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Received: 4 May 2016 | Revised: 30 July 2016 | Accepted: 8 August 2016

DOI: 10.1111/1440-1681.12649


Autophagy in vascular endothelial cells

Fan Jiang

Department of Pathology and

Pathophysiology, School of Basic Summary
Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan, The importance of autophagy in cardiovascular physiology and cardiovascular disease
Shandong Province, China
is increasingly recognized; however, the precise biological effects and underlying
Correspondence mechanisms of autophagy in the cardiovascular system are still poorly understood. In
Fan Jiang, Department of Pathology and
Pathophysiology, School of Basic Medicine, the last few years, the effects of autophagy in endothelial cells have attracted great
Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong interests. This article provides a summary of our current knowledge on the regulatory
Province, China.
Email: factors, signalling mechanisms, and functional outcomes of autophagy in endothelial
cells. It is suggested that in most situations, induction of an autophagic response has
Funding information
National Natural Science Foundation of cytoprotective effects. The beneficial effects of autophagy in endothelial cells are
China, Grant/Award Number: 31471087 likely to be context-­dependent, since autophagy may also contribute to cell death
and 91539102
under certain circumstances. In addition to regulating endothelial cell survival or death,
autophagy is also involved in modulating other important functions, such as nitric
oxide production, angiogenesis and haemostasis/thrombosis. The mounting data will
help us draw a clear picture of the roles of autophagy in endothelial cell biology and
dysfunction. Given the pivotal role of endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of
vascular disease, disruptions of autophagy in endothelial cells are likely to have signifi-
cant contributions. This is supported by some preliminary ex vivo data indicating that
compromised autophagic functions may be important in the development of endothe-
lial dysfunctions associated with diabetes and ageing.

autophagy, cell death, cell survival, endothelial cell, stress response

1 | INTRODUCTION energy, thereby maintaining metabolic homeostasis and ­enabling

adaptation to the stress. However, autophagy is not merely a stress
Autophagy is a highly conserved biological phenomenon, entailing response to metabolic perturbations; indeed, autophagy can be in-
the formation of membranous intracellular vesicles, and subsequent duced by a variety of cellular stressors, such as hypoxia, reactive
engulfment and delivery of various cellular components (proteins, oxygen species (ROS), DNA damage, and aggregation of misfolded
­organelles, and invading pathogens) to lysosomes for degradation proteins.4,9 Mounting evidence has suggested that there are com-
and material recycling. Readers are referred to some comprehensive plex cross-­talks between autophagy and other stress pathways;
reviews on the basic molecular mechanisms of autophagy and its hence autophagy may have an integral role in orchestrating the reg-
­potential implications in various diseases.1–8 It is thought that in most ulatory network involved in cellular stress response.4 Likewise, nu-
cells, a basal level of autophagy occurs constantly, which is essential merous studies have indicated that disturbed autophagic responses
for maintaining the health of the cell by clearing misfolded proteins may underlie the pathogenesis of various diseases, including neuro-­
and damaged organelles (for example dysfunctional mitochondria degeneration, metabolic disease, kidney disease, inflammation, can-
and ribosomes). An increased autophagic response can be elicited by cer, as well as cardiovascular disease.7,8,10,11 Vascular endothelial cells
nutrient deprivation. In this case, autophagy facilitates digestion of have a pivotal role in maintaining normal functions of the cardiovas-
existing cell components and redistribution of the biomaterials and cular system, while endothelial dysfunction has been recognised as a

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | 1021
and Physiology 2016; 43: 1021–1028
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common risk factor for virtually all kinds of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to macroautophagy, there are other two types of auto-
Our understanding on the importance of autophagy in endothelial cell phagy, namely microautophagy and selective autophagy. In microau-
biology is still incomplete.7 Recent studies have demonstrated that tophagy, the lysosomes directly engulf cytosolic components through
the autophagic process in vascular endothelial cells can be regulated inward invaginations on the lysosomal membrane.5 Selective autoph-
by a range of biological factors and chemical compounds, and may agy is mediated by specific autophagy receptor proteins, such as p62/
have significant impacts on the fate of endothelial cells. This article SQSTM1, NBR1 and NDP52, which on one hand can bind to LC3 on the
provides a summary of our current knowledge on the regulatory fac- autophagosome membrane, and on the other hand recognise various
tors, signalling mechanisms, and functional outcomes of autophagy cargoes via ubiquitin-­dependent15 as well as ubiquitin-­independent
in endothelial cells. signals.5,16 In this article, we will only discuss macroautophagy.



