Carbonates at The Supergiant Olypmic Dam Cu U Au Ag Deposit So - 2022 - Ore Geo

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Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

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Carbonates at the supergiant Olypmic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag deposit, South

Australia part 2: Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf and Sr-Pb isotope constraints on the
chronology of carbonate deposition
Roland Maas a, *, Olga B. Apukhtina b, Vadim S. Kamenetsky b, c, Kathy Ehrig d, Peter Sprung e, f,
Carsten Münker e
School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia
School of Natural Sciences, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia
BHP Billiton Olympic Dam, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
Institute of Geology und Mineralogy, University of Köln, 50674 Köln, Germany
Paul-Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland


Keywords: Mineralization at the supergiant Cu-U-Au-Ag Olympic Dam deposit (South Australia), the ‘uranium endmember’
Olympic Dam of the iron-oxide copper–gold (IOCG) spectrum of ore deposits, is hosted in a breccia complex developed entirely
IOCG within granite of the 1.59 Ga Hiltaba Suite (Gawler Craton). Earlier studies suggested brecciation and miner­
alization occurred within a magmatically-driven hydrothermal system at 1.59 Ga, with a critical role for
Sm-Nd isotopes
Diachronous mineral formation
mafic–ultramafic intrusions. In contrast, recent radiometric dating of the breccia complex indicates a prolonged,
multi-stage history of brecciation and mineralization from 1.59 to 0.5–0.4 Ga. Ca-Fe-Mg-Mn-carbonate gangue
minerals are associated with ore minerals at virtually every stage of mineralization. In a companion study
(Apukhtina et al., 2020), this mineralogically, texturally and compositionally diverse carbonate mineral suite
was assigned to seven associations defined on the basis of host lithology and texture. Here we report Sm-Nd, Pb-
Pb and Lu-Hf isotope ages for these carbonates, which are used to examine the chronology of carbonate depo­
sition. Initial Sr-Nd isotopic compositions are used to place constraints on fluid sources. Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb isotope
systematics of calcite veins in ~1.59 Ga IOCG ore indicate 1.59–1.55 Ga deposition ages. Likewise, locally
abundant laminated siderites have Sm-Nd ages in this age interval. A world-first attempt to apply Lu-Hf dating to
carbonate gangue in an ore deposit yields ages that are 70–100 Ma younger than corresponding Sm-Nd ages,
presumably reflecting isotopic exchange of carbonate Lu-Hf isotope systems with host rocks. Sm-Nd ages for
carbonates assigned to other carbonate associations (hosted in highly altered inferred 1.59 Ga basalt and picrite;
diverse settings within granite-dominated breccia; locally abundant megaclasts of green and red bedded sand­
stone/mudstone sequences; ~0.82 Ga doleritic dykes) are more diverse and range from ~1.59 to 0.5 Ga. The
structurally youngest carbonates (unbrecciated fluorite-barite veins; carbonate matrix in polymict conglomerate
above the breccia complex) yield ~0.50 Ga Sm-Nd ages. Inferred carbonate ages are broadly consistent with
radiometric dates for other hydrothermal minerals (e.g., hematite, uraninite, apatite, fluorite). They suggest that
mineralization initiated at 1.59 Ga was reworked and possibly increased in size in response to large-scale tec­
tonic, magmatic, sedimentary and hydrothermal events. Initial 87Sr/86Sr in the carbonates is higher and more
variable (0.710–0.752, average ~0.721) than could be explained by ore and gangue mineral formation from
magmatic-hydrothermal fluids during a single event at 1.59 Ga, a model favored in several earlier studies. By
contrast, carbonate formation over a long period, as inferred from the Sm-Nd chronology presented here, would
allow ingrowth of 87Sr in the granitic host rocks to develop the heterogeneous initial 87Sr/86Sr recorded in the
carbonates. Carbonate-bearing fluids appear to have sourced Nd (and most likely also Sr) locally, within the host
granite and breccia, with contributions from mafic rocks. The emerging evidence for protracted, multi-stage
mineralization implies that single-stage models for Olympic Dam need to be revisited and that all studies of
sulfide and gangue minerals in this deposit require careful radiometric dating. We speculate that the polymetallic

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Maas).
Received 25 May 2020; Received in revised form 23 August 2020; Accepted 27 August 2020
Available online 5 September 2020
0169-1368/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

nature and unusually large metal reserves of the Olympic Dam mineralization are related to its multi-stage
formation history.

1. Introduction rocks (e.g., Ehrig et al., 2012; Apukhtina et al., 2017). Strongly altered
mafic–ultramafic (picritic) rocks within the breccia complex have long
Like many other iron-oxide copper–gold (IOCG) deposits, the su­ been considered equivalents of basaltic rocks in the ~1.59 Ga Lower
pergiant Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag deposit (South Australia) is associ­ Gawler Range Volcanics (e.g., Reeve et al., 1990; Johnson and McCul­
ated with significant Ca-Fe-Mg-Mn carbonate gangue (e.g., Ehrig et al., loch, 1995) and this was confirmed by Huang et al. (2016). A clearly
2012; Hauck, 1990; Hitzman et al., 1992; Meyer, 1988). Aspects of younger generation of less altered dolerite dykes crosscuts the breccia
carbonate gangue minerals at Olympic Dam were described in Oreskes complex parallel to NW-oriented structures and has been identified as
and Einaudi (1992) and Ehrig et al. (2012). A more comprehensive part of the regional 825 Ma Gairdner Dyke Swarm (GDS, e.g., Huang
description is provided in Apukhtina et al. (2020) who document the et al., 2015; Apukhtina et al., 2016). The eroded breccia complex and
diversity and multi-stage nature of the carbonates. These authors host granite are unconformably overlain by ~320 m of undeformed,
distinguish seven associations of carbonates based largely on host rock unaltered and unmineralized Neoproterozoic to Cambrian sedimentary
lithology. They also note that early suggestions of diachronous car­ formations of the Stuart Shelf (Reeve et al., 1990).
bonate deposition at Olympic Dam (Oreskes and Einaudi, 1992) are The Olympic Dam Breccia Complex is lithologically, texturally and
supported by mineral isotopic dating which records an apparent multi- mineralogically diverse, and most minerals (e.g., hematite, Cu minerals,
stage ~ 1000 Ma long history of the deposit (McPhie et al., 2011; Maas pyrite, gold, uraninite, REE-fluorocarbonates) show signs of multiple
et al., 2011, 2015a; Kamenetsky et al., 2015; Kirchenbaur et al., 2016; precipitation and dissolution events (Ehrig et al., 2012; Ciobanu et al.,
Macmillan et al., 2016) following initial IOCG-style mineralization at 2017; Apukhtina et al., 2020 and references therein). Yet, despite the
~1.59 Ga (e.g., Johnson and Cross, 1995; Skirrow et al., 2007; Ciobanu alteration and mechanical mixing (brecciation), some large-scale zoning
et al., 2013 Apukhtina et al., 2017; Cherry et al., 2018b; Courtney- patterns are recognized, such as the deposit-wide orthoclase-sericite-
Davies et al., 2019). Radiometric dating of the carbonates is therefore hematite zoning and a margin-to-center/depth-to-top zoning of Fe-Cu
required to assess their temporal/genetic position in the mineralization. sulfides (pyrite → chalcopyrite → bornite → chalcocite) described by
Furthermore, simple budget estimates require that carbon, like much of Roberts and Hudson (1983) and Oreskes and Einaudi (1992). Sulfide
the Fe and economic metals (Cu, Au, U, Ag), were sourced largely from minerals, chiefly pyrite and the dominant Cu carriers chalcopyrite,
outside the host 1.59 Ga granite in which the Olympic Dam Breccia bornite and chalcocite, occur mainly as disseminated grains in granite-
Complex is developed. While carbon and oxygen isotopes for the car­ and hematite-rich breccias, or as inclusions in hematite, while U min­
bonates suggest a range of fluid sources (magmatic, sedimentary, erals (uraninite, coffinite, brannerite) occur as small grains associated
Apukhtina et al., 2020), interpretation of these data must account for the with many other minerals, chiefly hematite, quartz and sericite; signif­
inferred diachronous nature of the carbonate associations. icant U is also found as nanoparticles or lattice-bound within hematite
This paper reports new Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic results for samples (Ehrig et al., 2012; Ciobanu et al., 2013). Gold occurs as small grains of
which represent all seven carbonate associations (see Section 2.2) electrum and Au-Ag tellurides attached to or occluded within sulfides, or
defined in Apukhtina et al. (2020). These data were acquired to provide associated with sericite, quartz, barite or hematite (Ehrig et al., 2012).
(i) independent age constraints for hydrothermal carbonate deposition The intensely brecciated core of the complex is dominated by mostly
and (ii) initial Sr-Nd isotope constraints on possible fluid sources and barren quartz-hematite and is assumed to represent a block of sediments
pathways. We show that many of the carbonates are amenable to Sm-Nd deposited in a fault-controlled environment (McPhie et al., 2016).
isochron dating, or can at least be placed in a broad chronologic context Swarms of crosscutting barite-fluorite-rich veins are common in this part
using isochron diagrams. In addition, this study presents U-Th-Pb and of the deposit and produce a large-scale carbonate to fluorite-barite
Lu-Hf isotope results for selected carbonate associations. The latter are (margin-to-center) zonation within the breccia complex. The veins
among the first published Lu-Hf isotope studies of carbonates. themselves are not brecciated (e.g., Ehrig et al., 2012).
U-Pb dating of a marginal magnetite-apatite-pyrite-uraninite
2. Geological setting and mineralization assemblage preserved at depth shows it formed during the initial
stages of IOCG-style mineralization at ~1.59 Ga (Apukhtina et al.,
2.1. Geology 2017). Similar U-Pb ages were reported for some of the hydrothermal
hematite (Ciobanu et al., 2013; Courtney-Davies et al., 2019). Other
The supergiant Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag deposit, one of the largest studies provide evidence of protracted - perhaps episodic - brecciation,
known deposits of Cu, Au and U on Earth, is by far the largest of several mineralization and alteration between 1.4 and 1.1 Ga (Gustafson and
IOCG-deposits in the Olympic Cu-Au Province of the eastern Gawler Compston, 1979; Trueman, 1986; Johnson, 1993; McInnes et al., 2008;
Craton, South Australia (e.g., Williams et al., 2005; Ehrig et al., 2012; Maas et al., 2011; Kamenetsky et al., 2015), local remobilization of Cu
Reid, 2019). Mineralization is hosted in the voluminous Olympic Dam and other elements at the time of dolerite emplacement at 0.825 Ga
Breccia Complex (ODBC) which is developed entirely within the 1593.9 (Huang et al., 2015; Apukhtina et al., 2016), and formation of barite-
± 0.2 Ma Roxby Downs Granite (RDG), a member of the Hiltaba granite fluorite-carbonate veins at ~0.5 Ga (Wawryk, 1989; Maas et al., 2011;
suite and part of the Gawler Silicic Large Igneous Province (e.g., Hand Kamenetsky et al., 2015).
et al., 2007; Johnson and Cross, 1995; Allen et al., 2008; Jagodzinski,
2014; Cherry et al., 2018b). The breccia complex, described in detail in 2.2. Carbonate gangue minerals
Ehrig et al. (2012), is dominated by clasts of granite, with minor but
locally important clast contributions from non-granitic lithologies Carbonates (siderite, calcite, ankerite, dolomite) are a generally
including the ‘bedded clastic facies‘ (packets of interbedded sandstone minor but locally abundant component of the alteration/gangue
and red mudstone, well-sorted quartz-rich sandstone, green sandstone mineralogy in the ODBC. Siderite comprises just under 90% of all car­
and mudstone, polymictic volcanic-clast conglomerate, and thinly bonate (Ehrig et al., 2012) and occurs in breccia clasts, in the breccia
bedded green and red mudstone, McPhie et al., 2011, 2016; Cherry matrix and in veins. Other carbonates (calcite, dolomite, ankerite and
et al., 2017, 2018b), mafic to ultramafic dykes/lavas (Johnson and solid solutions of dolomite-ankerite and siderite-rhodochrosite-
McCulloch, 1995; Huang et al., 2015, 2016, 2017) and inferred rhyolitic magnesite) are far less abundant (Ehrig et al., 2012). The bulk of the

