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Accurate and Continuous Fuel Flow Rate 2011-01-1303

Measurement Prediction for Real Time Application 04/12/2011

Jiamei Deng, Bastian Maass, Richard Stobart, Edward Winward and Zhijia Yang
Loughborough Univ.

Copyright © 2011 SAE International


This study shows that NLARX could accurately predict fuel

ABSTRACT flow rate with a R-square above 0.99.
One of the most critical challenges currently facing the diesel
engine industry is how to improve fuel economy under INTRODUCTION
emission regulations. Improvement in fuel economy can be
One of the most critical challenges facing the diesel engine
achieved by precisely controlling Air/Fuel ratio and by
industry is how to improve fuel economy and reduce
monitoring fuel consumption in real time. Accurate and
emissions. Current technologies for fuel efficiency
repeatable measurements of fuel rate play a critical role in
improvement and emissions reduction are highly dependent
successfully controlling air/fuel ratio and in monitoring fuel
on combustion modification technologies including injection
technologies and real-time advanced control systems.
Combustion modification technologies modify combustion
Volumetric and gravimetric measurements are well-known
systems that will either aid or complement the actions of
methods for measuring fuel consumption of internal
engines. In these technologies, fuel flow rate measurements
combustion engines. However, these methods are not suitable
are essential for control purpose and thus play an important
for obtaining fuel flow rate data used in real-time control/
role in the development of techniques for emissions reduction
and fuel economy improvement. A fuel flow rate model with
good prediction performance is even more apparently needed.
In this paper, neural networks are used to solve the problem
concerning discontinuous data of fuel flow rate measured by
Volumetric and gravimetric methods are well-known
using an AVL 733 s fuel meter. The continuous parts of
methods for measuring internal combustion engine fuel
discontinuous fuel flow rate are used to train and validate a
consumptions. In the volumetric approach, the volume of fuel
neural network, which can then be used to predict the
consumed by the engine is recorded. The fuel consumed is
discontinuous parts of the fuel flow rate. A comprehensive
equal to the consumed volume multiplied by the temperature-
and detailed neural network (NN) modeling technique for
dependent fuel density. The drainage time of a defined
engine application is presented. The experiments in this study
volume is measured and used to convert consumed fuel
are designed to collect informative data for steady states,
volume to fuel consumption. A fundamental characteristic of
where the speed and load are fixed. Different neural network
this approach is that the measurement is discontinuous. This
structures are compared, including feed-forward NN, feed-
discontinuous variable is not suitable for the purpose of
forward NN with delays and non-linear autoregressive model
with exogenous inputs (NLARX). The NLARX is determined
to be the best structure for fuel flow rate prediction. The
Fuel gravimetric systems, such as, AVL 733S Dynamic Fuel
training process and input choices for catching fast and slow
Meter, consist of a measuring vessel filled with fuel and
dynamics are illustrated in the paper. Additionally, for real-
suspended on a balance system. The fuel consumption rate is
time control and measurement purposes, a fuel flow rate
determined by calculating the vessel's time related weight
model is maintained to be as simple as possible by
loss. Fuel flow rate measurements are continuous during the
minimizing the structure based on NN identifiable properties.

