DestB1 Final Test

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Revision Test 1: Units 1 - 6

A \ W rit e o n e w ord in e a c h g a p.

1 5 ^ M arch
'j I had my first driving lesson today. I think it was okay ( 1 ) ...............................general. Well, I think I
coped ( 2 ) quite well, but my instructor seemed a little nervous! She pointed
( 3 ) .............................. that I was going a bit too fast, so I slowed down and she seemed to relax after that.
M She gave me some homework. I have to ( 4 ) ...............................up the meanings of some road signs in
a book and then learn them ( 5 ) ...............................heart. I’m quite good ( 6 ) ................................ that kind of
thing, so it shouldn't be too difficult. She thinks I'll be capable ( 7 ) ...............................passing the test in a few
months. I’m not sure about that, but I’ll continue ( 8 ) ...............................the lessons and see what happens.
Wish me luck!

(1 mark per answer)

B j C o m p l e t e by c h a n g in g t h e f o r m of t h e w ord in c a p i t a ls.

9 I was pleased when I got my composition back and there was only o n e ................................................
on it! C O RREC T
10 It's important for old people to keep their m in ds................................................and to learn new things.
11 In t h e .................................................. I found karate quite hard, but I soon learned the b asics. BEGI N
12 Do you think t h a t................................................learn languages more easily than adults? C HILD
13 For most people, a g o o d ................................................helps them get a better job. ED U C A TE
14 M y ............................................... is Helen Keller, who became a writer even though she couldn’t see or
hear. HERO
15 Mrs Jones walked around the room while the students w o rk e d .................................................. SILE N T
16 Have you ever taken part in a n y, like the high jump or the long
jump? A T H LETE
17 I bought a new computer game, but I don’t understand t h e .................................................. I N STRU CT
18 At the concert last night, the b a n d ................................................all their famous hits. SI N G
(1 mark per answer)

cl C o m p l e t e e a ch se c o n d se n t e n c e usi n g t h e w ord g iv e n, so t h a t it h as a si m il a r
m e a n i n g to t h e f irs t se n t e n c e . W rit e b e t w e e n t w o a n d five w o r ds in e a c h g a p.

19 Let me just make a note of your phone number, w ri t e

Let me j u s t .......................................................................... your phone number.
20 Do you think going to university in another country is a good idea? f av o ur
Are y o u .......................................................................... going to university in another country?
21 The exam started at nine and we wrote for three hours until twelve, w ri t i n g
When the exam finished at twelve, w e .......................................................................... for three hours.
22 Why don't you start to run and see if that helps you lose weight? up
Why don’t y o u .......................................................................... and see if that helps you lose weight?
Photocopiable Tests R e v i si o n T e s t 1: U n i t s 1 - 6

23 I did German lessons until last year, but I stopped because I didn't have time, use d
I ........................................................................... , but I stopped last year because I didn’t have time.
24 When you make a mistake, put a line through it and write the correct answer above, c r o ss
When you make a m ist a k e ,........................................................................... and write the correct answer above.
25 Have you played Monopoly before? t i m e
Is this t h e ........................................................................... played Monopoly?
26 I started studying at six and now it’s ten o’clock, f or
It’s ten o'clock and I ........................................................................... four hours.
(2 marks per answer)

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

27 I like basketball, but I ..........................volleyball. 31 Before the exam, I ..........................everything -

A prefer C am preferring except the questions they asked!
B have preferred D had preferred A had studied C have studied
28 We won the match because w e .......................... B study D was studying
hard the week before. 32 You look worried............................ about what
A have practised C had been practising happened last night?
B practise D have been practising A Do you think C You think
29 Sh irle speak Russian before B Are you thinking D You are thinking
she met Ivan. 33 When you rang, I .......................... my geography
A use not C wasn't used homework.
B hasn't used D didn't use A did C have done
30 I don't think A d a m ..... what the coach B was doing D have been doing
told us. 34 Iv o for long, but he's
A was understanding C understood already quite good at it.
B has been D had been A isn't playing C doesn't play
understanding understanding B hasn't been playing D didn't play
(1 mark per answer)

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

35 My younger sister is re a lly.........................., and 39 Have you always been k e e n ..........................

