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Form for asylum seekers who would

like a work permit

This form is for you who are an asylum seeker and wish to work
while your application is being processed. You must hand in the form
and your ID documents to your local police. Please fill in all the fields
up until “To be filled in by the police”.

Information about you, the applicant

First name Middle name

Surname/family name Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

DUF number Citizenship

Address Postal number Place

Phone number Email address

Travel document
Have you handed in an approved travel document or national ID card?
☐ Yes, please write which one
☐ No. Then you must bring your passport when you hand in this form to the police.

For some countries we also accept other documents

If you are from Azerbaijan, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania or
Montenegro you can hand in your national ID card.
If you are from Kosovo, you can hand in your national ID kart and UMNIK ID.
If you are from Russia, you can hand in your domestic passport, if you are from China
you can hand in your Shenfengzhen if it is issued after 2004, and if you are from Iran
you can hand in your Kart-e-Melli.
If you are from Somalia, you do not need to hand in any documents.

Applicant's signature

Place and date Your signature

To be filled in by the police
Søkeren kan få rett til å ta arbeid inntil søknaden er avgjort (se utlendingsloven § 94,
utlendingsforskriften § 17-26 og RS 2010-180).
Sett kryss der vilkårene er oppfylt. Skjemaet skal tas imot selv om ikke alle vilkårene er oppfylt.
☐ Søkeren har vært til asylintervju.
☐ Det er ikke tvil om identiteten til søkeren. Søkere fra enkelte land har andre
krav til identitet, se RS 2010-180V.
☐ Det er ikke fattet vedtak om at søkeren skal bortvises.
☐ Søkeren skal ikke returneres etter Dublin-avtalen.

Stempel fra politiet

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