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consumption of the fuel in the vessel and discontinuous fuel ratio between main and total fuel injected (FR) - in
during the refilling of the fuel meter. different load and speed points. Problem (2) is overcome by
doing extensive perturbation experiments for different torque
Alternative fuel measurement system designs which are and speed points with steady state speed-load demand but
popular in engine fuel measurement applications are based on excited fuel system parameters (e.g. SOI, RP and FR).
the Coriolis Effect or use a servo controlled displacement Problem (3) will be overcome by using neural networks
measurement technique [1]. These designs are generally more employing the methodology of a non-linear autoregressive
expensive but they have the advantages of both continuous model with exogenous inputs (NLARX) to predict the fuel
fuel measurement and fast response. For example, the AVL flow rate. Problem (4) is overcome by using neural network
733S is rated at <440ms while the AVL coriolis based system identifiable properties to find a fuel flow rate model with
(AVL 735S) is specified as <125 ms, a key advantage when good performance, then reducing the structure size through
investigating engine transient response. When a fast response minimizing the number of delay parameters.
is not required, some economic fuel metering systems are
always the sought-after solutions for lots of applications [2]. A fuel flow rate model should be simple to implement, easily
trained or re-trained, and should have good performance in
Virtual sensors have been utilized in various areas, such as, the prediction of unseen data. Moreover, to be used for diesel
engine and emission monitoring and vehicle dynamics. A key operation, these models should also catch as much as possible
advantage of NNs is that they can be used as an arbitrary dynamics of the system. In this paper, identification
function approximation mechanism without knowing the experiments are designed to catch all kinds of characteristics
complicated underlying process, a highly advantageous and of fuel flow rate. The models are developed to estimate the
economic way to measure fuel flow rate. NN modeling fuel flow rate based on possible parameter changes in engine
belongs to one of nonlinear regression techniques. It is easy operation. This model could be used for monitoring fuel flow
for NN to run in engine control unit as NNs could be rate, optimizing engine operation, and achieving control
composed of digital information. purpose.

Neural networks have been successfully used in many engine This paper reports on work which has successfully identified
based applications including emissions, boost pressure and a NLARX model that captures the dynamics of fuel flow rate
EGR prediction [3, 4, 5]. Bose and Kumar [6] use fuzzy logic with an accuracy of R-square of 0.99 for both training and
to predict the engine emissions, but one of the inputs is validation and high regression coefficient. The training and
cylinder peak pressure, which is difficult to obtain in standard validation data are collected using extensive point by point
production engines. How to choose effective inputs based on system identification experiments. The model could be used
easily obtained parameters is of great importance for building for control development in practical. This paper demonstrates
successful models. Exhaustive input searching is the most a comprehensive and detailed modeling technique that could
difficult tasks for building models in engine application. be used in engine applications. The method is highly flexible
Schilling et al chose inputs based on a sensitivity analysis [7]. and could help solve similar problems in other engine
In developing a fuel flow rate model, the following general
and unique issues need to be considered: In summary, the modeling process comprises the following
five steps:
1. The input choices are quite difficult. The basic fuel flow
equations could not be used directly as many variables are 1. The first step is to study the mechanisms of the fuel flow
either unmeasureable or unreliable rate meter. The purpose of this step is to understand the
2. The transient information is difficult to capture for fuel properties and dynamics of fuel flow rate and choose
flow rate appropriate modeling techniques

3. Capturing both steady state and transient fuel flow rate 2. The second step is to design a data collection experiment
reliably in a single model is extremely difficult to catch all of the dynamics of the fuel flow rate

4. Models are too complicated for real time control and 3. The third step is to construct the ‘best’ fuel flow rate
measurement purposes estimation model structure by going through a process of
selecting different neural network structures and then
Consequently, this paper focuses on the development of fuel evaluating the performance of each
flow rate models in the steady state.
4. The fourth step identifies the unknown parameters in the
best model structure and validates the model.
Problem (1) will be overcome by choosing the particular
inputs which excited the system in the application, to include:
where start of injection (SOI), common rail pressure (RP) or

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5. The final step is to reduce the model size by minimizing

the number of delay parameters.

The above steps will be described in detail later in this paper.

The continuous parts of the discontinuous fuel flow rate

measurement, as measured by the AVL 733S fuel mass
balance, are used to train and validate a neural network
model. The discontinuous parts of the fuel flow rate are then
predicted by using neural networks. It will be shown that the
developed neural network model predicts the fuel flow rate
with very good accuracy for discontinuous parts of the fuel
flow rate measurement.

