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2. \documentclass{articie) // except this error will held 2. \beginidecunent} —_//this command for beginning document. 3. \endi document) // this command for end document. 1. \pagestyle(plain) is the default, which puts the page number at the center of the bottom of the page and provides no headings. 2. \pagestyle(enrty) provides neither page numbers nor headings. 3. \pagestyle(neadinge) will provide page numbers and headings from any \section’s that you are using. 4. \pagestyle(myheadiings) will provide page numbers and custom headings. 1. \ttle(yourtitienere) 2. \author(yournanehere) 3. \date(currentdate) This commands must write between the \documentclass command and the \begin{document} command. For call the title use 2 \maketitle command after the \begin{document} command. See below figure \section( rntroduction) . see above figure \eubsectionibasic) \begin{abstract) \end{abstract) Using. % in latex command is: \% ‘Some symbol can be use directly as this command: \#, \&,\$ ete ‘Most of the symbol can not use directly. For * must use command \star some symbol list here symtt| Camane | sym! sma] sya conmand]Symbs] Conmand = = = jee 1 = ao 7: Commands for ine break in latex. a\ 2\newline 3. \hfill \break ‘There two types blank space 1. Horizontal blank space, 2. Vertical blank space. For horizontal blank space command \hspace(2cm}. For vertical blank space command \vspace { 2cm) Filling line gap along horizontal commands \n£i11. Filling line gap along vertical command \v£ill For right alignment command — \begin(FlushRight} \end(FlushRight For left alignment command \begin(FlushLeft). \end{Flushteft) For centering text command \begin{center} \end(center) For using the commandlike. {\tiny This is The Example Text) Available Commands are. \tiny oe ° \scrptsze tore ipsum J y Vootnotesize Lorem ipsum | 3 ferred |\small Lorem ipsum = \normalsize Lorem ipsum \arge Lorem ipsum \arge Lorem ipsum \uaRGe Lorem ipsum Vruse Lorem ipsum Font styles style command switch command output medium \textnd(Sample Text 0123) \ndseries Sample Text 0123 bold \textbf(Sample Text 0123} \bfseries Sample Text 0123 Upright \textup(Sample Text 0123) \upshape Sample Text 0123 italic \textit(Sample Text 0123) \itshape Sample Test 0123 slanted \texts1(Sample Text 0123) \slshape Sample Text 0123 smallcaps \textsc(Sample Text 0123) \scshape Saupur Text 0123 112; For Underine text commandis: \under1ine{sample Text) ‘BiforBoldtextcommandis: \textbf{sample text) ‘UiForitalictesteommandis: \textit(sample text) For using multicolumn a built in package must include in main tex. \usepackage(multicol} \begin{multicols) (3) \end(multicols} | Commands is: \usepackage[legalpaper, landscape, margin=2in] {geometry} Another is: \usepackage[adpaper, landscape, margin=lin] (geometry) +18: Using Unordered List in Latex. 19:Using Ordered List in latex \begin{ itemize} \begin{ enumerate} \item Orange \item Orange. \item Mango \item Mango. \item apple \item apple. \end{ itemize} \end{ enumerate} \begin{ figure} centering \includegraphics [width=0.5\textwidthl (fig1.3pa) \eae nilexe the caption of figure.) \abel (fig: fig} \end{ figure} \begin{ figure} \centering \begin( subfigure) (b] {0.3\textwiath) \centering \includegraphics [width=\textwidth] |sensori.jpg) \caption{acoustic sensor) Mabelitig:y equals x) \end{subtigure) \neini \begin{ subfigure) [b] {0.3\textw: \centering \includegraphics [width=\textwidth] |sensor2.png) \caption(Uitrasenic sensor) Mabelitig:three sin x} \end| subfigure) A) \neuat \caption{Some sensors} \label (fig:three graphs) \endi figure) Creatinga simple table in Ix. ‘Weer wine edo nme be \weinceter bwin ell Ween eee) failn a eat 8c tome toteren) coerce Ove One ti ean On celll cell2 cell3 celll | cell2 | cell3 cell4 cell5— cell6 celld | cell5 | cell6 cell7 cell cell9 sell7|}_cell8.| cell? “first create a file named mybib that contains cites program then save it with .bib extension *To use reference in latex must Include two file. \pib ography (mybib.bib} \bibliographystyle(iesetr} ‘Then Use \cite { key} Command for citing reference anywhere in the text. \usepackage(package name}// this has to placed beginning in the do; \begin{ frame) ......\end( frame} \pegin{ frame} \frametitle(Table of Contents) \endj frame} mmentclass {beaner} Minstitate (Overle: \eate(2021) \begin{docunent) \frane( \titlepage? \eegint \eeanetitle mis Ls anple frane title} je tent in the fizet frane. This Le come text in the firat frame, Th Le some text in the first \endireame! \endicocanent) \docunentclass|beaner) \[E xn + yon = an \) // x4" \(eeme*2\] // B= me? \sqrtix2t1) // Vet I \fractx}iy) — //; escripton cole examples Crekltrs es Vata (gam ho een lta epsilon a ap05e /fe \textcolor(red) {sample text here} \colorbox{Orange} {sample text here} \documentclass [conference] {IBEEtran} \documentclass [conference, onecolumn] (IEEEtran} Abstract contains this sub topic given below. > Introduction Research paper format > Motivation — > Theory — > Method ee > Result = * conclusion wa don’t know the word irrigation sir-sohan ‘You don’t know the word irrigation, even a village uneducated farmer knows it , you stupid ~rofiq sir. Some Sample quiz question about latex ‘+ LaTeX is a document