I’m sure she'll go to university when she's older. motorbikes?
A mental C clever A for C with
B expert D entertaining B on D in
36 You sh o uld ..........................sure you've answered 40 conclusion, I would say that
all the questions on the exam paper. having a pet has many advantages.
A do C take A For C In
B have D make B On D By
37 Have y o u ..........................studying astronomy at 41 I ..........................a lot of fun at your party. When
university? are you having another one?
A considered C thought A took C made
B guessed D wondered B got D had
38 Collecting stamps gives me a lot of 42 When he was at university, my dad did a
..........................and helps me to relax. maths.
A qualification C rhythm A study C degree
B instruction D pleasure B subject D mark
(1 mark per answer)
218 Total mark:........ /50
Revision Test 2: Units 7 - 1 2

A W rit e o n e w ord in e a c h g a p.

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Q ffM tt: R (*p ly A '- ' P n fW & r-ti {sa«w M a ilb o x-w s C e t M a Ji It/ak Search Mailbox |
O mes.sfi<3«s
From Subject /-.£>»t«:pR«cet'v*:<S $ # P § f M a i i i > o . v

Hi L i n d s a y !

Horn a r e y o u ? T h a n k s f o r y o u r e - m a i l . I Luas s o r r y t o h e a r t h a t y o u ’ u e s p l i t
( 1 ) ................................ w i t h D e r e k . I h o p e h e w a s n ’ t t o o u p s e t !
I k n o w y o u ’ r e g o i n g t o b e j e a l o u s ( 2 ) ................................ m e , b u t I ’ m g o i n g ( 3 ) ..................................
h o l i d a y w i t h a g r o u p o f f r i e n d s ( 4 ) ................................ t h e s u m m e r ! W e ’ r e g o i n g
(5 ) go ca m p i n g f o r t w o w e e k s. The su m m e r h o li d a ys s t a r t
(6 ) 1 5 t h J u l y a n d w e ’ ll a r r i u e ( 7 ) ................................ t h e c a m p i n g s i t e t h e n e x t
d a y . I c a n ’ t w a i t ! I t ’s n o t t o o f a r ( 8 ) ................................ m y h o u s e - j u s t a s h o r t t r a i n r i d e - b u t
i t ’s r i g h t b y t h e s e a , s o w e c a n g o s w i m m i n g e u e r y d a y . I ’ m r e a l l y p r o u d ( 9 ) ................................ m y
p a r e n t s f o r s a y i n g I ’ m ol d e n o u g h t o g o a w a y w i t h o u t t h e m !
R n y w a y , I ’ u e g o t t o g o n o w . S e e y o u ( 1 0 ) ................................ a c o u p l e o f w e e k s !
Lo ue,
Charlo tte

(1 mark per answer)

B \ C o m p l e t e by ch a n g in g t h e f or m of t h e w ord in c a p i t a ls.

11 How long is t h e ......................................... from Vilnius to Munich? FLY

12 I have a very g o o d ......................................... with both my parents. REL A TI O N
13 Tommy! Don't w a lk ......................................... like that. You’ll fall over! B A CK
14 There's a ..........................................- you can go by train or bus. C H O O SE
15 Of course I'v e ......................................... you! F O R G IV E
16 W hich..........................................should we go in - left or right? D IR E C T
17 B e ..........................................! Those boxes are full of glasses. C A RE
18 My best friend has got a g re a t............................................ PERS O N
(1 mark per answer)

C C o m p l e t e e a ch se c o n d se n t e n c e u si n g t h e w ord g ive n, so t h a t it h as a si m il a r
m e a n i n g to t h e f irs t se n t e n c e . W rit e b e t w e e n t w o a n d five w o r ds in e ach g a p.

19 Tm sorry I broke your glasses, Paul,’ said Stacy, a p o l o g ise d

S t a c y .................................................................breaking his glasses.
20 When I'm an adult, I want to be a pop star! up
When I ................................................................... I want to be a pop star!
21 Let’s leave at seven o’clock tomorrow morning, se t
Let’s seven o'clock tomorrow morning.
22 You’ve really disappointed me, Rachel, d o w n
You’ve re a lly................................................................... Rachel.

