Publishers Who Published His Work-Vicente-Amezaga Aresti

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a) Editorial The Great Basque Encyclopedia

ISBN: 84-248- 0468-6 Complete Work Legal Deposit BI-2453-1979
Volume I- ISBN: 84-248-0469-4
Volume II - ISBN: 84-248-0470-8
Volume III - ISBN: 84-248-0471-6

b) Editorial Argitaratzailea
ISBN Complete Works 84-8046-012-1
Volume I: 84-8046-010-5
Volume II 84-8046-011-3

ID/LG: SS-671-93

c) Ekin Basque Publishing House Buenos Aires Argentina 1967

d) Typography Astegraphy Caracas Venezuela 1963

e) Typography Vargas Caracas Venezuela 1966

f) Italgraphic Typography Caracas 1966

g) Edizio Susa
ISBN 84-95511-83-5

• Vicente Amezaga Aresti and the dissemination of Basque culture in exile

Authors: Xabier Irujo Amétzaga

Location: The culture of the Basque exile: Euskal erbesteratuen kultura, Vol. 1, 2000, ISBN 84-931339,
pages. 477-516

• Euskal Erbeste Politikoa Uruguay (1943 - 1955)

ITxaropena SA Araba K, 45 20800 Zarautz ISBN:


h) Editorial Xamezaga - Editorial Electronica 2011 - Presents all his Published and Unpublished Works
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1- Itzulpenak

2-. Cervantes in The Graduate Stained Glass.

3- Oscar Wilderen The Dance of Readin Gaol.

4- Esquiloren Prometheus chained.

5- Cicero on Friendship, by Senectute.

6- Plinioren The Old Age, Epistolarun.

7- Goetheren Lur mine.

8- Shakespearean Hamlet

9- Macbeth and Julius Shakespearen

10- Dismiss Discours de la méthode.

11- Boccaccioren "Three Rings" Decameronetik jasoak.

12- Bolivarren Letter from Jamaica.

13- Iturralde Suiten The nightingale of Errotazuri.

14- Juan Ramón Jimenezen Platero and me.

15- Omar Khayyam persiar olerkariaren Omar Khayyamen bertsoak, Enbeitari

16- Euskaldunak, "Orixe"ren Nicolas Ormaetxea

17- Men of the Gipuzkoan Company of Caracas

18- Jesus Muñoz Tebar (1965)

19- Vicente Antonio de Icuza, Commander of Corsairs (1967)

20- General Juan Uslar (1966).

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21- The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century (1967

22- The Basque man (1967)

.Euskal esnalea" deritzan saria irabazi zuen, Cervantesen El Licenciado Vidriera

We must add as a singular fact, its translations from the original languages into Basque

of great works of world literature (William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde,

Alexander Pope, William Wordsworth, Aeschylus, Cicero, Juan Boccaccio, Dante Alighieri,

René Descartes, Pliny, Johann W. Goethe, Omar Kayyam, Miguel de Cervantes,

Juan Ramón Jiménez, Pío Baroja, etc.), in addition to his own historical studies on

Bolivar, Sor Juana Ines de La Cruz,


Chronological order:

Shakespeare, William.- Hamlet. Denmarkf eko Erregegaia. Ametzaga Ares-tí tar Bingenc ek
euskeratua. Buenos Aires, Editorial Vasca Ekin, 1952, 205 p.

Jiménez, Juan Ramón.- Platero ta biok. Illots Andaluzitarra. Ametzaga tar Bingen euskeratua.
Carlos González Mendilahartzu' ren irudiak. Montevideo, Editorial Florensa & Lafon, 1953. 109 p.

Jesus Munoz Tebar. 1847-1909. By Edgar Pardo Stolk and Vicente de Amezaga. Caracas, Editions
of the Eugenio Mendoza Foundation, 1959. 63 p.

Men of the Guipuzcoana Company. Prologue Pedro Grases. Caracas, Central Bank of Venezuela.
1963. 395 p. (Venezuelan Historical-Economic Collection).

Vicente Antonio de Juza. Corsair Commander. Caracas, Illustrious Municipal Council of Caracas;
Government of the Federal District; and of the Banking Council, 1966. 265 p.
(Editions of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas).

The Basque element in e! Venezuelan eighteenth century. Caracas, Illustrious Municipal Council
of Caracas; Government of the Federal District and National Banking Council, 1966. 372 p.
(Editions of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas).
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General Juan Uslar. Caracas, Italgráfica, 1966.

The Basque Man. Buenos Aires, Editorial Vasca Ekin, 1967. 344 p. Bibliography.

