The Optimization and Cost Recovery The Reactive Power in Power Market

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2004 IEEE International Conference on Elecmc Utility Deregulation, Resmcturing and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong


The Optimization and Cost Recovery of the

Reactive Power in Power Market
X. Y. Xiao, J. Yang, and H. G. Yang

reactive source has turned into a problem resolved

Abstract-This paper analyzed the unbundling of the spot imminently. At present, the studies on marginal cost of
price, and discusses the theory of the spot price based on reactive power mainly focus on objective function for
the LP decoupled model, which set the bases to the optimizing reactive power based on the minimum
following discussion. Because the spot price is nnctuant and production cost of reactive source [1,2], however, these
the merchandise surplus exists, the complexity of the methods haven t considered whether the real-time
participation of the third part and the system operation is
pricing of reactive power for the operation cost of
greatly increased. It becomes important to express the
reactive compensation is able to include all the
reactive cost if the reactive power electricity market is built.
investment cost. In power system, the dispatchment of
The paper provides the method to get the corresponding
reactive power should take account of both of the
operation cost based on the analysis of SVC capacity
operation security and economy, hence, this paper
available factor in assigned years, which can cover the
regards the minimum loss of active power as optimal
investment cost completely.
object, through regulating the potential of generators,
switching reactive power sources, adjusting taps of
Index Terms- Reactive power market, Short run
marginal cost, Optimization method, Unbundling of the transformers and rearranging the distribution of reactive

Spot price, LP deconpled model, Cost recovery power flow, in order to ensure a reasonable voltage level
in power grid, decrease transmission loss and give
I. INTRODUCTION attention to two things of the security and economy of
U the market operation mode, electric utilities system operation, and on the basis of the above ,relating
capacity cost of reactive power with switch capacity and
must take account of system security and reliability,
and pay more attention to the economic henetit. The time of reactive power support ,the investment cost of
active power market is more perfect comparatively than reactive power is paid [3]. In this paper, we consider the
the reactive power market in the system operation, objective function based on the minimum loss, adopt
however, the reactive power can t play an ignorable role Linear Programming to compute the optimal reactive
in the transmission of active power, in particular, as power flow, elicit the corresponding operation cost based
electric voltage become a bottleneck in the system on quantifying the capacity cost of SVC, and analyze

operation, the role of reactive power will he more 6-bus system to conclude a way that is how to pay the
remarkable. In electricity market, how to reflect cost of reactive power with loads and operations
scientifically and reasonably the economic operation of changing within 5 years.


The aulhorc are with the School of E l e ~ t r i ~ Engineering
d &
Voltage is an important index in power quality, in
Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, (e-mail:
fact it is impossible that system ensure voltage of all
niaoxianyosg@ 1?6.c001 or niaoxianyonga
users to achieve the rated voltage every moment, hence,

2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

voltage deviation is inevitable, considering the synchronous capacitors and static capacitors.
techno-economy, it must h e confined in a criterion range.
A. Optimization model of reactive power
In order to ensure good voltage quality in system
Because the optimization for reactive power is based
operation, there must he enough reactive power supply,
on active power, except for the balance nodes, we
allocate reasonably reactive power sources, and possibly
consider that the active injection of the others nodes of
balance locally the reactive power that loads need. The
generators and the active power and balancing active
operating voltage level of the whole system depends on
power flow of transmission elements are constants.
the balance of reactive power. Besides generators, the
reactive power sources include compensating devices. At I ) Variable in computing the optimization of reactive
present, SVC is more and more and shades into main powerflow
compensator, therefore we should firstly think over the
The variable in computing the optimal flow generally
cost recovery of SVC cost while we investigate the cost is divided into state variable and controlled variable, if
recovery of reactive cost. the controlled variable is fixed, which can he adjusted
and controlled, we can obtain the state variable with the
computing of flow. In this paper, we won\t distinguish
them, the variables involve two aspects: voltage
The objective function of optimizing reactive power amplitude of all the nodes; reactive value of SVC
flow may he considered according to two aspects of adjusted continuously.
security and economy. Considering security, there are
several aspects: reducing the total injected reactive 2) Objective function of optimal reactive powerflow
power of power source, deviating the minimum rating of Regarding the loss of active power as the objective
voltage amplitude in each bus, and distributing equably function[S] and introducing the model of linear
reactive reserve capacity in system [4]. And seen form increment, we can written in the mathematical form.
economy, the object aims at allaying active loss in p r o =[Ll.[Av] (1)
transmitting network. Among existing multitudinous In this formulation
algorithms of Q-OPF [5,6], many investigators have
accepted the LP, however, most of the algorithms involve
in a problem of solving sensitivity matrix [7], and
repeatedly doing in each iterative process not only waste
time, but also be inefficient. Therefore this paper will
adopt a LP algorithm [SI of the optimal reactive AP,, --Loss increment of active power in power
dispatchment, which neednR calculate the sensitivity network.
matrix and aim at the minimum loss, and altering the
reactive power of generators, switching some reactive 3 ) Constraint of equalir)' in optimal reactive power
power sources, adjusting the taps of transformers, in the Pow
condition of the node voltage beyond the limitation, In the paper, adopt the balancing equation of
selecting proper constraints, we will obtain the minimum reactive power in the basic flow equation, with the
loss and implement the security demands for voltage in equation of injecting reactive power, the optimizing
system. distribution of the optimal reactive power flow is
In order to analyze the cost recovery that ancillary
service providers invest the compensators to meet locally
demands of reactive power in electricity market, hence,
the paper will only consider the reactive power of In this formulation, ZQ,,
-branch flow from node i
generators and SVC, not taps of transformers, /@I

