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1. All tutors are independent service providers to the company and the company’s obligation will
be limited to paying the agreed amount per class which is P 180.00 / 50 minutes or P 90.00/25
minutes, trial classes will be paid for P 50.00 (25 min), other incentives may apply as the
company expands.
2. All the tutors should observe and obey all the policy stipulated therein as follows:
a. Classes should be conducted online via Skype or Zoom, strictly ON TIME and at prescribed
working station (quite, clutter-free place and with proper lighting). Tutor should be online
before the class and have checked all the equipment for teaching, internet, lighting, camera
orientation and headset and secure that all are properly working. In cases of tardiness, (few
cases only and should be limited or no late at all, tutors should apologize to the student/s
and extend the class to cover the late period. Habitual late and being complained by
student will incur penalties. Tutors should use prescribed tools, PC or laptop. Mobile
phones are not allowed (will only be allowed in cases of power interruption and provided
that the student/s are informed).
b. Tutors should be professional in conduct and behaviour at all time. They have to represent
the company well and in respectful manner at all time.
c. Tutors should appear professionally during all classes by dressing properly and applying
suitable make up for female. No sleeveless, plunging neckline, heavy accessories and heavy
makeup are allowed.
3. In cases of internet or power outage, the tutor should inform the leader/manager, student at
once to cancel their classes to avoid unauthorized absences and avoid higher penalties and try
to arrange make-up classes.
4. There should be no inquiries of confidential matters to student’s example tuition fees, personal
info of students and etc.
5. It will be a major violation to try to pirate or ask the student to directly study with the tutor and
guilty parties will be terminated and will not receive the last salary.
6. Materials will be provided but teachers may provide supplemental materials with permission of
the manager and furnish the company with a copy.
7. It is required that the tutor will maintain courtesy and good relationship with fellow tutors and
with the management, should there be any dispute or discrepancy, matters should be dealt
with discretion and respect to one another.
8. Salaries will be sent bi-monthly thru BPI Islands or BDO , cut- off periods are:
16th to 30th for 5th pay-out
01th to 15th for 20th pay-out

9. For class cancellation, tutors should inform at least 24 hours before, inform the manager and
the student and arrange for make-up classes. Late notice of absences will incur the following
penalties: 12 to 6 hrs - 5 % of the rate
3 –5 hours before class time - 10 % of the rate
Less than 3 hr to class time - 50% of the rate
No notice - 100 % of the rate

In cases of power/internet interruption because fortuitous events (Typhoon, flood, earthquake,

volcanic eruptions) penalties will be lifted/reduced for as long as they will show evidence (clips
from the news and pictures), have properly informed the student and informed the manager
immediately thru Skype/SMS (of course you can still log in to your Skype using your phone)
after settlement with students.

Ways to avoid penalties is to settle the matters with the student and arrange for make-up
classes and show the screenshot of the conversation showing that the student agreed on make-
up class instead (But please don’t ask for this favour often, just in cases of very important
matters or emergencies and be kind enough to return the favour as well to the student.)

10. Students may likewise ask to cancel their classes at least 3 hours before class time and be
considered to be canceled. Less than 3 hours cancellation you may tag the student absent and
the teacher will be paid half of the rate.

11. Tutors that will ask for leave should inform the management at least a week and should
properly inform their students and try to fix make-up/advance classes or offer sub-classes.

12. Report should be submitted 12:00 midnight if the class was conducted from morning to 12:00
noon. Classes after 12:00 pm to midnight should submit their reports until 12:00 noon of the
following day. No report no attendance, no payment and will be counted as unauthorized

13. For resignation, tutor should notice and render 2 weeks to be able to receive the last salary.
Failure to do so will forfeit the last payment.

14. Policies will be amended from time to time with notice to all SP.

15. Tutors should keep record of their classes and do a summary after each cut-off of their classes
for comparison and confirmation.

(Attach signature)

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