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Technical Report Writing on DC NETWORK THEOREMS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS Submitted by Name: Sanjib Baru Department: EEE Semester: 1 st Roll Number:39 NOT Department of::- Electrical and Electronics engineering ACADEMY OF TECHNOLOGY AEDCONAGAR, HOOGHLY-712121 WEsT BENGAL, INDIA 1 Abstract (within 50 words) This section should give a true, brief description of the report's content. 2 Introduction (within 150-200 words) This section introduces the topic of the report. It explains the problem. It indicates the purpose of the report. It briefly outlines the report structure. 3 Procedure and Discussion The section contains the main content. We should introduce small subheadings here in order of importance. Include theory, methodology, findings, apparatus, derivations, _ analysis, comparisons, calculations, applications, and other details as needed for the report here. This section may also include tables, charts, graphs, diagrams and other relevant figures. All such figures must be properly numbered and labelled. 4 Conclusion Conclusion should be within 50-100 words. 5 References All books, articles and web pages referred to should be listed in alphabetical order in this section. A sample is given below. 1. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010. 2. Basic Electrical Engineering, T.K.Nagsarkar&M.S.Sukhija, Oxford ¢ Network Theorem And Their Applications Abstract: - This technical report delves into the fundamental network theorems, including Thevenin’s, and Norton's theorems. It explores their applications in analysing and simplifying electrical circuits, emphasizing their importance in electrical engineering. The report underscores the enduring relevance of these theorems in the evolving field of electronics. Introduction: - Network theorems form the backbone of electrical circuit analysis, providing a systematic approach to solving complex circuit problems. This technical report delves into the core network theorems, including Kirchhoff’s laws, Thevenin’s theorem, and Norton’s theorem. kKirchhoff’s laws, comprising the current law and the voltage law, are fundamental to understanding the behaviour of electrical circuits. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, on the other hand, offer powerful techniques for simplifying complex circuits, making them more manageable. The report will explore these theorems in detail, discussing their statements, proofs, and applications. It will also illustrate how these theorems can be used to analyse circuits more efficiently and accurately. Furthermore, the report will highlight the significance of these theorems in the field of electrical engineering. Despite the advent of modern technologies, these classical theorems continue to hold relevance, underscoring their timeless value. By the end of this report, readers should gain a comprehensive understanding of network theorems and their applications, equipping them with the knowledge to tackle complex circuit problems effectively. This report serves as a testament to the enduring importance of network theorems in the realm of electrical engineering. 60f30 3) Procedure and Discussion: Here we will discuss about the network theorems and their applications. a) Thevenin’s Theorem: statement:- Any two terminals of active linear, bilateral network can be replaced by a single voltage source in series with a single resistance. The voltage of the single voltage source is equal to the open circuit voltage between the two terminals from which the load resistance (Ri) will removed, these is known as Thevenin’s voltage (Ven). The value of single resistance is the equivalent resistance of the circuit when all the voltage sources are replaced by their internal resistance between those two open circuited terminals. This is known as Thevenin’s Resistance (Rtn). The combination of vin Rtn, and the load resistance in series is known as Thevenin’s Equivalent. Explanation: - Step-1: Remove Ri. > T= V/[Ri4R3)——Voa =Vas = Vin = Voc Ven = V.R3/(Ri+Rs) Step -2:- voltage sources are replaced by internal resistance . D Req = Re +RiRs/(Ri+Rs) = (RaR2+RoR3+RaRx)/(Ri+R3) STEP-3:- Ire = Ven/ (Ren + Ri) > Ra/(Ra+Rs) *(Ra+Rs)/(RiR?