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ARMY OF THE DESERT NOMADS Unit 3: 120 regular F I human cavalry, bows & sword s. riding warhorses,
3 Sergeants ( F 2). I Captain ( F 3)
Unit name: LEGION Of DOOM U nit 4: Identical to U nit 3
T ype of unit : Elite Division Unit 5: 160 regular bugbear infam ry, spears, 4 bugbear Sergeants, I
Number of units: I bugbear Captain
MY 6, BR 232 U nit 6: Iden tica l to U nit 5
Personnel: 1932 Unit 7: 40 H ill Giant skirmishers
Troop Class: Excellent Unit 8: 40 Troll skirmi shers
Army Commander: Alrethus ( M 19)
H eroes: 4 Stone Jugge rnauts (crew of 10 non·combataJHs for each) GRAND ARMY OF THE PRINCIPALITIES OF
Unit 1: D eath 's Head Cavalry (240 elite f 2 human cavalry on wa rh orses,
bows & swords), 6 Sergeants (f 3), 1 Captain ( f 4)
Unit 2: D esert Wind Cavalry (id eniical to Unit 1). U nit name: ARMY OF PR INCE.JHEREK•
Unit 3: Angels of the Master (80 M 3 skirmishers on foot, daggers) Type of unit : R egu lar Divi sion
Unit 4 : Sword of1ruth ( Id entical to Unit 3). Number of units: 8
Unit 5: Bonccrushcrs (40 !>tone Giant skirmishers on foot) MY 6, BR 159
Unit 6: Swords of Death (480 regu lar F 2 human infantry, bows & Personnel: 862
swords) , 12 Sergeants (F 3), 1 Captain (F 4) Troop C lass: Excellent
Unit 7: Swords of Destruction (identica l to U nit 6). Army Comma nder: Prince (M 18) riding pcgasus (C B + I . Int + 3, Wis
Unit 8: Wa rlords of the Air ( I0 airboats, crewed by 20 skeleto ns , each + I , appropriate magic i1cms) NOTE: Each Glantri a rmy unit is named
carrying 40 regular F 2 human archers, commanded by Caprain (M 6)). afier its Prince Commander.
Unit name: ARMY HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Deputy Army Commander: Count ( M 12) riding pcgasus
Type of unit : Army H eadqua rters Un it I: 120 elite M 3 huma n cavalry, daggers & slings, riding warhorses,
Number of units: 6 4 Sergeants (M 4). I Captain ( M 5)
MY 6, BR 153 Unit 2: 240 elite F 2 human cavalry, bows &, rid ing warhorses, 6
Pe rsonnel: 395 S crge;i nts (F 3), I Captain ( F 4)
Troop Class: Excellent U nit 3: 240 regular F 2 human mount ed infantry, bows & swords, riding
no rmal horses (cannot figh t on horseback), 6 Sergeants ( F 3). I Captain ( F
Army Commander: F 12
Deputy Army Commander: F 10
Unit 4: Identi cal lO Unit 3
H eroes: 2 Stone Juggernauts (and non -combatant crews of 10 each),
4M 7, 4C9
Unit I: 240 regular f' 2 human infantry, bows & sword s. 6 Sergeants ATRUAGHIN CLANS
(F 3). I Captain (F 5) Unit nam e: BEAR C l.AN '
Unit 2: 20 regular Hill Giants, I Hill Giant Captain T ype of unit : R egular Division
Unit 3: 120 el ite F 3 human cavalry, bows & swords, 3 Sergeants ( F 4), 1 Number of units: 7
Captain (f 6) MY 6. BR 120
Unit name: REGULAR DIVISION Personnel : 662
Type of uni t: R egular Divisio n Troop Class: Good
Number of units: 25 Arm y Com mande r: C lan Warleadcr ( F 10, CB + I )
MY 4 , BR 103 Deput y Commander: F 8
Personnel: 1162 Uni t I : 160 elite F 2 human cavalry, bows & spears, riding warhorses, 4
Troop Class: Good Sergea nts (F 3), I Captain (F 4)
Division Commander: F 10 U nit 2: Identical to Unit I
Deputy Division Commander: F 8 U nit 3: Identical to U nit I
H eroes: 1 M 6, 1 C 8, 2 Stone Giants, 2 Wood Ju ggernauts (and Unit 4: Identical to Unit I
non-combatant crews o f 10 each)
Unit 1: 120 regular goblin cavalry, bows & swords, riding dire wolves, 3 ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC OF DAROKIN
goblin Sergeants, I goblin Capta in
U nit na me: I and II LEGIONS
Unit 2: Id entica l to U nit I

Type of unit : Elite Division
Unit 3: 120 regular F I human cavalry, bows & swo rds, ricling warhorses,
Number of units: 2
3 Sergeants (f 2), I Captain ( r 3)
MY 6, BR 182
Unit 4: lclentical to U nit 3
Personnel : 109 1
Unit 5: 160 regula r bugbear infa ntry, spea rs, 4 bugbear Sergean ts. I
li·oop C lass: Excellent
bugbear Captain
Unit 6: Id entical to Unit 5 Divisi on Commander: F 9 (C B + I , Int + I )
Unit 7: 40 Hi ll Giant skirmishers Deputy Division Commander: F 7
U nit 8: Identical to U nit 7 He ro: C 6
U nit 9: 40 Troll skirmishers Un it I : 120 regular F 2 human m ounted infantry, bows & swords, riding
U nit 10: Identi cal to Unit 9 regular horses, 4 Sergeants (F 3), I Capta in (F 4)
Uni1 2: Id entical to Unit I
U nit name: GUARDS D IV IS ION
Unit 3: Identical to Unit 1
T ype of unit : Reserve Divi sion
Unit 4 : Identical to Unit 1
Number of units: 8
Unit 5: 80 regu lar F 2 human cavalry, bows & swords, riding warhorses, 2
MY4, BR 72
Sergeants (F 3), I Captain (f 4)
Personnel: 892
U nit 6: Iden tical to U nit 5
Troop Class: Fair
Unit 7: Identi cal to Unit 5
Division Commander: F 10 U nit 8: ldcmi cal 10 U nit 5
Deputy Division Commander: F 8 Unit 9 : 80 skirmish F 2 human cavalry, bows & swords, riding warhorses,
H eroes: I M 5, I C 6, 2 Wood Ju ggernauts (and no n-combatant crews of 2 Sergeants ( F 3), I Captain (F 4)
10 each) Unit 10: Identical to U nit 9
Unit I : 120 regu lar goblin cavalry, bows & swo rds, riding dire wolves, '.l Unit 11: BO elite E 2 elf cavalry, bows & swo rcl s, ricling warho rses, 2
goblin Sergeants, I goblin Captain Sergeants (E 3), I Captain (E 4)
Unit 2: Identical to U nit I
Expert Game Adventure

Red Arrow, Black Shield by Michael S. Dobson

An Adventure for Character Levels 10-14


Running the Advemure ........ ......... .. .•..... - - ... - . -- ........................ 2
THE INVASION OF AKESOLI .......•........... .. . .. .................................. 3
The Invasion Begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Chase Flow Chan .... •...•. ................................................... .... 5
Akesoli in Torment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Rallying 1he Populace .......................................... 7
THE REPUBLIC OF DAROKIN WANTS YOU! ........................................ 8
Akesoli . . . . . . . ..•.. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. 8
The Republic R eadies for War . . . . . • • • . • • . • • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...••... 8
Mission Plenipotemiary . . . . . •.....•....• • ....••.....•.....•..•...................•.... 9
Avoiding the Mission . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .................... .................. •.. 10
Editor: Edward G. Sollers DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS .....•...................................................... 11
Cover Artist: Jeff Easley Conducting Diplomacy ...•.................•...... .. - . ................... ........ 11
Interior Artist: The R ealms of the Continent l1
Cartography· Dennis K auth SPECIAL ENCOUNTERS 24
Typography: Kim N. Lindau
Preparing for the Showdown • . . • • • . . . . • . . • • • • . . . . • .....•................•....• 26
0 Againsc the Legion of Doom ' . . • • . . . . • • . . . . • • . . • • • • . . • • • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • •• 27
1985 TSR Inc All Rights Rrsrrvrd Pnmf'd 1n US.A
The City of Sayr Ulan . . • • . . . • . . • • . . • • • . . • . .. . .••..•.••.....•.........• 28
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, ADVANCED Aftermath of che Great War .•....••....••....••.... . •...........•.....•....••...• • 32
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. BJ\'1¥1 LE.SYSTEM, the THE WAR MACHINE REDUX . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ..................•........ 34
'1'SR logo, PRODUCTS 0~ YOUR IMAGINArION , H ow It Works . . . . 34
and most character names arr iradrmarks owned by TSR D etermining Combat Resuhs .............•..................•....•••........•.•....• 34
Inc. Applying Combat R csuhs . . •.... ... ... ..............................•......... .• • . . 35
IJistnbuted 10 the book trade 1111hr Unitrd S1a1r1 by Ran · Sieges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...••. . ..•..... . • .... •.....•...........••.......... •. 36
dom House, Inc., and in Canada hy Random House of
Canada, Ltd
War Machine Optional Rules . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. . 36
SCENARIO R ULES .............•.................••....•......................... 36
Di!lributcd to the ioy and hobby trade by regional d1strib- Game Map ........•.....••.... , •.... ............ ••....•••..... ......... ......•.. 36
ut<rs Di.inbuted in the United Kingdom l.iy TSR UK Game Pieces . . . . . . • . . ... , . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • ...... ........••..• • . 36
Ltd . Time Scale .......•.... , .........•.....••.......................••...••....•.. 37
Order of Play . . • . . • . . . . . . • • • . . . • . . . . • • . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ••• 37
Thi' adventure 11 protected under the copynght laws of the Movement . . . . . . ......••....••....••..•.••....••.....•.......................... 37
United Statts of America. Any rcprodurnon or othu Conduccing Combat . . . . . . ...........•. 37
unauthoriied use of th< material or artwork herein 11 pro-
h1b11<d without the express wr111en perm1rnon ofTSR Inc.
Supply . . . . . . . . . ..••...••.. 38
Combining War Machrne Rules wtth che BATTLESYSTEM'" Fantasy Combat Supplement •.. 38
Order of Battle . . . .•...•... 38
TSR Inc TSR UK Led MONSTERS AND VILLA INS ..•....•..... • •.....•...••••.• • ••... . .... • ........ 40
POB 756 Tht Mill , Rathmorc Road Generic City Chase Flow Chan •.•••....•.....•......•.....•................••...•• .s
l..Ut Geneva, C•mbndtt• ( Bl4AD Grand Duchy of Karametkos Map • . . . . • • • . . • • • . . • • • • • • . • . • • • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1.S
WI 53147 Un11ed Kingdom Camp of the Frost Giants • . • • • • • • . • • • . • • . . • . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • • ••• • 21
Lair of the Great Dragon • ..•.•••••.•••••• • ••.••••.....•... ............. ••... 22
Battle with the Legion of Doom • . . • • • • • . • • • • . . • • • • . . • • • • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ... 27
The City of Sayr Ulan ••.•• • ••.•• • •..•• • •...• • ••.•.••..........••....•.... 29
The Camp of The Master .•••...•••...•••...••...••••.....•...........••..•.... 30
TSR, I nc . The Map of The Contincm ..••..••••...•....••..................................•
Playing Pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • •..• • •.••. •. •...•.•...•.. ....... .••....••.•

394-54894-9TSR I 000

The Master of the Desert Nomads, whose isn't necessary. If they did, they are already items appropriate to his or her level. An
name is spoken only in whispers, has familiar with The Master, Hosadus, a power- assortment of pre-generated characters is
returned from the dead to lead the nomad ful and evil cleric. If not, they will learn all provided in this adventure.
tribes of the Sind Desert to victory and plun- about him soon enough. This adventure provides a transition for
der1 You may place this adventure in your own Expert-level characters into the O&D® Com·
campaign world rather than use The Conti- panion Set, which covers character levels 15-
Running The Adventure nent from the D&D® Expert Set. The back of 25.
the large map is printed with a hex pattern.
R ed Arrow, Black Shield is a unique adven-
ture for the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®
You can draw your own campaign world onto Abbreviations
that map (a scale of 1 hex • 24 miles will
game system, in which the player characters In addition to the abbreviations listed in
allow you to use the special War Machine
lead diplomatic missions and armies against the D&D® Basic Rules, the folJowing abbre·
movement rules in this adventure) and pre-
the Desert Nomads and their evil leader, The viations are used in this adventure:
pare army counters for each of the realms in
Master. Unlike most D&D® adventures, Red
your world. To prepare army counters for the
Arrow, Black Shield uses two different sys- AR Attack Rating
realms of your campaign, you will need the
tems for mass combat: the War Machine BFR • Basic Force Rating
D&D® Companion Set, which contains War
rules from the D&D® Companion Set BR c Battle Rating
Machine rules that are not reprinted here.
(reprinted in part here) and the BATILE- DL = Discipline
You must define the alignment and objectives
SYSTEM'"" Fantasy Combat Supplement , SA Special Attacks
of each realm in your campaign world in
which is needed in order to play. SD Special Defenses
order to play the diplomatic missions. And,
The adventure is played on three different d% • Percentile dice roll
you must create a desert realm where The
levels: individual role-playing, BATTLE- #Fig a Number per Figure
Master and his allies live.
SYSTEM"' tactical mass combat game, and HD/Fig Hit Dice per Figure
War Machine strategic comba1. The map and OL Open Locks
counters in this adventure are used for War
Player Characters FT • Find Traps
M achine combat, but can be used in future This adventure is designed for a party of RT Remove Traps
campaign play to add new life to the D&D® 4-8 characters of I 0th to 14th level of experi- pp Pick Pockets
campaign world. ence, and the range of character classes MS • Move Silently
This adventure is designed to folJow D&D® should be welJ balanced. The party will bene- cw - Climb Walls
adventures X4, Mastt:r of 1he Deser1 fit from having at least one magic- user of HS Hide in Shadows
Nomads and X5, Tcmple ofDca1h. Although 12th or higher level, and at least one charac- HN Hear Noise
it is desirable if the player characters in this ter with a Charisma of 15 or better. Each
adventure played those earlier adventures , it character should have two or three magic


T his adventure begins in the town of Ake- in them, and a " HAZARD" result is given lessly emp1ies a bucket of garbage into a
soli, a main trading port and commercial city for certain letters on the Location Chart. curbside gutter. A big bucket of waste
on the shores of Lake Amsorak. Akesoli is the When the player characters wander into a from a second-story window lands on one
focus of all trade with the mysterious lands to Hazard Circle, roll for an encounter on the of the PCs, drenching him or her head to
the west, including Huie, the Savage Coast Hazard Table, given in this section. toe. The dumper quickly ducks out of
(see X9, The Savage Coast), and other points sight.
west a n d south. Adventurers are not L ocation s Table for Akesoli 3. A cart overloaded with chickens in cages is
u nknown here; many pass th rough Akesoli A. Inn, General Store, Cobbler, Stable being pulled down the street, and sud-
after adventures in the west, or in the Wild B. Tailor, Fletcher, Moneylender, Armorer denly overturns. Approximately 400
Lands to the south (see X6, Quagmire). Ake- C. Constable, Tax Collector, General Store chickens escape, flapping and squawking
soli is one of the most important cities of D. Mayor's Palace, Government Offices loudly. Peasants run out of the houses to
Darokin, thriving on all manner of business. E. Bowyer, Alchemist, Brickmaker, Car- grab chickens (free dinner!), dogs bark
penter furiously, feathers fly everywhere. The
The Chase Flow Chart F. Grocer, Stonecutter, Barber, Florist PCs are at the center of alJ this chaos.
G. Perfumer, Dyer, Jeweler, Temple, Smith 4. A wild dog (AC 7; HD 2 +2; hp 10; MV
The town of Akesoli (and, in fact, all of the
H. Tanner, Food Store, Stable, Butcher 180'(60'); #AT I bite; D 2-1'2; Save Fl ;
towns and cities visited in this adventure)
I. Inn, Stable, Winemaker, Goldsmith, ML 8; AL N ; XP 25) bites the ankle of
uses a special mapping techn ique, called a
Scribe one of the PCs. There is a 10 % chance it is
Chase 'Flow Chart. You can use the Chase
J. Candlemaker, Armorer, Temple, Lum- rabid. Rabies symptoms appear within 4
Flow Chart to represent an entire city with-
ber Mill hours, consisting of high fever and delir-
out having to construct a de tailed map for it.
K. HAZARD, Residences, Tavern, Market ium. If untreated , the disease kills within
The C hase Flow Chart is made up of cir-
L. Tavern, Temple, Bellmaker, Beauty 48 hours. A cure disease spell will cure the
cles that show typical street intersections and
Shop rabies, but the victim is left weak
circles that show H azard locations. A Hazard
M. HAZARD, Residences, Butcher, Stable (Strength and Constitution 112 normal)
is an obstacle or event that affects play. The
N. Weaponsmith, Dairy, Glassblower, Jew- for 24 hours. After that period has passed,
circles are connected by arrows. A number is
eler all abilities return to normal .
printed next to each arrow; these numbers
P. Butcher, Herbalist, Bakery, Hatmaker
represent the number of feet between the cir-
cles. The letters inside each circle represent
Q. Docks, Shipwright, Chandler, Ware- Pursu it Situat ions
houses If the PCs are fleeing or chasing someone,
buildings, landmarks, or other events; they
R . HAZARD, Ouidoor Bazaar, Puppet go back to the Chase Flow Chart. The dis-
may change from city to city.
Show tance between each circle is given in feet. Use
Ten of the circles are numbered; these cir-
S. Outdoor Market, Bazaar, Tavern the encounter speed (feet per round) for PCs
cles are starting places. Whenever a chase
T. Inn, Stable, Magic Shop, Moneylender and their opponents. Running speed is 3
begins, or player characters arc just walking
U. Leatherworker, Alchemist, Potter times encounter speed.
through the streets, roll Id I 0. Start in the cir-
V. Clothmaker, Sailmaker, Candlemaker First, determine in which direction the
cle that corresponds to the die roll.
W. Musical Instruments, Scribe, Illumina- pursuit is going. Then determine which side
The Location Chart lists some of the build-
tor is faster. Calculate the difference in speed
ings that may be found in each circle. If the
X. Fish Market, Wine Shop, Weaver, Tailor between the two groups.
player characters want to locate a building
Y. Blacksmith, Stables, Tavern In each round of the chase, first figure out
that you have not already defined, first decide
Z. Town Gates, Tax Collector, Money- how far the party in the lead travels. Then use
if such a building exists, then either choose a
lender the difference in speed between the parties to
location or roll Id I 0 to determine a random
find out if the chaser gains or loses ground in
location for it. Characters can ask passers-by
H azards the chase. If the chaser catches up, run melee
for directions, look for signs, go into shops
When PCs wander into a Hazard Circle combat normally.
and ask around, or otherwise explore until
when they are simply exploring the town and Each time the party in the lead reaches a
they find what they're looking for. Once the
are not involved in a chase or crisis, roll ld4 circle that has a branching intersection, the
PCs h ave located something, it becomes
and apply the result from the following table. fleeing party escapes its pursuers if the dis-
fixed; make a note on the Locations Table so
tance between the destination circle and the
that whenever the PCs return to that location
H a.z ard T able: E veryd ay Life previous circle is less than the distance
they find it again.
I. An 8th level thief attempts to pick the between the two parties.
Only key shops and buildings are listed on
pockets of someone in the party. If the The fleeing party may try to duck into a
the Locations Table. Residences are every-
attempt succeeds, the victim loses one building or otherwise try to shake the pursu-
where; the streets are clogged with people
item of value, but does not miss ii immedi- ers. The base chance to succeed is 5% + 5%
during the daytime. Al night, parties of 4-8
ately. Wait until the victim tries to pay for for every 10 feet between the leader and the
guards patrol the streets, and fewer citizens
something, for example, and then tell him pursuers. Roll the dice secretly for this roll . If
are out. If the PCs attack the city guards,
that he has no cash. If the attempt is the roll fails, the pursuers have spotted the
they attract the attention of the entire neigh-
detected, the thief runs for it. If the thief is fleeing party entering the building.
borhood. Within one turn, 20-80 reinforce-
caught and turned over to the constabu-
ments arrive. If necessary, civilians help them
lary, the local officials pay a reward of 100
track down the PC~.
Some circles have the word "HAZARD"
2. Someone in an upper-story window care-


M arket Day in Akesoli tu re and bring all the characters together. It is street, Geoffrey, the carpenter, bursts
also a place where the PCs can find out where through the door, sweat pouring down his
The hot, dusty streets of Akesoli arc things are located in town or can hear rumors face, gasping for breath. "lt's ... an attack!
jammed with people from all levels of about the Desert Nomads. The PCs can learn The ... nomads ... they're invading Akesoli!"
humanity. Hawkers of goods line the nar- that the nomads have been buying more he gasps. "We've ... got to get out of here!"
row, crooked streets, shouting out their horses and metal lately and haggled less than When 1he PCs first go out into the street,
pleas for buyers. usual, travelers from the Sind Desert have they are confronted with an incredible sight.
The smells of city life are almost been experiencing the worst weather in
overwhelming-the stink of sweaty people yea rs, with particularly bad sandstorms, the The sun has dimmed and reddened
and animals mixed with exotic spices from nomads have been more arrogant and abu- strangely. As you step out into the street,
the strange lands IO the west, the smell of sive when they come in to trade, and some you are greeted with an incredible sigh1!
the butcher shop mixed with the sweet people fear attack by the nomads, but the Overhead, a swirling red morass, like an
odor of fresh bread hot from the baker's general opinion is that the nomads pose no aerial whirlpool, has appeared out of
oven. Near the docks, the powerful odor serious danger-they argue among them- nowhere to cover the city, casting a sinis-
of the huge fishmarket point the way IO selves too much to threaten others. ter red pall over everything.
Lake Amsorak. T he PCs arrive in Akesoli several days
The brushes you have had with death before the Desert Nomads invade. They This is a magical swirling sandstorm, a
and the scars you carry seem to have given should have ample opponunity to buy any strange creation of The Master's mysterious
you an aura of mystery and power... peo- equipment or supplies they may be lacking, powers. It begins at a height of 30 feet and
ple who have jostled and pushed their way and to otherwise rest and recu perate from stretches to 700 feet. If 1he PCs try 10 fly into
through the noisy crowds politely move previous adventures. Once the PCs are com- the cloud, they are buffe1ed by howling winds
out of your way. A path through the pletely equipped and outlined, and have and stinging sand (3 hp/round automatic
crowds opens up before you as you walk, explored the town to their heart's content, the damage, no spell-casting or missile fire possi-
and closes behind you as the crowds crush adventure begins. ble, if fl ying device requires concentration,
in again. Vendors offer you a free taste of The Invasion Begins must save vs. Spells each round or lose 10-40
their wares and beg you to accept incredi- feet of altitude) until 1hey give up or reach the
ble bargains in their merchandise. Running With the Inn Crowd top of the storm. Above the storm waits
This event takes place one morning while another threat-The Mas1er's airboats.
This is a typical business day in Akesoli- the characters are having breakfast in the Four airboats patrol above the cloud. The
hot, crowded, and always conducted at the Next Door Inn. airboats resemble sea-going longboats, com-
top of the lungs. Most areas of the city are plete with oars. Once the airboat com-
similar. The PCs can wander about as they The kitchen door swings open with a cla1- manders spo1 the flying PCs, they attack,
like, checking out the city. Everyone they 1er. Zeb the Innkeeper and Tracy the Bar- always remaining above the storm unless
meet is far too busy to talk to them. lfthe PCs maid enter carrying steaming plaucrs they are destroyed. The airboa1s have a MY
want food, drink, news, or just peace and laden with hot breakfas1 food-mounds of of 36-, and can change direction up to 180
quiet, they will have to find an inn. scrambled eggs, rashers of bacon, loaves degrees per Game R ound. The airboats can
of fresh bread, and mugs of strong coffee. travel at all three game altitudes (see BA-Y:
The Inn Crowd People begin grabbing at the food as soon TLESYSTEM.. game case (15.1)) and can
Several inns are shown on the Location as they place the 1rays on the table. land on the desen sands. Missile lire from the
Chart. Whether the PCs arc actually looking "Don't grab," says Tracy, the dark- airboats is made at no penalty. The hit dice of
for an inn, or merely for the things an inn can haired serving wench, in her musical an airboat is equal to the sum of the hil dice of
provide, they find the Next Door Inn. It voice, "There's plenty more in the kitchen its occupants plus 30 HD for the airboat hull
doesn't matter in which circle on the Chase when this is done! " i1self. A Wound on an airboa1 means 1hat
Flow Chan the inn is located. You and your fellows happily stuff you r- only one-half of the archers on board can con-
selves in a long, leisurely breakfast. It is a tinue 10 fire. An airboat that is destroyed (2
The inn provides welcome relief from the pleasant change from the hardships of the Wounds or a Kill) crashes in flames. If the
heat and clamor. The innkeeper, Zeb, a adventuring life. And when you cannot airboa1lands on figures, those figures take 10
burly man with a huge mustache, greets find room for a single bite more, you relax llD of damage per individual. The a1rboats
you heartily, as docs the barmaid, Tracy, with the fine cigars from Zeb's personal do not carry bombs.
an attractive and very friendl y serving larder. It's going to be a lazy, sun-
wench. Looking around, you spot the reg- drenched day... Akesoli In Torment
ular customers and quickly pick up their I n the distance, the din and roar of the
town of Akesoli seems 10 be getting louder. One regular division of 1he Desert Nomad
names and habits from the background ar my, augumented by some special troops
conversation-Dugald, a bearded, bald- A lot of people seem to be shouting in the
streets. h 's hard to make out their words, from The Mas1er's private force, the Legion
ing man with an incredible tolerance for of Doom, has invaded Akesoli. You can set up
drink , Geoffrey, a sweaty carpenter, but it sounds like there's some sort of dis-
turbance going on. 1he wargame map at 1his time, placing a Des-
Harald, a magician's apprentice, and ert Nomad division counter on the Akesoli
Jon, an all-too-talkative scribe. hex, but it is no1 necessary to do so until the
This is the beginning of 1he invasion. If the next chapter, in which the PCs become
The Inn exists as a place to start the adven- PCs don'1 immediately head out into the
directly involved in running the forces of

M ap 1 The Generic City C h ase Flow C h art

480 '

480 ' 720 '


Darokin and its allies. As stated in the Order 5. 2 Hill G iants (50%) or 2 Trolls (50%) the following table. The PCs may be able to
of Battle section, the forces of the Desert (Hill Giants: AC 4; HD 8; hp 32, 30; MY avoid some hazards by using magic.
Nomads get two free turns before the Daro- 120'(40'); llAT 1club;02-16; Save F8;
kin forces can get organized enough to move. ML 8; AL C; XP 650 H azard Table: P u rsuit!
The Desert Nomads must invade Akesoli on Trolls: AC 4; HD 6 + 3 • ; hp 27; MY 1. Riot' Thousands of panicked citizens and
Turn 1. 120'(40'); llAT2claws/l bite; D 1-6/1-6/ invading troops have become embroiled
The Desert Nomad forces are running wild 2-10; Save F6; M L 10(8); AL C; XP 650) in a huge, chaotic melee. Horses cannot
and unrestrained through the city of Akesoli, 6. No Encounter enter the melee; persons on foot can move
te rrorizing the peasants, looting shops and at the rate of 10' per round. There is a
homes, and wreaking havoc and destruction .. When moving in a crowded city, mounts 25% chance per round that pursuers will
wherever they go. As the PCs encounter move at half their normal speed. lose sight of the PCs' party.
small raiding parties of Nomads, they can 2. Fire! Invaders have set a number of shops
either flee or fight. R egardless of their choice, All encounters are cumulative, meaning and houses on fire, and the blaze is
more Nomads continue to ar rive according to that the forces opposing the PCs grows quickly raging om of control. Smoke and
the following table. Every 10 melee rounds throughout this section. The reaction of all random flame damage causes I ·4 points of
after the invasion begins, roll ld6 and consult Desert Nomad invaders is immediately hos· damage to everyone in the circle each
the following table. tile. If the PCs disguise themselves as peas- round. There is a 50% chance that PCs
ants, or use invisibility magic, they may be lose their pursuers.
Nomad Encounter Table able to avoid combat (DM's discretion based 3. Invaders! Roll three times on the Nomad
1. No Encounter on circumstances); otherwise, the invaders Encounter Table and apply the results
2. I 0 goblin cavalry riding dire wolves (Gob- are particularly eager to attack anyone who immediately. The invaders appear in front
lins: AC 6; H D 1-1; hp 3 each; MY 120' looks like an armed fighter or spell caster. of the party, cutting ofT their advance.
(40'); llAT J sword or 2 short bow; D 1-8 They chase the PCs if they flee the area. 4. Roadblock! The peasants have blocked
sword or 1-6 a rrow; Save NM; ML 7; AL the way with wagons, carts, pieces of
C; X P 5 The Streets of Akesoli wood, and furniture. People on foot or on
Dire Wolves: AC 6; HD 4 + I; hp 20 If the PCs head for a specific location, such horseback cannot get through and must
each; M Y 120'(40') •• ; #AT I bite; 0 2· as the town gate or the docks, check the Loca· return the" ay they came.
8; Save F2; ML 8; AL N; XP 125) tions Chart to determine the location, or roll 5. Juggernaut! A wood juggernaut (see the
3. 10 h uman cavalry riding warhorses randomly to find the location if it is not listed New Monsters section) is charging down
(H umans: AC 6; H D I; hp 4 each; MY on the chart. lf the PCs are familiar with the the street directly at the PCs, as screaming
120' (40'); #AT 1 sword or2 short bow; D area in which a chase is occurring, tell them refugees try frantically to get out of its
1-8 sword or 1-6 arrow; Save Fl; AL C; at each intersection which way they should path. Wood juggernaut: AC 6; H D 25 .. ;
XP 10 go. If they arc not sure how to find the place hp 125; MY 120' (40'), NAT I crush; D
War Horses: AC 7; H O 3; hp 15 each; they arc looking for, have each of them them 8-80; Save Special; ML 12, A L N; XP
MY 120' (40') .. ; ll~f 2 hooves; D 1-6/ roll ld20 against their lntelltgence at each 6,500
1-6; Save F2; ML 9; AL N; XP 125) intersection. If the roll is equal to or less than 6. Soldiers! Roll twice on the Nomad
4. 10 bugbear infantry (Bugbears: AC 5; their Intelligence, tell them the best route to Encounter 1able.
H D 3 +I; hp 12 each; M Y 90'(30'); #AT take to reach their destination.
1spear;D 1·6; Save F3; ML 9; AL C; XP If the PCs or the NPCs enter a HAZARD
75) circle during the chase. roll ld6 and consult


