1english7 Quarter2 M1-V.4

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Second Quarter – Module 1
Week 1


Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the
Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s try before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn
Listening is one of the most important skills a person should have. As we do our
everyday activities like having a conversation with our family and friends, listening
to a relaxing music or even watching television for the latest news, understanding
the details and information from it requires us to be an active listener which means
we should pay attention to whoever we are listening to. In this module, we will focus
on the use of different strategies in listening to short texts and how you can improve
that skill.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

• Lesson 1 – Listening Based on Purpose
• Lesson 2 - Familiarity with the Topic
• Lesson 3 – Listening with Varying Levels of Difficulty

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. extract information from the text listened to;
2. note important ideas;
3. sequence of events;
4. make sound predictions;

Let’s Try
5. apply the listening strategies;
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A successful process of conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.

a. Learning c. Communication
b. Chatting d. Open forum
2. A verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left of a recipient who
cannot be contacted directly.
a. Message c. Mode
b. Speech d. Delivery
3. A person who receives such information.
a. Message c. Delivery
b. Receiver d. Speech
4. The ability to accurately receive and interpret message in the information
a. Message c. Listening
b. Delivery d. Hearing
5. It is an auditory perception that helps us to detect and perceives sounds and
a. Message c. Listening
b. Delivery d. Hearing
6. It is making guesses about what you have learn as you listen.
a. Connecting c. Listening
b. Predicting d. Hearing
7. A process that will help you remember important information.
a. Taking notes c. Listening
b. Memorizing d. Hearing

8. A circumstance or obstacle that keeps people things apart or prevents
communication or progress
a. Taking notes c. Hindrance
b. Memorizing d. Send
9. The action of capability of understanding something.
a. Comprehension c. Listening
b. Memorizing d. Hearing
10. A plan or policy designed to achieve a major or over all aim.
a. Action c. Listening
b. Strategy d. Hearing
11. This is a kind of communication where the listener’s purpose is to transact.
a. Transactional Listening c. Developmental Listening
b. Intentional Listening d. Interactional Listening
12. Its main goal is to maintain social relationship.
a. Developmental Listening c. Interactional Listening
b. Transactional Listening d. Intentional Listening
13. This kind of listening strategy helps you remember ideas through outlining
and layering information.
a. Respond c. Re-listen
b. Predict d. Taking Notes
14. This strategies lets you go back to a certain part of the listening text.
a. Respond c. Re-listen
b. Predict d. Taking Notes
15. In this strategy, the listener makes guesses about what can be learned while
a. Respond c. Re-listen
b. Predict d. Taking Notes

Listening Strategies Based on Purpose
Before you listen to a text, you should be aware of its communicative purpose. Are
you listening for an important information? Or, are you preserving a relationship
with your peers or loved ones? Becoming aware of this fact will help you to both focus
on the important points and reach your goal.

Let’s Recall
Compare these two pictures. What are their reasons of communication? What details
do you need to listen for in each conversation?


Let’s Explore

Two Purposes of Language

1. Transactional Language is used to make transactions. Its purpose is to transfer
facts and information. In churches, hospitals, schools, offices and banks, the listener
is expected to hear people use formal language in conversations. Here are some of
the examples:
Doctor – Patient
“Eating a balance diet, getting a regular exercise,
drinking plenty of water and sleeping for 8-10
hours can help your body fight diseases.”

2. Interactional Language is used to maintain social relationship. The purpose of

communication here is to create a positive atmosphere, build stronger relationship,
deeper connection with others and create a comfort zone and trust. It may be through
chatting with friends, greeting someone we met or sharing experiences with family
members which may use informal or everyday language.
Here is an example:

Mother – Son

“You’re in high school now, son. Be more responsible and

if you need any help don’t hesitate to tell me.”
Source: https://www.dreamstime.com/mother-talking-her-son-illustration-image163134094

Let’s Elaborate
Analyze the pictures and tell whether the people are engaged in transactional and
interactional listening. Give reasons for your answers. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
Purpose: _____________________________________
Reason: ________________________________________________________

1. 2. 3.

Let’s Dig In
Pretend that you are able to eavesdrop on the conversation of the characters. Listen
attentively and prepare to answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.

