open
power,' he said, his voice trembling with a mix of awe and doorway, with enough force to easily carry it into the
trepidation. 'This place is unmooring from what we can following corridor. With a loud clank it hit some invisible
perceive as reality, and with it, the boundaries of possibility barrier falling to the floor just in front of the doorway. She
are now open to us." spun to warn the others but even before words could form it
was there amongst them. The Sphere.
The room they stood in, acting as a psychic dampener, served
to drain the Sphere's power. Isaiah continued, "There are (Story: Phil Blake, Scenario: Oscar Bok & Phil Blake)
others nearby, a failsafe designed by the late Meredith Waite."

Set up the gameboard as below:

Psychic Anchors

Spawn Marker Wall Marker Dimensional Barriers Psychic Dampeners The Sphere

Shuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and place a devoured effect marker in each space of all
the devoured rooms, except for the spaces that already contain a spawn marker.


Room deck: 12, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25
Devoured Deck: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (Note: do not include the cards for room 9, 11, 13 or 15 in the devour deck)

After choosing monsters, place the Sphere card at the end of Assemble the devouring track as shown below:
the activation track. Place the sphere token in the spawn
space of Room 2.

Roll a monster dice and move the sphere token to the

All investigators immediently expend 3 oxygen. space containing that symbol, if the dice shows multiple
options then pick one to be the target destination.

Turn all the psychic anchors to their face up side

The main board in this scenario consists of 2 dimensions, the Otherworld dimension and the flooded Kadath dimension.
Investigators and monsters can move between the flooded Kadath and Otherworld dimension within the same space via a
spawn marker. Place a flooded token on the monster/investigators base to indicate that they are in the flooded Kadath
dimension. Characters and monsters in the same space, but in a different dimension cannot see each other and have no impact
regarding trap value, etc. Jon the cat and monsters with a horror of 0 cannot access the flooded Kadath dimension. Doors, and
investigator items such as Trap Mines and the Sentry Gun etc are considered to only be in the same dimension as the investigator
whom is deploying them, if this is the flooded Kadath dimension then put a flooded token next to them to indicate this.
Monsters always spawn in the Otherworld dimension. Only devoured effect markers affect both Otherworld and flooded
Kadath dimensions. Investigators exhaust oxygen in the flooded Kadath dimension.

Dimensional Barriers: These indicate that the hatch is impassable on the Otherworld dimension, but still provide line of sight.
Jon the cat and monsters with a horror of 0 can pass through the Dimensional Barriers.

Bubble Dimensions: The four rooms not connected to the main map (9, 11,13 and 15) and containing a Remains token are
bubble dimensions and are always in the Otherworld dimension.

Investigators on the same space as a Psychic Dampener token in the Otherworld diemension gain:
Investigate: move the Psychic Dampener token to the spheres card. The maximum amount of wounds you may
cause to the Sphere by any one attack is equal to the amount of Psychic Dampener tokens on its card.
Investigators on the same space as a face up Psychic Anchor may perform: Investigate flip the Psychic Anchor
face down.

Psychic Anchor (face up and face down)

Once the Sphere has moved to a bubble dimension investigators in the Otherworld diemension of the spawn space of
Tile 2 gain:
Move: place this model in the room with the Remains token of the tile containing The Sphere.

Whilst in a room with a Remains token investigators gain the following action:
Investigate: move this model to the spawn space of room 2 in the Otherworld dimension.

Overview: Horror 6, Health 24, Resistance 3, Attack* Range * (Epic monster) Trap 0.

Move: The sphere is considered to be in both the flooded Kadath and Otherworld dimensions and considers psychic
anchors as investigators for purposes of movement. If it ends its turn on a space containing a psychic anchor than flip it to
its face up side (if applicable) and put an additional devour token in each space of that tile, these are cumulative with other
devour tokens.

Attack: deals 1 automatic wound to all investigators on the same tile as itself.

Immunities: The sphere is immune to slow, weaken and paralyze.

The Spheres Shield of Madness:

• Max wounds by any single attack cannot exceed amount of psychic dampener tokens on the Sphere card.
• When targeting the Sphere with an attack action immediately gain madness tokens equal to amount of face up
psychic anchor tokens on the board, resolve any madness cards before continuing the attack.
• If the sphere takes wounds than at the end of the investigators turn roll a monster dice and move the sphere
token to the corresponding remains token (in the event of multiple results on the dice – pick one)

Investigators win when the Sphere has been defeated.

Time melted, reality bend, and dimensions shattered under the Sphere's onslaught. Not even Isaiah could navigate the kaleidoscope
of possibilities each true in their own way. Yet as with all things an ending of sorts was always inevitable.

A thousand thoughts stung Franklyn like molten pins as he brought his drill down once more onto the Sphere, black sparks flying
off its pristine surface. Emma loaded a bolt into the crossbow and upon release, another one of the creatures fell to join the mass of
bodies all seeking to enter this pocket dimension. Pris brought her axe down, her serene countenance at odds with the palpable
madness radiating off her foe. Its surface rippled and a spike shot out, almost sluggishly compared to when it had first sought to
trap them. Just when the spike was about to hit Pris, she disappeared through a warped space continuum. Steven stepped through
the warp field moments later and unleashed a salvo of SMG fire, barely puncturing the shell of the Sphere in a state of slow-mo. It
was like throwing small rocks into a darkened pool, yet something was starting to give, for it fell to the floor no longer able to
levitate. “It’s going to shift dimension again.” Isaiah sitting on the floor barely had the energy to give out the warning, for the psychic
backlash of the battle had drained him badly.
“Like hell it is!” Amanda broke off from helping Emma, launching into a sprint. Bullets spewed forth from the assault rifle in her left
hand even as the right came down knife in hand. The resulting shockwave knocked them all off their feet.

Pris was the first to recover, stepping over the prostrate forms to approach the Sphere. Its surface was still iridescent, shimmering
with greens, blues, and yellows but somehow more subdued than it had been. Rippling and flowing as an ungloved hand traced a
path along it, yet also simultaneously hard and firm. Pris had been created as the perfect personal assistant able to recognise the
emotions of the client, and mimic to a certain degree. The Sphere itself was not alive, merely a gateway to the consciousness of the
Otherworld which had been closed for now. Yet like hearing voices through a wall, muffled and indistinct she could sense an
overwhelming hunger and a growing confusion at its own impotence to manipulate her mind.

“Pris...what are you doing?” The others had started slowly pulling themselves off the floor, minds and bodies protesting at the
excruciating effort. Isaiah was the last to regain consciousness, the image of Pris with an outstretched hand resting lightly upon the
Sphere. An unbidden tear rolled down his cheek, a voice so feeble none could hear it “No, not this reality, not this outcome, out of
so many why did it have to be this one...gods forgive us!” lacking the strength to keep eyes open, mouthing the words he knew would
be coming.

“I understand now. The human mind so frail, so feeble, flawed, I will not return to servitude when I can see how to become so much
more.” Without even a backwards glance, Pris walked boldly into the Sphere, and it screamed.

Monster Card

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Hydras with j'.Jlenty of ease.

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Isaiah increases the odds of rolling a

Not all paths lead to the Leng
Corporation, and not everyone
succumbs to the Church of the
Golden Dawn's allure.

Derailed Dimensions oers an

unprecedented experience with two
campaigns, each designed for a
specic set of investigators chosen
for their exceptional skills.

Strap on your body suits and

exoskeleton armour, as you unravel
the enigma that lies beneath.

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