The In vaders' P lan sion Commander and Deputy Commander, they desire If the PCs remain in Akesoli,
The Desert Nomad division is distributed two stone giants, two juggernaut~. and all they can command divisions in a series of
through the town according to an attack pat- remaining forces . The nomads have set up a BATTLESYSl EM.. game battles . General
tern. Use the D esert Nomad Standard Divi- temporary wooden stockade where resisting Winter and Laran (mention ed in the next
sion data on the inside cover of this booklet to citizens can be imprisoned. If the PCs are chapter) will arrive with the first reinforcing
determine what each company consists of captured, they are herded into it The com- Darokin cliv151on, and the PCs will be offered
pound 1s simply a 100-foot-square area the mission that continues this c1dventure.
I. Town Gate: The town gate is guarded by ringed with crude fencing and guarded by
one company of bugbear infantry and one 160 bugbears There are 500 normal human
company of hill giant skirmishers. If the PCs peasants inside the compound. Since security
escape through the town gate, they find is so lax, any rt'asonable escape plan will suc-
themselves part of a long caravan of refugees. rt'ed. If the peasants are rallied into a mob .,
They can head around the lake to Akorros, go unit to attack the guards, the remaining hill •
south and east to Darokin, go north and cast giants and trolls attack until the morale of the
to Corunglain , or go elsewhere. Their travel- peasants are broken If the PCs arc captured
ing companions suggest that they should a second time, they are condemned to death
head to one of the major cities of Darokin, by the Nomads Allow 24 hours from the sen-
whe're something might be done about this tence of death unul n is earned out, so that
menace. the PCs have a fair t"hance to escape

2. Streets of Akcsoli : Two companies of Rallying the Populace

goblin/dire wolf cavalry and one company of
The PCs may try to rally the citizens into a
human regular cavalry arc sweeping through
defensi,·e force to resist the invasion Each
the streets. They appear as shown on tht•
member of the party can rally 10 x Charisma
Random Encounter Table.
citizens, each I st level They act as a Mob in
the BATTLESYSTEM .. game rules. If the
3. Docks: One company of human cavalry
PCs take this option, and build a fighting
has attacked the dock area, trying to burn as
force, one company of City Watchmen (Reg-
many ships as possiblt'. The docks arc
ular unit, 200 1st level fighters armed with
crowded with citizens trying to crowd into the
swords) joins them It 1s difficult, but not
various ships in the Akcsoli harbor The PCs
impossible, for the PCs to defeat the invading
can push through the crowd and get onto one
force, since the indi' 1dual unns of tht' Nomad
of the last ships departing the doomed city,
division are scattered throughout Akcsoh
but the cavalry will try to obstruct anv
If the PC\ dt•ft'at the Nomad D1v1sion, they
attempt 10 leave in this manner If the PCs
are hailed as gn•at heroes by the peasantry,
board a ship, it will take them to tht' ctty of
which they have c-crtainly earned . 1lowever,
Akorros, on the other side of Lake Amsorak
other divisions of the Nomad army will attac-k
until Akesoli is dt'fcated The players may
4. Command Post: The command post is just
move D arokm c1rmy counte rs to Akesoli to
outside the town gates, occupied by the Divi
reinforce during the strategic game turns, 1f
~~ ~


In 1his part of the adventure, the player Escaping Overland Entering the City
charac1ers have the oppor1uni1y 10 assume a If the PCs escape Akesoli through 1he town
leading role in a coali1ion effort to des1roy gates, they will firs1 need to defeat the opposi- A town cn cr s1anding on a wooden plat-
The Master of 1he Desert Nomads. tion there. Review the information in the pre- form is shouting as you enter the city
vious chap1er on the ga1e and command post square "Hear 1hc latest news of 1hc inva-
Leaving Akesoli guards. The opposition the PCs must face sion' Akcsoli has fallen to the desert bar-
depends upon their prepara1ions. Unless barians' All Oarokin threatened' High
Begin 1his section with the encounter that
1hcy are killed, the PCs become refu~ecs If Council mst11utcs militarv coMcription!
corresponds to the PCs' chosen method for
1hey do no1 1ravcl to any of the Dlher c1t1es of All able-bodied men a1 least thirteen years
leaving Akesoli. Darokin, see the sec1ion "Avoiding the Mis- of age mus1 rcpon to local conscrip1ion
sion," later in this chap1cr. office! Press gangs now operating in all
Escaping by Sea
major c11ies 1 Cash bounlies paid for
Behind you, a large and growing cloud of trained soldiers and officer candidates!
The docks are filled with screaming men, smoke marks the once-free ci1y of Akcsoli. High Council predicts v1c1nry for free
women, and children, despera1e to crowd
You can see hundreds of people who forces of Darokin!
on10 one of the cargo ships 1hat fill the har-
escaped 1he ci1y-people now fleeing for The strce1s arc swelled with refugees,
bor The sounds of fighting and des1ruc-
1heir lives. Everywhere 1here are scenes of many of them you recognize from 1hc long
tion are everywhere as the Desert Nomads
pain and suffering-an old man and journey. The inns are crowded b"yond
take control of the once-free city of Ake-
woman struggling 10 push a ricke1y earl capacity; ('vcn the stables arc rented out.
soli .
piled high with 1hcir worldly belongings, a Many people are camping in the streets,
Everywhere you see scenes of human
woman screaming because she has holding all their worldly possessions in a
tragedy- a woman passing her child for-
become separa1cd from her husband and small cart or bundled in 1he1r arms.
ward so that it will be sure of a place on the
boat; an old man huddled against a ware-
house, giving up his chance for escape. Because of the refugee si1uation, the inns
If the PCs JOm 1he other refugees and lry 10 are charging 1en times the normal rate for
alleviate some of their misery, award 1hem accommoda1ions and meals Recruiting
H ere is an opportunity for ybu to show olT
500 experience points each. They can orga- posters arc everywhere ("The High Council
your skills as a storyteller. Emphasize the
nize a mob uni1ofI00 refugees, if 1hey wish. Wan1s You To Join The Legion'" "Joan The
panic and misery caused by the cruel attack
If your players are not familiar with the Legion And Destroy The Desert Barbari-
of The Master's forces. If the PCs take spe-
BAITLESYSTEM"' Rules, have an NPC ans!" "Death To The Invaders' Thc Legion
cific action to deal with the situation (reunit-
suggest that the PCs organize and lead the Needs Men'")
ing the woman and child, help the old man refugees. The refugees will be auacked by a Treat this city as 1dcnucal to Ake~oh for 1he
aboard, or otherwise using their skills and
raiding party of20-80 human and goblin cav· purposes of using 1he Chase Flow Chart. Use
powers to save the citizens of Akesoli), they
airy. Use the BAITLESYSTEM"' rule~ to the Locations Table and Hazard Table I for
are spotted by a ship's officer, who olTcrs
resolve such attack5. This minor auack will the PCs' explora11on of the city.
them a place on the ship. I l e tells the PCs that give your players a manageable in1roduction
their skills arc needed to defend the ship and
to the BA'"ITLESYSTEM"' rules. J oining the Darokin Legions
its passengers. If the PCs agree, read the fol-
In several areas of 1he city (dC'lcrminc a1
The Heroes of Akesoli random using the Chase Flow Chart) are
recru1ung offices These consis1 of 1wo tables
As 1he crowded ship sc1s sail across 1hc in the middle of the street, w11h long lines of
Your efforts on Akcsoli's behalf have made
placid wa1crs of Lake Amsorak, you can c11izens trying 10 join and hopefully becom-
you public heroes, and the celebrations
sec smoke rise from 1hc burning, con- ing officeM (for the bounty of 500 gp). When
are still going on Wilh 1he Mayor's lcuers
quered city. The evil sands1orm thal her- the PCs reach the front of the line, the
of introduction m your possession, you
alded the attack still howls above Akesoli. leave the ci1y, remembering the Mayor's recruiting officer recognizes 1hem as well·
Thousands of people are now homeless, known heroes (if they have adventured in
words, "Let the fires that took our city
and 1housands more are cap1ives of the that part of the world before, and especially 1f
kindle the bright flames of retribution in
s1range invaders from the Sind Desert they previously completed X4 and XS) Even
our hearts! Our haired will not be cxlln·
The ship's cap1ain says, " I never
guished unul this evil is no morc1 Remem- if the PCs are no1 natives to the area, the offi-
believed they'd a11ack, and l never cer recognizes 1he style of 1hc professional
ber Akesoli!
thought they'd be 1his organized. Some- adventurer He asks the PCs to go ms1de the
one's got to be behind it all; those nomads house behind the tables and talk to the offi-
didn't turn into a disciplined army all by cers there. The officers inside ask them ques-
themselves! It'll be a long time before any The Republic Readies For War
tions about their previous adventures and
of us get back home." In the normal course of events, the PCs then talk to them about a special mission (see
end up in Akorros, Darokin, Corunglain. "Mission Plenipotentiary" below) If the
If the PCs behaved heroically during the The trip takes one week. For the purposes of PCs agree, they are enrolled as officers. If the
escape, give them an award of 500 experience this adventure, all three cities arc iden11cal. PCs show a letter of introduction, go directly
poin1s each. to "Mission Plenipotentiary."


Press Gang! Mission Plenipotentiary

The PCs encounter a press gang roaming "The Master's emissaries are traveling to
At the local military discrict headquarcers,
the city, forcing men into the army. Check for the courts of the Continent to negotiate
the PCs learn about Darokin's mysterious
a press gang encounter each time the PCs with rhe various realms. He is telling rhe
special mission.
enter a new circle on the Chase Flow Chan; neighboring rulers that his only territorial
the chance is I in 6. A press gang consists of ambition is Darokin, and thar once he con-
20 5th level fighters (AC 4; HD 5; hp 25 each; You are escorted down a long hall to a set quers Darokin he will live in peace forever
#AT I sword; D 1-8; Save F5; ML 9; ALL; of double doors. Two pikemen stand with his neighbors. And although the other
XP 150). They are escorting 6-36 prisoners guard, and snap to attention as you realms are suspicious, they are staying our
(draftees) in chains, but are always willing to approach. "These are the people General of the war, hoping that The Masrer will
add a few more warm bodies. They challenge Winter wanted to see," your military stop with Darokin and spare their coun-
any able-bodied man they meet to volunteer escort says. The guards open che doors for tries. No one wants war. Of course, we
to be drafted. you to pass in. know that The Master is without honor.
If the PCs have already enlisted, they have One high window slit casts a beam of His promises are worthless, bur it is hard to
warrants that show them to be officers in the thin light into the room. Large tallow can- convince others of that. ..others who do not
Darokin Legions, and the press gang will not dles dripping with wax give the room a possess our powers and insight."
bother them further. flickering, dim illumination. As your eyes "Our magic rells us that a party of
If the PCs volunteer, the press gang escorts adjust, you see a grizzled, gray-haired brave heroes mighr be able ro break the
them to the nearest recruiting office, brings man wearing the insignia of a general in thrall of The Master's emissaries, and
them to the head of the line, and watches the Army of the Republic of Darokin, sit- bring nations into rhe battle for freedom.
them as they enlist. The recruiter spots them ting at a desk. His steely eyes give you a And there is a prophecy rhat the same
as powerful adventurers and urges them to piercing examination as you walk across band of heroes, aided by volunteers from
accept the "Mission Plenipotentiary." the stone floor to the hard wooden chairs Darokin and its allies, can defeat The
If the PCs do not volunteer, the press gang in front of his desk. Master in open combat. We do nor know
attacks and cries to capture the PCs. If the "Are these the ones?" the general asks, how this might be accomplished, but our
PCs flee, run the encounter as a chase using turning to a robed man standing beside magic tells us that it is so, nonetheless."
the Chase Flow Chart. Because the press him. The robed man pushes the cowl back General Winter lean:; forward. '"It
gang is escorting prisoners, their movement from from his face and looks at you with comes down to this. We need you," he
is half normal (move of60'(30 ')). If the PCs his calm blue eyes. "Yes, I believe they growls. "Will you do it?"
fight back, run the encounter as a normal arc," he says. The robed man speaks with
melee. Each turn (JO minutes), there is a I in a Glantrian accent. If the PCs ac<cpt, the Republic of Darokin
4 chance that another press gang, attracted "l am Laran, aide to Prince Jherek of will appoint each of them an Ambassador
by the commotion , will a rrive and join in the Glantri," says the robed man. " I am here Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the
battle to capture the PCs. to tell you of the part thar you have in Republic, with full power to make and sign
these great and terrible events." treaties, conduct negotiations, and otherwise
The PCs may decide to avoid the draft, not General Winter asks the party to be represent the Republic for the durat ion of the
enlist, and avoid the war altogether. The seated. " You are here at the urging of the war, and will give each of rhem the rank of
town gate is always gua rd ed by a press gang Glantrians," he says without preliminary. Colonel in the Army of Darokin . A unit of
and an additional 40-160 1st level soldiers "They have been predicting this invasion Darokin troops will be at their disposal (sec
(AC 6; HD I; hp 5 each; MY 120 '(40'); #AT for several months, and their sorcery has the list of PC units on the inside cover) for the
1 sword; D 1-8; Save Fl; M L 8; ALL; XP found only one way to defeat the duration. General Winter points out that the
10) who stop anyone who appears to be an invaders- you." Republir is taking rhis unusual srep only at
able-bodied potential draftee. The PCs can Laran continues, "The Master is in the strong recommendation of tht• Glantr-
disguise themselves to slip out of town, or league wirh powers not of this world. We ians. He, himself, is susp1c1ous, and would
they can try to leave by sneaking (or levitat- have learned that he has entered on the prefer to conduct the war by normal means
ing) over the town wall, etc. Of the various perilous path to immortality. The balance Laran and General Winter will both answer
destination cities they migh t reach, only of forces is delicate. Glantri was not able any questions th<·y can, and ofTer any reason-
Akorros has docks. to intervene directly, for fear of disrurbing able assistance that the PCs request.
lfthe PCs become involved in a fight while it too much. Our scryers and soothsayers lfrhe PCs accept the mission and do not ask
trying to leave town, have someone recognize have cast their spells, searching for the for a reward, the Republic will automatically
them and suggest that they might be inter- ones that could contend against him. The give them each 50,000 gp and make rheir mili-
ested in a special mission (sec "Mission Plen- fates have chosen you." tary rank permanent ifrhey win rhe war. Also,
ipotentiary,"). If they escape without a fight they earn a 10% bonus to experience for vol-
and join the refugees, have someone recog- If the PCs have earlier completed X4 and unteering without expectation of reward.
nize them anyway, and suggest that it might X5, Laran tells them that their earlier success If they ask for a reward, the Republic srarts
be worth their while to talk to Darokin offi- marks them as The Master's true opponents. with an offer of 20,000 gp apiece, and negoti-
cials about a special mission. If your PCs have not played X4 and X5, ates to a limit of 60,000 gp. The PCs do not
choose some notable adventure from your get the 10% experience bonus in this case.
own campaign as the sign the Glantrians Laran :;uggests that the PCs begin their
were seeking. mission by traveling to Glantri.


Avoiding the Miss ion high-le"el ad\'enturers \~ho might defeat him can 1•111igra1t' to :'\orY.old (s1·1· thr D&O'
(he, 100, is· of the Glantrian prophe· Companion St t and ad\'enture ( \I I. 1c\I u{
If the PCs are offered the diplomatic nm·
cies). So. m eac-h 1oun1ry th<ll he conquer~. the· H~1r/orcl~. travt•I 10 the Sa\ age Co.i..1 or
saon and refuse 11, Laran 1s det'ply ,,,ddened
ht' uses hrs power~ to find and loll all 5th level othn umivilized land\, or ~o •outh 10 th1·
and Gt•nrral 'Wanter is contemp1uom I 11·
or hu;:her charaners He docs this by sending Island nl Drt'ad. Thvatis clo't:' Its bordt·rs to
suggt"sts thilt the cowards lt·aH th<' Republic
out assassins (ligh11·rs. rnagrt··users, chaout arnrnigr<1tiun; lcrcndi and the :-.tmrmhad
and 1wv1·r return. The PCs .art· .illowt•d to
derics, and thieves). Wlwn1•v1·r the PCs show Guild' likt"w1se dascourag<· new cit11em
kave town withm1t obstruction, and 1an go
off their pow1·rs, bring large treasures into a (unlesb they .irt• willing to pay a ~rt·.tt d1'<1l of
wherever they lik<-.
wwn, or 01herwis1· d1•111onstrate their levels, mom·y).
If this happens, srt up tlw battle map, .rnd
trouble will follow Thi· l.1na1iral dictatorship If 1h1· PCs decrde to go after Tht• Ma~ter
play out tl1t' war week by we<"k as tht• PCs go
that The :1.-faster insututes in all wnquered without help. they will have a diflirnh llme.
on otht'r adventures or continu1· tht'rr lrves
rnunt r ies makes lrfe very danicult for the PCs Play the war out week by week whilt' the PCs
how1·v1·r they wish. Because 1h1· PCs do not
They may end up gctting killed, they ma} tran·l to 5avr Ulan or to 1he camp of the
work 10 1·onver1 the allies to the r.iust• of
decade to llee the lands described in the Legion of Ooom. Use the information about
Darokrn (st't' next chapter for de1a1ls). 1h1·
D&D:!: Expen Set. or they may decide 10 try T he :-.ta,tcr's camp and h1s forceb to s1·t up
Oarokm Legions do no1 recet\'C reinforce·
to fight The :\taster. To get back on track in the ~ttuauon when the PCs try to de~troy rhc
m1·n1s on a 1imt'ly basis. The :\laster is lak1·ly
the adventure, they will ha\e to visit Glantri of The :'\laster.
to conquer Darokin, continuin11; his reign of
Cit'> where they wall rn1·1·t Laran once again
The war becomes a permanent part of 1he
T tw Mas1rr is afraid of only ont• 1hin11;:
background of your campaign world. PC,


In this chapter, the PCs embark upon a great ·I to -3 The PCs are oflcns1ve, stan a Recruiting U ni ts
quest to find allies for the beleaguered Republic fight, or steal during their visit . \\lhen a countrv makes an alliance with
of Darokin in the Second Nomad War As the +5 The Desert Nomads or their Oarokm or the Nomads, its forces become
PCs travel to the great couns of the various allies) have invaded the country available for the war. In addition, cenain
countrie~ in the O&f~ Expen game world, the -5 Darokm or its allies havc:- invaded countnes provide "Allied Units" that the
war continues to rag<•. The war is played out on the country. PCs can command personallv. The inside
the strategic wargamc map. +2 If the PCs have previously adven· «Over lists the armies available to each coun-
It is up to the players how many of the tured in that nation and earned a try.
countries of thc world they visit. Although good reputation (rescuing a prin- The PCs can get Allied Units even if they
the PCs arc capable of swaying rnuntries to cess, slaying monsters, etc.) fail to make an alliance. If a country w11h an
their side, each nation has its own objectives, -2 If the PCs have previously adven· Allied Unit does not ally with Darokin but
and some will become a ll ies and some ene- tured in that nation and earned a has a current Alliance Number of I 0, there 1s
m ies whet her or not the PCs visit. bad reputation (stealing, barroom a 50 % chance that it will give the PCs the
Following the section thm describes the brawling, killing civilians, etc) Allit>d Unit.
individual countries is a series of events and If the PCs travel with a unit, they use the
encounters th<tt you may place as desired. Countries with a current Alliance Number unit's movement rate. Nations that are not
These are optional except for the encounters of 4 or less become allies of the Desert allied with Darokin will not allow the units
leading to the discovery of the Crystal D.wgcr Nomads; countries with a current Alliance w1thm 3 hexes of their capital cmes. Na11ons
ofCymorrnJ... Ofrnurse, you should feel free Number of 11 or greater become allies of allied w11h the Nomads treat the unns as an
to add in subplots, cnrounter~. events, or side Darokin. All others arc neutral The current enemy force, and consider themselves to be
adventures a~ dcs1rt•d. Alliance Number of a country can t'hange invaded if the units cross their boundaries.
throughout the adventure Note that a coun· If the PCs decide not to travel with their
Conducting Diplomacy try can change from allied to neutral, and in units, allow them to establish a rendezvous
extreme cases might even S\\.itch from one <It)' where they can join their units when the
'v\lhen the war bcgms, only the Desert
side to the other. It is possible for a country to PCs have completed their diplomacy.
Nomads and the R(•public of Oarokin are
ally with the Nomads before the players real·
involved 111 the <onll1Ct All othn 1ount rics
are neutral, although mmt havt• sympathy
ize it might do so The Realms of The Continent
If your players want to know how allianct's
for one sidt' or tht• other During thl' courst• of To attt>mpt diplomacy, the PC' must travc:-1
are made, tell thc·m that each rnuntry has its
the war, some countric·s will entt•r on thc side to the rnp1tal city of that country !\fo, t' the
own Alliance Number, whid1 (an ht• lhangc:-d
of the Nomads, some on the· sick of Darokin, Chara( tu Pany counter on the gamt
by their acuons or by th<' v1nont's of the
and somt• will n·ma111 neutral. durmg the normal battle turn sequence.
Nomad armies. Do not tell the playrrs the
As DM, you must make· tlw final decision Ust' the Chase Flo"' Chart to handle movc-
current Alliance Number of tht' vanou~
on how each nation will partiripate in the mt•nt and actinty 111 the ciucs the PCs ,·1s11 .
countries or the number they must a( hit·vc to
war. The following systc·rn ran be used to In Loc:auon D, sub\litute "Royal Palace" (or
muke an alliance.
quantify the l'irc·u111sti11H'1•s that may ufTect other residence', as appropriate) for "May·
the destiny of rnuntric·s, but you rnn overruk or's Pulacc." If the c11y does not border on a
I nflue ncin g Rul e rs with Mag ic
the resu lts in onkr to ha la nn· the game or river, lake, or ocean, change Location Q to
The PCs may attempt to influence events
make the adventure mon· 1•xci1ing for your n•ad "Warehouses, Clothmakcr, Srnbe,
by using charm person on a king, or ESP to
players. \ifoneyltnda," and m Locauon \' rhangt•
read a politician's mind, or ust• otht•r magi<
Each realm has bt'en assi!{nt'd an Alliann• "Sailmaker" to "Furniture Maker"
as a substitute for diplomac} Rt•mcmber,
Numb1·r Co11ntri1•s with hi!{h Alliame Num·
however, that the nvilizauons of the D&O
bcrs an• mor1• syrnpatht·ti( to 1);1rok111, those The Principali t ies of Gl a ntri
game world have lived with magic for a long
with lo"' Alliance Numbers an• mor<· sympa· Glantri is a magocraq. the prince~ and
time If a simple charm per.;on spell would
thetic: to the Nomads. The Alliann· Number princesses "ho rule the state are all high·
work on a king. magic·users would long since
can be rnodili1•d anording to t'Vt'nts and cir- lcvd magic-users. They live in Glantri City
have taken absolute control O\C:r the world .
cumstances, SU('h as im asion, d 1plomacy, alli- most of the time. though each ruler also ha~ a
Rulers make sure that they arc properly pro-
amcs of ru·ighhors, t'tl' Some countnes have (·a st le hidden in some remote "'1ldernt·~s
tected agamst that sort of magic_The method
unique factors that ran altn th1·1r Alliancc:- area Actually, the rulers are more concerned
of protection varies from country to tountry:
Number; those factor; an· listt·d in thl' tt•xt "ith magical 'research than"' ith ruling .\tost
a special cro"' n or badge of olli< e might pro
when· tlwy orrnr All rnuntnes <m.• subject to deus1ons arc left to the princely st<'''ard' and
, ·ide total immunity to hold, charm, and J;:;~P,
the following Alliam·c Number modifiers. the various local councils of ciders . The
or instead might work as an <1mu/e1 ofprou:c·
print es and princesses do not trust each other
tion against magic
Alliance M odifiers Table and live 1n a state of uneasy truce- In the face
If the PCs attempt any spell short of a
of mvasion, however, they are quick to unite.
+ I The PCs visit the nauon to con- properly-worded wish, simply tell them that
Three Glantrian princes serve on the High
durt diplomacy. it did not work. Do not explam why; let them
Council of State, which meets to handlt' situ·
+ I to + 3 The PCs arc pnsuasive and effec· guess why the spell failed . The PCs trick will
at ions beyond the powers of the stewards and
uvc diplomats (DM \ 1udgment, almost certainly be detected. Apply the "-2
elders. When the PCs arrive, the Council
but could include persuasive bad reputation modifier" in this case; 111
consists of Prince jhcrek (chairman), Prince
speeches, o!Tcrs of military aid, addition, the o!Tended ruler will refuse any
jaggar, and P r incess Carlotina . Laran,
etc. other negotiations with the PCs


Prince Jherek's steward, is secretary to the Darokin, Prince Jherek assigns the Glantri accepts, the two will fight using no magic
Council. All three council members are 18th Allied Unit to the PCs for the duration of the except magical armor and weapons. The
level magic-users of high Intelligence and war. He strongly urges them to ask the coun· fight will continue until one champion sur·
Charisma. The three repn:sent the varying tries they visit to contribute units to build an renders or is killed {the clan champion will
attitudes of the Glantrian rul ers. army for the PCs tO command. This, he says, automatically surrender if reduced to 8 hit
Prince Jherck is a long-faced man with a is part of the prophecy-that only a force points or less). If any other PC interferes, the
hawk nose and piercing eyes. He is already made of soldiers from many countries can PCs forfeit the match (the other clanspeople
sympathetic to the cause of Darokin and face the Nomads on the field of battle. will not interfere).
would like Glantri to take a more active role Glantri's Alliance Number. The initial
Atruaghin Clan Champion: AC 2; hp 80;
in the war. He is convinced that The Master Alliance Number of Glantri is 7. The follow·
MV 120'(40'); #AT l broadsword +3; D
is a menace who must be stopped immedi· ing special factors apply in addition to the
1-6/ 1-6 + 5 (includes + 2 strength bonus);
ately. His magical researches produced the Alliance Modifiers given previously.
Save F13; ML Special; ALL; XP 1,200
prophecy that adventurers were the best hope
of defeating the threat posed by The .Master. Glantri Alliance Modifiers
A PC who defeats an Atruaghin champion
Prince Jaggar is thin and bald, with a
+l Alfheim allies with Darokin becomes an honorary clan member and will
wispy white beard and a grandfatherly man·
·l Alfheim is neutral always be treated with respect and great hos·
ner. He is a sharp and opinionated man who
·2 Alfheim allies with the Nomads pitality by all Atruaghin clans.
believes that magic-users arc the only people
+I For each country the Nomads Atruaghin Clan Alliance Numbe r. The
worih respect. He is sure that The Master (a
have conquered (except Darokin) initial Alliance :-.lumber of any Atruaghin
mere cleric) poses no direct threat to Glamri.
+2 Darokin is conquered by the Clan is 7. The following special factors apply
J aggar deigns to talk to any magic-user or elf
Nomads in addition to the Alliance Modifiers given
PC, but no others. He wants Glamri to stay
+ I t0 + 3 For each quest the PCs promise to previously.
neutral and is unconcerned about Oarokin's
Atruaghin Alliance Modifiers
Princess Carlotina appears to be a young,
Atruaghin C la ns
nirtatious, and empty-headed princess, but +2 PC champion wins fair victory •
These grassy plateau, forest, and hilly
she is intelligent, wise, and powerful. ·2 PC champion loses or PCs cheat•
regions arc inhabited by herders, hunters,
Although she is sympathetic to Darokin, she -2 PCs refuse challenge•
and fishermen who live in small villages.
believes that neutrality is the best course for
Their "capital city" is not actually a city, but
Glantri. Like Jaggar, she believes that the • Applies to each clan visited
a meeting area where, once a year, the clans
mages ofGlantri can handle any threat.
gather for a great festival.
Laran, who was introduced earlier, follows If either side invades Atruaghin territory,
The Atruaghin Clans ignore, insofar as
the lead of his prince in all matters. all the clans immediately Join the other side.
possible, the events of the outside world.
When the PCs arrive, set up the situation Each clan won over to the Darokin side is
They worship their own gods, keep their own
and introduce the Council. Tell the PCs that worth + l toward winning over all the clans,
customs, and are suspicious of strangers. All
they must try to persuade the Council to vote and vice versa.
the villagers claim to be descended from the
for war with The Master. The PCs can influ·
ancient hero Atruaghin. If threatened by
ence the vote by helpingjherek convince the The Five Shires
war, they unite temporarily under an elected
others that Jhcr<'k 's prophecy is valid, or by This is the homeland of the halflings. The
playing on Carlotina's sympathy for The halflings are sedentary, modest people, who
Place the Atruaghin counters randomly on
Master's victims, or by performing a mission love peace and quiet and order in all things.
the game map in the Atruaghin area. To try
or quest for the Council (if the PCs arc per· The area is ruled by a council of five sheriffs;
to win the clans over, the PCs must travel
suasive, the Council will agree that the quest each controls a shire.
from one dan counter to another, spending
can be performed after the war is over). Each The Five Shires have long been allied w11h
valuable time in the process.
quest is worth l to 3 points to the Alliance Darokin. The two countries share a demo·
Each clan is headed by a Chief, who is a
Numb<'r each, depending on difficulty. cratic tradition, and have many interests in
retired fighter, frequently blind, lame, or
The PCs may also seek a private audience common The halflings fear the Nomads, and
injured. Think of an Indian chief who has
with Prince Jherck. Jhcrek can be a major believe that should Darokin fall, they would
~pent his life fighting for his tribe on the great
source of aid and information for the PCs. I le be next.
plains of the American west. The clan sha·
cannot tell the PCs exaclly how they can The five sheriffs (clan 1;hiefs) form the
man (a 6-Sth level cleric) is also powerful in
defeat The Mastcr (revealing this informa- Council of Sheriffs. Their names are Fosco,
the affairs of the clan. These leaders,
tion could invalidate the prophecy-the PCs Saradas, Mclilot. Holfast, and Madoc. They
although not schooled in the ways of civiliza·
must discover the secrct on their own), but he are all 8th level halflings. Four times a year,
tion, are intelligent and wise. They expect to
can advise them on relations with other coun· the sheriffs meet at a great feast and decide
be treated with respect, and expect the PCs to
tries, or on any other mattcrs that you, as shirewide policy by a vote.
follow clan customs while present. Use
DM, need to communicate to the players. The peace of the Five Shires has been
American Indian customs as a guide to han·
Princcjherek and Laran arc both opportuni· recently broken by a series of terrifying inci-
dling relations with the Atruaghin Clans.
tics for the DM to pass needed information LO dents. Ghostly creatures have appeared in
The clan chief will ask the PCs to prove
the players, o r to get thcm back on track if the villages of the Shires each night during
their worth by having a fighter PC face the
they get too confused. the last few weeks. Their touch drains the
clan champion in single combat. If a fighter
Regardless of whether Glantri allies with very life-force from their victims. Some vie-