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

light rare earth elements (LREE) at Olympic Dam is hosted in the car­ technique). Total analytical blanks were <100 pg in all cases, and no
bonates bastnӓsite ([Ce,La)(CO3)F], the most abundant REE mineral in blank corrections were required. Isotopic analyses were carried out on a
the deposit) and synchysite ([Ca(Ce,La)(CO3)2F]) which together Nu Plasma MC-ICPMS with sample uptake through a CETAC Aridus
comprise ~3% of total carbonates (Lottermoser, 1995; Oreskes and desolvator and PFA nebuliser operated at ~0.07 ml/min sample uptake,
Einaudi, 1990; Ehrig et al., 2012). producing sensitivities in the range 100–150 V/ppm. Analyses were
The structural/textural diversity of the ODBC greatly complicates the conducted in static multi-collection mode with signals near 6 V Sr, 15 V
task of establishing consistent paragenetic mineral sequences. This in­ Nd and 10 V Pb, where possible. Instrumental mass bias in Sr isotope
cludes the carbonate minerals which vary considerably in mineralogy, runs was corrected by normalizing to 88Sr/86Sr = 8.37521, using the
texture and infill style. For this reason, Apukhtina et al. (2020) assigned exponential law. Data for spiked Nd fractions were normalized to
the carbonate gangue minerals to seven ‘associations‘ based on host li­ Nd/145Nd = 2.0719425 (equivalent to 146Nd/144Nd = 0.7219), using
thology or texture: (1) coarse-grained calcite veins in weakly-brecciated the exponential law as part of an on-line iterative spike-stripping/
granite and rhyolite; (2) carbonates in strongly brecciated granite; (3) internal normalization procedure. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios
carbonate veins in bedded sediments; (4) carbonates in mafic and ul­ are reported relative to SRM987 = 0.710230 and La Jolla Nd =
tramafic igneous rocks; (5) carbonates in massive barite-fluorite- 0.511860 and have external precisions (reproducibility, 2sd) of
dominated veins (with minor carbonate); (6) laminated siderite; (7) ±0.000040 (Sr) and ±0.000020 (Nd). External precision for
carbonate matrix in conglomerate and sandstone along the unconfor­ Sm/144Nd obtained by isotope dilution is ±0.2%. 87Rb/86Sr ratios for
mity between ODBC and Neoproterozoic cover sediments. Each associ­ age corrections are based on the trace element results for the same
ation shows a range of carbonate mineralogy and textures, association 2 sample solution and have an external precision of ±2–3%. Results for
(dominated by Fe-rich carbonates) being by far the most voluminous international standards agree with reference values. For example, long-
and texturally diverse. Other associations are of local significance but term (2011–2014) averages for USGS basalt standard BCR-2 are
are mineralogically more variable. Further details can be found in 0.704997 ± 42 (2sd, n = 44) and 0.512641 ± 24 (2sd, n = 74), and
Apukhtina et al. (2020). Sm/144Nd is 0.1382 ± 0.0002. Decay constants are 87Rb = 1.395x10-
/yr and 147Sm = 6.54x10-12/yr. εNd values were calculated using a
3. Sample selection and analytical methods modern CHUR composition of 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1960 and 143Nd/144Nd
= 0.512632 (Bouvier et al., 2008).
3.1. Samples Mass bias in Pb isotope analyses was corrected using the thallium-
doping technique of Woodhead (2002). The long-term average for
Based on the carbonate petrographic study of Apukhtina et al. Broken Hill galena measured with the same technique is 206Pb/204Pb =
(2020), 56 samples (from 27 drillcores and 2 underground locations) 16.004 ± 0.038%, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.388 ± 0.057% and 208Pb/204Pb =
representing the seven carbonate associations were selected for isotopic 35.661 ± 0.076% (n = 73, ±2sd%), consistent with reference values (e.
study. These samples cover the range in carbonate textures (breccia and g., Richards, 1986; Parr et al., 2004) and implying external precisions for
conglomerate cement, breccia clasts, crosscutting veins, pore infill, unknowns in the range ± 0.04–0.08% (2sd). 238U/204Pb and
massive laminated blocks and the ooide-like textures first described in Th/204Pb ratios are based on the trace element results for the same
Roberts and Hudson (1983)). Mineral compositions include calcite, sample solution and have an external precision of ±2%.
dolomite, ankerite, siderite, and dolomite-ankerite and siderite- Lu-Hf isotopic data for a sub-set of calcites and siderites were ac­
rhodochrosite-magnesite solid solution mixtures. Anhydrite from quired at the University of Cologne, Germany. Low Hf concentrations
~1.59 Ga magnetite-rich IOCG mineralization in deep drillhole RD2773 (<1 to several ppb) and extremely high Lu/Hf make analyses of these
was analysed together with the vein calcite of association 1 because like materials very challenging. The powdered samples (up to 2 g) were
calcite it postdates the dominant hydrothermal magnetite-apatite- dissolved with 3 M HCl − 1 vol% H2O2 or 3 M HNO3 − 1 vol% H2O2 at
uraninite-pyrite-quartz IOCG assemblage observed in this drillhole room temperature and 80˚C, respectively. A 176Lu-180Hf spike optimized
(Apukhtina et al., 2017). The analysed anhydrite (OD817.1, OD817.2) for high-Lu/Hf materials was added before digestion, and spike and
fills pockets and veins in magnetite and contains inclusions of fine- sample were allowed to equilibrate for 24 h, promoted by heating
grained hematite, tourmaline and rutile. Minerals for analysis were (HNO3-H2O2 experiments) and sonication. Although acid was added
handpicked from crushed material or extracted as cleavage fragments slowly, vigorous reaction of the calcite samples led to partial loss of
from polished drillcore using a small hand-held drill. Where required, sample in some cases (see Table 3). As this is likely to be a recurring issue
samples were powdered in an agate mortar. in Lu-Hf studies of reactive carbonate minerals, analysis of these samples
was continued to allow comparison with uncompromised samples. Prior
3.2. Methods to column chemistry, the sample solutions were adjusted to 1 M HCl or 1
M HNO3, respectively, by adding distilled water with 1 vol% H2O2.
Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and U-Th-Pb isotopic analyses were carried out at the These solutions (10 ml total) were loaded onto column 1 of Bast et al.
University of Melbourne, following techniques adapted from Maas et al. (2015), in this case rescaled to a 15 ml bed of AG50-X8 (200–400) cation
(2015b). Calcite and dolomite-ankerite were dissolved in dilute nitric resin within disposable polyethylene (Biorad EconoPac) columns. Hf
acid while siderite and anhydrite were dissolved in 2 M HCl; sample and other high field strength elements were collected in the loading
weights of 20–50 mg were used throughout. Aliquots of the solutions solution and another 15 ml of 0.1 M HCl-0.1 M HF or 0.1 M HNO3-0.1 M
were used for trace element analyses on an Agilent 7700 Q-ICPMS, using HF (depending on dissolution type), followed by removal of the Ca/Fe
methods adapted from Eggins et al. (1997). A discussion of this diverse matrix and collection of a Lu-rich fraction with 2.5 M HCl. Hf was pu­
trace element data set is beyond the scope of this paper; full trace rified using EICHROM LN-resin (column 2 of Bast et al., 2015). The
element results are compiled in Apukhtina (2016). procedural blank averaged 7 pg Lu and 36 pg Hf (176Hf/177Hf assumed
Solutions intended for isotope dilution Sm-Nd isotope work were as 0.28216) and Hf blank was significant (0.3–38 mol%) in all analyses.
equilibrated with a 149Sm-150Nd tracer. Sr and LREE were extracted Isotopic data were acquired on a Thermo-Finnigan Neptune MC-ICPMS
using Eichrom Sr and TRU resin (Pin et al., 1994) followed by purifi­ equipped with standard nickel sampler and H-type skimmer cones as
cation of Nd and Sm using Eichrom LN resin (Pin and Zalduegui, 1997). well as two 10-12 Ohm Faraday detectors to record signals on 175Lu and
Sr fractions for some Ba-rich (barite-bearing) samples required 3 passes Hf during Hf isotope analysis. Hf fractions were picked up in 4%
over Sr resin to minimize interference from BaAr++ (Scher et al., 2014). HNO3-1% HF and aspirated via a PFA nebulizer and Cetac Aridus 2
Where Pb isotope analysis was required, Pb was extracted first, using a desolvator (uptake rate 0.1 ml/min). Typical signals were 0.4–0.8 V of
double pass over 0.1 ml beds of AG1-X8 (100–200 mesh, HBr-HCl total Hf from solutions with 0.5–1 ppb Hf. Interference from HREE was

