WEWEReport-April 20231

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Report — April 2023 Updates

April Community News Report

Published on: 4 may 2023

For the Community:

Thanks for staying up to date. Share this report with your team!

Promotions update

Reflecting on our accomplishments last month, your dedication and hard work propelled us
to new heights. Thank you for your commitment to our cause.

As May 2023 begins, let's not rest on past successes. Our goal is to register 100,000 new
users globally, and together, we can achieve it.

In order to give you more opportunities we extended all the promotions started in April!

✅ Momentum Shop we had a total of 5000 spots available, at the moment 4500 are
gone so we are still allowing 500 people to access the shop!

Momentum shop contains the Cloud Minting Programs x4.5 until June 30 (x3.5 with
bonuses until May 31)

All the WEWE users who own a Combo can have access to Momentum Shop.

Once you purchase 1 Momentum Cloud Minting, your access is granted and you
can purchase as many Momentum Cloud Minting you need while the shop is open!

✅ COMBO PRE-LAUNCH PROMO: 4202 WEWEX for 1997, until May 31 Combo are still
available at the promo price.

✅ FAST START +5 and FAST START +10 Combos extended to May 31

+5 Requirements:

- Make a personal purchase of 1 Combo

- Have 5 active COMBOs in your first level before the month ends

Receive a 1-year QuantWise voucher worth 1997 WEWEX!

+10 Requirements:

- Make a personal purchase of 1 Combo

- Have 10 active COMBOs in your first level before the month ends

Receive a 1-year QuantWise voucher and LFi One! 🎉

Note: Activating the voucher won't generate any commission.

✅ Prelaunch Bonus Share Program active till August 31

You're invited to join the worldwide launch of LFi One, one of the most innovative projects
out there! And the best part? By participating in the product pre-launch, you can receive
bonus shares of the company.


• Purchase a hardware product

• Make a minimum sale of 100,000 WEWEX in your team, following the 50% rules.

It's important to note that only hardware products count towards your sales, but as you
achieve higher levels of turnover, you'll receive even more bonuses.

Join the LFi pre-launch now and be a part of something truly innovative!

✅ Country Opening Momentum until May 10

• Valid only for new members from April 14th

• Valid only for the first 30 days of account opening

• Purchase a Cloud Minting Program by choosing from 100, 300, or 500 WEWEX
options. After 15 days from the end date, you will receive another program for free of
the same value with 3.5x production!


• The system counts the highest-value Cloud Minting Program you purchased within
the first 30 days of your account. This means if you buy a 100 WEWEX package
and then another 300 WEWEX package within the 30 days, the system will consider
the 300 WEWEX package and you'll receive another 300 WEWEX program!

• Only 1 program is valid for the reward. This means if you buy 3 Cloud Minting 100
WEWEX packages within the 30 days, the system will consider only 1 of them and
you'll receive one 100 WEWEX program for free!

• The bonus package received counts 0% for volume points and commission points.

• Direct Bonus not valid on the bonus package.

Closing Date:

• This Promotion will close globally on 10 May.

Important: Limit of 1,000 programs per nation! This means that once 1,000 people
have purchased their Cloud Minting Program, you won't be able to enjoy the Country
Opening Momentum anymore!

Promotion not valid for minors' accounts.


• Italy

• Greece

Combo Commission Voucher

On May 15 Infinity Minting Hardware will be paid for the first time.

We are going to publish a special voucher for all the users who need to receive
commissions and do not want to purchase multiple Combo for themself.

How does it work?

In the Hardware shop you will find a special voucher called Combo commission voucher.

• It will be available only to users who already own at least 1 Combo

• It is a voucher that give you a pincode as the normal vouchers do, so you can
assign it to anyone in your downline
• Unlike normal vouchers, this one will be visible in your Hardware Minting
dashboard and will give you x5 commissionable production
• The moment you assign the voucher so someone, they will be able to purchse
the Combo Gift as with the normal vouchers

Remember that Infinity on physical products will be paid after the 15th of every month
because on partner sites, people pay with card, and there is a risk of chargebacks if
someone cancels the order.

cLFi Tokens after program closure

When a Cloud Minting program reaches the max production and is closed, the cLFi tokens
purchased by the users go back in the cLFi wallet.

We still have some users waiting for the cLFi to go back in the wallet. We are sorry for the
problem, the team is still working on the issue and we can assure you the problem will be
solved very soon

Community Channels

We are ready to start with the new Community Channel function, channels to receive

updates from the platform and directly from the Ambassadors! How does it work?

Global Channel

In the global channel, you receive communications about the platform in general, such as

updates, new products and maintenance announcements. This is managed by the

administration platform.

Directors and Ambassadors Channels

There will be exclusive chats, for Directors and Ambassadors!

These channels are managed by Country Managers. You will view the channels according
to your rank.

Both the channels contain messages in various languages. You will see notification if a
message for your rank and your language is inserted but you can still read
communications in all the languages available.

Platform Maintenance

The announced maintenance was postponed due to the high success of the current
promotions on WEWE platform.

We will plan and announce the new server's migration date.

LFi Hardware new Products

LFi will soon update us about the launch date of

• XLFi1000 - Hardware Minting Pre-Launch

• XLFi5000 - Hardware Minting Pre-Launch

The availability dates will be communicated soon on WEWE Official Telegram channel.

Follow the announcements via our newsletter and Telegram channel, the only two official channels of the

Join the Telegram channel: https://t.me/weweglobal

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