Photocopiable Tests R e v isi o n T e s t 2 ; U n i t s 7 - 1 2

23 They gave me a map of the town centre, p r o v i d e d

T h e y ............................. ............................ ...... a map of the town centre.
24 Hurry up or we’ll miss the plane! la t e
Hurry up or w e 'll................................................................. the plane!
25 Did you really go into town by yourself, Sam? o w n
Did you really go into t o w n ................................................................. , Sam?
26 I don’t really like travelling, f on d
I’m not v e ry ................................................................. travelling.

(2 marks per answer)

D C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

27 Thankfully, the train arrived o n ......................... 31 I’m re a lly...................... for all your help.
A platform C coach A loving C patient
B board D schedule B confident D grateful
28 Dogs are v e ry ...................... pets. 32 He’ll carry o u r...................... up to the hotel room.
A loyal C foreign A passport C luggage
B single D generous B traffic D destination
29 Have you . ......... the tickets yet? 33 Andy and I h a v e ...................... out again, so we’re
A broken C caught not talking to each other.
B booked D rented A fallen C dropped
30 I must remember t o ...................... my suitcase B hit D picked
tonight. 34 Don’t g e t ...................... the car yet - I’m still
A pack C cancel parking.
B take off D crash A out C out of
B off D out from

(1 mark per answer)

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

35 Have you ever been st u n g ...................... a bee? 39 Look at the p h o to...................... page 24!
A with C by A in C at
B from D at B on D to
36 When I’m o ld e r,...................... a famous writer! 40 I’ll see y o u ...................... half past eight.
A I’m being C I’m going to be A in C at
B I be D I will to be B on D to
37 The passengers w ere n't...................... that the 41 H o w ...................... for?
ferry was delayed. A the room was paid C was the room paid
A telling C told B was paid the room D the room paid
B to tell D tell 42 all those bags with you tomorrow?
38 Your p assp o rt...................... returned to you A You take C Do you take
tomorrow morning. B Are you taking D You are taking
A has been C is
B will be D is being (1 mark per answer}

Total mark: ........ /SO

Revision Test 3: Un.ts 13 - 18

A C o m p l e t e u s tig a, a n o r t h e. If a n a r t i c l e is n o t n e c e ss a r y , p u t a d a sh ( - ).

________ A r t i f i c i a l j n t e I Mgersce
In (1) ..........................196Cs and 1970s, (2) ............................ scientists were confident that
com puters would be able to think very soon. They thought that it was ( 3 ) ..........................simple
problem: just make computers that could think like the numan Drain. It seemed e asy to make
computers that coutd play ( 4 ) ........... ............ c h ess, so why not ones that could think about other
In fact, it wasn't so easy. People carry ( 5 ) ..........................information about the world and
how it w orks. We know that (6) can't sp eak, for example, or that
( 7 ) ......................... Moon is a long way away. Although ( 8 ) ............................powerful computer can
understand ( 9 ) ..........................simple situation, its very difficult to program it to understand
( 1 0 ) ............ %..........real world. It will be a long time oefore we have computers that are truly

(i mark per answer)

B M a tch to m a k e s e n t e n c e s. T h e r e is o n e e x t ra h a l f you d o no t n e e d .

11 There’s a big difference .......................... A to Daniel arid I don’t think I’ll get it back for a while!
12 Use my credit card to pay .......................... B with the DVD player we bought last week,
13 Jim spent all his money .......................... C on playing video games.
14 I lent my new computer game .......................... D for a watch that also plays TV programmes.
15 Sometimes a simple idea can result ............. E between an ordinary radio and a digital radio.
16 I saw an advertisement .......................... F to the power or it won’t work.
17 There's something wrong .......................... G for the tickets and give me the cash later.
18 You have to connect the computer ......................... H on which laptop to get for my dad.
I in an invention that changes the world.

(1 mark per answer)

C j C o m p l e t e e a c h se c o n d s e n t e n c e u si n g t h e w o rd g t v e n, so t h a t it h as a s t m il a r
m e a n i n g t o t h e f i rs t se n t e n c e . W rit e b e t w e e n tv/o a n d fiv e w o r d s in e a ch g a p.