In Section 1 - introduction, a brief background of the

Figure 1. AVL 733S Measurement Principle [8].
research is introduced. Section 2 describes the measurement
principles of the fuel flow meter used in this work and details
the fuel supply and metering system. Section 3 describes the The measurement vessel has both an engine fuel return line
experimental facility for the data collection and the real-time and a venting line thus emulating a vehicle fuel tank. This
measurement system integration. Section 4 outlines the ensures that there is a continuous separation of air and vapor
detailed procedure for data collection and preparation. in the measurement system - the engine feed and return lines.
Section 5 reviews the different neural networks architectures
that can be considered as candidates for the fuel flow rate Advantages of the Gravimetric Fuel Measurement
model. Section 6 describes the training process and structure
The gravimetric principle used by the meter has the
minimization procedure. Section 7 shows the results of fuel
advantage of direct measurement of fuel consumption mass
flow rate models in steady state scenario. Section 9 provides
rate and is thus not subject to the additional measurement
conclusions on this work.
needs (fuel temperature) of a similar volumetric system and
thus reduces the likelihood of experimental error. i.e. the fuel
FUNDAMENTALS OF THE FUEL meter is insensitive to fuel temperature changes which can be
FLOW RATE METER AND significant when the measuring circuit includes a return line
from the engine.
AVL 733S FUEL BALANCE A further key advantage is the inherent capability to provide a
continuous fuel consumption measurement up to the total
Basic Principle mass of the measurement vessel when full. For the larger
The AVL 733s design utilizes the gravimetric measuring 1800g vessel in the 733S range, this translates into an ability
principle in which fuel is supplied to the engine from a to continually measure fuel consumption for most passenger
measuring vessel, the weight of which is continuously car sized engines on many of the internationally know test
measured [8]. procedures. Total consumption can thus be determined
directly without integration and is thus very reliable.
A schematic in figure 1 outlines the main components of the
AVL fuel balance. The measuring vessel is suspended on a Limitation of Gravimetric Fuel Measurement
bending spring. A mechanism which is designed to be both The key limitation with a gravimetric fuel measurement
frictionless and hysteresis-less, translates mass into system is the time required to refill the measuring vessel and
displacement. The displacement is then measured using a a pre-determined dampening time. Measures can be taken to
contactless capacitive displacement pick-up which sends the reduce the refilling time to a minimum but it remains. The
resulting voltage signal to a microprocessor. The system is frequency of refills is a function of the physical size of the
fully automated in respect to both measurement and measurement vessel, the configuration of the fuel supply to
calibration procedures. the meter, the engine fuel consumption rate and the
configuration of the fuel meter - whether it has been set to fill
to a volume less than the measurement vessel volume (for
increased measurement resolution). The other limitation
compared to alternative techniques that employ a coriolis or
displacement meter, is the much slower response time. Thus,