I. At the Doctor’s


Here is the dialogue between the doctor and his


DOCTOR: Good morning, Mrs. Jones. What seems to be the problem?

PATIENT: Well doctor, I’ve got a sore throat and a bad cough. I’ve also got a headache.
DOCTOR: How long have you had these symptoms?
PATIENT: About four days now, and I’m feeling really tired too.
DOCTOR: It sounds like you’ve got the flu. Take two aspirin every four hours. You should
also get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. And if you don’t feel better in a
couple of days, give me a call.
PATIENT: Thank you doctor.
Answer the following questions after listening to the dialogue.
1. What symptoms did the patient feel that she made her visit to the doctor?
2. For how many days was she feeling those symptoms?
3. What findings did the doctor arrive at after hearing her indications?
4. What prescriptions did the doctor gave her?
5. When is the patient advised to call the doctor?
6. Are these people engaged in transactional or interactional listening? Why?
II. Pet Peeves
A. Making Predictions
1. What does Pet Peeves mean based on the
2. Why do you think Tony looks scared and
Samantha holds her fist like that?
3. What do you think is the relationship of the
Here is the conversation between Tony and Sam.
TONY: Hey, Sam. Can I give you a hand?
SAM: Great timing, Tony. You always ask me just when I’m about to finish.
TONY: I was playing with the kids and I didn’t know you were out here.
SAM: Have you done anything I have asked you? Have you cleaned the toys in the living
room? Have you taken your suits to the dry cleaners? Have you picked up the stuff that
I asked you to get from the grocery store? Have you taken out the garbage? Have you?
TONY: Not yet, Sam. I’ll get to it after I have something to eat. What’s heating you up?
Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder?
SAM: Sorry, I’m just having a bad day. I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the
TONY: Absolutely, why don’t you go inside and take a nap while I’m getting a nap while
I’m getting lunch ready? 7
SAM: Wow! That sounds fantastic. Thanks for cheering me up, Tony. You just made my
A. Answer the following questions after listening to the dialogue.
1. Why is Sam annoyed with Tony?
2. What are his reasons for not doing those tasks?
3. Enumerate the things that she asked him to do.
4. Are they all accomplished by Tony? When does he plan to do them?
5. What is their agreement to solve their heated conversation?
6. In what way did listening help you maintain a good relationship with other
7.Are these people engaged in transactional or interactional listening? Why do
you say so?

Let’s Remember

Directions: Use these sentences starters to write what you have learned about the
purposes of listening.
1. Transactional is different from Interactional in such a way that the first one is
… and the latter is …
2. Knowing about the purpose of language is important because …
3. Since I already know the purpose of listening, I can now…

Let’s Apply
Choose two television programs that you like. Tell whether the listener is engaged in
transactional or interactional listening.
Title of Program Scene/Script Transactional/
Example: Nay’s Ice Candy owner recalls his
childhood and shares how his business Transactional
“May Puhunan” started. Listening

Let’s Evaluate
On a separate answer sheet, write transactional if the purpose of the conversation
the listener is engaged in transacting and interactional if it is in maintaining a good
1. Bella: “I am looking for a computer set that can do multitasking without the
tendency of hanging or slowing d own.”
Salesman: “I recommend you choose our computer with DupperCore my10. It
supports 16gb RAM expandable to 32gb.”
2. Maila: “It’s been a while since we’ve been at the Mercado Del Lago. I missed eating
at the food court.”
Estella: “Yeah, me too. I also wanted to go jogging and biking at the Laguna Lake
Highway. I surely need some exercise at this time.”
3. Paul: “I would like to open a bank account.”
Bank Teller: “What kind of account would you like to open?”
Paul: “I want to open a checking account.”

4. John: “What are your qualities that will help our company grow?”
Carlos: “I am most capable of researching for marketing strategies which may
contribute to increase in sales.”
5. Juliet: “Sis, will come over to my place tonight? There’s a movie I want to watch
with you.”
Ann: “Sure thing. I’ll drop by the grocery store to buy us some drinks and snack.
I’ll be right there.”

Lesson Listening Strategies Based on

2 Familiarity
Listening to a topic where there’s familiarity enables the listener to relate to their
personal experiences and background knowledge. This plays an important role in
connecting the new information with your existing knowledge.
Imagine yourself listening over the following conversations. Which of them will you
mostly understand? Why?

