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1. It's ............................... if you put your feet on the desk. (OFFEND)

2. Sometimes it is painful to deal with harmful ............................... (INSULT)
3. He enjoyed the life of ............................... and ............................... (EASY, LUXURIOUS)
4. The ............................... to the National Gallery was blocked with a crowd of tourists. (ENTER)
5. During his youth he worked in various ............................... (OCCUPY)
6. Many ............................... films have been made based on Shakespeare's books. (SUCCEED)
7. We were brought up to have strict rules of ............................... (CLEAN)
8. It is important to read all the job ...............................(ADVERTISE)
9. He has written about fifteen job ..................................... so far. (APPLY)
10. A smart ............................. is essential along with some ............................. of the company.
11. Learning to adjust to ............................. cultures is both character building and strengthening.
12. ............................... should make a good impression at the interview in order to get the job. (APPLY)
13. My greatest ............................... was graduating from university. (ACHIEVE)
14. ............................... children can cause a lot of problems. (BRING UP)
15. She thanked for my ............................... . (GRATEFUL)
2. Predicting the weather has always been ............................... (IMPORTANCE) to our lives
since ............................... (CLIMATE) changes can ............................... (SERIOUS) affect crops and therefore
the ............................... (PRODUCE) of food. Today, forecasters use modern technology in order to increase
their ............................... (ACCURATE). Knowing what the weather will be like is not only interesting to farmers,
it is also relevant to sports enthusiasts such as ............................... (SKI) and people who live
in ............................... (MOUNTAIN) areas. Despite improvements in forecasting, the weather often
remains ............................... (PREDICT) and this has given forecasters a bad ............................... (REPUTE).
However, the climate is often so ............................... (CHANGE) that even experts with the
lastest ............................... (EQUIP) find it impossible to make accurate forecasts. Until
further ............................... (DEVELOP) are made in this field, it is likely that forecasters will
be ............................... (ABLE) to be 100% certain of tomorrow's weather.
2. On the 4th of July the USA celebrate their ............................... (DEPEND)
3. He could not get over the ............................... of his wife. (LOSE)

