Unit 4

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Ex - , 2 #

Date :
Page No. G3

The Tahiamole /Tke cyclie Qvadaatenal

Squanes/The cincle I Gueometical Couitructoul
Tsiomae jn Vedic_mathenatia selns to hottus aud stru
-tues_helated to mbes aud ttin probeiesThese thicmala
are atteu wisualAchreetatisus o helatiouslih slu
and are used to
siablyy caleulatiousjar gskaiyontha-la
qeoeticC aufsesentatisu the nine dioi~ta (I-a) aaged
a a þeciae hattenu. EKadlikeua Puena Thiagle is uaed
olee toa base Alo Com dels in ceufuting

discute chahter 22 ty Lilauati (Mendatioy

CXLI - n a aiglut - augled taiaugle, stue te Aid i

Called te tase uyo
to it s called the altttole (koti). TueAaue terino
-logy tcldd Jar a hectagle
Comment BCuthe base
Ae the altitude
AC i he hyfoteuse.
CXLT - an a aigut-angled iniangle,squake soat he
An oyAuates the base and he atittde a the ypotense

attitdeTesavcta J
-tene aad base ss the

endiasince the tine oy [uluasttakarad (sa00- So0 B sheeas Pytkagaras

see qisea at Blaskazackny
Page No. Gy

ubers s
CXLIII - 4 tuuice the Podvct o
st te s
added t
Hheih dillernce, the
two muber
, So also
u muttihlied by their dilenenee, the
theih sqyares. [Ths atf - (a-t)'+2al
Cmd a ' - (a+t) (a-+)1.
utotense i! the base A 3 d
Ex 1.|CxLIV - Fud the tase ase 5.
altitvde 4. 9y the tuypotewwe aud the
3, wshat u the enath o Hae altitude s4 te
is the base 9
Use aud the altitde ae 5, 4 uhat

the tuyfotemwse =5

Ex 2. higkt -amaled triangle, te tase 3

and the altitude s yindyind sthe ypotese.
Hyokenuse l64 169 13 N2
l6 l6

CXLV) - [sn this stonga Btaskanchnya explainsa

method apbaoxi wmately sqyae oat
a neubes isichiu not hejet sqwae.
To conssute Cakknaxinately) % chooas a
honben Theu conpute asfroximutely Vala aud
diuide y v
Comhet Vabx

3(-44) 2oc

I'ge N

By thaskachiuya's metthod ,choose 2(oeco »loo ad

69x Bx \o00o

here we nate that 3649e |39 20329 cud l69X8x loo00 = l3520000
Bhaskaãchäya as aare
hal nwabe aud so gae a metaad to csunpute thein value assrexinately
# Fouwla to ind ypo feuse and altituoe o a
iglt -agled thiagle giueu its tase. (exLVN 2 CXLVI)
let sa = basAe uyfoteuwwse C- atitde

c2a aly+)


Comet i I4) tee t' a ly'+ and

E*amte (9'-i)
a+c a t 4ay agt-) + a'y
(2) 9n tu
the Acsud case

Page No. 56

Example (CxLIX)

altitode and tuypoknuse

se select Auch hat y-L diuideA 2ay

Cau seleet 2
C = 2at 2 x12 x 2 2
2 l6

(2 (u+1) l2x 2 20

2ud hethod
eee at
e Jouaula

Thee ahe (Rythageran) ipleta . Seueral

seutiud ane uible i ú) (9,12,15) ,c) (12,6,26) ,)
(s,l2,13) ,u) Ci2, 39,39).
Iape No

Fomla tojind t o As des when the bytotee

is qive éct).
CL- Cinen typoteue b, coose a coieniet wmto
y'+| (g'+)
Cohment: atc 'luy'1- 2y' + y - 6
CLI - 9 he lypotene i 25. ind the atth ides
Commet? intcgers.
Here we choOAe
choose y>2,
y32 simee yt|
+i diides t
340 68

8s(l-2) 85 X3
we csuld haue coden ya 4 cud get a >40,c 75
By uing (2u+),(2nt+2u),(2h'+ 2n +i).
and e get (i3, 84,8s).