Complete works of Vicente de Amezaga. Bilbao, The great Basque Encyclopedia, 1979. 3 volumes.

Content: Vol. I The Basque Man. Presentation Mr. Jesús María de Lei-zaola. Prologue: The Work of Vicente de
Amezaga (1901-1956), by Martín de Ugalde; To my grandma, by Bingen Amezaga; The Song of my father.

Men of the Guipuzcoan Company.- Prologue Pedro Grases;

La Guipuzcoana by José de Arteche.- Vol. 3.- The Basque element in the Venezuelan 11th century.

Bolivar and the Basques. Collection of Articles. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Government (1983?).- Includes
the poem Bolívar.

COMPLETE WORKS - Books published on the Internet site that bears his name

1 The Basque Man

2 Men from the Gipuzkoan Company

3 The Basque Element in the Venezuelan 18th century

4 Vicente Antonio de Icuza

COMPLETE WORKS - Books Published by Editorial Electronica Xamezaga

1. The Basque Element in the Venezuelan Eighteenth Century

2. The Basque Man

3. .Men of the Gipuzkoan Company

4. .Vicente-Antonio de Icuza

COMPLETE WORKS – Published in the Wikipedia Space that bears his name

COMPLETE WORKS – Published in the e-Cloud Space that bears his name
COMPLETE WORKS – Published in Electronic Book e-Book

Compilation, edition and electronic publication by his youngest son Xabier Iñaki Amezaga
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Index by alphabetical order:

• A young Basque. Eusko Gastedi, Caracas, 1965 • A young

Basque against Aberri. Gudari, Caracas
• Goodbye to . The Country, Montevideo, 1956
• Agur! El Plata, Montevideo, 1946
• Aguirre, Jose Antonio. El Universal, Caracas, 1960 • Aguirre,
Lope de. Caracas
• Albokas. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1946
• Aldasoro, Ramon. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952
• Something about the Basque character. Montevideo, 1952
• Andres de Urdaneta. El Universal, Caracas, 1965 •
ArambuTu. El Universal, Caracas, 1960 • Arana
Goiri, Sabino. El Universal, Caracas, 1965 • The Tree of .
The National, Caracas, 1958 •
Aretxabaleta, Lucio. El Universal, Caracas, 1967 • Arias
(Monsignor). El Universal, Caracas, October 7, 1959
• Basque Art. El Plata, Montevideo, 1955
• Arteche and his car. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, July 30, 1947 • Basque Artists.
Catalogue. Caracas, 1956 • Arturo Campion.
Montevideo, Caracas, 1954

• Baroja, Pió. El Universal, Caracas, 1956 •

Basáñez, Jesus. Basque humor. El Nacional, Caracas, 1965 • Begoña de
Naguanagua. Eusko Gastedi, Caracas, 1956 • Belford Hinton Wüson.
Magazine of the Bolivarian Society, Caracas, 1961 • The Bilbao of Bolívar. Magazine of the
Bolivarian Society, Caracas, 1966 • From Bolívar to... El Universal, Caracas, 1961 •
Bolívar and the Basques. Magazine of the Bolivarian
Society of • Briceño Perozo, Mario.. Magazine of the General Archive of , 1964
the Nation, Caracas


• Gallows. Caracas
• Campion, Arthur. El Plata, Montevideo, 1954
• Christmas songs. Montevideo, 1946
• Let's sing in Basque. Euzko Deya, Mexico, 1953
• Letter from Caracas. 1958 •
Solar houses. The Day, Montevideo, 1948
• The Basque case. The National, Caracas, 1962 •
Castelao. El Plata, Montevideo, 1950
• The region and the world. El Plata, Montevideo, 1953
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• Basque Community-a. El Plata, Montevideo, 1944 • With

freedom I do not offend. El Plata, Montevideo, 1950
• Congress of Basque Studies. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948 .. • Contemplation.
Reading Victor Hugo. El Plata, Montevideo, 1945 • Couture... El Plata, Montevideo, 1948

• Culture and patriotism. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1957


• Of the Basques... El País, Montevideo, 1951

• Of our lineage. Scaffold
• Defense of freedom. El Plata, Montevideo, 1949
• Two men and a people. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952
• The day of . The Country, Montevideo, 1949
• Current affairs dialogue. Buenos Aires, 1944
• Language dialogue. Bulletin of the Basque Institute of American Studies, 1950
• Dialogues of absence... Caracas, 1956 •
Dialogues of emigrants. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1958 • Dialogues of
the dead. Euzko Gastedi, Buenos Aires, 1943.
• Dissertation on Basque painting. The Morning, Montevideo, 1951
• Dr Couture. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948