The predominant form of autophagy is macroautophagy (referred to In normally cultured endothelial cells, there is a basal level of
as autophagy thereafter), in which cytosolic proteins and broken orga- ­autophagic flux, since treatment with chloroquine, which blocks lyso-
nelles are enclosed in double-­membrane vesicles (called autophago- somal acidification and clearance of the formed autophagosomes,
somes) and delivered to lysosomes for degradation. Autophagy is significantly increases the accumulation of LC3 puncta (a marker of
initiated by the formation of autophagosome precursors (phago- autophagosomes) in the cytosol.17 Recent studies have shown that
phores). This process is triggered via two routes: (i) activation of the autophagic responses can be induced in endothelial cells by a vari-
ULK1 (unc-­51 like autophagy activating kinase 1 or Atg1) complex; and ety of naturally occurring compounds with recognized cardiovascular
(ii) formation of a protein complex containing the class III phosphati- protective effects. These include epigallocatechin gallate18 and cur-
dylinositol 3-­kinase (PI3K) Vps34 and its positive modulator beclin- cumin,19 two polyphenol antioxidants. Curcumin-­induced autophagy
­1 (Atg6). Under normal conditions, the activity of ULK1 is ­repressed exhibits cytoprotective effects on endothelial cell viability in the pres-
by the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). Under ence of oxidative stress.19 Induction of autophagy by epigallocatechin
stress conditions such as nutrient deprivation, mTORC1 is inacti- gallate attenuates palmitic acid-­induced accumulation of lipid drop-
vated, thereby ULK1 is activated. The downstream effectors and lets, presumably via increased lipid catabolism by the autophagosome-­
mechanisms of ULK1 for autophagy initiation are not totally clear; it is lysosome system.18 Autophagy can also be induced by analogues of
known that the ULK1 complex can facilitate activation of Vps34. resveratrol, namely pterostilbene and dimethoxystilbene.20,21 While
On the other hand, the autophagy inducing function of the beclin-­1/ pterostilbene exerts an anti-­apoptotic effect via autophagy induc-
Vps34 complex is not strictly dependent on ULK1, since overexpres- tion, dimethoxystilbene per se triggers apoptosis in endothelial cells.
sion of beclin-­1 alone is sufficient to stimulate autophagy.13 The activ- However, concomitant inhibition of autophagy augments the pro-­
ity of Vps34 is dependent on beclin-­1, and accumulating evidence has apoptotic effect of dimethoxystilbene, supporting that the autophagic
suggested that the overall function of the beclin-­1/Vps34 complex response likewise has a cytoprotective action in dimethoxystilbene-­
can be further regulated through post translational modifications such treated cells. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the mTOR
as phosphorylation and ubiquitination.14 inhibitor rapamycin at a concentration range of 100-­1000 nmol/L
The expansion of autophagophore is mediated by two ubiquitin-­ counteracts oxygen/glucose deprivation-­induced cell death, and this
like protein conjugation systems. The first pathway starts from Atg12, effect is abolished by autophagy inhibitors.22 These results collec-
through activities of Atg7 and Atg10, and finally results in formation tively suggest that induction of an autophagic response in endothelial
of the Atg12-­Atg5-­Atg16L complex. The second pathway starts from cells exerts cytoprotective actions under stress conditions.
the unconjugated form of LC3 (named LC3-­I) (Atg8), through sequen- Autophagy in endothelial cells is also regulated by cardiovascular
tial reactions facilitated by Atg7 and Atg3, leading to formation of the risk factors. Treatment of different endothelial cell lines with oxidized
phosphatidylethanolamine-­conjugated (lipidated) form of LC3 (named low-­density lipoprotein (oxLDL) triggers autophagic responses.23,24
LC3-­II), which is a specific marker of the autophagosome membrane. Fluorescence labelling experiments have demonstrated that intracel-
The Atg12-­Atg5-­Atg16L1 complex and the lipidated LC3 play essential lular oxLDL aggregates co-­localise with the autophagosome marker
roles in the elongation and closure of the vesicular membrane. LC3 and the lysosome marker LAMP2a.24 Interestingly, several lines
Mature autophagosomes finally fuse with lysosomes, forming autoly- of evidence suggest that increased autophagic flux in endothelial cells
sosomes. This process is crucial for clearance of existing autophago- accelerates the catabolism and clearance of lipid substrates,18,20,24
somes and maintenance of a normal autophagic flux. The mechanisms which may prevent lipid overload-­induced endothelial toxicity. Like
of the fusion step in mammalian cells are not clearly understood; there oxLDL, advanced glycation end-­products (AGEs) are also implicated in
is evidence suggesting that the small GTPase Rab7 is required for this promoting endothelial cell damage and dysfunction found in diabetes
process.6 Lysosomal acidification via the lysosomal H+-­ATPase is also mellitus and atherosclerosis. Xie et al.25 have shown that incubation of
required for a proper fusion function. endothelial cells with AGE increases the formation of autophagosomes
Jiang | 1023