Anatler yomula sbn bypotege i gien

Coet ? 264

These ae sae
(Axcest yon a sig) as iu (CL)
but a and c ase

Pago No. G3

#Fomla to coustvt igut tingles wett

inteqnal Aided .
CLIII - hien auuy fuo wube X4 , Fhere
taianyle ith a (x>y)and
Comm e t 4(a'ngy' (a'-g)+ux'y 2 c'ra
Tis Jorwla
CLIV-9 all the thiee sideA oy a iqht tuaugle
nknosu0yaieud tell Cme) quickly thit
CommeudaTake auy two cneqal ubers bay =2,

we get Qz12, C>G 13. can conatht

Aueh tihets

CLV -Sutboae a tanboo BAC u trokeu at A and tue

bat Ac ouches the gAud at c. Cien
distauce Bcg

X, X,


2'-2xx, t x-y

2 X
Theu X?X- X

CLVI Ababoo 32 c(cubits biyh ,

leuel nond, was brokeu by trngstomding
The tip the baboo toved he qsud l6c.
on He Joot oy the banboo. Then,O mattehna
- tieiau, tell bne) te tigt f he pajut
shere tue bawboo reake.
ComhetHee X232
32 - l6

32 296


# Areas (yolic) quadilatenal and thiangle.

Abtract each side sehartedy and take
Hhein paedet. Square
imprecise ea qwadilateral. (Hslueuen)
the hrecide area o a triange asces
ths Aanne Llet a,b,C, d te the aides od the
quadnilatea! ad s atC+d
sei- hirimetir.
gprecise aea f a qudilateral =
V&s-a)CAt) (A-c)Cstd). Asa of a
with sides a, t, c u obtained by huting de0
Pagc No. 60

Csmeut i Te foruusa jen tthe aea of aqadi

-atenal iu exact Jer a ycic quadilatra
Fouula Jor the aeaa o atiangle
discaueneo tey Henen (200 B.c-). The jomes
alio poited sut by Bhskarachrya, s
cyclie qadrilateral
yor hich he caeet Josla is
Va-acad) (sd cd) - abed Cos(PtE) 2

ExawnbleiiA quadhilatenal ad ase 4, pher sida
g aund (Hae athertuto Aide 12 ad 13
the altitvde i 12ind hea ty ttae
te anea
britiue haethad
Comant Cleaxly he quadailaterad i a trapegisan
hince ueide aundthe altitsda ae
AAo se casn ak the taabesHs Juto a ecct
-amale aund a igbt tniaugle.
12 xatL

the haimitive Jormula
Ahea Nsa)lat) Cs-c) (s-d)
V242)(2u-a) (24-13)(24-14)

We qet iaecise Value ince the quadilatval s

het cuyclic.

Exaple-2 we now find

staa CLXXII a >14 , 6 13 , C-15 , -2)
Aea VAsa)(ot) (s-c)
V 2t(21-)(21-13)(2) -15)
V2xx 8 x 6

#To Salue a aight thagle qiven ita ypekeuse 4)


4 e tes tuo (a t+c).

CLXV- To Jind the bale and altitude weu thii sm

oand duyfo tewwse sy a sight thiangle ae iven.I
SubtractJnon tuice te the typciewe
the sqare the A the baie ad altitude
The sqehoot thid t subtnacte Jaen
(reet. added to) tke sn s the ides and diided
by tuo hathzus to be the Jength the tase
(reuh. altitude).[Tuud qiven y and atc-&,
c- st24*-s ad aa -N2t-s.

Comwent : f'a'c (atc-2ac z '-2ac ad

(C- a)' (a+c-ac = g+ 2(6-s) a 26

Bhaukanchaya calls the Amaler ca the tase ad ange

þrobleu can alioe solued by
altitude. Tuis binoble
qradratic eqvakious.

