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Test your knowledge of facts by answering atleast two of the following Trivia Questions.

4. Why do people cheat?

- I personally believe that people cheat in the aspect of love because they lack of something that
they are looking for that they think they can found by loving or having an affair with another
person. Another is cheating on exams or tests, ofcourse people cheat in these situations because
they didn’t had the chance to study or they just didn’t chose to study.

5. Why do we need assurance?

- we need assurance because we don’t want to expect from nothing, we need assurance to avoid

Look for the meaning of the following words.

1. Lingua Franca- also known as a bridge language, common language, trade language,
auxiliary language, vehicular language, or link language, is a language or dialect
systematically used to make communication possible between groups of people who do
not share a native language or dialect.
2. Crème de la crème- A crème de la crème basically means the very best in a group or of
a type. The expression can also be used to refer to people who come from the highest
social class in a given society.
3. Linguistic Nationalism- Linguistic nationalism may refer to: a dominant culture's use of
language to exercise its dominance, see Linguistic imperialism. The use of linguistics to
support nationalistic ideologies, see Historiography and nationalism.
4. Mano-a-mano- The definition of mano a mano is a Spanish expression that is defined
as hand to hand and is used to refer to a face-to-face confrontation between two people.
5. Cultural Chauvinism- Cultural-Chauvinism, then, is simply biased, unreasonable
devotion to one's own culture. Chauvinism, though often wrongly considered to be
gender-specific, is simply biased devotion to any cause, group or idea.
6. Bourgeois Stories- relating to or belonging to the middle class of society disapproving:
having qualities or values associated with the middle class: too concerned about wealth,
possessions, and respectable behavior.
7. Batting an Eyelash- To display a subtle emotional reaction, such as consternation,
annoyance, sadness, joy, etc.


Direction: The reading example above is an example of an explanation essay. Sharpen your
understanding of the text by answering the following questions.

1. How does the author introduce the topic in the essay?

- The author introduced the topic by including a phrase in the text where the whole essay
will circulate. It is somehow in other ways the problem or the main subject that the whole
essay will tackle about. By that the readers are to be interested to read the whole essay in
order to fully understand the phrase that is somehow the introduction of the text.
2. In paragraph 4, the author asks the question “why?” this signals that he is
explaining something. What exactly is the phenomenon he is explaining?
- What the author is trying to explain is that us Filipinos especially the English teachers are
being hired is because we tend to accept lower pay scale than of western counterparts
rather than accept pay scale in our own country that is much lower than that. Filipino
teachers choose to sacrifice going to other countries than working in our own country that
gives low salary.
3. What are the explanation he provides for the phenomenon you identified in no 2?
Give three answers.
- First, he explained that Filipino teachers accepts pay scale lower than their western
counterpart because it is still higher than what they would get in the Philippines. Second,
he said that they are conversant with American popular culture, a happy (or unhappy)
result of colonialism and neo-colonialism. Lastly, he said that they are still Southeast
Asians beneath their skin and are thus familiar with Asian cultural practices, whether said
or unsaid. One is the importance of saving face, he added.

4. In paragraph 7, the author writes, “Let me explain.” What is exactly is the

phenomenon he is explaining?
- The author explains how the students that are best in English are also best in Filipino.
5. What are the explanations he provides for the phenomenon you identified in no. 4
above? Give three answers.
- The author said that these students became good in English as well as in Filipino because,
first, they had good teachers in both languages, second they have inhabited the worlds of
both languages-English in school; they spoke English in social media, tagalog at home
and taglish with friends. Lastly, they have gone beyond the false either-or mentality that
hobbled their parents’ generation. This either-or mentality was a product of weak critical
6. How does the author end his essay?
- The author ended the essay with again a quotation which tells us that Philippines is
country rich in languages and dialects but the only way to master this different languages
one must learn first his or her first language that is why we had the mother tongue subject
in elementary.

Direction: Write an explanation essay on the topic of your choice.

“Harry Potter Series: A crowd Favorite Series”

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author, J. K. Rowling. These
novels tells the story about the lives of a young wizard, Harry Potter as the main character, and
his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, they are students at Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry that faced a lot of trouble including fighting with the Dark Lord named
Voldemort, he us a dark wizard who intends to become immortal, kill all the wizard governing
body known as the Ministry of Magic and rule the world including the world of Muggles or the
non-magic folks.
The first novel was released on June 26, 1997 entitled “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's
Stone” which then quickly received positive reviews, and commercial success worldwide. They
have attracted a wide adult audience as well as younger readers and are often considered
cornerstones of modern young adult literature. On February 2018 more than 500 million of the
book’s copy were sold worldwide that makes it the best-selling book series in history that has
also been translated into a total of eighty languages. The last four books consecutively set records
as the fastest-selling books in history, with the final installment selling roughly eleven million
copies in the United States within twenty-four hours of its release. Harry Potter was so popular
that it ended up becoming a movie series.

Why is it popular?
Harry Potter had been so popular because of the brilliant writing by J.K. Rowling and the
scriptwriters for the movies. Another factor in its popularity is that it portrays its protagonist as
searching for and eventually embracing power. That is what adolescence, and indeed life, is all
about. According to Lois Lowry, author of The Giver, another reason for the series’ popularity is
that it includes “the same things that exist in ordinary, unmagical life: the same uncertainties,
missteps and pitfalls, the same mentors, villains, and conflicts between light and dark: all writ
large by the nature of the genre.”

In other words, Harry Potter is popular because people can relate to it. Though it takes place in a
fantasy setting, the problems that Harry deals with are all too human. The genre just reveals these
issues. In addition, Harry Potter is popular because of its relationships. Harry and his friends
give readers the “heavy, strong and close relationships” that all human beings crave. Though
Harry’s story appeals to children, its impact on adults lies too in these relationships.