• Elcano. El Universal, Caracas, 1958 • In

defense of . Eusko Deya, Mexico, 1955
• On the tenth anniversary. Montevideo, 1947
• In memory of Guernika. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, March 30, 1944; The silver,
Montevideo, 1944
• On the Champs Elysées. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1943 • Essay on
the return. Euzko Deya, Mexico, 1953 • Erremin. Narciso de... Euzko
Gastedi, Caracas, 1965 • This is justice. El Plata, Montevideo, 1951
• This is Pizkunde. Caracas, 1956

• Basque Studies. The Day, Montevideo, 1948

• The Guipuzcoana Company exports cocoa. El Farol, Caracas, 1963 • Exhibition... Cabanas
Oteiza... El Dia, Montevideo, 1951 ..

• Franco and Basque culture. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952 • Francisco

de Xabier. Basque Country, Montevideo


• Gahndez. El Nacional, Caracas, 1959 • The

Caracas "gens" of the Landaeta. John Boulton Foundation Bulletin, Caracas, 1969 • Guernika. El Plata,
Montevideo, 1950 • Guernika. El Plata, Montevideo,
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• He spoke yesterday at the University. The Morning, Montevideo, 1943

• Towards Freedom. Gudari, Caracas, 1969 •
Basque Brotherhood. Euzko Gastedi, Buenos Aires, 1946
• The Basque National Anthem. Aberri, Caracas, 1959 •
Men of the Company... Academy of History Bulletin, Caracas, 1958 • Honoring Dardo
Regules. The Silver, 1961
• Basque humour. The National, Caracas, 1965

• Ibarra Aguerrebere... El Plata, Montevideo, 1947

• Simple ideas. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1959 •
Ignacio (saint), El Plata, Montevideo, 1945
• Bibliographic Information. Magazine of the General Archive of the Nation, Caracas
• Jovial intermediate. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1943
• The invasion of Europe. El Plata, Montevideo, 1944
• Irureta Goyena. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1947

• Jesus de Galindez. El Universal, Caracas, 1959

• Jose Antonio de Aguirre. El Universal, Caracas, 1959
• Juan de Sarrasqueta. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1944
• Juan de Zumarraga. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948

floral games. El Plata, Montevideo, 1949

• Larraflaga. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948 •

Leizaola. Caracas, 1960 •
The Basque Language. Bulletin of the Institute of Philology, Montevideo, 1943 •
Basque language. El País, Montevideo, 1944 •
Language and nationality. The National, Caracas; Basque Country, Buenos Aires, 1958 •
Reading Victor Hugo. El Plata, Montevideo, 1945 • Basque
Literature. Basque Center Magazine of Caracas, Í957 • Lope de
Aguirre. Caracas • The books
of Caracas... El Farol, Caracas, 1969 • Lucio de
Aretxabaleta. El Universal, Caracas, 1967

• Madariaga, Bolivar. El Nacional, Caracas, 1961 •

Martín de Ugalde. El Universal, Caracas, 1967
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• The martyrdom of Guernika. Montevideo, 1951

• Misery and honor. El Plata, Montevideo, 1950
• Monzón, Telesforo. Urrundik. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1946

• Daffodil from Oyarzabal. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1965 • Nicolás

de Ormaetxea. Orixe. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1961 • Our Don Pío. The
National, Caracas, 1956

• Orixe. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1961 •

Ormaetxea, Nicolás. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1961 • The other
grandson of the Tree of . Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1948
• Oyarzabal, Narciso. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1965

• The endearing landscapes. The Day, Montevideo, 1951 •

Words of thanks. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1945
• The good shepherd. El Universal, Caracas, 1959 •
Pelay Orozco. A reflection of... El Universal, Caracas, 1968
• Politics and patriotism. Euzko Deya, Mexico, 1958 • The
Prince of Viana. El Universal, Caracas, 1959 • Problems of
young people., Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1956 • The next
congress... Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1948 • Publications of the four-
centenary of Caracas. National Magazine of Culture, Caracas, • The town of the hermitages. Euzko Deya,
Buenos Aires, 1946
• The Basque people... Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1943

• Ramon Maria de Aldasoro. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952 • The

Spanish reality under Franco. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948
• Regulate. El Plata, Montevideo, 1961 • Resist
and persist. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1962 • They fervently
prayed the rosary. El Plata, Montevideo, 1946
• The Cologne Oak. Cologne, 1944

• We will know how to comply. El Plata, Montevideo, 1949

• San Francisco Xavier. Basque Country, Montevideo
• Saint Ignatius of Loyola. El Plata, Montevideo, 1945
• Sarrasqueta. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1944
• A great friend left. El Plata, Montevideo, 1956
• Getxo Symphony. Euzko Gastedi, Caracas, 1959