+R2R3+RsRa) Thevenin’s Theorem for two voltage sourci D> (VVa)/Ri +V/Ra + (V-V2)/R2 = 0 > V=IRs > IRs/Ri — Vi/Ri +1 +1R3/Ro-V2/R2 = 0 D L.[Rs/Ri + 1 + Ro/Ral =Va/Rs +V2/R2 D> 1 =(VaRa +VaRs)/(RiRo+RoR3+R3Rx) Remove Rs. D> 1=(Vi-V2)/(Ri+Ro) Ven = (VaRo + VaRa)/(Rs+R2) > = Vi-Ri(Vi-V2)/(Ra#R2) Replace the voltage sources by their internal resistance. © Ren= RiR2/(Ri+R2) 0 1=Vin/(Rin + Ra) 1, Thevenin’s theorem is not applicable for circuit consists nonlinear circuit elements like-diode, triode, thermistor etc. 2. Thevenin’s theorem is not applicable for circuits with loads in series or parallel with dependent sources. Norton’s Theorem: - Statement: - Any two terminal of active, linear bilateral network can be replaced by a single current source with a single resistance. The value of current of the single current source is the current flowing through the short-circuited terminals after removing the load resistance, these is known as short circuit current ie or Norton current (in). The value of single resistance is the equivalent resistance of the circuit when all the sources are replaced by their internal resistance between those two open circuited terminals. This is known as Norton’s Resistance (Rs). The parallel combination of ix , Rw and Ri is known as Nortons equivalent. ‘Step-1: - Remove R3 and short-circuited AB. h=Vi/R Ta= Va/Re 1h +l = (VaRe + V2Ra)/RiRo Replacing the sources by its internal resistance. Rw = RiRo/(Ri+R2) = In. Ru/(Rn + Ra) In any active linear bilateral network consisting of two or more sources, the response through a particular branch is the algebraic sum of all the responses through that branch when one source is. taken active , while all other sources are ideal, tll all sources wire taken active for once. Explanation:- D> (VVa)/Ri +V/Ra + (V-V2)/R2 = 0 > V=IRs > IRs/Ri — Vi/Ri +1 +1Ra/R2-V2/R2 = 0 L[Rs/Ri + 1 + Ro/Ra] =Va/Ri +V2/Re D T= (VaRa +VaRs)/(RiRo+R2R3+R3Ri) ‘Step-1:-Replace V2 by it’s internal resistance and V1 is active. Ima = Va.(Ro#Rs)/(RiR2 +R2R3+R3Ri) > W'= I.Ro/(Re +R) #17 VaRo/(RiRa + RoRa+ RoR) STEP-2: - Taking V2 as active and Vi as ideal. Itz = Va.(Ri +Ra) / [Ro(Ri+Ra) +RiRa) = Va.(Ri+Ra) / (RoRr+R2Ra+RiRs) V1. Ri/ (Ra +Ra) = V2 Ri / (RaR2 +R2R3+R3Ri) Total current. [SEW VERSSEVSRG)/(RERGRIREERIRG) Application: 1) Find the current through 15-ohm resistor using Norton’s theorem. Solution: - A) Short-circuiting the terminals removing R=150hm. Reqi = 20/2 = 10-ohm Norton current, Isc = 10 v/10-ohm= 1A B) Removing voltage sources replacing by their internal resistance. Norton resistance, Rw = (20]|20) | 10 = 10 ||10 =5-ohm ) Equivalent circu I= Ry * In/(Rw+Ri) =5*1/(5+15) =1/4a =0.25A 2) Find the equivalent resistance between A and B. Solution: - Ro Ria=(RiRs#RoRs#RiRa)/Rs_—— = (24 +12418)/4 = 13.5-ohm Ras = (RiRs+R2Rs+RaR2)/Ri = (18+24+12) /6= 9-ohm Riz= (RiRs+RaRs+RiR2)/Rz = (18+12+24) /3 = 18 ohm ” a 5 boa F on. \35R aS ee Rag = [6*(1.35+0.9)]/ (6+1.35+0.9) = 1.636 ohm CONCLUISON: - In conclusion, network theorems provide a robust framework for analysing complex electrical circuits. This report has explored key theorems like Thevenin’s, and Norton's, highlighting their applications in simplifying and solving circuit problems. Understanding these theorems is crucial for electrical engineers and anyone working with circuits. Their universal applicability makes them indispensable tools in the field. Future work could explore more complex theorems and their applications in modem technologies like integrated circuits and nanoelectronics. This exploration underscores the enduring relevance of network theorems in the evolving landscape of electrical engineering. References: - All books, articles and web pages referred to should be listed in alphabetical order in this section. A sample is given below. 1. D. P. Kothari and |. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010. 2. Basic Electrical Engineering, T.K.Nagsarkar & amp; M.S.Sukhija , Oxford

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