Let’s Recall

A. There are three approaches to the analysis: the mechanics of

materials approach (also known as strength of materials), the elasticity
theory approach (which is actually a special case of the more general field
of continuum mechanics), and the finite element approach. The first two make use
of analytical formulations which apply mostly simple linear elastic models, leading
to closed-form solutions, and can often be solved by hand. The finite element
approach is actually a numerical method for solving differential equations generated
by theories of mechanics such as elasticity theory and strength of materials.
However, the finite-element method depends heavily on the processing power of
computers and is more applicable to structures of arbitrary size and complexity.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_engineering

B. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. At the very least, brush
your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Brushing minimizes the accumulation of
bacteria in your mouth, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease, Novey says.
Flossing, too, helps maintain strong, healthy gums. “The bacteria that builds up
and causes gum disease can go straight to the heart and cause very serious valve
problems,” Novey explains. Unhealthy gums also can cause your teeth to loosen,
which makes it difficult to chew and to eat properly, he adds. To maintain a healthy
smile, visit the dentist at six-month intervals for checkups and cleanings.
Source: https://www.everydayhealth.com/healthy-living/guide-to-good-hygiene.aspx

Let’s Explore
Here are some strategies to become familiar with a text, improve your listening
skills and become an active listener.
Before-Listening Strategies
1. Connect
Help yourself better understand a listening assignment by thinking of things you
already know about a topic. This helps your mind build connections between what
you know and new information you will hear.

2. Predict
Make guesses about what you may learn as you listen. Guessing helps your brain
focus on the assignment. It doesn’t matter if your guesses are right or wrong.
3. Talk About New Words
Make sure you understand words in the title and in any introductory material.
Have a brief conversation in your head to clarify key words.

During-Listening Strategies
4. Listen for Answers
As you listen, be listening for answers to questions you have. Looking for answers
to questions gives you a reason to listen and keeps your mind active and alert.
5. Take Notes
Write notes that help you remember ideas. Outlining and layering information is
always a good idea, but try other imaginative ways of taking notes: Use connected
circles and shapes, create a chart, or draw a map.
6. Re-listen/Find a Fix
When you get bored or when ideas are hard, you need to find a way to get back on
track. The best way to fix things is to re-listen. You don’t have to wait until the end
to re-listen. Sometimes a quick backtracking and re-listening to a line or two can
quickly clear up confusion.

After-Listening Strategies
7. Respond
What do you agree and disagree with? What parts do you like best? What parts are
8. Summarize
Read your lecture notes several times before and after class all week. In your head,
summarize what the assignment was about and test yourself on your notes.
9. Extend
Read and listen to other sources for more information about the topic. Learning more
information makes a topic more meaningful and interesting, especially if you share
these ideas with others. Source: http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolc/issues/2014-06-01/3.html

Let’s Elaborate
Here, your listening comprehension skill will be put to a test and will later be
improved through practice. Prepare to answer the


1. Look at the pictures.

2. A man is looking for a birthday present for his wife at a jewelry shop. Which
necklace is he going to buy?
3. Here is the dialogue.
Seller: May I help you?
Man: I’m looking for a birthday present for my wife. What do you recommend?
Seller: Well, what about this necklace?
Man: Hmm, it looks a little long.
Seller: What about these over here? We have one with the flower pendant, and
another one with the heart.
Man: I’m looking for something a bit more sophisticated. How much is the pearl
necklace over here?
Seller: It’s 5,000 pesos.
Man: Hmm, that’s too expensive. Okay, I’ll take the first one.
Seller: Sure thing. Here you are.
4. Which necklace is he going to buy?

Let’s Dig In
Pay attention to the speaker’s instructions as she teaches us how to make a cookie
and prepare to answer the questions that follow.


Here are her instructions.

Hello, and welcome to Kim’s Kitchen.