The series lasted so long because so many people grew up with Harry. By doing so, Rowling
secured fans for life for the boy wizard, who will most likely pass the love on to everyone they
possibly can. Another reason for Harry Potter’s longevity is that the series has a positive effect
on people. Many are inspired by Harry to “[discuss] religion and community and, perhaps, ways
to make the world a better place and ourselves better Muggles.”

Harry Potter is popular and will most likely remain so, at least if fans have anything to say about
it. The messages of the series will continue to inspire people all around the world. And perhaps,
by loving Harry Potter, we will all be inspired to become better people.

The real world is nothing like fighting Voldemort or dealing with Dementors, but sometimes life
can feel really heavy. Harry Potter is a reminder to always be brave, always be courageous, and
always stick to what you believe is right.
If there is anything that can be learned from this series of novels it is this. Harry never strays
from what he believes is true or right, even if it means he might die. He stands up for himself, his
friends, and his family. Always.

Direction: Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions.

1. What is a blog?
- A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web
consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. Posts are typically displayed
in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the
web page.

2. How is a blog similar to a journal or diary?

- Blog, journal and diary are all used to express ones feelings and emotions through writing
with different mediums.

3. How is a blog different from a journal or diary?

- A blog is a written document of certain events on one’s life that is meant to be published
that’s why it is uploaded on World Wide Web or the internet not like journal and diary
that is written by someone for him/herself alone.

Direction: Write a blog on any topic of your choice.

Where to Go in Japan

Japan is a country that has it all and more… sacred Shinto shrines, magnificent Buddhist
temples, bygone trade footpaths, spectacular landscaped gardens, eclectic themed pet cafes,
diverse art styles, preserved cultural icons, and gastronomical delights. Japan is truly a country of
endless discovery. You could spend a lifetime exploring this country and barely scratch its
extraordinary expanse, trust me.

Here are some of the best places you should visit!

1. Hitsujiyama Park
- Japan is known for its cherry blooms so
visiting during cherry bloom season is a
flat out must. Simply take a gander at
those blossoms! Visit Hitsujiyama Park
for the beautiful shibazakura which
interprets as 'yard cherry blooms'. From
late April to early May, head to
Shibazakura Hill in Hitsujiyama Park.
With more than 400,000 trees of nine
unique assortments, it's an ideal
interwoven of pink, red, white and violet,
set against the setting of the gigantic
Mount Buko. For some genuine
Instagram inspo, get the Chichibu Shibazakura Festival in the recreation center, where the petals
are orchestrated in a spectacle of shapes and whirls.

2. Kamakura
- The ocean side town of Kamakura was
previously the military capital of Japan.
The zone is generally liable for the ascent
in samurai culture as today is known.
Moreover, Kamakura is likewise one of
the fundamental origin of Japanese Zen
Buddhism. A considerable lot of the
sanctuaries that cultivated such otherworldly precepts are as yet rehearsing the substance of
Buddha's lessons today.
Normally, Kamakura is just considered as a roadtrip, nonetheless, the zone has bountiful
exercises to enchant one for a few days. Highlighting bamboo forests and antiquated sanctuaries,
Kamakura is really fit for satisfying each motivation behind why voyagers trip to Kyoto. Given
Kamakura's enthusiastic sea shores, back road shopping rear entryways, and nearby great eats,
this district is ensured to enchant and interest everybody.
Whatever you do however, be certain not to miss close by Enoshima! It's an outstanding and
stunning treat.

3. Nagoya
- Nagoya is the greatest city in
Central Japan. Nonetheless,
numerous explorers consider
Nagoya to be simply another
achievement on the way to Kyoto
from Tokyo. Notwithstanding
being probably the biggest city,
Nagoya is frequently dominated by
Tokyo and Kyoto with regards to
metropolitan and recorded
objections. Those willing to get off
the train will find that Nagoya has
many stunning and mostly secret pearls!
First off, the city is home to an amazing manor that is as of now going through remaking
utilizing conventional strategies. Nagoya Castle is most popular for being decorated with
brilliant dolphins, or kinshachi. As though that weren't sufficient, Atsuta Jingu is additionally
situated in Nagoya. Probably this altar is the resting spot of the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, a blade
that is regularly hailed as the "Excalibur of the East."

4. Arashiyama
- While the vast majority of Kyoto's
primary attractions are situated
toward the east, you'll need to go to
Arashiyama in the west for the
quintessential "bamboo backwoods"
experience. This cool AF region has
for quite some time been famous as a
characteristic retreat with Japanese,
dating admirably back to the Heian
time. Notwithstanding the shocking
bamboo timberland, you'll likewise
need to make certain to look at the
Tenryu-ji sanctuary and the
Iwayatama Monkey Park. When
representing travel time, you'll need to financial plan for at any rate half of a day for Arashiyama.
5. Osaka
- Dotonbori and the close by
Shinsaibashi shopping arcade
are two of the significant
shopping zones in southern
Osaka. There's a great deal of
marvelous road food and other
fun activities here; many think
of it as an unquestionable
requirement in case you're
visiting Osaka. Make certain
to watch out for the Glico sign
that neglects the extension. It's
a significant milestone and
image of the Dotonbori
Tennoji is the other key
territory of Osaka and takes its
name from the well-known Shitenno-ji sanctuary (which means Temple of the Four Heavenly
Kings). Notwithstanding this famous fascination, the territory is likewise home to the 300 meter
tall Abeno Harukas high rise. In case you're an enthusiast of survey city scenes at high heights,
there could be no greater spot altogether of Japan!

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