Hook Log

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DirectXHook > OnPresent: 00007FFCD40A6F30

DirectXHook > OnResizeBuffers: 00007FFCD40A6F70

DirectXHook > D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain succeeded
DirectXHook > SwapChain VMT base address: 00007FFD19822F30
DirectXHook > SwapChain VMT Present index: 00007FFD19822F70
DirectXHook > SwapChain VMT ResizeBuffers index: 00007FFD19822F98
DirectXHook > Present address: 00007FFD197B47C0
DirectXHook > ResizeBuffers address: 00007FFD197A3820
MemoryUtils > Hooking...
MemoryUtils > Existing bytes: 0x48 0x89 0x6c 0x24 0x18 0x48 0x89 0x74 0x24 0x20
0x41 0x56 0x48 0x83 0xec 0x20 0x41 0x8b 0xe8 0x8b
MemoryUtils > Allocated 61 bytes of memory at 00007FFC55420000
MemoryUtils > Created absolute jump from 00007FFC5542000E to 00007FFCD40A6F30 with
a clearance of 14
MemoryUtils > Created absolute jump from 00007FFC5542002F to 00007FFCD541B2A5 with
a clearance of 14
MemoryUtils > Created relative jump from 00007FFCD541B2A0 to 00007FFC55420000 with
a clearance of 5
MemoryUtils > Hooking...
MemoryUtils > Existing bytes: 0x48 0x89 0x5c 0x24 0x08 0x48 0x89 0x6c 0x24 0x10
0x48 0x89 0x74 0x24 0x18 0x57 0x41 0x56 0x41 0x57
MemoryUtils > Allocated 61 bytes of memory at 00007FFC55430000
MemoryUtils > Created absolute jump from 00007FFC5543000E to 00007FFCD40A6F70 with
a clearance of 14
MemoryUtils > Created absolute jump from 00007FFC5543002F to 00007FFCD541B5D5 with
a clearance of 14
MemoryUtils > Created relative jump from 00007FFCD541B5D0 to 00007FFC55430000 with
a clearance of 5
Renderer > Initializing D3D resources...
Renderer > Retrieving D3D device...
Renderer > Retrieved D3D12 device
Renderer > Waiting for command queue...
DirectXHook > Command queue: 000002807F6BF5B0
DirectXHook > CommandQueue VMT base address: 00007FFCCE81C4D8
DirectXHook > ExecuteCommandLists index: 00007FFCCE81C528
DirectXHook > ExecuteCommandLists address: 00007FFCCE785F50
MemoryUtils > Hooking...
MemoryUtils > Existing bytes: 0x48 0x89 0x5c 0x24 0x08 0x48 0x89 0x74 0x24 0x10
0x57 0x48 0x83 0xec 0x30 0x8b 0xfa 0x48 0x8b 0xf1
MemoryUtils > Allocated 61 bytes of memory at 00007FFC4E790000
MemoryUtils > Created absolute jump from 00007FFC4E79000E to 00007FFCD40A6FE0 with
a clearance of 14
MemoryUtils > Created absolute jump from 00007FFC4E79002F to 00007FFCCE785F55 with
a clearance of 14
MemoryUtils > Created relative jump from 00007FFCCE785F50 to 00007FFC4E790000 with
a clearance of 5
Renderer > Initializing D3D resources...
Renderer > Window width: 1920
Renderer > Window height: 1080
Renderer > Initializing D3D12...
Renderer > Initialized D3D12
Renderer > Successfully initialized D3D resources
OverlayFramework > Initialized
OverlayFramework > ofDevice: 000002801C919688
OverlayFramework > Texture loaded: ID 108
OverlayFramework > Texture loaded: ID 105
OverlayFramework > Texture loaded: ID 107
Renderer > ResizeBuffers was called!
Renderer > Initializing D3D resources...
Renderer > Window width: 1920
Renderer > Window height: 1080
Renderer > Initializing D3D12...
Renderer > Initialized D3D12
Renderer > Successfully initialized D3D resources
Renderer > ResizeBuffers was called!
Renderer > Initializing D3D resources...
Renderer > Window width: 0
Renderer > Window height: 0
Renderer > Initializing D3D12...
Renderer > Initialized D3D12
Renderer > Successfully initialized D3D resources
Renderer > ResizeBuffers was called!
Renderer > Initializing D3D resources...
Renderer > Window width: 1920
Renderer > Window height: 1080
Renderer > Initializing D3D12...
Renderer > Initialized D3D12
Renderer > Successfully initialized D3D resources

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