19 You need to stop the engine and then check to see if there’s any oil on the ground, t u r n
y ou need t o ................................................................... and then check tc see if there's any oil on the ground
20 Before the aeroplane was invented, people told stones about flying machines, m a d e
Before the aeroplane was invented, people ...................................................................stories about
flying machines.
21 Don’t just put your batteries in the bin - recycle them! a w a y
Don’t j u s t ................................................................... - recycle them!
22 It toon a long time for scientists to discover what stars are made of. fin d
It took a long time for scientists to ....................................................................what stars are made of.

Photocopiable Tests R e v isi o n T e s t 3 : U n i t s 1 3 - 1 8

23 I found some old coins in a drawer while I was looking for a pen. a c r o ss
I ...................................................................some old coins in a drawer while I was looking for a pen.
24 If your watch doesn’t work, return it to the shop, b a c k
If your watch doesn’t w o r k , the shop.
25 Our car stopped working last week and I don’t know why. d o w n
Our c a r ...................................................................last week and I don’t know why.
26 Did you give Mark the money you borrowed from him? p a y
Did y o u ...................................................................the money Mark lent you?
(2 marks per answer}

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

27 I’ve only got a ........ ................. money left, so we’ll 31 There’s ..........................of paper in the drawer.
have to be careful what we buy. A lot C a lots
A few C much B lots D some lot
B little D many 32 I invented a new electric toothbrush all by
28 The m o n e lent me was really !
useful. Thanks! A itself C himself
A that C who B themselves D myself
B where D whose 33 That’s the g irl..........................grandfather helped
29 Do you h a v e ..........................advice for someone to develop the Internet.
who wants to become an inventor? A which C whose
A any C few B that D who
B an D piece 34 Crossword p u z z le s,..........................became
30 Is this ra d io ..........................? popular in the 1930s, were invented in 1913.
A you C your A that C who
B you’re D yours B whose D which

(1 mark per answer}

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

35 Did you know that the antibiotic penicillin was 39 Did you see that the house next door is
d isc o vere d ..........................chance?
A from C with A with C at
B for D by B for D in
36 My dad is worried because h e ..........................a 40 Spend a ..........................amount of just €20 and
lot of money to the bank. get a free digital clock!
A lacks C owes A least C minimum
B costs D purchases B lowest D cheapest
37 I wanted to buy a drink, but the machine was 41 Do you think we’ll all have flying cars
out o f ............................ ..........................the future?
A work C position A on C to
B order D operation B at D in
38 T r y ......................... the program again on another 42 The Phillipsons won a ..........................on the
computer and see what happens. lottery!
A going C working A fortune C bargain
B making D running B profit D fee

(1 mark per answer}

222 Total m ark:........ /SO

Photoc Revision Test 4: U nits 19 - 24

A W rit e o n e w ord in e a ch g a p.

W ritten com m un ic a tion

Not long ago, written communication was slow. In the past, you ( 1 ) ........................
communicate ( 2 ) ......................... someone ( 3 ) ........................... letter. They would receive the letter
( 4 ) ......................... you several days or weeks after you sent it, though. Sometimes, that must
have ( 5 ) ......................... very annoying! For example, you couldn’t send a letter inviting someone
(6 ) your party unless you sent it at least a week before.
Today, though, with e-mail and text m essa g es, we can send a written message
(7 ) someone instantly - and we don't ( 8 ) ........................... to go to the post office
or pay for a stamp! It’s now easier than ever to stay in touch ( 9 ) ......................... friends and
relations wherever they are in the world. Now, you ( 1 0 ) ......................... decide to have a party in
the morning, and your friends will be there in the evening. That's great, isn’t it?

(1 mark per answer)

B C o m p l e t e by c h a n g i n g t h e f o r m of t h e w ord in c a p i t a ls.

11 It’s ................................................! I’ve won the lottery! B E LIE V E

12 I can tell from y o u r................................................that you’re not happy. E X P R E SS
13 We offer f r e e ................................................on all purchases over € 100. D ELI V ER
14 It’s ................................................colder today than it was yesterday. CER T A I N
15 I’ve got to give a my brother's wedding. SPE A K
16 Would you like t o a big city? LI F E
17 There's a lot o f ................................................about that on the Internet. INFORM
18 W h a Borhar? Is he Spanish? N A TIO N

(1 mark per answer)

C o m p l e t e e a c h se c o n d se n t e n c e usi n g t h e w ord g iv e n, so t h a t it h as a si m i l a r
m e a n in g to t h e f i rs t se n t e n c e . W rit e b e t w e e n t w o an d five w o r ds in e a c h g a p.