R. Maas et al.
Table 1
Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope results for Olympic Dam carbonate gangue minerals from all 7 carbonate associations.
Sample # Fraction # Drill hole Depth, m Mineral Rb ppm Sr ppm Rb/86Sr 87
Sr/86Sr Sm ppm Nd ppm 147
Sm/144Nd 143
Nd/144Nd εNd Age t, Ma 87
Sr/86Srt εNd t
association 1 carbonates in felsic unit
OD 817.1 RD2773 2036.3 Anh 0.03 1,690 0.00006 0.720432 6.03 45.91 0.0793 0.511259 − 26.7 1550 0.72043 − 3.6
OD 817.2 RD2773 2036.3 Anh 0.93 1,424 0.0019 0.718045 5.35 41.25 0.0783 0.511226 − 27.4 1550 0.71800 − 4.0
OD 818 11 RD2773 2036.7 Cal 2.49 139.6 0.052 0.723206 4.78 28.17 0.1026 1550 0.72208
OD 819 12 RD2773 2051.3 Cal 0.50 97.5 0.015 0.717110 6.44 25.91 0.1502 0.511937 − 13.5 1550 0.71678 − 4.4
OD 826 47 RD2773 2179.2 Cal 0.12 97.5 0.0037 0.710388 5.54 18.03 0.1854 0.512349 − 5.5 1550 0.71031 − 3.4
OD 826.2 RD2773 2179.2 Cal 0.13 84.06 0.0046 0.712175 5.49 16.76 0.1980 0.512459 − 3.3 1550 0.71207 − 3.7
OD 827 41 RD2773 2182.4 Cal 0.11 93.2 0.0035 0.710819 3.42 17.10 0.1206 0.511684 − 18.5 1550 0.71074 − 3.5
OD 827.2 RD2773 2182.4 Cal 0.16 83.80 0.0057 0.713625 3.91 18.66 0.1264 0.511714 − 17.9 1550 0.71350 − 4.1
OD 829 42 RD2773 2208.5 Cal 0.11 107.4 0.0030 0.712044 19.80 71.35 0.1675 0.512150 − 9.4 1550 0.71198 − 3.7
OD 829.2 RD2773 2208.5 Cal 0.10 103.7 0.0027 0.711527 26.56 97.51 0.1644 0.512100 − 10.3 1550 0.71147 − 4.1
OD 830A 13 RD2773 2238.4 Cal 0.02 87.5 0.0008 0.710094 8.99 54.22 0.1001 0.511458 –22.9 1550 0.71008 − 3.8
OD 830C.1 24 RD2773 2294.5 Cal 0.11 165.8 0.0020 0.716610 7.67 16.13 0.2876 1550 0.71657
OD 830C.2 RD2773 2294.5 Cal 0.42 85.67 0.0143 0.711096 7.04 40.09 0.1061 0.511511 − 21.8 1550 0.71078 − 4.0
OD 830C.3 RD2773 2294.5 Cal 0.27 156.3 0.0050 0.718297 9.18 20.99 0.2640 0.513100 9.2 1550 0.71819 − 4.4

association 2 carbonates in granite-dominated breccia

OD 193 5 RD2773 1172.1 Cal 0.01 39.0 0.0006 0.719175 2.90 20.39 0.0858 0.511445 –23.1 1593 0.71916 − 0.6
OD 667 8 RD2319 760.1 Dol-Ank 0.22 13.4 0.0466 0.716395 1.19 5.39 0.1335 1593 0.71535
OD 835 14 RD2786A 1753.2 Cal 0.15 84.8 0.0050 0.712139 5.83 35.28 0.0998 0.511451 –23.0 1593 0.71203 − 3.4
OD 656 19 RD1172 571.5 Sid 3.74 6.2 1.750 0.751560 0.37 0.91 0.2459
OD 687 27 RD2715 855.7 Sid 0.72 4.2 0.497 0.723364 7.90 43.99 0.1086
OD 674 33 RD2681 718.3 Sid 20.61 20.6 2.890 0.752411 2.71 8.08 0.2029
OD 665 58 RD2143 787.6 Sid 11.21 321.1 0.1009 0.723039 9.93 45.27 0.1324 0.512518 − 2.2 825 0.72187 4.5
OD 659 6 RD1705 493.8 Sid 1.66 11.7 0.4101 0.722635 3.07 20.43 0.0909
OD 661 7 RD2063 680.3 Dol-Ank 0.09 17.6 0.0141 0.729437 3.53 9.69 0.2202 0.512019 − 11.9 500 0.72934 − 13.5

OD 660 29 RD2016 622.3 Dol-Ank 0.71 520.5 0.0039 0.715620 1.73 10.29 0.1014 0.511306 − 25.8 1593 0.71553 − 6.5
OD 662 34 RD2143 542.1 Sid 0.14 10.0 0.0416 0.710679 1.16 8.14 0.0862 1593 0.70974
OD 675 59 RD2681 731.8 Sid 0.06 109.5 0.0017 0.713897 483 3236 0.0903 1593 0.71386
OD 1001 55 underground grab sample Sid, oolite 0.57 213.9 0.0077 0.708831 14.53 89.43 0.0981 0.511421 –23.6 1593 0.70866 − 3.6

association 3 carbonates in green sandstone

OD 226.6 vein RD1624 584.2 Dol-Ank 1.73 122.4 0.0408 0.718450 5.06 20.27 0.1508 0.511909 − 14.1 1593 0.71753 − 4.8
OD 187 21 RD2821 627.9 Dol-Ank, (Sid-Mag) 0.36 139.2 0.0075 0.736650 3.65 8.97 0.2460 0.513012 7.5 1593 0.73648 − 2.8

association 3 carbonates in red sandstone

OD 836 39 RD2786A 1796.2 Dol-Ank 0.11 80.8 0.0038 0.70769 0.94 4.79 0.1187 0.511711 − 17.9 1550 0.70761 − 2.6
OD 839 40 RD2786A 1896.5 Dol-Ank 0.50 210.1 0.0068 0.71132 2.25 10.59 0.1281 0.511485 –22.3 500 0.71127 − 18.0
OD 837 45 RD2786A 1847.8 Dol-Ank 0.17 557.5 0.0009 0.72280 4.14 14.10 0.1773 0.511418 –23.6 500 0.72279 –22.5

association 4 carbonates in basalt (~1590 Ma)

OD 95 1 RD2715 836.3 Sid 0.37 24.1 0.0450 0.72404 3.79 14.74 0.1551 0.511962 − 13.0 1593 0.72303 − 4.7
OD 18 3 RD2744 821.2 Dol-Ank 0.22 56.1 0.0112 0.72246 26.36 61.94 0.2570 0.512163 − 9.1 500 0.72238 − 13.0
OD 106 4 RD2031W1 889.1 Dol-Ank 4.30 66.1 0.1880 0.72121 18.91 58.57 0.1950 0.511994 12.4 500 0.71989 − 12.4

Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

OD 806 10 RD2773 1263.1 Cal 0.02 123.3 0.0006 0.72064 0.68 3.77 0.1088 0.512284 − 6.7 825 0.72064 2.5
OD 684 35 RD2715 839.2 Sid 2.91 17.1 0.491 0.72864 14.43 60.75 0.1437 1593 0.71761
OD 197 20 RD2773 1248.5 Cal 0.03 34.6 0.0028 0.72006 2.05 8.72 0.1422 0.511754 − 17.1 1593 0.72000 − 6.1
OD 16 22 RD2744 761.4 Dol-Ank 0.30 109.3 0.0081 0.71639 46.82 59.65 0.4740 0.512569 − 1.2 500 0.71634 − 19.0
OD 78 23 RD2773 1255.2 Cal 0.08 58.4 0.0041 0.72454 0.16 0.94 0.1030 1593 0.72444
OD 134 26 RD1763 864.5 Dol-Ank 0.10 58.7 0.0047 0.72063 4.81 36.36 0.0800 1593 0.72052
OD 2 28 RU39-5426 224.4 Dol-Ank 0.19 226.9 0.0024 0.72964 5.74 22.63 0.1531 0.512538 − 1.8 825 0.72962 2.7
OD 102 49 RD2018B 812.8 Dol-Ank 0.27 103.5 0.0074 0.71611 2.10 5.71 0.2225 0.512221 − 8.0 500 0.71606 − 9.7
OD 114 50 RD271 650.5 Cal 1.56 15.0 0.3007 0.72521 0.30 1.00 0.1815 1593 0.71845
OD 82 51 RD2773 1331.7 Cal 77.86 150.8 1.492 0.73940 0.28 5.89 0.0288
OD 199 53 RD2773 1329.2 Cal 0.38 89.0 0.0122 0.72186 0.06 0.21 0.1728 1593 0.72159
(continued on next page)
R. Maas et al.
Table 1 (continued )
Sample # Fraction # Drill hole Depth, m Mineral Rb ppm Sr ppm Rb/86Sr 87
Sr/86Sr Sm ppm Nd ppm 147
Sm/144Nd 143
Nd/144Nd εNd Age t, Ma 87
Sr/86Srt εNd t
OD 914.6 vein RD2715 852.6 Dol-Ank 2.36 13.3 0.514 0.727686 10.56 32.77 0.1963 0.512599 − 0.6 825 0.72173 − 0.6
OD 906 cc RD2715 810.1 Sid 1.36 431.0 0.0092 0.718387 1593 0.71818

association 4 carbonates in picrite (~1590 Ma)

OD 868 43 RD1756 342 Dol-Ank 2.70 40.4 0.193 0.719914 25.63 35.8 0.4337 1593 0.71557
OD 494.6 vein RD3564 368.9 Dol-Ank 3.09 109.13 0.0819 0.713336 13.40 58.49 0.1383 0.512126 − 9.8 1593 0.71149 2.0

association 4 carbonates in mafic/ultramafic rocks (825 Ma dolerite)

OD 857 30 RU39-5426 238 Dol-Ank 6.23 131.6 0.137 0.72488 7.57 20.21 0.2263 0.512851 4.3 825 0.72330 1.1
OD 852 31 RU65-8230 596 Cal 0.17 62.1 0.0079 0.71872 6.38 18.67 0.2064 0.512746 2.3 825 0.71863 1.2
OD 848 15 RU65-8230 529 Dol-Ank 0.22 72.3 0.0088 0.72329 9.00 34.25 0.1590 825 0.72319
OD 186 46 RD2821 608 Dol-Ank 1.07 30.2 0.1025 0.72601 3.93 51.84 0.0458 0.511804 − 16.1 825 0.72482 − 0.3
OD 79 48 RD2773 1271 Cal 0.65 262.6 0.0072 0.71925 825 0.71916

association 5 carbonates in massive barite-fluorite-siderite veins

OD 686 9 RD2715 855 Sid 2.97 7.0 1.227 0.73561 23.73 177.7 0.0808 500 0.72702
OD 831 25 RD2786A 1601 Sid 0.06 2.0 0.0852 0.74123 0.03 0.08 0.1979 500 0.74063
OD 842 2 RD2786A 2160 Sid 0.08 46.8 0.0048 0.75229 0.05 0.12 0.2334 500 0.75225
OD 1005 32 underground grab sample Dol-Ank 2.72 688.0 0.0114 0.71523 5.04 17.07 0.1782 0.511358 − 24.8 500 0.71515 –23.7
OD 841 54 RD2786A 1949 Dol-Ank 0.02 45.8 0.0016 0.72553 0.08 0.2 0.2200 500 0.72552

association 6 laminated carbonate

OD 1006_ core 36 RU36-8834 69 Sid 0.34 79.6 0.0124 0.72297 6.34 52.97 0.0722 0.511182 − 28.2 1593 0.72269 − 3.0
OD 1006_ rim1 37 RU36-8834 69 Sid 0.02 4.4 0.0146 0.71674 0.97 5.61 0.1046 1593 0.71641
OD 1006_ rim2 38 RU36-8834 69 Sid 0.03 39.8 0.0018 0.71784 0.92 4.91 0.1137 0.511425 –23.5 1593 0.71780 − 6.7

