Hugh Rudnick Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Raul Sanhueza Universidad de Tarapaca

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2004 IEEE International Conferenceon Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong


Benchmark regulation and efficiency

o f electricity distribution
i n a restructured power sector

Hugh Rudnick Raul Sanhueza

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Universidad de Tarapaca
Abstract- A growing challenge in the restructuring of expenditure, thus minimizing the present value of its
the electrical sector, where competition is introduced costs. In general, this regulation has implied a reduction
in the generation area, is to achieve equivalent trend in distribution tariffs.
efficiencies in the electrical distribution service, an
activity that develops in a monopolistic environment. 11. DISTRIBUTION REGULATION
This summary discusses this challenge and the CHALLENGES
regulatory methodologies under application and/or
evaluation that try to take to that efficiency The distribution activity is characterized by the
improvement. The complementary presentation will constant investments to be made to render good services
give an overview of such tariff regulations and world-
and to achieve the various scale conomies that can be
wide experiences. Special emphasis will be given to the
concepts of model companies and distributim added attained by companies when developing their facilities
value and their application in Latin America. and their management and operation. Although
economies of scale add up efficiency, they also make the
revenues generated through a marginal cost tariff not to be
enough to cover these companies’ total costs. Likewise,
the strong interdependence of investments and the long
Electrical distribution companies, being
capitahecovery period give origin to a costs fimction that
network industries, aim to the transport and distribution of
is clearly under-additive for the relevant demand range.
electric power from specific points in high or medium
This takes to conclude that it is more socially efficient to
voltage lines to end c o n s w r s at appropriate voltage
have a single company instead of several companies
levels for industrial and residential usage. This activity is operating in a same geographicalarea. In this manner, and
organized in public service utilities that obtain power as it is a matter of guaranteeing maximum coverage, with
supply through contracts with generators.
the highest quality and least price possible, single
distribution companies are justified and they are allowed
During the last decade, many countries and
to operate as a natural monopoly.
geographical areas of the world have made drastic
transformations in their electrical sectors, both in terms of
Under monopolistic conditions, production is
segmentation and privatization of state monopolies. associated to economic efficiencies and consumers have
Because of these transformations, a big change in the role no possibilities to choose, and that makes it necessary to
of the State has been witnessed. The State has transformed
regulate the service in order to prevent unreasonable
itself from a producer and enterprissowner agent into an
practices (poor quality, low coverage, high prices). For
agent that regulates those stages of the electrical sector
that purpose, the regulator establishes the rights and
that become natural monopolies, such as electrical
obligations of distribution companies, assigning
distribution. The challenge is to stimulate an efficient
concession zones to install, operate and exploit public
service in distribution, similar to that that would be
service distribution networks. Likewise, the regulator
achieved in a competitive environment. establishes price levels and creates incentives that allow
management improvement, since there is no market
To regulate electrical distribution, most Latin-
competitionto promote them.
American countries that have started this transformation
have adopted a “benchmark” scheme, using the concept
In this manner, the primary goal of any
of an efficient company that is a company that is adapted
regulatory scheme is to provide the appropriate incentives
to demand and that operates under an optimal investment
to companies to force them to be efficient and through an
and operations plan. Under this scheme, to force adequate price signal, to make them to be able to transfer,
companies to be efficient, the regulator fixes prices in the long term, part of their benefits to the users given
according to the costs of an efficient company, designed
their efficient investment and operating policies. These
from square one and without considering actual
incentives will be available for the companies only if the
companies. The actual company will get a normal
regulator can show a certain level of commitment and
profitability only if it is capable of emulating the efficient
stability. This commitment and stability results fiom
company, reducing its operating and investment
ensuring the regulator follows certain general principles