19 The magazine is published every Friday, ou t

The m a g azin e.......................................................................... every Friday.
20 Could you complete this application form, please? in
Could y o u .......................................................................... this application form, please?
21 I am writing with regard to your advertisement for a part-time shop assistant, r e s p o n se
I am writin g.......................................................................... your advertisement for a part-time shop assistant.
22 I don’t want to say anything about that, c o m m e n t
I don't want t o .......................................................................... that.
23 You’ll be caught! a w ay
You w o n't.......................................................................... it!
24 I didn’t do anything wrong! g u il t y
I’m .......................................................................... anything!
Photocopiable Tests R e v isi o n T e s t 4 U n its 1 9 - 2 4

25 I was talking to Jo on the ohone when we were disconnected, off

Jo and I ............................................................................ when we were taiking on the phone,
26 You can have half of this pizza, s h a r e
I'll............................................................................ you.
;2 marks per answer)

C h o o s e t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

27 Jacq u es sp eaks with a Fre n c h ............................. 31 We’re collecting money for a l o c a l........................
A announcement C channel Could you sp are a couple of euros?
B accent D broadcast A tradition C situation
28 How do y o u .......................... the word ‘brought' in B culture D charity
English? 32 The bank in the high street w a s ..........................
A whisper C swear again yesterday.
B announco D pronounce A stolen C robbed
29 Local residents a r e .......................... aoout the B broken D taken
park being closed. 33 I only g la n c e d .......................... his face, so I can’t
A protesting C arresting really remember what he looks like.
B committing D linking A to C on
30 Don’t blame C a r l.......................... being late. It B at D by
wasn’t his fault. 34 If something is illegal, it's against the
A on C for
B in D with A law C government
B society D rule
(1 mark per answer}

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

35 Will lives quite near h e r e ,.......................... he? 39 You shouldn’t h a v e .......................... to Ja m es

A don’t C doesn’t about what I told you. It was a secret!
B lives riot D isn’t A speak C to speak
36 Do you think she sh o u ld ...................... for this B spoke D spoken
job? 40 T h a t .......................... the end of the lesson
A to apply C applying already! We’ve only just started, haven’t we?
B applies D apply A mustn’t be C mustn't have been
37 Y o u me, but you can if you B can't be D didn't have to be
want to. 41 W e .......................... go to the cinema tonight, but
A don’t have to C mustn’t it depends on what they're showing.
B didn’t need to D haven't to A will C should
38 Excuse me, I wonder if you could tell me if B might D can
42 I .......................... apologise when I broke my
A is there a bank C is there a bank mum’s favourite vase.
near here? near here. A had to C must
B there is a bank D there is a bank B ought to D could
near here. near here?
f! mark per answer}

224 Total m ark:........ /'50

Revision Test 5: Units 25 - 30

A C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

Richard Branson
The British businessman, Richard Branson, has had an amazing ( 1 ) ............................ He was born in 1950
and it was always his ( 2 ) ......................... to be successful. He opened a record shop in 1972 and also
(3 ) up a record label, Virgin R e co rd s. This made him very rich and brought him
(4 ) He then started other businesses and today he’s the ( 5 ) ............................of a huge
business empire. He may be extremely ( 6 ) ......................... , but Richard Branson has no plans to
( 7 ) ............................ Apart from a chain of record shops, he runs an airline and a train ( 8 ) ...........................
and even has his own private island - in the British Virgin Islands!
•J- ' ' >- %

1 A work B job C career D profession

2 A want B ambition C purpose D feeling
3 A put B made C took D set
4 A fame B achievement C name D advertisement
5 A boss B staff C colleague D employee
6 A dear B valuable C wealthy D expensive
7 A retire B strike C earn D fire
8 A team B band C club D company
{1 m a r k p e r a nsw e r)

B C o m p l e t e by c h a n g i n g t h e f o r m of t h e w ord in c a p i t a ls.