OD 1045 RU36-8834 62.2 Sid 0.075 18.66 0.0115 0.71772 4.07 27.27 0.0901 0.511380 − 24.4 1593 0.71746 − 2.8
OD 1047 RU36-8834 70.2 Sid 0.087 4.98 0.0503 0.71902 6.95 37.51 0.1118 0.511503 –22.0 1593 0.71789 − 4.8
OD 1048 RU36-8834 71.4 Sid 0.189 13.27 0.0411 0.72383 4.54 29.20 0.0938 0.511272 − 26.5 1593 0.72291 − 5.6
OD 1050 RU36-8771 105 Sid 0.053 6.75 0.0227 0.71680 1.43 4.51 0.1913 0.512412 − 4.2 1593 0.71628 − 3.3
OD 1051 RU36-8771 108.5 Sid 0.080 2.86 0.0804 0.71678 0.78 3.07 0.1526 0.511968 − 12.9 1593 0.71497 − 4.1
OD 1008 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 0.029 15.88 0.0052 0.71475 5.64 36.00 0.0946 0.511367 − 24.6 1593 0.71464 − 3.9
OD 1008_1 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 0.11 7.64 0.0426 0.71843 0.61 3.08 0.1207 0.511624 − 19.6 1593 0.71747 − 4.2
OD 1008_3 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 0.068 4.67 0.0423 0.71649 0.51 2.34 0.1313 0.511708 − 18.0 1593 0.71554 − 4.8
OD 1008_4 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 0.076 4.63 0.59 2.93 0.1218 0.511637 − 19.4 1593 − 4.2
OD 1008_8 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 0.059 3.35 0.0513 0.71519 1593 0.71404
OD 1008_10 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 0.060 3.61 0.0482 0.71577 0.52 2.43 0.1287 0.511712 − 17.9 1593 0.71469 − 4.2

association 7 carbonate matrix in conglomerate at unconformity

OD 425 57 RD3564 364 Dol-Ank 0.85 59.0 0.0418 0.72327 6.07 9.76 0.3752 0.512151 − 9.3 500 0.72298 − 20.8
OD 886_1 fawn 17 RD2972 388 Dol-Ank 0.07 411.8 0.0005 0.71990 3.67 9.31 0.2377 0.511733 − 17.5 500 0.71990 − 20.2
OD 886_2 RD2972 388 Dol-Ank 6.63 11.50 0.3482 0.511883 − 14.6 500 − 24.3
OD 886_3 RD2972 388 Dol-Ank 5.88 10.40 0.3411 0.511819 − 15.8 500 − 25.1
OD 873_1 60 RD1629 330 Dol-Ank 0.07 144.0 0.0014 0.71618 9.58 10.55 0.5484 0.512624 − 0.1 500 0.71617 –22.7

Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

OD 873_2 RD1629 329.6 Dol-Ank 13.21 15.08 0.5290 0.512580 − 1.0 500 –22.3
OD 873_3 RD1629 329.6 Dol-Ank 14.31 16.89 0.5116 0.512550 − 1.6 500 − 21.8

Abbreviations: cal = calcite, dol = dolomite, ank = ankerite, sid = siderite, mag = magnesite, anh = anhydrite.
OD830A and C are from different depths of same drillcore; OD830C1,2,3 refer to different sub-samples of calcite.
OD1008 is a large chip of siderite; OD1008.1 to 0.10 are spot samples obtained by micro-drilling of siderite elsewhere in OD1008.
Sm-Nd concentrations and Sm/Nd ratio by isotope dilution, see text for details.
Rb-Sr concentrations and Rb/Sr ratios from trace element data, see text for details.
R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

Fig. 2. 147Sm/144Nd vs. Nd ppm for carbonate gangue mineral associa­

tions 1–7.

ppm, Table 1). With some exceptions, Sr concentrations tend to be

lowest in siderite, but otherwise there is little systematic difference
between the various carbonate minerals. Rb/Sr is low in most samples:
58 of 75 samples listed in Table 1 have Rb/Sr ≤ 0.02, while the
remaining 17 samples have Rb/Sr from 0.03 to 1.0. The average for the
entire data set is 0.054 (Fig. 1A). Present-day 87Sr/86Sr varies from
0.70769 to 0.75241 with an average at 0.72076; the Sr-weighted
average is 0.72834. This isotopic range is consistent with 87Sr/86Sr in
barite (0.7093–0.7259), fluorite (0.7127–0.7272), and dolomite
(0.7138–0.7167) from prominent baryte-fluorite-dolomite veins
(Wawryk, 1989). In the Rb-Sr isochron diagram (Fig. 1A), high Rb/Sr
tends to be associated with high 87Sr/86Sr, but there are no consistent,
well-supported linear arrays that could be interpreted as isochrons. For
low-Rb/Sr carbonates (e.g., 87Rb/86Sr ≤ 0.2), local ingrowth is small
(≤0.006 for 1.59 Ga), implying that measured 87Sr/86Sr approximates
initial 87Sr/86Sr. In detail, associations 6 and 7 (laminated siderite;
Fig. 1. (A) Rb-Sr isochron diagram for carbonates from the seven Olympic Dam
carbonate associations. Most of the measured carbonates have low Rb/Sr and conglomerate matrix) show relatively limited ranges (~0.715–0.725),
measured 87Sr/86Sr from ~0.710 to ~0.725 (but reaching >0.750). Samples while associations 3 and 5 (sandstone and mudstone; massive fluorite-
with high Rb/Sr (mostly siderite with low Sr concentration) do not form readily barite veins) are the most diverse (Fig. 1B). The lowest 87Sr/86Sr
interpretable isochronous arrays. Reference isochrons for 1590, 1000 and 500 (<0.710) occurs in associations 1–3. Two samples of anhydrite (~1500
Ma (anchored at 0.720) shown for comparison. (B) Measured 87Sr/86Sr in ppm Sr, very low Rb/Sr, Table 1) tought to be broadly cogenetic with
carbonates with 87Rb/86Sr ≤ 0.2 (i.e. minimal ingrowth regardless of age) association 1 calcite veins have measured 87Sr/86Sr (0.7180–0.7204)
shows large isotopic ranges in all measured examples. within the range of the associated calcite (0.7104–0.7232).

mostly negligible, a result of the excellent separation of Hf from HREE in

the 2-column procedure. Mass bias and spike stripping corrections were 4.2. Sm-Nd isotope results
done offline, using 179Hf/177Hf = 0.7325 for internal normalization,
with error propagation as described in Sprung et al. (2013). Hf extracted Nd concentrations in the carbonates also vary strongly (0.08–3236
from USGS standard BCR-2 was measured with signals similar to those ppm), as do Sm/Nd ratios (147Sm/144Nd = 0.028–0.548, average 0.177,
obtained for the carbonate samples and yielded an average of 0.282872 Table 1, Fig. 2). No consistent correlations exist between carbonate as­
± 68 (95% CL, n = 8), in excellent agreement with reference values; the sociation or mineral type and Nd concentration, or between Nd con­
large uncertainty (equivalent to an external precision, 2sd, of ± centration and Sm/Nd (Fig. 2). Carbonates of association 4
0.000162, or ± 5.8 εHf units) reflects the small Hf signals. Lu isotope (mafic–ultramafic) show the greatest variability in Sm/Nd while those
dilution runs were done as described in Sprung et al. (2013). The Lu of associations 3, 5, and 6 (sandstone and mudstone; fluorite-barite
decay constant used is 1.867 × 10− 11/yr. veins; laminated siderite, respectively) are more homogeneous.
Consistently high Sm/Nd is observed in association 7 (conglomerate
4. Results matrix). In general, Sm/Nd in Olympic Dam carbonates is high relative
to the host granite and the breccia complex (Fig. 2). Two samples of
4.1. Rb-Sr isotope results association 1 anhydrite have 41–46 ppm Nd and the lowest Sm/Nd
observed in this association.
Hydrothermal Ca-Fe-Mg-Mn carbonates of all seven carbonate In the Sm-Nd isochron diagram (Fig. 3A), the data show a number of
associtions have highly variable Sr concentrations (2–688 ppm, avg. 98 distinct trends that are interpreted to record depositional ages between
ca.1.6 and ca.0.5 Ga:

