160 Terms

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Decency means property of conduct; proper observance of the requirements of modesty, good
2. Defamation is a public and malicious imputation calculated to cause dishonor, discredit, or
contempt upon the offended party.
3. Detention. A person is detained when he is placed in confinement or there is a restraint on his
4. Directly vested with jurisdiction is meant the power or authority to govern and execute the laws.
5. Incriminating Innocent Person is the act of planting evidence and the like in order to incriminate
an innocent person.
6. Perjury by Making False Accusations is giving of a false statement under oath or making a false
affidavit, imputing to the person the commission of a crime.
7. Prevarication means the negligence and tolerance in the prosecution of an offense.
8. Treason is breach of allegiance to a government committed by person who owes allegiance to it.
9. Tumultuous. If caused by more than three persons who are armed or provided with the means
of violence
10. Affirmation is any solemn and formal declaration in lieu of an oath stating that the witness will
tell the truth.
11. Autoptic evidence refers to demonstrative evidence, physical evidence, real evidence, tangible
evidence, visible evidence.
12. Best evidence refers to original document, primary evidence, or first hand evidence.
13. Competent evidence is evidence admissible by law or the rules of court.
14. Corroborative evidence is additional evidence of a different kind to prove the same fact in issue.
15. Cumulative evidence is additional evidence of the same kind to prove the same fact in issue.
16. Demeanor evidence is a behavior of a witness on the witness stand while testifying.
17. Demonstrative evidence is real evidence addressed directly to the senses of the court.
18. Electronic evidence is electronic document or information received, recorded, transmitted,
stored, processed, retrieved or produced electronically.
19. Evidence aliunde is evidence from outside or another source; extraneous evidence. Exclusionary
Rule is a rule of evidence which excludes evidence obtained in violation of a person’s
constitutional rights or secured through illegal means or sources.
20. Exculpatory evidence is evidence which tends to clear, justify, or excuse a person from alleged
21. Expert evidence is a testimony or opinion given in relation to some scientific or technicolor
professional matters by experts.
22. Filial privilege means that no child may be compelled to testify against hi/her parents or other
direct ascendants.
23. Inculpatory evidence means incriminating evidence
24. Multiple admissibility of evidence allows evidence which is inadmissible for one purpose as
admissible for other purpose or purposes.
25. Negative evidence is the testimony of witness which states that he did not see or know the
occurrence of a fact.
26. Opinion evidence is evidence of what a witness thinks, believes, or infers regarding a fact in
27. Parental and Filial Privilege is also called as testimonial privilege.
28. Parental privilege means that no parent may be compelled to testify against his/her children or
other direct descendants.
29. Past recollection recorded is the memorandum is being used as a record or past recollection.
30. Self-serving evidence is evidence made by a party out of court, it does not include a party’s
testimony as witness in court.
31. Purple Notice of INTERPOL seeks or provide information on modus operandi, objects, devices
and concealment method used by criminals.
32. Red Notice of INTERPOL seeks the location and arrest of wanted persons wanted prosecution or
to serve a sentence.
33. Revolutionary is a category of terrorist group which is dedicated to overthrow an established
order and replacing it with a new political or social structure.
34. Terrorism refers to acts of violence that target civilians in the pursuit of political or ideological
35. Yellow Notice of INTERPOL helps to locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify
persons who are unable to identify themselves.
36. Culpa aquiliana is liability as a result of civil negligence or tort or quasi delict
37. Culpa contractual is a liability arising from contractual negligence or that which results ina
breach of a contract.
38. Driver’s License (DL) Code refers to the collective code representing the vehicle category/ies
that a licensed person is allowed to operate.
39. Overlapping Skid mark occurs when the rear wheels track on top of the front wheel marks in
40. Restriction Code refers to previous code representing the vehicle category/ies that a licensed
person is allowed to operate.
41. Scuff Mark is a friction mark on pavement made by a tire which is both rotating and slipping,
acceleration scuff yaw marks, flat tire marks.
42. Skid marks are marks lefts on the road by tires that are not moving because the brakes are
applied strongly enough to lock the wheels.
43. Traffic Build-up is characterized by the gradual increasing of traffic users in a given portion of
the highway or traffic way.
44. Traffic Citation is a means of having violators appear in court, without physical arrest. Kinds of
which are: 1) Traffic Citation Ticket; 2) Temporary Operators Permit:
45. Black smoke is usually the result of burning rubber, tar, roofing, oiled or other flammable
46. Brown Smoke indicates nitrous fumes.
47. Combustion is an exothermic chain reaction between oxidation and reducing agents or between
oxygen and fuel.
48. Consummated Arson. If before the fire was put out, it had burned a part of the building. Fire is
the light and heat manifested by the rapid oxidation of combustible materials.