markup language and document preparation system. (True] ‘+ LaTeX is used to create professional-looking documents, such as scientific papers, books, and presentations. (True) LaTeX is based on the TeX typesetting system. (True) © LaTeX is difficult to learn. (False) + LaTeX is free and open-source software. (True) +The \documentclass command specifies the document class. (True) +The \usepackage command loads a LaTeX package. (True) ‘© The \begin(document) and \end{document) commands mark the beginning and end of the document, respectively. (True) ‘© The \section command is used to create a section heading. (True) ‘= The \paragraph command is used to create a paragraph. (True] ‘©The \emph command is used to emphasize text. (False) ‘© The \cite command is used to cite a reference. (True) ‘©The \begin{enumerate} and \end{enumerate} commands are used to create a numbered list. (True) ‘©The \begin{center} and \end{center} commands are used to center text. (True) ‘= The \includegraphics command is used to insert an image into the document. (True) 1, What does the command \documentclass{article} do in LaTeX? a) It sets the document class as an article b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document 4) It creates a new document Answer: a) It sets the document class as an article. Explanation: The \documentclass command is used to specify the type of document being created, such as an article, report, or book. 2. What is the purpose of the command \usepackage(graphicx) in LaTeX? a) It sets the page margins b) It includes graphics into the document ¢)It adds a table of contents 4) It sets the font size Answer: b) It includes graphics into the document. Explanation: The \usepackage(graphicx} command is used to include images and graphics into the document. 3. What does the command \textbf{ } do in LaTeX? a) It creates a new bold section b) It sets the font size to bold ) It creates a new paragraph d) Itsets the text to bold Answer: d) It sets the text to bold. Explanation: The \textbf{ } command is used to set text to bold. 4, What is the purpose of the command \tableofcontents in LaTeX? a) It sets the page margins b) It includes graphics into the document ¢) It adds a table of contents 4) It sets the font size Answer: c) It adds a table of contents. used to create a table of contents in the document. Explanation: The \tableofcontents commant 5. What does the command \begi (center} do in LaTex? a) It creates a new center-aligned section b) It sets the font size to center-aligned €) It creates a new paragraph 4) It centers the text or content Answer: d) It centers the text or content, Explanation: The \begin(center) command is used to center text or content. 6. What is the purpose of the command \newpage in LaTex? a) It creates a new section in the document b) It sets the page margins ¢) It starts a new page 4d) It sets the font style of the document Answer: c) It starts a new page Explanation: The \newpage command is used to start a new page in the document. 7. What does the command \footnote{ } do in LaTeX? a) It adds a footnote to the bottom of the page b) It creates a new bold section It creates a new paragraph 4) Itsets the text to italic Answer: a) It adds a footnote to the bottom of the page. Explanation: The \footnote{ } command is used to add a footnote to the bottom of the page. 8. What is the purpose of the command \maketitle in LaTeX? a) It sets the page margins b) It creates a new section in the document )Itadds a title to the document 4) Itsets the font size Answer: c)It adds a title to the document. Explanation: The \maketitle command is used to add a title to the document. 9. What does the command \emph{ } do in LaTex? a] It creates a new bold section b) Itsets the text to bold ¢) It ereates a new paragraph 4) Itsets the text to emphasize Answer: d) It sets the text to emphasize, Explanation: The \emph{ } command is used to set text to emphasize, 10, What is the purpose of the command \pagestyle{ } in LaTeX? a) It sets the font style of the document b) It adds page numbers to the document ¢) It sets the page margins 4) It creates a new section in the document Answer: b) It adds page numbers to the document. Explanation: The \pagestyle{ } command is used to add page numbers to the document. 11. What does the command \section{ } do in LaTeX? a] It creates a new section in the document b) It sets the font size to section level ¢)It sets the font style to section level d) It creates a new paragraph Answer: a) It creates a new section in the document. Explanation: The \section{ } command is used to create a new section in the document, 12. What is the purpose of the command \label{ }in LaTeX? a) It adds a label to an equation or figure for referencing b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document 4) It adds a label to a section for referencing Answer: a) It adds a label to an equation or figure for referencing. Explanation: The \label{ ) command is used to add a label to an equation or figure for referencing 13. What does the command \citef } do in LaTeX? a) It adds a citation to a reference list, b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document d) Itsets the text to italic ‘Answer: a) It adds a citation to a reference list Explanation: The \cite{ } command is used to add a citation to a reference list. 414, What is the purpose of the command \captionf } in LaTeX? a) It adds a caption to an equation or figure for referencing b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document 4) It adds a caption to a section for referencing Answer: a) It adds a caption to an equation or figure for referencing, Explanation: The \caption{ } command is used to add a caption to an equation or figure for referencing 415, What does the command \textit{}do in LaTeX? a) It creates a new italic section b) Itsets the font size to italic ) It creates a new paragraph 4) It sets the text to italic Answer: d) It sets the text to italic. Explanation: The \textit{ } command is used to set text to italic. 