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Last year, I was playing volleyball for my school team.

I had a big purple bruise on my face and I couldn’t play the

rest of the game.
The ball hit the post at the side of the net: then it hit me in
the face and knocked me to the floor.
At first, I thought it was a really good shot, but I soon
found out it wasn’t.
I jumped up high and hit the ball really hard.

When I was 13, I played for the school rugby team and
we won the schools championship.

A few days later, there was a big celebration.

All the students were there to watch as we walked on to

the stage to get medals from the headmistress.

I got my medal, but when I was leaving the stage, I tripped

and fell down the steps.

Luckily, I wasn’t hurt, but I was really, really embarrassed.

A few days ago I was skateboarding down my road when I
saw my best friend.

I shouted to him and started waving.

While I was waving, I rode into a lamppost and fell off.

My leg was hurting really badly and I couldn’t move.

After ten minutes, my friend called an ambulance.

Finally, they took me to hospital.

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