and the expression of LC3-­II, and this response is mediated by produc-

tion of ROS. In addition, inhibition of autophagy with 3-­methyladenine 4 | REGULATION OF ENDOTHELIAL
worsens AGE-­induced cell death, supporting a cytoprotective role of AUTOPHAGY BY MECHANICAL
autophagy in AGE-­challenged endothelial cells.25 Other cardiovascu- SHEAR STRESS
lar risk factors that can modulate endothelial autophagy include lipo-
polysaccharide (LPS),26 cigarette smoke extract27 and ROS.28 Wang Shear stress is the mechanical force caused by the sliding of the blood
et al. have shown that increased ROS generation by the glycolysis on the surface of the endothelium. Shear stress has pivotal roles in
inhibitor 2-­deoxy-­d-­glucose, or direct stimulation with exogenous modulating biological functions of endothelial cells including gene
H2O2, can elicit autophagy in endothelial cells, mainly by activating expression, proliferation, migration, morphogenesis, permeability,
AMP-­activated protein kinase (AMPK); this autophagic response is thrombogenicity, and inflammation.29,30 Endothelial cells transduce
associated with enhanced cell survival under stress conditions. In an- the mechanical signals through a network of multiple messenger
other study, it has been demonstrated that cigarette smoke extract molecules and signalling proteins, which is still not completely un-
induces both of unfolded protein response and autophagy in endo- derstood.30 It is thought that unidirectional wall shear stress with a
thelial cells.27 In contrast to the cytoprotective actions of autophagy relatively high magnitude (eg, that produced by laminar blood flow in
as evidenced by the above studies, however, cigarette smoke extract-­ straight parts of the arterial tree), is vascular protective. In contrast,
induced autophagy appears to be detrimental, since treatment with shear stress associated with disturbed blood flow (eg, low shear stress
the autophagy inhibitor 3-­methyladenin or knocking down Atg5 and oscillatory shear stress found in areas with branches or curva-
expression significantly delays the cell death. LPS is an important tures) is pro-­atherogenic.29,30
exogenous proatherogenic factor which induces endothelial inflam- Recently, our group and several other groups have independently
mation and dysfunction. LPS triggers endothelial autophagy, only in reported that the autophagic response in endothelial cells is regulated
cells maintained in a normal proliferating status (cultured in the pres- by shear stress.17,31–33 These studies have shown that laminar shear
ence of 20% serum);26 LPS-­induced autophagy has been shown to be stress increases endothelial autophagy as assessed by LC3 puncta
mediated by the expression of the apoptosis inhibitor protein BIRC2 morphology, LC3-­II formation, and expression of a variety of auto-
(cIAP1).26 However, in LPS-­treated endothelial cells, autophagy seems phagic genes; our data also indicate that this response is reversible
to have an injurious role. Therefore, autophagy appears to have di- since cessation of the flow stimulation in flow-­adapted cells reduces