• Three emigrations. Basque Center of Caracas, 1966

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• Ugalde, Martin. El Universal, Caracas, 1967 • A tree

and a man... Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1944.
• A reflection of the Basque country. El Universal, Caracas, 1968 •
Unamuno. The universal. Literary Supplement. Caracas, 1967
• Uraga. Tribute. El Plata, Montevideo, 1952 • Urdaneta.
El Universal, Caracas, 1965 • Uruguay and
Unesco. 1954 • Urrundik. Verses by
Telesforo Monzón. Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1946

• The Basque Francisco de Vitoria. El Plata, Montevideo, 1950.

• The Basques sing... El Día, Montevideo, 1947 • The
Basques in Spanish Literature. Galeuzka, Buenos Aires, 1946
• Foreign travelers. Buenos Aires, 1943 • Victor
Hugo. El Plata, Montevideo, 1945 • Will to survive.
Euzko Deya, Buenos Aires, 1955 • Wilson, Belford Hinton. Magazine
of the Bolivarian Society of , Caracas, 1966

• Anvil and hammer. Caracas, 1956


• Xavier, Francisco. Basque Country, Montevideo


• Zumarraga. El Plata, Montevideo, 1948


Published in their entirety in the Poems in Euskera section

POEMS 1919-1936
• Intziriak •
Euskaldun barriaren bestia • Berez
• Ez dago!
• Abertzalearen
• Neure aberria
• Jan Urtzi!
• Ituna
• Udabarri goiza •
Eleizalde hil da
• Koskotegian •
Lorarik onena
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• Paultxoren irribarrea
• Euskera zeruan
• Euskerari
• Otoia
• Itsaso aurrean
• Guztiz garbiari
• Artzubiko lertegiari •
Tibalt erregerena •
Biziaren alegia
POEMS 1937-1968
• Hizkuntzaren deia
• Lagun onari
• Mirentxuren mahai-azkena
• Aita jaunaren zahartzaroa
• Herrimina •
Begoñaren jaiotzean •
Amerikarako bidean •
Emakume euskal-ikaslearena •
Artzubiko lertegiari •
Enbeita'tar Kepari (GB) •
Mahatsaren gorespena
• Otoi bat
• Amets
• Lurmina
• Mona Lisa
• Euskal poetak
• Axular
• Urrundik
• Getxori
• Getxoko basetxe zaharrentzako kantua
• Musubat
• Ene maitea
• Askatasun
• Arrabita soinu
• Getxo

POEMS 1939-1965
• Athalie
• Bihotza jauzten jat
• Ontziburu!, nire ontziburu! •
Aholku onaren ballad
• Agur
• Zuhaitzak
• Artzain maiteminduak bere maiteari
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• Bakartasuna •
Zurekin hizketan •
Finojosako neska behizaina • V.
hamalaukoa •
Andere bati •
• Loreei
• Hamleten neurtitzak Ofeleri
• Ofeleren kantuak
• Hobigilearen kantua •
Maitagarrien kantua •
Maitagarrien kantua •
LXVI. hamalaukoa
• Reading Bahitegiko Leloa •
Errusiako mintzoa


a-Al Euskera directly from:


"Prometheus Chained", Aeschylus.


"De Senectute" (Old Age) Cicero.

"De Amicitia", (Friendship), Cicero.
"Epistolarum" (Letters), Pliny the Younger.


"Discours de le Methode" (Discourse on the Method), Descartes.


"Three Rings of the Decameron", Bocaccio.


"The Bachelor Stained Glass", Cervantes.

"The Nightingale of Errotazuri", Iturralde Suit.
"Platero and I", Juan R. Jimenez.
"Letter from Jamaica", Simon Bolivar.
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"The Enamored Shepperd", (The Enamored Shepherd), C. Marlowe.

"Good Bye", (Goodbye), RW Emerson.
"Loneliness" (Loneliness), A. Pope.
"Trees", (Arboles), J. Kilmer.
"My Heart Leaps Up when I Behold", (My heart beats when I contemplate, W. Wordworth.
"The Ballad of Reading Gaol", (Ballad of Reading Gaol), Oscar Wilde.
"Hamlet", W. Shakespeare.
"Macbeth" W. Shakespeare. Unpublished.
"Julius Caesar", W. Shakespeare. Unpublished.
"A Midsumer- Nights Dream", (Dream of a Summer Night), W. Shakespeare. Unpublished.
"Rubaiat", Omar Kayam, Unpublished.