Today, I’m going to show you a simple recipe for cookies.
Let’s start with the ingredients.
You will need three cups of flour, one and a half teaspoons of baking powder,
eight ounces of butter, one and a half cups of sugar, and one egg.
First, mix the flour and baking powder in a bowl. Then, in another bowl, mix the
sugar and butter. Next, add the egg, and blend in the mixture from the first bowl.
Finally, use a wooden spoon to put balls of the cookie dough onto a baking tray,
and bake in the oven for ten minutes.
Allow the cookies to cool for a few minutes — but don’t eat them all at once!
Prepare a separate sheet of paper in writing the answers for these questions.
A. Rewrite the instructions to arrange the cookie recipe in proper order.
• Bake in the oven for ten minutes.
• Add the egg, and blend in the mixture from the first bowl.
• Mix the flour and baking powder in a bowl.
• In another bowl, mix the sugar and butter.
• Allow the cookies to cool for a few minutes.
• Use a wooden spoon to put balls of the cookie dough onto a baking tray.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. How well can you cook?
2. What things can you cook?
3. Where do you find your recipes?
4. What is your favorite recipe?
5. What’s your opinion of TV cookery programs?

Let’s Remember
Directions: Use these sentences starters to write what you have learned about the
listening strategies to be familiar with the text.
1. Before, when I am not familiar with text, I…
2. Now, I can be more familiar with it by…
3. Knowing about the listening strategies to be familiar with the text is
important because …

Let’s Apply

Listen to a news report and answer our WH questions. Don’t forget to apply the
before, during and after listening strategies you have learned on our lesson. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Wh- Some possible questions Your answers

Who Who is in the news?

Who are they with?
What What happened?
What did they do or see?
When When did it happen?
When did it take place?
Where Where did it happen?
Where did they go?
Why Why did it happen?
Why did they act that way?
How did it happen?
How How was the problem solved?
How did they act?

Let’s Evaluate

From the pool of words below, choose the kind of listening strategy that you would
use in doing the following task. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

a. Respond c. Predict e. Summarize

b. Extend d. Re-listen f. Taking Notes
1. The hearer writes a brief statement about the listening text getting only the
main points.
2. This strategy makes the listener agree or disagree to the ideas presented in
the text?
3. This kind of listening strategy helps you remember ideas through outlining
and layering information.
4. This strategies lets you go back to a certain part of the listening text.
5. Aside from the listening text, you also read and listen for more information
from other sources.
6. In this strategy, the listener makes guesses about what can be learned while

Lesson Listening Strategies: Level

3 of Difficulties
Listening takes up as much as 50% of our everyday communication time. It
is the main channel of classroom instruction and the most of the language skill at
work and at home. It is not enough that students just listen but they must use
strategies that will make them active, not a passive, listeners.

Let’s Recall
Look at the picture below. List down some ways on how students of new normal
will be able to listen actively in a discussion.

Let’s Explore
How to Get the Message Across?
Listen as your teacher read the following first monkey stories from Maranao.
a. A Maranao folktale contends that the first monkey was a small boy who has
beaten with a ladle by his sister because he stole some boiled camotes. The
monkey’s tail grew from the ladle. To this day the boy and girls cautioned not to
use ladles in beating one another.
b. The second legend about the monkey took place in the kingdom of Amaga Niyog
(Coconut Country). The brother and sister place were Aratawa and Bugoraga
Arata became, according to the second legend, the first monkey.
A monkey therefore looks like a person because in the olden days a boy
misbehaved and become the first monkey.

Answer the following questions:

a. What did you notice while your teacher was reading the summaries?
b. Did he look at the audience while reading? What do you think is the effect of
that to the listener?
c. Did he show facial expressions? What is the effect of that to you as a listener?
d. What are the effects of eye contact and facial expressions in understanding
the message?

Hearing vs. Listening

Hearing- is an accident brain
response to the sound that requires
no effort.

Listening- is purposeful and

focused rather than accidental.

Seven Stages of Listening According to Nunan, (2001:23)

1. Hearing
It is the perception of sound, not necessarily paying attention, you must hear to
listen, but you need to listen to hear.
2. Attention
It refers to a selection that our brain focuses on.
3. Understanding
Which consists of analyzing the meaning of what we have heard and
understanding symbols we have seen and heard.
4. Remembering
It is process where individual addition to receiving and interpreting the message,
has also added it to the mind’s storage bank, which means that the information
will be remembered in our mind.
5. Selecting
This is the part where we choose what to listen to which will be ignored. An example
of this is when a friend is talking to you at a birthday while there’s loud music and
other people chatting.

