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Private BSE: 531807


Banking, Financial Services & Insurance

Founded Headquarters

2002(est. 1930 as Vysya Bank) Bangalore, India Key people Shailendra Bhandari

(CEO & MD)

Arun Thiagarajan (Chairman of the Board)




ING Vysya Life Insurance Plans Details and Benefits

In Indian insurance sector, the ING Vysya Life Insurance Company is an upcoming booming company which has almost 200 main branches all over the world and 20 main offices in India, where all over 30,000 people are working as ING Vysya life insurance agents. In addition, the recent analysis of insurance companys growth in India, the ING Vysya Life Insurance Company have made approximately 50 crore income only from Indian policyholders. That is the reason why Indian government came forward to promote this international company for better future prospects of Indian life insurance sector. Here are the Insurance policies & saving plans of ING Vysya Life Insurance Company: Creating Life Child Protection Plan it is a child plan, where a person need to pay regular premium for several years, so that when his child grows up the sum assured with bonuses can be used for higher studies. ING Creating Star this plan has same feature like Creating Life child Protection Plan. Protection Plans protection plan is suitable for the people who want their after retirement surety of finance. ING Life Plus it is a savings policy which have some beneficial features for better investment option. Savings Plans this policy is a general saving, where the policy holder need to pay regular premium and after the maturity period the sum assured is payable along with the bonus as per savings plans terms and condition. New Future Perfect this plan not only includes general life insurance but also bears all health expenditure of the policyholder.

ING Golden Life this plan is a life insurance plan that protects the policyholder from all adverse financial circumstances throughout his policy duration. Investment Plans through this plan a policyholder can increase his units (money) rapidly but the interest rate is totally depends on the market value of the assets. New Freedom Plan this plan works on the market fluctuation but provides the flexibility to change your risk appetite (by changing or switching funds) simultaneously. Platinum Life Plan it is a protection plan that gives you better stability of the Units even when the NAV (Net Assets Value) is not doing well. ING Prime Life (Unit Linked Insurance Plan) it is a ULIP plan whose higher or lower return value of Units totally depends on market value of the Assets. However, it is better option for the people who can analysis market situation well. Safal Jeevan Money Back Plan this plan provides insurance and investment, with a low risk factor and guaranteed returns. Reassuring Life Endowment Plan (Reversionary Bonus) this is an Endowment investment where at the end of endowment period the sum assured is maximized (according to term and condition of the policy) along with bonus.

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