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2004 IEEE Intemational Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DFWT2004) April 2004 Hong


Three Electricity Market Principles and Electricity Value Equivalent (EVE)

Pricing Methodology
Yan Mao-song
Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072,China

1. The first electricity market principle security and even results in power crisis. This
Like the general commodity market the is a difficult market problem in the world.
electricity market efficiency should be held at So the EVE theory claims the first
first. The market efficiency means the electricity market principle : Both Ademate
maximization of social welfare or Capacity Return and Market Efficiency
minimization of operation cost when demand Should Be Held at Same Time under The
is invariable. Namely, the investment cost Economies of Scale. It means that : a. There
should be excluded from the economic must be a way for all capacity investments to
dispatch objective function. This can be be returned from the transaction market only,
realized only by short run marginal cost b. Even if the adequate capacity investments
(SRMC) methods, for example the uniform are returned, the market efficiency should also
cleaning pricing methods using merit loading be held under the economies of scale, c.
order by operation cost bidding in the Simple supplement and government
generation market. interposition would damage the market
Total Cost Short Run
efficiency, d. A new pricing method for
A Marpinal Cost automatic implementation of 1St market
principle is needed; it is just Electricity Value
Equivalent (EVE) pricing methods.

2. The second electricity market principle
capital The capacity cost competition must be
Yield equal for every participant regardless of the
0 capital repayment. However the new market
Fig.1 Short run marginal cost is less than participant has heavy capital repayment, while
average cost under the condition of economics the old one does not. It is not fair in economy.
of scale comparing between their slope rates This is an investment bulwark, especially for
power industry under the economies of scale.
Under the condition of economics of scale, So the EVE theory claims the second
especially in power system it is always the electricity market principle : Firstly The
case that the short run marginal cost is less Market Efficiencv Must Be Held, Then The
than the average cost (AVC), namely Economics Fairness Should Also Be
SRMC<AVC,See Fig. 1. However the profit of Concerned under The Economies of Scale.
a utility (GenCo andor GridCo) depends on
AVC, rather than SRMC. There must be a way 3. The third electricity market principle
for all capacity investments to be returned Investment return inadequacy will
from transaction market. Return deficiency in generally result in shortage of the available
transaction market will result in capacity capacity in the market, and then price
shortage, which may damage the system skyrockets. The shorter the available capacity,
the higher the market price. It is also including

2004 IEEE lntemational Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

power supplier bad actions, high bidding and withholding capacity action (Coumot game)
capacity withholding using their market power, of participants and comparing with the
until government intervening or the market uniform cleaning pricing(UCP) and pay as bid
being closed. At this time people could not be (PAB) pricing. Besides the market efficiency
encouraged to invest because of market risk. and the capacity adequate return, the results
The price cap is efficient for price peak show that the EVE pricing method can induce
restraint, but it is not reasonable and will the power suppliers bidding according to their
damage market efficiency. true operation cost and without capacity
So the EVE theory claims the third withholding. This is an invaluable market
electricity market principle : character. We call it market ‘inductivity’
Market Should Be Efficient Not only When which is different from reliability, stability and
The Power SuDulv Being In Richness But robustness etc. As we know that there are no
Also In Deficiency. Under the electricity such properties for any other pricing methods.
capacity relative shortage the market price
skyrocket should be restrained and the market Acknowledgment
may not be closed and at this time should
provide correct market signal. A new pricing The work reported in this paper was
method for automatic implementation of 31d supported by National Natural Science
market principle is needed; it is just Electricity Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant
Value Equivalent (EVE) pricing methods. 59937150.

4. Brief introduction to EVE pricing References

methods for generation, transmission and
ancillary markets [ 11 Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent
According to the three market principles (EVE) Pricing System and Relevant
mentioned above, we have developed a series Systems Design: Part One
of EVE pricing methods [‘-‘I, namely we have Electricity Markets and Electricity Value
solved the three great difficult market Equivalent (EVE) Pricing: Theorv.
problems in the world and a new pricing Automation of Electric Power Systems,
methodology for electricity market has been 2003,27(7): 1-6
developed, for example the generation EVE [2] Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent
pricing methods[‘”], the hydro-thermal (EVE) Pricing System and Relevant
coordination and hydro-unit EVE pricing Systems Design: Part Two A Practical
methodsr3],the operation reserve EVE pricing Electricity Value Equivalent (u-EVE)
methodsK4],the AGC EVE pricing methodsr5], Pricing Method for Pool Purchase and Its
the transmission EVE pricing methodsr6],the Market Characters. Automation of
transmission congestion EVE management Electric Power Systems, 2003,27(8): 1-9
methodsL7],and the wheeling EVE pricing [3] Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent
methods[‘] etc. (EVE) Pricing System and Relevant
We have also researched the market Systems Design: Part Three Electricitv
character of EVE pricing methods using Value Equivalent (EVE) Pricing Method
analysis method[’] and the intelligent for Hydro-units in Electricity Market.
agent-based method[’’] ,taking into account Automation of Electric Power Systems,
the bidding action (Bertrand game) and the 2003,27(11): 1-4

2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

[4] Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent Transmission Congestion Management

(EVE) Pricing System and Relevant Methods Based on EVE Pricing.
Systems Design: Part Four - A Automation of Electric Power Systems,
Probabilistic Practical Electricitv Value 2003,27(16): 1-5
Equivalent (pp-EVE) Pricing Method for [8] Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent
ODerating Reserve. Automation of (EVE) Pricing System and Relevant
Electric Power Systems, 2003,27( 12): 1-6 Systems Design: Part Eight Wheeling
[5]Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent Pricing with Oueration Reserve Ancillary
(EVE) Pricing System and Relevant Service for Bilateral Transactions Using
Systems Design: Part Five -
A EVE Methods. Automation of Electric
Probabilistic EVE Pricing and Assessment Power Systems, 2003,27(20): 1-5
Method for AGC Units. Automation of [9] Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent
Electric Power Systems, 2003,27(13): 1-4 (EVE) Pricing System and Relevant
[6] Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent Systems Design: Part Nine Could ODen
(EVE) Pricing System and Relevant Electricitv Market with CaDacitv
Systems Design: Part Six Transmission Inadequacy? Automation of Electric
Electricity Value Equivalent (EVE) Power Systems, 2003,27( 10): 1-7
Pricing Methodology. Automation of [IO] Zou Bin, Yan maosong, Xie Xianya.
Electric Power Systems, 2003,27(14): 1-8 Comparison Between Pricing Methods for
[7] Yan Maosong. Electricity Value Equivalent Pool-Based Electricity Market using
(EVE) Pricing System and Relevant Agent-Based Simulation. Automation of
Systems Design: Part Seven Electric Power Systems, to be submitted

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