1. When Julie did not get the ................................... (PROMOTE) she had been hoping for, she was
very ................................... (DISAPPOINTMENT). I can't prove there's been any ...................................
(DISCRIMINATE) against me because I'm a woman, she said. There isn't any real ...................................
(EVIDENT) of that. So I can't make a formal ................................... (COMPLAIN). But if they'd paid
more ................................... (ATTEND) to my real working ................................... (ACHIEVE) here and not been
so concerned with questions of ................................... (PERSON) I'm sure I'd have got it. I agreed it was unfair
and ................................... (COURAGE). The real trouble is that you are ................................... (DEPEND) and like
to go your own way, and they don't like that I said.
2. One of the ................................... (CRITIC) of modern life most frequently heard today is that
the ................................... (IMPROVE) in living standards has been ................................... (SPECIAL) technical
and so not as ................................... (BENEFIT) as people imagine.
3. I left university with good academic ................................... (QUALIFY) but writing my
first ................................... (APPLY) was very difficult. I was looking for something quieter, ...................................
(PREFER) related to my studies, but there was little ................................... (CHOOSE) in my field.
1. A recent report on the ............................. (EAT) habits of children in Britain suggests that children from the
age of three to 16 show a strong ............................. (LIKE) for vegetables and only eat sufficient amount of fruit
and vegetables at Christmas. One researcher says not eating ............................. (PROPER) may have serious
consequences on a child's speaking and ............................. (PHYSICS) development. One .............................
(SOLVE) is to give children extra iron and vitamines but in the long run it is more ............................. (AFFECT) if
children get the right ingredients in their ............................. (DAY) diet.
2. Eating fruit and vegerables is ............................. (BENEFIT) to your health.
3. It is very important to lay the ............................. (FOUND) of a healthy lifestyle early on.
4. Children develop a ............................. (PREFER) for food by associating it with good times.
5. Some people believe that boot camps are a proper place for ............................. (RULE) teens.
6. The teens taken to the boot camps have no ............................. (CHOOSE)
7. His lyrics are quite ............................. (PROVOKE) and sometimes ............................. (OFFENCE) as well.
1. She would like to lead her life ................................. without her parent's help. (DEPEND)
2. His ................................. from the posh boarding school came as a bolt from the blue. (EXPEL)
3. We all believe that he has progressed ................................. (BRILLIANT)
4. My mother claims that I am not ................................. mature. (EMOTION)
5. You need to be aware of the ................................. effects of drugs. (HARM)
6. The only thing I can't resist is ................................. (TEMPT)
7. She always ................................. about a big house and a lot of children. (FANTASTIC)
8. He spends all his money on drinks so he's constantly ................................. (PENNY)
9. »...............................................................!« she said and gave me the present. (CONGRATULATE)
10. This is not my ................................. on the cheque. (SIGN)
11. I've just spent all my ................................. on a holiday in Mexico. (SAVE)
12. Her case was ................................. in a local newspaper. (PUBLIC)
13. As we are writing a test tomorrow I should do same ................................. (REVISE)
14. Money has brought me nothing but ................................. (MISERABLE)
1. The_______________________of man's hand is about 5 cm. WIDE
2. Travelling certanly has______________________his mind. BROAD
3. You should_____________ these trousers, they are much too short.LONG
4. Why bother?It seems_________to write another letter.POINT
5. Lilian is_______________________taller than when we saw her last.CONSIDER
6. Jim failed to___________for the final stage of the competition.QUALITY
7. This is rotten luck!I really___________with you.SYMPATHY
8. Have you read the latest__________about Madonna's private life?REVEAL
9. A true___________________lasts through life.FRIEND
10. Bill assured us that the___________against him werw untrue.ACCUSE
11. Things changed __________.DRAMA
12. It is impossible to predict which way the election will go because there are so many
13. With the application,a passport seized photograph is a___________.NECESSARY
14. My___________________is that you will pass the exam.EXPECT
15. The school playground has been_______________________.LARGE
16. Ruth has gone back to college to get a teaching_____________.QUALIFY
18. Why are you so_______________________to other people's problems'.SENSE
19. How kind of you.That was very_______________________.THOUGHT
21. He has________________________the new facts which changed his life in a long row.KNOW
22. All the local_________________________are required to take part.RESIDE
23. Reading______________________the mind,they say.BROAD
24. This is a ________________________city center.HISTORY