Page No. 62

CLXV)- 4 iu a night thisngleAe ybotenae

13 amd the dilyerenee etseeu the eten t
Jind te dides

= 12
2 2

y2%'- - 5
2 2

23,ind the tae andthe altitde

C2 t V24' 23+ 2x14-2B
2 2

a V2-3 23-N2xn-23
2 2

Exiskence Taiayles
CLXIX- gn a thiamyle (eier a þolygo it ù infosli
ue idde to te qheater thau he sIBA
to Aay that AGch a
Coumet This_ ueell- Kueua esutt u Eeclidea
that aciet
Sndiau aathenaticiani did net hrceive
I'age No. 63

CLXX- 9 ays hat there a qwadilateral

an idiot
Aides 2,6, 3, 12 a tiagle ath wde 3, 6, 4a
explain to tim that they ddou't exist.
CLXXIl -9h AA6C, AD BO.To ind BD, DC | Sn a

Aides. Diuide this Brodct ty he bade. Add toand

subtract Jaoun te tae His qoofient. Diwide te
Aasutts tus obtained ty too and qet the þrojections
e4 the tuoides.

and it projcetioa
the hentoudiculaTae hrodect o half tha base ad
Taee c


p'ac-BD' - De'.

alo Asea aABC2 e a .

Comeuti hese are

ae neceAsary
CLXXIII 44 the Base o a tiagle u (4 and athe
de ae 13,15 , 0%4rud fid the lungth
o t o hats the tase to wstich it u
Page No. 64

dinided y the doot e La cnd t e ea a4 th

Conhieut: BDL4+ (22)()

|4- (22)

ApI5- q = 12
and Lxyx2=84 s . wits.

CXCVI - Find the sm oy the pnodes Aides

helding a diagoual o a auadhiloteaand
ohtaim 'a similá the

Ghbssite sidesaddiig
Diide each the etiplid
ty the etheh (uuwulkiplied)
- hoota o these quetienta ane
Comment: diagena
Let mand n te the
Cuyclic qundnilatenad Taen oddiagenals a
n (ad+ 6)(bd+ac)
ab t cd
and w'e Cab+ cd)(bd t ac)
Cos t Ces 0

Tagc NC. 65

ie. C+d'-n a'+ t'-n' a

2cd 2.ab
ab (c'td] + cd (att6) = n (abtcd).
Simplyyyong e get Brahaguta 's joMsla.
# Fomwda to cowbuste the cinmlerenee f a circle
qinen it diameten

CCVil - fona auen crcethe laodet the

diauetea aind saq22/290 qieA a good
atfroximate value o the cinesngenenee, ashile
the product the diantun and 22/ giues
extatie aphroxinatina h e

Commment': cinumjerence 392 x Diamete

|2 b0
2 22XDiauet

9+ is Kmosn tat iuerenceid a transceudeutl

inatioul heubea aud vally deusted by T
calclations e se abhioxiatety vales 2542 L260

3.1416, etc. 9t shous that 6 skara and is (9udiau)

Jorematthematiciass ssene aware s the inatiouality
that that o 7. The vedic

Pago No 66

CCVl - Find the insmereuce of a cwee

diaeten t and the diaueter of a cincle
shse Cncsuyeence u 22.
22 X 2 22
Diameteh > 22 22 =


Subtiact the savane oj a diagonal a a ahoube.

Aemainnder is the ctaer
diagoual The Laccise anea o aa thsuubu
tay' the prcduet ite tu diagouali.gna
nh~ubus equal diaqauals ad hectangle
ahea ithe hroduct of the adjacet sides Te
area oa thateiu.
An o the paialel ides and the hpudicule.
Laistice detuseeu theul. [Rhsunbus 4 ides
a and diagonal d- dei
Chiveu a and d)d, 2 y4a'-di
a Coiven dsde) d, d
Area Prodvct its adjacaut side



(30ma ttheaticiau, 9n nhobu Aides 29, nd

two dlagoua and area.
ate eqval , what s its aea 9
(3)Find the a a Auctagle i its tase and
vetical Aide are 6 aud B° Aeapectiuely
Hee az 29

Area 30xYD boo sq, uits


Tus a alhsabus wth giueu dides can thaue iniitely

(2) Aea >26 x 25 2 626 Ag- its

(3) Aea 6X

The jaent sf a yield à eleuen, its eatth tase)
ae titeen and tusety. Tuselue iu the herpeudi
-cular (etueeu the hot and the base) Theu
fnd he aea.