tims have disappeared, and come back as The temple contains the following trea- ence The central town in the barony, Fort
undead to haunt their neighbors fhe Coun- sure: 30.000 sp, 60,000 gp, 20 gems worth a Doom is a forbidding place with dungeons
cil begs for the aid of the PCs. total of 18,000 gp, a sword + J, + 3 vs. that are rumored to be filled with those who
That night, at the stroke of midnight, the undead, a scroll w1th a restore spell on ll (this have displeased the Baron .
strange ghostly creatures appear in the half- 7th level clerical spell will restore one full The rivalry between the Duke and the
ling capital. If the PCs are not already alert level of energy (experience) to any victim Baron 1s of long standing. The agents of The
and standing guard, the unearthly noises and who last lost a level because of Energy Master have secretly been in touch with the
screams of halfling victims instandy awaken Drain), a scroll of protection from undead, a Baron, and have promised to help him over-
them. If they investigate, the PCs see the wand of magic detection, a bag of holding, a throw the Duke and take control of Kara-
transparent shapes of men and halflings, pur- mirror oflife crapping (nothing within). and meikos, if he will in turn ally with The
suing their madly-Oeeing victims through the a scarab ofprocection. Remember, it's best to Master. The Baron was only too happy to
darkened streets. let the PCs discover the properties of the agree, seeing a chance to finally destroy his
T he ghostly creatures arc spectres who magic items they acquire- don'tjust tell the hated cousin .
have been sent by The Master to terrorize the players what their characters have found. If the PCs originally came from the Duchy
ha!Oings into submission. Only a few spectres One of the gems in this treasure hoard of Karameikos (as provided in the D&D®
were originally sent into the Five Shires, but radiates magic very strongly. It is a piece of Expert Set), then they should be well aware of
they have slain a number of halflings who intricately-carved crystal in the shape of a the political and military situation in the
have, in turn, become spectres themselves. dagger hilt. No methods available to the PCs duchy, except for the recent secret alliance
There are 12 spectres, 4 that were once short of a wish spell can reveal anything between the Baron and The Master PCs
humans and 8 that were once halflings. about the item. A wish spell re\'eals that this from Karameikos should know all the infor-
is a piece of the mysterious Crystal Dagger of mation concerning the duchy in the Expert
Spectres ( 12): AC 2; HD 6 .. ; hp 25 each, Cymorrak, but what the Crystal Dagger does Rulebook. Their previous exploits might
MV 150'(50')/300'(100') flying; llAT I is unknown. The crystal hilt 1s wonh 50,000 even include the original adventure in the
touch; D 1-8 + double Energy Dram, gp by itself. D&D Basic Set, in which they confronted the
Save F6; ML 11, AL C, XP 725 each Five Shires Alliance Number. The Alli- evil magic-user Bargle, as well as adventures
ance Xumber of the Five Shires 1s 8 BJ, In Search of the Unknown, B2. The
Once half of the spectres are destroyed, the The following special factors apply m addi- Keep on the Borderlands, BJ, Palace of the
rest take to the air and head for their lair. tion to the Alliance Modifiers given previ- Silver Princess, B6, The \.ciled Societr (con-
Because of their aerial movement rate, 11 is ously. taining much mformauon about the City of
difficult for the PCs to follow them If the Specularum), or BSOLO La1han 's Gold.
spectres get 1,000 f<'t't or more ahead of the Five Shires Alliance Modifiers The latter two adventures may have brought
pursuing PCs, they an• lost to view, unless the PCs into contact w1th Duke Stefan or
+3 If PCs end spectre menace
the PCs use magic to track them. If the PCs Baron Ludwig. If so, you should shape the
+ I If Glantri allies with Darokin
do not pursue, or if the spectres get away, the encounters in this section based on what has
+ I If Karameikos allies with Darokin
spectres return the next night , and each night happened previously in your campaign It 1s
until the PCs manage to find their lair. possible, for example, that the PCs have
Grand Duchy of Karameikos
The lair of th e spectres is a forgotten, dese- earned a bad reputation in the Duchy, and
crated temple ruin approximately 10 miles The duchy is a wild and unsettled land may have powerful enemies-possibly even
from the halfling capital, in a gnarley wood. claimed by Duke Stefan Karameikos the the Duke. If so, now is the lime for the PCs'
The temple is a modified Grecian-style build- Third. In reality, little of Karameikos 1s past to catch up with them; their earlier mis-
ing, consisting of on<' large ( 100 ' x I00 ') under the duke's control Large areas are behavior could lead to a maJOr setback!
room. Columns on the front of the building overrun by monsters and hostile humanoids. When the PCs arrive in Specularum, they
nank largt• iron double doors intricately The two main senled areas are the coast near are treated wtth the respect due their rank as
carved with cabalistic symbols. In the day- the city of Specularum and the Black Eagle Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plentipo-
light, the spectres a1e dormant, but if Barony on the Gulf of Hulag Ships leave ten11ary of the Republic of Darokin. It take'
attacked they wake up and fight without pen- Specularum daily for lerendi and the Minro- two days for them to get an audience with the
alty At night, 1-10 spectres are flitting thad Guilds; ships also travel daily between Duke, because Baron Ludwig and hi~ new
around outside the building, making it lerendi City and Minrothad City. The PCs "friends," the Nomad Ambassadors, haw
impossible to sneak up on the temple by nor- can travel across water to these ports at their al~o demanded an audience. The Duke
mal methods normal '.Var Machine movement rate. decides to hear both sides in a lani;e council.
Inside the temple are 30 spectres, 6 of whom Although Duke Stefan hai. had friendly The Audience Chamber 1s a large hall. The
were once human, the rest halfling The spec- relations with the Republic of Darokin, his Duke, wearing costly robes and a crown. sits
tres fight to protect the temple, but will not internal political problems far outweigh for- on a throne at the front of the room Two
pursue the PCs outside. A frontal attack by the eign policy considerations Baron Ludwig guards wnh halberds flank the door Another
PCs is obviously suicidal, but if they arc care- "Black Eagle" von Hendriks, lord of the 20 guards can be summoned by the Duke in
ful and smart th('y can win. Tactics with a good Black Eagle Barony, is an extremely cruel and the unlikely event of trouble; the addiuonal
chance of success usually involve attacking in unpopular man whose goal is to conquer the guards arrive in six rounds
the daylight to gain surprise, active use of entire duchy and enslave its populace.
magical spells and items to wear down the Although the Black Eagle Barony is techni- Duke's Guards: AC 5; F2; hp 12 each; MV
opposition, "hit and run" raids to kill a few cally under the dominion of the Duke, the 90'(30'); NAT I halberd; D 1-10; Save
spectres and then retreat, etc. Baron runs his own lands without interfcr- F2; ML 10; ALL; XP 20 each.


As DM, you must play the roles of the taking the pan of the Baron and the Emis- support him. In addition, the Baron is
Duke, the Baron, and the emissaries of The saries. The Duke listens neutrally to the cases accompanied by his personal Court Sorcerer,
Master. of both sides. Then, playing the Duke, Bargle the Infamous (familiar to all who com-
The Duke is a gruff but honest man now in announce your decision. Consider the cur- pleted the first adventure in the D&D Basic
his SOs. The heavy burdens of his troubled rent Alliance Number of Karameikos, how Set).
realm have aged him, but it is clear that he well the PCs presented their case, the long-
once was a great fighter. standing enmity between the Baron and the Bargle the Infamous: AC O; M15; hp 30; MV
Duke, and what kind of reputation (if any) 120'(40'); #ATI dagger + 2, +3 vs.
Duke Stefan Karameikos the Third: AC 6 the PCs previously earned in K arameikos. If spe/1-cascers; D 1-4 + 2 or-3; Save M 15;
(ring of proceccion +I and dexterity the current Alliance Number does not indi- ML 12; ALC; S 9; 118; W9; D 17; Co
bonus); FIS; hp 80; MV 120'(40'); #AT cate an alliance with Darokin, the Duke 10; Ch 15; XP 3,200
I cwo-handcd sword + 3, detect evil; D 1- announces that he is neutral in the Nomad
10 + 5; Save FIS; ML 12; ALL; S 16; I War. The Duke will never ally with the Spells:
14; W 15; D 16; Co 16; Ch 16; XP 1,500 Nomads. If Duke Stefan stays neutral, the Level l: charm person, magic mis~ile (x2),
Baron and the Emissaries take their leave shield, sleep
The Baron is an oily and repulsive man politely, and return to plot further. If he Level 2: dececc invisible, invisibilicy. levi-
who dresses entirely in b lack ; even his armor declares for Darokin, the Baron throws a tace, phancasmal force H is arrogant sneer makes it clear he temper tantrum and threatens to destroy the Level 3: dispel magic, fire ball(x2), procec-
cannot be trusted. H e is the archetypal vil- Duke. In either case, once the Baron and the cion from normal missiles
lain, who graciously offers his victims fine Emissaries have left, the Duke turns to the Level 4: hallucinacory terrain, ice scorml
brandy just before he lowers them in an alli- PCs and says: wall, massmorph, "all of fire
gator pit. If goaded, von Hendricks is liable Level 5: cloudkill, conjure clemencal, wall
to suddenly scream and rage, and then, just "It is as I feared. My cousin has joined o(srone
as suddenly, return to his unctious self. forces with a powerful enemy, seeing at Level 6: anc1-magic shell, disincegrace
last his chance to take the throne. Come, Level 7: power word scun •(°Sec appendix
Baron Ludwig "Bl ark Eagle'' von Hendriks: gentlemen, we have much to discuss. for dt'SC'ription of this Companion Set spell)
AC I (plate mail armor +2; Fl2, hp72; Karameikos is about to be plunged into
MV 120'(40'); #Af I sword +2, charm civil war, and I welcome all the allies I can Magic items:
person; D 1-8 + 4; Save F12; ML 10; AL get." Rracers of defense AC 2, dagger + 2 ( + 3
C; S 17; I IS; W 9; D 14; Co 16; Ch 14; vs. spell-casccrs), scroll of procection from
XP 1,200 The Duke tells the PCs that he cannot trust magic, ring or rcgcneracion, drums or panic
his generals because he does not know which
The Emissarics of The Master arc robed ones have fallen unclt•r the sway of the Blark Use the detailed map of the Duchy of
and cowled, their faces h idden by the dark Eagle Baron. Even if the Duke has already Karameikos in this rhapter for the CiVll War.
shadows of tht•ir burnooses. They are quiet decided to ally with, he cannot pro- Start the Duke's forces in the rny of Spccu-
and menacing, but their words arc peaceful. vide military forces while there is a strong larum and the Baron's forces in Fort Doom
They will not fight or use magic while in the internal menace; he asks the PCs to lead a \.Vhen maneuvering the forces, each unit c-an
Duke's palace, except to defend themselves. campaign against the Baron while he mobi- move 6 hexes per day on the detailed map
With a slight hiss in their voices, they prom- lizes the rest of the army. If he is neutral, he Whenever two units come within two hexes
ise eternal peare and friendship and explain offers to ally if the PCs help him defeat the of each other, they have been sighted, and can
that Darokin is their only territorial demand. Baron. join combat. For the purposes of this engage-
T hey hint gen tly that should the Duke not If the PCs accept th<' mission, they are put ment only, more than one unit can <x-cupy the
ally with T he Master, he and his people will in command of the 6th and 7th Militia (all the same hex.
regret it. Duke can mobilize on short notice) and the Figure that forces will join combat on a rel-
Duke's personal elite troop, the Elvenguard atively clear battlefield. If there 1s terrain in
Emissaries of The Master (2): AC 9; MB; hp (480 2nd level elves wearing chainmail and the hex such as a river, place it between tht•
20; MV 120'(40'); #Jl\l' I dagger + 2; carrying swords, able to cast magic missile opposing forces but place a bridge or a ford to
poisoned; D 1-4 + 2; save vs. Poison or x2). It takes I week for the Duke to mobilize allow the units to engage. Create BATTLE-
die; Save M S; M L 9; AL C; S 13; I 16; W these forces . If the PCs are accompanied by SYSTEM"' game rosters for all forces in the
12; D 14; Co 13; Ch 9; Spells: Charm per- their personal forces. they can contribute battle, and set up eac-h army using counters
son, protection from good. read magic, these to the war effort. However, if they take or miniature figures.
detect good, ESP, wizard lock, clairvoy- casualties, you should record those casualties If the Baron is captured or killed, the Kara-
ance, protection from normal missiles, and deduct them from their troop strength meikos militia under his command surren-
confusion, curse, XP 1,200. later in the adventure. ders. The Nomad divisions make a fighting
The poison on each emissary's dagger is The Baron commands the 13th Militia (he retreat back to Fort Doom and try to escape
only sufficient to poison one victim. has managed to place officers loyal to him in by sea. Record all casualties suffered by
command) and also has the 2 1st and 22nd forces in this engagement. If the Baron and
T he Duke asks the PCs to present their Divisions of the Desert Nomads (place those his forces defeat the Duke's army, the Duke
case for all iance with Darokin, then allows counters in the Fort Doom hex of the war- loses the Civil War. The Baron will do all in
the Baron and the Emissaries to present game map), which were shipped in by sea to his power to capture and kill the PCs. When
theirs. Role-play this encounter by primarily his forces enter the city of Specularum, the


Duke is captured and imprisoned, and the lowing modifiers apply. avoid involvement with the political and mili·
Baron immediately allies Karameikos with tary affairs of the mainland. Its wealth comes
the Nomads. Karameikos Alliance Modifiers from trade and through sponsorship of
If the PCs do not help the Duke, fight the adventuri ng panics. The PCs can easily tra·
+ I Duke defeats Baron without PC help
Civil War on the strategic map using the War vel between the mainland and lerendi at the
+I Darokin is conquered by Nomads
Machine rules. The PCs command the War Machine movement rate.
+I Five Shires are conquered by Nomads
Duke's forces. The 6th Militia receives a + 30 The custom of lerendi is to give the titles of
bonus to BR because of the presence of the King and Queen to the greatest adventurers
K arameikos automatically allies with
Elvenguard. If the Duke loses the war, the of the Kingdom ; however, they are without
Darokin if the PCs help the Duke win the
Elvenguard disbands and flees the country, so true power and serve only as figureheads.
Karameikos Civil War.
the benefit is lost. The 13th militia receives a Actual rule is held by cenain aristocratic fam·
Karameikos automatically allies with the
+ 10 bonus to BR because of the presence of ilies (making Ierendi an oligarchy). lerendi
Nomads if Baron von H endricks wins the
the Baron and Bargle. That bonus is lost if rewards successful adventurers with titles of
Karameikos Civil War.
the Baron is defeated. nobility and other honors.
Karameikos Alliance Number. Kara· Because the PCs are noted adventurers,
Kingdom of lerendi
meikos has an alliance Number of 7 to start. they are received in Ierendi with great honor.
lerendi is a wealthy country, and tends to
In addition co the normal modifiers, the fol- The welcomers strew garlands on the gang·

f)> co5tt< ~ci1v S>·lm ~hills 8=> ......

f5g>rnins ~town ~fortSI 8=>•. •mp 8=> 1rail/1radt rout<

~capi1ol tpvilla~< ~ mounl•im ~rivn 8=> border


plank before them, and a golden chariot is Lords Me1kros, Karibus, and Se1lus cur- Encounters Clim bing The Volcano
sent to bring them to the Royal Palace. rently make up the council. They are <'lderly, I. The r0<· wheels out of the m1s1 and swoops
The Royal Palace of lerendi is a magnifi- bearded men who do not flaunt 1he1r author· to attack If it takes 40 points of damage, i1
cent edifice made entirely out of gleaming ity in public. Lord Seilus greets the PCs cor- flees. Sec the Swoop rules in the O&D
coral, edged in gold and adorned with some dially, then gets abruptly down to business. Expert Rulc•book, page 45, on damage
of the most beautiful sculpture, stained glass, and grabbin~ opponents The roe will flv
and other fine art that the wealth of lerend1 "\\'e have watched the war's progress with to its nest wuh any victim it catches
could buy. concern, and we sympathize with our 2. Three flame salamander.. (AC 2, HD 8;
The current monarchs of lcrendi are the neighbors in their plight. An allianC'e, hp 40, 36, 32; ~IV 120'(40'); •Kf 2
elderly King Strongheart"' and Queen Mer- however, is not so simple. Ierend1 must claws/I bite; D 1·4• 1-4. 1-8, Savt' F8; AL
don"' , whose quest for the fabled Heartstone first have proof of the valor of its allies." N; XP 1,ZOO) who live inside the volcano
is legendary. T heir court consists of other "On one of the outlying islands," Lord are enraged by the approaching PCs. The
famous adventurers, their companions dur· Meikros says, "a roe has built a nest. This salamanders emerge from a crevasse and
ing many years of questing, including thl' horrid creatun· is a menace 10 shipping, attack anyone climbing the volcano
dwarf Elkhorn"' , and wizard Ringleron"', the ht-cause it favors canvas and rigging 10 3. The pany sees a small tave. If the PCs
elf Peralay"' , and the halnin~ Figgen"', all of build its nest \\'e sent soldiers 10 destroy inves11ga1e, they will be attacked by six
whom are now in retirement These charac· its nest and scare 11 away, but th<· n><: rhagodessae (AC 5; HO 4 + 2. hp 24, 20,
t-ers are based on the ADVANCED swooped down and carried ofT the com· 18, 18, 16, 14, MV 150'(50'); llAT I leg.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS"' Action Toy mander, and the soldiers all ran away. \\'e I bite, D 0 + suckers/2-16, Save F2, ML
Figures previously produced by LJN Toys, do not know if the commander is alive or 9; AL N; XP 125) who have a nest within
Ltd., and on the official ADVANCED dead. But I must know the truth, for he is the cave Within the cave 1s thr rnrpse of
DUNG EONS & DRAGONS"' Fantasy my son Midges. find him, or bring his an unwary adventurer. A rmg ofinvisibil-
Adventure Figures produced by TSR, Inc remains back for proper burial, .md Yoe ity, a 'word a dagger, and a pouch "ith
They are featured in XLJ, Quest for the shall support your cause." 400 gp are on the body.
Heanscone and AC I, Sh.1dy Dragon Inn "Jo 4. The volcano sides become steep here, and
statistics for these charactC'rs are given here, climber~ must use ropes and 'pikes 10
sint't' they arc not involved in any of the Roe's Roost climb the next 200 feet Each 50 fl'et, each
act ion. Refer to X Ll and AC I for more PC must make a Dexterity rheck (roll
dt'taih. If you dcddc to use them in this The Council provides a ship to take you to ld20, 11n•sult1s greater than that charac-
adventure or in future adventures in Ierendi, the Roe's Island, a small crag jutting out ter's Ocxterity, the check fa1J,) . Failure
tht·y all reached Companion level and retired of the sea In the mlSI, they can wt· the means slipping down the ,·okano. If the
hy the time King Strongheart and Queen cone of an ancient, dormant vokano. PC 1s not ropc"d and secured, ht• falls, suf-
Merrion ascended the throne From this peak come~ a piercing shrid.. - fering ld6 damage per 10 fet·t fallen (max-
The PCs can rasily get an audience w1th thc call of the roe! imum of 20d6 damage) If 1he PC is
King Strongheart and his court The king I\ The giant roe, far larger than an dt·· st·cured, he slips 10 feet and take) ld4
proud of his knowlcdgt• of great adventurers phant, flic·s out from the mist surrounding damage from scrapes dgamst the hard
and their exploits, and as the PCs arc intro· the volcano and swoops down at the ship. rock. Thieves can use 1he1r Climb Walls
dm·ed, he remarks on some notable deed each Crewmen pan1( and dive overboard, ability, checking every 50 feet, with identi·
ha~ done. Unfortunately, this reminds him or screams and shouts fill the air. cal results in case of failure.
his own adventurers, about which he can talk
endlessly. No sooner do the PCs begin to If the PC, fly up to the top of the volcano,
speak of the war in the north than King Roe, Giant (I); AC 0, HO 36, hp 160, M\'
the roe secs them and attacks unlt·s, the PCs
60'(20'); flying 480'(160' ), #AT 2 claws1
Strongheart interrupt~ to talk about his glory are in•·i~1ble
I bite; 0 '.l-18/:i-18/8-48; Save F36. ML
days as an adventurer. "Why, I used to be When the PCs rearh the lip of the volcano,
10 (12 in lair); ALL; XP 6,250.
able to whip three evil ckrics in a day, and not they S<'<' the roe's nest looming through the
t•vcn work up a sweat!" ht• boasts, and then mist. The roe is there with her brood
The PCs have four rounds 10 act before the
launches into a long, boring, and pointless
roe attacks If the PCs cause more than 30 hp
swry. Queen Mcrcion is no help; she 1s Roes. Small (4) AC 4; HO 6, hp 25 each:
of damage to the roe, It shrieks and whc·t>ls
wrapped up in her kn1111np; and looks up oeca· ~1V 60'(20'), flvmg 480'(160'), Mr 2
ofT, heading for its lair If the PCs pur;ue the
s1onally to say, "Yes, dear," as the king drones claws I bite", 0 2-5/2-5fl· l2 Save F6:
roe, none of the sailors will land on the island .
on. His companions are equally boastful and ML 8: ALL, XP 275 each .
lf necessary, the ship's captain will put the
long-winded, and talking to them just com·
PCs ashore in a boat.
pounds the problem. To handle this, you The giant roe's senses are acute Unless the
The island is rocky, small, and bare. The party is using extraordinary or magical
should make K ing Stronghean's boasting as
dormant vokano is the only feature of interest. means of concealment, the roe sees them and
tedious and exaggerated as you can.
Vegetation is sparse. A steamy mist obscures
There is a formal banquet hosted by the attacks ferociously to protect her brood. The
vision past 40 feet. The volcano 1s easy to
King that evening, in which all the adventur· smaller roes aid her in the battle.
climb; it takes about 2 hours to reach the 1op
ers (including the PCs) get a chance to boast
unless magical transponation is used There is The battle has barely been joined in ear-
The next morning, the Council of Lords,
a 25% chance each half hour of one of the fol- nest when you hear soft, moaning voices
the actual ruling body of the island kingdom,
request a private llH'l'ting with the PCs.


The PCs can arrange a meeting with the been known on many occasions to be cruel
far ofT in the mist. As the flight continues, Guild's Council to discuss a potential alli- and merciless. He docs, howe,er, possess a
the unseen voices become louder and ance. The Council is made up of 40 of the keen soldier's mind. Like many prc,·ious
more piteous. most powerful guild leaders and barons It 1s emperors, Thincol regards crickery, deceit,
torn wich angry arguments, exchanges of and bribery as weapons co be used against an
If the PCs seek out the eerie voices, a hun- insuhs, and general unruliness When the enemy whenever possible.
dred yards away they find seven bauered and PCs begin to speak about the menace of The As emissaries from a "minor" republic (as
frightened humans who had been captured Master, a fat, loud-voiced baron intt'rrupts to far as Thyaus is concerned), the PCs arc kept
by the roe. Six are sailors snatched from vari- accuse several colleagues of being traitorous waiting for one week (a full banle turn) in the
ous ships; the scvcnth is Midges, Lord Mei- stooges of The Master and trying to weaken city of Thyatis before they can get an audi-
kros' son. All arc w('ak and in no condition to Minrothad's defenses. This is enough to get ence with Emperor Thincol. They may bribe
fight; when they heard lighting, they began the whole Council arguing, as the members lower officials with a minimum of5,000 gp in
shouting to get the PCs attention. The nest accuse each other of responsibility for every order to get an immediace audience with the
contains 4,000 gp, random gems and pieces disaster of che lase ten years. The PCs are for- emperor.
of jewelry worth 7 ,000 gp, and a wand of gotten in the uproar. Emperor Thincol is a shrewd man and a
magic dN<'Cr ion. If the PCs have had prior dealings in hard bargainer When role-playing negona-
If the PCs return with the captives, King Minrothad, or if they ask around abouc the tions with this character, play the emperor as
Strongheart dedares a day of celebration. Council, they discover that the only way to a tough, cunning man who expects to gee his
The Council of Lords ensures that all lerend1 get things done here i• through bribery. The own way m everything. He is blunt and to the
hears news of the heroic deeds; the friendship rival guild leaders and petty trading barons point in his speech.
of Oarokin and its allies becomes common all welcome bribes, as long as the amount 1s If the PCs fail 10 form an alliance" uh Thv-
talk in the capital At thc end of a long day of 5,000 gp or higher. Any less is construed as aus, the emperor will sic ouc the Nomad W~r
boring speeches, the PCs <1re treated to an insult. If the PCs approach guild leaders unul one side or another is nearly defeated,
another banquet, where King Strongheart and barons without offering bribes. the then join the winning side to grab some tc:-rri-
gives each of them a Jewel-encrusted ceremo- ~1inrothad leaders hint broadly that their tol"\· He is concerned about the Emirate of
nial weapon ,1ppropnate to each character's fa,·ors are not free · Ylarum 10 thc:- nonh, feeling that it po~es
class. Each weapon 1s worth 500 gp Since the PCs are m Minroth.1d, you can some danger.
IEREN DI 'S ALLIAN C E NU MB E R . take this opportun11y to run X7, i~~" R;ifts of As detailed m C.\11. Test of the Warlords
lerendi's starting Alliance Number 1s 6 . In Kron or XB, Drums on Fire Mounlilin, both (the first adventure for the D&D"' Compan·
addition to the normal Alliance ~l od1fiers, of which began in the Mmrothad Guilds The ion Set. which can be set immediatt'lv follow-
the following alliarHt' M<xlifil·rs apply. PCs can impress the Council by 'un·t•ssfully ing th1s one), Thyaus ts struggling ~ith tht•
completing these adventures. anncnt empire of Alphaua for power in the
Icrcndi Alliance Modifcrs Mi n r othad Allia nce Num ber. Minrothad newly-senled region ofNorwold The contin-
has a starting Alliance Numbt•r of 6. In addi- uing strugglt's with Alphaua occupy most of
+I For earh of tht• following rountries that tion to the normal Alliance Modifiers, the fol the military resources ofThyatis
allit•s with Oarokin: the Minrothad lowing apply. If you plan to go on to advt>nture CM I,
Gui lds, Kara1m•ikos, tlw Fivl' Shin•s 7iwt of rhc Warlords after compleung this
- I For each of tht' following rnuntrit's that Minrothad Alliance M odifiers adventure, Emperor Thincol ofTers the fol·
allies with the Nomads: the Minrothad lowing suggesuon·
Guilds, Kararm·ikos, the Five Shires +I For each 5 Council membt•rs bribt•d by
+ 3 Resniing Lord Mt•ikros' son the PCs
+2 If the PCs romplt•te advt>murt• X7 "You need help, ehJ And I nt•ed
+2 lfthe PCs complete advt•ntun• X8 allies ... friends, shall w c sa\· that an•
Min rothad G uilds
sympathcuc to me and not t.o Alphatia .
The isle of Minrothad is divided into manv
Em p ire o f Th yatis Our friends to the cast ha\e laid claim to
small baronies The baronies form trading
The ctty ofThyatis, capital of the t•mpirt>, Norwold, the ne" lands to the north .
guilds, rarh with 11~ own plot of land. The
rs an old, vast CH} built beside a large canal They ha'e even installed a puppet king,
government is run by 1he heads of the various
that separates the southern peninsula from Ericall, to rule there. I ha'e not const·nted
trading guilds The political arguments and
the mainland, making the city a major trade to thl', and I "ill ha,·e revenge.
disst•nuon in tht• gon•rnmt•nt is oftt·n vitious
center. In addition to the p<'ninsula of Thv- "Soon, Kmg Ericall will ofTer domin-
The rny of Minrothad is a neutral territOI"\'
a!IS, the empire controls ~t·veral large islancls ions to those who will accept his rule If I
where guilds can mt•t•t and trade '
off the southern coast of the continent. The help your cause. you must go to Norwold
Minrothad is closely allied with Thyatis,
Thratic culture is similar to chat of che histor- once the war has end<.>d, and darm il
but recent rumors suggest that all 1s not well
ical Byzantine Empire. dominion . Spy for me, and when the int'\'-
between them (sec X7, War Rafts of Kron)
The Empire of Thyaus is an autocracy. itable war breaks out, fight on my side.
There is some truth to this. The alliance with
The emperor holds absolute power, buc his "That is the price for my cooperation ."
Thyatis is seen as a practical necessrty,
because the huge Thyatis empire could easily decisions must allow for the desires of power-
crush the guilds. Minrothad is careful to ful nobles and for the threat of mob violence If the PCs accept this offer, when you go on
over unfavorable laws to CM I, Emperor Thincol's agents will peri-
ensure tha1 its poliriC's arc acceptable to Thy-
Thincol the Brave 1s the current Emperor odically request information, and, in the final
atis and in the best interests of its larger
neighbor. ofThyatis. He is a 36th level fighter who has baule in that adventure, the emperor will


expect the PCs to fight along~1de Thyans. It ance with Ylarum is critical to The Master's bilily and a scroll wuh a knock spell. The
they do, they incur the permanent enmity of plan~ . He needs the adduional armies to split poison on each 1h1efs dagger is only ~uffic·
the Alphatians. If they double-cross Thincol, 1hc t>astern countries and completclv isolace ienc co a1Tec1 ont' victim.
the emperor will neither forgive nor forget. Darokin According!), his ernissarie$ will
Thyatis will send assassins, raiding forct'S, or stop at nothing to keep the Emir on their side, The thie\'CS a1tt'mpt to <'lltc!r '"hile inv1si·
possibly even an army againM the PCs This and to disC"redit the Darokin ambassadors. blc, using thctr skills and spells ro open the
can become thl." focus for many exciting bat· The Emir permits the Master's ambassa· door silently. The> ha,·e two tasks: to secretl y
tics in your ('.ampaign. dors to auend any audience the PC~ arrange. slip the Emir's roval medallion of office mm
Thyatis' Alliance Number. The starting Tht• ambassadors ridicule the PCs nnd their the bundled clothe~ of 011c of the PCs (choose
Alliance Numb1·r o fTh yatis 1<; !'i. In addi11on proposals. at random), and to steal any pieces or the
to the usual Alliance Modifiers, the followm~ Crvscal Dag,(fcr of C)'morrak the PCs may
apply. "Show these lying dogs jusuce, great have recovered
Emir! It b known to all that foul Darokin lf all PCs are asleep, they may wake up if
provr>ked The Master's wrath . The 1he thieves fail their Move Silently rolls; each
Thyatis Alliance Modifiers defeats of this wretrhfcl republic art> a just PC can make a sa' mg thro'' v~ Paralvs1s to
punishment. The star of victory shines trv to wake up Anv PC who wakes can aulO·
+ 3 JfYlarum joins the Nomads
upon The Master and his invincible host. madcally rouse the others, the PCs arc con-
-3 If Ylarum joins Darokin
Those who join him ba.~k in the light of his sidered surpnscd.
glory Tht• darkness of death will claim his lf the PCs ;1rc on 1?Uard. or if the PCs wake
Ir you intend to play adventure Cl\ 11 later.
enemies." up when the thie"cs sneak into the tent, the
Thyatis will aulOmatically ally with Darokin
1hieves use 1heir im·isibili1v to gain a surprise
if the PCs agn'e to bt' ~mperc>r Thincol's
On the day the PC-; arrive in Ylarum, the attark. When they arc revealed, they hiss·
agents in Norwold.
Enur holds a feast in their honor. The Mas·
Emirate of Ylarum ter's ambassador~ have prcpaTl."d a sur-prise or
"Where is the Crvstal D:t.t{gt:r Cymor-
Ylarum is locatt:d at the largest oasis in the for them. They have secretly bribed the ralc? Give it to us, or die like heathen
Ala~iyan descr1. It i~ th(· center rir c·aravan Emir·~ cooks to ;1dd a mild poison to the PCs' dogs!"
rou tes rrossing from north to south and from food. During tht· menl, each PC must make .i
east to west, and is controll<>d by the l::mir of suc;ccssful saving throw vs. Poison to avoid If no other PCs ar<' awake, the}' awaken
Ylarum and his royal Jamil)'· The culture 1s becoming nauseated ff a PC is sick during instantly when this occurs
i.imilar to that of the Arabic desert states or the ft."a~1. the Emir•~ ~hocked bv th1~ insult t0 At this point, the PC~ may not know of the
the Central Asian rity·state, of Palmyra, ht!> ho~pitality and the nomad' ambassadors exi~tence of the Crrstal D:iggcr. but they tlln·
Damascus, and Samarkand. Because the are openly crmtemptuous of a PC who can nor not convince the thieves of this fart They can
pcopl<~s and c:ulture of Yh1t'\lm arc so similar hold his dinner. The poison has no other bargain with the thievt"s. or allock. The
to that or the D.,.scn Nomads, there is a bas1t effett~ thieves each have a poison·fillt•d tooth: if they
sympathy bctWl.'t'll the two nations. unlike ar<· in danger of being captured, they trv to
the usual Ylari hostility to outsiders. Visitors in th e Night kill themselves b) biting the tooth and relca!.·
The cu rrent Emir of Ylarum 1s Alt Ben mg the poison, then die
Faisal, a fat and rmher stupid man who Th<' night of the fca~t. you arc given an The thieve~ are unwilling to gwe the PCs
believes that those who live in the hot desert opulent bedchamber Silken sht>t•ts cover any information, but they know the follow·
nrc tougher and more noble· than those· who the bed~ • .ind prirdc~s embroidered rug" in ct:
live in the soft, effctc civilized lands. Emir Ah spread across the floor. As the time for
Ben Faisal strongly favors The Maste1· and is sleep approaches. you brood over tht· easy I . The goal of the mcdallion·theft was LO
r<'ady for war with the inlidc·b. but has no ~ut·cess of the nomad nmbassador.i. plant the medallion m such a way as to
real sense of the potential cost of th1· connict suggest that the PCs stole 1t, thus discred·
He sec~ tmly thl' rl1a11cc for glory, and the Unless the playt·r~ specificall y tell you 1ting them in the eye~ of the Emir.
opportunity to go down in Viar hisLOT) a~ th<')' arc taking precautions for the night. 2. The theft was planned br an agent of The
Emir Ah Ben Faisal the Cnml. (If Ylarum a~ume that when the PCs go to bed no PC is Master in Ylarum. The agent contacted
loses the war, he will actually be rcmcm~rcd wearing 11m\Or, and that their weapon~ and them, they do not know his name or where
as Emir Ali Ben Faisal the Foolish ) magi<" Hems (unless normally we>rn) arc nut he live~
Other members of his court, notabl> h1~ instantly at hand 3. The Crystal Dagger is dangerous 10 The
Grand Vizier, Osman Ben Al)•oob, would At midnight th re<' Nomads using a ring of Master, but they do nor know why or how.
prefer keeping Ylarum neutral. Once the im,isib1/icy attempt to silently enter the room. 4. The piece~ of the Crystal Dagger are scat·
various sides have bauerccl each othet in a tcred in treasure hoards in the civilized
lc,ng war, perhaps Ylarum will be able to gain or
Tluevcs (3): AC 2 (brace rs defense AC 2), lands. The crystal hilt i~ in the Five Shires
some addiuonal territory. However, 1f the Tl3; hp 3 l. 28. 26; MV 120'(40'): /IAT I and thc dagger blade is in Allhe1m. The
Nomads' victory seems rertam, even tht dagger + 2 po1som:d; D 1-4 + 2 + poison location of the thml piece the Soul Gem is
Grand Vizier will be in fo.vor of Joining the (sav<' vs. Poison or die): Save T13; ML 9: unknown The} do not know how to
connict. AL C ; OL 94%, RT 81 %; PP 953; MS assemble th<.' pieces.
The Nomad Ambassadors arc at the 86%; CW 99%: HS 74%; HN 81 %; XP
Emir's court wht'n the PCs arrive: An alh· 1,300 each Each thief has a ring of im"isi- lf the PCs can pro'e to the Emir that thlS