It is at this point when active listeners weigh evidence, sort of fact form opinion and
determine the presence or absence of bias of prejudice in a message.
This stage requires the receiver complete the process through verbal and non-verbal
feedback whereby the speaker also checks if the message has been received correctly.
Note: You may also review the nine listening strategies you have studied in Lesson 2.

Let’s Elaborate
Read with understanding the article given below.
Rise of the Apes: like so many ecological problems, human/ monkey
entanglements happen because of civilization is encroaching more and more into a
more into a once wild habitat. That result is a clash between man and monkey over
limited resources, sometimes with deadly results. In 2000, Takaba, Kenya, drought-
stricken villagers were forced to battle a group of clawing, stone -throwing monkeys
for two hours while trying to reach three tanker trucks of water.
The most famous example of the out of control monkey situation happened in
2007, when of macaques. And that was just one sortie in the battle for India’s capital.
Over the past few years, the macaques in New Delhi have inflicted over 2000 bites,
sacked people’s homes and businesses, and once even stole classified documents from
the Indian defense department.
For the average traveler the risk of ape-related death of primate-fueled political
upheaval is small. But worldwide, there’s plenty of monkey trouble to go around.

Answer the following questions and write your answers on a separate paper.
a. What can you say about the facts given in the article?
b. What actions would you take to help solve the problem?
c. Make a dialog from the article read. Remember to observe correct language
structure (subject-verb agreement, tense consistency).

Let’s Dig In
Story Round Read the bio bitz and answer the question given after.

The Youngest Billionaire

The youngest billionaire in history is William H. Gates III, better known as Bill
Gates. He is probably the most famous living entrepreneur. His streaming career
began in high school when he and some friends founded a computer-software
company. He briefly attended a Harvard University but left to begin Microsoft 1979
with partner Paul Allan. But at the age of 31, Bill Gates shocked the world by
becoming the youngest self-made billionaire.
Source: Scott Foresman LITERATURE and Integrated Studies Vol. II. 1977. P. 153.

Answer the following questions:

• Who is the subject?
• What happened first?
• What significant things can we learn from the subject?

Let’s Remember

What makes him extraordinary? Directions: Use these sentences starters to write
what you have learned about the listening strategies with different levels of
1. Listening is
2. Listening helps individual to be…
3. The seven stages of listening will help us…

Let’s Apply

Read the given article below with comprehension.

What is a hero? What action does one take to become a hero? Who are these heroes
that you hear everyone talk about, but never see? The word hero is passed around too
much these days. A hero is not a football player that scores the game-winning
touchdown or the goaltender who saves his team from a loss. A hero is usually an
ordinary person that did extraordinary things. A true hero is really never a hero at all;
at least not in their own mind.
Heroes are not born heroes. True heroes are the people that do not think about
being a hero; they just do what is instinctive to them and then do not bask in the glory
of their own actions.
What truly makes a hero is the courage to say that it is not oneself that is the
hero, it is someone else.

On your own words, rewrite the article read while observing the correct
language structure in rewriting. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Let’s Evaluate
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is more purposeful rather than accidental?

a. listening c. hearing
b. comprehending d. evaluating

2. Pertaining to focus of the brain?

a. jotting notes c. hearing
b. attention d. evaluating

3.What is the first step in listening?
a.jotting notes c.hearing
b.comprehending d.evaluating

4. It is where feedbacking take place.

a.responding c.hearing
b.comprehending d.evaluating
5. The process in which one remembers some points in the given topic.
a.responding c.hearing
b.remembering d.evaluating
6. It is how you analyze what you have heard.
a.responding c.understanding
b.hearing d.evaluating
7. It is at this point when active listeners weigh evidence, sort of fact form opinion.
a.responding c.uderstanding
b.hearing d.evaluating
8. A stage where you are preparing to listen.
a.before listening c.after listening
b.during listening d.evaluating
9. It is stage where you weigh information and facts.
a.before listening c.after listening
b.during listening d.recall
10. It is a stage where you can take notes.
a.before listening c.after listening
b.during listening d.evaluating

Development Team of the Module



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