chotomous effects on endothelial cell viability in response to different the level of autophagy. Moreover, we have confirmed that the increase
cardiovascular risk factors. The different stimuli with autophagy induc- in autophagosome abundance in response to shear stress is not due
ing activities in endothelial cells, and their effects on cellular functions to impaired autophagosome clearance, since flow-­induced autoph-
are summarized in Table 1. agy persists after pre-­treatment with bafilomycin A1, which blocks
lysosomal acidification and subsequent fusion with autophagosomes.
T A B L E 1 Stimuli with autophagy inducing activities in endothelial Functionally, shear stress-­induced autophagy is associated with multi-
cells and their effects on cellular functions ple beneficial effects, including increased cell viability against oxidative
Autophagy inducing Cellular effects of the insults, increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression
stimuli autophagic response References and nitric oxide bioavailability, reduced inflammatory reactions, and
Epigallocatechin gallate Increased catabolism and 18 reduced oxidative stress.17,31–33 Our study suggests that shear stress-­
clearance of intracellular induced autophagy is mediated by the Sirt1-­FoxO axis (discussed
lipid substrates below). The data by Yao et al.31 indicate that expression of the small
Curcumin Cytoprotection against GTPase Rab4 is also involved in shear stress-­induced autophagy in
oxidative stress
endothelial cells.
Analogues of resveratrol Anti-­apoptosis; increased The effects of the “bad” shear stress, ie, low shear stress and oscilla-
pterostilbene and clearance of lipid
tory shear stress, on endothelial autophagy appear to be controversial.
dimethoxystilbene) substrates
22 Yang et al. demonstrated that levels of the autophagic markers beclin-­1
Rapamycin Inhibition of oxygen/
glucose deprivation-­ and LC3-­II were lower under a low shear stress condition (5 dyn/cm2)
induced cell death as compared to those under the “physiological” shear stress (15 dyn/
Oxidized low-­density Prevention of lipid 23, 24 cm2),34 and the impaired autophagic function under low shear was as-
lipoprotein overload-­induced cell sociated with reduced expression of eNOS and increased expression of
toxicity endothelin-­1. These data are consistent with our observation that low
Advanced glycation Cytoprotection shear or oscillatory shear fails to stimulate significant autophagic re-
sponses in endothelial cells.17 On the other hand, Ding et al.35 reported
Lipopolysaccharide ? that low shear stress (3 dyn/cm2) could enhance endothelial autophagy,
Cigarette smoke extract Promoting cell death as evidenced by the increased expression of LC3-­II, while increasing the
Reactive oxygen species Enhanced cell survival magnitude of shear stress resulted in a gradual decline of autophagy.
under stress conditions
The reason(s) for these discrepant observations is not clear, but may
1024 | Jiang