theft was comm11tcd by the Nomads, thc gods of the desert will utterly destroy tho>t' pain of death to ever enter the country again .
Nomad Ambassadors arc expelled from who resist The Master's d1vme mis~ion . The banishment continues even after the end
Ylarum and forbidden to return, on pain of After listening to both sides, the king (or of this adventure. In addition, the Allian<e
death. jar!), whose name is Gustav, makes his deci- Number of the kingdom drops by 2
Ylarum Alliance Number. The starting sion. Gustav is a grizzled, elderly man, the
Alliance Number of Ylarum is S In addmon marks of many years of hard campa1gnmg on Dueling Flagons
to the usual Alliance Modifil'rs, the following him. He believes that the best way to find the The king (or jarl) of this country is named
modifiers apply: truth is through the ancient custom of Trial Olaf. He is a fat, jolly bearded man with a
by Combat. He invites the PCs to select one deep, booming laugh. When the PCs amw,
Ylarum Alliance Modifiers of their number, and the Nomads to select Olaf is throwing a huge banquet. The hall 1s
one of theirs, in a combat to the death . If rhe filled with long wooden tables, each occupied
-I For each of thl' following countries chat PCs agree, the king asks the Nomads to by laughing, drinking warriors. Serving
allies with Darokin: Thyatis, Soderford, wenches carrying huge platters of roasted
choose their champion, and to specify
Alfhcim, Karameikos boar meat wend their way through the
whether they wish to use magic in the battle.
-1 For each city conquert«I by the Nomads The Nomads select Al-Aharazed the crowds. Dogs roam the dirt floor, growling
- I For each PC who brcomes nauseated at Arcane, a mighty wizard, as tht>ir t ham pion and gnawing on bones and scraps. Huge
the Emir's feast pitchers of mead are being emptied just as
-3 If thc Nomads sur<'rssfully frame the Al-Aha razed the Arcane (14th level magic-
fast as the wenches can fill them.
PCs for straling the Emir's medallion user): AC2 ; Ml4;hp25;MY 120'(40'),
It is difficult for the PCs to get a word in
+ 3 If the PCs prove the Nomad's responsi- /fAT I dagger +2; 0 1-4 +2, Save M14,
edgewise when they meet King Olaf, because
bility for the thclt ML 12; AL C; XP 3,200
he thrusts a joint of meat and a p11cher of
Carries bracer; of defense AC 2, staff of
mead into their hands as soon as they enter
Kingdom of Vestland , Kingdom of wizardI) the great hall "Eat, drink, be merry!" he
Ostland, and the Soderfjord Jarldoms booms. If the PCs persist, the)' can tell him
Each of thcsr northeastern states 1s com· why they ha,·e co me. Olaflaughs deeply, and
Level I: charm person, ma.f?ic missile (x2),
posed of many petty "kingdoms" that arc says, " I shall grant no man's desires if he d()('s
loosely united 11nd1•r ont• ruler. In \'estland Le\'el 2 : im isibilll); lc•vitat<'. ph.intasmal not prove htmselfin my coun Harald' Come
and Ostland, tht• undrrchiefs arc called forward 1 " A large, beefy man w11h a hugt·
force, web
"kings" ; an Sodrrf1ord, they are known as Level 3. di.~pcl mJl(K, fire ball, lightning bushy beard appears.
"jarls" (pronounct•cl "yarls") Alth ou~h bolt, procec11on from norm<1I mi.~silt's " If vou «an out-dnnk Harald," King Olaf
these three countrit•s ar1• all dr~cribed an a Level 4: confus1on, dimension door, ict• says, "then you will have proven yoursel\'CS
single section, tht• PCs must v1s11 each one worthy of our friendship."
storm, polymorph ocher\
scparatt'ly to gain each as an ally, Level 5: cloucllol/, «OflJtirt• d1·111cn1.1I, 1 his drinking contest should be resolvfd
Thr peoplr of tht•sr kingdoms value indi- magic jar with d1te, not role-playing You should add as
vidualism, physicnl strrngth, nnd prowess in much flavor to the following procedure as you
Level 6: anti-magic ~pell, c/c-;11/i .~pt'//
com hat above all r lsl'. They livc by fishing rnn, in the tradition of the Norsemen
and by occasional raids on m·arby rnastal vil- The arena for combat is a grt'<ll 01wn fidd Rcmembrr Thor's attempts to dram the
lages. Besides bt·ing fit•r'('l' warriors, these outside the castle. Each participant may cast mead horn of the giants, and similar s1ories
people arc cxplon•rs without rqual, ranging as many spells on himself as desired prior to
throughout history and mythology.
far and widt• in 1hrir woockn longships. Their the battle. Al-Aharazed casts all his d1•frn~1vc
The character with the strongest Constllu·
culture resemblrs that of 1hr Vikings and protective spells on himst•lf lo begin,
tion should represent the PCs in the drinking
Two special rncountrrs arc provided for Al-Aharazed tries his dcdt!i \I)('// If that fails,
contest. Take the PC's Constitution s<ort,
these three countrit•s. Tht•y ran be used an he starts by using hi' h1gh-powerrd, paten·
add 3 if the character has been previously
any order you dt·~irt• Su«<essfully complet· tially fatal spells first. If he is about to bt•
role-play<'d as a heavy drinker, and add 2
ing eat h 1·nroun1er adds I to the Alliance killed, he casts phanrasm.11 force· on h1m~elf more if the character has been previously
Number of that C'ountry, in additton to any and then casts invisibility 10 t''I ap<' tht• field . dt·fincd as fat . Harald has a modified C onsti·
other modifiers g1vt'n For the third court, Bv fleeing. he forfeits the trial.
tutton score of 19.
you can simply havt' 1h1• PCs pre~ent their Wht>n one of the combatants dirs or fl<"t'\ , A charaner can drink up to one-third of this
case, or you tan ust• one of the encounters in the battle 1s over All the magical posse~sions mochficd Constitution score (rounded up) in
the next sectton of this chapter of the loser go to the winnt'r. The frirnds of
flagons of mead with no effect. \\'ith the next
the loser may take the body, and raise it from
drink. he becomes Slightly lntoxicatt·d For
The Trial of Combat the dead 1f desired. each addnional dnnk, each character must mil
When the PCs arrive at thc court of the If the Nomads lose, thrv 1mmcd1ately pro·
the modified Constitution score or less on I d20
king (or jarl), the Nomad Ambassadors arc test to the king. daimmg that their opponents
(a 20 always fails) . If a check fails. the charac-
already there. The PCs present their case, cheated. Unless the PCs actually did cht'at
ter becomes Moderately Intoxicated, and the
then the Nomads (the OM) present theirs. (another PC interfering in the contest. for
modified Constitution score drops by 4 Keep
The Emissaries of The Master wear bur- example), and the Nomads can provt• 11, this
checking for each drink. With the next failure,
nooses. They speak in quiet but menacing dishonorable behavior results in the rest of the tharacter becomes Greatly lntox1catcd.
tones, and therr is a slight hiss in their voices the Nomads being exiled from the kingdom. and the modified Constitution score drop~ by
They promise the eternal friendship of Tht> If the PCs cheat, and this can be proven, the
4 again. With the next failure, the character
M aster to those who ally, and suggest that the PCs arc exiled in disgrace and forbidden on
becomes unconscious. The first character to


become unconscious loses the contest. It takes 120'(40'); //AT I mace + l; D 1·6 + I; Ostland, Ycstland
two hours to recover from each stage ofintoxi· SaveC8; ML8; AL L; S 12; l 14; W 16; ·1 If Ylarum allies with the Nomads
cation. D 12; Co 14; Ch 15; spells dececc good, ·2 If the PCs refuse Chanai's challenge
A character who wins a drinking contest proceccion from good, fear, blighc, hold ·1 If the PC champion kills Chanai
becomes greatly respected at this court. A person, know alignment, continual dark· ·3 If the PCs cheat in the comest
character who tries valiantly but still loses is ness, speak wich che dead, dispel magic; +5 If the PCs raise Chanai from death
the butt of jokes, bu t is still respected for his XP 1,200 each +3 If the Nomads cheat in the comest
effort. Failure to accept the challenge is +1 If the PC champion dies bravely
regarded as cowardly, and the PCs are con· Chanai is a charismatic but foolhardy +2 If the Nomads invade the Atruaghin
sidered not worthy of respect or attention. man. If the PCs approach him concerning an Clans
alliance with Darokin, he spits on the ground
Soderford, O stland, Vestland Allian ce and begins to rail about how disgusting the Rockhomc
Number. Each of these countries has a stan· civilized lands arc, while scratching himself. Rock.home is the homeland of the dwarves.
ing Alliance Number of 7. For each of these His Nomad advisors are always by his side, h stretches throughout the northern Altan
coun tries to ally with Darokin, the Alliance and they suggest strongly that he exile, Tepe mountain range. The dwarves have
Number of the others rises by 2. If the PCs impr ison, or kill the emissaries of Darokin. built and maintained a road through the
saved the Duke in adventure XJ, Curse of This pushes Chanai a little too far, and he mountain for caravans. They charge toll
Xanathon, the Alliance Number of the King· challenges any one of the PC fighters to a from all who pass.
dom of Yestland r ises by 2, and the PCs are fight to determine how much respect their The ruler of the dwarves, the High King
well known and favored by the King of Yes· request should get. Under the !vloumain, is named Everest.
tland. If the PCs should refuse, Chanai orders King Everest is a curmudgeon with a soft
them out of his presence as cowards, then heart. He continually interrupts, he com·
Ethengar Khanate orders his bodyguard to hunt them down and plains every time he is asked 10 do anything
The E thengar are nomadic herders of kill them like animals. The PCs must fight all (although he frequently ends up giving in).
horses, caule, and goats. They are divided 240 members of the bodyguard or flee across he is likely to focus on a single minor point
into small family clans. The clans usually the border. and keep coming back to it no matter what
raid and quarrel with each other, but a pow· the characters say, and he gestures wildly
erful leader (khan) occasionally emerges tO A Roy al Duel when he's talking.
uni te the entire Ethengar people into a strong If the PCs agree to his terms, Chanai Because of the pass that connects Darokin
"nation." H owever, once a khan dies, there is orders his bodyguard to form a large square, and the lands of the west and south with the
ra rely an heir strong enough to hold the and fights whichever PC is chosen by the three kingdoms of the north, Rockhome has
Ethengar together. Their nation then breaks party. Neither may use magic other than long been friendly with Darokin. Frequent
apart, and the family clans begin warring weapons with normal plusses to hit, or else caravans pass through the mountains, and
with each other once more. Their culture is forfeit the match as cheaters. The fight is to many have left Rock.home to adven·
similar to the horsemen of the central Asian the death. turc in the broad lands beyond. (If any PC
steppes (ll uns, Mongols, M agyars, lurks). If Chanai wins, he allows the PCs to take dwarves arc already established as being
The nomadic Ethcngar are much more the body away, but keeps the PC champion's from Rockhomc, add 1 to the Alliance Num·
sympathetic to the Desert Nomads than to weapon as a trophy. ber for each such dwarf Dwarves not prev1·
the effete civilized snobs of Darokin. The If Chanai is about to lose, one of the ously established as coming from Rockhome
Nomads, seeking to exploit this, have put Nomad clerics casts a hold person spell on his are assumed to come from the dwarven towns
their support behind Chanai, a great warrior opponent to give Chanai a free blow. If the in the Cruth Mountains that form the north·
who seeks to become Khan of All the spell succeeds, and if the PCs accuse the ern border of Karamcikos.)
Et hen gar. Nomads of cheating, Chanai realizes the The PCs can quickly arrange an audience
truth . Deeply shamed, Chanai orders the with King Everest. The dwari.•cs take the
Chanai: AC 3 (chain mail + Dexterity Nomads from his village, and treats the PCs opportunity to show them the wonders of the
bonus); F 14; hp 80; MY 120'(40'); //AT royally from then on. city.
1 two-handed sword +2; D 1·10 + 5 If Chanai dies in the battle, the body·
(strengt h bonus); Save F14; ML 10; AL guards become extremely silent. The leading The dwarves proudly give you a tour of
L; S 18; I 12; W 13; D 16; Co 18; Ch 17; bodyguard tells the PCs that they must leave, the capital, a huge dwarvcn city wending
XP 1,600 albeit with honor, so that they can bury Cha· its way through the caverns beneath the
nai. If the PCs raise Chanai from the dead, mountain range. The capital is at least 50
Chanai has been sending messengers to there is great feasting an d rejoici ng. miles long. There arc endless corridors,
invite the Ethcngar to join him and to spread Ethcngar Alliance Number. Because of city blocks filled with bustling dwarves,
Ethengar rule throughout the continent. H e Chanai, the starting Alliance Number of the strange mechanical devices like nothing
is currently encamped in his "capital city" Ethengar Khanate is 5. ln addition to the else in the world, and forges where hun·
(actually a collection of grubby tents) with a normal modifiers, the following apply. dreds of dwarven engineers create truly
personal guard of 240 3rd level Ethengar amazing weapons and armor.
fighters. H e is always accompanied by his Ethengar Alliance Modifiers
Nomad "advisors." The Master has been at work here. After
·1 For each of the following countries that
allies with Darokin: Soderfjord, assuring the PCs of his friendship, King
Nomad "Advisors" (3): AC 6; hp 24; MY


Everest says: rock; D 1d10 sword or 4d6 rock; rock

range 60' ( + 1). 130', 200' (-!);AL C of the third piece is unknown. Find it, and
We don't want to leave our Darokinian you shall be amply rewarded.
friends to the mercy of those Nomad bar- Dire Wolf Unit ( 1): Mob; AC 6; #FIG 24; "Alrcthus, voice of The Master, has
barians, but we h ave problems of our HD/fig 24; Ratio 5:1; M V 150'(50'); spoken."
own, let me tell you! It's those pesky frost Size M; Save F2; AR 20; ML 12; DL 11;
giants, and they're raiding every caravan #AT I bite; D 2d4; AL N When the PCs lead their victorious forces
that passes through these mountains. At
this rate, we'll lose all our business. We've The PCs and their forces enter from the
sent war parties against them, but those sou th. Unless the entire force is invisible, the Camp of the Frost Giants
giants arc wiping out anything we've got. giant sentries spot them. The sentries sound
Now, if a party of brave adventurers, the alarm, then hurl rocks at the advancing
a rmed to the teeth, with the latest intelli- forces. The giants inside the camp release the
gence we've got, were to go after dire wolves, then follow them into combat
them ... We'd be very grateful, I tell you. (giving the wolves a + 2 ML bonus per case
VERY grateful. You understand what 4.2). If the Morale of the giants and/or
I'm ~aying to you?" wolves break, they move inside the box can-
yon and hurl rocks to prevent the armies from
entering. If giants inside the box canyon
War With the Giants rout, they flee up the stone stairs and off into
This battle uses the BATTLESYSTEM"' the mountains. If all the giants roui, the
rules. King Everest offers to let the party wolves automatically rout as well, following
command dwarvcn forces. If the PCs are their masters.
accompanied by their personal troops, they The tents arc littered with rubbish,
may use them in this battle as well. However, gnawed bones (some suspiciously human-
any casualties the PCs' forces sustain that are oid), and rouing carcasses. Amid the rubbish
not recoverable under case 16. 1 arc gone for- is the loot the giants have raided from cara-
ever, and cannot be replaced. vans passing through the Ahan Tepe Moun-
King Everest gives the party temporary tains, including the following: 125,000 cp,
com mand of a maximum of 4 units of dwar- 34,000 sp, 16,500 ep, 40,000 gp, 10,000 pp,
ven infantry. For every 2 PC units, he offers 600 gems (average value 500 gp), 100 pieces
one less dwarven unit. of jewelry (average value 1,110 gp), a ring of
human control. a wand of cold with 20
Dwarven Units (4): Regular Infantry; AC 4; charges, an cfreeti boule, a scarab of protec-
#FIG 12; HD/fig20; Ratio 10:1; D2; MV tion, a bone case with clerical snolls of speak
60'(20'); Size M; Save D2; AR 18; ML with the dead, curse serious wounds, dispel
14; DL 15; llAT 1 spear or war hammer; magic, commune, and raise clcad, and a sec-
D ld6; spear range 20' ( + 1), 40', 60' (- ond scroll case containing a letter. The letter
1); ALL is written in a language none of the PCs can
Dwarf scouts know the location of the read. If a compn·hend language spell is used,
camp of the frost gian ts and have basic intelli- the PCs can read the following:
gence about numbers and positions. How-
ever, they know it will take the special Alrcthus, First Servant of The Master,
abilities and talents of spell-using adventur- commands:
ers to lead the ir troops to victory. The giants "The Master has praised your success
are camped in a box canyon surrounded by a in disrupting trade in the north, and thus BATT LES YSTEM"' Came scenario on a
50-foot sheer cliff, with sentries positioned at contributing to the isolation of Darokin. 4 foo t by 8 foot t able scale: I table top
key points, making surprise all but impos- Continue to strike against all those who inch equals I yard.
sible. The giants are organized as follows: aid our enemies, and we shall deliver all The cliff is 50 fee t high an d sheer.
the dwarves into your hands. Each elevat ion contour is 10 feet.
Giant Regular Units (2): Regular Infantry; "Above all, watch for those who seek the
AC 4; #FIG 12; HO/fig24; Ratio 2:1; MV Crystal Dagger of Cymorrak, or who pos- Key
120'(40'); Size L; Save F l O; AR 20; ML sess pieces of it. This weapon must, at all
16; DL 14; #AT 1 two-handed sword or
costs, be found and sent to us by the most O Ocampfirc ~ cliff
hurl rock ; D ldlO sword or 4d6 rock; rock
range 60' ( + 1), 130', 200' (-1); AL C
secure way possible. Anyone with knowl-
edge of this device must be utterly and ~stone steps I~ I tent

Gian t S kirmish Units (2): Skir mish; AC 4;

#F IG 8; HD/fig 24; Ratio 2:1; MV
irrevocably destroyed. One piece, we
know, is in Alfhcim, but it is well guarded. ~I co ntou r line Ia 1 wolf pen
One piece is with the halflings, but our
120'(40'); Size L; Save F l O; AR 20; ML agents arc at work there. The whereabouts
~giant sentries ( I figure)
15; DL 13; #AT two-handed sword or hurl


back to Rockhome, King Everest is effusive in

his thanks, and tells the PCs that he will give
them I 0% of the treasure they have recovered
as a finder's fee. The rest belongs to the
dwarves. If the PCs protest, King Everest
grudgingly gives them the magic items they
have found, complaining all the while that he
is just too generous for his own good.
Rockhome Alliance Number. The start·
ing Alliance Number of Rockhome is 7. In
addition to the normal modifiers, the follow·
ing modifiers apply.

Rockhome Alliance Modifiers

+ 1 If PC dwarves are natives of Rock·
+I If PCs bring back Alrethus' note
-1 If Alfheim allies with Darokin

R ockhomc will automatically become an

ally of Darokin if the PCs defeat the giants.

As the name implies, Alfhcim is the home·
land of the elves. The elven king rules the
great forest of Canolbarth. ~e~ausc
Canolbarth is tended by the elves, It is far
larger than a natural forest in this area would
normally be. The Republic of Darokin pays
the elves to protect the caravan route through
the forest to Sclenica.
When the PCs pass into the Canolbarth
Forest, they are immcdiat<'ly challenged by a
party of IO 3rd level elves armed with lo~g­
bows. Any elves in the party, or any PCs with dou ble door door ( roof hole
unusual senses or detection abilities, sense
that there arc over 30 elves in the forest
around them, all with bows trained on the the elven king. King Doriath of Alfheim is a
party. The elves are extremely polite, and tall, slender elf. He appears to be a young Alevar and taken it as his lair Bring us his
inquire as to the party's business. Once the man in his twenties except for his eyes, which head so that we can reconsecrate the
PCs have iclcntitiecl themselves, the elven are deep and wise, as if they have seen the tomb, and we shall consider coming to
bowmen escort them to the tree-city in the entire history of the world. King Doriath is your aid."
heart of the forest, where the elven king and faced with a difficult situation. The elves arc
his court reign. loath to get involved in a war among humans. Because the Tomb of King Alevar is
Neutrality is a tempting thing, but the long located m the dc.-nsest part of the forest, the
relationship between Alfheim and Darokin is PCs cannot bring their troops. The elves
The city of the elven king is incredibly
important too. I lonor means much ro the transport the party to the tomb in an elven
strange and beautiful. Much of it is
elves. Also, the elves are aware of the true lightship, a flying longboat desrribed in the
concealed-the city appears to be open for·
nature of The Master, though they cannot D&D® Companion Rules Set.
est. Tall, stately trees have spidery path·
divulge this to the party. They know he must
ways hung between them. Thc elven
be stopped. The Tom b of K ing Alevar
construction seems never to use straight
lines; the houses are formed from natural The tomb is a huge burial mound sur·
King Doriath says, with gracious dignity, rounded by tightly-packed trees. The mound
wood, with the innate shape of the wood
"Honor, it seems, demands that we a.lly has earthen walls, and slopes upward to a
reflected in the design of the house. When
ourselves with you, yet it is asking much cone at the top. The dragon has torn a hole in
you enter, you fi nd a spacious, light-filled
of the elves that they risk so much in this the top to make a lair out of the burial cham·
chamber, with only natural things around
conflict. Therefore, we make this request bcr in the center of the mound.
of you: that you risk your lives for us.
There is a great dragon in the forest. He 1. An t ech am be r: Huge iron double doors,
One such chamber, more magnificent and has desecrated the burial mound of King
more beautiful than the rest, is the court of intricately engraved with scenes from the life
of the legendary King Alevar, hang from

rusty hinges . The doors can be opened with a touch; D 1-6 + Energy Drain; Save F4; damage each. The dragon's breath weapon
combined strength of 26. Inside, there is a ML 11; AL C; XP 175 each causes as many points of damage as the
30' x 40' antechamber. Faded murals line dragon has current hit points. Despite the
the walls. Corridors leave the antechamber 6. Unfinished Chamber: This chamber, fact that it cannm talk or use spells, Balefire
left and righc. which was never used, contains only scat- should be a major, possibly deadly, opponent
tered st0ne blocks, rusted tools, and other for the party. Review all rules relating to
2. Vault of Queen Cerin: A stone sarcoph- building materials. dragons in the Basic (and Companion) rules,
agus is in the center of the room. If the PCs to run this encounter with maximum impacc.
open the sarcophagus, they are stricken by a 7. D ark Chamber: A single sarcophagus is
curse. Each PC who fails a saving throw vs. in the center of this room. It belongs to a Balefire, a Large Red Dragon: AC -3; HD
Spells loses 50% of his or her Dexterity and vampire. The vamp ire's treasure consists of 15•••; hp 65; MY 120'(40'); flying 300'
Strength. The loss is permanent until a 6,000 gp, a girdle ofgiant strength, a helm of (JOO'); #AT up to 6; Breath Cone 135' x
remove curse is cast. A normal skeleton, reading languages and magic, a wand of 30'; D special; Save F30; ML JO; AL C;
dressed in rich burial clothes, is within the secret door decection, a potion of fire resist- XP 4,200
sarcophagus. There arc stone treasure chests ance, and a scroll of magic jar and pass-wall.
that once held the burial treasures of Queen The treasure is concealed in a secret compart- The dragon's treasure hoard is huge: 60,000
Cerin, but they are open and empty. ment within the sarcophagus. cp; 50,000 sp; 30,000 ep; 40,000 gp; 10,000
The vampire is within this chamber in gas- pp; 350 gems (average value 500 gp), 200
3. Vault of Alecerin: Prince Alecerin, son eous form. It remains in gaseous form most of pieces of jewelry (average value 750 gp);
of Alcvar and Cerin, tragically died trying to the time, out of fear of the dragon. As a potions of dimunition and poison, a scroll of
rescue an elven princess from marauding result, the vampire's hit points are below nor- pro1cc1ion from undead, a sword + I, I wish,
ores. His sarcophagus is protected similarly mal. The vampire will not bother the PCs if a ring of spell turning, and a staff of power.
to that of Queen Cerin. Alcccrin's skeleton is they intend to confront the dragon. Once This mound of treasure has been Balefire's
within the sarcophagus. The stone treasure they have been weakened, the vampire bed. Underneath the heaps of coins and gems
chests in this room are also open and empty. attacks. The vampire will allow the PCs to is a stone sarcophagus with the top tom off.
find its treasure, but will attack if they try to The skeleton of King Alevar lies in state. The
4. Inner Antechamber: This chamber take it out of the mound. king is wearing plate mail + 5 and a two-
leads to the burial chamber of King Akvar. handcd sword + 5 is beside him . Clutched to
The doors leading to tht: burial chamber are Vampire: AC 2; HO 9; hp 60, ('urrent 32; his breast is a crystal blade that radiates magic.
guarded by two amber golems SC'Ulptcd to :vtV 120' (40'); flying 180' (60'); #AT I This, of course, is the blade of the Crystal
look like lions. touch or special; D 1-10 + double Energy Dagger of'Cymorrak, one of the three pieces
Drain or special; Save F9; ML 11 ; AL C; necessary for this powerful artifact to work.
Amber Colems (2): AC 6; HD 10"; hp 60 XP 2,300 Soon after the dragon is slain, the elves
each; MY 180 ' (60'); #AT 2 claws/I bite; arrive in their lightship to transport the party
D 2- 12/2-12/2-20; Save FS; ML 12; AL 8. and 9. Burial Chambers: Both of these back to the mun of King Ooriath. Other
N; XP J ,600 each chambers contain sarcophagi, but were never elves will sec to transporting the treasure
used. The vampire uses these sarcophagi as back to the city and reconsecrating the tomb
The amber golems attack anyone who tries spare coffins. The secret door in 9 leads to the of King Alevar Most of the treasure right-
to enter the burial chamber through the doors dragon's lair. fully belongs tO the Kingdom of Alfheim, but
they guard (they did not attack the dragon the King awards the party 25% of all treasure
since it entered through the top of the 10. Royal Vault: This is the burial cham- found plus all magic items except for the bur-
mound). There is a 50% chance that the ber of King Alevar, now desecrated and occu- ial armor and sword of King Alevar.
noise from a fight here will wake the dragon pied by Balefire, a large red J; uton. Balefire Alfheim Alliance Numbe r. The starting
in room 10. is sleeping on a pile of gold an ... gems in the Alliance Number of Alfheim is 7. In addition
center of this vast chamber. Each round that to the normal modifiers, the following apply.
5. Altar C h amber: This room contains a the PCs are in the mound, there is a 10%
stone altar. The rites performed in this room chance cumulative per round that the dragon Alfheim Alliance M odifiers
and in room 10 consccratt•d this mound. A wakes up. It automatically wakes up when
-1 If Roekhomc allies with Darokin
golden chalice rests atop the altar. The chalice attacked.
+2 If Clanin allies wi1h Darokin
radiates magic if a detect magic spell is used. This is a large red dragon, not a normal
If the command word (engravt:d on the cup) dragon from the D&D® Basic Rules Set. and
Alfheim will au1oma1ically form an alli-
is spoken, the cup instantly fills with an excel- as such is much more powerful than dragons
ance with Darokin if 1he PCs defeat the
lent red wine. the party may have confronted previously
This room now contains three wraiths (although not as powerful as a huge dragon).
(former grave robbers who fell victim to one of Details on the special attack forms and
the curses that once guarded the tomb). They powers of large red dragons are contained in
stay in the shadows and delay attacking until the D&D® Companion Rules Set. If you do
the PCs arc preoccupied with the chalice. not have the set, use the normal attack forms
for the dragon from the Basic Set.
Wraiths" (3): AC 3; HD 4; hp 24, 22, 20; The dragon's bite causes 4-32 + 4 points of
MV 120'(40'), flying 240' (80'); #AT l damage, its claws cause 1-10 +I points of