2004 IEEE Intemational Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

on transparency, efficiency, stability and relationship existing between regulated revenues and
straightforwardness [Rudnick and Raineri, 19971. costs. According to this differentiation, performance can
be measured in relation to references that are correlated or
Based on these principles, the regulation of uncorrelated to the companies’ cosb. Another simpler
natural monopolies is made through different approaches. classification to measure performance is the one used in
They differ from each other because they follow, at [Jamasb and Pollitt, 2001al. It is based on differentiating if
different levels, the principles ndicated before. Studies the reference is represented by a maximum theoretical
about these schemes applied to distribution systems can fiontier or an average performance expression. In both
be found in [Gomez 19991, [Jamasb and Pollitt, 2001al. cases, i is necessary to bear in mind that the presence or
absence of a consideration of specific costs for the
Regarding costs associated to the activity that is companies, allows the benchmarking to discriminate
intended to be remunerated, they are associated to the primarily changing the character, scope and behaviour of
network explo itation, maintenance and expansion the regulatory process.
components. They can be grouped into the following
items: When frontier methods are used to compare the
companies’ operation, it is common to do so considering
* Investment costs associated to network expansion if they are more or less efficient. This notion is closely
* Capital costs regarding interests and related to asset linked to the factors that determine the production
depreciation function and it is determined with efficiency and
* Exploitation costs including losses, monitoring and productivity indices or measurements.
network maintenance
* Administrativecosts and fixed overhead At a primary level, the concept of productivity is
* New consumer connection costs relatively easy to define. It is the quotient between the
* Network usage metering and billing costs amount of product (output) and amount of input (input)
for a specific production situation. In the productivity
Each one of these costs is indistinctly affected results that can be obtained for the units, there is influence
by climatic, geographical and demographic factors that by the differences in production technologies, differences
are extemal to the companies. This reveals that tariff in the production process efficiency and the differences
regulation is a very complex and demanding process, due to exogenous variables, also called environmental
considering: variables [Weyman-Jones, 19921, [Pollitt, 19951, that
affect production. The productivity component resulting
The need to adequately identi@ and value the different from efficiency differences in the production process is
components often called “productive efficiency”.
The need to fairly and transparently weight the influence
of factors such as network type - rural or urban - Productive efficiency is defined as the capacity
overhead or underground lines, and the type and density of a company to produce a given product at a minimum
of consumption present in the company’ s activity cost. To reach that minimum cost, the company must use
*The convenience of emitting signals to encourage the its inputs in an efficient manner (technical efficiency) and
adoption of more efficient behaviours by the companies must choose the correct input combination given their
performing in the concession areas. relative price (assignment efficiency). The first case -
technical eficiency - is defined in function of the
possibility of production and it is measured as the quotient
111. REGULATORY METHODOLOGIES between observed production and the maximum potential
attainable production, given a set of inputs, or as the
Most regulatory schemes use comparison
quotient between the minimum total input potential
procedures or benchmarking as a methodology. In required and the total effectively used, given a set of
incentive regulation, efficiency is measured against a outputs. In the second case - assignment efficiency - the
previous benchmark and the results deliver the
optimal efficiency can be defined in terms of costs,
information required to compare the companies’
revenues, profits or any other company target that is
operation and allow the identification of the actions subject to amount and pice restrictions. Hence, this
required to drive efficiency improvements. efficiency component has a purely economical character.
In this manner, productive efficiency requires both
In the development of the various incentive
components, technical and assignment efficiency.
regulation methodologies, a primary source of
differentiation has been the level of emphasis put on the