be related to different experimental settings. Interestingly, it has been FoxOs are important regulators of autophagy, and FoxO may induce auto-
noted that in the aortic arch, which is continuously exposed to tur- phagy by driving the expression of several autophagy-­related genes.42–44
bulent or oscillatory shear stress, the level of the autophagy receptor Moreover, it has been shown that FoxOs can directly modulate the tran-
protein p62 is upregulated, indicating an impaired autophagic flux.36 In scription of autophagic genes by binding to their promoter regions.43,44
cultured endothelial cells, although oscillatory shear stress significantly In our study, we have provided evidence supporting that Sirt1-­mediated
increases the abundance of LC3-­II and the number of autophagosome, FoxO1 activation is involved in mediating shear stress-­induced endothe-
these effects appear to be primarily due to blockade of the end stage lial autophagy.17 In addition to FoxO activation, Sirt1 may also directly
autophagosome clearance, but not an enhanced induction of the auto- deacetylate Atg5 and Atg7, and this effect of Sirt1 is presumed to partic-
phagic response. In this case, the increased autophagosome accumu- ipate in promoting autophagy.41,47 Our experiments have confirmed that
lation to oscillatory shear stress is associated with increased oxidative shear stress-­induced Sirt1 upregulation is accompanied by reduced Atg5
stress, while further induction of autophagy by starvation or rapamycin and Atg7 acetylation; however, it remains to be clarified whether Sirt1-­
normalises the disturbed redox homeostasis.36 dependent deacetylation of Atg proteins has a causal role in shear-­ and
other stimuli-­induced autophagy in endothelial cells.
In endothelial cells, several studies have pointed to a critical role
5 | SIGNALLING PATHWAYS INVOLVED of calmodulin-­dependent protein kinase kinase-­β (CaMKK-­β) in me-
IN MEDIATING AUTOPHAGY IN diating autophagy.18,20 For example, knockdown of CaMKK-­β blunts
ENDOTHELIAL CELLS the autophagic response induced by epigallocatechin gallate in bo-
vine aortic endothelial cells; CaMKK-­β-­mediated autophagy is likely
As mentioned earlier, the mTORC1-­ULK1 pathway is a master regu- to be secondary to the increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration.18
lator responsible for autophagy induction, especially in response to CaMKK is the upstream kinase of Ca2+/calmodulin-­dependent protein
metabolic stresses such as amino acid starvation and growth factor kinases I and IV, as well as AMPK. It has been shown that in HeLa cells,
deprivation. In addition to this pathway, endothelial autophagy is also amino acid starvation results in an increase in cytosolic [Ca2+] and sub-
under the control of other signalling mechanisms. AMPK is an endog- sequent activation of CaMKK-­β, which in turn stimulates the AMPK
enous energy sensor, which is activated when ATP production is re- activation and autophagy induction.48 Alternatively, increased cyto-
duced and AMP concentration is elevated; the AMPK pathway is also solic [Ca2+] may also stimulate the Ca2+-­calmodulin-­regulated kinase
tightly involved in modulating autophagy. AMPK can phosphorylate DAPK (death-­associated protein kinase), leading to phosphorylation