25. All the agenciesare offer___________________holidays to Greece.PACK
26. In the end I was a __________in the Wolverhampton.LIBRARY
27. Were you aware of the ____________________________of the situation?SERIOUS
28. She had to take an oath of______________________.SECRET
29. Some the animalsare on the verge of _______________________.EXTINCT
30. Stewardess is also called a flight________________________.ATTEND
31. Slowly he_________________________his consciousness.GAIN
32. It was a very_______________________evening, wasn't it?ENTERTAIN
33. After eating something that had gone off he developed food _____________________.POISON
34. This is a very_________________________________situation.MESS
35. this is not a very ___________________________situation.PROMISE
36. Why are you filling in this_____________________form?APPLY
37. This text book should have been more_____________________.INFORM
38. Oh, stop bothering me!As if i didn't have enough_____________________.DIFFICULT
39. Tell me about your_________________________with your father.RELATE
40. I think we'll soon become __________________________.MILLION
41. You can't go any furtherwithout a______________________.PERMIT
42. This is an animal_______________________organization.FARE
43. Every government should_______________________basic human rights. PRACTICE
44. These two companies have been in_________________________for over 10 yrs. OPERATE
45. We try to promote______________________methods in rearing of farm animals.HUMAN
46. Everybody was impressed by his________________________.GENEROUS
47. Has that satisfied your___________________________ CURIOUS
48. It has caused me a great deal of ____________ANXIOUS
49. He is a famous______________________INVENT
50. My driving __________________________is very patint with me.INSTRUCT
51. You didn't follow the _____________________________INSTRUCT
52. She works as a __________________________.WAIT
53. He is a lift_______________________ATTEND
54. I am seeking___________________________EMPLOY
55. He has just dismissed three of his_____________________________EMPLOY
56. We can't interview every _________________________for the job.APPLY
57. Please fill in this _________________________form.APPLY
58. How much is the _______________________ fee?ADMIT
59. Have you got any form of______________________IDENTIFY
60. I'd like to give you a piece of _______________________.ADVISE
61. The next _______________________session will be on Thursday.PRACTISE
62. He spoke a great___________________.LONG
63. There is a____________________of water at the moment.SHORT
64. I'm out of my___________________DEEP
65. He doesn't know his own __________STRONG
66. It's worth its____________________in gold.WEIGH
67. He is of average________________________HIGH
68. He measured the__________________________of the door.WIDE
69. He married her for her ___________________________BEAUTIFUL
70. She married him for his________________________WEALTHY
1. My father is an _____________________ in the bank. (account)
2. You must respond to their _______________________. (accuse)
3. My brother is a very ___________________ person. He always does something. (act)
4. I don't like ___________________ movies because they are so unreal. (act)
5. She is very famous _____________________. (act)
6. The society must fight drug _____________________ among the young. (addict)
7. I found a good ______________________. (advertise)
8. What are the ____________________ of being rich? (advance)
9. Discovery Channel is very _________________________. (educate)
10. I expect an ______________________ answer as soon as possible. (affirm)
11. We signed an _____________________________ yesterday morning. (agree)
12. Dolenjska is a very ______________________ area. (agriculture)
13. ___________________ is a big problem in Slovenia. (alcohol)
14. Put down the names in the _____________________ order. (alphabet)
15. There is a huge ______________________________ park in Paris. (amuse)
16. We are all ______________________________ to see our new teacher. (anxiety)
17. I want to _____________________ for my bad ____________________.
(apology, behave)
18. Do show a little ____________________ for what I've done for you. (appreciate)
19. All the problems began with the _________________ of rash on my skin.
20. They haven't explained the ___________________ of three young men yet.
Where are they? (appear)
21. An ___________________ is a person who applies for a job. (apply)
22. I have an _____________________ at 3. (appoint)
23. The audience showed its __________________ by clapping ______________.
(approve, loud)
24. We'll continue our _____________________ tomorrow. (argue)
25. They have reduced the prices of food _____________________. (artificial)
26. I'm so _____________________ of your behaviour. (shame)
27. Every _____________________ has his __________________ to help him with
the experiments. (science, assist)
28. There are many _____________________ to see in London. (attract)
29. Alison is a very _______________________ woman. (attract)
30. The door in this market opens ______________________. (automat)
31. _______________________ he's a nice person, but sometimes he complicates too much. (base)
32. It hurts a bit, but the pain was ______________________. (bear)
33. She sings ______________________. Just listen to her! (beauty)
34. Let's hurry! I don't want to miss the _________________ of the play. (begin)
35. Don't eat this mushroom. It's ___________________. (poison)
36. Who are his ___________________ parents? (biology)
37. He is a __________________ child. He never does what he's told. (problem)
38. Which was your most __________________ holiday? (disaster)
40. There was ___________________ everywhere. (bleed)