2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

Obtaining efficiency measurements for a group variables that have physical units that have a more
ofcompanies, through data analyses oriented to determine homogeneous character among different countries are
a maximum production or minimum cost (frontier), used, while the cost frontier estimation needs the use of
implies using various methods, among which there are variables with denomination in various currencies, taking
econometric and linear programming techniques. to an additional complication when data comes from
companies fiom different countries. Likewise, the cost
The development of the econometric frontier estimation has the disadvantage that, in general,
methodology starts with the introduction of deterministic companies are reluctant to make their cost data more
frontier models in 1968 and it is further developed with transparent and that it is also necessary to know their input
the stochastic frontier models [Aigner, Love11 and costs.
Schmidt, 19771, weeusen and Van Den Bmck, 19771.
The notion that deviations fi-om the boundaries can not be Among the altematives to determine efficiency
totally under the control of the company that is analyzed, boundaries, intemational experiences report a large
but rather there is a random component due to extemal number of methodologies. For example, Pollit [Pollitt,
effects that are normally distributed and that component 19951, studies the effect of ownership, public versus
has the effect of favouring or not favouring the company' s private enterprise, on generation, transmission and
production is introduced in the stochastic frontier analysis distribution companies' efficiency, and also reports on the
(SFA). results obtained fi-om SBA, DEA and Least Squares
methodologies. The [Filippini M., Wild J. and Kuenzle
On the other hand, the data envelopment M. (2001)l shdy determines scale efficiencies and
analysis (DEA) was developed with the linear distribution companies costs, also reporting results
programming technique. This methodology was obtained h m the SBA methodology. The DEA
introduced by Chames, Cooper and Rhodes (1978), methodology is also used to determine the relative
where they try to establish which companies of the efficiency of companies in maximumrevenues regulatory
sample determine the envelopment area or efficient processes in New South Wales [PART, 19991 and cap
production frontier. The radial distance of a company to prices in the German electrical transmission and
the frontier provides the efficiency measurement. distribution sector P T E , 19991.
Therefore, companies that are on the frontier (the ones
that determine it) are considered efficient, while the ones
that are far from the frontier are considered inefficient.


Therefore, once one has defined the Formulation and estimation of stochastic frontier
methodologies to estimate the efficiency frontier, the need production hnctions models, Journal of Econometrics 6:
arises to specify the type of frontier to be estimated. This pp 21-37.
can be done through a production function or by means of CHARNES A., COOPER W. & RHODES E. (1978):
Measuring the efficiency of decision making units.
a cost function. A production function correlates the European Journal of Operational Research, 2(6), 429-444.
amounts produced in function of the inputs used, while a FILIPPINI M., WILD J. & KUENZLE M. (2001): Scale
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fimction of the level of products and the input prices.
Working Paper Nr. 8, Zurich.
GavIEZ T. (1999): Incentive regulation for distribution
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deciding if it is better to estimate a cost function or a Befkeley National Laboratory, LBNL Intemal Report.
GCMEZ T. (1999): Regulacion de la distribucion de
production function, although it is important to bear in
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only about the technical efficiency and not from the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New
assignment efficiency, while with the cost frontier South Wales, Prepared by London Economics. Sydney.
estimation, information about the technical efficiency and JAMASB T. & POLLIT M. (2001a): Benchmarking and
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2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

[9] DTE, Netherlands Electricity Regulatory Service, (1999).

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tariffs: incentive regulation, chapter in book (De)
Regulation and competition: The electric industry in Chile.
Ilades-Georgetown University, pp. 223-257.
"DEA efficiency for the determination of the electric
power distribution added value", accepted for publication,
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
[13] WEYMAN-JONES T. (1992): Problems of yardstick
regulation in electricity distribution, in Bishop, Kay and
Mayer. The regulatory challenge. Oxford University Press.
the economic operation,
planning and regulation of
electric power systems. He
has been a consultant with
utilities and regulators in
Latin America, the United
Nations and the World Bank,
mainly on the design of
transmission and distribution
open access tariffs.
... ....., ..... . .. l..-.
Raul Sanhueza, obtained

his B.Sc. degree in Electrical

Engineering at University of
Concepcion and his M.Sc.
degree from Catholic
University of Chile. He is an
Asistant Professor at
Universidad de Tarapaca.
His research interests
involve the planning,
economic operation and
regulation of electric power

Thanks to Fondecyt for its financial support.


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