2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRF'T2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

to adjacent nodes, j f i. power capacity which is inputted each hour within five
Linearity Q,, the increment equation is years is
CCi(Qci)= 5 x 365 x 24x f, (1 1)
f. =Switch capacity of SVCx Used time/(Total capacity
By simplifying, the equation is of SVC x Total time) (12)
A Q = [J].[AV] (6) Q,, represents switch capacity of SVC, .
In this formulation,
aQ. JXQq
'' av, av, This paper analyzes a 6-bus system that contains three
nodes of generators and three nodes of loads. The system
model is as in Fig.1, where the reference capacity is
IOOMVA and the reference voltage is 230Kv. The
variables G1, G2 represent thermal generators and the
J =%=- variable G3 represents hydroelectricity generator. The
'I av, av, (7)
system parameters refer to the appendix. The restriction
for generator capacity refers to the tablel. We assume
that the situations of each load are the same, the
4 ) Constraint of inequaliry in optimal reactive power
incremental unit is 5% each year, the maximum load is
I W + jsoand the minimum load ism+ j3oin the first year,

The connotation of the optimal flow contains the complexions of load refer to the table 2.
reliability and the power quality of system operation. The
variable of itself is foremost in an adjustable range and
the value of the function variable is also restricted after
computing power flow. In this paper, the adopted
inequality constraints are
The reactive power restriction of generator is
AQkGmin ~ A Q x G5 W k c m u kENG (8)
N C represents the sum of generators.
The reactive power restriction of SVC is
AQmcmin AQmc s AQacmar m E Ne (9)
N, represents the sum of compensating devices.
The restriction of node voltage is

AVi,,in < A V i <AVi,,, i=1.2 ,.... (10)

Fig.1 topology structure of a network


The cost of SVC is paid as depreciation rate of total

investment expenses [2](as every five years).
Assume that installation outlay is 116OOMvar and
use factor is f, ,thus the corresponding cost of reactive

2004 IEEE Intemational Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Resmcturing and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong


45.0 -10


The SVC is installed at the node 5, whose load stage and trough load stage is 12 hours each
capacity is set temporarilyl50MVA and using time is other within a day, thus we will analyze four types of
five years, and it can he adjusted continuously in a operation modes which are combined. Firstly, we can
range between OMV and 150MV and the limitation is educe injecting capacity of SVC, then according to
ascertained as the optimization consequence within the formulation (11). we can compute the utilization
five years. efficiency for SVC annually and the average
To simplify notation we will consider that utilization efficiency in five years, which is acted as
adequate-water-term and short-water-term balance the annual use factor 0.61, eventually, we elicit a
within a year, without medium-water-term, and peak design of the cost recovery for SVC, as in Table 3.


2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT7.004) April 2004 Hong Kong

of Electrical Engineer & Information, Sichuan University, China. His

Introducing the use factor 0.61 to the formulation reesewch interests include power quality, electrical power market, and
power technology ecanornics.
(1 I), the corresponding expenses of an injecting reactive Mr. Xiao is a member of the CIEE.
Dower unit in each hour within five vears is
11600 J. Yang is specializing in his muter's degree in Sichuan University,
= 0.434 U /MVm.h (12) Chengdu, Sichuan. China. His research interests include power market
5 x 365 x 2 4 ~ 0 . 6 1 and powerquality.
Therefore, the corresponding cost of injection
capacity QCi of SVC is H.G Yang was bom in Chengdu, Sichuan. China. on October IO. 1949.
He rceceived the B.S. degree in electrical engineefing from Chengdu
University of S & T, China, and M.S. degree in electrical engineering
from Harbin Industry University. China, and Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering from Belgium. in 1982. 1985, and 1997, respectively.
Based on the analyzing, the total cost is 8526W and the Since 2002, he has been a Professor in the School of Electrical
real cost recovery is 852600.lD within five years. We Engineer & Infomation, Sichuan University, China. His research
can see that the design adopted to pay costs of reactive interests include p ~ w e quality
r and electrical power market.
Dr. Yang is a member of the CIEE.
power implements balance between income and

This paper associates capacity cost with switch capacity
and time of reactive power, ascertains the cost recovery of
reactive power through optimizing reactive power in long
term, elicits an use factor of switching based on measuring
annual switch capacity and pays costs of SVC as 5-year
term, practical experience and theoretical analysis
demonstrate that the consequence is very good and the
proposed design is correct.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of
S. L. Liu. A. D. Liu, and L. Li for their work on the
original version of this document.

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X. Y. Xiao was hom in Yi Bin. Sichuan, China, on October 19. 1968. He
received [he B.A.Sc. d e g m from the Chengdu University of Science &
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Since 2000. Mr.Xiao has been an Associate Profcssor in the School


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