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Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School (Extra-curricular Activities Committee)

Introduction on Extra-Curricular Activities

沙田崇真中學 (課外活動委員會)
課外活動簡介 (2023-2024)

I Academic Development 學術發展

1. Chinese Debate School Team (中文辯論校隊)


2. English Debate School Team (英文辯論校隊)

English Debate School Team represents our school to participate in territory-wide debating competitions.
We will offer training to our team members

3. Mathematics School Team (Junior Form) (初中數學校隊)

The team members will be trained by external tutors in Mathematics Training Classes once every week.
They will learn different techniques from Algebra, Geometry, Combinatorics, etc. Those team members
who are chosen to represent our school to participate in different Mathematics competitions will be given
further training by our Mathematics teachers.

4. Mathematics School Team (Senior Form) (高中數學校隊)

The team members will learn more advanced Mathematics techniques in the training given by our
Mathematics teachers. They will be chosen to represent our school to participate in different
Mathematics competitions.

II Aesthetic Development 藝術發展

5. Junior Choir (初級合唱團)

6. Senior Choir (高級合唱團)
7. Chinese Orchestra (中樂團)
8. School Band (管樂團)
9. Symphonic Orchestra (管弦樂團)
Team members of (5-9) are chosen by instrumental class tutors or the music teacher. Each team practices
at least once every week and will participate in different performances or competitions throughout the

10. Music Class (中西樂器班)

Music classes can enable students to fulfill the requirements of the S.2/3 ‘One-student-one-art / sport’
and S.4 ‘One-student-one-art’ Policy.
There are currently 25 different Western & Chinese musical instrumental classes taught by professional
tutors employed from outside. There are 30 lessons every year. Students have to pay their own fees and
perform the instrument regularly. All classes take place on Saturdays.
本年度各類中西樂器班共 25 項,每年上課 30 次,由校外專業導師教授,學生自付費用。各學員

11. School Dancing Team (舞蹈校隊)
The School Dancing Team will be trained by a professional dancing teacher graduated from the Hong
Kong Academy for Performing Arts and join the Inter-school Dance Festival. Since part of the
instructor’s fee is subsidized by the school, the fee students need to pay is lower than most of the private
dance schools. Come and join us!

12. School Drama Team (話劇校隊)

Students will be trained by a graduate from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and participate
in various Chinese and English drama festivals. Through training and competitions, not only will
students’ language skills be honed, their self-confidence and teamwork will also be boosted.

13. Visual Arts School Team (Junior Forms) (初中視藝校隊)

Students will be guided by an external instructor to participate in various external Visual Arts
competitions. Team members will improve their drawing and painting skills and design ability.

14. Sand Painting Club (沙畫學會)

Sand Art is the manipulation of sand to create sand animation. In performing arts, an artist using sand as
a medium creates a series of images in a specific lightbox by hand. Introducing this kind of dynamic
performance with static drawing to the school, Sand Art provides one more opportunity for students to
participate in life performance.

15. Computer Drawing Club (電繪學會)

Computer Drawing Club aims at enhancing students’ ability of using computer software to create.

16. Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Club (中國書畫學會)

Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Club is a student-led extra-curriculum activity. The club aims at
introducing students with the two Chinese art forms, which are Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting.
Students will learn how to use the calligraphy brush effectively to write calligraphy and paint. A local
artist has also been invited to run three sessions on Chinese free-style painting with students. Through
participating in the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Club, students will not only develop their Chinese
calligraphy and painting skills, but also acquire more knowledge about Chinese calligraphy and painting.

17. Leather Craft Club(皮革學會)

Students will learn the different techniques of hand-made leather craft and be able to use different tools
to make beautiful and practical leather works.

18. Ceramic Throwing Club (拉坯學會)

Students will learn the clay throwing techniques to create various utensils and art forms.
19. Photography Club (攝影學會)
STTSS will collaborate with an external photographic organization, Fotologue Culture Limited, in
running Photography Club and this extra-curricular activity will be sponsored by Hong Kong Arts
Development Council under the scheme “Arts-In-School Partnership Scheme – Fifth Round” this year.
Fotologue Culture Limited will offer a series of workshops and related events to be held inside and
outside the school. Students’ photographic knowledge and photo-taking skills will be enhanced through
participating in this extra-curricular activity.
將由香港藝術發展局「第五輪學校與藝團伙伴計劃」贊助。 「賽璐珞影像文化有限公司」將在校內

20. Hand-Building Pottery Club (陶藝手揑學會)

Students will learn the hand building techniques to create various utensils and art forms with clay.

21. Anime Club (動漫研習社)

The main feature of the Anime Club is that most of the activities are designed and led by the exco-
members themselves. Through the organized activities, members may share their interest to and learn
from one another.

III. Sports Development 體育發展

體育項目活動包括:田徑校隊 Athletic Teams (22,23)、羽毛球校隊 Badminton Teams (24,25)、籃

球校隊 Basketball Teams (26,27)、足球校隊 Football Team (28)、手球校隊 Handball Teams
(29,30)、乒乓球校隊 Table-tennis Teams (31,32)、排球校隊 Volleyball Teams (33,34)、射箭校隊
Archery Teams(35,36) 、保齡球校隊 Bowling Team(37)及 Long Distance Running Club 長跑學會。

Students who wish to join the school teams may apply through the P.E. Department and attend screening
tests. Contact your PE teachers in person directly. All school teams conduct activities including regular
training on skills and stamina, through which we aim at helping students to learn about sportsmanship
and team spirit. All students are welcome!

IV. Others 其他

38. Bridge School Team (橋牌校隊)

Through playing bridge, students may acquire better logic, reasoning, Mathematical knowledge,
communication and decision-making skills. Students may also build up a harmonious relationship among

39. Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Unit (香港紅十字青年團)

Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Unit, as a member of the International Red Cross Movement, aims to
protect life and health, serve the community and put the spirit of humanity in action.

40-42. Chinese Recital Teams – 中文朗誦校隊

43-44. Putonghua Recital Teams – 普通話朗誦校隊


45-52. English Recital Teams – 英文朗誦校隊

It is a fruitful chance for you to improve your proficiency in spoken English and build up your
confidence in reciting in front of an audience. Don’t miss the chance of competing against students of
other schools on behalf of STTSS!!!

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