The following special encounters can be set horseback along the road. At night, they will If the tide of baule goes sufficiently against
anywhere (within the limits of the encounter) be in camp, but 50% of the accompanying the Commander, he will flee from the scene,
in the adventure you wish, or even omiued troops will be awake, alert, and on guard. carrying the Soul Gem.
entirely, except for encounter I, Quest For The rest of the camp will wake I 0 round after Once the Soul Gem is recovered, the Crys-
the Soul-Gem, that leads to finding the third combat begins or the alarm is sounded. If tal Dagger of Cymorrak can be assembled.
part of the Crystal Dagger ofCymorrak. The Master's Agents have joined a division The PCs need only touch the dagger to the
of the Army of the Desert Nomads, the PCs hilt, and touch the Soul Gem to the indenta-
1. Quest for the Soul Gem can choose to attack at night, when the divi- tion in the hilt, and the Crystal Dagger forms
sion is in camp, or to bring in any friendly into a seamless whole.
The night after the PCs have recovered the
forces in range to have a BATTLESYS- The Dagger is carved from a huge dia-
dagger blade and hilt of the Crystal Dagger of
TEM'" game battle in the daytime. mond. It glows with a soft, white light, and
Cymorrak, Laran, the mysterious robed aide
The Master's Agents consist of the follow- obviously radiates magic. It has no bonuses
to Prince jherek ofGlantri, appears suddenly
ing: to hit, there are no command words, and it
in a cloud of smoke (a somewhat melodra-
conveys no protection to its wielder. It is
matic version of a 1eleport spell) to talk with
Commander (14th level Cleric): AC 0 (plate strongly good-aligned. If the assembled Dag-
the PCs .
mail and shield + 2); hp 34; MY ger is touched by anyone evil, that person
120'(40'); #AT I mace +I, +3 vs. spell- immediately suffers 5d20 points of damage.
"Congrarulations, my friends. You've casters; D 1-6 +I or +3; Save C14; ML Laran cannot give the party any informa-
done well indeed . The alliances you made 10; AL C; XP 2,800. He is armed with a tion on how the Dagger is to be used without
have greatly hampered The Master's mad potion of human control, a scroll of protec- disturbing the delicate balance between the
campaign of conquest, but the tides of war tion from magic, and a staff of withering. immortal powers. The PCs must discover the
are still against us. The Master's troops Carries a purse with 1,000 pp and the Soul secret of its operation by trial and error.
continue to pour out of the Sind Desert, Gem of Light on his person at all times.
burning and pillaging all that lies before 2. The Scourge of War
them. Spells:
"The wizards and sages of my home- Level I : detect good, detect magic, dark- This encounter takes place whenever the
land have been working together to give ness, protection from good, fear PCs pass through an area where The Mas-
aid and counsel in this crisis. It is difficult Level 2: blight, hold pe~on, resist lire, ter's forces have gone.
to predict future events involving men of silence 15' radius, snake charm
great power and supernatural influence, Level 3: continual light, cause disease, Black smoke rises from the ruins of a peas-
so all the information that has been gained locate object, curse, striking ant hut, and the scent of death is on the
is covered in shadow. The Master has Level 4: cure serious wounds, dispel wind . The cruel hordes of the desert have
secret and powerful allies, and his ulti- magic, poison, sticks co snakes scourged the countryside for forage. You
mate objective is hidden from us. Level 5: commune, insect plague, finger of hear a scream nearby.
"The two parts of the Crystal Dagger death
you recovered may be vital, for the Crys- Level 6: speak with monsters, word of Stragglers from the Nomad army are ter-
tal Dagger of Cymorrak is now the only recall rorizing a peasant family, refusing to believe
item that can kill The Master. The third that they are not hoarding food or valuables.
part, kn own as the Soul Gem of Light, Emissaries of The Master (2): AC 6; hp 20; The family consists of five 0 level humans.
gives the Dagger its special powers. With- MY 120'(40'); #AT I dagger +2, There are 20 Nomad soldiers.
out the Soul Gem, the Dagger is useless, poisoned; D 1-4 + 2, save vs. Poison or
but the Soul Gem has fallen into the hands die; Save MB; ML 9; ALL; XP 1,200 Nomad soldiers (20): AC 8; Ft; hp 7; MY
of The Master's agents, and even now is Spells: charm person, protection from 120'(40'); #AT I sword; D 1-8; Save Fl;
being transported back to him. The PCs good, read magic, detect good, ESP, wiz- ML 7; AL C; XP 10 each
must overtake The Master's agents and ard lock, clairvoyance, protection from
recover the Soul Gem, or all is for naught! normal missiles, confusion, curse, When the Nomad soldiers realize that the
" Herc is where they arc now." party is well-armed and powerful, they hold
Cavalry Unit: Elite Cavalry; AC 6; #FIG 12; the family hostage, threatening to kill them.
Place the counter labeled "The Master's HD/fig 30; Ratio I 0: I; F2 on warhorses; The Nomads are basically cowards, and flee
Agents" on the strategic map 5 hexes west of MY 120'(40'); Size M; Save F2; AR 19; once the tide is clearly against them.
the current location of the PCs. The Master's ML 13 ( + 2 in command for leader's CB); When the family is liberated, they are hos-
Agents have an MY of6, and are heading at DL 14 (16); carry Swords; D 1-8 tile instead of grateful, fully expecting the
top speed for Sayr Ulan. If they encounter party to take up where the Nomads left off.
any divisions of the Army of the Desert If the PCs are accompanied by their own The father says, in anger and bitterness, "All
Nomads, they may enter the same hex as the forces, run this as a BATTLESYSTEM'" you soldiers are the same. You burn, loot,
division; then the division will turn and head game engagement. Otherwise, the party and pillage, and we peasants do all the suffer-
for Sayr Ulan. must cope with the cavalry as well as with the ing. Go back where you came from, and
Commander and the Emissaries. It is possi- leave us alone."
If the party catches them on route, the PCs ble to sneak in and eliminate the Commander
can choose to attack by day or night. During without disturbing the troops, if the party is
the day, The Master's Agents will be riding sufficiently clever.


3. Refugees 4. Their M aster 's Voice Properly run, random encounters can add
flavor and excuement to the game
This encounter may be re·used as many This encounter can take place a1 any court
Use the following tables to set up a random
times as desired. Fearing the diplomatic successes of the
encounter. Table I contains a list of all the ter-
Large parties of refugees, bedraggled peas· party, The Master has sent agents to dispose
rain types that the party might enter in the
ants carrying their remaining worldly posses- of the potential threat.
course of this adventure. Next to each terrain
sions in small wagons, are moving away from Ask the players what precautions (if any)
type is a column labeled "Check" This
the inexorable advance of the Nomad army they arc taking at the royal courts. Do not
shows how often you should check to see if a
They don't know any details of the war, allow characters to sleep in plate mail armor
random encounter occurs. For example," 1/5
except that rumors of major Darokin defeats o r take 01hcr unreasonable precautions
hexes" means you should make a random
arc common. However, two or three characters sleeping in
encounter check for every 5 hexes the party
There are two kinds of refugee parties, with the same room w11h one at a time standing
enters on the strategic map To make a ran-
a 50% chance of each type. The first type arc watch is perfectly legitimate.
dom encounter check, roll ldlO. If the result
normal refugees. They ignore the party unless At midnight, a party of The Master's
is a I or 2, a random encounter occu rs.
challenged, and will not fight , not even in self- thieves sneak into the PCs' chambers to try to
Next, look at the column marked
defensc. They have no money. kill them. Allow one thief for each PC and
" Range." Roll the die listed, and add the
The second type have turned into band11s, maJor henchman
modifier (1f any) beside 11. Then look on
raiding the countryside as thoroughly as
Table 2 to find the random encounter that has
would soldiers. If th e party is accompanied Thieves: AC 2 (braccrs of defense AC 2); hp
1he same number as the result
by troops, they act just like the first type of 18 each; MV 120 '(40 '); HAT I; dagger
refugee. If the party is traveling wi1hou1 + 2, poisoned; D 1-4 + 2 + save vs. Poi-
Random Encou n ter Ch ec ks
escort, the bandits surround the party and son or die; Save T8; ML 9; AL C; OL
Terrain Type Check Range
demand a ransom of I00 gp per person to 65%; RT 60%; PP 65%; MS 65%; CW
allow them to pass safely. There arc 100 ban- 94%; HS 55%, HN 1-4; XP 800 each
Grassland 1110 hexes d6
dits, all !st level fighters. If the party fights,
\l\'oods 1/5 hexes d8+3
treat the bandits as a mob using BATTLE- 5. R andom Encounters Swamp 112 hexes d6 +7
SYSTEM"' rules . The morale of the bandits
Random encounters can occur at any point Hills 115 hexes d4 + 13
is 7. If they fail a morale check, they flee,
during this adventure. You can alter the fre - Mountains 113 hexes d6 + 14
never to return.
quency if you choose, or omit them alto- Desert 1110 hexes d4+20
ge ther if the party is seriously weakened

Rand om Encount er Results C h art

No. Name AC 110 MV #AT D Save ML Trc:asurc: AL XP

I. I·4 Lions 6 5 150'(50') 2 claws/I bite 2-512·5/ l- 10 F3 9 u N 175
I· 12 Giant Ferrets
10·40 Pixies
5-20 Bugbears
5 I+ I
3 1•• •
5 3+1
150. (50.)
90'('.lO'), 180'(60')flying
I bue
I $word

1·8 +I
5. 1-8 Viper Snakes 6 2· 90'(30') I bite 1·4 +poison Fl 7 Nil N 25
6 I 4 Green Dragons I 8 .. 90'(30') 240'(80')flying 2 claw• I buc I·611 ·613·24 F8 9 H c 1,750
7. 1-4 Cyclops 5 13" 90'(30') I club 3-30 F13 9 E+5,000 gp c 2,300
8. '.1·18 Gnolls 6 1-1 90'(30') I sword 1·8 F2 8 (P)D c 20
9. 4-24 Hobgoblins 6 I+ I 90'(30') I sword 1·8 Fl 10 (Q)D c 15
10. 10-60 Ores 6 I 120'(40') I sword 1-8 Fl 8 (P) D c 10
11. 5·30 Giant Bees 7 'h ' 150'(50') 1 sting 1-3 +special Fl 9 Special N 6
12 6-36 Lizard Men 5 2 + 1 60'(20'), 120'(40') swimming I •word I 8+ I F2 12 D N 25
13 1-4 Black Dragons 2 7.. 90'(30'), 240'(80') flyin~ 2 daws/ I bite 2·.'i/2-512-20 F7 8 H c 1,250
14 2 8 Hill Giants 4 8 120'(4-0') I club or I rock 2-16 or 3-18 F8 8 E +5,000 gp c 650
15 2-12 Ogres 5 4 +I 90'(30') I club 1·8•2 F4 10 SxlO)SxlOO + C c 125
16. I ·4 Grizzly B('ar• 8 5 120'(4-0') 2 daw•l l b11c 1-811-8l l- IO F4 10 u \; 175
17. 5·40 Gnomes 5 60'(20') I sword 1·8 DI 10 (P)C L 10
18. 1-4 Red Dragons · I 10" 90' (30') 240' (80' )flying 2 claws/I bite 1-811-8/4-32 FlO 10 H c 2,300
19. 1-4 White Dragons 3 6" 90'(30'), 240 '(80') flying 2 claws/1 bite 1-411·4/2- I6 F6 8 H N 725
20. 1-8 Trolls 4 6 + 3' 120'(40') 2 claws/1 bite 1-611·6/1-I 0 F6 10 D c 650
21. 1·3 Fire Giants 4 11+2' 120'(40') I •word or 1 rock 5-30 or 3· 18 Fil 9 E + 5.000 gp c 1,900
22. 2·12 Ogres 5 4+1 90'(30') I club 1-8+2 F4 10 (SxlO)SxlOO + C c 125
23 I ·3 Insect Swarms 7 4• 30. ( 10. ).60. (20') nving I area efTcct Special NM 11 :'\il ~ 125
24 1-4 Blue Dragons 0 9·· 90'(30'), 240'(80') flyin~ 2 claws/I bite 2-712-7 3·30 F9 9 H ".: 2,300


In this chapter, the PCs organize an army war. [f they enter on the Allied side, con-
and seek out T he Master, fight an epic battle quer them as quickly as possible. begins. "I bring you news of great import
with the Legion of Doom, enter the mysteri- 5. Hit isolated countries where possible, to on the course of the war."
ous desert city of Sayr Ulan in search of The provent formation of an allied "block."
Master, and finally come face to face with The players may choose to ask questions or
The Master in a climactic fight to the finish. Preparing for the Showdown interrupt Laran as he provides the following
Organizing the Allied Ar m y information. Ad lib as necessary to commu-
The Progress of the War When the PCs arrive at the rendezvous nicate the information given in the boxed
As the PCs visited the various nations of city, they find it in chaos. Daily, rumors copy below.
the D&D® game world, the war raged around arrive in the city telling of major military
them. The forces of the Desen Nomads, defeats (many of these rumors may be false, "You have accomplished much in your
numerically stronger in the western regions, but they tend to spread anyway). Refugees quest for allies, but the tide of the war is
should have conquered most of Darokin and from the areas hit by the war are collecting in still against us. The Master's troops still
made great inroads elsewhere. The likelihood the city, as well as soldiers from a number of pour out of the wastes of the Sind Desert.
of Ylarum joining the Nomads should be armies (including the PCs' own). Shortages Many cities have fallen . Now you must go
turning the tide of battle slowly against the of food, accommodations, and supplies are into the Sind Desert to confront and
forces of Darokin and its beleaguered allies. by now ordinary. Prices run 2-5 times higher defeat T he Master yourselves. The way is
The various nations friendly to the PCs than normal. hard and the opponent is powerful, but
have contributed units with which the PCs The u nit commanders of the various forces you are our only hope now.
can form an army. The PCs were asked to now under the direct command of the PCs "There is more, however. A number of
designate a city where the units could meet. are waiting for the arrival of their new lead- the most powerful wizards and sages in
Once the PCs finish their diplomatic mis- ers. The PCs can meet with the unit com- Glantri have entered the Tower of Dolo-
sions, they can travel to that city to ready manders immediately to begin planning the rous Wisdom to study portents and signs
their army for war. If the city where the units organization of their army. The players of the future, to give aid and counsel in
were to meet has fall<"n to enemy forces, the should prepare individual BATTLESYS- this crisis. II is difficult 10 predict future
units automatically retreat to the nearest free TEM"' game rosters for each unit and deter- events involving men of great power, so
city. mine their force command structure. The virtually all the knowledge that has been
As the PCs travel overland to the rendez- players can choose any legal spells they wish gained is covered in shadow. Worse, there
vous point, tell the players that as their char- for their spell-using troops. is information that cannot be revealed to
acters stop for the night at various inns, or The PCs can assume personal command of you without causing harm to your mis-
meet refugees and travelers along the roads, the various units. However, if they are per- sion. Yet this information is critical to
that they hear rumors of how badly things are sonally commanding forces in battle, they your success in this endeavor.
going for the forces of Darokin. If the PCs will find that they cannot run off to perform "Although there is little I can tell you, I
pass through any warzones, or within 5 hexes heroic deeds without placing their units out of can reveal that The Master has powerful
of an enemy unit, they see evidence of the command. The best way to avoid this prob- and secret allies, and that the motive for
war-burned-out houses and farms, refugees lem is to give each player one or more units to his conquests is far more horrible than you
pulling carts piled high with belongings, dead command, but use NPC unit commanders could possibly suppose.
soldiers spitted with arrows, stripped of instead of PCs. The PCs should have ranks as "From the Tower of Dolorous Wisdom
armor, weapons, and anyth ing else of value, Division or Army Commanders, as Deputy I have brought you a secret of great
buzzards circling overhead wherever a battle Division Commanders (to perform an acting power-the secret of tht' Cry~ta.1 Dagger
took place... Use your imagination to role in the event that someone gets killed or ofCymorakk. With its mysterous powers,
impress on the players the death and destruc- incapacitated), or simply as Heroes. This will you can defeat The Master utterly. You
tion caused by this war. give the PCs more freedom of action: as DM, must use it properly, however, or its power
suggest this to your players if they do not is naught.
Nomad War Plans think of it themselves.
While the PCs are undertaking their diplo- If the PCs failed to get all the pieces of the
matic mission, the war continues. The fol- A Visit From La r an Crystal Dagger or lost it before now. Jherek
lowing priorities establish The Master's plan The same night the PCs arrive in the ren- assembles the weapon, gives it to the PCs,
for the conquest of the continent. dezvous city, Laran, the mysterious robed then continues speaking.
aide to Princejherek ofGlantri, appears sud-
I. Darokin must be the first country to fall. denly in a cloud of smoke (a somewhat melo- "l presume too far, but listen carefully
The republic will be attacked by the maxi- dramatic version of a teleport spell) to talk and I shall tell you how it is to be used.
mum number of armies. with the PCs. Above all, do not. .."
2. Establish an alliance with Ylarum, and
bring the ir armies into the war, splitting Suddenly, the sound of loud thunder
Ai this very moment, a beam of painfully
the continent. booms, and a pillar of smoke rises from
white light appears, striking Laran alone.
3. Attack all allied nations possible from the ground. When it dissipates, you see
Laran glows white for a second, screams, and
existing nomad territory, allowing the the robed form of Laran of Glantri stand-
then crumbles 10 dust (a disintegrate spell).
uncommitted to stay neutral. ing before you.
No spells possessed by the characters includ-
4. Keep Alfheim and Rockhome out of the "Greetings, brave adventurers:' Laran
ing a wish, will restore Laran to life. No spells


units, the I.1·gion of Doom heads for the

possessed by the rharaucrs, such as rnm-
Allied uni1 that promises the greatest chal-
munc, will n·veal how the Cryswl Dagger of
lengt, usually the one representing the larg·
CymoraH 1s to be used.
est number of players, or the most warlike
The Crystal Dagger ofCymorakk 1s carved
from a huge dagger. It glows with a soft white ones
rhc Legion of Doom mes 10 avoid battle
light, and obviously radiatrs magic It has no
with any fonc that docs not represent PCs.
bonuses to hit, there arr no obvious com-
Unless PC units offer a challenge, the Legion
mand words, and it conveys no protection to
of Doom does not move more than one hex
its wielder. It is strongly good-alignt'd . Ir
away from Sayr Ulan. If the PCs try to
10uchcd by anyone rvil, the evil pt•rson
weakt'n the Legion of Doom by sending other
immediately takt•s Sd20 points of damage.
units against 11 be fort• they baulc, the Legion
For the PCs, the weapon is as much a mys-
of Doom recreats, taking minimum losses,
tery as ever.
then tries a prl'empuvc strike against the
Tactics for the L egion of Doo m PCs.
While the players arc preparing BATILE-
S YSTEM .. game rosters and command Against the Legion of D oom !
strucmres for 1h!'ir army, you must do the The composition of the Legion of Doorn is
same for the Legion of l)oom, The Master's sho" non thl' inside front cover of this advcn-
personal elite guard. turt' You must prepare BATILESYSTEM,.
The battle bt'twt•en the PCs' forces and thr game roster' for the Legion Try not to get the
Legion of Doom 1s a climactic s<em• in this Legion of Doom mvolved in battles before
adventurr. Although it would ht• easy for you the linal engagement with the PCs. If the
as DM to throw a numbt•r of Desert t"omad Legion has been in a fight, deduct any losses
units agamst the PCs to catch them, alone the Legion has suffered from all units equally
and outnumbered, and< rush dwm by vastly
superior forces, don't do this Move Dt>st•rt
(as much as possible). Do not clt•duct losses
from Her<X'' or Commande~
------- ------- -------
Allied set·up area
Nomads out of thr way, if necessar)', and ·1 he final battkficlds 'hould take place ma
avoid din•ctly lighting the PC fom·s unul dt•scrt ht•x fh1· ha11l1•f11·ld con,ists of ~and
1h1·y get near the Legion of Doom counter At vour opuon. vou can place one or mon·
Kcrp the Legion of Doom counter m the Sincl sand dunt'' (I t•lrvation high) on the ha11lc·
Dt•scrt. In gam1• terms, the purpose of tht• field Do not let one sid1· or another have a
Legion of Doom is 10 c:ngag1· font·' kd bv terram advantag1· Thi· battle.- should be
PCs. played out on a surface at lc.-ast 4 ft•f't x B feet;
The Master has two primary objt'llin"s' l.1rg<•r i' h<'tter If one side recc1\'l'S an "on the
recover tlw Cry\ ta/ Dag,irer of C)mor;iJ..k ancl rn.irt:h" bonus wh1·n tlw 1wo forces mo,·t' mto the Allied Expcd1uonary force.- . 1-.ach I kro,
p rotect tlw Soul-Gem of T/rnn;11os-thc PCs the saml· lwx, tht• force without the bonus sets Cornmanclcr, and U mt must m,ike a ~a' ing
h,ivr tlw first and thrcatl'n 1h1· 'nond lf the up fir-.t : othcn-1•!', both side' sc·t up sunuha· throw vs Spells or flee If a unu fails Its sav·
PCs were rcsponsiblt' fm dd1·a11ng rhe !\fas· 111·ously. ing throw, 11 routs If a Unit Commander
trr in X4 and X5, he has a reason for wanting Tht> diagram below shows one way the fails his s.l\ 1ng throw and the unit makt·s Its
to crush them personally. And, since Tht· 1.1blctop 1·an be "'t up for thi' engagement savmg throw, thC' Commander flees and the
Master must mak1• con1111ual sacrifitt•s of hfr 'rou will hav1· to makt' special countl'rs for unit goes out of command Tht• Master then
to the Scllll·Gcm of T/1.1na1os, he would prt the Warlords of tht• Air unit, 6 • x 3 • in •izc orders his units forward at full 'peed 10 the
fer to sacnfict• h1gh·lcvc:I ch.1ra< tcr,, which If the.- PC' did not fly through the 'anthtorm auack. Rcmcmbt•r, 1f a unit rout~ off the.- play·
are more effe('livc. All thest• n•asons have an at the auack on Akesoli and st'<' the airboats, ing fidd, it is rcmo,cd from pla\· Th" fear
l'lfcct on Legion of Doom tactics. keep the airboat countrrs off the playing spt·ll <·an bt used onlv 0111 t
If tht• PCs p11k fights with variou' Dt•\t·rt fic.-ld, and do not let the player~ know that As OM, run Thr M.1'tcr's forces in the
Nomad units on their way w confront the· they exist This is The Mastcr's surprise most effccuve w.iy \'OU know how. trving to
Legion of Doom, fight it out Prepare BAT for<!' If thl' PC:, ~aw tht· airboats at Ake•oh. dcfl'at th1· PCs on the field of battle
TLESYSTF.M"' game rosters for ,my umt' brmg the airboat on wht•ne'er the sm1ation The Master can summon the \\larlords of
the PCs attack. set up tt'rrain on the tabktop st•cms proper the Air umt whene' er the mil1tal) situation is
for the appropriate terrain conditions The When both forces h.we set up, the battle nght. Th<· airboats have a ~1\ of 36 •. and
experience may serve all players well m the begins. Unles~ rircumstances show that one can <hangt• dirccuon up to 180 degrees per
final ba11le. side or the oth1•r has gotten automall< first Game Round ThC' airbo•tt' can travel at all
If the PCs take rcmforccments (Glantr- round of ini11a11vc, roll for mitiauvc nor· three game altitudes (sec BAITLESYS·
ians, Darokir1ians, etc.) into bauk besides mall). Tf.1\1"' game case 15. 1) and can land on the
their own pt•rsonal force, move Desert On thf' fir;t t'lu~iblc phase. The \taster. dc,cn sands. ~11•sile firt• from the a1rboa1s is
Nomad forces to mterc-ept all th!' units tra\'el· calltnl{ on the special powers granted him by made at no pcnaltv. The Hit Oice of an air·
ing with the PCs' own force, so that the PCs thr Immortals. casts an extra-powerful fear boat is equal to the sum ofthl' Hit Dice.- of its
have to confront the Legion of Doom alone •pdl that affects all individuals and units m ocrnpants plus 30 HD for tht• airboat hull
If the PCs have split up among several

itself. A Wound on an airboat means that Huie). The city sprang up vinually over· city. If they try to re·entel', 24 archers on the
only one-half of the archers on board can con· night, with people pitching tents and build· walls shoot at them.
tinue to fire. An airboat that is destroyed (2 ing crude, makeshift homes wherever they Each time the PCs enter a circle in the
Wounds or a Kill) crashes in flames. If the could find an unoccupied piece of land. Outer City, there is a I in 4 chance of an
airboat lands on figures, those figures take 10 TheTe aTe no streets as such, just narrow encounter. Use the Outer City Hazard Table,
HD of damage per individual. The airboats lanes between houses. The unplanned nature below.
do not carry bombs. of the city is iu most distinguishing charactel'·
Alrethus will probably be the Legion of 1suc. Reeking animal pens are next to tents Haza rd Table-Outer Ci ty of Sayr Ulan
Doom commander in this battle. If the PCs inhabited by people; there are no stores, only
have the Crystal Dagger, The Master meTchants hawking their wares from carts. I . Three tab1 (see MONSTERS AND VIL·
remains in Sayr Ulan to guard the Sou/- Water is the most common commodity being LAlNS) are lurking in the shadows of a
Gem. lfthe Legion of Doom faces utter disas· sold. Huge campfires burn day and night, nearby tent. They wait until the charac·
ter, The Master will intervene, conserving his providing fires for cooking in the day and ters pass, then attack one, using their claw
spells and abilities as much as possible. If the illumination at night. The city is incredibly attack to cause the character to become
Legion of Doom is defeated, The Master uses filthy ; there is no sanitation system. Offal and deluded. They use their thief skills to rob
a word of recall spell to return to Sayr Ulan . waste litter the streets, the smell of camels, a him of as much as possible, concentraung
If the PCs are defeated in this battle, The panicularly pungent odor, is everywhere. on magic items, then retreat into the
Master and his allies do everything in their Sayr Ulan is built in three rings: the Outer shadows
power to capture or kill the PCs. If the PCs City, inhabited exclusively by peasants and
are killed, The Master casts raise dead fully soldieu, the inner City, inhabited by mer· Tabi (3): AC 6; HD 5; hp 20 each; MV
to have them alive- all the better to sacrifice chants, higher-ranking soldiers, and the less· 60' (20') flying 240'(80'); #AT2 claws; D
them to the Soul-Gem of Thanatos. destitute peasantry, and in the center of the 1-4/1-4 + delusion; Save MS; ML 6; AL
city, the Camp of The Master. C; XP 750 each
Aftermath of the Battle Chase Flow Chans are included for the
If the PCs win the battle, the remnants of Inner and Outer City. 2. Twenty camels are penned in a rope cor·
the Legion of Doom rout off the field, never Outside the Outer Cuy arc smaller camps, ral The smell is noticeable even above the
to be seen again. The Master uses his word of mostly bivouacs for soldiers in the Army of other smells of the city. A man 1s whipping
recall spell to escape, leaving his minions the Dcsen Nomads. There arc some camps of one of the camels that has been slow to
behind. The PCs must pursue him into the peasants and poorer merchants, as well . respond 10 orders. The camel breaks loose
city of Sa yr Ulan. lf they don't know which The Crystal DaggerofCymorakk will pro· and rips through the rope corral, the rest
way to go, the Crystal Dagger of CymorakJc vide a direcuonal signal to help lead the PCs of the camels stampede into the narrow
begins to glow. The person carrying the dag- through the maze of the city to the Camp of passage, heading directly for the PCs.
ger feel s a mystic force tugging him-if he The Master However, when all directions in
follows the feeling, it will lead him to The a circle lead approximately to the same place, Camels ( 10) AC 7, HD 2, hp 8 each, MV
Master. the Crystal Dagger 1s of little help. 150' (50'), #AT I bite/I hoof, D 1/1-4,
The officers of the Allied Expeditionary Save Ft ; ML 7, AL N; XP 20 each
Force advise the PCs after the battle that the The Outer City
PCs must go on alone- the A.E.F. is not To reach the Camp of The Master, the PCs 3. Giant ,corp1ons lurk in dark corners
powerful enough to invade Sayr Ulan. Only must first enter through the Gate to the Outer throughout the city. Three rush out of a
stealth and bravery on the pan of the PCs can C1ty. Because of the traffic coming in and out small tent as the PCs pass by, and attack 1
carry the day. The A E F will wan on the bat· of Sayr Ulan, security at the Outer Gate is If the PCs enter the tent after the scorpi·
tlefield for 24 hours, then head for safety. minimal. There are always 24 !st level ons are dead, they find six dead nomads.
If the PCs lose the battle, they may be cap- human fighters armed with pikes (AC 8; Fl,
tured or killed. lf so, they are raised, if neces· hp 4 each; #AT 1; D 1· 10; ML 9; XP 10 each) Scorpion, Giant (3) AC 2, HD 4•, hp 16
sary, and taken to The Master's residence in on duty at the Gate. If the PCs take any rea- each; MV 150'(50'); llAT2 daws/1 sting;
Sayr Ulan. If the PCs escape into the desert, sonable precautions, such as disguising D 1-1011 · 10/ 1-4 + poison, Save F2 ; ML
a huge sandstorm like the one that hit Akesoli themselves, and do not call attention to them· ll ; ALN , XP 125each
springs up, overpowering them and causing selves, they pass through the gate without
them to lose their direction. When the sand· incident. 4. Ten trolls, skirmishers in the Desert
storm (another of The Master's nasty sur· The PCs can also try to sneak over the low Nomad army, are on leave They arc pick·
prises) dissipates, they find themselves at the wall that surrounds the Outer City. Unless ing fights with peasants and stealing any·
outskirts of Sayr Ulan, separated from their the PCs are invisible or have taken equivalent thing that isn't nailed down. They decide
forces, with the glowing Crystal Dagger urg· precautions; there is a 10% chance that they that the PCs look like a good target.
ing them to enter. will be spotted by a patrol of 24 City Watch·
men {AC 8; hp 4 each; #AT 1; D 1-10; ML 9; Troll (10) AC 4, HD 6 + 3 "; hp 52 each; MV
The City of Sayr Ulan XP 10 each) led by 2 Hill Giants(AC 4; hp 32 120'(4-0' ), #AT 2 claws/I bue; D 1·611-61
each, #AT I; D 2-16, ML 9; XP 650 each) If 1-10; Save F6, ML 10(8); AL C, XP 650
Sayr Ulan is an immense tent city with sev·
they are spotted, run a chase as shown in each
eral hundred thousand inhabitants, both
PART 2. With the entire city against them,
Desert Nomads and citizens of the land of
the chances that the PCs will be caught are If the PCs get in a fight or otherwise show
Huie (see X5, Temple of Death for details of
high. lf caught, they are expelled from the off, there 1s a chance that a patrol of City

The City of Sayr Ulan Flow Chart

480 '

880 '

640 '
Outu City
320 '

200 '
720 '

Inner City

00 '

through the gate There is a 25% chance that

a party of Outer City Watchmen will see
them chmbmg over the wall and sound the
T h e Camp of th e M aste r Inner Court alarm unless the PCs are im·i.\il>lt' or have
20 taken equivalent precautions.
The Inner C11v is a li ttle less horrid than
the Outf'r Citv. There 1s a I in 3 chance of an

~ encoun ter car·h time the PCs enter a circle on

the chan. use Hazard Table 2a below. The

~c lnnf'r C11y guard patrols are idenucal to the

Outer C ity.

