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Phrasal Verbs - Put!

how do I boost my vocabulary?

phrasal verbs - 'put'

Put down your phone and focus on me!
Key Info
Verbs - Put!

Easy to remember?

Vocabulary Boost Difficulty Method of Memory

- Song
+5 - Hand (optional)

The Need Level of Importance

- English examinations
- Business English
Very High
- Everyday English
Phrasal Key Info The Words
Verbs - Put!

Common phrasal verbs with 'put'?

sal v
put across = give opinion clearly with erbs
put down to = due to, be the reason for

put forward = suggest an idea

put up with = to tolerate something
put aside = not allow yourself to be
negatively affected by something
Phrasal Key Info The Words Memory Technique
Verbs - Put!

How to remember them?

Let's.... put idea for a song

...but please don't
put it down to me
if it goes wrong. Put aside
...our differences and
...put up with
..what's to come. I hope this helps you
put across your thoughts, so
you don't sound dumb!
Phrasal Key Info The Words Memory Technique Examples
Verbs - Put!

How do you use it in a sentence?

Example 1 Example 5
I've had a bad cough for weeks, I really I believe you should _______________ what your
cannot __________________ any more. (tolerate) colleague said, and just focus on doing a
good job like you always have done!
Example 2
You need to stop being passive in the
meeting, and _____ your ideas __________.
Example 3
It's hard to __________________ your thoughts
when speaking in your second language.

Example 4
Climate change isn't a result of one thing, but
we can ___________________ to many reasons.

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