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ASSIGNMENT DUE BY Wednesday, December 8th, 11:55 PM

Preamble: In this assignment we pull together material covered in Modules 3, 4 and 5 (and
to some extent also Module 2!). Please answer all questions before entering your answers
under the Tests & Quizzes section in Sakai. Points per question are given in brackets (x).

Work through the assignment, then, when you have it complete, go to the Tests & Quizzes
tab in Sakai to enter your answers and submit the assignment. Rules and guidelines for
assignments are in your course syllabus. As always with online tools, save your work
frequently while entering answers.

Interpretation of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Plate tectonic movement on Tralfamadore.


Earthquakes and volcanoes not only cause disasters on Earth, they also provide valuable
information about the structure of the Earth, particularly its crust. Earthquakes occur most
commonly along plate margins, as we saw in the section on the distribution of earthquakes.
In fact, the distribution of earthquakes can be used to distinguish divergent and transform
plate boundaries from convergent plate boundaries. Some types of volcanoes develop along
plate margins and other types form in settings that are well way from plate margins. In this
assignment you will use the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes on the fictitious
planet of Tralfamadore (a place created by the late American author Kurt Vonnegut in his
novel “Slaughterhouse Five; or, The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death”). The
purpose of the assignment is to give you the opportunity to determine the location of
tectonic plate boundaries and other features that have been discussed in this course (most
from Modules 3, 4 and 5 but one feature comes from Module 2).

In addition to this document you will need to download the Assignment 3 map and the
Assignment 3 Tutorial.

The map shows:

1) the distribution of land masses on Tralfamadore that are surrounded by an ocean,

2) the location where volcanoes occur, and

3) where earthquakes have taken place on the planet.

4) Feature reference numbers, Volcano Reference letters, Plate tectonic movement

direction roman numerals (for use in assignment questions)

You should review the Module material on the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes in
order to interpret the data on the map provided. The Assignment 3 Tutorial provides crucial

information and advice on how to go about completing the assignment. You are strongly
encouraged to review the tutorial before completing the assignment.

General Instructions:

1. Go to the Assignments Tab (Right hand side of page) in Sakai. The assignment
questions are provided in this ONE document. You must complete all questions for
full marks.
2. A copy of the Tralfamadore Map to use for Question1 (i.e. to download and edit) is
available as a JPG and PDF.
3. A PDF of Tralfamadore maps with reference numbers, roman numerals etc for use in
assignment questions is also available.
4. There are also an Assignment 3 Tutorial PDF, Plate movement and Plate Tectonic
boundaries Map PDF as well as a useful FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document
“How do I get started on this assignment?”
5. Work through the assignment, then, when you have it complete, go to the Tests &
Quizzes tab in Sakai to enter your answers and submit the assignment. Rules and
guidelines for assignments are in your course syllabus. As always with online tools,
save your work frequently while entering answers.

REMINDER! Please answer all questions before entering your answers under the Tests &
Quizzes section in Sakai (Hint: it’s good practice to always keep a ‘hard copy’ of your
answers). Questions are worth 1 mark unless otherwise noted (total marks for assignment
= 50).

How to answer questions in the ‘Test and quizzes’ tool?

1. Question 1 will require you to ‘Upload’ a completed copy of the Map. Make sure to
upload either a JPG or PDF
2. The rest of the the questions will have ‘multiple choice’ answers available for you to
choose from. ‘Click’ the correct answer from the list provided.

REMINDER! Please answer all questions before entering your answers in the

Tests & Quizzes tool


QUESTION 1: Submit a copy of the Tralfamadore map to the Tests and Quizzes tool, on
which you have added the information outlined below.

The completed copy of the MAP must be upload as a PDF or JPG copy. (ONLY a PDF or JPG, no word
file, no pages files, anything other than a PDF or JPG will be awarded 0 (zero) marks)

• The map is available in JPG format (and PDF format) that you can download to any
software that will allow you to add coloured lines and text to the image and then
save it for submission through Sakai.
• If you cannot annotate the map digitally you can print it out and add the required
information with coloured pencils and then scan or photograph your work and save
as a PDF and then submit as the completed assignment.
HOWEVER – Make sure that the map is legible or it will not be marked!