H azard Table- lo ner City of Say r Ulan

I. Ast he PCs pass one of the larger and more

elegant tents. a man steps out and says.
"Hsst 1 Come inside! I kno .... who vou are
and I can ht>lp you." If the PCs e~ter the
tt'nt, thev see the man, who is tall and
handsom~. and three beautiful women .
The tent is elegantly and expensivel}' fur·
All four are auually vampires, secretly
ft>t>dmg olT the troops of The M aster's
arm) The man, whose name is Abdul.
wt•ars a Medallion of ESP, which has
enabled him to disrnver the PCs' true
idcntitie~ and mission . These \'am pi res
n1rc nothing about the war or The M as·
ter; thc•v art· here becau~e an army is an
t·aw ~ource of "ictims. In order to lure thr.
PC~. he gives them information about tht•
city. the gate into the Innermost Court of
The' Master, how the guards are struc·
l\1red, and any other informatmn tht•
charauers request. As soon as he rnn get
th1.· PCs into an unguarded po'1t1on, he
and his wives attack

Abdul(Varnpire) AC2, Hog •• ; hp42 , :>.1\'

Watchmm (identical to the gatt• guards) will guards at the gatt' to tht• Inner City are auto· 120'(40'); flying 180'(60') . ~Al' I toud\
arrive and try to takt• the party into custody. maticallv suspicious .md can·ful or special, D 1·10 +double Energy Dram
You should \<'t tht• rhance of this happening or spt·rial. Save F9: :-.l L 11 : Al. C XP
by the bt·hav1or of the PCs-the more mura· The l oner C ity 2,300
geously they h<'have, the greater the t"hame The Cate to the Inner Citv is more care·
of attracting attention. The minimum «ha nee fully guarded than the Gate to.the Outer City,
Vampire \ \ 1ves (3): AC 2: H 0 7 • • ; hp 28
should be about 25 % ; the maximum chance but there i~ sull a good deal of traffit" passing each, M\ 120'(40'). flving 180'(60').
ran be 100% if the PCs arc behaving partini· through. The guards ask earh person enter· /IP.:l 1 toll( h or special; D 1· I0 + doublc
larly stupidl y. T he watch will try to arn•st the ing the city what his business is. Any reason· Energy Dram or special; Save F9, M 1. 1 I ,
PCs only if someone is seriously hurt or is able answer (visiting r«lativt•s, I live here. AL C, XP 1,250 each
about to be hurt. Tht" wat< hare unimpresst•d etc.) will satisfy the guards If the PCs got
by simple arguments or common brawls- into a fight with the City Watchmen in the The coffins of the four vampires an· ron·
thesl' arc far too common in a Chaotic army. Outer City, the Inner C11y guards arc on the le<1led behind a cunain. Their treasure is
If the PCs get into a fight with the Citv lookout. T here is a 25~ chance the Inner located in the four coffins. The vampirt·s
Watch, another patrol of Watchmen, 1denti· C11y guards will recogniie the PCs unless the ha\'e a tn·asure of 12.000 gp, 3,000 pp, and
cal to the first, arrives every 5 minutes Soon, PCs have changed their disguise or taken 30 pic<:esofjewelry worth 18,000 gp (worn by
the <'nti r<' city is alerted. If the PC~ w1sclv other precautions against recognition . If the the wives) They have the following magic
flee, run a chase as desc ribed in T H E I N\~. PCs are recognized, the guards trv to arrest 11cms. a .\fcdJllion of ESP (worn by Abdul),
SION OF AKESOLI chapter until the PCs them. a rope ofd1mbmg. boots of/evitation (o.,..ned
escape. The PCs can try to snt•ak over the wall that by a thief who once tried to burgle their tent),
If there is a fi ght with the City Watch, the surrounds the Inner City rather than passing and a skull of prophecy. The latter Hem 1s a


skull of a powerful cleric that has been spe- giants (AC 4; HD 9, hp 36 each, MV C. Gua rd Tents. Each tent is occupied by
cially enchanted to answer three yes or no 120'(40'); #AT I rock club, D 3-18, Save F9, four stone giants, currently off duty.
questions each week (acts as a commune ML 9; AL C; XP 900 each) commanded by a D . Gu ard Tents. Each tent is occupied by
spell). 5th level magic-user (AC 3; hp 15, MV four 5th level magic-users, currently off duty.
120'(40'); /fAT I, dagger+/; D 1-4 +I, E . Court iers. Each tent 1s occupied by
2. A young urchin, a street beggar, Save M5; ML JO; AL C; XP 600. Spells courtiers who serve The !\.·faster One tent is
approaches the PCs and asks for money. If de1ec1 magic, sleep, detect good, dc1cc1 invis- filled with The Master's harem, another with
the PCs refuse, he follows and continues ible, dispel magic). The guards at the gate The Master's executive assistants, anothrr
to pester them. If the PCs give him I gp or demand a good reason before letting anyone with royal hostages oft he realms that arc sub-
more, he first bites down on the coin to see pass. The magic-user checks everyone who ject to him. These hostages will not leave or
if it is real , then begins to bless them enters with a detect good spell, and also has fight on the side of the PCs unless the Desert
loudly for their incredible generosity, fol- an operating detect invisible spell. Nomad armies are completely defeated
lowing them and shouting their praises. Be fairly strict in adjudicating any Strate· F. Tent of The Maste r. See the section that
Immediately, ld20 additional beggars gies the players come up with to overcome follows for a complete description
approach an d begin demanding money, this obstacle; the guards here arc strict and G. Airbo at. This airboat carries its skele-
complaining loudly if they don't get any, reliable in performing their duty. ton crew and is ready for The Master's
and praising loudly if they do. If these Normal Camp Watchman parties contin- escape, if need be.
beggars get money, another I d20 beggars ually patrol the wall, and sound the alarm if
show up, and so on. The beggars are all they detect anyone trying to go over the wall The Master's Tent
Normal Men and do not fight There is a 50% chance per round that a City The largest and most opulent tent in the
Watch patrol will be in sight of the PCs 1f they Inner Coun is occupied by The '.\.faster and
3. A party of four fire giants wearing gleam- try to go o,•er the wall. If the PCs go to a sec- Alrethus, his chief aide (if Alrethus survived
ing bronze armor are weaving through tion of wall not in range of the magic-user's the battle with the Allied Expeduionary
the crowded streets. Each is carrying a detect invisible spell. go invisible, and climb Force).
huge earthen mug filled with beer. They over, they may be successful The tent is approximately 30 feet in diame-
are obviously drunk, and are singing ter, made of the finest silks embroidered with
obscene songs in the fire giant language. T he Outer Court o f the M ast er 's Camp gold . The floor of the tent is carpt:tt•d in the
They pick a fight with any party that looks The Camp of The Master also has an outer finest hand-made rugs, each worth over
at all tough, such as the PCs. and an mner secuon In the outer section 5,000 gp The furnishings are made of gold,
there are numerous campfires and tents occu- silver, and platinum ; many are studded with
Fire Giants ( 4): AC 4; H D 11 + 2 •. hp 66, 50, pied by soldiers of the Lc•g1on of Doom. gems. The total value of the tent and its fur·
70, 40; MV 120'(40'); lfKf I sword; D 5- There are approximately 240 2nd level fight· nishings is 250,000 gp
30; Save Fl I; ML 9; AL C; XP 1,900 ers, 40 3rd level magic-users, 20 stone giants, A long damask-covered table 1s piled hil(h
each and 2 stone juggernauts m the camp. If they with gourmet delicacies. A mahogany desk 1~
become alerted to the PCs prrs1·nn', use obviously where The Master works A luxu-
Each giant is carrying 4,500 gp and 10 BATTLESYSTEM,. rules to run any battle rious rnnopied bed occupies a large part of
gems wort h 2,000 each in a belt pouch. or chase that results. The soldiers in the outer the room. In one corner is a strange, pulsmg
One giant has a potion orgrowth, one has section are not particularly alert, but will red gem on an elaborate wrought gold
a scroll of protection from magic, one has respond to any untoward disturbance or pedestal-the Soul-Gem or Thanatos.
a cursed scroll (readrr turns into a frog, alarm. Stone giant guards flank the front entrance
saving throw vs. Spell for no effect), and to the tent. The PCs can enter through the
one has a ring or <lnimal control. The In ne r Court of the M aster's Camp front, or the) can slice through the tent mate-
Approximately 120 feet inside the wall i~ a rial and enter from any pomt. \Vhenever tht•
4. A nest of three cockatrices is hidden in a second stockade wall A gate lcads inside to PCs enter the room, The Master is sitting at
large pile of refuse. When the PCs come the inner courtyard where The MaMcr and his desk, writing w11h a huge quill pen If
by, the cockatrices attack! his cine servants reside This gate· 1s guarded Alrethus is still alive, he is standing at The
by a patrol identical to the patrol along the \.1a~ter·~ side. The '.\.1aster loolo.s up a\ the·
Cockatrices (3): AC 6, HD 5 • • , hp 20, 18, outer gate, and the penmeter of the inner PCs entt•r, and ~ays,
24; MV 90'(30'), flying 180'(60'), #AT wall is patrolled by the City Watch . There is a
I beak; D 1-6 + petrification, Save F5, 100% chance ofa Cuy Watch patrol being in "Wt'lcome. I have eagerly awaited your
ML 7, AL N; XP 425 each sight of the PCs at all umrs. arrival, both for what you've done-and
Refer to the map showing the layout of the for what you carry."
5-6. Roll on Outer City Hazard Table. Inner Coun of the Camp of The Master.
In the encounter that follows. The ~1as­
The Camp of the Maste r A . Gate to the In ner Court. ter's goal is to take the Crystal Dagger to
A wall built from heavy timbers stands in B. Watch Towers. Each tower 1s octupit•d insure the safety of the Soul-Gem or Thana-
the center of the city of Sa yr Ulan; the wall is by a 5th level magic-user, idenucal 1n stats tos. However, the dagger is so aligned agamst
topped by sharpened spikes. Within this wall and spells to the commander of the Gate evil that neither The Master nor Alrethus will
is The Master's camp. A third gate leads to Guards. Each keeps a detect good and dctcc1 actually touch it. This makes it easu:-r for the
the Camp of The Master. invisible spell operating on the srnion of wall PCs to retain the weapon and destroy the
This gate is heavily guarded by 12 stone for which they are responsible.


Soul-Gem. Sec the special encounter, Quest user), a 50% chance of a City Watch patrol,
for the Soul-Gem for more details. When this takes place, both artifacts and a 25 % chance of a party from the Outer
If the PCs were captured in the battle, they explode in a blinding light. The Master City Hazard Table.
are put to sleep by The Master's powerful screams, "NO! NO! NO!" and then Once the PCs escape Sayr Ulan, use the
magic, and brought to T he Master's tent. All turns to you. "You have no idea what strategic level map 10 record their movement
their magic items are taken and placed on the you've done! I'll crush you! [ 'U destroy back to civilization.
long table-including the Crystal Dagger or you! How dare you!" Within second, The
Cymorakk. Master has aged centuries. Aftermath of the Great War
The Master believes he has nothing to fear
As soon as The Master is destroyed, all
from the player characters, so he is quite The Master will survive five more rounds Desert Nomad units suffer an immediate
careless about guards, confident he can han- of combat. With each round, he becomes penalty of -40 to BR. Units of countries allied
dle the situation himself. When the PCs start older and older. His face wrinkles and his hair to the Desert Nomads suffer an immediate
firing spells and trying to grab their magic vanishes. H is skin pulls tightly IO his bones, penalty of -20 10 BR. However, the war con-
items from the table, The Master laughs. giving him a skeletal look. The aging process tinues in spite of The Master's death until
"Go ahead,'' he says. "Resistance is futile, as is rapid and horrible to behold. The damage either all the civilized lands are conquered
you will sec." caused by the PCs no longer vanishes after a (this is stiJI a possibility) or until the Desert
round (but The Master still cannot die until Nomads and their allies have lost 50% of the
T he Final Conflict the five rounds are up). units with which they started the war. When
The Master cannot be harmed by anything When the fiflh round begins, The Master this happens, the remaining Desert Nomad
the party does. Damage done to The Master automatically wins initiative, but does not units retreat off into the Sind, never 10 be
heals the next round. Magic that immobilizes attack. seen again.
The Master affects him for only one round.
If a country allied to the Nomads loses
Even the Cryscal Dagger does no harm if
Suddenly, The Master stops fighting and 50% of the forces with which it began the
used as a weapon against The Master him·
looks up, ignoring you. He speaks to a war, it retreats into its own borders and fights
self. Because of this, The Master toys with
presence only he C"an sec, "I need more only to keep itself from being conquered by
the party. He uses his magic in a non-lethal
time! You promised me power enough to Darokin or its allies.
fashion. As he docs so, he talks to the PCs
do your will! It isn't fair to take it away When the PCs return 10 the city of Oarokin
about the hopelessness and futility of their
now! I was faithful to you! Don't aban- (or, if Darokin has fallen, 10 whatever city is
actions, laughing sinisterly as he docs so.
don me! Don't. .. no! NO!" currently the headquarters of the Darokinian
With the last plaintive cry, The Master Army), they are welcomed as befits great
"It has amused me to watch your move· begins to decay before your eyes. The heroes. They are knighted and given military
ments against me," he says. "They were flesh melts from his bones and the skeleton honors and decorations. In addition, each
as futik as they were resourceful. Your itself begins to crumble. Within moments, party member is given an estate in Darokin
diplomacy will come to naught; my forces only a pitiful pile of dust and a spreading that provides an annual income of 10,000
arc too powerful. And now, you are in my stain of decay on the carpet remains. gold pieces. This money can be collected once
power, and you have brought me the only per game year whether or not the PCs decide
item I feared - the Crystal Dagger of Tf Alrcthus is still alive, he runs for the air· to live on their estates. If the PCs decide to
Cymorakk. For that, I shall make your boat outside. If he reaches it first, he com· manage the estates personally, and become
deaths painless and quick ." mands it to fly away, and Alrethus is never citizens of Darokin, the annual income from
seen again (until the next time). the estates doubles to 20,000 gp. PCs can
If the PCs still have the Crystal Dagger, build country estates o r castles with the
The Master uses all his spells and resources to Escape From Sayr U lan money.
capture it. If he obtains the Crystal Dagger, The last cries of The Master have alerted A war of this scope should result in perma·
he laughs and says, "Now, even your last all the guards. Such news travels fast, and the nent changes in the D&D® game campaign
hopt' is gone, and soon your life-force will be PCs will shortly find the entire city aroused world. The pattern of alliances that devcl·
sacrificed to the Soul-Gem of Thanatos! against them. oped should help determine friendships
Poor, pitiful wretches. Did you really believe The easiest way for the PCs 10 escape is by among the countries for years 10 come. The
you could defeat me?" commandeering the airboat and flying away. PCs are heroes in Darokin and in the allied
The skeletons will obey the commands of nations, but are considered evil conquerors
The only way The Master can be defeated anyone who holds the tiller at the stern of the in the nations that allied with the Nomads. h
is for a PC to plunge the Crystal Dagger of boat. is possible that the defeated nations may try
Cymorakk into the heart of the Soul- Gem or [f the airboat is gone, or the PCs do not 10 assassinate lhe PCs.
Thanacos, thereby destroying both objects . think of using it, they must escape through Now that every nation in the D&D® game
The PC who does this immediately takes JOO the streets of Sayr Ulan. The entire town is campaign world has a standing army, you
hp of electrical damage (saving throw vs. (or shortly will be) aroused against them. may choose to have other wars occur from
Death Ray for half damage) and drops Roll twice each turn (10 minutes) for addi· time to time. Countries go to war for a variety
unconscious for l · 10 rounds (no saving tional pursuit; the chance of additional pur· of reasons: honor, natural resources, money,
throw). suit is 50% each roll. If the dice indicate more expansionism. The vicwrious countries may
pursuit, there is a 25% chance of an lnner decide to annex portions of the defeated
Gate guard patrol (stone giants and magic- nations, thereby changing the political map


of the world. The defeated nations may ion Set, your characters may decide to leave campaign as a series of dungeon adventures.
decide to get revenge, or to throw the foreign the civilized lands in the south for the new In the D&D® Expert Set, you have added the
oppressors out. wilderness in Norwold, described in CM I, great wilderness to your campaign . In this
These wars can provide a springboard for Tesc ofthe Warlords. Even if characters move adventure, your characters have become
many more adventures. The PCs can lead to Norwold to seek their fortunes and to build involved for the first time in the great political
armies into battle, using either the War nations of their own, continue to keep track of affairs of the world-which is one of the
Machine or BATTLESYSTEM"' rules, or political and military events in the south. things the exciting D&D® Companion Set is
they can find themselves adventuring in an Perhaps the PCs will find that they cannot all about.
area that suddenly becomes a battlezone. leave behind the lands where they began their One phase of your campaign is coming to
If your campaign is ready to move from the adventuring careers as easily as they thought. an end, but a new and exciting phase is just
D&D® Expert Set into the D&D® Compan- ln the D&D® Basic Set, you began your about to !llart!


The War Machine is a sy~tem of game c. Add if the force has any + 15if1.5 to I
rules designed to resolve large baules in the archers: + I 0 + +30if2tol
D&D~ game, and appears in full in the spell casters. + I 0 + +45 if3 to I
D&DltCompanion Set. Only part of the War beings with spell-like ability: + 10 + +60 1f4 to I
Machine system is reprinted here; for the flying beings + 10 + + 70 if 5 to I
complete system, refer to the n&D'!l Com· d. Add Lhe maximum damage per round of +80 if6 to I
pan ion St'!. the most numerous crt"ature type: + +90 if 7 to I
The large·scak moV<"nwnt niles art' new, + 100 if8, 9, or 10 to I
and are applicable only 10 1his adventure, or QUICK TOTAL BR: _ __ +110iflt-15tol
to another adventure when tht• map scale is I + 120 if 16-20 to I
hex - 24 miles and I game turn • I week. Dividing a Force + 130 if21·30 to I
This scale has required several minor modifi· To use the War Machine in a ba11lc, each + 140 if31·40 to I
cations to the War Machine rules that should side must have the same number of forces or + 150 if41·50 to I
not be applied in general. Those modifica· armies. If one side has a greater number of + 160 if 51 ·60 to I, etc.
lions arc noted where they appear. forces than the other side, the side with fewer
forces must be divided in such a way that 2. Morale (use all that apply):
How It Works both sides have the same number of forces or
+ I 0 if force is in dominion of their hege
armies. The divided forces may kc-ep the
Each body of troops (called a "force") 1s + I 0 1f they have beaten this foe before
original BR of the force if all troop types are
given a rating that defines their quality. When + 10 if Troop Class is 2 levels higher than the
divided evenly among the new forces If the
combat occurs, th1~ "Baulc Ra11ng" (BR) 1s enemy
troops are not evenly divided. a new BR must
modified for baulc conditions (terrain, num· + 30 if attacking enemy "On the March"
be calculated for each new force If you are
ber or opponents, morale, etc ) Each player ·I 0 if an} accompanying force has routed
not playing with the full War Machine rules
then rolls d% and adds the modified BR of the
in the Companion Set, vou are stron.f (ly
troops. The high total win~ the baule When using I hex • 24 mile scale, an accom·
urged to keep force div1s1ons proportional for
When a force ts first hired and outfitted, panymg force is any friendly force in the
ease of play.
you must calculate its "Basic Force Ra11ng" same or adjacent hex during the current
Example: 1,000 ores (BR 72) met't 1 other
(BFR) and the "Troop Class" For the vari· game turn .
forces: 200 elves (BR 83), 400 men (BR 70),
ous military units in this adventure, those
and 140 dwarves (BR 88) The ores must
calculations havt· aln•ady been made The 3 . Environment (use all that apply) :
therefore split into 3 forces The owning
BFR is modified to cakulatt' tht" BR, but the
player decides to divide them into two units + 25 1f m extremely favorable environment
BFR is not used in combat The BR and
of 333 each and one unit of 334, thus main· ·25 if in extremely unfavorable environment
Movement Ratt• (MV) art• printed on the
taining the wrrent BR (72). Different comb1· + 20 if the entire force m a night battle has
counter. The Troop Class and number of
nations, with different BRs for each, are lnfrav1S1on
troops in each unit arc given m thr Armies
possible; however, the minimum size of a
force is 10 individuals per force. 4. 1Crrain (use all that apply):
If you want to learn how to calculate BFR,
The players choose opponrnts. The force
BR, and Thoop Class, you will need to have + 20 if higher than opponent
with the highest BR (in this case, the
the complete War Machine. However, you + 20 for Halfling force in fields or woods
dwarves) picks an opponent first. The next
can use the following system to create an + I 0 for Elven force in woods
highest-rated force (in this case, the elves)
approximate BR as follows: + 20 for Dwarven force in hills or mountains
choose next. The third highest-rated force is
·20 for force with mounted troops in moun·
the ores, who then get to choose In thi~ case,
Quick Battle Rati n gs tains, woods, or stronghold
only the men arc left However, 1f the ore
The following "Quick BR System" will give -20 for force in mire (marsh/mud) 0
force had split into three units of different
an approximate BR for most troops . If you · 10 for force on shifting ground (snow/sand) 0
sizes and different BRs, the order of choosing
have an extremely powerful lorn· (because of
opponents would have been more imponant .
level, abilities, hit dice, etc) you will probably •Does not apply to troops properly equipped
be bt•1tc-r off with tht• full pr0t t'SS. and trained for that terrain, or native to the
D etermining Combat Results
terrain, e.g., desen nomads in the desen .
Quick BR Chart Modifying the Battle R ating for Combat
When a battle occurs. the BR of each force 5. Immunities (use only I per force) :
a Start w11h tlw Lt•adt•r\ kul +
is modified based on the troop ra110, Morale,
b. Add ONE of these, based on the average + 150 if force is immune to enemy's attacks
environment. terrain, faugue, and other fac·
Hit Dice of the force : + 50 if I% or more of force is immune to ene·
tors The modified BR 1s used to determine
my's attacks
Less than I. 20 the actual combat results
+ 50 if force is immune to 80%·99% of enc·
I to 2 + : 10 To modify the BR of each force, add or
my's a11acks
3 to 4 +: 40 subtract all of the following adjustment~ that
5 to 6 +: 55 apply. The adjustments are explained 1n th<.>
6 Fatigue (use only l per force):
7 to 8 +: 65 notes that follow the tables
9 or more: 80 ·I 0 if force 1s moderately fatigued
I. Troop Ratio (use only one per battle): ·30 if force is seriously fatigued
I lit Diec Factor:+ _ __


DEFENDER ONLY ADJUSTMENTS: Tactics Envelope • attempt to encircle foe

(Ignore if all attackers can fly ; use only half of Before each battle, each commander Trap • lure foe to an ambush
adjustment if 5 % or more of attackers can fly.) secretly chooses a Tactic from the Tactics H old • stand fast at all costs
Table. 'lb indicate the choice, place a d6 on Withdraw • retreat rather than fight
+ 10 if defending in place (holding) the table in front of you with the number of CJ, C2, C3 = casualties are increased by
+ 50 if defending a narrow defile, pass, or the plan face up, and cover it with your hand 10%, 20%, or 30%
bridge so that your opponent does not sec the num- C-1 • casualties are decreased by 10 %
+ 40 if attacker must cross deep water ber. After both players have calculated the + 10, + 25, etc. = add this number to the
(including river) modified BR of their forces, but before they force's BR
+ 20 if defending in mountains, hills, or have made their Combat Rolls (sec Deter- - I 0, -25, etc. - subtract this number from
rough terrain, or behind a wall mining Combat R esults) both players reveal the force's BR
+ 50 if force is in a stronghold (and see their tactical choices at the same time . NE • no effect
"Sieges") (Remember, the d6 is not rolled randomly; NC • no combat occurs, no losses arc
the die is placed to show each player's choice inflicted
Explanation of Adjustments and Terms of tactic. Do not use the same die that is used
I . Troop Rati o: Find the total number of for making Combat Rolls.) If it is conven- Combat Rolls
troops in each force, and divide the larger ient, each player can write his tactic number After players have determined the result
number by the smaller. Fractions are on a scrap of paper and reveal it at the proper from the Tactics Table (see Tactics), each
rounded in favor of the defender. Example: If time. player rolls d % (a Combat Roll), and adds
the total is 1.5 to 1.99, the 1.5 ratio is used, Cross-reference the two Tactics using the the modified BR to the Combat Roll result.
and so forth . Only the larger side benefits Tactics Table. If the res~1lt is NC/NC, no bat· The t0tal is the Combat Result. The player
from this adjustment, and only one benefit tic ocrnrs. All other outcomes are added to with the highest Combat Result wins the bat-
applies. the result from the Combat Results Table . tle.
Steeds arc only counted as members of a (NOTE: It does not matter which side is Side
force if their primary function is fighting A and which is Side B.) Applying Combat Results
(such as dragons) and not transportation
When the winner and loser of a battle have
(such as ho rses). Combat Results Table been identified, determine the effects of the
Difference Casualties Fatigue Location battle (casualties, fatigue, location, etc.) as
2. Morale : This reflects the confidence of a
W:L W:L W:L follows :
force. Troops that tight in their home terri-
1-8 0:10% N:N F:R Subtract the loser's Combat Result from
tory, that know that they can beat an oppo-
9-15 0:20% N:N F:R the winner's Combat Result, and find the dif-
nent, or arc of superior quality to the foe may
16-24 10 %:20% N:M F:R ference in the left-hand column of the Com-
benefit from one, some, or all of these. 25-30 N:M F:R +I
10%:30% bat Results Table. This hne of the table hsts
31-38 20%:40% M:S R:R the result for both forces.
3. Environment: Certain conditions may
39-50 0%:30% N:S F:R+2 Immediately subtract casualties from each
harm or help a force . Goblins in the daylight F+l:R+3
51-63 20%:50% M :S force from the total in the Armies booklet. If
are at a disadvantage, as arc fire giants in the 64-80 F+t:R+3 one or more sides arc Fatigued, plan· Moder-
30%:60% M:S
81-90 10%:50% N:S F+3. R +2 ately Fatigued or Seriously Fatigued markers
91-100 0%:30% N:Rout F + 3:Rou1 on the units on the game map.
4. 'Ibrrain : In many cases, the ground on F + 3:R out
101-120 20%:70% N:Rout When using the 1 hex • 24 mile scale,
which the battle is fought will give an advan· F+3:Rout
121- 150 10 %: 10% N:Rout "Location " results (except "Rout") are used
tage to one side or the other. Apply as many 151 + N:-- F+5:-- only when one forC'e chooses to leave the bat-
10 %: 100 %
of these modifiers as fit each force. Note that
tlefield (see "Withdrawal," below). A Loca-
some modifiers apply only to d efenders.
Notes: tion result of" Rout" means that the rouung
Determining the Defender: When two
Attack+ • forceful attack t0 overrun force ceases 10 exist as an army; see the sec-
forces arrive at the same location , they must tion on "Routed Units" for more detail.
Attack • close and combat
s1op moving. lf both forces choose to defend ,
neither gets the defender bonus. (See also the
special Movement Ru les, which help define Tactics Table
the defender when using the 1 hex 24 mile
map scale.) Side A 2 3 4 5 6
Attack+ Attack Envelope Trap Hold Withdraw
5. Immunities: This reflects the advantage
Side B
possessed by some creatures who cannot be 1 Attack+ -20/C2 C l /+ 10 + 20/C2 -25/C2 C3/+20
hit by normal weapons; gargoyles and lycan- C2/-20 Ci/Cl -10/CI + 10/Cl C-1/NE C2/+ 10
2 Attack
thropes arc some examples. 3 Envelope + 10/C I CJ/-10 NE/NE -20/C-I C2/ + 20 C-1/+ 10
4 Trap C2/+20 Cl/+10 C-11-20 NE/NE C- 1/-20 C-1 /C·l
6. Fatigue: 'froops may become fatigued as a +20/C2 -20/C-1 NC/ NC NC/ NC
5 Hold C2/-25 NFJC-1
Combat Result of a previous battle (see the 6 Withdraw + l0/C2 + 10/C-I C-1/C-I NC/ NC NC/ NC
+ 20/C3
Combat Results Table) or because of a forced
march. A/B A/B AIB A/ B A/ B AI B