On the anniversary of Shakespeare's ……………………………….(DIE), Bridget Lewis talks about the future of the
English language.
Two thousand years ago English did not exist. A thousand years ago it was a language spoken by
………………………………..(LITTLE) than two million people.
Now it is the most …………………………………….(INFLUENCE) language in the world, spoken by more than a billion
people on the planet, as their first, second or third language. English …………………………………….(CURRENT)
dominates science, ……………………………….(BUSY), the mass media and popular culture. For example, 80% of e-
mails on the Internet are English. But where will English be at the end of the third millennium?
One view is that English is going to become even more important as a ………………………………(GLOBE) lingua
franca, dominating the world's trade and media while most of other languages will become localised or just die
At present, over half the world's 6,500 languages are in …………………………..(DANGEROUS) of
Another view is that English is already breaking up, as Latin did, into several separate languages. There are
already dictionaries of the »New Englishes«, such as Australian English, full of words that a British English
……………………………….(SPEAK) would not recognise.

……………………………………(HOPE), neither of these things will happen. Although different ………………………………….

(VARY) of English will continue to develop around the world, standard English will survive for international
In …………………………………..(ADD), the ……………………………………..(FRIGHT) prospect of a …………………………………
(CULTURE) uniform world totally dominated by one language is …………………………………..(POSSIBLE). Already,
other languages are fighting back against the grip of English on the Net.
…………………………………………….(GOVERN) around the world are also starting to protect smaller languages and
recognise the ……………………………………(IMPORTANT) of ………………………….(CULTURE) and linguistic

English will probably stay in control for a long time, at …………………………….(LITTLE) while the USA remains the
top superpower,, but it …………………………………..(DEFINITE) won't become the only language in the world .


1. It's OFFENSIVE if you put your feet on the desk. (OFFEND)

2. Sometimes it is painful to deal with harmful .INSULTS. (INSULT)

3. He enjoyed the life of ...EASEa nd ..LUXURY (EASY, LUXURIOUS)

4. The ENTRANCEto the National Gallery was blocked with a crowd of tourists. (ENTER)

5. During his youth he worked in various OCCUPATIONS. (OCCUPY)

6. Many SUCCESSFUL films have been made based on Shakespeare's books. (SUCCEED)

7. We were brought up to have strict rules of CLEANLINESS (CLEAN)

8. It is important to read all the job ADVERTISEMENTS.(ADVERTISE)

9. He has written about fifteen job APPLICATIONS so far. (APPLY)

10. A smart APPEARANCE. is essential along with some KNOWLEDGE of the company.

11. Learning to adjust to FOREIGN cultures is both character building and strengthening.

12. APPLICANTS should make a good impression at the interview in order to get the job. (APPLY)

13. My greatest ACHIEVEMENT. was graduating from university. (ACHIEVE)

14. BRINGING UP of children can cause a lot of problems. (BRING)


2. Predicting the weather has always been IMPORTANT (IMPORTANCE) to our lives since CLIMATIC
(CLIMATE) changes can SERIOUSLY (SERIOUS) affect crops and therefore the PRODUCTION
(PRODUCE) of food. Today, forecasters use modern technology in order to increase their
ACCURACY (ACCURATE). Knowing what the weather will be like is not only interesting to farmers, it
is also relevant to sports enthusiasts such as .SKIERS (SKI) and people who live in MOUNTAINOUS
(MOUNTAIN) areas. Despite improvements in forecasting, the weather often remains
UNPREDICTABLE (PREDICT) and this has given forecasters a bad REPUTATION (REPUTE).
However, the climate is often so CHANGEABLE (CHANGE) that even experts with the latest
EQUIPMENT (EQUIP) find it impossible to make accurate forecasts. Until further DEVELOPMENTS
(DEVELOP) are made in this field, it is likely that forecasters will be UNABLE (ABLE) to be 100%
certain of tomorrow's weather.

2. On the 4th of July the USA celebrate their INDEPENDENCE (DEPEND)

3. He could not get over the LOSS his wife. (LOSE)

1. When Julie did not get the PROMOTION. (PROMOTE) she had been hoping for, she was very
against me because I'm a woman, she said. There isn't any real EVIDENCE (EVIDENT) of that. So I
can't make a formal COMPLAINT (COMPLAIN). But if they'd paid more.ATTENTION (ATTEND) to my
real working ACHIEVEMENTS (ACHIEVE) here and not been so concerned with questions of
PERSONALITY (PERSON) I'm sure I'd have got it. I agreed it was unfair and .DISCOURAGING
(COURAGE). The real trouble is that you are INDEPENDENT (DEPEND) and like to go your own way,
and they don't like that I said.

2. One of the .CRITICISMS (CRITIC) of modern life most frequently heard today is that the
IMPROVEMENT (IMPROVE) in living standards has been ESPECIALLY (SPECIAL) technical and so
not as BENEFICIAL (BENEFIT) as people imagine.