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

Association 1. The compositions of all analysed calcites (10 samples,

Sr/86Sr 0.71007–0.72321) and anhydrites (2 samples, 0.72043,
0.71800), and two samples of the host rock (a rhyolitic rock referred to
as ‘felsic unit’ in local mine terminology), define a linear array with an
apparent age of 1546 ± 33 Ma (MSWD = 3.2, εNdi = − 4.0, Fig. 3A; see
Apukhtina et al. (2017)). This trend, which also intersects the compo­
sitional fields for the host Roxby Downs Granite and Cu-rich ores, will be
referred to as ‘Main Array’ hereafter.
Association 2. The compositions of four analysed carbonates in
granite-dominated breccia plot close to that of the host granite and thus
the Main Array, including oolitic siderite OD1001 (Figs. 2B, 3A). Two
other carbonates (OD661, 665) have much higher 143Nd/144Nd and lie
off the Main Array; no direct Sm-Nd age information can be derived from
these data.
Association 3. Dolomite-ankerite in carbonate veins OD187
(87Sr/86Sr 0.7365) and OD226 (87Sr/86Sr 0.7176) in green sandstone-
mudstone show considerable Sm-Nd dispersion and plot within the
Main Array, as does dolomite-ankerite OD836 (87Sr/86Sr 0.7077) from
red sandstone, suggesting a 1.6–1.55 Ga age for these three carbonate
samples (Fig. 3A). Two further vein carbonates, dolomite-ankerite
OD837 and OD839 from red sandstone, plot below the Main Array
(Fig. 3A) and may be part of the ~0.5 Ga trend defined by association 5
and 7 carbonates (see below).
Association 4. Carbonates of this association occur (i) in strongly
altered basaltic rocks (olivine-phyric basalt froming a flat-lying unit of
olivine-phyric basalts near the top of the breccia complex; variably
altered aphanitic, doleritic and porphyritic mafic dykes) believed to be
~ 1.59 Ga old (e.g., Huang et al., 2016), and (ii) in veins within less
altered 0.825 Ga dolerite dykes (Huang et al., 2015). Sm-Nd isotope data
for 10 carbonate samples from the older mafic/ultramafic rocks are
diverse and only some of them plot within the broad linear array (with a
1.70–1.76 Ga slope) defined by 12 analyses of their host lithologies
(Fig. 3B): one plots with its host picrite rocks (OD494), two more (OD95,
197) plot near the Main Array, three (OD2, 806, 914) plot near a trend
defined by the 825 Ma dolerites and carbonates within these dolerites,
and four others plot along a scattered ~0.4 Ga trend controlled by high-
Fig. 3. Sm-Nd isochron diagrams for Olympic Dam carbonates. (A) all samples Sm/Nd dolomite-ankerite OD16 (Fig. 3B). Multiple age interpretations
analysed in this study. The ca. 1590 Ma ‘Main Array‘ broadly fits all data points are possible for some of these data points. The compositions of three
for associations 1 and 6. The compositions of some carbonates assigned to as­ carbonates (OD186, 852, 857) from veins in the 0.82 Ga dolerite dykes
sociations 2, 3 and 4 also plot along the Main Array while others from these lie close to an 825 Ma reference line which also intersects a cluster of
associations plot above and/or below the trend. Carbonates in the 825 Ma dolerite whole rock data points (Huang et al., 2015; Apukhtina et al.,
dolerite (assoc. 4 dolerite) plot along an 825 Ma reference line that passes 2016; Maas and Apukhtina, As mentioned above, three of
through the field of whole rock analyses for this dolerite. All carbonates from the carbonates within altered 1.59 Ga mafic/ultramafic intrusives also
association 7 have high Sm/Nd (Fig. 2) and define a scattered ca. 500 Ma trend:
plot near this 825 Ma reference line (Fig. 3B).
a composite regression including the association 7 data points, the single point
Association 6. Sm-Nd data for laminated siderite consistently plot
for carbonate from association 5, and carbonates OD837 and 839 (assoc.3) and
OD16 (assoc.4) yield a 486 ± 84 Ma age (n = 11, MSWA 131, εNdi − 21.6, see within the Main Array (Fig. 3A). Regression of twelve data points yields
text). Fields for fluorites from late-stage fluorite-baryte veins are shown with an apparent age of 1600 ± 190 Ma (MSWD = 33, εNdi = 4.2), consistent
short 500 Ma reference lines (fluoritea from Wawryk (1989); fluoriteb from with formation of the laminated siderite during the early history of the
Maas et al. (2011)). Other fields shown are for host Roxby Downs Granite breccia complex.
(‘granite‘), Cu ores and Olympic Dam Breccia Complex (‘ores‘), ca. 1.59 Ga Association 5 and 7. The results for carbonates from these associa­
altered mafic and ultramafic rocks from within the breccia complex (‘M-UM‘) tions consistently yield the youngest ages and are thus presented
and the 825 Ma dolerite that cuts the breccia complex (‘GDS dolerite‘). Data together. Siderite and dolomite-ankerite within unbrecciated (and thus
sources: Creaser, 1995; Johnson and McCulloch, 1995; Huang et al., 2015; ‘late-stage’, Ehrig et al., 2012, p 259) fluorite-barite-siderite veins (as­
Apukhtina et al., 2016, 2017; Maas and Apukthina, unpubl. data). (B) Details
sociation 5) are probably ~0.5 Ga old, based on imprecise but consistent
for association 4 carbonates showing the diverse compositions for these sam­
Sm-Nd ages for fluorite reported in Wawryk (1989) and Maas et al.
ples. The sole analysed carbonate from association 4 (picrite) plots within the
(2011); these fluorite trends are shown in Fig. 3A. A single carbonate
field of whole rock analyses for the ca. 1.59 Ga mafic and ultramafic rocks (M-
UM). Two (possibly three) of the carbonates assigned to association 4 (basalt) analysis from one of these veins (dolomite-ankerite OD1005) plots well
plot near the Main Array, while two (possibly three) lie near the 825 Ma below the Main Array (Fig. 3A), within the elongate cluster defined by
reference line for association 4 (dolerite) carbonates. Four other carbonates the fluorite data of Wawryk (1989). This cluster is broadly colinear with
from association 4 (basalt) plot below the Main Array and may define their own an extensive trend defined by carbonates from conglomerate cement
0.4–0.5 Ga trend. Shaded data fields (granite, ores/ODBC, M-UM, GDS dolerite) (association 7, Fig. 3A) and single samples from associations 3 and 4, see
as for Fig. 3A. above. Regression of data for the association 5 and 7 dolomite-ankerites
with data for three carbonate samples from two other associations (3, 4,
see above) produces an apparent Sm-Nd age of 486 ± 84 Ma (MSWD =
131, εNd = 21.6) suggesting renewed carbonate formation during the

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

Table 2
(U-Th)-Pb isotope compositions for Olympic Dam calcites (Association 1) and laminated siderites (Association 6).
U ppm Th ppm Pb ppm U/204Pb 232
Th/204Pb 206
Pb/204Pb 207
Pb/204Pb 208
Pb/204Pb 204
Pb/206Pb 207

association 1 carbonates (calcite) and anhydrite, ’felsic unit’

OD826 RD2773 2179.2 cal pink 0.09 0.14 9.2 0.63 0.98 18.420 15.728 36.965 0.054289 0.8539
OD827 RD2773 2182.4 cal pink 0.08 0.04 12.1 0.42 0.20 17.947 15.660 36.734 0.055720 0.8726
OD829 RD2773 2208.5 cal white 0.09 0.09 6.4 0.87 0.96 18.294 15.681 37.355 0.054664 0.8572
OD830.1 RD2773 2238.4 cal pink 0.23 0.03 14.2 1.01 0.12 19.098 15.768 36.927 0.052361 0.8256
OD830.2 RD2774 2238 cal white 0.03 0.01 17.3 0.10 0.04 24.640 16.391 39.079 0.040584 0.6652
OD817.1 RD2773 2036.3 anh, finegrained, 0.81 0.07 8.6 16.14 1.51 109.653 24.649 62.897 0.009120 0.2248
with apatite

association 6 laminated siderite

OD1045 RU36-8834 62.2 Sid 5.18 0.25 61.7 5.25 0.260 19.248 15.685 36.376 0.051953 0.8149
OD1047 RU36-8834 70.2 Sid 13.83 0.90 48.8 17.93 1.202 19.954 15.779 36.418 0.050116 0.7908
OD1048 RU36-8834 71.4 Sid 165.64 1.22 89.4 116.38 0.884 19.667 15.751 36.300 0.050848 0.8009
OD1050 RU36-8771 105 Sid 0.55 0.02 148.1 0.22 0.009 16.664 15.506 36.202 0.060009 0.9305
OD1051 RU36-8771 108.5 Sid 0.37 0.02 79.1 0.28 0.017 16.853 15.522 36.210 0.059338 0.9211
OD1008 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 11.22 0.32 60.5 11.53 0.342 19.019 15.661 36.301 0.052578 0.8234
OD1008.1 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 2.06 0.03 27.2 4.70 0.082 18.868 15.740 36.345 0.053000 0.8342
OD1008.3 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 1.04 0.02 31.3 2.05 0.039 18.328 15.694 36.313 0.054561 0.8563
OD1008.4 RU36-8834 64.6
OD1008.8 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 2.41 0.03 30.6 4.89 0.056 18.816 15.723 36.331 0.053145 0.8356
OD1008.10 RU36-8834 64.6 Sid 2.06 0.02 32.1 3.96 0.044 18.449 15.692 36.301 0.054204 0.8506
OD1045 RU36-8834 62.2 Sid 0.99 0.01 30.5 2.00 0.029 18.618 15.730 36.329 0.053712 0.8449

U-Th-Pb concentrations and U/Pb-Th/Pb ratios from trace element data for the sample solutions, see text for details. Pb concentrations were determined by summing
the countrates on the three main Pb.
isotopes in unknowns and standards; this eliminates Pb isotope composiiton as a source of systematic error.
Pb-Pb isochron ages (Fig. 4) were calculated using uncertainties of ± 0.1–0.2% for 206Pb/204Pb, 204Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/204Pb, and ±0.02% for 207Pb/206Pb;
error correlations are 0.8–0.9.

4.3. U-Th-Pb isotope results 4.4. Lu-Hf dating of calcite and siderite

Five calcites from association 1 have low U and Th (0.03–0.23 ppm Carbonates minerals can show variable and sometimes strong Lu/Hf
and 0.1–0.14 ppm, respectively); Pb concentrations vary from 6.4 to fractionation (Bizimis et al., 2003; Kamber and Webb, 2001). Like gar­
17.3 ppm. As a consequence, U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios are very low nets and phosphates (e.g., Baxter and Scherer, 2014; Barfod et al., 2005),
(238U/204Pb 0.1–1.01, 232Th/204Pb, 0.04–0.98, Table 2). Measured carbonate minerals may thus be suitable for Lu-Hf dating. Some Olympic
Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios range from 17.94 to Dam calcites and siderites show high to very high Lu/Hf ratios were used
24.64, 15.66 to 16.39 and 36.73 to 39.08, respectively. In the to explore the utility of Lu-Hf isotope dating of hydrothermal carbon­
Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb diagram (Fig. 4A) the 5 data points form a ates. The resulting Lu-Hf ages are broadly consistent with Sm-Nd ages,
slightly scattered linear array with an apparent age of 1795 ± 150 implying that Lu-Hf may indeed be a useful addition to the range of
(MSWD = 5.3). Addition of data for texturally cogenetic anhydrite carbonate dating methods.
OD817.1 (206Pb/204Pb 109.6, Table 2) expands the isotopic range Six samples of laminated siderite (association 6) have 7 to 1686 ppb
considerably, producing a 6-point Pb-Pb isochron age of 1585 ± 23 Ma Lu and 0.045 to 9.79 ppb Hf (Table 3). 176Lu/177Hf (4.9–98) and
(MSWD = 25, Fig. 4A). This Pb-Pb isochron age is indistinguishable from Hf/177Hf (0.349–3.546) ratios are very high and variable, and
laser-ablation ICP-MS U-Pb ages for other hydrothermal minerals (ura­ therefore favorable for dating. Although the low Hf concentrations in
ninite, apatite, hematite) in the host rocks of these calcites, and similar these analyses result in unfavorable sample/blank ratios, the Lu-Hf
to the Sm-Nd age for the calcites themselves (Apukhtina et al., 2017; this isotopic results presented here were not corrected for blank because
study). However, the significance of this age remains unclear because such corrections would have minimal effects on the slopes of any iso­
present-day Pb isotope ratios in the calcites and anhydrite are unsup­ chrons defined by the uncorrected data (Barfod et al., 2005). Regression
ported by their low measured U/Pb (Table 2). of all 9 data points in the isochron diagram yields a slope equivalent to
Association 6 laminated siderites have highly variable concentra­ an age of 1687 ± 150 Ma (MSWD = 2736). After exclusion of OD1045.2,
tions of U (0.55–165.6 ppm), Th (0.01–1.22 ppm), and Pb (27.2–148.1 the most radiogenic data point and a clear outlier, the pooled age be­
ppm, Table 2). U/Pb ratios (238U/204Pb 0.22–116.4) are controlled by U comes 1460 ± 120 Ma (MSWD = 1944). A much more precise apparent
while Th/Pb is low throughout (232Th/204Pb ≤ 1.2). Measured age (MSWD = 1.8, 1428 ± 3 Ma, Fig. 5A) is produced by combining the
Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb ratios (16.66–19.95; 15.52–15.78) do not results for OD1047.2, OD1048.2, and OD1051.2, all from HCl-H2O2
correlate with U/Pb, but the uniformly low 208Pb/204Pb (36.2–36.4) is digestions. The calculated y-axis intercepts of these regressions are
consistent with the low Th/Pb. In the 207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb diagram, highly imprecise and are therefore not discussed.
seven of the association 6 siderite data points are broadly colinear with Calcites from association 1 have generally higher concentrations of
the association 1 calcite trend, while four others define a separate short Lu (633–8248 ppb) than the siderites, while Hf concentrations
array below the calcite trend (Fig. 4A). Much of this detail is lost in the (0.54–6.12 ppb) are comparable. 176Lu/177Hf (262–26137) and
‘inverse’ Pb-Pb (207Pb/206Pb-204Pb/206Pb) diagram where all siderite 176
Hf/177Hf (7.32–847) are therefore even more extreme than in the
and calcite data points plot on a single trend, yielding a pooled age of siderites. With the exception of one data point (OD830C2), the data form
1601 ± 100 Ma (n = 17, MSWD = 66, Fig. 4B). In the a near-linear array in the isochron diagram (Fig. 5B). If OD830C2 is
Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb diagram, the siderite data form a single trend excluded, the remaining 7 points (including some replicates) yield an
that intersects a crustal Pb growth curve at ca.1.25 Ga (Fig. 4C). apparent age of 1482 ± 61 Ma (MSWD = 74). A more precise age
(MSWD = 0.11, 1472 ± 20 Ma) results from pooling the data for OD826,
829 and 829.2; these are considered the most reliable of the calcite
analyses because there was no sample loss during dissolution.