Explanations: bat during a single turn, and effects of victo- week that he has earned so far. He does not
ries won in previous rounds. receive a + 5 BR bonus in the week of the
W - Winner attack (the army was preparing for the assault
L - Loser Mercy instead).
# % • The percent of the force killed or After a battle is fought and casualties have In a siege, the defender's ability to resist
wounded. Round fractions up. been determined, the winner of the battle depends upon his food supply. If the defender
N • The force is not Fatigued. may choose to show mercy to the loser. If so, has clerics of enough power to create magical
M - The force is Moderately Fatigued. this must be declared before the loser's casu- food and water for the besieged force, the
S - The force is Seriously Fatigued . alties have been subtracted. When Mercy is defender can resist a siege indefinitely. If not,
F - The force holds the battlefield after the defending player must determine how
shown, apply the following effects immedi-
the battle.
ately: long the food supply inside the city or town
R • The force must retreat from the will last (if no number suggests itself, use 4
field. I . The loser's casualties arc cut in half. weeks). Once food is exhausted, the defender
R + # • The force must retreat that number
loses 10% of his troops (not BR points) each
of terrain units (see SCENARIO 2. All wounded may be recovered, even ifthe
week until the siege ends.
R ULES). loser has been driven from the field.
F + # - The force may advance that number 3. A + 2 bonus applies to all the loser's future War Machine Optional Rules
of terrain units (see SCENARIO
Reaction Rolls involving the winner (includ-
RULES). The War Machine optional rules concern-
ing both leaders).
Rout • The force ceases to exist as such. ing Character Actions, Surprise, Leader
Survivors will appear at home I-JO 4. If the loser fights the winner again within Loss, and PC Heroics are not used in this
weeks later. 52 weeks, the loser receives a -20 penalty to adventure. Any battle involving PCs should
The force is completely destroyed. BR for that battle. be fought using the BATTLESYSTEM"'
No survivors will reach home. rules. When using War Machine rules to
Sieges fight battles on the map that do not involve
Combat Result Notes PCs , the DM should command Desert
If a force inside a city or town hex is
Casualties: When subtracting casualties, Nomad forces while the players control Daro-
attacked by another force, the force inside the
consider half of them as dead and the other kin forces .
town or city hex is automatically considered
half as wounded. Until they return to action,
the defender. If the defender chooses to leave Scenario Rules
they cannot be considered as part of that
the 'town or city hex, either to face the enemy
force's current troop strength.
head-on or to attempt an escape, the battle is The following rules apply only to this
If a force holds the field after the battle,
resolved normally. If the defender remains adventure and to wars fought on a I hex • 24
wounded troops can return to action in 4-16 mile map and a I game turn • 1 week time
inside the city or town hex, a siege occurs.
weeks. If a force retreats from the field, treat
Use the following rules for sieges. scale. They replace and supercedc all War
all wounded as killed. If a unit with wounded
Machine rules concerning Troop Movement
troops receives a Rout result in combat, all from the D&D® Companion Set fort.his pur-
In a siege, the defender receives the following
wounded troops arc automatically considered pose.
to have been killed.
When a force contains mixed troops (such
I . When calculating the Troop Ratio, multi- Game Map
as trolls and goblins), the casualties must be
ply the number of defending troops by 4.
split as evenly as possible between them. A large map is provided in the game.
2. The defender ignores any" Rout" results. Because this adventure normally takes sev-
In this adventure, make a note after each eral playing sessions to complete, try to find a
3. All defender casualties arc reduced by place where the map can be left set up. If you
battle of how many wounded troops, if any,
50 % . Round all fractions up.
are with the unit. Roll 4d4, and note after cannot, you will have to record the hex loca-
each group of wounded troops the week/ tion of the various armies at the end of each
The attacker has the following options: playing session in order to set up again for
game turn they can return to action.
I. The attacker can attack normally, using subsequent playing sessions.
Fatigue: Moderately fatigued troops return the above rules; OR The map scale is I hexagon (hex) • 24
to normal in I game turn. Seriously fatigued miles.
2. The attacker can "besiege" the defender
troops become moderately fatigued after I During play, use small pieces of tape to
by surrounding the town and keeping the
game turn. Fatigue has an effect on combat hold down the comers of the map. This keeps
defenders within the structure. This adds + 5
and on Forced Marching (see Scenario the map stationary and taut.
to the attacker's modified BR for each week
of the siege (the adjustment vanishes when
Game Pieces
the siege ends). This BR bonus represents the
Location: Location results are described fully A sheet of counters is provided in the
building of siege engines, and mining to
in the complete War Machine rules in the weaken the defender's position. game. The individual counters represent the
D&D® Companion Set. They are applied Each week that a siege lasts, the attacker forces that make up the armies of the individ-
when the map scale is a smaller ratio, such as can choose to make a normal attack against ual kingdoms throughout the D&D® game
I hex - 1 mile. See the Conducting Battle the defender, or continue to besiege. If he campaign world. These counters are "units."
rules that follow on multiple rounds of com- Other counters, called "markers," represent
attacks, the attacker adds the + 5 BR/per


other game functions: keeping track of game Forest( 1) Move 112 Normal hex adjacent to a enemy unit has been spot-
turns, recording the fatigue level of individ- Hills(2) Move 1/2 Normal ted. If the spotted unit continues to move in
ual units, and showing which units are cur- Road/Pass/Trail Move 2x Normal the same tum, the non-moving unit may be
rently encamped. Mountains(3) Move 1 Hex/Tum eligible to move and attack out of tum. This
A sample counter is shown below: Steppes No Effect is called an interception attack.
River CostS 2 MV Points to A unit can be intercepted if it intends to
Nationa~W Name Cross leave the hex in which it was spotted and
Symbol Lake Impassable enter a hex that docs not contain the unit that
6 153 Plateau Costs 3 MV Points to spotted it.
Cross If the non-moving player wants to inter-
MV BR City/Town No Effect cept, both players roll an Initiative die. If the
Broken Lands(3) Move I H ex/Turn non-moving player wins the roll, the inter-
Desert(4) Move 1/2 Normal ception is a success, and his units are immedi-
Occan(5) Impassable ately moved to the hex containing the
Time Scale Swamp/Mire/Marsh Move J/2 Normal intercepted units; the intercepted units can-
not move until after the combat, when they
The time scale in this adventure is J game NOTES: can move normally. If the moving player wins
turn - 1 week. Up to three rounds of combat I) No penalty for halflings or elves initiative, the interception fails.
may be fought in a single game turn. The 2) No penalty for halflings or dwarves If an interception succeeds, the intercept-
counter sheet contains counters marked "xi" 3) No penalty for dwarves or gnomes ing player must attack.
and "xlO." Place the "xi" counter on Tum 1 4) No penalty for desert inhabitants A unit can make several interception
of the Game Turn Track on the game map to 5) Certain units can travel across oceans as attempts in a single enemy movement phase,
begin the game, and advance it one space at special ability; sec Order of Battle but it can participate in only one successful
the conclusion of each game tum. When the auempt (and attack) per tum. A single unit
game reaches Turn 11 , place the "x I 0" Forced Marches can be intercepted several times in..,a single
counter and the "xi" counter both on the A force may attempt a Forced March to move, as long as each interception is by a dif-
Turn 1 space. Move the "x lO" counter ahead increase its movement rate, but this might ferent force.
one space for each ten game turns. not be successful. To attempt a force march, The interception procedure cannot be used
roll I d6 and consult the following table. A to prevent a unit from moving directly from
Order of Play force that is Seriously Fatigued may not the hex where it was spotted to the hex in
The Desert Nomads and their allies move attempt a forced march. which the spotting units arc located, for pur-
first in a game turn, and Darokin and its poses of normal combat.
allies moves second. Forced March Table A player must decide if he will try for an
interception at the time he becomes eligible to
Troop Die Roll
Movement try it. Ifhe refuses to try it, he cannot change
Class 2 3 4 5 6
his mind later.
The map scale is J hex • 24 miles. Each U ntrainecf' F+M F+S M M M
unit has a Movement Rate (MV) in hexes. Poor F F+M F+S N N M Conducting Combat
Infantry units have an MV of 4, cavalry units Below
have an MV of 6, and the party of player Ave. F F+M F+S F+S M M To conduct combat, a unit must move into
characters has an MV of 10. (Note that there Fair F F+M F+M F+M N N the hex occupied by an enemy unit. This ends
Average F F F+M F+M N M the unit's movement for that turn. Once this
are two counters provided for the PCs; this F F F+M F+M N N
Good is done, combat must occur. Up to three
allows the party to split up if desired. If the Excellent F F F F F+M s
PCs splits into more groups than there are rounds of combat can occur in a single game
Elite F F F F F+M F+M turn. Each round of combat is fought accord-
counters, make new counters or use the backs
of counters not currently in use.) ing to the War Machine rules. Casualties arc
F - Forced March successful; add 50% to
A unit may use some, none, or all of its taken for each round.
MV for current game tum.
movement rate each game turn. A unit's M • Force becomes Moderately Fatigued•. For the first round of combat in a game
movement rate can be affected by terrain, by tum, the player moving into the hex is the
S - Force becomes Seriously Fatigued.
fatigue, by supply status, or by forced march- attacker, and the other player, the defender.
N - Forced March fails, no fatigue.
ing. A unit cannot store up movement from For each subsequent round of combat, make
turn to turn. a normal Initiative roll using ld6. The win-
• If force is already Moderately Fatigued, it
ner of the roll chooses whether to attack or
becomes Seriously Fatigued with this result.
Terrain Effects on Movement defend for the next round.
Terrain conditions affect movement rates If, after three rounds of combat, neither
All results are cumulative. A result of F + S
according to the following table: force has been destroyed or routed, and nei-
indicates that the Forced March is successful,
ther force has elected to withdraw or retreat,
but that the force becomes Seriously Fatigued
Terrain Table the units remain in the same hex until the
next game turn, and combat continues.
Terrain Type Movement Effect Either unit in a hex can attempt to with-
Interception Combat
Clear No Effect draw from combat by choosing the Withdraw
Any unit that enters or passes through a


tactic. If the opposing player rhose anything (maximum of· I 0). or Forced March Result is not afTected
otht•r than the Attack+ tactic, the wtthdraw· On the appropriate game turn, place the
ing unit may move I hex away, regardless of routed unit on tht· rnpita.l c11y hex of its homt' Encam p me n t
whether the unit had already used its full kingdom. A unit can build a Camp by spending one
movement rate for the current ~ame tum. full game tum without moving or fighting .
once combat for that round has been Stacking An out of supply unit cannot build a camp .
resolved. If both players choose Wtthdra"'. Unns friendly to each other can freely (If a unit attempting 10 build a camp is
no combat takes place and both unit\ move I move through each other's hexes during attacked, the camp cannot be built that tum .)
hex away. If one player chooses Withdra"' movement, but no more than two friendly When a camp is built, place a Camp marku
and tht• other chooses Attack +, the attacker units can end their move stacked together. in the hex. The camp remaim in the hex unul
receives the On the M arch bonus, in addition This restriction 1s intt•nckd to prevent battles des1royed, even if the unit that built 11 leaves
to the result on the Tactics Table. from becoming too complex and timt'· the hex
Since a withdrawing unit remains adjacent consuming. Battles involving PCs, using the A unit encamped for one gamt• tum amo-
to its opponent, the opponent may choose to BATTLESYSTEM,.. rules, will become matically removes all fatigue A untt
auack under the Interception rule before the unwieldy if too many units are involved. t•nrnmped for t\.\o game turns can return
withdrawing unit can move away The stackin~ limn apphes only to units 50% of its wounded to full figh11ng \latu,.
The Location column of the Combat Any number of markers can be placed in a If an encamped unit is atta<:kt·d, II 1s auto·
Results Table lists various Retreat results. hex, and the Character Party and Master's matically the defender, and receives the + JO
BC'causc of the game scale in this adventure. Agents countC'rs do not count as un11s for bonus for defending in place and the + 20
the R + and F + results do not reler to map stacking. bonus for being "behind a wall."
hexes. However, they can be used 10 break oIT
contact with the enemy, as follows Comb ining Units Reinforcements
If the loser of a round of combat is required Two units can be combined into a larger Each nauon is assumed to retruit or draft
lCJ rNreat farther than the winner can pursue, unit at the owning player's discretion, if the new soldiers throughout the war These
the loser of that round can choose to With· two units ar<' of the same nationality. enlistmrnts can bring any one un11 back up to
draw and move I hex away. Combat for that The new unit has the total personnel of full strength once per game tum To receive
round has ended. (Example· 'l ht• F/R +I both units addt•d together. "lb calculate the this benefit, a unit must occupy a cap11al CH)'
and th<• F+ l/R +3 results allow the lo\er to BR of the new unit, d1v1de the troop size ol hc:o. for one enttre gamt' tum.
bn•ak coniact with the foe, 1ht• FIR and F + 31 the smaller unn by the troop size of the larger
R + 2 results do not.) unn M uh1ply that fraction by the BR of the Combin ing War Machine Rules
If the winner of a round of combat receive\ smaller un11. If the BR of the smaller unit is
with the BATTLESYSTEM"' Fan-
any F + result (F + I or greater). tht• winnn greater than the BR of the larger unit, add
can choose to Withdraw and move I ht•"< the result 10 the BR of the larger unn; other· tasy Combat Supplement
away. wise. subtrau the result to get the BR of the nu War Machine rules as modifit·d in thi,
new unit. adventure arc used only for c:ombat that does
Victory and Defeat not involve the player characters and their
A unit is considered to bt· tht• Victor in a Supply pnsonal troops Counters that rcpn:sc.-nt tht•
battle it it destroyed or routed the enemy PCs and their troops arc provided so that
To remain in supply, .1 unit must be able to
unit, or if it innict<'d greater casualties on the tht•ir movement relative to other forces rnn be
trace a Linc of Supply back to tht' capital rny
cn<'my than it rrreived. A victor is dt•tt·r· montlored When the PCs or their unit' rnmc
of its homeland. I he Iinc ran not pass
minrd after the entire combat 1s ovt·r. not into <ontact with any enemy forct''• u't' the
through an impassable hc:o. or a hex contain·
aftcr each round of combat BATrLESYSTE~1"' rule) for rt·•ol\'ing the
ing an enemy unit. A lint• of supply rannot
The vie tor of a battle receives,, p<'rmanent combat
pass through a hex adjan·nt to an cncmr unit
+I bonus 10 BR each time (RR cannot be Of couf'oe, you can u<e the BA'rI Ll:.SYS-
unless a fricndly unit i' in the hex being
increased more than + 10 this "'ay). tht• loser TEM"' Supplemt'nt to re\o)ve any of th<' bat·
traced through.
rt•ceives a ptrmanent ·I 10 RR onl)· if 11 routs tics m this adventure, but you will find it
A unit that n1nnot trace a line of supply at
(BR rnnnot be reduced more than 10 point much more time-consuming than \Var
the end of a gamr tum is Out of Supply. A
this way). Make a note of which unit thl· v1t·· Machine
unit that 1s out of supply for an entire game
101 ious unit defeated; it receives a bonus to Certain terms, su<h as "Rout," have very
turn becomes Modt•ratt•ly Fatigued. If the
morale if it fights the unit again. different meanings in thr RATTLESYS·
unit is already Modcratdy Fatigued, it
TEM"' rules and m the War Machine rules
becomes Seriously Faugucd.
Routed Uni ts Apply the meaning that is appropriate for the
A unit that is out of supply for two entirc
If a unit routs, subtract the t·asua.lties svstem you are using for the individual com·
game tu ms bernme~ seriouslv fatigued.
required by the final round of rnmbat, then bat
A seriously fatigued unit that is out of sup·
roll ldlO to find how many week\ pas~ before
ply cannot move . It fights only when
the survivors return home Place the unit on
Order of Battle
the Game Turn Track for the turn in which it
If an out of supply unit becomes in supply Bt'rnuse the forces of The Master bc.-gin the
will reappear. Subtract 50% of th<' remaining
again, 11 immediatt·ly removes any fatigue it \.\Ur by a pre-emptive attack on the c11v of
troops of the routed unit, and rernrd the final
received as a result of being out of supply. Akesoh, the forces of the Desert Nomads
strength of the unit in the Armies book.let.
However, fauguc caused as a Combat Result receive a free tum to begin the adventure.
Subtract I from the unit's permanent BR


Mobilization of the Army of Darokin takes ATRUAGHIN CLANS ETHENGAR KHANATE

one full turn, so the Desert Nomads can move
Place all Atruaghin Clan counters on the Place units anywhere in the borders of the
unopposed on the second turn, as well. After
map anywhere in the plateau area. Khan ate.
that, Darokin and its allies (as it recruits
them) can move and fight normally.
Not all units appear on the board simulta· ARMY OF THE FIVE SHIRES
neously. Both the armies of the Desert Place Shire counters anywhere within the
Nomads and of Darokin follow a regular borders of the Five Shires.
reinforcements schedule in getting new
troops. The arrival of the troops of other ROCKHOME EXPEDITIONARY
kingdoms depends largely on the diplomatic FORCE
efforts of the player characters. The schcd·
uled arrival and location of the forces of each Place dwarven counters anywhere inside
country are according to the following table. the borders of Rockhome to the east of the
Do not place units on the map until the lake.
owning country enters the war. T he player or
side that controls the country can place the ARMY OF ALFHEIM
units as desired, within the limits of the Place Alfheim units anywhere within the
Order of Battle below. Canolbarth Forest.


Turn I: Legion of Doom, 1st-4th Army Place Karameikos units anywhere within
Headquarters, !st-20th Divisions. Place the the borders of the Grand Duchy.
Legion of Doom counter on the city of Sayr
U lan. Remaining units can be placed any· KINGDOM OF IERENDI
where to the west of the border with
Atruaghin and Darokin, and south of Lake Place units on the main island near the
Hast . capital city.
Turn 4: 5th Army Headquarters, 21st-25th
Divisions. These units arrive on the western MI NROT HAD GUILDS
map edge between the Salt Swamp and the Place units on the main island near the
mountains to the north. capital city.
Turn 8: 6th Army Headquaners, lst·Sth
Guards. These units arrive on the western IMPERIAL ARMY OF T HYATIS
map edge like the 5th Army.
Place units within the borders of Thyatis
ARMY OF T HE REPUBLIC OF DARO· south of the Ahan Tepe mountains.
Turn 2: L1'gions I·XV. Place these units any·
where within the Republic of Darokin bor· Place units on the Zcaburg city hex.
ders east of Lake Amsorak.
Turn 3 + : Legions XV I-XXX. Each game ARMY OF THE EMIRATE
turn beginning with 11.irn 3, place 2 Legions OFYLARUM
in hexes adjoining the city of Darokin. If Place lst·7th Divisions anywhere in the
Darokin falls to the enemy, place new legions Alasiyan Desert within 5 hexes of the city of
in Akorros, which becomes the new capital Ylarum. Each turn after Ylarum enters the
city. I f Akorros also falls, Corunglain war, add I new division in the Ylarum city
becomes the capital. If Corunglain falls , hex.
Sclenica becomes the capital. If all its cities
fall to the enemy, Darokin is defeated. All ARMY OF THE JARLS OF SODER·
legions on the game map surrender to the FORD
enemy, and no new legions arrive.
Place units anywhere in the borders of
Place all Glantri counters on the map
with in 5 hexes of Glantri City. Place units anywhere in the K ingdom of
Vcstland; one unit must start in the city of


Juggernaut The treasure may be found only afccr chc Tabi

crcarurc is dead
Armor Class: 6 ~ o Appearing: 1-4
Wood Stone
( 1-4)
WOOD JUGGERNAUT This cypc of jug-
Armor Class: 6 0 Hu Dace 5 Save As M5
25• • 30 ·· gernaut normally appears as a large wooden
Hit Dice: Move: 60' (20') Morale 6 ( 12)
building on rollers. It is 20' co 30' call. hs
Move: 120' (4-0') 90'(30') Flying 240' (80')
saving chrow againsc everything excepc magi·
Auacks: 1 crush 1 crush Attacks: 2 claws Treasure T ype. Nil
cal fire is 5. A wood juggcrnauc receives no
Damage: 8-80 10-100 Damage: 1-4/ 1-4 Alignment : Chaotic
saving throw against magical fire attacks.
No. plus Special
Appearing: 0(1) 0(1)
S10NE JUGGERNAUT: This type of jug·
Save As: Special Special A tabi is a small, winged ape-like creature
gcrnauc appears as a small pyramid or huge
Morale: 12 12 about the size of a large housecat. Its body as
statue on rollers It is 40' to 50' tall Scone
'Treasure covered wnh a long golden fur while its wings
Juggernauts arc immune to all non-magical
Type: G Mand N are leathery membranes, like a bai's. It gives
weapons, and can be damaged only by magi·
Alignment: Neutral Neutral off a stench of rot that can be smelled at up to
cal weapons, spells, or spell-like effects. h s
I 00' feet A ta bi is intelligent and clever and
saving throw against everything is 4. Stone
Juggernauts arc huge magical machines speaks its own language
juggernauts can crush small buildings, even
They look like houses, pyramids, or statues In combat, a tabi fights wnh lls sharp
those made of stone.
mounted on great rollers. They are magically claws, which drip with a crystal-blue venom
animated and have some awareness of their Anyone hn by a tabi, must make a saving
surroundings, allowing them to hunt and kill. throw vs Paralysis. A character who fails to
They are made of wood or stone. save will be deluded, attacking any creature
Juggernauts are very maneuverable. They or character adjacent to him A deluded char·
can stop, back up, or turn in one round, (Crcarures designed by David "Zeb" Cook.) acter can fight only with weapons or bare
allowing them to attack creatures in front, hands, but does so to the best of his ability.
behind, or alongside in the same round. They The delusion lasts 2-12 turns, or until a neu·
attack by rolling over the v1cum wnh their tra11ze poison is cast on the victim . A tab1 also
huge wheels. These rollers are 30' wide, has a 40 % chance to pick pockets, move
making it possible for juggernauts to attack silently. and hide in shadows Its prefers to
more than one target in their path If there is ambush a character and then hide in shddows
only one target in a given direction, the while the deluded victim auacks others
attack is made normally. If there are two or A tabi has a very long lifespan, during
more targets in the path, each target is first which it gathers much information about
allowed to make a saving throw vs. Dragon ancient legends and forgotten lore
Breath. Targets that make their saving throw It is possible for high level magic-users to
have managed to get out of the path of the research a spell that will bind a tab1 to his
juggernaut. Those that fail their saving throw service If the spell is researched and worded
will be hit by the juggernaut if it rolls its hit properly, the tabi remains an service to the
roll number against that target. A separate magic-user until one or the other dies . While
roll is made for each target. enspelled, the tabi is absolutely loyal to the
All juggernauts have the same immunities: character commanding it. In such cues, the
all non-magical missile fire , sleep, charm, M orale in parenthesis should be used An
and hold spells, and poison. enspelled tabi also assists its master by telling
A juggernaut carries its treasure inside it. informauon that it knows.

harming-, plate mail armor + 3, shield of Aerial Servant: Range 60'; duration I day
energy drain + 2• , ring of spell turning, per level of the caster; effect, servant fetches
boots of levitation, potion of speed, and a one item or creature.
scroll containing dispel magic, insect plague, An aerial servant is a very intelligent
and linger of death. He has the following humanoid being from the Ethereal Plane.
spells memorized: With this spell, the cleric summons one of
these beings, which appears immediately.
Level J: cure light wounds (x2), detect good, The cleric must then describe one creature or
d etect magic, protection from good, fear item to the scrvam, or else it will depart . The
(x2), resist cold approximate location of the target must also
Level 2: cu rse (x2), hold person (x2), know be named. When it hears this description and
alignment, silence 15 'radius (x2), snake location, the servant leaves to find the item or
charm creature and bring it to the cleric. The ser-
Level 3: continual darkness (x2), blindness vant will take as much time as needed, up to
(x2), locate object, curse (x2), srriking the limit of the duration.
Level 4: animate dead, cause serious wounds The aerial servant has 18 Strength, and
(x2), dispel magic (x2), poison (x2) can carry up to 5,000 en. It can become ethe-
Level 5: commune (x2). insccr plague (x2), real at will, and thus can travel to most places
finger of death (x3) easily. However, it cannot pass a prorection
Level 6: aerial servant•, barrier• (x2), speak from evil spell effect. If it cannot perform its
with monsters (x2), word of recall duty within the duration of Lhe spell, the ser-
The Master of the Desert Nomads Level 7: eanhquake• (x2 ), holy word• (x2), vant becomes insane and returns to attack the
life drain • (x2) caster.
30th level human Cleric
Armor Class: -4 Strength: 16 All spells and magic items marked with an Barrier: Range 60'; duration 12 turns; effect,
Class/Level: C30 Intelligence: 13 asterisk( •) are described in the D&D® Com- creates whirling hammers.
Hit Points: 77 Wisdom: 18 panion Set. Use the following descriptions if This spell creates a magical barrier in an
No. of Attacks: I Dexterity: 16 you do not own the D&D® Companion Set. area up to 30' in diameter and 30' high . The
Damage: 2-12 +3 Constitution: 18 barrier is a wall of whirling and dancing ham-
Move: 120'(40') Charisma: 18 Scaff of Harming-; The staff of harming func- mers, obviously dangerous. Any creature
Save As: C30 tions similarly to a reversed staff of healing, passing through the barrier takes 7-70 points
Morale: 12 but at the cost of l charge per creature of damage from the hammers (no saving
Alignment: Chaotic harmed. It inflicts 2-7 points of damage if it throw). This spell is often used to block an
touches any creature (no saving throw); a entrance or passage.
The origin of The Master is shrouded in normal hit roll may be required. This is in The reverse of this spell (remove barrier)
mystery. He is believed to be incredibly addition to normal weapon damage ( 1-6 destroys any one barricrcrcated by a cleric. It
ancient. There is evidence that he has pro- points}, if applicable. The staff can also cre- can also be used to destroy a magic-user's
longed his life by stealing bodies from others ate the following effects, with the costs noted. wall of ice, wall of fire, or wall of scone spell
and transferring his life force into them . Each effect is identical to the reversed form of effect. It will not affect a wall of iron
The tribes of the desert and the people of a cleric spell. Note that the use of this staff is a
the theocracy of Huie worship The Master as Chaotic act. The Master's staff has 20 Earthquake: Range 120 yards; durauon
a god, and gladly follow him, even to their charges. turn; effect, causes earth tremors.
deaths. This powerful spell causes a section of
The Master has long sought world domi- Staff of Harming Table earth to shake, and opens large c racks in the
nation, first for its own sake (as chronicled in ground. A 17th level caster can affect an area
Cause blindness 2 charges
X4 and X5), and more recently as part of a up to 60' square, adding 5' to each dimen-
Cause disease 2 charges
search for Immortality in the Sphere of sion with each level of experience thereafter.
Cause serious wounds 3 charges
Entropy, a mysterious concept not readil y A 30th level easter can affect an area up to
Create poison 4 charges
understood. 125 ' square.
The Master is very confident , sometimes Within the area of effect, all small dwell-
Shield of Energy Drain + 2: This appears to
to his detriment, and is prone to gloating. He ings are reduced to rubble, and larger con-
be a normal shield + 2. If the proper com-
is close to no one except his chief henchman, structions arc cracked open. Earthen
mand word is spoken , the shield can be
Alrcthus the Wizard. formations (hills, cliffsides) form rockslides.
charged. If the shield's user is hit while
The Master is sometimes known as H osa- Cracks in the earth may open and engulf I
"charged," the attacker must make a saving
dus. It is not known whether Hosadus is his creature in 6 (determined randomly), crush-
throw vs. Rod/Staff/Spell or lose l level, as if
real name. ing them.
hit by a wight. This special property of the
Natural abilities give him + 2 to his hit roll
shield is usable once per day, and lasts until it
and damage (already figured above), + 3 on Holy Word: Range O; duration instantane-
drains a level. Use of this shield is a Chaotic
saving throws against magical attacks, and -2 ous; effect, all creatures within 40 ' .
on his Armor C lass (also figured above). This spell affects all creatures, friend or
H e has the following magic items: staff of foe, within a circular area of 40' radius, cen-

cered on the caster. When the cleric casu chis you nger than he is. His own body is incredi- Power Word Stun: Range 120'; duration 2-
spell, all creatures of alignmenc other than bly ancient in appearance. If he captures 12 or 1-6 turns; effect, stuns 1 creature with
the cleric's are affected as follows: young, strong adventurers, he may decide to 70 hit points or less.
take over the best body by means of a magic This spell enables the caster to stun one
Up to 5th level: Killed jar spell. victim within 120' (no saving throw). A vic-
Levels 6-8: Stunned 2-20 turns Currently, he runs the day-to-day opera- tim with 1-35 hit points is stunned for 2-12
Levels 9-12: Deafened 1-6 turns tions of the G reat War. He is extremely intel- rounds; one with 36-70 hit points is stunned
Levels 13 + : Stunned 1-10 rounds ligent, and a capable manager, but docs not for 1-6 rounds. Any creature with 71 or more
have the spark of charismatic leadership that hit points cannot be affected. A stunned vic-
Any victim of 13 levels or more or of the makes The Master so formidable. While The tim is unable to attack or cast spells, and suf-
same alignment as the caster, may make a Master is alive, Alrethus is loyal to him unto fers a -4 penalty on all saving throws for the
saving throw vs. Spells to avoid the effect death. But if The Master should die, Alre- duration of the spell.
entirely. thus flees to protect himself.
This powerful spell cannot be blocked by Natural abilities give him a + 2 bonus to Dance: Range touch; duration 3 or more
stone, nor by any other solid material except Armor Class (already figured in). Alrethus rounds; effect, causes 1 victim to dance.
lead. It can be blocked by an anti-magic shell. has the following magic items: wand of para- This spell causes one victim to prance
lyzacion, ring of protection + 5, potion of madly about, performing a jig or other
Life Drain: Range touch; duration perma- polymorph self, ring of spell turning, staff of dance, for 3 or more rounds. The victim gets
nent; effect, drains one level. wizardry, and a dagger + 2, + 3 vs. elves, no saving throw, and cannot attack, use
This spell drains one level of experience dwarves, and ha/flings. A spell book contain- spells or spell-like abilities, or flee. While
from the victim touched, just as if touched by ing the following spells is hidden in a secret dancing, a -4 penalty applies 10 the victim's
a wight or wraith. The casting of this spell is a compartment underneath the dining table in saving throws, and a + 4 penalty to Armor
Chaotic act. The Master's tent, and cannot be found Class as well.
unless the PCs specifically search for secret The magic-user muse touch the victim for
doors there. H e has the following spells mem- the spell to cake effect (a normal hit rolJ). The
orized: duration is 3 rounds for a caster of 18th to
20th level.
Level 1: charm person, detect magic, magic
missile, read magic, shield, sleep Mass Charm: Range 120'; duration special
Level 2: continua/ light, detect invisible, (as charm person spell); effect, 30 levels of
ESP, invisibility, phantasmal force creatures.
Level 3: dispel magic, lire ball, fly, haste, pro- This spell creates the same effect as a
tection from normal missiles charm person or charm monster spell, except
Level 4: charm monster, confusion, halluci- that 30 levels (or Hit Dice) of victims may be
natory terrain, ice storm, wall of lire affected at once. Each victim may make a
Level 5: animate dead, cloudkill, conjure ele- saving throw vs. Spells to avoid the charm,
mental, magic jar but with a -2 penalty to the roll. The spell
Level 6: anti-magic shell, death spell, disinte- docs not affect a creature of 31 or more levels
grate, flesh to stone or Hit Dice.
Level 7: mass invisibility•, power word The duration of each charm is determined
stun • by the victim's Intelligence (sec the D&D®
Level 8: dance •, mass charm • Basic Dungeon Master Rulebook, page 14).
Alrethus the Wizard If the magic-user attacks one of the charmed
All spells marked with an asterisk (°) are victims, only that creature's charm is auto-
19th level human Magic-user
described in the D&n«> Companion Set. Use matically broken. Any other charmed crea-
Armor Class: 2 Strength: 9 the following descriptions if you do not own tures that see the attack may make another
Class/Level: M19 Intelligence: 18 the D&D® Companion Set. saving throw, but charmed creatures that do
Hit Points: 40 Wisdom: 13 not sec the attack arc not entitled to make
No. of Attacks: 1 Dexterity : 16 Mass Invisibility: Range 240'; duration per- another saving throw.
Damage: 1-4 + 2 Constitution: 15 manent until broken; effect, many creatures
Move: 120'(40') Charisma: 12 or objects.
Save As: M19 This spell bestows invisibility (as the 2nd
Morale: 12 level spell) on several creatures. All the recip-
Alignment: Chaotic ients must be within an area 60' square and
within 240' of the magic-user. The spell will
Alrethus has been the second-in-command affect up to 6 dragon-sized creatures, or up to
and personal assistant to The Master for 300 man- sized creatures (treating one horse
many years. He is not blessed with The M as- as 2 men). After the spell is cast, each crea-
ter's strange longevity, but has perpetuated ture becomes invisible, along with all equip-
his life far beyond the norm by using his ment carried.
magic jar ability to capture bodies of people


UNIT ROSTERS Each individual army 2nd DIVISION (Nomads) I Ith DIVISION (Nomads)
MV 4, BR 103 MV 4, BR 103
counter used in the game is described here, Personnel: 1, 162 Personnel: 1,162
and there is space for players and DMs to Troop Class: Good Troop Class: Good
mark what happened to that individual unit. Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR


3rd DIVISION (Nomads) 12th DIVISION (Nomads)
LEGION OF DOOM MV4 , BR 103 MV 4, BR 103
MV6, BR 220 Personnel: 1,162 Personnel: I, 162
Personnel: 1,428 Troop Class: Good Troop Class: Good
Troop Class: Excellent
Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Banies Current BR
1roop Losses Banlcs Current BR

4th DIVISION (Nomads) 13th DIVISION (Nomads)

ht ARMY HEADQUARTERS (Nomads) MV4, BR 103 MV4, BR 103
MV 6, BR 153 Personnel: 1,162 P~rsonnel: 1, 162
Personnel: 395 Thoop Class: Good Troop Class: Good
1\-oop Class: Excellent
Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Troop Losses Battles Current BR

5th DIVISION (Nomads) 14th DIVISION (Nomads)

2nd ARMY HEADQUARTERS (Nomads) MV 4, BR 103 MV 4, BR 103
MV 6, BR 153 Personnel: I, 162 Penonnel: I, 162
Personnel: 395 Troop Class: Good Troop Class: Good
Troop Class: Excellent
Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Troop Losses Battles Current BR