9 I wouldn't like to work as a ................................................, because you have to start B A KE

very early in the morning.
10 John hasn't had a lot o f ................................................ , so I hope his new business does well. SU C CEE D
11 The dentist said that it wouldn't hurt, and she was right - it was completely PAIN

12 We have to wear a hard hat in this job f o r ................................................reasons. SA FE

13 We need a n e w ................................................- the oven doesn’t work on the old one. CO OK
14 Sally w a s ................................................for two years before she found a new job. E M PLOY
15 In India there are a lot o f the streets. BEG
16 is a great way to keep fit. JO G
17 'I don't need a n y .................................................. thank you/ the old lady said. A SSIST
18 When I gave up smoking, I started to put o n ................................................... WEIG H
(1 m a r k p e r a nsw e r)

C C o m p l e t e e a c h se c o n d se n t e n c e u si n g t h e w ord g iv e n, so t h a t it h as a si m i l a r
m e a n i n g t o t h e f i rs t se n t e n c e . W rit e b e t w e e n t w o an d five w o r ds in e a ch g a p.

19 I was so ill that I didn't go to school, t o o

I w a s .......................................................................... to school.
20 I'm much better at this job than Gordon is. t h a n
Gordon i s at this job.
Photocopiable Tests R e v isi o n T e s t 5 : U n i t s 2 5 - 3 0

21 There were such a lot of customers that I didn’t get a break all day. m a n y
There w e r e .......................................................................... customers that I didn't get a break all day.
22 I’ve never done a job more difficult than this, d i f f ic u l t
This i s .......................................................................... I’ve ever done.
23 The hospital was so big that I couldn’t find my cousin’s bed. su ch
It w a s .......................................................................... I couldn’t find my cousin’s bed.
24 Tim caught a cold on holiday, but I was lucky and I didn’t, t h a n
I .......................................................................... Tim and didn’t catch a cold on holiday.
25 You became ill because the fish wasn’t cooked properly, have
Y o u .......................................................................... ill if the fish had been cooked properly.
26 You didn’t get better because you didn’t take your pills, if
You would have got b e tt e r.......................................................................... your pills.
(2 marks per answer)

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

27 If you see a doctor, he or s h e ......................... you 31 You wouldn't have got ill if you to
what’s wrong with you. your doctor’s advice.
A would tell C has told A were listening C will listen
B will tell D is telling B had listened D have listened
28 If you exercise more, y o u ......................... weight. 32 W e ......................... the job sooner if you hadn’t
A would lose C had lost wasted time.
B have lost D will lose A might have finished C have finished
29 If you hadn’t had a good interview, you B will finish D finish
......................... the job. 33 Pe o p le ......................... happier if they eat well
A won’t have got C haven’t got and get a little exercise.
B wouldn't have got D didn't get A would be C were
30 If you don't eat fruit and vegetables, your body B are D would have been
......................... the vitamins it needs. 34 If you had worn a coat, y o u ......................... a cold.
A doesn’t get C didn’t get A didn’t catch C wouldn’t have caught
B wouldn’t get D hadn’t got B hadn’t caught D don’t catch

(i mark per answer)

| C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

35 Eating well helps your body fig h t......................... 39 Do you think they will find a / a n ......................... for
disease and illness. all diseases one day?
A for C to A benefit C cure
B against D at B operation D balance
36 I can’t eat peanuts because I’m allergic 40 It took Vanessa a long time to recover
them. ......................... her illness.
A with C at A for C over
B on D to B off D from
37 I don't have a job ........................ the moment. 41 Mr Williams travels a l o t ......................... business.
A in C on A in C on
B at D of B at D from
38 Bill is completely f e d ......................... with his job 42 I had a cold and couldn’t sle e p .........................
and is thinking of leaving. night.
A up C out A on C at
B over D off B in D for
(I mark per answer)
Total mark:......../SO
A W rit e one word in e ach gap.

