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Apostolic Impartation

Child of God,

You are known and loved by God. The breadth, length, depth and height of His love for you is
incomparable and inexplicable.

God’s divine power has given you everything that pertains to life and godliness - there’s nothing
in life that’s not readily availed for you.

God thought and provided for everything you could possibly ever need; you will live God’s best.

By knowing Him, you’ll know you have already been given; you have the full rights and
privileges God has accorded to His children; stand in that jurisdiction as one that has attained it.

God has called you to glory and virtue; From God we have received divine health, providence,
peace, reconciliation and not sickness, regression, confusion or stagnation. Lack is NOT from
God! He gives good and perfect gifts.

Receive the privilege and the responsibility of this light and power.

Child of God,

Your profiting is seen by all and advantages many because you have given yourself wholly to the
Word of God! The Word always works.

Out of the treasure of your heart, good comes to the world - you are a good man, made perfect in
Christ Jesus.

In Christ you live, move and have your very being; your soul is inclined to the Spirit of Christ in
you and your body is established by the agreement of two! You do the works of Christ.

Your spirit is not in breach nor does your vessel leak! You are surrounded by strength! Greater is
He that is in you, that cord is the source of your strength and your hope of glory.

The light of the glorious gospel shines on your life! God is not a man that He should lie, you
have filled yourself with godliness and it shall be made manifest in your life.

You have invested in the Word, the fellowship with the Holy spirit and acknowledged every good
thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Like the heavy clouds bring rain, you bring forth what you
have invested.


Child of God,

You have been positioned by God! You’re seated together in heavenly places, in Christ - that’s
your core and distinct positioning.

You’re greater than every power and principality of this world and that which is to come because
you are in Christ.

You’re one with Christ; you’re hidden in Him and that which pursues you cannot find you;
infirmity, untimely death, accidents, malice, bad reports do not have access to you because your
real life is hidden in Christ.

Have boldness in all your days for as He is, so are you. All things will conform and you’ll live
like Him in the earth because you bear His image and glory.

You’re the expression of the exceeding riches of God’s grace; you’re revealed to this world as
God’s child, a trophy and fragrance of Christ’s victory and power over darkness.

You’re the bearer of mantles, graces and opportunities that men will witness and testify that
God’s hand is on your life.

I decree and declare that the realities in God will be made manifest in the physical realm for you
and you will demonstrate the spirit in a magnitude that will leave men in awe for God's glory.

Praise the Lord!

Child of God,

You are enlightened by the light of this glorious Gospel! God is opening your eyes! You are not
blind, you can see!

You are awakened by the Spirit of Christ in you; you have the life of God in you, Zoe! Live

God is unveiling to you the things that you must possess for the glory of His Name! The revealed
things of God belong to you and your children, receive it!
Nothing will be closed to you; you will see what you must see for the nations, ministry, families,
institutions, generations and eons to come.

You have a right stand on visions; by the double edged sword of the word, you walk into your
next level of ministry, wealth and destiny.

God has glorified your life by Christ that every day of your life shall be greater than the one
before because of how easy things are going to unveil before you!

Walk in the light of the glory that has been shed in your way!
Praise God,


Child of God,

Your faith and revelation of God will always connect you to divinity. Your faith will make you

I decree and declare that your image and countenance in the spirit will minister your true rank in
God; known and read by all men to advantage you—to the glory of God.

Your pattern, place and process will stir others to seek and find God; you’ll be the first and a
reference to stir the faith of others.

The highest and newest places are available for you; you are sounding the bottomless things of
God, you decipher the next age of civilization, you discover and communicate things no man can
judge or easily understand and your vision is consecrated in God.

May every divine dream, vision, godly instruction, impartation, oracle, prophecy and divine
meeting be a point of contact for your divine encounter and destiny— in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Child of God,

You will finish well; you will fulfil your mandate on earth as you calibrate your course according
to the pattern God has drawn for you.

You reject the things that take your time away from God as you refuse the world and build a
relationship with the Word as a treasure found.
You are gifted and called; you are chosen and assigned. Prepare and ready your spirit for the
things in which you are assigned.

The revelation of God in your life and your availability will determine your assignment; give
yourself to it.

There’s a hunger only God can touch; you are alive unto God in your hunger and you’ll produce
fruit that will echo through eternity.

God we are ready!

Praise God!

Child of God,

You are blessed with godly relationships; they build your revelation of Christ and stirr your faith
to heavenly things.

You were created to intimately know and serve God. You have a reverence and understanding of
Him, He lives in you.

You’re open to the possibility of all the things that you can do for the Kingdom of God. The
liberties and freedoms you have access to by the Word of God and governments of the day cause
you to seek the deeper things of God.

Your altar is burning bright for God; you grow up into Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, the higher
life; you count the world as dung and seek the excellence of the knowledge of Christ.