On the map complete each of the following:

PART I Sketch the location of all plate boundaries that can be identified on the basis of the
distribution of earthquakes:

a) Show any trenches that you think might be present as continuous RED lines.
(5 points)

b) Show any oceanic ridges that you think might be present as continuous BLACK
lines. (5 points)

c) Show the location of any transform faults that you think might be present as
continuous GREEN lines. (5 points)

Note: Be very precise in the placement of your lines for these tectonic boundaries.

PART II Based on the pattern of depth of earthquakes:

a) Identify where subduction is taking place on the map at the steepest angle from
the horizontal (label this location with an arrow and with the letter “A”). (2 points)

b) Identify where subduction is taking place on the map at the lowest angle from
the horizontal (label this location with an arrow and with the letter “B”). (2 points)

c) Can you recognize any location where there may be a “seismic gap”? If you think
that there is one label this location with an arrow and with the letter “C”. (2 points)

Note: Be very precise in the placement of your ‘letters’ – The letter size should be
APPROXIMATELY THE SIZE shown above (ie. ~18 pt font)

PART III The following questions (2-27) will refer to the feature reference numbers, volcano
reference letters and Plate tectonic movement direction reference roman numerals posted
on the Tralfamadore map. For ease of recognition and reference, each number/ letter/
roman numerals has been provided on a separate Tralfamadore map.

ANSWERS for these questions must be entered in the ‘’Tests and quizzes’’ tool on Sakai.

The following questions (2 to 7) refer to ‘’Feature reference numbers” Ie. . 1
QUESTION 2 The feature marked ‘’1”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Himalaya type mountains (continental/continental crust collision)

B) Andes type mountains (continental/oceanic crust collision)
C) Island arcs (oceanic/oceanic crust collision)
D) Continental rift valley (divergent boundary within a continent)
E) Area tectonically similar to San Andreas Fault, California (transform fault cutting
F) Area Tectonically similar to Hawaii (Volcanic Island chain within plate, aligned with
plate movement)
G) Area Tectonically similar to Iceland (Volcanic Island on divergent boundary)
H) A record of a large meteorite impact event

QUESTION 3 The feature marked ‘’2”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Himalaya type mountains (continental/continental crust collision)

B) Andes type mountains (continental/oceanic crust collision)
C) Island arcs (oceanic/oceanic crust collision)
D) Continental rift valley (divergent boundary within a continent)
E) Area tectonically similar to San Andreas Fault, California (transform fault cutting
F) Area Tectonically similar to Hawaii (Volcanic Island chain within plate, aligned with
plate movement)
G) Area Tectonically similar to Iceland (Volcanic Island on divergent boundary)
H) A record of a large meteorite impact event

QUESTION 4 The feature marked ‘’3”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Himalaya type mountains (continental/continental crust collision)

B) Andes type mountains (continental/oceanic crust collision)
C) Island arcs (oceanic/oceanic crust collision)
D) Continental rift valley (divergent boundary within a continent)
E) Area tectonically similar to San Andreas Fault, California (transform fault cutting
F) Area Tectonically similar to Hawaii (Volcanic Island chain within plate, aligned with
plate movement)
G) Area Tectonically similar to Iceland (Volcanic Island on divergent boundary)
H) A record of a large meteorite impact event

QUESTION 5 The feature marked ‘’4”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Himalaya type mountains (continental/continental crust collision)

B) Andes type mountains (continental/oceanic crust collision)
C) Island arcs (oceanic/oceanic crust collision)
D) Continental rift valley (divergent boundary within a continent)
E) Area tectonically similar to San Andreas Fault, California (transform fault cutting
F) Area Tectonically similar to Hawaii (Volcanic Island chain within plate, aligned with
plate movement)
G) Area Tectonically similar to Iceland (Volcanic Island on divergent boundary)
H) A record of a large meteorite impact event

QUESTION 6 The feature marked ‘’5”’ on the Tralfamadore could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Himalaya type mountains (continental/continental crust collision)

B) Andes type mountains (continental/oceanic crust collision)
C) Island arcs (oceanic/oceanic crust collision)
D) Continental rift valley (divergent boundary within a continent)
E) Area tectonically similar to San Andreas Fault, California (transform fault cutting
F) Area Tectonically similar to Hawaii (Volcanic Island chain within plate, aligned with
plate movement)
G) Area Tectonically similar to Iceland (Volcanic Island on divergent boundary)
H) A record of a large meteorite impact event

