Power Words

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1. I definitely will make sure that it gets sorted… 15.

2. I absolutely agree with you… 16.

3. I can certainly help you… 17.
4. That is exactly right… 18.
5. I completely agree with you… 19.
6. Let me quickly go ahead and check this for you. 20.
7. I can give a fantastic alternative for this. 21.
8. Great news! 22.
9. Marvellous choice… 23.
10. That is an excellent suggestion… 24.
11. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. 25.
12. Splendid! All that is left to do now…
13. Yes, it is essential that you wait till the propogation time frame.
14. It is a very generous offer…
1 I understand how considerate you are on your website
2 Thankyou for being so co-operative today which helped in resolving the concern
I appreciate you being so enthusiastic about following this up.
I think you’re just being humble.
I’m always happy to have a conversation with such a friendly person
It is great that you have been so thorough in your research.
It is very responsible of you to have made that decision.
Thank you for being so observant and spotting our mistake.
Thank you for being so patient with me on this.
You are very generous to say that.
You have been very cooperative, which makes my job a lot easier.
Your feedback has been very helpful
I bet that your dog is delightful.
I think that you have a fabulous home
I’m sure that you have lovely children
It’s excellent that you are helping to make a difference.
It’s impressive that you do that for a living.
That’s a fantastic accomplishment, you should be proud of yourself.
That’s a really nice name, where does that originate from?
You were wonderful throughout this conversation.
Awsome! Lets move on to your next concern
I can highly recommend you to goahead with this plan.…
Thanks, we aim to provide a friendly service…
That’s certainly impressive
That it is an interesting idea…
Brilliant! I’m glad we are on the same page…
Yes, it is an exciting prospect…
I think that it’s a terrific option…
Your website is fascinating, may I know who have developed this website.
You certainly are an expert on this…
That is personally my favourite option…
It would definitely be ideal, considering your situation…
ving the concern

friendly person

b a lot easier.
ud of yourself.
Customer: My Website is down and need it to be fixed.
Guide: I definitely make sure that the website is working fine by end of this conversation.

Customer: Do you understand the impact on my business since my website went down.
Guide: I absolutely agree and understand the impact of the website caused to your business and I regret for it. I definetlly m

Customer: My SSL is not fixed and my site shows unsecured. Is there a way that you can help me fixing the issue.
Guide: I can certainly help you in fixing the SSL issue. All we need to do is just re-key the certificate and install the SSL.

Customer: I need refund for the domain as it was renewed without my concern.
Guide: I can certainly goahead and help you with the refund. Let me quickly goahead and check the refund policies to process

Customer: You want me to pay redemption fee to retrieve my domain name. Its been just few days that my domain was expir

Guide: I can give you a fantastick alternative in retrieving the domain name. You can certainly goahead and renew the domain
the system can waive off the redemption. With the same price you can actually enjoy the tenure of the domain name for 3 ye
generous offer for you.
Customer: okay! I will goahead with 3 year renewal.
Guide: Marvellous choice! Let's retrieve your domain name now.

Customer: I see that my SSL certificate is issued, whats next?

Guide: Splendid! All that is left to do now is just goahead and add the redirections after the SSL is installed.

Customer: Can you expedite the propogation time frame?

Guide: It is essential that you wait till the propogation time frame as the effect takes globally.

Customer: I have changed the DNS of the domain name as you have guided. Whats next?
Guide: Excellent! All you need to do is just wait for the propogation time frame

Customer: These are my requirements to create a website. Which prooduct would you suggest me.
Guide: I highly recommend you to goahead with (Plan name) plan as this product features suits your requirement.

Friendly Closure: Thanks, we always aim to provide a friendly services. We appreciate your valuable feedback at the end of th

Customer: I want to transfer my domain name to Godaddy.

Guide: Just to confirm, may I know you want to transfer the domain name from third party or from a different GoDaddy accou
Customer: From Hostgator
Guide: Brilliant! I’m glad that we are on the same page.

Guide: I just browsed your website to duplicate the issue and I must say that you have an impressive/fascinating webiste out
the website is working fine by end of this conversation.

on. Have a great day ahead.

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