16. What is the purpose of the command \subsection{ }in LaTeX? a) It creates a new subsection in the document b) It sets the font size to subsection level ¢)It sets the font style to subsection level 4) It creates a new paragraph ‘Answer: a) It creates a new subsection in the document. Explanation: The \subsection{ } command is used to create a new subsection in the document. 17. What does the command \texttt{ } do in LaTex? a) It creates a new typewriter-style section b) It sets the font size to typewriter style €) It creates a new paragraph 4d) Itsets the text to typewriter style Answer: d) It sets the text to typewriter style. Explanation: The \texttt( } command is used to set text to typewriter style. 18. What is the purpose of the command \cite{ }in LaTeX? a) It creates a citation for a reference in the bibliography b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document d) Itsets the page margins Answer; a) It creates a citation for a reference in the bibliography. Explanation: The \cite{ } command is used to create a citation for a reference in the bibliography. Explanation: The \maketitie command is used to create a new ttle page for the document. 19. What does the command \textsc{ } do in LaTex? a) It sets the text to small caps b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style to small caps 4) Itcreates a new paragraph ‘Answer: a) It sets the text to small caps, Explanation: The \textsc{ } command is used to set text to small caps. 20. What is the purpose of the command \footnote{ }in LaTeX? a) Itadds a footnote to a page b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document 4) Itcreates a new paragraph Answer: a) It adds a footnote to a page. Explanation: The \footnote{ } command is used to add a footnote to a page. 21. What does the command \tableofcontents do in LaTex? a) It creates a table of figures in the document b) It creates a table of equations in the document ¢)It creates a table of contents in the document 4) It creates a table of references in the document Answer: c) It creates a table of contents in the document. Explanation: The \tableofcontents command is used to create a table of contents in the document. 22, What is the purpose of the command \includegraphicsf }in LaTeX? a) It includes an image in the document b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document 4d) It adds a label to an equation or figure for referencing, ‘Answer: a) It includes an image in the document. Explanation: The \includegraphics( } command is used to include an image in the document. 23. What does the command \emph{ } do in LaTex? a) It creates a new emphasized section b) It sets the font size to emphasized ¢) It creates @ new paragraph d) It sets the text to emphasized ‘Answer: d) It sets the text to emphasized Explanation: The \emph{ } command is used to set text to emphasized 24, What is the purpose of the command \begin{enumerate} in LaTeX? a) It creates an enumerated list b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document 4) Itsets the page margins ‘Answer: a) It creates an enumerated list. Explanation: The \begin{enumerate} command is used to create an enumerated list 25. What does the command \textsuperscript{ } do in LaTeX? a) It creates a new superscript section b) It sets the font size to superscript It creates a new paragraph d) It sets the text to superscript Answer: d) It sets the text to superscript. Explanation: The \textsuperscript{ } command is used to set text to superscript. 26. What is the purpose of the command \begin{center} in LaTeX? a) It centers the text b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document d) Itsets the page margins Answer: a) It centers the text. Explanation: The \begin{center} command is used to center the text. 27. What does the command \underline{ } do in LaTeX? a) It underlines the text b) It sets the font size to underline It creates a new paragraph 4) It creates a new section in the document Answer: a) It underlines the text Explanation: The \underline{ } command is used to underline the text, 28. What is the purpose of the command \begin{tabular}{ }in LaTeX? a) It creates a table with specified columns b) It creates a new section in the document ¢)It sets the font style of the document 4) Itsets the page margins Answer: 2) It creates a table with specified columns. Explanation: The \begin{tabular}{ } command is used to create a table with specified columns.

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