"Heimweh", JW Goethe.

b-Al Castilian. directly from:

"Soferino Koixua" (Soferino's blind man), A. Salaberri.

"Euskaldunak", (the Basques), N. Ormaetxea, Orixe, Unpublished.


"Slaves in the Republican legislation of Venezuela" (The slaves in the republican legislation of Venezuela), J.
"The Boundary dispute between British Guiana and Venezuela 1840 to 1850", (Origins of the boundary conflict between
Venezuela and British Guiana), G. Carl.
"Venezuela and the United States", (Venezuela and the United States), B. Frankel, Unpublished work.
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1. Basque. The Basque language

2. The Basque language. Lecture 3.
Euskera Day 4. The
Basques in Spanish Literature 5. Euskera and
Homeland 6. Basque
Studies Congress 7. Language
Dialogue 8. Let's Sing in
Basque 9. In Defense of
Euskera 10.Basque Literature
11.Language and


1. In memory of Gernika. 9th Anniversary 2. The

Cologne Oak. Lampoon 3. A tree and
a man are new testimony of Gernika 4. On the tenth anniversary of
the destruction of Gernika 5. The other grandson of the Tree of
Gernika 6. Gernika. On the 13th anniversary
7. The martyrdom of Gernika 8.
Gernika. On the 15th
anniversary 9. Gernika. On the 17th


1. The Basque people air 2.

On the Champs Elysées 3.
Jovial interlude 4. The
invasion of Europe 5. Basque-
Uruguayan community 6. Words of
thanks 7. Basque brotherhood 8.
"Albokas" and "albokaris"

9. Whoops!
10. They prayed the rosary fervently 11. The
town of the hermitages 12.
Christmas songs
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13.The Basques sing and dance

14.Basque studies
15. Solar houses in the Basque Country
16. The Spanish reality under Franco
17.Defense of Freedom
18. "We will know how to comply"
19. The Catalan Floral Games
20. "With Freedom, I neither offend nor fear"
21. Misery and honor of grammar
22. Endearing landscapes
23. This is the justice that they order to do
24.Something about the Basque character
25.Franco and Basque culture
26. Essay on the return
27. "The region and the world"
28.Uruguay and UNESCO
29. Will to survive
30.Basque Art
31. Goodbye to Uruguay

The Great Basque Week in Montevideo

Index of what was written and published by Bingen Ametzaga during the months of October, November and
December 1943 in the Uruguayan press.

1. Basque Week 2.
Basque months 3.
Basque territory 4.
Anthropology 5.
Music 6.
Dance 7.
Games and sports 8.
Mythology 9.
Religion: heretics and witches
language 11.Basque
literature 12.Pastoral suletinas
13.The bertsolaris
14.Basque writers in Spanish 15.Basque
political organization 16.Treaties
with England 17.Treaties of
friendship and good correspondence 18.The tree of
Gernika 19.Democracy
and sense of human dignity 20.Universal nobility aspects
jurisdiction 21. The Maíato tree 22. The Basque woman
23. The farmhouse
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24.The iron industry 25.Argiñas

and arotzas 26.Marines
and discoverers 27.Colonizers
and founders 28.Garibai, Urkiza,
Alberdi, Larrañaga...
29. "Short on words..."
30."Basque word 31."
Basque brother "


1. Absence and presence dialogues

2. Begona from Naguanagua
3. Youth problem
4. Anvil and hammer
5. This is Pizkunde
6. Basque artists in Venezuela
7. Dialogues of emigrants
8. Letter from Caracas
9. Men of the Guipuzcoan Company
10.Politics and Patriotism
11.The Basque National Anthem
12. Simple ideas
13.Gexcho Symphony
14. Belford Hinton Wilson
15. The Basque case
16.Resist and persist
17. Export of cocoa
18. Bibliographic information
19.Bolívar and the Basques
20. To a young Basque
21.Basque humor
22.Three emigrations
23.Bolivar's Bilbao
24. A reflection of the Basque Country
25.Towards Freedom
26. The books of Colonial Caracas
27. Publications of the Cuatricentenary of Caracas
28. The Caracas "gens" of the Landaeta
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1. Ramon Maria Aldasoro

