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 Biochemistry is the branch of science which :
 Studies the chemistry of biosynthesis in living things
 Explains biological phenomena in terms of chemistry by studying the changes in the bodies of
living things
 Studies the chemistry of vital compounds in living things such as Carbohydrates and proteins


 They are composed of C ,O ,H ( oxygen has the larger ratio )

 They can be shown as ( CH2O )n or Cn (H2O)n
 They can be simple carbohydrates or complex hydrates
 They are optically active
 They are found as a long chains or closed chains
 They can be classified into :

1. Monosaccharides
2. Disaccharides
3. Poly saccharide

They are the simplest form of carbohydrates ,such as
1. Glucose
2. Fructose

Open cahin Six membered Closed Open cahin Five membered

Multi hydrxyl chain Multi hydrxyl keton Closed chain
aldehyde Multi hydoxyl ether Multi hydoxyl ether

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Q ;Compare between glucose and fructose

Glucose Fructose

 It is called Grape sugar  It is called fruit sugar

 It is found in blood  It is found in most fruits
 Its molecular formula C6H12O6 or  Its molecular formula C6H12O6 or
C6(H2O)6 C6(H2O)6
 it has a crystalline structure  it has a crystalline structure
 does not hydrolyzed when dissolving in  does not hydrolyzed when dissolving in
water water
 it is a multi hydroxyl aldehyde  it is a multi hydroxyl ketone
 it is a reducing agent  it is a reducing agent
 oxidized in Fehling’s solution and Tollens  oxidized in Fehling’s solution and Tollens
reagent reagent

Open cahin Six membered Closed Open cahin Five membered

Multi hydrxyl chain Multi hydrxyl keton Closed chain
aldehyde Multi hydoxyl ether Multi hydoxyl ether

although fructose has a carbonyl group like ketones ,but it responds to Fehling’s solution and Tollens
reagent ,because it is a ketone with alpha hydroxyl group which is considered to be reducing
compound too

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 they are formed when two similar or different monosaccharides molecules bonded together by
removing water molecule such as sucrose

Sucrose :
 its molecular formula is C12H22O11
 it is produced from :
1. ( cane) then called (cane sugar )
2. (beet) then called (beet sugar)
3. Composed of two monosaccharides ( glucose and fructose) bonded through glycoside
bond which includes the removal of water molecule
Glycoside bond hydrolyzed during digestion :

Sucrose glucose + fructose

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 Composed of ( C ,O ,H , N) and they may contain [ S (sulfur) ]
 The main building block of our bodies
 The biggest source of amino acids
 Their block units are amino acids
Amino acids
 They are the block units of proteins
 They have two function groups :
1. Carboxyl group( acidic)
2. Amino group (basic)
 They bond together through peptide bonds
( which is amide bonds)
 They differed from each other by the side
(R group )only
 The essential amino acids are 20

Protien formation
 Formed from the bonding of many amino acids by peptide bonds ( amide bond)
 Its molar mass can be between 40000 to 40000000
 It has a carboxyl group from one end and amino group from the other end
 They are differed from each other accordint to:
1. the types of amino acids
2. the number of amion acids
3. the order of amino acids in the protien chain

the function of protien depends on the type of amino acids and their esquence which give the protien
its shape and its size ,any change in the shape of protien make it un able to do its function

Some examples of protien according to their shapes :

1. fibrous shape : such as keratin in hair and wool
2. semi spherical shape : sucu as protien in egg

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Some of the most important protiens in our bodies :
1. enzymes
2. hormones
3. hemoglobin

1. they are a kind of proteins
2. they are found in all cells of living beings
3. they do their function independently
4. they are constantly renewed during biochemical reactions as they loss their affects by time
5. each of them needs a certain pH
6. they reduce the activation energy of biochemical reaction
Q what are the types of enzymes ?
they are :
1. internal enzymes
they work inside the cell ,as they cannot get out through cell membrane such as
oxidation enzymes
2. external enzymes
they work outside the cell after secreted from the tissues such as digestive enzymes

Q what make enzymes lose their ability ( disrupts their function )?

1. High temperature
2. Unsuitable pH

Q: separation of proteins with simple way isn’t easy ?

Because they have similar properties as they composed from the same building units(amino acids )

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 They are animal fat and vegetable oil

 They are stored in body to get energy when needed
 digestion release the stored energy by oxidation reactions
 They represent the (stored energy) food
 fats are found in all cells of the body

Q ; what is the importance of lipids in industry ?

 they have great industrial importance as they can be used in manufacturing of :
1. soaps
2. paints
3. candles

Q; what are the physical properties of lipids

 they do not dissolve in polar solvents such as water

 they dissolve in organic solvents such as ether, chloroform
 oils are liquids while fats are solids at room temperature
 chemically they are triglycerides
form from the reaction of fatty acids with glycerol

Glycerin and glycerol two names for the same compound

The bond between glycerol and fatty acid called ester bond

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 it is the sodium or potassium salt of fatty acid

 saponification is the process used to produce soap
 solid soap obtained when sodium hydroxide is used as a base
 liquid or soft soap obtained when potassium hydroxide is used as a base
 the quality of soap depends on the fatty acids

Q: what is saponification ?
 it is the process used to obtain soaps
 it is the reaction between triglyceride with strong bas such NaOH KOH
 saponification process can be represents as :

Q:Calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide cannot be used as bases in soaps?

Because magnesium and calcium are the ions which causes water hardness , so if they are found in soap
it will not work well , in addition to that the quality of soap will be not that good

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. Biochemistry
Grade 12bio class

A Starch
Monosaccharides B Glucose
C Lactose
Disaccharides D Cellulose
E Maltose
Poly saccharides F Sucrose
G Fructose

A Monosaccharide
Glucose B Blood sugar
C Fruit’s sugar
D multi hydroxyl aldehyde
Fructose E Multi hydroxyl ketone
F Five membered ring multi hydroxyl ether
G six membered ring multi hydroxyl ether
H 𝐶6 𝐻12 𝑂6
Fill in the blanks

The bond between two monosaccharides molecules is called ………………………………………………………………….

The bond between two amino acids molecules is called ………………………………………………………………….

Triglyceride formed from the reaction between ………………………………………….and …………………………………………..

The formed bond called ……………………………………………

All amino acids have ……………………………….. group and …………………………………….group , but they differ in

Proteins considered to be amphoteric substances ?justify?

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What is a soap ? write down the chemical reaction represent saponification ?

Calcium and magnesium cannot be used as bases in soap production ?

Give the reason :

1-Fructose assumed as a reducing agent ?

2-protiens reacts with acids and bases ?

3-separation of proteins isn’t easy ?

Write down the open formula of Write down the cyclic formula of Write down structural formula for
glucose fructose amino acid

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