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this type meter is far better suited to steady state test with preselected weight and 3). interval (start/stop)
applications. measurement. For the experimental work reported in this
paper, mode 2 was used with a filling level of 250g
The Test Cell Measurement Circuit (amplification mode 4 setting - for maximum accuracy).
The 733S fuel meter in isolation provides accurate fuel mass
rate measurements even when the fuel temperature inside the Output Signals, Measurement and Conversion
measuring vessel changes, this is a consequence of the fuel For the work reported in this paper, the fuel measurement
meter measuring fuel mass directly. However, the design of system was configured to use the analogue (0-10V) output of
the whole fuel measurement system remains critical for the 733S fuel meter which was sampled at greater than 10Hz
reducing fuel temperature variation and hence fuel (the measurement rate of the fuel meter) by a National
temperature derived experimental error i.e. the fuel mass in Instruments PXI-6255 card mounted in a NI PXI-1042Q
the measurement circuit itself must remain constant. As an chassis. The acquired voltage was then converted into
example of the effect of temperature gradient in the instantaneous fuel rate using a calibration equation, this being
measurement circuit, if the temperature of a system of a function of the configured measurement parameters of the
volume 1000 cm3 were to change by 1°C during the fuel meter.
measurement time for a fuel of density 0.85 g/cm3 and
expansion coefficient 0.001 per°C, the mass of the fuel in the EXPERIMENT FACILITY
measurement circuit will be reduced by 1000×0.85×0.001×1 The engine that is used in this study is a Caterpillar C6.6
= 0.85g. If during this measurement interval the engine ACERT heavy-duty off-highway engine. This is a 6 cylinder
consumes 50g, the fuel meter measures the engine fuel engine with a Caterpillar common rail fuel system. The
consumption less the mass change in the measurement engine calibration used in this work produces up to 159kW at
circuit, thus the resulting error would be (50-(50-0.85))/50 rated speed (2200rpm) with peak torque of 920Nm at
which is1.7%. The measurement circuit also needs to remain 1400rpm The engine has been modified with a high pressure
deaerated and the geometric volume must also be constant loop EGR system and a variable geometry turbine for
(avoiding pressure related expansions). experimental purposes.
As such, the measurement circuit implemented for the The engine is fully instrumented to measure air, fuel and
Caterpillar C6.6 diesel engine employed during this work is cooling system pressures, temperatures and flow rates. The
carefully designed and configured to avoid sources of error. fuel flow rate is measured by AVL 733S Fuel Mass Balance.
A schematic of the major components and fuel transfer lines Emissions data is gathered principally using AVL 415 smoke
of the system are illustrated in figure 2. and 439 opacity meters (offering steady state and transient
measurement respectively) and a Horiba 9100 exhaust gas
analyzer measuring nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbons and oxygen. The
temperature and pressure at the exhaust port, are measured
for each of the six cylinders. This is supported by exhaust
manifold, post turbocharger, pre/post EGR cooler/control
valve temperature and pressure measurements. Figure 3
shows the engine facility.

An example of real fuel flow rate signal, with a pattern of
measurement then discontinuity is presented in figure 4. The
Figure 2. Fuel metering circuit.
purpose of the work reported herein is to estimate the engine
fuel flow rate during the periods when the fuel meter is
Measurement Modes and Configuration Parameters refilling and stabilizing.
Relevant to this Work
The 733S fuel meter has three main measurement modes; 1).
individual and multiple measurements with preselected
measurement time, 2). individual and multiple measurement

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Figure 3. Instrumented Caterpillar C6.6 Diesel engine.

Figure 4. An example of fuel meter signals with refill

gaps after 35 seconds at 2050 RPM at 457Nm.

Figure 5. Segmentation of torque and speed for the

In order to accurately estimate the instantaneous engine fuel whole engine operating range.
consumption rate during these discontinuous periods,
experimental data covering different dynamic characteristics
of the Caterpillar C6.6 medium duty diesel engine have been In order to collect the required data for steady state engine
acquired. They are split into training and validation subsets. operation, the complete engine operating range is segmented
This data collection approach is designed to cover a wide into nine zones as indicated in Figure 5. The system
range of engine operating points and hence fuel meter identification experiments were conducted at the centers of
operational cases and encompass as many of the features of these nine zones, with the engine rpm being maintained
the fuel consumption behavior as is possible from a practical constant using the speed governor algorithm implemented in
experimental approach. The data set is recorded from the the NI LabVIEW real-time control system which controls the
C6.6 engine with a sampling frequency of 33.3 Hz. engine fuel injection [9].The load is applied using a Froude
AG400 HS dynamometer controlled by a Cadet V14 system,
and is again held constant. The applied engine load was
SPEED AND LOAD POINTS FOR limited to 70% of rated torque for the purposes of this work.
SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION Thus, the whole system identification experiment is reduced
The data are generated for a total of 35 different operation to the six zones (X, Y, Z, U, V, and W) as outlined in figure
points with load that could be up to 70% of peak torque over 5.
three speed points 1050, 1550 and 2050rpm.