2. Jose Antonio Aguirre
3. Lope de Aguirre in his Purgatory
4. Aramburu
5. Sabino de Arana the Basque Liberator
6. Lucio de Aretxabaleta
7. The Good Shepherd Monsignor
Arias 8. Artetxe and his car, the punishment of
the gods 9. Our Don Pio Baroja and
Nessi 10. From Bolivar to
Zaldivar 11. Madariaga Bolivar and
the Basques 12. From our lineage
Jose de Cadalso 13. Arturo
Campion and Jayme
Bon 14. Castelao and
his Death 15. Doctor
Couture 16.Current
Dialogues 17.Dialogues of
the Dead 18.El Cano,
Juan Sebastian
19.Francisco de Xabier
20.Jesus de Galindez 21.San Ignacio and the
Euskera 22.Irureta Goyena and the
Basques sensitive loss 23.Larranaga,
the Honorable Uruguayan 24.Leizaola
and Responsibility
25.Urrundik verses by
Telesforo Monzon 26.Orixe
27.Narciso de
Oyarzabal 28.The
Prince of Viana 29.Honoring Dardo Regulez 30.Juan
Sarrasqueta 31.Martin
de Ugalde 32.In the Tribute
to memory of Don Juan de Uraga
33.Andres de Urdaneta 34.Reading
Victor Hugo 35.The
Basque Francisco de Vitoria 36.Foreign travelers in Vasconia 37.Juan de Zumarraga 38.Two men and a people
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I.1 Linea de Vida and its Work-site on the Internet that bears its name

I.2 Bio-Bibliographic Note

I.3 Poems in Basque Total Compilation (69)

I.4 Conferences Total Compilation (92)

I,5 Journalistic Articles Total Compilation (110)

I.6 Press articles - topic: Basque Language

I.7 Press articles - topic: Gernika

I.8 Press articles - Country Uruguay

I.9 Press articles - Country Venezuela

I.10 List of his Works as Author

I.11 Biographical Profiles

I.12 Direct translations into Basque

I.13 Published Works

I.14 Basque Week in Montevideo

I.15 Class Cycle

I,16 Biography in Basque

I.17 Internet site that bears his name in Basque

I.18 Homesickness

I.19 Newspaper Articles Chronological Index

I.20 Newspaper Articles Alphabetical Index

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I.21 Correlative index of their Productions through different genres (500)

I.22 Unpublished – Unpublished Works

I.23 Press - in various countries that published the articles by Vicente Amezaga

I.24 Countries in which the work of Vicente Amezaga Aresti was published

I.25 Countries in which Vicente Amezaga Aresti lived

II) COMPLETE WORKS - Books Published on the Internet

II.1 The Basque Man

II.2 Men of the Guipuzcoan Company

II.3 The Basque Element in the Venezuelan 18th century

II.4 Vicente Antonio de Icuza


III.1 ENGLISH-BASQUE translations (21)

III.2 GAZTELERA-EUSKARA translations (24)

III.3 FRANTSE-EUSKARA translations (6)

III.4 ITALY-BASQUE translations (4)

III.5 GERMAN-BASQUE translations (1)

III.6 GREKOA-EUSKARA translations (3)

III.7 LATIN-BASQUE translations (8)

III.8 Translations EUSKARA-GAZTELERA (4)

III.9 INGELESA-GAZTELERA translations (3)

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IV) INDEX of RELATED TOPICS. Books published by your children;

IV.1 Nere Aita - the Basque Exile - Mirentxu Amezaga - Editorial Txertoa 1991

IV.2 Chronicles of the Alsina - Arantzazu Amezaga de Irujo - Editorial Xamezaga


IV.3 Chronicles of Bustiñaga - Arantzazu Amezaga de Irujo - Editorial Xamezaga 2011

V) Index of References of Third Parties in Relation to their Published Works

V.1 Index of References of Third Parties in Relation to their Published Works

V.2 References to other publications on the Internet, where the work of Vicente
de Amezaga Aresti is reviewed

VI) His Children Write;

VI.1 The three Boats that carried Ama and Aita

VI.2 Crossing

VI.3 the woman who accompanied Vicente de Amezaga Aresti

VI.4 Tribute and my dedication to Mercedes Iribarren, his wife and my Mistress

VI.5 Gure Ama

VI.6 Life of Mercedes Iribarren de Ametzaga - Our Mother

VI.7 My hands want to talk - my poem to my Mistress

VI.8 Background
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VII) His Children Write after his death;

VII.1 To my Aita

VII.2 The song of my Father

VIII) Other aspects

VIII.1 Family Reunion in his Memory

VIII.2 Exodus

VIII.3 Commission for the Cuatricentennial of Caracas

VIII.4 Inauguration of the Plaza that bears his name in Algorta

VIII.5 His Little Poem in the Obituary Note February 4, 1969

VIII.6 Journey of the Genes Ametzaga Iribarren

VIII.7 Website in honor of Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

IX) All your Published Work converted into PDF Format - can be read on e-Book devices

