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Data Structure

DF4311Z1B - F4311 Edit Line

Special Input Expected



JOBSJobNumber I N
Will be assigned automatically. Required if you do not want PO consolidation.
CTIDComputerID I Y
Retrieve in application using GetComputerID.
LNIDOrderLineNumber I N
ACTNDetailActionCode I Y
A or 1 - Add a new line
C or 2 - Change a line
D or 3 - Delete a line
I or 4 - Copy

EV01ProcessEdits I N Defaults to '1'

EV01UpateOrWriteWorkFile I Y
0- NO
1- Write To F4311Z file
2- Write to memory array/ cache

EV01RecordWrittenToWorkFile I/O Y
Control in application. First time call for a line this is '0', second time and
after this is '1'.

EV01SuppressErrorMessages I N/A
0 - show error messages
1- suppress errors
Currently not active

VL01PurchaseOrderPrOptVersion I N Defaults to ZJDE0001 if left blank


KCOOOrderCompany I/O N Assigned from Branch/Plant. Required in

change mode
DOCOOrderNumber I N Required in change mode
DCTOOrderType I N From Processing Options Required in
change mode.
SFXOOrderSuffix I N Required in change mode - Normally always
MCUBranchPlant I Y In Add mode. Not required in change
OKCOOriginalOrderCompany I N
OORNOriginalOrderNumber I N
OCTOOriginalOrderType I N
OGNOOriginalOrderLine I N
RKCORelatedOrderCompany I N Required for direct ship lines
RORNRelatedOrderNumber I N Required for direct ship lines
RCTORelatedOrderType I N Required for direct ship lines
RLLNRelatedOrderLine I N The related order line number is
mandatory when called from direct ship.
AN8SupplierNumber I Y
SHANShipToNumber I/O N
DRQJRequestedDate I/O N Defaults to current system date
TRDJTransactionDate I/O N Defaults to current system date
PDDJPromisedDate I/O N Defaults to current system date
CNDJCancelDate I/O N
DGLGLDate I/O N Defaults to current system date
UITMUnformattedItemNumber I/O N Item number entered by user in
UORGQuantityOrdered I/O Y
PRRCUnitPrice I/O N
RPOVPriceOverrideFlag I/O N blank - price not overridden 1 - price
overridden / DO NOT fetch new price
AEXPExtendedPrice I/O N
LNTYLineType I/O N
DSC1Description1 I/O N
DSC2Description2 I/O N
MCUDetailLineBranchPlant I/O N
LOCNLocation I/O N
LOTNLotNumber I/O N
UOMTransactionUoM I/O N
UOM3PurchasingUoM I/O N
LTTRLastStatus I/O N
NXTRNextStatus I/O N
ANIUnformattedAccountNumber I/O N
SBLSubledger I/O N
SBLTSubledgerType I/O N
DSPRDiscountFactor I/O N
CATNCatalogNumber I/O N
PRGRInventoryPriceRule I/O N
CLVLPriceLevel I/O N
INMGPrintMessage I/O N
TXTaxable I/O N Y/N
EXR1TaxExplanationCode I/O N
TXA1TaxRateArea I/O N
ANBYBuyerNumber I/O N
ANCRCarrierNumber I/O N
PDP1PurchaseCategoryCode1 I/O N
PDP2PurchaseCategoryCode2 I/O N
PDP3PurchaseCategoryCode3 I/O N
PDP4PurchaseCategoryCode4 I/O N
PRP5LandedCostRule I/O N(goes to PDP5 in F4311).
ITWTWeight I/O N
ITVLVolume I/O N
VR01Reference1 I/O N
VR02Reference2 I/O N
CRMDSendMethod I/O N
UNCDFreezeCode I/O N
AVCHEvaluatedReceipts I/O N
IVIInventoryInterface O N
CRRMCurrencyMode I/O N Passed to create header only
CRCDTransactionCurr encyCode I/O N Passed to create header only
CRRCurrencyExchangeRate I/O N Passed to create header only
CRDCBaseCurrencyCode O N
EV01RelievePOBlanketOrder I N
1 - Blanket Order (as indicated in the Original Order number) will be relieved of
quantity and
amount generated.
EV01AddNewLineToExistingOrder I N
1 - Yes. (Order Number,Type and Company are required if set to 1)
POGSSourceRequestingPOGenerationI N blank - Default '1' - Blanket Orders '2'
- MRP Messages '3' - Direct Ship
PIDProgramID I N
EV02MultipleBlanketProcessing O N
Output Value ( used only if processing option is set to allow orders to be created
from available blanket orders) - 0- indicates that there are no blankets available
to release order from 1- indicates one blanket order exists for order. 2- indicates
more than one blanket exists for order.

UKIDmnUniqueKey I N Will be used to update F3411

EV01cSourceOfDataFlag I N Pass in a '1' if the source of data is
F4311. No other sources are supported
DOCOmnSourceOfDataOrderNumber I N Required if SourceOfDataFlag is set to
DCTOszSourceOfDataOrderType I N Required if SourceOfDataFlag is set to
KCOOszSourceOfDataCompany I N Required if SourceOfDataFlag is set to
LNIDmnSourceOfDataLineNumber I N Required if SourceOfDataFlag is set to
UOPNmnSourceOfDataUnitsOpen I N UOPN can be updated in F4311 if this
value is passed in along with source of data processing
PTCSzPaymentTerms I N
FRTHSzFreightHandlingCode I N
URCDSzUserReservedCode I N Not used
URDTJdUserReservedDate I N Not used
URATmnUserReservedAmount I N Not used
URABmnUserReservedNumber I N Not used
URRFszUserReservedReference I N Not used
DMCTszAgreementNumber I/O N
DMCSmnAgreementSupplement I/O N
AFNDmnContractsFound I/O N
SEQmnSequenceNumber1 I/O N
PSRszProductSource I/O N
PSRYszProductSourceType I/O N
PEFJjdEffectiveDate I N
ADDJjdPhysicalCompletionDate I N
OMCUszPurchasingCostCenter I/O N
OBJszObjectAccount I/O N
SUBszSubsidiary I/O N

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