Cowment; e ahe tupeyian wloie Aarallel

Aides ae and 22othen ides are
13 20 2o and t e altitude 12

Area =(u+22)x12 =198 s cmits

12 12


Hae Btskanackayo
datun Huan s eeessoy
coubte the altitude as
Aides wse Car
figre. 1

Fowa to Jind the diagouals of a


Dhau tiamgle wcth te dilereuce of fasalel

aides e a thapesinm au ita ale ad te
slatngdidi &thestwo sdes. Theu
find igths o tHe atitudes and seqmeuts diuids
the baÁe (into ehich the atitde
the base o a tiangle Next freu te
tabegitu subtiat
te segmeuts To the sqvare 4 the
hemainde add te Aqvase ofte altityde

diasila. (st is eas tat) a trapesi

Cannt exist uless the fase addod to the
dmalles side u togcthen qreaten than the
oqether queate
Date :
lage No. 64



Coupute AM ,BM , ME n o AB£.

Ac NAM' + Mc?


MC - ME + AD

Page No. 0

Sulba Suthas
The Sulba Suta asee a celleetieu f auciet nd
texts that thane paiany humfose to Coustet
althas uied uedic atala also coutaln
atheuatical yahelasaud les taat were
wded m the cnstetieu these attams A
alttaats t dane ame aneas et dilfenent
The aiganificauce o the sulbautras lies iu te
fact tat tey hrauide dGue o the ealiest
Kmoua euideuee e the e hateatical
Coucahts iu gudia such as Piythageas thes
dqares aad ciacle
Iae textd eee riten betteen boo BCEand 2oo BCE.
wic haeaus Hat giau hatheaiciaus eAe
warking ba digaly complex matheuatical ceucekt
beingtudied in othes
hats te Ald

’ Bavdhayana Qulbasita (Boo- Ho ec)

The diaqgoal o aa the

tuo sided of the ectangle hroduce separately.


Iage No.

# Cinclig e by bavdhãyana Sulbasta

Dras the haly diagsual te squae, wlwch s
Janyer thau the tualy-ide tyy 2 2

Then drus a circle sth adius A +X,

ataZ-), shich eaalaac2+)z
2 6
Nos (2+2) |.66 336-6 & the a ? 7 Xa

Perimete Ceuter cincle /sqpane)e Aimes henineter

(inner cinclelsaare
Anea Coutes incle)lsqware a 2 fiunes area Cinen cinclel

3.4 3.u.34

A 2
Page No.

>Mamawa Sulbasutra (250-690 Bc)

Manawa (C. t50 BC- 6q0 Bc) auther of the ivd

qeoetie text Sulba sutra
Mamaa's Sulbas uta Ke alA the Sulbasutas
coutained abhroximate coutuctisn o cincles yro
hectaules , and sqanes Jrom cçncles, wich caun
ginig atproxinate Vales
Thene ahean thealohe dilleneunt valses of n tahsughe
the Sbasutra, esletially _eueny couithtisu iniveli
incleleacds to a di<eret
dilfeseutach aphaOKinatiöu.
Apaataba Sulbasutra (6o0 Bc)
Apastauba Gulab Sutham a sanskit text u athe
matics and atheueuyatthibuted to e aucieut
Sndiam sage Ahaatanba
"The text couens topics such as anitmetie , qeomt
,and alcba as well as astisueuical
calolatigud ch ad finding sqjaie hooti
9t alug dibcusdes the e
Jor athanoical obsewatieus Ach aA he
qomewnsu and the cwater clock
The tert thas ad a sigmiiaut inlueuce au
deuelonneut oo Budia mathematics aud astreu
and itaidea awa teen incersorated into Ja
Page Nc. 43

A ceometrical Cousttious Auch a Altars)

Taamsfouatou o Siple Shapes.