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

Table 3
Lu-Hf isotopic compositions for Olympic Dam calcites (Association 1) and laminated siderites (Association 6).
Core Depth, m ppb Lu 2sd% ppb Hf 2sd% 176Lu/177Hf 2sd% 176Hf/177Hf 2sd% rho Molar Model age
sample/blank Ga

association 1 calcite
OD826 RD2773 2179.2 1296 0.6 1.09 0.7 1496 0.8 43.03 0.6 − 0.01 46.4 1.51
OD826.2* RD2773 2179.2 772 0.3 0.9566 0.1 262.41 0.3 7.322 0.1 − 0.01 13.3 1.42
OD827.2* RD2773 2182.4 633 0.4 0.5428 0.2 926.7 0.4 25.39 0.2 − 0.01 21.5 1.43
OD829 RD2773 2208.5 5686 3.4 4.25 2 9633 3.5 271 1.6 − 0.04 174.1 1.49
OD829.2 RD2773 2208.5 8248 1.3 6.129 0.2 9232 1.3 258.5 0.1 0.04 113.6 1.48
OD830C1.2 RD2773 2294.5 1106 0.5 0.911 0 1996 0.6 58.02 0.2 0.03 34.6 1.53
OD830C2 RD2773 2294.5 6729 4.2 5.71 0.7 26,137 4.2 846.9 0.5 0.04 265.5 1.71
OD830C2.2* RD2773 2294.5 5636 2.0 3.941 0.1 2831 2.0 70.92 0.1 0.01 91.2 1.32

association 6 siderite
1008.2 RU36-8834 64.6 99.4 0.4 0.935 0.2 16.71 0.5 0.8753 0.2 − 0.02 13.7 1.87
1045.2 RU36-8834 62.2 230.6 0.3 0.531 0.2 98.46 0.4 3.546 0.2 0.09 7.64 1.75
1047 RU36-8834 70.2 222.3 0.3 2.067 0.05 16.59 0.3 0.7563 0.07 0.02 90.5 1.51
1047.2 RU36-8834 70.2 120.4 0.2 1.881 0.02 9.536 0.2 0.5547 0.06 0.00 31.9 1.51
1048 RU36-8834 71.4 201.6 0.2 5.899 0.04 4.976 0.2 0.4246 0.06 0.00 294 1.52
1048.2 RU36-8834 71.4 92.65 0.2 6.904 0.03 1.928 0.2 0.3494 0.05 0.00 165 1.85
1050.2 RU36-8771 105 166.8 0.5 0.482 0.1 65.67 0.5 2.115 0.2 0.02 7.82 1.47
1051 RU36-8771 108.5 6.960 0.2 0.0624 0.05 17.15 0.2 0.7339 0.08 0.11 2.59 1.39
1051.2 RU36-8771 108.5 1686 0.3 9.858 0.1 27.68 0.3 1.047 0.1 0.00 152 1.46

Suffix .2 denotes second digestion for same powder; * marks digestions affected by sample loss during dissolution.
Lu and Hf ppb measured by isotope dilution; molar sample/blank ratio, see text for details; listed data not corrected for blank.
Lu-Hf model ages are 2-point model ages calculated with a common Hf anchor composition of 176Lu/177Hf 0.015, 176Hf/177Hf 0.28216.

By analogy with other highly radiogenic mineral isotope systems (e. range in 206Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb in these minerals is therefore
g., Re-Os molybdenite), single sample Lu-Hf (model) ages can be derived ‘unsupported’ and may have been inherited from ca. 1.59 Ga U-rich
for the siderites and calcites by combining the Lu-Hf results with an minerals. This inheritance may be a natural process (release of radio­
estimate of the relevant common Lu-Hf system. Although the exact genic Pb from unstable U minerals, e.g., brannerite, coffinite) but could
common Hf anchor composition has little influence, we chose present- also be a laboratory artifact (selective leaching of radiogenic Pb from
day 176Lu/177Hf and 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.015 ± 0.005 and 0.28216 small uraninite impurities within the calcites and anhydrites during
± 0.00002, respectively. This 176Lu/177Hf ratio is an often-cited estimate dissolution with dilute acid). Whatever the process, we suggest that the
for average continental crust (e.g., Griffin et al., 2004) while the 1585 ± 23 Ma Pb-Pb isochron age does not date the calcites directly,
Hf/177Hf (fortuitously identical with the nominal composition of the despite the close similarity with reference ages.
widely used JMC475 Hf isotope standard) is based on forward calcula­ The Lu-Hf ages for association 1 calcites (1472 ± 20 Ma isochron,
tion of Hf isotope data for magmatic zircon formed during the 1590 Ma Fig. 5B, model ages 1477–1510 Ma) are younger than the Sm-Nd age.
Hiltaba Suite magmatic event (~0.2817, Belousova et al., 2009) using Given the low Hf concentrations (<0.01 ppm) and extreme Lu/Hf ratios
an assumed 176Lu/177Hf of 0.015 (this value was also used in Belousova in the calcites relative to vein host rocks (e.g., trace element data in
et al. (2009)). In the absence of published whole rock Lu-Hf isotope data, Ehrig et al. (2012)), even small degrees of isotopic exchange with host
the 0.28216 ± 0.00002 figure is the best available estimate of present- rocks would strongly affect the calcite Lu-Hf systems and lead to partial
day 176Hf/177Hf in the Roxby Downs Granite and ODBC. Two-point resetting of calcite Lu-Hf ages.
model ages for the siderites range from 1394 to 1870 Ma (average Sr/86Sr in the calcites and anhydrites varies from 0.71007 to
1593 ± 179 Ma, 1sd, Table 3), those for the calcites range from 1320 to 0.72208, higher than initial 87Sr/86Sr in the host granite
1707 Ma (average 1485 ± 111 Ma, 1sd). Model ages for the analyses (0.7088–0.7089 from magmatic apatite, Creaser and Gray, 1992). If Sr
considered to be the most reliable are 1460–1850 Ma for siderites and in calcite-forming hydrothermal solutions was derived from the felsic
1477–1510 Ma for calcites. unit/host granite, their elevated 87Sr/86Sr implies a substantial age gap
between granite emplacement and calcite veining, to allow higher
5. Discussion Sr/86Sr in the granite to develop before interaction with the carbonate-
forming fluids (Maas et al., 2015a). The wide range in Rb/Sr within the
5.1. Age constraints for carbonates host granite (Fig. 6b) could generate 87Sr/86Sr up to 0.715–0.717 by
~1500 Ma, still broadly consistent with the Sm-Nd age constraints for
5.1.1. Association 1 calcite-anhydrite the calcites (section 4.2). 87Sr/86Sr > 0.720 would not be available to
Calcite veins (association 1) in paragenetically early magnetite- hydrothermal fluids within the granite until ~1400 Ma except were
apatite-quartz-pyrite-uraninite IOCG mineralization within an unbrec­ fluids are in contact with volumes of highly differentiated granite. A
ciated porphyritic facies of the RDG (the ‘felsic unit’) provide age con­ granitic source of hydrothermal Sr is thus at least partly plausible.
straints that are broadly consistent with U-Pb ages for the host granite, Alternatively, calcite 87Sr/86Sr, like the Lu-Hf isotope systems, may be
and for apatite (1583 ± 7 Ma) and uraninite (1594 ± 6 Ma) from the U- affected by post-depositional isotopic exchange. However, there is no
rich assemblage (ca.1583–1594, Jagodzinski, 2014; Apukhtina et al., clear correlation between Sr concentrations (85–1690 ppm, Table 1) and
2017). The Sm-Nd isochron age of 1546 ± 33 Ma for these calcites Sr/86Sr, suggesting that secondary effects were not important in this
(Fig. 3A; see also Apukhtina et al. (2017)) suggests vein emplacement case (see also Section 5.2).
coeval with or within tens of Ma after formation of the initial IOCG
mineralization. The Pb isotope results for calcite and anhydrite also 5.1.2. Association 2
yield a 1585 ± 23 Ma Pb-Pb isochron age (Fig. 4A), indistinguishable Four of the six analysed carbonate samples from granite-dominated
from the U-Pb ages for U-rich minerals in the same host IOCG para­ breccia have Sm-Nd isotope compositions that are very similar to
genesis. As noted earlier, the very low U/Pb ratios in these minerals those of the host granite (Fig. 3A). For consistency with the interpreta­
could not have produced the observed ingrowth in uranogenic Pb. The tion of other data points within the Main Array, we suggest these 4

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

Fig. 5. Lu-Hf isochron diagrams for Olympic Dam carbonates. (A) Association
6, laminated siderite. All 9 data points from 6 siderite samples define a
regression with an apparent age of 1687 ± 150 Ma (MSWD 2736). Removal of
the most radiogenic point lowers the age to 1460 ± 120 Ma (MSWD 1944). The
three most reliable analyses yield an age of 1428 ± 3 Ma (MSWD 1.8). (B)
Association 1 calcites. Data for 7 of 8 analyses (OD830C2 excluded) define a
regression with an apparent age of 1482 ± 61 (MSWD 74). The three most
reliable analyses yield an age of 1472 ± 20 Ma (MSWD 0.11).

