Syllable Stress

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2/14/23, 2:58 AM https://teleperformance-waha.sabacloud.


Syllable Stress

Syllable Stress


• Discuss the meaning of the word “Syllable”

• Learn how to break words into syllables

• Recognise the importance of breaking words into syllables

• List the different pronunciation guidelines… 1/5
2/14/23, 2:58 AM…

What is a syllable?

• A syllable is the smallest unit of sound in a word

• It is usually a vowel sound, possibly surrounded by consonants

• Syllables are the building blocks of words

• Words can have anything from 1 syllable to 8 syllables

Breaking words into syllables

• Remember that syllables are divisions based on sound, not spelling

• Every unit of sound is a separate syllable

Water Wa - ter

Customer Cus – to - mer

Energy E- ner- gy… 2/5
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Syllable Stress

• Correct pronunciation is all about stressing on the right syllable

• Remember that we can only stress on one syllable in a word

Water Wa - ter

Forget For - get

Energy E- ner- gy

Industry In – dus - try

Pronunciation Guidelines
Noun Verb
OBJ - ect ob - JECT
EX - port ex - PORT
PRE - sent pre - SENT
CON - tract con - TRACT
PRO - ject pro - JECT
REB - el reb - EL
RE- cord re - CORD
CON - tent con - TENT
PRO - duce pro - DUCE
CON - duct con - DUCT

Two-syllabic Nouns – Stress on the FIRST syllable

Two-syllabic Verbs – Stress on the SECOND syllable… 3/5
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Pronunciation Guidelines
Penultimate Pre-penultimate
pro – nun – ci – A - tion de – MO – cra - cy
ill – u - sion pro – XIM – i - ty
pho – to – GRAPH - ic opp – or – TU – ni - ty
com – mu – ni – CA - tion pho – TO – gra - phy
re – VI - sion ge – O – lo - gy
mic – ro –SCOP - ic tech – no – LO – gi - cal
au – THEN - tic bi – o – LO – gi - cal
re – MIS - sion e – MER – gen - cy
pol – i – TI - cian a – PO – lo - gy
spe – CI- fic DI – gi - tal

Penultimate words – Stress on the SECOND TO LAST syllable

Pre-penultimate words – Stress on the THIRD TO LAST syllable

Pronunciation Guidelines
Compound Nouns Compound Verbs
CUP – board under – STAND
AIR – port over - FLOW
NOTE – book over - CHARGE
PASS – port with - DRAW
TEA – pot under - STATE
OVER – draft under - ESTIMATE
STOCK – broker over – TAKE
HEALTH – care dry – CLEAN
CARD – holder baby - SIT
POST - code ice - SKATE

Compound Nouns – Stress on the FIRST word

Compound Verbs – Stress on the SECOND word… 4/5
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