49. Fire point is the temperature generally a few degrees above the flash point at which burning is
self-sustaining after removal of an ignition source.
50. Fire Tetrahedron consists of fuel, heat, oxygen, and a chemical chain reaction.
51. Fire trap. A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate
exits or fire escapes.
52. Fire triangle refers to fuel, heat, and oxygen.
53. Flame is a rapid gas phase combustion process characterized by self-propagation.
54. Flame retardant refers to any compound or mixture which when applied properly improves the
resistivity or fire resistance quality of fabrics and other materials.
55. Flash point is the temperature at which a pool of liquid will generate sufficient vapor to form an
ignitable vapor/air mixture.
56. Flashback is the movement of the flame to a fuel source, typically occurs via the vapor of a
highly volatile liquid or by a flammable gas escaping from the cylinder.
57. Flashover is the final stage of the process of the fire growth, wherein all the combustible
materials within a compartment are all ignited.
58. Frustrated Arson-if that person is able to light or set fire to the rags but the fire was put out
before any part of the building was burned.
59. Fuel is a flammable material that begins the process of combustion.
60. Gray-White or Blue-White Smoke indicates that a fire has just started and is consuming good,
cloth and other ordinary furnishings.
61. Gray-yellow Smoke is a danger signal of approaching back draft.
62. Hose box is a box or cabinet where fire hoses, valves and other equipment are stored and
arranged for firefighting.
63. Hose reel is a cylindrical device turning on an axis around which a fire hose is wound and
64. Illegal Detention. Committed by a private individual public officer who unlawfully detains or
deprives a person of his liberty.
65. Incriminating Innocent Person is the act of planting evidence and the like in order to incriminate
an innocent person.
66. Rebellion is more frequently used where the object of the movement is completely to
overthrown and supersede the existing government.
67. Prevarication means the negligence and tolerance in the prosecution of an offense.
68. Truancy means absence without cause for more than ‘twenty school ‘days, not necessarily
69. Victimless Crimes refers to offenses where there is no private offended party.
70. Adjudication is the power of courts or quasi-judicial agencies to decide cases filed before them
and falling within their jurisdiction.
71. Advance Command Post (ACP) – a place where the incident commander and staff control
organize their resources and exercise command
72. Adversarial process means the accused is innocent until proven guilty and where lawyers
interpret and judges are bound by precedent.
73. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a procedure that serve as an alternative to litigation
through courts for resolution of disputes.
74. Amicable Settlement is an agreement reached during mediation and conciliation proceedings.
75. Communication is the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to
76. Conciliation is a process that involves building a positive relationship between the parties of
77. Stockholm Syndrome refers to a situation during hostage taking where the victim develops
rapport and becomes sympathetic with his/her captor.
78. Average is a single value (mean, median, mode) representing the typical, normal, or middle
value of a set of data.
79. Fence refers to the independent ‘structure designed to control physical and visual access
between outside to the inside.
80. Barrier is a structure capable of restraining or delaying illegal access.
81. Self-Inspection is initiated by the security officer or facility manager to evaluate his/her own
security program.
82. Warded locks are used only to provide privacy but not to provide a degree of security.
83. Stationary Luminary or Continuous is a type of lighting installed in the fixed area to have a
luminous light.
84. Sub-master Key is a key that will open all the locks within a particular area or groping in a given
85. Wedge Formation is used in crowd control to clear the street and splitting the mob. Municipal
Prisoner is sentenced to a prison term of one (1) day to six (6) months.
86. Penalty is the suffering inflicted by the state against an offending member for the transgression
of the law.
87. Provincial Prisoner is sentenced to a prison term of six (6) months and one (1) day to
88. Strip search is a search which involves the visual inspection of disrobed or partially disrobed
89. Ticket-of-Leave System allows prisoners to live and work in the community under the occasional
supervision of a moral instructor.
90. Black Notice of INTERPOL seeks information on unidentified bodies.
91. Blue Notice of INTERPOL aims to collect additional information about a person’s identity,
location or activities in relation to a crime.
92. Money Laundering is a crime whereby the proceeds of an unlawful activity are transacted,
thereby making it appear to have originated from legitimate sources.
93. Political is category of terrorist group which aims in restructuring the society.
94. Block writing is a style of writing where letters are written in uppercase.
95. Cursive writing is a style of writing where letters are mostly joined together.
96. Document refers to “as any written statement by which a right is established” or an obligation is
extinguished (People vs. Moreno, C.A., 38 O.G. 119)
97. Facsimile is the exact copy of the original.
98. Holograph document is a document that is completely written and signed by one person.
99. Obliteration is the blotting out or smearing over of the writing to make the original invisible
100. Off-Its-Feet is a condition of a type face printing heavier on one side or comer than over
the remainder of its outline.
101. Official Document is a document which is issued by a public official in the exercise of the
functions of his office. An official document is also a public document.