and activate TSC2 (tuberous sclerosis 2), leading to the inhibition of and activation of beclin-­1 and Vps34.49
mTORC1. AMPK can also directly phosphorylate ULK1 and beclin-­1, The intracellular redox status may have significant impacts on the pro-
thereby activate the autophagy machinery.37,38 In line with these no- cess of autophagy. In endothelial cells, the autophagic response induced
tions, several studies have demonstrated that AMPK has a crucial role by various stimuli has been linked to intracellular redox changes and
in mediating autophagy in endothelial cells in response to metabolic can be suppressed by antioxidants.17,25,28,50–52 Conversely, ­incubation
stress or treatments with natural cytoprotective compounds. of ­endothelial cells with hydrogen peroxide can mimic the autophagy-­
Moreover, AMPK in endothelial cells also mediates autophagy induc- inducing effects of these stimuli.17,28 The precise signalling mechanisms
tion induced by decorin, a small extracellular matrix proteoglycan of the redox-­dependent regulation of autophagy are still poorly defined,
molecule.39 In a separate study, treatment of endothelial cells with while among the key regulators of autophagy, AMPK has been proposed
high concentrations of glucose and fatty acids diminished AMPK to be a potential mechanistic link between ROS and autophagy.53 Indeed,
­activity and the phosphorylation of ULK1, which were accompanied there is some evidence suggesting that ROS-­dependent activation of
by ­impaired basal autophagy; these changes increased cell apoptosis AMPK may explain the induction of endothelial autophagy by metabolic
and inflammation.40 Intriguingly, reactivation of AMPK with chemi- stressors and by chemerin, an endogenous adipokine.28,51 Apart from
cal ­activators AICAR or phenformin failed to restore ULK1 phospho- AMPK, the expression level of Sirt1 has been shown to be regulated by
rylation or autophagy under these stress conditions. The authors ROS.54,55 We have shown that ROS-­dependent upregulation of Sirt1
suggest that AMPK becomes uncoupled from autophagy under over-­ may stimulate autophagy in endothelial cells,17 supporting the notion
nutrition-­induced stress, which may contribute to the pathogenesis of that Sirt1 has a critical role in regulating autophagy in the presence of
endothelial dysfunctions in patients with metabolic syndrome.40 oxidative stress.56 The above signalling mechanisms involved in mediat-
Another signalling pathway that mediates autophagy is the Sirt1-­FoxO ing autophagy in endothelial cells are illustrated in Figure 1.
axis. The NAD -­dependent deacetylase Sirt1 has been shown by recent
studies to have a pivotal role in modulating stress responses in mamma-
lian cells, including autophagy.41–44 The FoxO family transcription factors, 6 | FUNCTIONAL OUTCOMES OF
such as FoxO1 and FoxO3A, are major down-­stream targets of Sirt1, AUTOPHAGY INDUCTION IN ENDOTHELIAL
which have critical roles in cell fate determination and stress adaptation.45 CELLS
Functions of FoxOs are negatively modulated by Akt-­induced phosphor-
ylation, whereas deacetylation of FoxOs by Sirt1 overrides the inhibitory Generally, autophagy is thought to be a pro-­survival stress response
effect of Akt, leading to FoxO activation.46 It is well documented that that helps cells to maintain intracellular metabolic homeostasis under
Jiang | 1025

