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Dear Future Friend,

My name is Gyucha György, I’m 16 years old and I’m an only

child. My Mother and Father are both entrepreneurs. We have a
small shop in Zamárdi. I’m currently studying at the Békéscsabai
Andrássy Gyula Gimnázium És Kollégium. It’s basically like High
School. I live in Békés but I was born in Budapest.
I love videogames, animals and also classical and alternative
music. I have been learning classical music and it’s theory since the
second grade. I didn’t like it at first, but then I made a couple of
friends and it felt like home right away. I think I can be a fun person.
I talk a lot even though I’m an introvert. Funny, isn’t it?
What are your virtues and interests? I hope we get to know
eachother in some time.
I hope this letter finds you well.

Best wishes, your future friend


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