IX.1 a-Bolívar

IX.2 Amézaga Vicente Author Irujo Ametzaga Xabier

IX.3 amatxu

IX.4 Ametzaga Arestitar Bingenen

IX.5 a-mi aita Bingen

IX.6 Press Articles

IX.7 Bio Biography

IX.8 Biography in Basque

Machine Translated by Google

IX.9 Wedding-and-Escape

IX.10 Christmas songs

IX.11 Catalog of Works

IX.12 Class Cycle

IX.13 Conference Cycle

IX.14 Chronicles of the Alsina

IX.15 Chronicles of Bustiñaga

IX.16 Banished

IX.17 The Basque Element in the Venezuelan 18th Century

IX.18 The Basque Man

IX.19 Biographical Sketches

IX.20 Gure-Ama

IX.21 Tribute and dedication to Mercedes Iribarren

IX.22 Information-Blog

IX.23 Inugration-monument-talks

IX.24 The Basque Diaspora, and its men

IX.25 The Woman who accompanied Vicente de Ametzaga

IX.26 The seven seas

IX.27 The Three Boats that carried Ama and Aita

IX.28 The Men of the Guipuzcoan Company

IX.29 Homesickness

IX.30 Biographical Note

IX.31 Published Works

IX.32 Our-Mother
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IX.33 Platero-eta-Biok

IX.34 Poems

IX.35 Prometeu Burdineta

IX.36 Reading baitegiko leloa

IX.37 Third-Party-References

IX.38 List of Writings as Author

IX.39 Biographical Reviews

IX.40 Montevideo Basque Week

IX.41 Montevideo Basque Week Index of Articles

IX.42 about-surnames-Venezuelan

IX.43 Just because she quietly

IX.44 The Lives of Vicente Amezaga and Mercedes Iribarren

IX.45 Translations

IX.46 Translation of literary works into Basque

IX.47 Uruguay my country that I leave very soon

IX.48 Journey of the Genes

IX.49 Vicente Antonio de Icuza

X) EDITORIAL XAMEZAGA - All his work published in the Catalog of Works

X.1 To my Aita - Bingen Amezaga

X.2 a-Bolivar, Vicente de Amezaga Aresti

X.3 Amatxu

X.4 Ametzaga Arestitar Bingenen

X.5 Press Articles - Author Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

Machine Translated by Google

X.6 Press Articles (several Countries) - Vicente Ametzaga Aresti

X.7 Biography Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

X.8 Blog created in homage to Mercedes Iribarren

X.9 Blog created in honor of Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

X.9 Christmas songs

X.10 Catalog of works - Vicente de Amezaga Aresti

X.11 Lecture Series - Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

X.12 Cycle of Classes on Basque Culture - Vicente de Ametzga Aresti

X.13 Congress of Basque Studies from September 12 to 19 in Biarritz.

X.14 Chronicles of Bustiñaga

X.15 Chronicles of the Alsina

X.16 Editorial Xamezaga

X.17 Editorial Xamezaga - Catalog of Published Works

X.18 The Bilbao of Bolivar

X.19 The Basque Element in the Venezuelan 18th Century

X.18 The Basque Man

X.19 The Renaissance: Don Carlos, Prince of Viana (1421-1461

X.20 Biographical Sketches

X.21 Gure Ama - Mercedes Iribarren Gorostegui

X.22 Hamlet -Danemark'eko Erregegaia -Ametzaga Aresti tar Bingen'ek

X.23 Men of the Gipuzkoan Company

X.24 Inauguration of Plaza Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

X.25 Index of Titles of Articles. Press -Vicente Amezaga - on Wikipedia

X.26 Information content of the Vicente Amezaga Aresti Blog

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X.27 The Basque Diaspora and its Men

X.28 The Great Basque Week in Montevideo -1943

X.29 The Woman who accompanied Vicente de Ametzaga

X.30 The Seven Seas

X.31 The Three Ships that took Ama and Aita-Marseille to Buenos Aires

X.32 The Basques in the Venezuelan 18th century - Etymology of Basque surnames

X.33 Mercedes Iribarren - Gure Ama

X.34 Mercedes Iribarren de Ametzaga - Our Nother

X.35 Mercedes Iribarren - The woman who accompanied Vicente de Ametzaga

X.36 My country that I left very young

X.37 My hands want to talk

X.38 Sailing the Seven Seas of my Parents

X.39 Nostalgia - Author Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

X.40 Works by Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti Published Editorial Xamezaga

X.41 Pello Maria Irujo Elizalde, profile

X.42 Silversmith eta Biok

X.43 Poems by Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

X.44 Editorial Presentation Xamezaga

X.45 Prometeu burdinetan - Eskilo

X.46 Reading Baitegiko Leloa

X.47 Third-Party-References about the Work of Vicente Amezaga Aresti

X.48 List of Written Works by Vicente Ametzaga Aresti as Author

X.49 Biographical Reviews by Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

X.50 Basque Cultural Week - Montevideo –1943

Machine Translated by Google

X.51 Surnames-Venezuelan

X.52 Just Because She in Quiet Form

X.53 The Lives of Vicente Amezaga and Mercedes Iribarren

X.54 The Woman Accompanying Ametzaga Vincent

X.55 Translations into several languages - Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti

X.56 Uruguay, my country that I left very soon

X.57 Candles for the Sorgiñas of Zugarramurdi.