3. I left university with good academic QUALIFICATIONS (QUALIFY) but writing my first
APPLICATION (APPLY) was very difficult. I was looking for something quieter, PREFERABLY
(PREFER) related to my studies, but there was little CHOICE (CHOOSE) in my field.

1. A recent report on the EATING (EAT) habits of children in Britain suggests that children from the
age of three to 16 show a strong UNLIKELINESS (LIKE) for vegetables and only eat sufficient amount
of fruit and vegetables at Christmas. One researcher says not eating PROPERLY (PROPER) may
have serious consequences on a child's speaking and ..PHYSICAL (PHYSICS) development.
One .SOLUTION (SOLVE) is to give children extra iron and vitamines but in the long run it is
more .AFFECTIVE (AFFECT) if children get the right ingredients in their DAILY (DAY) diet.

2. Eating fruit and vegerables is.beneficial (BENEFIT) to your health.

3. It is very important to lay the .FOUNDATIONS (FOUND) of a healthy lifestyle early on.

4. Children develop a PREFERENCE (PREFER) for food by associating it with good times.

5. Some people believe that boot camps are a proper place for UNRULY. (RULE) teens.

6. The teens taken to the boot camps have no .CHOICE (CHOOSE)

7. His lyrics are quite PROVOCATIVE (PROVOKE) and sometimes OFFENSIVE (OFFENCE) as well.

1. She would like to lead her life INDEPENDENTLY (HOW?) without her parent's help. (DEPEND)

2. His EXPULSION from the posh boarding school came as a bolt from the blue. (EXPEL)

3. We all believe that he has progressed BRILLIANTLY (BRILLIANT)

4. My mother claims that I am not EMOTIONALLY mature. (EMOTION)

5. You need to be aware of the HARMFUL of drugs. (HARM)

6. The only thing I can't resist is TEMPATION (TEMPT)

7. She always FANTASISES about a big house and a lot of children. (FANTASTIC)

8. He spends all his money on drinks so he's constantly PENNILESS (PENNY)

9. »CONGRATULATIONS!« she said and gave me the present. (CONGRATULATE)