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For torque, six points (C, D, E, F, G, H) in each zone are used three parameters perturbation as the perturbation is
to collect the data and the torque change with 6.66% rated implemented in the real-time engine speed governor
torque interval corresponding to the speed, figure 6. That algorithm. This algorithm allows the above outlined
means for each of these six zones, six different torque points parameters to be perturbed at a frequency of <1 Hz with the
are used to identify fuel flow rate model. Thus, a total of 36 algorithm then measuring the instantaneous engine rpm and
points are used to identify the model for the fuel flow rate. comparing to that demanded and then adjusting the quantity
However, as the engine is unstable at 2050 rpm and 66.6% of of fuel injected into the cylinder. This way, the fuel quantity
rated torque, only35 points are used. is continually adjusted to compensate for the change in
combustion efficiency due to the perturbed parameters.
Each of these operating points is marked by varying engine Figure 7 shows the training set of the control signal variation.
control settings where SOI, RP and FR are randomly Each of a training and validation set consists of 32000
changed. These parameters are chosen as they are used as the samples. This illustrates the random amplitude and frequency
effective inputs of fuel path control application [10]. The data changes of start of injection timing, rail pressure and fuel
collected at each load and speed case is split into half for ratio; a technique which leads to a more robust fuel rate
training and half for validation purpose. model. A neural network model has to be trained and thus the
data it is trained on and hence the techniques utilized to
generate such data are very important. Accurately
approximating the system response requires a data set to
contain as much information of the system dynamics as is

Figure 6. Six different points of each zone.


In order to catch as much dynamic information as possible,
random steps are used as perturbation signals. They are
discrete time signals where steps of random magnitude may
occur at sampling instants with a certain probability p. The Figure 7. The training set of start of injection timing, rail
input signal r can be expressed as follows: pressure and fuel ratio between main and pilot injection

Figure 8 shows the resulting fuel flow rate for the

perturbation test in figure 6, these data are employed in both
(1) training and validation.
where k is an integer, e is a discrete time white noise process
with zero mean and standard deviation.

As a consequence of the random variation of start of injection

of timing, rail pressure and fuel ratio at the different loads
and speeds for each of the 35 operating points, a large part of
the full operating rang of the engine is considered. For these
35 cases, even though the torque and speed demands remain
constant, there is small variation in engine speed due to these

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respective connections wji, and sums it up, and then computes

its output yj as a function f of the sum:


here, f is activation function, which can be a simple threshold

function or a sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent or radial basis
function. The output value in the output layer is computed