102. Opinion is a technical term that refers to the conclusion of the document examiner in
questioned document examination.
103. Patching or retouching is the going back over a defective portion of a written stroke.
104. Careful patching is a common defect in forgeries.
105. Pen pressure is the average force in which the pen makes contact with the paper on the
usual force involved in writing.
106. Pen-lift is an interruption in a stroke caused by removing the pen from the paper.
107. Pen-lifts or disconnections between letters and letter combinations are maybe due lack
of movement control
108. Proportion or Ratio is the relation between tall and short letters refers to the ratio of
109. Script Writing is a disconnected style of writing in which the letters are written
110. Vertical Mal-Alignment. This occurs when a character printing above or below its proper
111. Writing habit. It refers to any repeated element or detail that may serve to individualize
112. Admission is a self-incriminating statement falling short of acknowledgement of guilt.
113. Benign or white lie is used to maintain harmony of friendship, harmony of the home or
114. Black liar refers to an individual who always pretend and hypocrite.
115. Deception is an act of deceiving or misleading usually accomplished by lying.
116. Detection is an act of discovering the existence, presence or fact of something hidden or
117. Extra-judicial confession is a confession made outside of the court prior to the trial of
the case.
118. False Negative is an error that occur when the deceptive subject is reported to be
119. False Positive is an error that occur when the truthful subject is reported to be
120. Fear is an emotional response to specific danger that appears to be beyond the person’s
defensive power.
121. Lie of Fabrication is the most difficult type of lie that a subject could use in an interview.
122. Subject or the examinee is the person undergoing a polygraph examination or test.
123. Specific Response is any variation or deviation from the normal tracing of the subject.
124. Barrier is a structure capable of restraining or delaying illegal access.
125. Wedge Formation is used in crowd control to clear the street and splitting the mob.
126. Bisexual are those inmates who have a sexual attraction or sexual behavior toward both
males and females,
127. Gater checks the credentials of the person bringing the inmate/the committing officer
to determine his/her identity and authority.
128. Substantial evidence is relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as
adequate to justify a conclusion or finding.
129. Surrebuttal evidence is evidence to further rebut or contradict a party’s rebuttal
130. Test of cognition is a test that determines whether or not there is complete deprivation
of intelligence (in committing the criminal act).
131. Test of volition is a test that determines whether or not there is total deprivation of the
freedom of the will.
132. Testimonial evidence is evidence elicited from a witness in contrast to documentary or
real evidence
133. Testimonial knowledge is a testimony of a witness generally confined to his personal
knowledge of facts.
134. Testimonial Knowledge Rule means that testimony of witness is generally confined to
his/her personal knowledge of facts.
135. Testimonial privilege is a privilege of a person not to testify against his parents, other
direct ascendants, children or other direct descendants.
136. Symbolic Patriotism in wartime is intended to raise morale, in turn contributing to the
war effort.
137. Utang na Loob is the tendency to feel grateful to a person who has extended a kindness
to them.
138. Peacetime Patriotism cannot be so easily linked to a measurable gain for the state, but
the patriot does not see it as inferior.
139. Truancy means absence without cause for more than twenty school days, not
necessarily consecutive.
140. Victimless Crimes refers to offenses where there is no private offended party.
141. Communication is the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to
142. Conflict is the fundamental disagreement between two parties (Costintino &
143. Crisis is a turning point in the course of any situation or series of events.
144. Dispute is under stood as ‘an argument’ or ‘a disagreement between the parties.
145. Emergency is a sudden condition or state of affair calling for immediate action.
146. Hostage is a person held as security for a purpose of hostage taker.
147. Hostage Taker is person who holds other people as hostage and wanting for a demand
either money or prisoner’s release.
148. Hostage taking is a the unlawful of a person against his will and used as a bargaining
chip in order to meet the demand of the suspect.
149. Hot debrief – short debriefing conducted by negotiating team prior to turnover to
another set of negotiating team.
150. Incident is something that happens, possibly as a result of something else.
151. Incident/On-Scene Commander is the senior officer in command of the incident.
152. Negotiate means to arrange or settle by conferring or discussion.
153. Resources conflict is a conflict stemming from interest groups competing for
organizational resources.
154. Role conflict is a conflict arising from sets of prescribed behavior.
155. Settlement is a resolution between disputing parties either before or after court action
156. Stronghold refers to any location or structure, fixed or mobile, where the hostage is
being held.
157. Structural conflict is a conflict arising out of the need to manage the interdependence
between different organizational sub-units.
158. Victim Communicator is the individual communicating directly with the people
makingthe threat(s), demand(s) or issuing instructions.
159. Questionnaire is a survey document with questions that are used to gather information
from individuals to be used in research.
160. Theoretical Framework is the foundation of the research study.

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