You have an infinite source; the things in you are bottomless and they’re awakened as you
commune with the Spirit of God to the glory of God.


Child of God,

The glory of God shines mightly in your life.

He has given you beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and a garment of praise instead of
a spirit of heaviness and despair in Jesus. You have access to the abundant life.
We worship and call on a God that raises the poor out of dust and lifts the needy from the ash
heap and seats them with noble princes; He has also lifted you and crowned you with the glory in

The spirit of excellence is evident in your life. There’s a testimony of magnificence in the hearts
and on the lips of many concerning you.

The spirit of preeminence reigns mightly in your life; you're considered first for good things,
you’re advantaged and honoured in the things of provision.

You’re crowned with royalty, splendour, majesty and brightness. The Lord’s countenance shines
upon you, you’re kept of God and introduced by God.

The glory of God is risen upon you. Everything you’ve been hearing and yielding to has been in
preparation for your positioning and appointment in this season. You’re not veiled from His


Child of God,

Have confidence in God! Your faith is sure and founded on truth. You have a true vision of God;
you know His ways and His way!

You live and experience an abundant life because you have chosen life by choosing Christ; the
light and life of this world.

Your testimony in Christ is that it is impossible for you to lose! You always win; I decree and
declare that nothing against you is strong enough. It shall be broken and the gates of hades will
never prevail against you.

Everything is moved and set on the right course in your life; valleys are raised and mountains are
brought low, deserts blossom as the dry lands are made as pools; your brooks spring forth with
fresh waters, all debts are paid, your core relationships are mended and you are blessed!

Delight in the joy of your salvation and walk in God’s goodness; He is your good Father and He
fills you with all good things.

Praise God!
Child of God,

God has and will deliver you out of any trouble. When you call on Him, He answers —always!

I decree and declare judgement against everything that sets itself against you; you will watch as a
spectator at its demise! You’re more than a conqueror in Christ.

God, your deliverer, your refuge, your ever present help is with you! You are His child, His glory
on earth and His servant; He will never leave you nor forsake you! There’s always a way out for
you into that victory.

God saves completely, perfectly, finally and for all time; those who have come to God through
Christ are saved for they shall not perish but have eternal life.

You’re humble before God and brave before the world of darkness! You’re a danger to the
enemies of God! Disease, sudden death, perversion, strife are cast at your feet! They’re not your
portion child of God.

In Christ, you have been delivered and set free to serve God!

Child of God,

You have been given power from on high; you’re not a victim on the defensive but a victor in
Christ on the offensive against the powers of darkness.

The anointing is dynamic in nature; as it is stirred, it meets whoever is available and meets your
every manner of need.

You are built and defined by LOGOS! As you abide in the Word and therein, you receive your
RHEMA. The concentration of the anointing is in the WORD. You have received the best part
that can never be taken away from you.

As you see and know God through His word, may your actions be expressed as points of contact
to provoke God to answer! The anointing is in the WORD.

As you receive and study the Word and watch for the grace that is available to you at the
revelation of Jesus and act therein, your point of contact with heaven is established. You will not
miss your divine opportunities and experiences in Jesus’ Name. Hallelujah!

Child of God,
You worship and call on the Name of the only living God; He is the one TRUE God!

When you call, He hears you and you can have confidence that He answers speedily! He does
not delay when it comes to your petitions, your hope is in a good God; you don’t have to vainly
repeat yourself over a matter with God; His heart is towards you

You are provided for; He knows everything you need and His will for you is to be debt free,
living a prosperous and abundant life without strife, productive, healthy and whole!

I decree and declare the manifestation of all the things you have prayed for because God already
heard your petition; it’s already yours- give thanks.

Plant this Word in your spirit and receive and water it with joy; your Father will refuse you
nothing, faith is the gate to heaven! In Jesus we have been given all things.

Things come and happen for you speedily, faster than you can count. May you know that His
overwhelming love wills that you have it all.

Praise God!

Child of God,

You worship and call on the Name of the only living God; He is the one TRUE God!

When you call, He hears you and you can have confidence that He answers speedily! He does
not delay when it comes to your petitions, your hope is in a good God; you don’t have to vainly
repeat yourself over a matter with God; His heart is towards you

You are provided for; He knows everything you need and His will for you is to be debt free,
living a prosperous and abundant life without strife, productive, healthy and whole!

I decree and declare the manifestation of all the things you have prayed for because God already
heard your petition; it’s already yours- give thanks.

Plant this Word in your spirit and receive and water it with joy; your Father will refuse you
nothing, faith is the gate to heaven! In Jesus we have been given all things.

Things come and happen for you speedily, faster than you can count. May you know that His
overwhelming love wills that you have it all.

Praise God!
Child of God,

Our God is not the author of confusion. His Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your

The spirit world has an order; weigh every conviction against the principles and revelation of
God for a glorious and triumphant victory against all circumstances.