The first architecture is a simple feed-forward network
varying in size and depth defined by layer and neuron
numbers and the definition of transfer functions which can
have a considerable effect on output performance. The
Figure 8. The fuel flow rate data of both training and interest in this structure lies in the feed-forward structure. In
validation for model prediction order to catch some of the dynamics of the systems behavior
and its impact on the network performance, a feed-forward
network with input time delays is tested. The consideration of
NEURAL NETWORKS FOR FUEL previous inputs enables the network to map possible
FLOW RATE MODELS dynamics in the systems behavior. This structure is
considered for its slight advantage over the previous due to its
The field of virtual sensing has become more and more possible incorporation of previous dynamics of the system.
popular, especially in the field of combustion engine control,
This is a direct response to ever increasing system
complexity; the requirement to precisely control many more
sub-systems and hence system response to input signals. The third model structure is an NLARX model. The output of
Many signals such as exhaust NOx and soot concentration the model is feed back into the input layer. In addition, the
(selective catalytic reduction and diesel particulate filter input allows consideration of previous inputs in order to
system control) are difficult and expensive to measure incorporate dynamics within the systems behavior. An
reliably on a high-volume production engines for the service NLARX structure is shown in figure 10.
life of the engine. In such situations, virtual sensor techniques
have been shown to provide a very convincing alternatives The chosen network structure or architecture is crucial for the
[11]. Virtual sensors are characterized through black-box output performance. Depending on the systems characteristic
approaches such as neural networks. In this work three types if linear or non-linear, static or dynamic; the network needs to
of neural networks are used to predict fuel flow rate. be designed accordingly. Here, the prediction of fuel flow
rate is known as highly dynamic and non-linear behavior, this
means a recurrent network structure could be chosen for
FEED-FORWARD STRUCTURE sufficient predictive results. The NLARX structure can take
The best known feed-forward network is the multilayer into account the dynamics of the system by feeding previous
perceptron. These networks have a number of node element network outputs back into the input layer. It also enables the
layers and have no connection between the node elements in user to define how many previous output and input time steps
a particular layer [12]. One layer of nodes forms the input are required for representing the systems dynamics best. In
layer while a second forms the output layer, with a number of this paper, a NLARX model is applied. It represents a
intermediate or hidden layers existing between them. recurrent neural network, which fits the purpose of non-
However, in many cases, only one, two or even no hidden linearity of the problem.
layers are employed. Figure 9 shows a multilayer feed-
forward neural network with three layers: an input layer, an A typical structure of a NLARX model is illustrated in Figure
output layer and an intermediate or hidden layer. Neurons of 10. The inputs are represented by u(n) and the outputs are
the input layer only act as buffers for sending the input signal described by y(n). The formulation of this NLARX model
xi to the neurons of the hidden layer. Each neuron of the can be described as:
hidden layer weights its input signal with the strength of the

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Figure 9. Neural network structures of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) as used in FF and FFTD networks

Figure 10. NLARX canonical structure

where is a training data set, y(k)

(3) represents the measured fuel flow rate, is the
where ny is number of past output terms used to predict the predicted fuel flow rate from the neural network NLARX
current output, nu is number of input terms used to predict the output, ||.||2 is 2-norm operation, and θ is a parameter vector.
current output.
The optimization problem minimizes the averaged distance
This three kinds of neural model training problem can be cast between the predicted fuel flow rate outputs and the target
as a non-linear unconstrained optimization problem: fuel flow rate of training samples. Predicted fuel flow rate of
an NLARX model is a function of regressors which are
transformations of past inputs (past SOI, rail pressure and
fuel ratio) and past outputs (past fuel flow rate). Usually this
function has a linear block and a nonlinear block. The
(4) predicted fuel flow rate of the model is the sum of the outputs

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of the two blocks. Typical regressors are simply delayed meter model is in a reasonable size and could be used for real
input (delayed SOI, RP and FR) or output variables (delayed time control purpose and measurement.
fuel flow rate). More advanced regressors are in the form of
arbitrary user-defined functions of delayed input (delayed Based on such an assumption, the following theorem is used
SOI, RP and FR) and output variables (delayed fuel flow to guide the structure choice process. It is the similar theorem
rate). in [13] although the theorem is for a single input and single
output case in [13]. But it is easily adopted by this multi-input
THE TRAINING PROCESS AND single output fuel flow rate model.