QUESTION 7 The feature marked ‘’6”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Himalaya type mountains (continental/continental crust collision)

B) Andes type mountains (continental/oceanic crust collision)
C) Island arcs (oceanic/oceanic crust collision)
D) Continental rift valley (divergent boundary within a continent)
E) Area tectonically similar to San Andreas Fault, California (transform fault cutting
F) Area Tectonically similar to Hawaii (Volcanic Island chain within plate, aligned with
plate movement)
G) Area Tectonically similar to Iceland (Volcanic Island on divergent boundary)
H) A record of a large meteorite impact event

The following questions (8 to 13) refer to ‘’Volcano reference letters” Ie U
QUESTION 8 The volcano marked ‘’U”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Predominantly Basaltic magma composition

B) Predominantly Andesitic magma composition
C) Predominantly Granitic magma composition
D) A volcano is unlikely to be found at this locality

QUESTION 9 The volcano marked ‘’V”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Predominantly Basaltic magma composition

B) Predominantly Andesitic magma composition
C) Predominantly Granitic magma composition
D) A volcano is unlikely to be found at this locality

QUESTION 10 The volcano marked ‘’W”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Predominantly Basaltic magma composition

B) Predominantly Andesitic magma composition
C) Predominantly Granitic magma composition
D) A volcano is unlikely to be found at this locality

QUESTION 11 The volcano marked ‘’X”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Predominantly Basaltic magma composition

B) Predominantly Andesitic magma composition
C) Predominantly Granitic magma composition
D) A volcano is unlikely to be found at this locality

QUESTION 12 The volcano marked ‘’Y”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Predominantly Basaltic magma composition

B) Predominantly Andesitic magma composition
C) Predominantly Granitic magma composition
D) A volcano is unlikely to be found at this locality

QUESTION 13 The volcano marked ‘’Z”’ on the Tralfamadore map could most reasonably be
described as the following: (1 mk)

A) Predominantly Basaltic magma composition

B) Predominantly Andesitic magma composition
C) Predominantly Granitic magma composition
D) A volcano is unlikely to be found at this locality

The following questions (14 to 20) refer to ‘’Plate tectonic movement direction reference
roman numeral” Ie i
QUESTION 14 The roman numeral marked ‘’i”’ on the Tralfamadore map would represent
Plate tectonic movement in the following direction (if drawn on the map at the location of
‘i’): (1 mk)

A) ↑
B) ↓
C) ←
D) →
E) ↖
F) ↗
G) ↘
H) ↙
QUESTION 15 The roman numeral marked ‘’ii”’ on the Tralfamadore map would represent
Plate tectonic movement in the following direction (if drawn on the map at the location of
‘ii’): (1 mk)

A) ↑
B) ↓

C) ←

D) →

E) ↖



QUESTION 16 The roman numeral marked ‘’iii”’ on the Tralfamadore map would represent
Plate tectonic movement in the following direction (if drawn on the map at the location of
‘iii’): (1 mk)

A) ↑
B) ↓
C) ←
D) →
E) ↖
F) ↗
G) ↘
H) ↙
QUESTION 17 The roman numeral marked ‘’iv”’ on the Tralfamadore map would represent
Plate tectonic movement in the following direction (if drawn on the map at the location of
‘iv’): (1 mk)

A) ↑
B) ↓
C) ←
D) →
E) ↖
F) ↗
G) ↘
H) ↙
QUESTION 18 The roman numeral marked ‘’v”’ on the Tralfamadore map would represent
Plate tectonic movement in the following direction (if drawn on the map at the location of
‘v’): (1 mk)

A) ↑
B) ↓
C) ←
D) →
E) ↖
F) ↗
G) ↘
H) ↙
QUESTION 19 The roman numeral marked ‘’vi”’ on the Tralfamadore map would represent
Plate tectonic movement in the following direction (if drawn on the map at the location of
‘vi’): (1 mk)

A) ↑
B) ↓
C) ←
D) →
E) ↖
F) ↗
G) ↘
H) ↙
QUESTION 20 The roman numeral marked ‘’vii”’ on the Tralfamadore map would represent
Plate tectonic movement in the following direction (if drawn on the map at the location of
‘vii’): (1 mk)

