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7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers English Literature And Linguistics MCQs Solved Questions with Answers It you ae looking to find the latest English Literature And Linguisties MCQs for Onine “Test Preparation, Here you wl find all English Literature & Linguistics MCQs solved ‘questions and answers ENGLISH Literature and Linguistics MCQs smeashelpcom tdecumeninetelcon fat sy. Fluent tion Pema rt c ‘Allthese English Literature and Linguistics Multiple Choice Questions are helpful for your English Linguistics Exams, and English Literature Exams to solve English Papers. It you ae preparing for competitive exams these English MCQs are helpful te your English Preparation. Below are the most important and solved English Literature and Linguistics Mca questions. Table of Contents English Literature MCQs Branches of Linguistics MCOs Phonetics and Phonology MCQs hitps:meashelp comlenglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! Biology Mcas Chemistry MCOs Computer MCOs Current fais MCOs English MCOs Moos Everyday Sclence MCOS General Knowledge MCOs reo Met General Se Geography MCOs Islamiat MCOs atest Test MCOs Maths MCQs NTS cos Pak Study MOOs Pedagogy MCOs Physics MOGs Urdu Meas ane 711973, 527 AM English Literature And Linguistics MCOs Solved Questions with Answers Linguistics General Meas More English MCs Language and Linguistics MCs 1: Linguistics concemed with the nature of language and, = a} wating = b) reading = 6} thinking = 4) communication 2: Linguistics deals with the study of particular Properties common to a large group of languages. = a) lterature = b) language = 6) subject = d)none ofthese 2 which umbrella term that covers a wide set of numerous areas of study ‘such as speech pathology, reading, language teaching, eror analysis, and comput language processing. = 3} Phonology 1b) Semanties «) Applied linguists = @) Pragmatics peech pathology isthe study of functional and structural changes in = a} waiting = &) grammar = c) speech = 4) Both and b 5: Language teaching Is the main concept of. = 3} Applied linguistics = b) Phonetics = 6) Symax = &) Pragmatics hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! ane 7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers 6 Study of ingusties enables us to understand how. used works and how itis = a} praseology = bj language 1 listening @) None of these 7 Is the branch of linguistics concerned with the study of dalects and regional variations. 2) Dialectology 2b) Methodology = 6) Newroingusitios = 4) Computational lingusties 8: Ethnolingustes is also called = 2) Social linguistics 1b) Clinical inguistios «) Cultural linguistios 4) Forenstelinguisties 9: Entholingustics isthe culture ofthe relationship between = a} investigation = B) conclusion = 6} findings =) Non of them 10: Entholingustis is concerned withthe relation between linguistic and behavior. = 8} grammatical = b)cultual 6) algorthmic = A) computational English Literature MCQs hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! ane 7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers 1: 30 called diachronic linguistics. = 8} Sociolinguistics 1b) Developmental linguistics * 6) Evolutionary linguistics = 4) Hstoricallinguisties 12:The branch of Iinguistls that deals withthe study of word formation and ‘changes in the form ofthe word is called = 9) orthographic = b) Morphology = 6) Semantics 1 None of these 12: Historica ofak 9) Syntax = b) Grammer = 6) Literature = @Hstory i is a meaningful morphological unit ofa language. = a) Morpheme =») Phoneme = 6} Vocabulary 1 d)None of these 15: Morphology isthe study ofthe __ structure of words which are the smallest independent units ofa language called Morphemes. = ajexternall * internal * c)extemal and internal + None of these 16: investigates how language’ represented and stored in our bra = 8} Sociolinguistics = b) Developmental linguistics = c) Newroinguistios hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! ane 7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers = 4) Applied linguistics v7: Par uistc i the study of a non-phoneti property. 