MINIMISING THE MODEL Theorem 2: Consider the fuel flow rate model described by
For these three different neural networks, the best results are there exist a NLARX model with identifiable θ, if and only if
obtained by using NLARX. Thus, NLARX will be used as an min(nu- nu0, ny- ny0)=0.
example to illustrate the training and the structure selection
process. With this theorem, the search for the fuel metermodels could
be simplified. With the order nu0 and ny0 of NLARX model,
The training process is as follows. Given a neural network we could take ny=nu1=nu2=… nuM for the giving structure.
described by Equation (2), there is an error metric that is
By increasing one unit at a time the model will be found
referred to as performance index of Equation (3), which is to
where Theorem 2 holds.
be minimized. This index is a representation of the
approximation of the network to some given training patterns.
In order to minimize the NLARX structure, the fuel flow rate
The task will be to modify the network parameters θ to
model is chosen by using following steps:
reduce the index FM (θ, ZM) over the complete trajectory to
achieve the minimal value. In this paper the neural networks 1. Choose nonlinear regressors, such as, such as tree-
are trained using gradient descent algorithms while the initial partition networks, wavelet networks, and multi-layer neural
value of θ is perturbed several times in order to avoid the networks.
local minimal solution. The gradient descent methods will
2. Choose ny and nu by using Theorem 1 to let
calculate the vector whose elements are ny=nu1=nu2=… nuM, then increase one unit at a time for all
ny,nu1,nu2,… nuM, until the model reach the required
. The training algorithm will find the
parameters of the network for which the performance index
has reached a desirable value. Given a vectorising trajectory 3. Reduce ny by one unit and compare the model
for the network output and training patterns, the performance performance described by Equation 2.
index is the Euclidean norm of the error matrix of the whole
training batch for the output fuel flow rate. 4. If the performance is improved in (3), repeat the procedure
(2) until the model performance is worse.
Nonlinear regressor of the NLARX are chosen first in the fuel
5. Follow the same procedures of (3) and (4) for each of nu1,
meter modeling work. The fuel meter model is a single output
and multiple input problem. Thus, ny will be a single scalar nu2, …, nuM.
value, nu will be composed of inputs nu=[nu1 nu2… nuM],
where M is the number of inputs. Using such procedure will keep the model size reasonable
small, so that model could be used for real time control and
Theorem 1: For a specific nonlinear regressor of NLARX, measurement.
there must exist nu0 and ny0, such that for all nu and ny,
nu0< nu, ny0<ny For such nu0 and ny0, there exists a RESULTS FOR STEADY-STATE
parameters θ = θ0 for the fuel flow rate y(n): SCENARIO
Three NN structures are used for the fuel flow rate model.
Each model structure is trained with the same training set and
(5) validated against the same validation data. For each model
structure, the visual correlation between model output and the
desired data is given. In addition, a scatter plot showing the
However, the true orders of nu0 and ny0 are usually never
linear regression of both signals is presented.
known. It will be exhaustive combination search for such
values. Such a search is not necessary as long as the fuel

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In this paper, the feed-forward structure is tested in order to
find a good and cost efficient fuel flow rate model. In
general, it can be stated that a bigger network causes higher
costs for training in order to find the optimal weight
assignment for close output prediction. Here, the network size
is increased in order to find the best network topology
describing the systems behavior.

Feed-forward neural networks could predict the trend of the

fuel rate signal. However, the correlation plots in figures 11
and 12 show that the networks cannot find a close correlation
of predicted and desired values. A three-layer feed-forward
neural network cannot overcome this weakness of the
network structure. For the correlation coefficient R2 for
training and validation a value of 0.93 is achieved. The
coefficient of determination R2 is defined by:

The correlation of predicted results with the output target is Figure 11. Data Correlation of FF two-layer network
realized with the correlation method coefficient of with [4 4 4] neurons and logistic transfer functions:
determination R2 that is expressed through: Visual correlation showing model output following
signal trend with correlation of R2=0.93 for training and


Where M is the length of the data set, y(n) describes the

measured data, the prediction and the mean value of
the output data. The coefficient of determination shows the
explained variability of the systems output by the regression
model. A result of R2=1 means an accurate model has been
found whereas with a R2 value of 0 there is no correlation
between the system and the model output. Although the
model detects the trend of the signal after load and speed
changes, a close value correlation between individual values
is not achieved as shown in figure 12. The slight increase of
hidden states does not improve the performance.

Although an important result of approximation theory states

that a three-layer feed-forward neural network with sigmoid
activation functions in the hidden layer and linear activation Figure 12. Data Correlation of FF three-layer network
functions in the output layer, has the ability to approximate with [4 4 4] neurons and logistic transfer functions:
any continuous mapping to arbitrary precision, provided that Linear regression between predicted output and desired
the number of units in the hidden layer is sufficiently large output.
[14]. However, possibly the performance of feed-forward
neural networks is limited due to the limitation of units
number in the hidden states, further limited by the memory of
personal computers.