carbonate samples are 1.60–1.55 Ga in age. Two further examples,

OD661 and OD665, have higher Sm/Nd and 143Nd/144Nd. Their position
outside the 1.60–1.55 Ga Main Array implies they formed from fluids
with non-granitic Nd, or they are younger, or their original Sm-Nd
systems were disturbed. OD665 plots close to a field defined by the
Fig. 4. Pb isotope systematics for 1.59–1.55 Ga carbonates from associations 1 825 Ma dolerite dykes and to some of the association 4 carbonate
(drillhole RD2773, Apukhtina et al., 2017) and 6 (laminated siderite). (A) samples hosted in 1.59 Ga basalts (Fig. 3) and could thus be related to
Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb systematics for association 1 calcites (plus radio­ basaltic rocks, one of the major non-granite clast components in the
genic anhydrite OD817.1) define an apparent 207Pb-206Pb isochron age of 1585
breccia. By contrast, OD661 plots to the right of the Main Array, again
± 23 Ma. Data for association 6 siderites show more scatter and possibly two
with carbonates from association 4 (1.59 Ga mafic/ultramafic rocks),
separate trends. (B) In this ‘inverse‘ Pb-Pb isochron plot, pooled regression of all
apparently forming a trend which runs sub-parallel to the ~0.5 Ga trend
data points yields 1601 ± 100 Ma. (C) Measured 208Pb/204Pb in association 6
siderites correlate well with 206Pb/204Pb, defining a trend that may be inter­ of association 7 carbonates and late fluorite-bearing veins, suggesting
preted as a mixing line between radiogenic and common Pb. The line intersects they may all be Cambrian in age (Fig. 3).
the crustal Pb growth curves at ~1.25 Ga (Stacey and Kramers, 1975) or ~1.4 Sr/86Sr in eight low-Rb/Sr carbonates (siderite, calcite, dolomite-
Ga (upper crust, Zartman and Doe, 1981, not shown); the significance of these ankerite) from association 2 shows a wide range (0.7088–0.7294, Rb/
’intersection dates’ is unclear. The data for association 1 calcites show greater Sr ~ 0, Fig. 1B) while another five with elevated Rb/Sr form a strongly
scatter but a linear trend through the data, including the radiogenic anhydrite, scattered array with a slope equivalent to 900 ± 400 Ma (initial
has a similar ca. 1.2–1.3 Ga intersection with the growth curve. 87
Sr/86Sr ~ 0.720, not shown in Fig. 1A). One of these samples, OD665,

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

5.1.3. Association 3
Sm-Nd isotope data for hydrothermal carbonates in rocks of the
bedded clastic facies plot in either Main Array or the ~0.49 Ga trend
(Fig. 3A). This suggests that carbonate veining in these sediment pack­
ages started at 1.59–1.55 Ga, consistent with the depositional age of
these sediments inferred from U-Pb zircon dating (McPhie et al., 2016;
Cherry et al., 2018b), and re-commenced in the Cambrian. The five
analysed carbonate samples from association 3 have low Rb/Sr, and
Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.7077 to 0.7367. The wide Sr isotopic range in
these samples does not consistently correlate with ages inferred from
Sm-Nd isotopes, suggesting that even carbonates on the Main Array
formed several tens of Ma after deposition of their high-Rb/Sr host
sedimentary sequences, allowing a rapid build-up of variable 87Sr/86Sr
in host sediment before carbonate formation. By contrast, 87Sr/86Sr in
OD836 (one of the three analysed samples on/near the Sm-Nd Main
Array) is lower than the initial 87Sr/86Sr in the host granite (0.70761 vs.
0.7088–0.7089, Creaser and Gray, 1992) and must reflect a local
basaltic (?) source of fluid-mobile Sr. To preserve such a signature
within thick sandstone composed of crustally-derived material (detrital
quartz, feldspar, granitic/volcanic fragments, detrital hematite) and
lacking basaltic detrital components, this particular carbonate sample
must have formed very close to the time of sediment deposition, when
Sr/86Sr in the sandstones and siltstones was still low and relatively

5.1.4. Association 4
Carbonates collected from the dolerite dykes must be 825 Ma old or
younger. A broadly syn-dolerite origin is supported by their position
near an 825 Ma reference line through a cluster of dolerite whole rock
analyes (Fig. 3B). The Sm-Nd isotope data for carbonates extracted from
inferred 1.59 Ga basalts and picrites are more diverse. The only picrite-
hosted carbonate analysed (OD494) plots with the whole rock data for
some altered picrites and is therefore probably cogenetic, and thus
~1.59 Ga old. Likewise, two of the carbonates from basalt plot on/near
the Main Array (Fig. 3B) and thus probably formed near 1.59 Ga. Three
further carbonates from ~1.59 Ga basalt (OD2, 806, 914) plot within the
Fig. 6. Initial Sr-Nd isotope compositions in Olympic Dam carbonates, with Sm-Nd trend defined by the dolerite-hosted carbonates and may thus be
mineral formation ages inferred from Sm-Nd isotope results or direct U-Pb
syn-dolerite. Other carbonates from 1.59 Ga basalt form a divergent
dating. For clarity, no distinction based on carbonate association is made. (A)
shallow trend, which is subparallel to the ~0.50 Ga trend of the asso­
εNd vs. inferred age. The 1.59–1.55 Ga stage of the deposit’s history produced
carbonate with εNdi from ~− 7 to +2, similar to εNdi in host granite and the Cu ciation 7 carbonates, and like the latter may thus be of Cambrian age.
ore/breccia complex (ODBC). εNd in 825 Ma carbonates of association 4 The low-Rb/Sr carbonates from association 4 have relatively high
(dolerite) is controlled by their host dolerite while ca. 500 Ma carbonates from Sr/86Sr (0.7115–0.7248, Table 1), implying they formed from fluids
associations 7, 5, 4 and 3 have evolved εNd values within the wide isotopic with variably radiogenic Sr derived from the breccia complex (Apukh­
range of the ODBC, with contributions from the 1.59 Ga basaltic lithologies. (B) tina et al., 2016).
Sr/86Sr vs. inferred age (all data shown are for samples with 87Rb/86Sr < 0.2).
Sr/86Sri in carbonates inferred to be 1.59–1.55 Ga old shows an unexpectedly 5.1.5. Association 5
large range, with ratios > 0.715 being quite common; Sr with this isotopic Carbonates in this association should be cogenetic with the associ­
composition would have been unavailable or uncommon in the host granite so
ated fluorite, for which ~0.5 Ga Sm-Nd ages were reported by Wawryk
early in its history (see shaded area). Likewise, carbonates of association 4
(1989) and Maas et al. (2011). This is supported by the Sm-Nd isotopic
(1.59 Ga basalts, picrites) do not show the expected low 87Sr/86Sri (<0.705) of
their host rocks during that time. The 825 Ma carbonates show an even more
composition of dolomite-ankerite OD1005 which plots on the shallow
pronounced isotopic contrast with their host rocks, recording 87Sr/86Sri ≥ 0.720 ~0.5 Ga Sm-Nd trend defined by fluorite (fluoritea in Fig. 3A) and by
in all cases (see also Apukhtina et al., 2016). The ca. 500 Ma carbonates show carbonates from association 7. Age-corrected 87Sr/86Sr in five siderite
the largest isotopic range; black bar shows range of Sr isotope results for baryte, and dolerite-ankerite samples varies widely (0.715–0.752, Table 1,
fluorite and dolomite in late-stage baryte-fluorite veins from Wawryk (1989). Fig. 1A,B) and does not provide any additional age information.
Data sources as in Fig. 3.
5.1.6. Association 6
plots near the field of 825 Ma dolerite in the Sm-Nd isotope diagram Like association 1 calcites, the prominent laminated siderites of as­
(Fig. 3B). Sample OD661, a low-Rb/Sr dolerite-ankerite with a possible sociation 6 show very coherent Sm-Nd isotope systematics within, and
Cambrian Sm-Nd age, has 87Sr/86Sr near 0.729. Oolitic siderite OD1001, help define, the Main Array (Fig. 3A), implying a 1.59–1.55 Ga age. This
which plots within the Sm-Nd Main Array, is the only carbonate found in is broadly supported by the 1598 ± 170 Ma Sm-Nd age for the 12 data
this study to have a 87Sr/86Sr similar to the initial 87Sr/86Sr of the host points. A ~1600 Ma Pb-Pb isochron for the pooled association 1 and 6
granite (0.70883 vs. 0.7088–0.7089); this supports a near-1.59 Ga age carbonates (Fig. 4B) is problematic because measured Pb isotope vari­
for this carbonate clast. ations are not correlated with measured U/Pb ratios and may thus be
‘unsupported’. Lu-Hf dating of the siderites yields ages in the range
1400–1500 Ma, the most precise being a 1428 ± 3 Ma 3-point age. As
suggested for association 1 calcites, the age deficit relative to Sm-Nd