10. This is not my SIGNATURE on the cheque. (SIGN)

11. I've just spent all my SAVINGS on a holiday in Mexico. (SAVE)

12. Her case was PUBLICISED in a local newspaper. (PUBLIC)

13. As we are writing a test tomorrow I should do same REVISION (REVISE)

14. Money has brought me nothing but .MISERY (MISERABLE)

1. The WIDTH of man's hand is about 5 cm. WIDE

2. Travelling certanly has BROADENED his mind. BROAD

3. You should EN/LENGTHEN these trousers, they are much too short.LONG

4. Why bother?It seems POINTLESS to write another letter.POINT

5. Lilian is CONSIDERABLY taller than when we saw her last.CONSIDER

6. Jim failed to QUALIFY for the final stage of the competition.QUALITY

7. This is rotten luck!I really SYMPHATISE with you.SYMPTHY

8. Have you read the latest REVELATION about Madonna's private life?REVEAL

9. A true FRIENDSHIP lasts through life.FRIEND

10. Bill assured us that the ACCUSATIONS against him were untrue.ACCUSE

11. Things changed DRAMATICALLY. DRAMA

12. It is impossible to predict which way the election will go because there are so many


13. With the application,a passport seized photograph is a NECESSITY.necessary

14. My EXPECTATION is that you will pass the exam.EXPECT VS EXPECTANCY

15. The school playground has been ENLARGED.LARGE

16. Ruth has gone back to college to get a teaching QUALIFICATION .QUALIFY

18. Why are you so INSENSITIVE to other people's problems'.SENSE

19. How kind of you.That was veryTHOUGHTFUL.THOUGHT

21. He has KNOWN the new facts which changed his life in a long row.KNOW

22. All the local RESIDENTS are required to take part.RESIDE

23. Reading BROADENS the mind,they say.BROAD


24. This is a HISTORICAL city center.HISTORY

25. All the agencies are offering PACKAGE holidays to Greece.PACK

26. In the end I was a LIBRARIAN in the Wolverhampton.LIBRARY

27. Were you aware of the SERIOUSNESS of the situation?SERIOUS

28. She had to take an oath of SECRECY.SECRET

29. Some the animalsare on the verge of EXTINCTION.EXTINCT

30. Stewardess is also called a flight ATTENDANT .ATTEND

31. Slowly he REGAINED his consciousness.GAIN

32. It was a very ENTERTAINING evening, wasn't it?ENTERTAIN

33. After eating something that had gone off he developed food _POISONING.POISON

34. This is a very MESSY situation.MESS

35. This is not a very _PROMISING situation.PROMISE

36. Why are you filling in this_APPLICATION form?APPLY

37. This text book should have been more_INFORMATIVE.INFORM

38. Oh, stop bothering me!As if I didn't have enough_DIFFICULTIES.DIFFICULT

39. Tell me about your_RELATIONSHIP with your father.RELATE

40. I think we'll soon become _MILLIONAIRES.MILLION

41. You can't go any furtherwithout a___PERMISSION.PERMIT

42. This is an animal_WELLFARE organization.FARE

43. Every government should PRACTISE basic human rights. PRACTICE

44. These two companies have been in OPERATION for over 10 yrs. OPERATE

45. We try to promote HUMANE methods in rearing of farm animals.HUMAN

46. Everybody was impressed by his_GENEROSITY.GENEROUS

47. Has that satisfied your__CURIOSITYCURIOUS

48. It has caused me a great deal of _ANXIETYANXIOUS

49. He is a famous__INVENTORINVENT

50. My driving __INSTRUCTOR is very patint with me.INSTRUCT

51. You didn't follow the _INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCT

52. She works as a __WAITRESS.WAIT

53. He is a lift__ATTENDANT_____________________ATTEND

54. I am seeking__EMPLOYMENT_________________________EMPLOY

55. He has just dismissed three of his_EMPLOYEES____________________________EMPLOY

56. We can't interview every _APPLICANT________________________for the job.APPLY

57. Please fill in this _APPLICATION________________________form.APPLY

58. How much is the _ADMISSION______________________ fee?ADMIT

59. Have you got any form of__IDENTIFICATION____________________IDENTIFY

60. I'd like to give you a piece of ADVICE_______________________.ADVISE

61. The next PRACTICAL_______________________session will be on Thursday.PRACTISE

62. He spoke a great__LENGTH_________________.LONG

63. There is a__SHORTAGE__________________of water at the moment.SHORT

64. I'm out of my_DEPTH__________________DEEP

65. He doesn't know his own STENGTHS__________STRONG

66. It's worth its_WEIGHT___________________in gold.WEIGH

67. He is of average_HEIGHT_______________________HIGH

68. He measured the__WIDTH________________________of the door.WIDE

69. He married her for her _BEAUTY__________________________BEAUTIFUL

70. She married him for his___WEALTH_____________________WEALTHY

1. My father is an ACCOUNTANT_____________________ in the bank. (account)

2. You must respond to their _ACCUSATIONS______________________. (accuse)

3. My brother is a very ACTIVE___________________ person. He always does something.


4. I don't like ACTION___________________ movies because they are so unreal. (act)

5. She is very famous _ACTOR____________________. (act)

6. The society must fight drug _ADDICTION____________________ among the young. (addict)

7. I found a good ADVERTISEMENT______________________. (advertise)

8. What are the _ADVANCES___________________ of being rich? (advance)

9. Discovery Channel is very _EDUCATIONAL________________________. (educate)

10. I expect an _AFFIRMATIVE_____________________ answer as soon as possible. (affirm)

11. We signed an AGREEMENT_____________________________ yesterday morning. (agree)

12. Dolenjska is a very _AGRICULTURAL_____________________ area. (agriculture)

13. _ALCOHOLISM__________________ is a big problem in Slovenia. (alcohol)