Pro. Hameet aanalhi

The coustvctiu iwelued

qesuetric ahakeA Îvslueo
nderatadiug Alapes,
area cad a seuse taenajoaiug
the idea 4 diacctiet

9n the Alasutha, nentisu deue Indiaw people

amcient tine cseol the bythagoeasn Alefoa
Couatfiug qeswetricalshahesAch
+heetangle andtrahesin They used te
matheiatical baineihle a'tt- to ceustct
penpeudiculan liaes.
Constctig Pertendicular
a wsas takeu astae
baseine.'Poinis A2b ateHhe taselae oy agnitude
a' Next, anathen Aepe o lengtta t+ (erP`)
Gy assuming that a' tt c.one eand of P& held
af peint b and auotaen eud at poiut B The psiat
Nu called the Ayaucana (or deciding psint).
Jasn Ab. wheenen "N poiut heaches te plane
Keuhing e hshesteut , s marked c. The ine
Be tecomes hepeudila to te initial line Ae

Cauere Pythagoras heshes

Page No. y



hen Baudhayana Suluastha exblains the cnsta

hu a savaneia desihed to te coeted to sn
poiuted sa enesidete iseAceles thabesisua) kaws
Hhe saane aua as sqae , Kees th tusl
Aeqmeunt the side desird fen te shentes side
lat oue end, tae heaining (ectangle) hant ut
te dinided aleug its diagoual and (he (thiged
excess hat i tobe ieed aud adjsined
t e ates ide

iqune deticts te thausJornatieu st a uctangle

the aCa intact
ABCD to ategin
tra E BCaD
Keepig is tased
The couitsctisu 4 the trajeyisn
Date :

P'age No. 49

the princile o eqvaliying the area o squane

(hectange tth the ciea isscel tratesisn
Hene, the area o4 te initial hectamgle ABcD a

(6)b) Coustrocting Rthonbus

A ahenbus is aqadilatehal in lich Aides are
sed shahe a naamy altans wlile aking
was sed widely. Tae diagsnla hsuubus are

diagonal ms pläced in east - west diaectieu A

n Bawdhayaa Sulvasutha js_a

when a Alsubus o the size of a qiuea

sqsate ds desined,hroduced ectangle with
nidjoita og the sids" of the hetangle.
This costhtisuhequies the too sALs joied
to edge to cheate Aeetaugle Theu fle mid
psinta of hectngle ae jeiued cyciccrde,
Date :
Paye NO. t6

to hrodece a lsubus. wile making te altas

poles we eected at tese id hoiuti and
wee used to aKke t e cutcicu

initial ectangle
to that oy the tanilaued hswbs,it is
eidut ysu the couitucting style that he
imiing pieces exthactingfeu the tuto co-jb
Aquares wil e esual to Hhe phadced ahembu
henhallyu the altasthe uitial sqlan sei
placed a deuth diectiuÅo that the diag
4 the aheubues yaced te east-set dirctiau.
aaqae toa

The Baudlayana suluautha text exslains the

proces o caustrctug a asqu
sthide Ketkng the ahea aue

To tun a sqare into a tctugle, cut diagoul

,teu divide sue hart again aud agat atjs
te too balues aleug tthe sides


heintial savaeiA diuided into hats ad f

Date :
Page Nc. 4

þieces ae heasaemblud to cheate a reetnyle

beceme 2:1 while Keehing the area Átact.

The abeue ane j t glinbse of wawy

mathenmatical aspets embeddic in Ae /ndia.
Vedio heiod. Ahant frowm these, tthe costhc hio
altas alao dauienitata he prccedures
adehted or coubining tuto
tso squares uto s e
suane in wmininat tepa.Tae altan also
explicate the processes ay coaehtig He
diyjehenee qvae,
ceetiug hectayle tosqpane itt tte 2

hae ae

to a squake ty tasi rineiples of geonituy.

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