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

data for the same samples may indicate disturbance of siderite Lu-Hf because of open system behaviour. However, the overall distribution of
systems. most carbonate Sm-Nd isotope data points along geologically realistic
As a group, these siderites have by far the lowest Sr concentrations trends (Fig. 3) suggests that disturbance of Sm-Nd isotope systems af­
(2.9–79.6 ppm, average 15 ppm) measured here, yet Rb/Sr is uniformly fects only a small fraction of the analysed carbonates. In the following,
low. Measured (~initial) 87Sr/86Sr is higher than the initial 87Sr/86Sr of some of the ages assigned to the carbonates are simplifications made for
the host granite and quite diverse (0.7147–0.7238 vs. 0.7088–0.7089). the sake of Fig. 6.
As inferred for other carbonates with ‘old’ Sm-Nd ages, elevated and The εNd vs. time plot (Fig. 6A) shows three distinct clusters. Car­
variable 87Sr/86Sr may indicate an age gap between formation of the bonates formed during the 1.59–1.55 Ga stages of the deposit have
granite and siderite deposition, to allow build-up of radiogenic Sr in the initial εNd values from − 6.7 to + 2, broadly similar to the range reported
OBDC; in this case the imprecise Sm-Nd isochron allows an gap of up to for whole rocks of granite, breccia, Cu ore and mafic/ultramafic rocks in
170 Ma which would be sufficient to produce 87Sr/86Sr > 0.720 Johnson and McCulloch (1995). Association 1 calcites apparently
(Fig. 6B). The laminated siderites are interpreted to be former Fe-rich formed soon after early (1580–1590 Ma) IOCG-style ore (Apukhtina
sandstones (bedded iron stones, BIF) overprinted by hydrothermal et al., 2017) and have initial εNd1550 values averaging − 3.9. Association
siderite (Apukhtina et al., 2020). They occur preferentially near 6 laminated siderites, dated at ~ 1.59 Ga, show similar signatures
Masher’s Fault, which is thought to be a long-lived structure reactivated (average εNd1593 = -4.3). Association 2 carbonates are more heteroge­
during the Delamerian Orogeny in the Cambrian (Sugden and Cross, neous: samples assigned a 1.59–1.55 Ga age (see Section 5.1) have
1991). However, the Sm-Nd isotope data for the siderites do not show εNd1593 values of − 6.5 to − 0.6 (n = 4). Association 3 carbonates with
signs of resetting during the Cambrian. assigned 1.59–1.55 Ga ages show a similar range (εNd = − 7.4 to − 2.5),
while those from association 4 (εNd = − 6.1 to + 2.0) are more variable,
5.1.7. Association 7 reaching the high values observed in some of the 1.59 Ga basalts and
Dolomite-ankerite carbonates (+barite + celestite ± Cu-Fe sulfides) picrites (Johnson and McCulloch, 1995). This suggests that while
assigned to this association form the matrix of alternating beds of granitic Nd (εNd1590 = − 5 to − 3) was dominant in the early stage of the
conglomerate-breccia and sandstone beds which unconformably overlie deposit, an additional more juvenile component was recorded in at least
the eroded Olymic Dam Breccia Complex and are estimated to have a some early-formed carbonates, as suggested by Johnson and McCulloch
maximum age of ~0.6 Ga (Apukhtina et al., 2020). The Sm-Nd isotope (1995).
signatures of these carbonates, with their characteristic high and vari­ Carbonates assigned a 0.82 Ga age tend to have higher εNd825 (up to
able Sm/Nd (Fig. 2), clearly diverge from the Main Array and yield a Sm- − 0.2 to +5, Fig. 6), reflecting the high εNd of the 0.82 Ga dolerites
Nd age of ~0.5 Ga (Fig. 3A). Analyses of members from several other (Huang et al., 2015; Apukhtina et al., 2016). Interestingly, 87Sr/86Sr in
carbonate associations plot within this trend, and the same age is these carbonates (~0.717 to >0.730) is much higher than in the least
assigned to them. 87Sr/86Sr in three low-Rb/Sr association 7 carbonates altered dolerite (0.7035–0.7052, Apukhtina et al., 2016), suggesting
strongly overlaps the range in association 6 laminated siderites they contain a mix of unradiogenic Sr from basalt and radiogenic Sr from
(0.7162–0.7233 vs. 0.7147–0.7238), despite a potentially 1000 Ma age the host breccia complex.
difference between these carbonate assemblages. Carbonates formed during the Cambrian occur in several associa­
tions and all show strongly negative εNd500 (− 26 to − 10, Fig. 6A).
5.2. Isotopic constraints on fluid sources and pathways Carbonate εNd500 signatures below ~− 16 probably reflect local crustal
sources (host granite, breccia complex, Neoproterozoic cover sediments)
Whole rock Sm-Nd isotope data for Olympic Dam reported in available at the time while higher εNd500 may indicate sources within the
Johnson and McCulloch (1995) suggested slightly different εNd1.59 Ga in older basaltic components of the breccia complex.
the host granite (− 5) and various styles of Cu mineralization within the Carbonate 87Sr/86Sr is much less dependent on age assignments than
granite-hosted ODBC (εNd1590 − 3 to − 2, the ‘ore envelope’), with data εNd because age corrections are small in the majority of analysed sam­
points for various types of breccia having intermediate compositions. ples. On the other hand, Sr is known to be more mobile than Nd in hy­
This isotopic contrast was used to support ore formation involving two drothermal and meteoric fluids, which could result in both long-range
or more distinct fluids (e.g., Oreskes and Einaudi, 1992) to link Cu transport (e.g., from the Archean-Mesoproerozoic basement of the
mineralization to isotopically juvenile, perhaps basaltic, sources within Olympic IOCG Province, Reid, 2019) and extensive local reequilibration
the breccia complex. Breccia components with the requisite juvenile Nd along the flow path and at the site of deposition within the ODBC and
isotope signatures exist in the form of the ~1.59 Ga mafic and ultramafic host granite where a large range in Rb/Sr generated diverse 87Sr/86Sr
igneous components of the breccia complex (Johnson and McCulloch, signatures very quickly. If plotted against mineral age, there is a broad
1995; Huang et al., 2015). In a survey of other, much smaller Cu-Au increase of carbonate 87Sr/86Sr towards younger ages but a dominant
IOCG mineralizations of the NE Gawler Craton, Skirrow et al. (2007) 0.710–0.725 signature persists throughout (Fig. 6B). Given the generally
did not find equivalent Nd isotopic shifts and concluded that a strong high Rb/Sr in the granite (avg. Rb/Sr for samples >80 ppm Sr is 1.09,
basaltic influence may have been important in the formation of the present-day mean 87Sr/86Sr = 0.8088, Creaser and Gray, 1992; Ehrig
much larger Cu-Au mineralization at Olympic Dam. Such arguments are et al., 2012), successive generations of carbonate would be expected to
based on the assumption that ore-forming activity at Olympic Dam was have ever-increasing 87Sr/86Sr if fluid Sr is sourced in local granite or
initiated during the ~1590 Ma bimodal magmatism recorded in the breccia host rocks (Maas et al., 2015a). Against this background, the
Roxby Downs Granite and the wider Olympic Province (e.g., Williams recurrence of the 0.710–0.725 signature in all three major carbonate age
et al., 2005), and largely completed soon after. It is now clear that groups (including fluorites + barite in the ca. 500 Ma veins) may reflect
brecciation, alteration and mineral formation continued episodically buffering by unradiogenic Sr from basaltic rocks.
over ~1 Ga (e.g., Ciobanu et al., 2013; Cherry et al., 2017, 2018a, As noted earlier, diverse 87Sr/86Sr in low-Rb/Sr carbonates could be
2018b; Kirchenbaur et al., 2016; Huang et al, 2017; Meffre et al., 2010, a result of isotopic heterogeneity within carbonate separates or grains,
2015; Ehrig et al., 2017; Kamenetsky et al., 2015; Maas et al., 2011, perhaps reflecting the post-depositional textural/mineralogical modifi­
2015a), and this protracted evolution is also recorded in carbonate cation reported for virtually all minerals in the breccia complex (Ehrig
gangue. et al., 2012; Ciobanu et al., 2017; Apukhtina et al., 2020). In the absence
Initial εNd values reported for ca. 1.6–0.5 Ga carbonates analysed of spatially-resolved Sr isotope data as provided by in situ isotopic
here show a large range (Table 1). In some cases, these εNd results may analysis (e.g., Woodhead et al., 2005), indirect evidence must be used to
not be robust, possibly because the mineral ages used to calculate initial evaluate the carbonate 87Sr/86Sr signatures. For example, carbonates of
εNd in these cases are poorly defined (ages used are listed in Table 1), or association 1 do not show the inverse correlation of 87Sr/86Sr with Sr

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

Fig. 7. Chronology of major carbonate forming events within the Olympic Dam Breccia Complex. (A) Summary of major geological events relevant to the Olympic
IOCG Province in the NE Gawler Craton, including magmatism, sedimentary basins, orogenic activity and glaciation events, and their place in the history of
Columbia, Rodinia and Gondwana. (B) Timing of gangue carbonate mineral deposition (green) compared to known/inferred ages for ore minerals (red) and non-
carbonate gangue minerals (blue). Based mainly on Sm-Nd isotope data, Ca-Fe-Mg-Mn carbonate minerals were formed at ~ 1.59–1.55 Ga (assoc. 1, Apukhtina
et al., 2017; this study; assoc. 2, oolite; assoc. 3, 4 and 6, this study), ~0.82 Ga (assoc. 4, Apukhtina et al., 2016; this study), and ~0.6–0.5 Ga (assoc. 3, 4, 5, and 7,
this study). Not all studied carbonate samples provided useable age constraints (e.g., assoc. 3, 4). Sm-Nd data for REE-fluorocarbonates suggest they were formed at
~1.4–1.1 Ga (Maas et al., 2011; Diemar, 2014). Carbonate formation broadly agree with ages for other minerals, and the history of mineral formation at Olympic
Dam generally correlates with large-scale geological events (see panel A). Data sources for panel A: breakup of supercontinent Columbia (~1.6–1.3 Ga, Meert and
Santosh, 2017), Grenville-aged resetting of some ~1.6 Ga old rocks (Wong et al., 2015), amalgamation and breakup of Rodinia (~1.3–0.9 and ~0.8–0.5 Ga,
respectively, Li et al., 1999, 2008), amalgamation of Gondwana (~0.6–0.3 Ga, Veevers, 2004). Data sources for ore mineral ages: chalcopyrite (~1.26 Ga, McInnes
et al., 2008), galena (~1.4–1.2 Ga, Meffre et al., 2010; ~1.1 Ga, Kamenetsky et al., 2015), pyrite (hydrothermal, ~1.59 Ga*, age inferred from U-Pb dating of
associated minerals, Apukhtina et al., 2017; authigenic, ~1.1 Ga, Kamenetsky et al., 2015), uraninite (~1.59 Ga, Apukhtina et al., 2017; ~1.4–1.3, ~1.22, ~0.83
and ~ 0.57 Ga, Johnson, 1993; ~1.4 and ~0.5 Ga, Trueman et al., 1988; ~0.5 Ga, Ehrig et al., 2018). Data sources for non-carbonate gangue mineral ages: anhydrite
(~1.58 Ga, Apukhtina et al., 2017; this study), fluorapatite (hydrothermal, ~1.59 Ga, Apukhtina et al., 2017; ~0.82 Ga, Huang et al., 2015; Apukhtina et al., 2016;
authigenic, hydrothermal, ~0.44–0.48 Ga, Kamenetsky et al., 2015), fluorite (~0.45–0.55 Ga, Wawryk, 1989; Maas et al., 2011), hematite (~1.59–1.58 Ga,
Apukhtina et al., 2017; Ciobanu et al., 2013; Courtney-Davies et al., 2019), magnetite (possibly inherited from older BIF ~1.76 Ga, Courtney-Davies et al., 2019,
Courtney-Davies et al., 2020; magmatic, ~1.59 Ga**, age inferred from U-Pb dating of associated minerals, Apukhtina et al., 2017; hydrothermal, ~0.82 Ga,
age inferred from U-Pb age for associated apatite in dolerite dyke, Apukhtina et al., 2016), monazite (hydrothermal, ~0.48–0.44 Ga, Kamenetsky et al., 2015),
sericite (~1.49 Ga, Craeser, 1989; ~1.31 Ga, Gustafson and Compston, 1979; ~1.1 Ga, Maas et al., in preparation; ~0.45–0.55 Ga, Maas et al., 2011), titanite
(hydrothermal, ~0.82 Ga, Huang et al., 2015; Apukhtina et al., 2016), and zircon (hydrothermal, magmatic, ~1.59 Ga; hydrothermal, ~1.14 Ga, Jagodzinski, 2014).

R. Maas et al. Ore Geology Reviews 140 (2022) 103745

concentration expected if low-Sr calcite is particularly vulnerable to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
post-depositional isotopic disturbance. The highest 87Sr/86Sr is found in the work reported in this paper.
anhydrites with very high Sr concentrations (1424–1690 ppm, Table 1).
Siderites of association 6 have very low Sr concentrations, yet their Acknowledgments
Sr/86Sr range is comparable to that in association 1 carbonates, sug­
gesting that secondary modification of 87Sr/86Sr is not strong even in We are grateful to Alan Greig, Warrick Joe and Serene Paul (Uni­
low-Sr carbonates. Finally, barytes (a Sr-rich, alteration-resistant min­ versity of Melbourne) for assistance with analytical work. The paper
eral, e.g., McCulloch, 1994) and fluorites from association 5 fluorite- significantly benefited from insightful comments by two reviewers and
baryte veins have a Sr isotope range that is almost identical with that efficient editorial handling by Franco Pirajno. This study was funded by
of carbonates assigned a 0.5 Ga age (black bar in Fig. 6B). While we can BHP Olympic Dam and the Australian Research Council (Linkage Grant
not rule out secondary disturbance of carbonate 87Sr/86Sr entirely, these LP130100438).
observations suggest that diverse Sr isotope signatures in carbonates
may be mostly primary. Appendix A. Supplementary data

6. Summary and conclusions Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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Declaration of Competing Interest district, South Australia. Precambr. Res. 335, 105480.

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

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