A) ↑
B) ↓
C) ←
D) →
E) ↖
F) ↗
G) ↘
H) ↙

The following questions (21 to 27) refer to features on the Tralfamadore map and
information provided in Module 5

QUESTION 21 Which of the volcano localities labelled on the Tralfamadore map would you most
TYPICALLY find a ‘’Stratovolcano’’? (2 mk) (Up to 2 answers possible)

A) U
B) V
C) W
D) X
E) Y
F) Z

QUESTION 22 Which of the feature localities labelled on the Tralfamadore map would you most
TYPICALLY associate with a “Hotspot”? (Up to 2 answers possible) ( 2 mk)

A) U
B) V
C) W
D) X
E) Y
F) Z

QUESTION 23 Which of the feature localities labelled on the Tralfamadore map would you most
TYPICALLY find a ‘’Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI)” of zero (0) ? (1 mk)

A) U
B) V
C) W
D) X
E) Y
F) Z

QUESTION 24 Which of the feature localities labelled on the Tralfamadore map would you most
TYPICALLY find Pahoehoe lava? (2 mk) (Up to 2 answers possible)

A) U
B) V
C) W
D) X
E) Y
F) Z

QUESTION 25 Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the Volcano’s found on the
Tralfamadore map? (1 mk)

A) The Basaltic type volcano(s) are high in iron and low in potassium, AND have Temperatures

(in degrees Celsius) that range from 1000-1200
B) The Andesitic type volcano(s) have 55-65% SiO2 AND have an intermediate Gas content
C) The Granitic type volcano(s) are low in iron and high in potassium, AND have a high viscosity
D) The Basaltic type volcano(s) have 45-55% SiO2, AND have high viscosity
E) The Andesitic type volcano(s) have Intermediate magnesium and sodium chemical
composition AND have Temperatures (in degrees Celsius) that range from 800 -1000
F) The Granitic type volcano(s) have 65-75% SiO2 AND have Temperatures (in degrees Celsius)
that range from 650 - 800

QUESTION 26 The inhabitants of Tralfamadore are concerned about their health and safety
because of the volcanic gases that may be emitted by the various volcanoes in the area depicted on
the map provided. Which volcano should they be most concerned about in terms of their direct
health and safety? (1 mk)

A) Volcano located at a convergent margin, since it emits the largest proportion of Water
vapour which can displace the oxygen we need for respiration.
B) Volcano located at a divergent margin, since it emits the largest proportion of sulphur
dioxide which can seep into the soil in high enough amounts to kill trees and small
C) Volcano located at a hotspot, since it emits the largest proportion of hydrogen fluoride
which can displace the oxygen we need for respiration.
D) Volcano located at a convergent margin, since it emits the largest proportion of
Hydrogen chloride which can produce a haze that can last for months and kill livestock.
E) Volcano located at a Divergent margin, since it emits the largest proportion of Hydrogen
which can cause an increase in global temperatures as a greenhouse gas.
F) Volcano located at a hotspot, since it emits the largest proportion of Carbon monoxide
which is one of the volcanic gasses that can cause the greatest number of fatalities.

QUESTION 27 The inhabitants of Tralfamadore are concerned about their future well-being and
would like to monitor certain areas more closely. Which area do you suggest they focus their limited
resources to monitor for potential future disasters? (1 mk)

A) Location 6 as a Magnitude 12.7 earthquake has occurred here and will very likely occur
again soon.
B) Location Y as monitoring of the area suggests that there are several earthquakes
occuring suggesting an eruption may soon occur
C) Location V as this is a location where a pyroclastic flow or nuée ardente is likely to occur
D) Location ‘’W’’ as this is potentially the location of a ‘’supervolcano’’ similar to the area
near Yellowstone National Park.
E) None of the localities on the Tralfamadore map should be monitored as they present no
future danger

Submit your completed map via the “Test and Quizzes” tool on the Sakai site for this
course.(Question 1)

The completed copy of the MAP must be upload as a PDF or JPG copy. (ONLY a PDF or JPG, no word
file, no pages files, anything other than a PDF or JPG will be awarded 0 (zero) marks)

Answer questions 2 to 27 in the “Test and Quizzes’’ tool on the Sakai site as well.

ASSIGNMENT DUE BY Wednesday, December 8th, 11:55 PM


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