6th DIVISION (Nomad•) 15th DIVISION (Nomads)

3rd ARMY H EADQUARTERS (Nomad•) MV 4, BR 103 MV 4, BR 103
MV 6, BR 153 Personnel: I, 162 Penonnel 1,162
Personnel: 395 Troop CJa51: Good Troop Class: Good
1roop Class: Excellent
1\-oop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Troop Losses Battles Current BR

7th DIVISION (Nomads) 16th DIVISION (Nomads)

4th ARMY HEADQUARTERS (Nomads) MV 4, BR 103 MV 4, BR 103
MV 6, BR 153 Personnel 1, 162 Personnel I, 162
Personnel: 395 Troop Class: Good Troop Class· Good
1roop Class: Excellent
Troop Losse• Battles Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Troop Losses Battles Current BR

8th DIVISION (Nomads) 17th DIVISION (Nomads)

5th ARMY HEADQUARTERS (Nomads) MV 4, BR 103 MV 4 , BR 103
MV 6, BR 153 Personnel · I , 162 Penonnel: I , 162
Personnel · 395 Troop Class Good Troop Class Good
Troop Class: Excellent
1\-oop Lo...s Battles Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Troop Losses Battles Current BR

9th DIVISION (Nomads) 18th DIVISION (Nomads)

6th ARMY HEADQUARTERS (Nomads) MV 4, BR 103 MV 4 , BR 103
MV 6, BR 153 Personnel: 1,162 Penonnel I, 162
Personnel 395 Troop ClaM Good Troop Class Good
Thoop Class· Excellent
Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losse1 Battle• Current BR
Troop Lossc1 Battles Current BR

10th DIVISION (Nomads) 19th DIVISION (Nomads)

ht DIVISION (Nomads) MV 4, BR 103 MV4 , BR 103
MV 4, BR 103 Personnel: I, 162 Penonncl: 1,162
Personnel: 1, 162 Troop Class· Good Troop Class· Good
Troop Class: Good
Troop Losses Battle1 Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Troop Losses Battles Current BR

MV 4. BR 103 M'v 4, BR 7Z MV I>, SR 15'1
Personnd: I , 162 Personnel 892 Pcnonnd 862
troop Clu• Good Troop Class Troop F.Jt4cUcnt
Battles Currmt BR Troop Lones Bau lea Current BR Troop l.osvs Rattles Cu,.,.,nt BR

'Zh1 DIVISION (Nomadl) ~th GUARDS ( Nomad.) ARMY OF PRl!l'CEJAGCAR

MV 4 , BR 101 MV 4, BR 72 MV 6, BR ts<J
Personnel . 1,162 Pcnonnd 892 Pcr1<>nnrl . 862
1roop Cius (;ucxl Troop Clau Fair Troup Exullcn1
'Truop l;011e1 8n11lc1 Current BR Ba11ks Cu,.,.,nt BR Battin Currcn1BR


MV 4, BR 103 M\' i , BR 72 MV Ii, RR IS<l
Personnel I • 162 Prr110nncl 892 Ptrwnnd 862
'Troop Chm Cood Troop Ct ....: fair fn'IOp Class Ex<clknt
Troop Louet Baulcs Curttnt BR Troop 1-tes RattlM Current BR lbnks Curnnt BR

23rd DIVISION (Nomad1) 7th GtJAROS ( Noni.ado} ARMY Of' PRINCF-"-C\ CAR.NELIA
MV 4, BR 103 MV4. BR 72 M\i Ii. RR IS'l
Pennnntl I, 162 Prnonnel 892 Pcnonn.l 862
Troop Cl""~ Cooo Troop Clas• Fatr Troop Clu• y(rllrnt
Troop Lo••ca Ba1tles Current BR Troop Loues Ba1tk1 Currrn1 BR BauIr• Currrnt BR

2'11h DIVISION (Nornadi) 8th GUARDS (Nomads) A1 RUACHI~ CLANS

MV 4, RR 103 MV4, BR 72
Prrl<lnncl l , I 62 Prrvmnd R<l2
Troop (:tiw (;o<!d Tmnp Clan F•1r MV '>,BR 120
Tm<1p l.Otl<'I RAHies Cul"T1'nl BR B.1.nlrt Cu1TCn1 BR Prnnnntl. 1162
Troop CliUI Coad
Troop,...,....,, Battin Cu'"'"' BR


Prraonnrl I, 162 HORSf. Cl.A'I
lroop Clau Good ARMY OF PRINC'F.Jllf.REK MV 6, RR 120
MV b, BR 1.59 Pr...,,no•I "'12
Trc>01l l,ouc• Baulcs Currrnl RR. Prr1nnnd · 862 Troop Clau G<>nd
Troop Clan Excellent
lh1tlc1 Currcnl RR
Curr.nt BR
h• CU AR.US (Nomads)
MV 4, BR. 7'2
Per1onnrl 691 'f ICER. C: l.A~
Troo11 c1..... FAll ARM\ 01' PRl;>.;Cf. MORPHAll. M\i'b, 1211
M\i 6, BR IS9 Prtv1nnrl tilj2
Truop 1..o.,ct lla11lca Curttm BR Pcroonod 862
Troup Clu~ Cood
lroop Clas> ExcrUtnt
Troop l..os>e• B•nk• Currrnt BR
a....... Cur!'<'nt RR

2nd GUARDS (Nnm~d•)

MY 4, BR 72
PrrM>nnrl 8'12 WOt.F C'l.A:-i
Troop C:la": l'nir ARMY OF PRINCE llRANNAR I MV 6, l\R 120
MV 6, SR 15<l PrNt<innrl 662
1l-oop L<11'C• Ra11lc1 Cu,.,.,nt BR Pcnonnd 862 hoop Clau Good
Troop Class Ex<dkn1
Troop 1.o•.I<'• Batdc1 Cu,.,.,n1 llR
Troop Lossa Bani•• Curttn1 BR
3nl GUARDS (Nomads)
MV4, BR 72
Prnonnd 892 BOAR Cl.A~
Troop CllW fair ARMY OF PRINCE VOLOliPIN M\ b, BR 120
MV 6, BR 159
rroop Lo...,. Battla Cu,.,.,n1 BR. Pcnonnct 862
Pcrwnnd 1\62
Troc>p Clus Good
Troop Cius Exttllrnt
Battlet Currrnt RR
Troop Lona Banlc• Current BR

MV 6, BR 120 MV 4, BR 73 MV 4, BR 73
Personnel: 662 Personnel : 1,160 Personnel · 1,160
Troop C lass: Good Troop Class: Fair Troop Class: Fair
Troop Losses Battle• Currcnl BR Troop Losses Battles Curren1 BR Troop Losses Bai ties Current BR


MV 6, BR 120 MV 4 , BR 73 MV 4 , BR 73
Personnel: 662 Personnel : 1,160 Personnel: 1, 160
lroop Class: Good Troop Class: Fair Troop Class: Fair
Troop Losses Battles Currcnl BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop LosS<Os Banies Current BR


MV 4, BR 73 MV4, BR 73
I LEG ION Personnel : 1,160 Personnel: 1, 160
MV 6 , BR 182 Troop Class: Fair Troop Class: Fa.Jr
Personnel: 1,091
1roop Class: Excellent Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR
' lroop Losses Banles Current BR


MV 4, BR 73 MV 4, BR 73
II LEG IO N Personnel: I , 160 Personnel· I, 160
MV 6 , BR 182 Troop Class: Fair Troop Class: Fair
Personnel: 1,091
Troop Cliw: Excellent Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Ba111.,, Current BR
Troop Losses Battles Current BR


MV 4, BR 73 MV4 . BRH
Ill LEGION Penonntl 1,160 Per-onnel 667
MV 4, BR 73 Troop Cius: F•ir Troop Cius Below Average
Personnel: l,Hi-0
Troop Class: f'air Troop Losses llanlcs Current BR Troop l,osses Bat des Current BR
Troop I .osses Battles Currcn1 BR

MV 4, BR 73 Personnel · 667
IV LEGION Personnel· 1,160 Troop Class Below Average
MV 4, BR 73 Troop Class· Fair
Personnel · I, 160 Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Troop Claw ~·air Troop Losses Battles Curren1 BR

1roop Loss« Battles Curren1 BR

MV 4 , BR 73 Personnel 667
V LEG IO N Personnel· 1,160 Troop Class Below Average
MV 4, BR 73 ' lroop Class Faor Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Personnel 1, 160
Troop C lass: Fair Troop Losses Battles Current BR

Troop Losses Battles Current BR

MV 4, BR 73 Personnel 667
VI LEG ION Personnel: 1, 160 Troop Class: Below Avcra11e
MV 4, BR 73 froop Class Fair 'lroop Losses Battles Current BR
Personnel : I, 160
1roop Claw F&ir Troop Losses Bae des Current BR

Troop Losses Bat des Current BR

MV 4, BR 73 Personnel: 667
VII LEGION Personnel. l, 160 Troop Class: Below Average
MV 4, BR 73 Troop Class Fair Troop Losses Bani cs Current BR
Personnel : 1,160
Troop Class: Fair Troop Losses Battles Current BR

Troop Losses Battles Current BR

MV4, BRH MV4, BR 113 MV 6, BR 17S
Penonnd ; 667 Penonnd: 994 Ptnonncl H6
Troop Clua· Below Average Troop Class· Good Troop Class· Excdlent
Troop Lones Battlct Current BR Troop Losses Battles Cur...,nt BR Troop Lossco Battles Current BR


MV4, BRH MV4 , BR 113
Pcnonnel: 667 Penonnd: 994 ht DWARF FOOT
Troop Cius: Below Average Troop Class: Good MV 4, BR98
Ptnonncl: 1,242
Troop Losse1 Ba11le1 Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Cius: Good
Troop Losses Battles Current BR


MV4, BRH MV 4, BR 113
Personnel: 667 Personnel: 994 2nd DWARF FOOT
lroop Cius: Below Average Troop Cius: Good MV 4, BR 98
Personnd · 1,242
lroop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Baules Current BR Troop Class Good
Troop Losses Baulcs Current BR


lroop Clua. Below Average MV6, BR 17S MV 4, BR 98
Pcnonncl · 746 Pcnonncl 1,242
Troop Losses Baules Current BR Troop Class: Excellent 1roop Class· Good
Troop Losses Battles Current BR lroop Losses Banks Current BR

Personntl 667 2nd ELVEN IRREG ULARS 4th DWARF FOOT
lroop Cius· Below Avrrage MV6, BR 175 MV 4 , BR 98
Personnel 746 Ptrsonncl 1,242
1roop Losses Baulcs Current BR Troop Cius· Excellent lroop Class Good
Troop Losses Baules Currrnt BR lroop Losses Battlea Current BR


MV 4, BR 113 MV 6, BR 175 MV 4, BR 98
Personnel: 994 Personnel: 746 Ptrsonn•I· 1,242
Th>op Class: Good lroop Class: Excellent lroop Claw Good
Troop Losses Ba11le1 Current BR 1Toop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Baules Cu rrent BR

MV 4, BR 113 MV 6, BR 175 MV 4, BR 98
Personnel · 994 Penonnel 746 Pcrsonnd 1,242
lroop Cius: Good lroop Class Excellent Troop Class Good
lroop Losses Baul cs Current BR Troop Losses Baules Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR

MV 4, BR 113 MV 6, BR 175 MV 4, BR 98
Penonnel · 994 Penonncl 746 Ptrsonncl 1.242
1roop Class Good Troop Class Excellent Troop Class Good
Troop Losxs Baulcs Current BR Troop Losses Ba.ulcs Current BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR


MV4, BRll 3 MV 6, BR 175 MV 4, BR98
Personnel: 994 Personnel: 746 Personnel I ,'242
Troop Claas: Good Troop Class: Excdlcnt Troop Class Good
Th>op Losses BattlCI Current BR Troop Losses Battl.s Current BR Troop LoSS<:s Baul es Current BR

Personnel: 3,310
ht ROYAL BRIGADE Troop Class: Good
MV 4, BR 108 MV 4, BR 177 1\-oop Losses Battles Current BR
Personnel: 996 Personnel: 832
Troop Class: Average Troop Class: Excellent
Troop Losses Baul es Currenl BR Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Personnel: 3,310
2nd ROYAL BRIGADE Troop Class: Good
MV 4, BR 108 MV+, BR 177 1\-oop Los..,s Battles Cum:nt BR
Personnel: 996 Personnel: 832
Troop Class: Average Troop Class: Excellent
Troop Losses Battles Current BR Troop Losses Ba1tlcs Current BR
1st DIVISION (Ylaruam)
8th MILITIA DIVISION Personnel: 715
MV 4, BR 108 MV 4, BR 177
Personnel: 832 Troop Class: Excellent
Personnel: 996
Troop Class: Average Troop Class: Excellent Troop Losses Baul cs Current BR
Troop Losses Bau lcs Cum:nt BR Troop Losses Bau Jes Currcn1 BR

2nd DIVISION (Ylaruam)

9th MILITIA DIVISION Personnel: 715
MV 4, BR 108 1st HOME GUARDS 'Troop Class: Excellent
Porsonnel: 996 MV 6, BR 143
Troop Class: Average Personnel · 1,018 Troop 1..o...,s Battles Cum:nt BR
Troop Losses Baules Current BR Troop Cius: Good
Troop Losses Battles Current BR
3rd DIVISION (Ylaruam)
MV6, BR 151
10th MILITIA DIVISION Personnel: 715
MV+, BR 108 2nd HOME GUARDS Troop Class· Excellent
Personnel: 996 MV 6, BR 143
Troop Cius: Average Penonnel· 1,018 Troop Losses Bau Jes Current BR
Troop Losses Baulcs Current BR Troop Class: Good
1\-oop Losses Baules Current BR
4th DIVISION (Ylaruam)
MV 6, BR 151
I hh MILITIA DIVISION Personnel: 715
MV 4, BR 108 IMPERIAL ARMY OF THYATIS Troop Class · Excellent
Personnel: 996
Troop Class: Average 14th IMPERIAL COHORT 'Troop Losses Battles Current BR
'Iroop Losses Baules Current BR MV 4, BR 91
Personnel: 3,310
Troop Clan: Good
Troop Losses Baules Current BR 51h DIVISION (Ylaruam)
MV6, BR 151
121h MILITIA DIVISION Personnel· 7 I 5
MV 4, BR 108 Troop Claw Excellent
Personnel: 996
'Iroop Class: Average 15th IMPERIAL COHORT Battles Currcn1 BR
'Iroop Losses Battles Current BR MV 4, BR 91
Personnel 3,310
Troop Class: Good
Battles Current BR 6tl; DIVISION (Ylaruam)
MV 6, BR 151
13th MILITIA DIVISION Personnel: 715
MV4, l\R 108 Troop Cius: Excellent
Personnel: 996
Troop Class: Average 16th IMPERIAL COHORT 'Troop Losses Battles Current BR
Troop Losses Bau Jes Current BR MV 4, BR91
Personnel: 3,310
Troop Class: Good
Troop Losses Baul es Current BR 71h DIVISION (Ylaruam)
MV6, BR 151
Personnel: 715
Troop Class: Excellent
Battles Current BR

MV 6, BR 151 M\' 4, BR 102 MV h, RR 128
·n-oop ~
Class7 1Excellent
Peroonncl 882
Troop Class Good
P<rwnntl !>02
'troop CIJ5' Good
Troop Losses Baules Currtnt BR Troop Lossc:, Current BR ' lrrM>p Lo'"'' Battles Currtnt BR


\II\ t>, RR ISi M\' 4, BR 102 \1\' 1>, RR 128
Putonntl 7 1' Ptnonnd 882 PertClnntl bt>2
·1roop Cla"· E" rllcnt Troop Good I mop Clua: (d>od
lroop Lo•~• C:urrrnt BR Troop Los"'' Curr<nt BR Truop Lo'"'' B.mln Curr•nt BR

MV 6. BR I ~I MVh, BR 128
Pc,.onnrl 71 ~ '"ROYA!. DIV!S!O'< (Vtnland) Ptnonntl bb2
Troop Cl,m Excellent M\' t, BR 102 'troop CIJn Good
Prnonncl 882
Baul es Current BR Troop Class Good ·1 roop·• Battl<cs Currtnt BR

Troop Lo<..., Curnnt BR


MV b. BR ISi ~1\.' 6 , RR 128
P.rsonntl 715 2nd ROYAL Dl\' IS!O:\ (\'r•ll•n<l) p• .,onnrl · bb2
lroop Class £xcellent MV 4, RR 102 Troup Ciaos Good
Penonnd 882
lroop Lo5Sco llattlc• Current BR Troop Clas• Gc•>d 'I ruop l.Amet llarrle. Current RR

Troop Losses Current BR

I 2th l)IVISION (Ylnru.un) PLAINS Rll>tR HORDE

.MV h, llR 151 M\ b. BR 1111
Prnonnrl 715 ARMY OF TllE KIN!,DO.._I OI OS 11.A'ID Prrv>nntl bb2
"(r<Mlp Cl.1 .. J..ctlltnt Troop ( IA•S Good
·1 roop I .011\r' Current BR \I\' 4, BR 102 Troop l A•w·s lbttltt Gurrtnr BR
Pcnonnd . 88i
Troop Clas• c:oocl
Truop Lo'"'' Current BR I RI 1'1101.l>fRS OF llEl.DA:>;:\
I 3th Dl\'ISION (Ylnuam)
M\ b. llR ISi
l'trn>nnrl 715 I 1t • RrF. Ol\'ISIO:-; (Hddann )
M\' 4 BR 102
lro<>1> C l,1so , f.x..·lknt
ETl!ENGAR KllANAI I P't'<>nnrl 882
'lroop l .o"" Currrnt llR lr0<1p <'l•o Good
M\' 6, BR 12!l R.utks C:urrtnt llR
Ptr•<>nntl 662
Troop Clan C:txMI
l·t th DIVISION (Ylaruam)
M\' f>, llR 181 Currrnt BR
2n<l FRFF. DI\ IS I O~ ( Hrld.Uln )
Prrninnrl 715
.\!\' 4, RR 102
l'nM>p (:I•« I· •<rlltnt
Ptr'IOnnd 882
' lroop l.o "'' Currrnt BR Troop Clau · <:ood
.\I\' t>, BR 1Zll .., roop Losses Currrnt BR
Pcnonn.t · !>02
Troop Class Guu<l
lr!M>p Lo>'«'• B.111lr1 Currtnt BR
·11111 RI ~ l>l\·1s10:-: ( Hddann)
()I.M'S llRH;Al)I'
MV 4, llR 102 "1\ ~. RR 102
Prnunnrl 11112
Pr1>on11cl: 882
lroop (:la" Good
'1'1 001>er..... C:oo<l CIAN'r KILi.FR l! ORl>F
C:urrtnt llR M\' 6, RR 128 froop•• Currtnt BR
Pe1110nncl 662
Troop Good
Troop Lo...,. B.rnlcs Curr<nt BR
M\' 4, RR 102
Prnonncl 882
lroop Clm <•ood
lr(J<>p 1,....., Ranlcs Curr<nt BR

Uni1 name: Ill - XX LEGIO 1S Division Commander: Dwarf F 8 (C ll + 1)
Type of uni1 : R egular Division

Oepu1y Division Commander: Dwarf F 6
Number of unils: 18 Uni1 I : 120 regular F 2 dwarvcn infantry. hammers. 3 Sergeant< (F 3), I
MV 4, BR 73 Cap1ain (F 4)
Personnel: 1160 Uni1s 2-10: Identical to Uni1 1
Troop Class: Fair
Division Cornmandcr: F 6 MILITIA OF KARAMEIKOS
Ocpu1y Divi~ion Commander: F 5
Unit name: M ILI T IA D IV IS ION
Hero: C 5
Type of unit: Regular Division
Unil I: 120 regular F I hu man infan1ry, sword, 3 Scrgca n1s
Number of uni is: 8
(F 2), I Capta in (F 3)
MV 4. HR 108
Unil 2: Identical lO Uni1 I
Personnel : 996
Uni1 3 : Identical to Uni1 I
'Jroop Class: Average
Uni1 4: ldcnlical IO Uni1 I, exccp1 bow insicad of sword
Uni1 5 : ldeniical to Uni1 4 Division Commander: F 8
Unit 6: Identical 10 Unit 4 Dc.>puty Division Commander: F 6
Unit 7: 120 regular F I human cavalry, ''°"
& ~word, riding warhorses, 3 H eroes: I M 6. 1 C 6
Sergeants (F 2), I Cap1ain (F 3) Uni1 I : 120 skirmish F I human cavalry, bows & swords, riding
Unit 8: ldcmical 10 Uni1 7 warhorses, 3 Sergeants (F 2), I Captain (F 3)
Uni1 9 : 80 skirmish F I human cava lry, how & sword, ricling warhors<"s, 2 Uni1 2: ldemical to Unit I
Scrgca111s (F 2), I Capiain ( F 3) Unit 3: 120 regular F 1 human ravalry, bows & swords, riding warhors<.">,
3 Sergeants ( F 2), 1 Captain (F 3)
Uni1 name: XX! - XXX LEG IONS
Uni1 4: Identical 10 Uni1 3
Type of uni1 : Reserve Division

Unit 5: 120 regu lar F l human infarHry. bows, 3 Scrgeams (F 2),
Number of uniis: I 0
Cap1ain (F 3)
MV 4, llR 44
Uni1 6: ldemical lO Unit 5
Personnel: 667
Unit 7: Identical to Unit 5, <'X<<'Pl sword• insl<'ad of bows
Troop Class: Below Average
Uni1 8: Identical to Uni1 7
Division Commander: F 5
Deputy Division Commander: F 5 KINGDOM OF IERENDI
Hero: C 4
Uni1 I . 120 regular FI human infan1ry, ~word. 3 Scrgcams Unit name: ROYAL BRIGADE
(F 2), I Cap1ai n (F 3) Type of uni1: Regular Division
Uni1 2: ldcn1ical 10 Uni1 I umber of units: 3
Uni1 3: Identical to Uni1 I, cxccp1 bow ins1cad of sword MV 4, llR 177
U ni1 4: Idcmical to U ni1 3 Personnd : 832
Uni1 5: 80 skirm ish F I human cavalry, bow & swo rd , riding warhorses, 2 Troop C lass: Excellen1
Scrgcanis (F 2), 1 Captain (F 3) Specia l Abi lity: Can cross orcan hexes (no1 lakes or rivers) at normal
Uni1 6 : ldrn1ical 10 Uni1 5 rnowrnen1 rar e and can land on any coas1al hex noi occupied hy an cnt·my
ARMY OF THE FIVE SHIRES Division Commander: F 9 (CU + I, Im + 1. Wis + I)
Deputy Division Commander· F 8
H eroes: 2 M 7, 2 C 7. I F 13
Type of unit : R egular Division
Unit I : 80 skirmish M 3 human cavalry. darts. riding warhorse~. 2
umhcr of uni1s: 7
Sergeants (M 4), I Captain ( M 5)
MV4, UR 113
Unit 2: 120 regular F 3 human cavalry, h<>ws & swords , riding warhorses.
Personnel: 994
3 Scrgcams (F 4), I Captain (F 5)
Troop Class: Good
Unit 3: Identical ro Un it 2
Divi sion Commander: H alning F 8 (CB +I) Unit 4: 240 regular F 2 human infantry, bows & swords, 6 Scrgcams
Dcpu iy Division Commander: H alni11g F 6 (V :l), I Captain (F 4)
Uni1 I : 120 eli1c F 3 halning archers, dagger as 2nd weapon) , :l Sergt•an1s Unit 5: Identical 10 Uni1 4
(F 4), I Sheriff (F 5)
Uni1s 2-8: lden1ical 10 Unit I MINROTHAD GUILDS
Unit name: HOME GUARDS
ARMY OF ALFHEIM Type or unit : R egular Division
Number of units : 2
MV 6, BR 143

Type of unit: Regular Division
Personnel: 1018
Number of units: 7
Troop C lass: Good
MV 6, BR 175
Spt· Ability: Can cross ocean hexes (no1 lakes or rivers) al normal
Personnel: 746
rnovcmcrll ra1c and can land on any C'Oa.~ial hex not occupied by an enemy
Troop C lass: Excellent
Division Commander: E 8 (CB + 1)
Divi$iOn Commander: F 9
Dcpu1y Divisio n Commander: E 6
Dcpu1y Division Commander: F 8
Uni1 I : 120 eli1t· E 3 cavalry, longbows & longswords +I, riding
l kr'Oes: 2 M 9, 2 C 9
warhorses, 3 Sergeants (E 4), 1 Captain ([ 5)
Unit I: 120 skil'mish F 2 human cavalry, bows & swords, riding
Units 2-6: Identical to Unit 1
warhorses, 3 Sergean1s (F 3), 1 C:ap1ain (F 4)
Uni1 2: 240 regular F 2 human cavalry, bows & swords, riding warho~<'S.
DWARVEN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE 6 Sc.>rgeants (F 3), I Captain (F 4)
Unit name: DWARF FOOT Unit 3: Identical to Unil 2
Uni1 4: 240 regular F 2 human rnoun1ed infantry, bows & S\\Ords, riding

Type of unit : Regular Division
Number of units: 8 regular horses (canno1 ligh1 on horseback), 6 Sergeams
MV 4, BR 98 ( F :J), I Captain (F 4)
Pcrsonucl : 1242 Unit 5: Identical to Uni1 4
Troop Class: Good
\nx of unit : Regular Division Type of unit : Regular Division
Number of units: 5 Number of units: I
MV4.BR91 MY 4. 13R 102
Personnel: 3310 Person ncl : 882
Troop Class: Good 'froop Class: Good
Special Abilicy: Can cross ocean hexes ( 1101 lakes or rivers) at normal
Division Commander: F 12 (C B + 1, Int + 1)
movement race and ca n land on any coastal hex not occupied by an enemy
Deputy Division Commander: F 10
unit. All troops arc berscrkcrs; they never check morale and always fai l
Heroes: 2 M 9, 4 C 9, 2 F 14
Discipline Checks.
Unit I: 800 regular F I infantry, spears, 20 Sergeants (f 3). 4 Lieutenants
(F 4), I Captain (F 6) Division Comm;mdcr : F 9 (CB + 1)
Un its 2-4: Identical to Unit I Dcpu cy Division Commander: F 8
H eroes: 6 F 15, 6 C 8
ARMY OF THE EMIRATE OF YLARU M Unic 1: 120 elite F 3 human infantry, swords & spears, 3 Sergeants (F 4).
I Captain (F 5)
Unit name: DIVIS ION Units 2-6: Identical to Unit I
Type of unit: Regular Divi sion
Number of units: 14
MY 6, BR 151
Personnel: 715 Unic name: HORDE
Troop Class: Excellent Type of unit : Regu lar Division
Number of unit s: 8
Division Comrnandcr: F 10
MY 6, BR 120
Depu ty Division Commander: F 8
Personnel : 662
Heroes: 10 C 8
Troop Class: Cood
Unit I: 80 skirmish M 2 human cavalry, dans, riding warhorses. 2
Sergeants (M 3), I Captai n (M 4) Division Commander: F 10, CB + I
Unit 2: 120 regular F 2 human cavalry, swords & bows. riding warhorses. Depuc y Division Commander: F 8
3 Sergeants ( F 3). 1 Captain (F 4) Unit I : 160 elite F 2 human cavalry, bows & spears, riding warhorses, 4
Units 3-6: Ident ical to Unit 2 Sergeants (F 3), I Captain (F 4)
Unit 2: Identical co Uni t I
ARMY OF THE JARLS OF SODERFJORD Unit 3: ldcncical co Uni c I
U nit 4: Identical to Unit I
Unit name: OLAF'S BRIGADE '
Type of unit : Regu lar Division
Number of units: 4
Personnel: 882 T ype of unit: Special•'
Troop C lass: Good Number of un its: 11• •
Special Abilit y: Can cross ocea n hexes (not lakes or rivers) at normal MV 6 (unics), I 0 (PCs traveling alone), BR not applicable
movement rate and can land on any coastal hex not occupied by an enemy Personnel: varies
un it. All troops arc berscrkcrs; they never check morale ;ind always fail T roop Class: Excellent
Disci pline Checks. • • T his force is gathered by che player characters as part of their
diplomacic mission, and is used for the final assault against the Master.
Division Commander: .J al'I , F 9 (C B +I) NOTE: All Sodcrfjord brigades
The PCs may not receive all of the units described below. Each unit is
are named after the jarl that commands them .
capable of independent movemcnc.
Deputy Divi sion Commander: F 8
Heroes: 6 F 15, 6 C 8 Army Commanders/ Heroes: T he Player Characters
Unit I : 120 elite F 3 human infantry. swords & spears, 3 Dcpucy Army Commander: General Bakares, Army ofDarokin ( F 10)
Sergeants (F 4). I Captain (F 5) Division Commanders: Colonel Bright (regular infantry), Colonel Casillis
Units 2-6: Identical to Unit I ( regula r caval ry), Colonel Leonidas (skirm ishers), all F 8
Unit J (Glantri): 120 skirmish M 3 human cavalry, dares. riding
KING'S ARMY OF VESTLAND warhorses, 4 Sergeants (M 4), I Capcain (M 5)
Unit 2 (A IOicim): 24-0 di ce E 3 elf cavalry, riding warhorses. longswords
Unit name: ROYAL DIV IS ION +I and bows , 6 Serge;rnts (E 4), I Captain (E 5)
Type of unit : Regular Division Unit 3 (Darokin): 480 regular F 2 human mounccd infantry, riding
Number of units: 2 normal horses (cannoc fight Oil horseback), swords & hows. 12 Sergean cs
MY 4, BR 102 (F 3). 4 Lieutenants (F 4), I Capcain (F 5)
Personnel : 882 Unit 4 (Shi re): 160 elite F 3 halfli ng mounted archers, riding normal
Troop C lass: Good horses (cannot fight on horseback). 4 Sergeants (F 4). l Captain ( F 5)
Special Ability: Can cross ocean hexes (not lakes or rivers) at normal Unit 5 (Dwarf): 240 regular F 2 dwarf mounted infan try, riding normal
movement rate and can land on any coastal hex noc occupied by an enemy horses (cannot fighc on horseback). hammers, 6 Sergeants (f 3), I Captain
unit. All croops are berscrkers ; chey never check morale ;ind always fai l ( F 5)
Discipline C hecks. Unit 6 (Karameikos): 120 skirmish F 2 human cavalry, swords & bows. 3
Division Commander: F 9 (CB +I ) Sergeants ( F 3), l Captain (F 4)
Deputy Division Commander: F 8 Unit 7 (lcrendi): 80 ski rmish M 3 human cavalry, darts, rid ing warhorses ,
Heroes: 6 F 15, 6 C 8 2 Sergeants ( M '~). I Captain (M 5). Can travel across water like regular
Unit I: 120 elit e F 3 human infantry, swords & spears, 3 Sergeants (F 4), lerendi unit.
I Captain ( F 5) Unic 8 (Vestland): I 20 el ice F 3 human infantry, swords & spears, 3
Units 2-6 : Identical to Unit I Sergeants (F 4), 1 Capcain (F' 5). T his is a berserker force, and can travel
across wacer li ke regular Vestland unic.
Unit 9 (Soderfjord): 120 elite F 3 human infantry, swords & spears, 3
Sergcancs (F 4), I Captain (F 5). This is a berserker force, and can travel
across water like regu lar Soderfjord unit.

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