Why It Is Important To Recruit TH Best

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Why it's important to recruit the best?

Your business loses more than time, money and effort by recruiting, hiring and training
people who perhaps shouldn't have been brought on in the first place. You must also deal
with the havoc that the "wrong" employee can create: the business you may lose when that
individual interacts with customers, the cost you incur when you have to repeat procedures
that were handled ineptly and the pressures on other employees who must pick up the slack.
But the cost of a bad hire don't end there.

The cost of a bad hire:

A bad hire may be unavoidable; sometimes candidates can have great CVs and interview
brilliantly but may not be right fit for the role. But nonetheless, the mistake can cause serious
problems for organisations. These three consequences from the Robert Half Management
Insights report How to avoid common hiring mistakes reveal what your business may

1. Lost productivity:

If you have a bad hire, and the employee can't do their job effectively, or as well as the
person they replaced, it means wasted time. The organisation may be investing the same
amount of resources in the staff member, but seeing significantly less output in return. Over
a period of time, this can have a real impact on results and the overall performance of the

When faced with a struggling colleague, other employees may start assuming other duties
which aren't really in their job description. This not only impacts their own performance and
productivity at work, but their ability to keep appointments, hit targets and maintain

2. Lower staff morale:

If a bad hire is working at below capacity - due to a lack of skills or motivation - this can
quickly have a knock-on effect to the rest of the workforce. One of the first things to take a hit
may be staff morale. If employees are asked to do more to cover for a struggling colleague,
yet still receive the same salary, it can cause tension and potentially conflict.

A bad hire who has a negative attitude towards work can have a knock on effect on staff
morale. If they are unable to fit seamlessly into existing teams and get on with their
colleagues, it can ruin the atmosphere in the office. This potentially impacts on how much
employees enjoy doing their jobs, and the likelihood they will stay with the organisation for
the long term.

3. Monetary costs of finding a replacement:

It costs money to hire employees and the replace them. Organisations need to create job
descriptions, advertise roles, read through CVs and application forms and carry out
interviews. All the while, they may be operating short-staffed due to a lack of capacity in the
office. Even after the new employee joins a company, there is onboarding expenditure to
consider, plus the fact the recruit may not be as productive as the experienced person they

To overcome a wrong hiring mistake, it may be necessary to reallocate people and

resources, invest in further training, or in the most serious instances, let the employee go.
Even then there are further costs to be incurred, in terms of re-recruiting for the position.
Essentially you are back to square one, with a position still to fill.

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