Journey to Earth
Commander Davenport told the other astronauts ( 1 ) ...................... get into position, and
tnen asked them (2) .................... they were ready. Diego said ( 3 ) ........................he was. So did
McLuskey. At the back ( 4 ) ...................... the spaceship, Lucy put ( 5 ) ........................ her seatbelt and
nodded. ( 6 ) ...................... the distance, the Earth looked like a little blue ball.
‘Well/ said Davenport, ‘we’re short ( 7 ) ...................... time. We’ve got five minutes
( 8 ) ...................... most to do this. I ( 9 ) ........................ we had full power, but we don't.’ He smiled.
‘And if we don't blow ( 1 0 ) ...................... , we’ll be back on Earth in about two hours.' He looked
at each of his friends in turn and said, ‘Let’s do it! See you back on Earth!'

(1 mark per answer)

C o m p l e t e by c h a n g in g t h e f o r m of t h e w ord in c a p i t a ls.

11 Michael is v e ry ................... ........................ He loves music and drawing. A RT

12 Why are most p la t e s........ shape? C IR C LE
13 T h e .......................................... of the Amazonian rainforests is a very serious problem. D EST R O Y
14 How m u c h............................ ............. do you have to do before each race? PREP A RE
15 You need a lot o f ............... write a good short story. I M A GI N E
16 Animals in zoos don’t live in t h e ir..........................................environment. N A T U RE
17 Oh no! I’v e ............................ ............ my camera. B RE A K
18 The museum is quite .................................., so it’s easy to get to from anywhere CE N TRE
in the town.
(1 mark per answer)

C [ C o m p l e t e e a ch se c o n d se n t e n c e u si n g t h e w ord g iv e n, so t h a t it h as a si m i l a r
m e a n i n g to t h e f i rs t se n t e n c e . W rit e b e t w e e n t w o a n d five w o r ds in e a ch g a p.

19 The price of bread has increased again, i n c r e a s e

There has been an o th er.................................................................the price of bread.
20 What were you wearing when it started snowing? on
W h a t.................................................................when it started snowing?
21 This painting is like that one. si m i l a r
This painting................................................................. that one.
22 This wall keeps the animals in. p re v e n ts
This w a ll.................................................................leaving.
23 Snakes don’t frighten Carol, a f ra id
C a ro l.................................................................snakes.

Photocopiable Tests R e v isi o n T e s t 6 : U n i ts 31 - 3 6

24 You didn't write the final paragraph of your composition, lef t

Yo u................................................................the final paragraph of your composition.
25 Would you like to help produce a school magazine? in v olved
Would you like t o ............................................................... a school magazine?
26 I didn't know that, a w are
I ...............................................................that.
(2 marks per answer)

D C h o ose t h e c o rr e c t answ er.

27 Tony asked ..................... to go to the cinema 31 I wish I ...................... F a m e S tory last night. It’s my
with him. favourite programme!
A me do I want C me if I wanted A don’t miss C didn’t miss
B if wanted I D if did I want B haven’t missed D hadn’t missed
28 Why did you le n d ......................? 32 You pro mise my birthday party!
A my jacket to Angela C my jacket Angela A coming C come
B to Angela my jacket D Angela to my jacket B to come D that you come
29 I wish y o u! 33 I told Ed I’d see him t h e
A are C were A forward C next
B will be D to be B after D later
30 We a get well soon! 34 Jan said she’d been shopping the day
A wish C tell
B hope D say A before C ago
B yesterday D in front

(1 mark per answer)

C h o ose t h e c o r r e c t answ er.

35 Do you really think those high-heeled shoes are 39 There were about twenty p e o ple......................
in the jungle? total at the meeting.
A loose C rough Aon C in
B ancient D suitable B at D with
36 on your jacket if you’re cold. 40 Are y o u ......................with Elaine Sharp? She's a
A Put C Get young writer from Manchester.
B Take D Add A common C heard
37 There was a sign over the gate saying B known D familiar
‘ ...................... OUT'. 41 up your shoelaces or you might trip
A CLEAR C KEEP over them.
38 Dinosaurs a r e ....................., so there are no B Put D Set
dinosaurs alive any more. 42 We’ve got to save the rainforests......................
A mild C global being destroyed.
B extinct D tight A for C from
B to D with

{1 mark per answer)