it has been shown that high levels of autophagy do result in cell death,
which is not blocked by apoptosis or necroptosis inhibitors.62 A term
“autosis” is therefore coined to reflect the unique morphological fea-
tures associated with this type of cell death, including increased auto-
phagosomes/autolysosomes, nuclear convolution, and focal swelling of
the perinuclear space. Interestingly, these authors have discovered that
autosis is sensitive to inhibition of Na+/K+-­ATPase with pharmacologi-
cal antagonists,62 suggesting a crucial role for Na+/K+-­ATPase in medi-
ating autophagic cell death. In addition to inducing cell death directly,
autophagy also cross-­talks with apoptosis. Under most circumstances,
autophagy and apoptosis are mutually exclusive, ie, autophagy blocks
the induction of apoptosis, and vice versa.57,63 However, in some cases,
autophagy may be able to promote cell death by enhancing apopto-
sis.64 Nevertheless, these mechanistic aspects of autophagy-­related
cell death have not been studied in detail in endothelial cells.
F I G U R E 1 Signalling mechanisms involved in mediating
autophagy in endothelial cells. mTORC1, mammalian target of
rapamycin complex 1; ULK1, unc-­51 like autophagy activating kinase
1; AMPK, AMP-­activated protein kinase; TSC2, tuberous sclerosis 7 | EFFECTS OF AUTOPHAGY ON OTHER
2; CaMKK-­β, calmodulin-­dependent protein kinase kinase-­β; DAPK, FUNCTIONS OF ENDOTHELIAL CELLS
death-­associated protein kinase; ROS, reactive oxygen species; Ac,
acetylation; [Ca2+]i, intracellular calcium concentration
In addition to the regulation of endothelial cell survival or death,
­autophagy is also involved in modulating other important endothelial
stress conditions. Depending on the cellular and environmental context, functions. As mentioned above, several studies have suggested that
however, autophagy may also be involved in promoting cell death.57 there is a correlation between autophagy and the endothelial NO
Consistent with this notion, most of the current literatures support function. It has been shown that autophagy induction is associated
that an elevated autophagic response in vascular endothelial cells with increased eNOS expression,32 whereas decreased autophagy is
­favours enhanced stress tolerance and cell survival. However, in cer- accompanied by down-­regulation of the eNOS expression.34 How
tain circumstances, autophagy induction may also promote endothelial ­autophagy couples to eNOS expression is unknown. It appears that
cell death. For example, treatment of human endothelial cells with the a normal (or enhanced) autophagic flux is essential for maintaining
­endogenous angiogenic inhibitor endostatin induces autophagy as well normal eNOS functions, since co-­existence of autophagy induction
as cell death, which is insensitive to caspase inhibitors, but is suppressed and autophagosome clearance blockade is associated with reduced
by the autophagy inhibitor 3-­methyladenine.58 Similarly, inhibition of eNOS activity and NO production.65 This argument is supported by
autophagy either by pharmacological inhibitors or by genetic silencing another study carried out in freshly isolated endothelial cells from
of autophagy-­specific genes effectively prevents endothelial cell death diabetic ­patients. Fetterman et al.66 demonstrated that, as compared
triggered by different stressors, including fatty acid overload, simu- to endothelial cells from healthy controls, diabetic endothelial cells
lated ischemia/reperfusion,52 and the dihydropyridine anti-­hypertensive exhibited an impairment in insulin-­induced eNOS activation, together
drug nicardipine hydrochloride.60 More interestingly, Chen et al.61 have with a higher level of p62 (indicating a reduction in autophagosome
provided evidence showing that in endothelial cells challenged with clearance); on the other hand, the number of LC3-­bound puncta and
hypoxia, there is a transition from autophagy-­mediated cell survival to beclin-­1 expression were similar in diabetic and control cells, indicat-
autophagy-­mediated cell death in a time-­dependent manner. ing that the eNOS dysfunction was related to reduced autophagic
The Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death recommends a defi- flux, but not autophagy induction. Moreover, inhibition of autophagic
nition of “autophagic cell death” being cell death events that can be flux with bafilomycin in normal endothelial cells mimicked the eNOS
suppressed by inhibition of the autophagic pathway either by phar- dysfunction. These data suggest that maintaining an intact autophagic
macological inhibitors or by knockout/knockdown of core auto- flux, but not merely autophagy induction, is critical for correcting
phagic genes (such as Atg5/12 and beclin-­1).57 It is recognised that hyperglycaemia-­induced eNOS dysfunctions.66
autophagic cell death is a biological process distinct from apoptosis Autophagy may also have significant impacts on the angio-
and necrosis. However, the mechanism of execution of autophagy-­ genic functions of endothelial cells. In bovine aortic endothelial
induced cell death is not understood. An over-­simplified explanation cells, inhibition of autophagy by 3-­methyladenine or Atg5 silenc-
is that ­autophagic cell death is caused by the excessive degradation ing ­reduces the angiogenic functions (tube formation and cell
of essential cellular components that are required for normal cellular ­migration), whereas induction of autophagy by Atg5 overexpression
functions;53 however, emerging evidence suggests that orchestrated ­enhances these functions.67 This pro-­angiogenic effect of autoph-
signalling events are likely to participate in autophagic cell death. Using agy ­appears to be related to redox-­dependent activation of Akt,
a cell-­penetrating autophagy-­inducing peptide derived from beclin-­1, but not to alterations in the production of pro-­angiogenic factors
1026 | Jiang

