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Mission Briefing: Codename PortAI

Good morning, Agent Hunt!

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to design the

world’s most advanced AI copilot for managing wealth –
codenamed PortAI. You are expected to infiltrate the
archaic world of wealth management and create a hyper-
personalized investment advisor for our P.M.F. (Possible
Mission Force) that caters to millions of retail users in the
great land of India.

Once you have executed the mission, you are required to

upload the contents of your mission by 30th December,
23:59:59 hours here. The mission will be rendered aborted
should you fail to keep up with the dates. Mission Control
(Agent Bhatnagar - 9352897598) is here to back you up
and provide you with any additional details to conquer this
titanic challenge!

What defines success?

• Clear Customer value proposition
• Well thought & differentiated list of features for PortAI
• Detailed description of (atleast) 1 hero feature and what
problem will it solve
• Key user journeys (flowcharts) and/or wireframes
• Metrics to be tracked to ensure success/KPIs of PortAI
• Lastly, timely submission – 30th Dec (Sat), 23:59:59 hours!

Turn around for mission briefing. Good luck, Agent Hunt!

Mission Briefing: Codename PortAI

Why PortAI?
• The world is changing fast with the advent of Generative AI
• AI is infiltrating the lives of unsuspecting Indians, especially
in the world of finance
• More than 30 Million investors are suspected to start
depending fully on AI for all essential advice in next 5 years

What’s the objective of the P.M.F.?

• Your primary goal is to conceptualise an AI-based wealth
advisor that empowers users to make well-informed
investments, optimise portfolios and navigate complexities
of the financial world
• The platform must be tailored to individual needs based on
demography, risk appetite and personal preferences
• The platform must, at all costs, be differentiated against
existing (and future) solutions in the market
• Whatever proposed must be 100% possible to achieve in our
lifetimes, otherwise the Mission Control will disavow any
knowledge of your actions and whereabouts!

What can get you there?

• Customer profiling and persona creation
• Basic user research on emerging preferences and
• Competitor benchmarking of what exists and can exist
• Tons of creativity and a pinch of bravery!

What tools to use?

• You may select any tool at your disposal – Word,
Powerpoint, Google Sheets, Excel, Figma, Prezi…. Sail the ship
your damn way but do get to the shores!
• Chose any structure, but do make sure to broadly follow the
above 4 buckets

Already done! Click here to submit

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