Total mark:......../50
Revision Test 7: Units 37 - 42

Problem s a t w o rk
Charlotte felt ( 1 ) ..........................pressure, and she didn't like it. Things were going badly at
work. The company was ( 2 ) ......................... trouble, and she was being blamed for it. She didn’t
know how to deal ( 3 ) ......................... her problems. She wanted to run ( 4 ) ........................... from
everything. She didn’t feel ( 5 ) ......................... going to work at all. She almost quit her job. But
then she thought, ‘I can ( 6 ) ......................... leave things ( 7 ) ............................a m ess, or I can stay
and try to find solutions ( 8 ) ......................... all these problems. I’m not a quitter, so I think I’ll
stay.’ As soon as she thought this, she cheered ( 9 ) ............................ And in ( 1 0 ) ........................... of
all the pressure, Charlotte started going to work with a smile on her face, looking forward to
the challenges she would face each day.

(1 mark per answer)

B C o m p l e t e by c h a n g i n g t h e f o r m of t h e w ord in c a p i t a ls.

11 I’m ................................................ ! Let’s play a game. B O RE

12 This film i s ...................................................I can’t understand what's happening! C O N F USE
13 What's wrong with kids b e in g ................................................ in class7 N O ISE
14 I hope I haven't hurt y o u r................................................ by saying that. F EEL
15 Did you see t h a t................................................ on TV last night? He was really funny! CO MEDY
16 Tim’s ................................................ to help with the washing-up shocked his mother. REF U SE
17 Thanks for being s o ................................................ yesterday. H ELP
18 is nothing to do with how much money you have. H APPY

(I mark per answer}

C I C o m p l e t e e a c h se c o n d se n t e n c e u si n g t h e w ord g iv e n, so t h a t it h as a si m il a r
m e a n i n g to t h e f i rs t se n t e n c e . W rit e b e t w e e n t wo a n d five w o r ds in e a ch g a p.

19 I don’t think you should go swimming so soon after lunch, a g a i n st

I w o uld...........................................................................swimming so soon after lunch.
20 'Alex, hurry up or we’ll be late!' on
‘A l e x ,...........................................................................or we’ll be late!’
21 Why don't you throw that old furniture away? rid
Why don't y o u ...........................................................................that old furniture?
22 What you said really surprised me. by
I ...........................................................................what you said.
23 I can't hear you, so can you talk more loudly, please? up
I can't hear you, so can y o u ............................................................................. please?
24 I don't want to play computer games any more, t ir e d
I games.
Photocopiable Tests R e v isi o n T e s t 7 : U n i t s 3 7 - 4 2

25 I haven't got any money left, ru n

26 That tree might fall down, d a n g e r
That t r e e ........................................................................... down.
(2 marks per answer

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

27 me a joke! 31 C o n gratulatio ns..........................getting into the

A Tell C Say final!
B Sp eak D Do A on C for
28 Ruth has got a g r e a t ..........................of humour. B with D by
A emotion C sense 32 You’ll n e v e the world is flat.
B feeling D mood A doubt C criticise
29 How did y o u ..........................when you heard the B convince D pretend
news? 33 I was v e r y ..........................when I was little. I was
A make C do always getting into trouble!
B cause D react A bad-tempered C depressed
30 I’ve passed all my exams! Let’s ..........................! B polite D naughty
A behave C celebrate 34 I heard a ..........................that you’re having a party
B praise D investigate Is it true?
A rumour C gossip
B news D fact

(1 mark per answer)

C h o o se t h e c o r r e c t a nsw e r.

35 Sim o n ..........................stand at the front of the 39 Neither A l e c ..........................Rob came to school

class because he wouldn't stop talking. today.
A made to C was made A or C nor
B was made to D has made B and D either
36 Mum had a cold, she still went to 40 You can’t make a sn o w m a n..........................
work. there’s some snow!
A Despite C However A if C unless
B In spite D Although B while D after
37 When are you going to ? 41 I su g g e this evening.
A get fixed your C have fixed your A have C to have
computer computer B having D us to have
B get your D have your 42 I passed the exam in spite o f
computer fixed computer fixing revision!
38 I’ll do my homework as soon as I ..... A doing C to do
home. B I did D I had done
A get C will get
B would get D got
(1 m a r k p e r a nsw e r)

Total m ark:......,./50

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