such as vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-­derived growth

factor, or integrins.67 Similar pro-­angiogenic effects of autophagy
have also been observed in human endothelial cells treated with
The importance of autophagy in cardiovascular physiology and disease is
a resveratrol ­analogue or chemerin (an adipokine associated with
increasingly recognised; however, our understanding on the precise bio-
obesity and metabolic syndrome).21,51 In human microvascular en-
logical effects and underlying mechanisms of autophagy in the cardio-
dothelial cells, autophagy has been shown to have a synergistic
vascular system is far from complete.7,74 Strategies targeting autophagy
effect with high mobility group box 1, a non-­histone chromosome
to treat various cardiovascular diseases remain in a hypothetical stage.
associated protein involved in regulating nucleosome stability, to
In the last few years, the effects of autophagy in endothelial cells have
promote angiogenic activities in response to hypoxia.68 Moreover,
attracted great interests, and the mounting data will help us draw a clear
impaired autophagy may be implicated in ageing-­related angiogenic
picture of the roles of autophagy in endothelial cell biology and dysfunc-
dysfunctions in endothelial cells. Lin et al.69 have shown that senes-
tion. Most of the current experimental data in this area are derived from
cent endothelial cells in culture exhibit an impairment in autophagic
cell culture studies; so far there is little direct evidence showing a causal
flux (as evidenced by the increased number of autophagosomes but
role of aberrant endothelial autophagy in vascular diseases. Given the
not autolysosomes, as well as the increased p62 accumulation) and
pivotal role of endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of vascular
compromised angiogenic functions. Reduced autophagic flux is also
disease, however, disruptions of autophagy in endothelial cells are likely
observed in aortic endothelial cells from aged rats. Overexpression
to have significant contributions. This argument is supported by some
of dynamin-­related protein 1 (a mitochondrial fission factor) in
preliminary ex vivo data indicating that compromised autophagic func-
­senescent cells restores both of the autophagic flux and angiogenic
tions may be important in the development of endothelial dysfunctions
activities. Knock-­down of the expression of dynamin-­related protein
associated with diabetes and ageing.66,69
1 in vivo in the common ­carotid arteries disrupts the autophago-
Obviously, the effects of autophagy in endothelial cells appear to
some clearance; in parallel, this treatment significantly represses the
be variable; conflicting results have been reported by different groups.
angiogenic functions of aortic rings ex vivo.69 These data together
Collectively, it is suggested that in most situations, induction of an au-
highlight a possible role of endothelial cell autophagy in promoting
tophagic response has pro-­survival effects and protects endothelial cells
angiogenesis. On the other hand, it was also found that induction of
from the cytotoxic actions of various stressors. The beneficial effects of
autophagy by ­directly ­inhibiting mTOR with rapamycin reduced the
autophagy in endothelial cells are likely to be context-­dependent, since
regenerative and ­angiogenic capacities of endothelial cells both in
autophagy may also contribute to cell death under certain circumstances.
vitro and in vivo; however, the rate of the overall autophagic flux was
The protective effects of autophagy require a concomitant increase
­ xamined in this study.70
not e
in autophagosome clearance (ie, an increased rate of autophagic flux);
Two of the core functions of vascular endothelial cells are mainte-
­autophagy initiation coupled with an impaired autophagic flux would be
nance of a normal haemostasis function and prevention of the occur-
detrimental for endothelial cells. In addition to the regulation of endo-
rence of thrombosis. Endothelial cells produce von Willebrand factor
thelial cell survival or death, autophagy is also involved in modulating
(vWF), which is stored in Weibel-­Palade bodies (WPBs) intracellularly
other important functions of endothelial cells, such as NO production,
and secreted into the subendothelial space and into the blood flow.
angiogenesis, and haemostasis/thrombosis. Finally, it is important to
Upon vessel wall damage, the GP Ib/IX/V complex expressed on the
note that in different types of cardiovascular cells, autophagy may play
surface of platelets binds to vWF, initiating platelet adhesion and
disparate roles.7,74 Therefore, careful evaluations on the final effects of
the haemostasis cascade.71 In a study by Torisu et al.72, the authors
autophagy in different cardiovascular disease models are needed.
have discovered that in endothelial cells, WPBs and autophagosomes
exist in close proximity, and a significant amount of vWF is located
in mature autophagosomes. Moreover, genetic or pharmacological AC KNOW L ED G EM ENTS
­inhibition of the autophagic process impairs ligand-­stimulated release
This work was supported by research grants from the National Natural
of vWF both in vitro and in vivo, probably due to disruptions in the
Science Foundation of China (31471087 and 91539102). The author
processing and maturation of vWF into WPBs.72 These data highlight
apologises for the fact that many elegant publications in this area can-
a house-­keeping role of autophagy in maintaining normal haemostatic
not be cited because of space limitations.
functions of the endothelium. However, excessive endothelial autoph-
agy under some pathological conditions may contribute to thrombosis.
In vivo studies in a rat model of deep vein thrombosis have shown D I S C LO S U R E
that the thrombus formation is increased after treatment with rapa-
mycin.73 In vitro, the authors have demonstrated that rapamycin en-
hances membrane ruffling of endothelial cells and increases platelet
adhesion, both of which are attenuated when autophagy is inhibited REFERENCES
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