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Local project: "Recycling Stations" of Peruvian Supermarkets

The Recycling Stations installed in PlazaVea and Vivanda receive plastic containers for
pets, hard plastics, paper, cardboard and glass in various parts of the country.

The Recognition "Peru for Sustainable Development Goals" will continue to build year
after year a network of good initiatives that serve as an example for other organizations
to do so, thus helping Peru to be a more sustainable country, which guarantees the same
opportunities for all.
With the accumulated paper, plastic, glass and metals, the Peruvian company has
managed to reduce the environmental impact equivalent to 10,065 barrels of oil and 4,028
tons of CO2.
The next challenge is to encourage with greater emphasis the segregation of plastic in
our Recycling Stations by means of separating modules by color, transparency and
hardness. “We will promote the recycling of plastics so that the Peruvian public
understands the importance of the adequate degradation of these products in any region
of the country, promoting a recycling culture based on a regenerative and restorative
circular economy.
UN-related SDGs:
1. Climate action. This proposal meets this objective because it has an environmental
impact, it seeks to ensure the reuse of recyclable waste by offering citizens places where
they can segregate their waste with the assurance that it will be collected for recycling.
2. Decent work and economic growth. This initiative encourages decent job creation,
entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. This work is carried out by formalized
associations, which is why it promotes better working conditions for workers. At the same
time, it is related to full employment and decent work with equal pay.
3. Responsible consumption and production. This initiative is good because it has
reduced the consumption of 34,440 m3 of water thanks to the collection of waste
corresponding to tetra pak, paper and plastic. The next challenge is to encourage with
greater emphasis the segregation of plastic in our Recycling Stations by means of
separating modules for color, transparency and hardness. “We will encourage plastic
recycling so that the Peruvian public understands the importance of the adequate
degradation of these products in any region of the country, encouraging a recycling
culture based on a regenerative and restorative circular economy.

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