X.58 Journey of the Genes, Ametzaga - Iribarren

X.59 Vicente Ametzaga Aresti - Background: his Life and Work

X.60 Vicente Ametzaga Aresti - Biography and his works on Wikipedia

X.61 Vicente-Antonio de Icuza

X.62 Xabier Iñaki Ametzaga Iribarren - information published on Wikipedia

XI) Vicente de Amezaga Aresti - Town created in Wikispace with his name and his Work in

XI.1 Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Town created in Wikispace with his name

XI.2 to Bolivar

XI.3 To my Aita

XI.4 Vicente Amezaga according to Xabier Irujo

XI.5 Amatxu

XI.6 Ametzaga Arestitar Bingenen

XI.7 Press Articles - fully compiled

XI.8 Biography in Basque

XI.9 Blog with your name - Content

Machine Translated by Google

XI.10 Wedding and Escape

XI.11 Christmas Song

XI.12 Catalog of Works

XI.13 Classes

XI.14 Conferences

XI.15 Basque Studies Congress

XI.16 Chronicles of Bustiñaga

XI.17 Chronicles of the Alsina

XI.18 Banished

XI.19 Two Men

XI.20 The Bilbao of Bolivar

XI.21 The Renaissance

XI.22 The Basque Element in the Venezuelan 18th Century

XI.23 The Basque Man

XI.24 Biographical Sketches

XI.25 Etymology of Basque surnames in the Venezuelan 18th century

XI.26 Gure Ama

XI.27 Hamlet

XI.28 Homage and dedication to Mercedes Iribarren, my mistress

XI.29 Correlative Index of Production through the genera that the crop

XI.30 Inauguration Plaza Vicente Amezaga Aresti

XI.31 The Basque Diaspora and its men

XI.32 The woman who accompanied Vicente Amezaga Aresti

XI.33 The Seven Seas

Machine Translated by Google

XI.34 The three ships that carried Ama and Aita

XI.35 The Basques in the founding of Caracas

XI.36 The men of the Gipuzkoan Company

XI.37 Mercedes Iribarren Gorostegui, gure loves

XI.38 Homesickness

XI.39 Biographical Note

XI.40 Published Works

XI.41 Our Mother

XI.42 Platero ta Biok

XI.43 Poems

XI.44 Prometheus Burdinetan

XI.45 Reading Baitegiko leloa

XI.46 Third Party References

XI.47 Relation of his writings

XI.48 Biographical Summary

XI.49 Basque Week index of articles

XI.50 Basque Week Montevideo 1943

XI.51 About Venezuelan surnames

XI.52 Just because she quietly

XI.53 The Lives of Vicente Amezaga and Mercedes Iribarren

XI.54 Translation of various works in source languages into Basque

XI.55 Uruguay, my country that I left very soon

XI.56 Gene journey Amezaga Iribarren

XI.57 Vicente Antonio de Icuza

Machine Translated by Google

XII) His Son Xabier Iñaki Ametzaga Creates an Internet Site in Homage to Vicente de

XII.1 Website in honor of Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti Year 2009

XII.2 Editorial Xamezaga - All his Published Work - Year 2010

XII.3 All your Published Work converted into a Format to be read in - Electronic Book e-Book
- Year 2011

XII.4 All his Published Work and Biography on Wikipedia - locality - Vicente Amezaga Aresti -
Year 2011

XII.5 All his Published Work - available locally - e-Cloud - Vicente Amezaga Aresti - Year

Dedication and my tribute to Mercedes Iribarren Gorostegui - His wife and my mistress

Website in honor of Vicente de Ametzaga Aresti.

The only site on the Internet, of complete reference, that bears his name, his life and his Work totally published on
the Internet,

Poetry, Press Articles, his Books, thus completing and closing all that had been written in books about him and his life.

Creation, Edition and contact: Xabier Amezaga Iribarren

e-mail: Blog

Xabier Amezaga Iribarren

Publishers related to your Publications

Editorial Xamezaga In its catalog of Published Works, all the Works of Vicente de

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