14. Put down the names in the __ALPHABETICAL

___________________ order. (alphabet)

15. There is a huge _amusement_____________________________ park in Paris. (amuse)

16. We are all __ANXIOUS____________________________ to see our new teacher. (anxiety)

17. I want to ___APOLOGISE__________________ for my bad


(apology, behave)

18. Do show a little __APPRECIATION__________________ for what I've done for you. (appreciate)

19. All the problems began with the __APPEARANCE_______________ of rash on my skin.


20. They haven't explained the __DISAPPEARANCE_________________ of three young men yet.

Where are they? (appear)

21. An __APPLICANT_________________ is a person who applies for a job. (apply)

22. I have an ___APPOINTMENT __________________ at 3. (appoint)

23. The audience showed its __APPROVAL________________ by clapping


(approve, loud)

24. We'll continue our ____ARGUMENT_________________ tomorrow. (argue)

25. They have reduced the prices of food __ARTIFICIALLY___________________. (artificial)

26. I'm so ____ASHAMED_________________ of your behaviour. (shame)

27. Every _SCIENTIST____________________ has his __ASSISTANT________________ to help

him with

the experiments. (science, assist)

28. There are many __ATTRACTIONS___________________ to see in London. (attract)

29. Alison is a very _ATTRACTIVE______________________ woman. (attract)

30. The door in this market opens ___AUTOMATICALLY___________________. (automat)

31. __BASICALLY_____________________ he's a nice person, but sometimes he complicates too

much. (base)

32. It hurts a bit, but the pain was __BEARABLE____________________. (bear)

33. She sings BEAUTIFULLY______________________. Just listen to her! (beauty)

34. Let's hurry! I don't want to miss the ___BEGINNING______________ of the play. (begin)
35. Don't eat this mushroom. It's __POISONOUS_________________. (poison)

36. Who are his _BIOLOGICAL__________________ parents? (biology)

37. He is a ___PROBLEMATIC_______________ child. He never does what he's told. (problem)

38. Which was your most _______DISASTROUS___________ holiday? (disaster)

40. There was ___BLOOD________________ everywhere. (bleed)


death, less, influential, currently, business, global, danger, extinction, speaker, hopefully, variations,
communication, addition, frightening, cultural, imposible, governments, importance, cultural,
diversity, least, definitely


On the anniversary of Shakespeare's ……DEATH………………………….(DIE), Bridget Lewis talks

about the future of the English language.

Two thousand years ago English did not exist. A thousand years ago it was a language spoken by
………………………………..(LITTLE) than two million people.

Now it is the most …………………………………….(INFLUENCE) language in the world, spoken by

more than a billion people on the planet, as their first, second or third language. English
…………………………………….(CURRENT) dominates science, ……………………………….(BUSY),
the mass media and popular culture. For example, 80% of e-mails on the Internet are English. But
where will English be at the end of the third millennium? One view is that English is going to become
even more important as a ………………………………(GLOBE) lingua franca, dominating the world's
trade and media while most of other languages will become localised or just die out.

At present, over half the world's 6,500 languages are in …………………………..(DANGEROUS) of

…………………………………..(EXTINCT) Another view is that English is already breaking up, as Latin
did, into several separate languages. There are already dictionaries of the »New Englishes«, such as
Australian English, full of words that a British English ……………………………….(SPEAK) would not
recognise.……………………………………(HOPE), neither of these things will happen. Although
different ………………………………….(VARY) of English will continue to develop around the world,
standard English will survive for international ……………………………………….(COMMUNICATE).

In …………………………………..(ADD), the ……………………………………..(FRIGHT) prospect of a

…………………………………(CULTURE) uniform world totally dominated by one language is
…………………………………..(POSSIBLE). Already, other languages are fighting back against the
grip of English on the Net.

…………………………………………….(GOVERN) around the world are also starting to protect smaller

languages and recognise the ……………………………………(IMPORTANT) of ………………………….
(CULTURE) and linguistic …………………………………………(DIVERSE).
English will probably stay in control for a long time, at …………………………….(LITTLE) while the
USA remains the top superpower,, but it …………………………………..(DEFINITE) won't become the
only language in the world.

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