Carruth 1987

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BREAST DISEASES John F. Forbes (Ed.) Churchill scientific trials if we are to avoid the traps of the
Livingstone, 1986. No. of pages: 184 including past. Although the subsequent reviews on the man-
Index. Price: f22.00. ISBN 0443 03078 2. ISSN agement of disease have in the main concentrated
0203 4422. on properly controlled trials, some of the conclu-
This book is the 10th volume in a series entitled sions drawn are not always supported by the results
Clinical Surgery International. In contrast with of the trials. For instance, in the chapter on
many books mainly concerned with breast cancer, adjuvant chemotherapy it is suggested that some
the editor has made an effort to include chapters on post-menopausal patients might benefit from
the normal function, physiology and histogenesis intensive five drug combination chemotherapy,
of breast tissue. There are also chapters on benign though no data to uphold this view are put forward.
breast disease and the pathogenesis of breast Because these condensed chapters discuss multiple
cancer. These provide a firm foundation for the randomized studies there is very little detail and the
second half of the book, which concentrates on the reader has no opportunity to assess the relative
clinical management of breast cancer. merits ofindividual studies himself. Although there
The chapter on identification of patients at is a chapter on the management of locally advanced
increased risk of cancer was disappointing as the disease this book does not include data on the
controversial area of screening for breast cancer management of metastatic or recurrent disease.
was only given two paragraphs. Surely there is suf- Overall, this is an interesting volume which will
ficient argument over this topic to merit at least a be thought-provoking for many. The oncologist
chapter. With arguments in mind, Baum reviewed may find the sections on management somewhat
the history of breast cancer underlining the cursory, omitting management of metastatic dis-
changing philosophy of each age. Having read this ease and lacking in real discussion. The book will be
resume of the past it is clear that current theories of good value to those in training, particularly in
should always be examined in the light of the surgical specialties.
wrongness of our previous thinking. C. J. WILLIAMS
The chapter on requirements for clinical trials in Southampton General Hospital,
breast cancer stresses the need for rigorous and Southampton SO9 4XY

CANCER OF THE FACE AND MOUTH. McGregor and overview of his thoughts on this topic and I believe
McGregor. Churchill Livingstone, 1986. No. of few surgeons would begin a radical neck dissection
pages: 615 including index. Price: f90.00. ISBN in the postero-inferior corner. In addition, some
0 443 02455 3. might wish to see mention of cranio-facial resection
for advanced ethmoidal tumours and of modern
This book will surely come to be recognized as surgical developments, such as the laser and rather
‘classic’in its field and must be required reading for more discussion of cryotherapy.
all with an interest in this subject. The drawings are of an outstanding quality as
The scope of the book is clearly defined in the are the majority of the photographs but, as these
introduction and within this the surgical author has have been taken from colour slides and are in black
established an international reputation. Specialists and white, some of the surgical photographs lack
in ‘head and neck’ surgery are drawn from a definition.
wide range of disciplines, including plastic, facio- This is a fine reference book but it is also a
maxillary, general and ENT surgery and the value book which one would wish to read from cover to
of this remarkable book would be enhanced if cover. In reading this book one is provided with
it covered the whole range of pharyngeal and beautifully presented facts and carefully discussed
laryngeal surgery. However, within its defined opinion based on a wealth of surgical and patho-
scope the book provides a wonderfully compre- logical experience. A vast amount of work has gone
hensive account of the pathology of head and neck into this book and the authors must be congratu-
tumours, how they should be resected and how the lated on having produced an outstanding volume
defect should be reconstructed. Where controversy which is a major contribution to the literature on
exists, this is clearly identified but then a well head and neck surgery and a delight to read.
argued opinion is given on the preferred approach.
As the author’s opinions are clearly stated, many
will not agree with all of them but will, nevertheless, J. A. S. CARRUTH
find his points of view acceptable. The chapter on Dept of Otolaryngology, Royal South Hants
Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy provides a brief Hospital, Graham Road, Southampton, SO9 4PE

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