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FEED-FORWARD WITH TIME-DELAY However, there is a considerable noise introduction in figure

13 and a weak sample-to-sample correlation of predicted
STRUCTURE samples in comparison to desired values in figure 14. The
As a result of the lack of correlation achieved by the simple feed-forward structure with input time-delays is not able to
feed-forward structure, the time-delay functionality is applied create a direct sample relation between the inputs and the
to the inputs. Figures 13 and 14 show the result for a three output signal. It merely can create a relation describing the
layer network with 4 neurons per layer and logistic function trend between speed and load changes but not distinguish
as transfer function. The R2 is equal 0.95 for training and between varying engine control settings and its influence on
validation data and the visual correlation in figure 13 shows the fuel meter signal.
that the network is able to predict the trend of the data during
load and speed changes. NLARX STRUCTURE
The third structure tested is the NLARX network structure.
As described previously in the section describing the training
process and the minimizing the model structure, the
minimized NLARX is used.

The NLARX structure is able to find a relation between

inputs, outputs and previous samples as shown in figures 15
and 16. The close correlation is shown in the visual
correlation where not only the trend of the speed and load
changes is fit but also the high-frequent fuel rate changes.
This results in a R2 of 0.99 for both, training and validation
set. In addition, the prediction capability is also confirmed
through the linear regression plot where the samples show a
close fit to the regression line with just some few outliers. In
view of this result, the NLARX model is the best choice for
predicting the fuel rate signal over engine control setting
Figure 13. Data Correlation of FFTD three-layer
network with [4 4 4] neurons and logistic transfer
functions: Visual correlation showing model output
following signal trend with correlation of R2=0.95 for
training and validation.

Figure 15. Data Correlation of NLARX two-layer

network with [4 4] neurons and logistic transfer
functions: Visual correlation showing close correlation
between desired and predicted output with correlation of
Figure 14. Data Correlation of FFTD three-layer R2=0.99 for training and validation.
network with [4 4 4] neurons and logistic transfer
functions: Linear regression between predicted output
and desired output

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Figure 16. Data Correlation of NLARX two-layer network with [4 4] neurons and logistic transfer functions: Linear regression
between predicted output and desired output

Figure 17. Comparison of best results of FF, FFTD and NLARX structures in steady-state scenario (Training and Validation)
against desired output

DISCUSSION ON RESULTS OF brown (feed-forward structure) line represent more of a trend

line following the desired output. Therefore, the conclusion
STEADY-STATE SCENARIO can be drawn that the feed-forward structure with small
The results show that the feed-forward structure with small hidden states lacks input information about the systems
hidden states is not sufficient for mapping the input output behavior.
relation between the chosen inputs and the output of the NN.
The feed-forward structures predict the trend of the data CONCLUSION
during speed and load changes. However, the accurate signal
prediction fails. The NLARX structure can provide a more This paper demonstrates a comprehensive and detailed NN
accurate solution as the linear regression fit shows and the modeling technique for engine application. The system
visual correlation. In figure 17 a comparison of a close-up identification experiments are designed to collect informative
part of the signal is shown. data for the steady state, where speed and load are fixed.
Different neural network structures are compared among
The blue line, the output of the NLARX structure, shows an feed-forward NN, feed-forward NN with delays and NLARX.
accurate correlation with the desired output signal. On the The NLARX is the best structure for fuel flow rate
other hand, the other signals of the feed-forward structures prediction. The training process is illustrated in the paper.
represented through the red (feed-forward with delay) and Also in order to keep the fuel flow rate model as simple as

SAE Int. J. Engines | Volume 4 | Issue 1 1735

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Fuel Ratio between main and total fuel injected

Neural Network

Non-Linear AutoregRessive model with eXogenous

SAE Int. J. Engines | Volume 4 | Issue 1 1737

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