Christ is the greatest revelation of God, He is the light by which we see and by which we cast
down the visions and wisdoms of this world for the wisdom of God.

You have Christ in you, nothing is greater — He is your hope of glory, peace, health,
reconciliation, deliverance, promotion, wealth and every manner of victory.

You discern the spirit of the voices and visions that come to you in truth and by the sovereignty
of God’s counsel over your life; you’re not carnal, you have the mind of Christ.

Do not wrestle with the Spirit of God; you’re not opposed to God but are sensitive to God’s heart
in convictions, matters and patterns.

You know the voice of the Shepherd that speaks over you and speaks into your life; you heed the
counsel of God with guiding lights of the Spirit for your destiny and redemption.

Praise God! Hallelujah!

Child of God,

You have a heavenly and supernatural language and sound!

The God of all knowledge has given you the understanding of the language of all things; you
speak to them and they hear you.

The sound of Jesus is released in your spirit and your voice carries His authority; you defy the
predictions of science, alter DNA and reverse medical diagnoses by the word of God in your

You’re introduced right by God; you are an epistle, known and read by all men — God’s version
and vindication of you is cast upon men’s consciences. You’re confirmed, affirmed and sounded
by God.
Your sound will not be ignored! You are welcomed wherever you’re heard. Your faith is not
quiet, it’s followed by a great sound of victory, influence, joy, peace, confidence, freedom,
service and life!

Your sound travels every where with no limitation —it travels beyond race, gender, age, national
boundaries and human predictions.

There’s no place where your speech or language is not heard! Your voice and sound are distinct.

Praise God!

Child of God;

You are a work of God; a vessel of God and a testimony of His glorious workmanship!

God is at work in your life; He is doing a great work in you and about everything that concerns
you. Your Father neither sleeps nor slumbers, His Spirit guides your heart to be attuned to your
moments of destiny, your alignment to purpose and He causes you to discern your times.

God is already pleased with you by your faith in Christ; you need not work to please Him. We
are made worthy by the propitiation of all our sins, a perfect sacrifice —Jesus!

You don’t give to God to be blessed, you are already blessed. You don’t labour to be counted or
approved, He labours in you to will and to do, even beyond your abilities.

What God has done and will do in your life will resound to eternity; the arm of flesh will fail but
the arm of God and His works remain.

Have confidence in His dealings!


Child of God,

You were created, known, appointed and ordained by God even before you were formed in your
mother’s womb!

You are consecrated to God; you will not waste yourself. The winds of His Spirit will blow you
to your course and assignment.
Your past experiences and exploits in God will not be a monument and an idol to distract you
from seeking God continually but a vivid reminder of God’s faithfulness.

After the patterns of Paul and David; you will not be puffed up by knowledge, you will always
pant after God.

You receive the revelation of who you are and the strength in your spirit to handle what has been
revealed to you; you discern, interpret and understand the sacredness of what heaven has stored
for you.

Your eon is instructed by the Spirit of God; ungodly doors are closed and godly doors are open to
you in the Name of Jesus.

You’re in God and God is in you; for what He has assigned you; I decree and declare that you
will receive clarity of that instruction. Stand in it.


Child of God,

You are called and anointed by the Living God!

The anointing on your life vindicates you and speaks for you; you are announced before you
appear— your name and works are voiced abroad.

Everything in creation agrees for you; the days, years, times, world systems, authorities and
powers all work for your advancement.

In your absence you’re represented by your altar! You’ll not need to lift a finger— ministering
spirits are working on your behalf and command.

Your consecration commands your days; you’re aligned to purpose, your days are set on the
course of destiny and you are living the God-dream.

You progress faster than men can interpret; your life is a marvel that can only be explained by
God’s presence; your work by supernatural multiplication, increase, favour, speed, wealth, divine
health and wisdom.

The gates of understanding, victory, promotion, increase, divine appointment and spiritual
positioning are wide open for your undertaking.
You are God’s idea and the God who started it will bring it to accomplishment!


Child of God,

You have the Spirit of revelation! You know the mysteries from above, you see and hear the dark
sayings and interpret hard sentences — you have the wisdom of God and the mind of Christ.

Your vision of God reshapes your future and disqualifies your past. You know the future and you
position yourself accordingly to be relevant for the Kingdom.

You hear God and He leads you to grow where others regress; you blossom in the desert, you are
a spring of water in the drought and in a famine, you are provided for.

You access heavenly oracles daily; you intermeddle with spiritual undertakings set for your
advantage and rhema relevant for your time.

You are adapted to the seasons of heaven; you are a fresh spring in tune with the frequency of the
Holy Spirit.

God has made you ready for these things and days. Your generation needs you, the business
world needs your input and the vulnerable communities are relying on your ideas and systems.

Praise God!


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