1 3} verbal + b) nonverbal = c)both = None of these 18: Proxemics isthe study of space and how we useitin. = 3} communication = b) writing = cjreading = d) speaking 8: Is the movement of a body and gesture regarded as non-verbal ‘communication = 9) Proxemics =») Kinesies = 6) Morpheme = @None of these 20: Haptics means anything relating tothe sense of = a}taste = bp hearing = e}toueh = a) smell Branches of Linguistics MCQs 2 Is the branch of knowledge that deals with the structu development, iterary studies, and linguistics of = 9) Philosophy =») Theology = ©) Philology = a) Ontology hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! siz 7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers 22: Phonetis is the branch of Iingulsties that deals with the, representation by writen symbols. of speech and * 8} sounds = bpleters 1 6) words = d)None of these Is the smallest unit of speech that distinguish one word from another. = 2) Morpheme = b) Phoneme = 6) Sentence + clause 124 PA stands fr: = 2} International Phonetic Alphabet 1 b) International Phonetic Association =} Intemational Phonetic Academy = None of these 25: phonetics is the study of how speech sounds are produced by the human vocal apparatus. = 9) Auditory = b) Acoustic = 6} Articulatory = a) Both b ande 26: is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed ‘sentences ina language. = 3} Sematic = 8) syntax 6) Pregmaties =) Grammar hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! ena 7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers = a) Articulatory 2) Acoustic «) Aueitory 4)Bothaands ‘28: Phonology i the classification of __ with the system ofa particu 2) Alphabets ») Sounds = Letters 4) Sentences 2: isthe study of the meaning of words and sentences. = 3) Syntax = b) Phonetics = ¢} Semantics 4) Morphology Phonetics and Phonology MCQs 30: Acoustic phonetics i the study ofthe sound waves made by for 1 8} human vocal organs = b) animals = 6} musical instruments = None of these ‘31: The system of phonology converts units of sounds in a = a} watten form = b) spoken language * 6} translation 1 a) Both sande 32: One ofthe task of __is tol ntfy distinctive units within a languag = 9} Sylistes| = 8) Comaratve Lingusties = ©) Applied Lingusties = 4) Phonology hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! m2 7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers Ey is the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of how context ‘contibutes to meaning, = 8} Sociolinguistics =») Pragmatios 1 6} Psylinguistics = a) syntax ‘44: The term Pragmatics was coined inthe 1930s by philosopher * 9) Bertrand Russel! = b) ottoo Frege = ©} Donaind Devdson = DOW Moris 35: Pychoinguistes is the field of study in which researchers investigate the rocess involved in the use of language. = 3) Social + b) Developmmnetal * 6) Interpretational + 4) Psychological 36: mind. Is the storage of words and thelr relationship with ther words inthe = 8} Computational storage = b) Lexical Storage = €) Mental Storage = @None of these m: the process of finding a new word in our mind = a) Retrieve = bp Access. = 6) Analysis = d)None of these 38: Blinguallsm is the ably to speak___language: hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! ana 7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers = 8) One +b) Two = o)Three = a) Four 3: fs the careful selection of words to communicate a message, 1 8} Dictaion = b) Reporting = 6} Conclusion = d)None of these Linguistics General MCQs. 40: Soctolingulsties ls the study ofthe effects that has on language use. = a}leare: = 8) speaker =e) society = @istener 441: The role of grammar in linguistics isto account forall the. language. 1 slcorect = b) incorrect = c)both = none 42: Which of the following is comprehension test? 8) Summarising information = b) Making prediction = ¢)Botha and = d)None of these 42: critical others. {s a rational process of evaluating arguments put forward by = 3} writing 1) thinking = c)reading hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! one 7119723, 527 AM = listening ‘44: Comprehension listening is also known as: = a} Content stening = b) Empatheti listening = 6} Informational listening = 4) Sympathetic listening ‘45: When children begin to form mini-sentences itis known as = 8} Oratorical speech += b) Persuasive speech = ©) Demonstrative speech = a) Telegraphic speech 46: Making own dialogues task, = a} Postistening = b)Pretistening = ©) Both 1d) None of these 47: Phonology, Morphology, and Semantics are the parts of 1 9} Language =») Speech = ©) Grammar = @ Alot these 4a: believes that the * 3} Noam Chomsky = b) Umberto Feo ' 6} Roman Jakobson =e) Edward Sapir 49: Parole and langue means: = 9} reaging and wating hitps:meashelp comienglish-lterature-and:inguises-megs! English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers sorte 7119723, 527 AM English Literature And Linguists MCQs Solved Questions with Answers += b) speech and language * ©) speaking and reading = 4) writing and speaking interactions, 50: Pidgin ison the spat language of signs, used for = 3} socall + b)pottical + 6} eduational + d)business Conclusion: These are the best English Literature And Linguistics MCQs (Questions and Answers) {or Online Test Preparation. f you have any questions or suggestions fel free to ask your question inthe comment section below. 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