Expansion Planning Using Options Analysis: of Transmission

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Overview of Transmission Expansion Planning Using Real Options

Kory W. Hedman, Feng Gao, Student Members, IEEE, Gerald B. Sheble, Fellow, IEEE
probability distributions as well. It also allows one to analyze
Abstract - Deregulation of the electric industry has opened when to scrap a project, when to further examine certain
the doors for competition and this has caused a significant options in more detail, or when further analysis isn't
difference in what information is needed to evaluate how much necessary. Such a technique provides the investors with
an transmission expansion investment is worth as well as the risk knowledge of the risk involved, allows one to update/change
involved. The change comes from the fact that, in the past, the managerial decisions in order to determine the optimal
risk associated with regulated investments in transmission would strategy, the ability to properly execute a strategy at the
be covered by the government and a project would be chosen
based on minimum cost while meeting the requirements such as optimal time, what is the best strategy given your current
reliability, power flow, etc. situation while considering future options as well, etc.
Due to this change, there is a push for better ways to This paper reports on the financial implementation of the
evaluate the worth and risk of transmission expansion project titled "Uncertain Power Flows and Transmission
investments. This paper discusses the method of Real Options Expansion Planning" [6]. The principle investor is Dr. Sheble
Analysis and how it can be used to value transmission expansion from Iowa State University with additional work being done
investments. The paper also discusses the difference between this at Arizona State University under Dr. Heydt and University of
approach and other approaches. One key difference is that Real Illinois, Urbana Champaign under Dr. Sauer. ASU and UIUC
Options Analysis does not assume the decision making process is are providing data on stochastic power flows to ISU. Then,
static like traditional methods do. Instead, it allows for these
managerial options to be considered, expanded, abandoned, etc. ISU will analyze the transmission expansion using real
Thus, by doing so, it provides a better estimate of the options with the data provided from ASU & UIUC.
investment's worth. There are multiple Real Options methods This paper begins by discussing Real Options Analysis
from Black-Scholes to Monte-Carlo Simulation to Trees and the different methods that are being used on a current
(Binomial, Trinomial, etc.) and more. This paper will discuss research project by the authors (see section IV.C). These
Monte-Carlo Simulation & Trees only. methods are Monte Carlo Simulations and Binomial &
Index Terms - Real Options Analysis, Transmission Multinomial Trees. There are other Real Options methods but
Expansion Planning, Power Systems Economics, Monte-Carlo only these two will be discussed in this paper.
Simulations, Binomial Trees, Multinomial Trees, Decision After the discussion of Real Options Analysis, the paper
Making, Transmission Company (TRANSCO), Independent
System Operator (ISO), Net Present Value (NPV), Value At Risk presents the topic of problem formulation for transmission
(VaR). expansion planning using Real Options Analysis. The purpose
of this section is to present and discuss what information is
I. INTRODUCTION necessary in order to analyze the transmission investment
appropriately using Real Options Analysis. Such information
T ransmission expansion planning is not the same today ranges from possible contract formulation between the ISO
under deregulation as it was under regulation. There are and the TRANSCO, properly modeling uncertainty by
different objectives and there is a lot more uncertainty choosing the right probability distribution, considering
involved than before. In the past, there was assurance that a plausible managerial decisions, etc.
project would receive a specified rate of return on the The following section will discuss 3 different case
investment. Therefore, developing ways to properly take care studies. The first case study discusses transmission planning
of the risk involved, handle the uncertainties, and managerial by using a cost/benefit method [4]. The second case study is
changes that may occur was not necessary. based on a paper that looks into determining probabilistic
Today, companies are no longer promised a rate of return LMPs through Monte Carlo simulations, using a value based
and must make sure they cover the risk appropriately approach, & performing a risk analysis on the expansion
themselves. However, at times, there are agreements from the candidates [5]. The final case study is based on the authors'
ISO to cover part of the risk involved with transmission current joint project with ASU & UIUC as previously
expansion projects through a grandfathering contract. If there mentioned [6]. The authors' part in the joint project is to
is not this type of contract, then the companies need to analyze analyze the transmission expansion investments using Real
the risk themselves as well as the decision-making situations Options Analysis. The final part of the case studies section
that will arise in order to determine whether the investment is discusses and compares the three studies. The final sections in
worthwhile. Real Options Analysis accounts for this since it the paper include the summary, references, and bibliography.
allows one to model the uncertainties accurately in order to
have a proper understanding of the risk and it provides

0-7803-9255-8/05/$20.00 2005 IEEE

II. REAL OPTIONS ANALYSIS involved. Then, by providing information on the distribution,
one is provided with the expected value of the investment and
A. Introduiction one can ascertain the risk involved with such an investment by
In the past, decisions to go ahead with an investment were considering the overall variance of the distribution.
simplified. Whether or not this investment option is Essentially, one needs to identify the distribution of the input
worthwhile would be determined if the project would make a variables, variance, etc. and once the relationship between the
profit for the investors. This would be determined by the net inputs & outputs is formulated, you run the simulation many
present value (NPV) of the profit it brings in and whether this times and are provided with the resulting distribution for
is greater than the costs. However, real life investment analysis. Monte Carlo simulation relies on the following
decisions are more complicated than this. There is uncertainty requirements:
involved with the cash flow, proper assessment of the risk is * The input variables' probability distributions are
necessary, future managerial decisions should be considered, properly represented by the chosen distributions. This is
etc. Real Options Analysis accounts for these various options not only important for the expected value but also
and uncertainties. Real Options Analysis is more realistic variance. It is also very important with regard to the tails
because it formulates the problem according to the real world of the distribution. The tails of the distribution provide a
better than traditional methods and thus, provides a better lot of information on risk involved and confidence
valuation of the investment option. intervals so to have inaccurate tail representation can
There are various managerial options that must be cause the valuation of the option to be off even if the
considered in real life business conditions. Traditional mean is the same. Any correlation between variables
methods ignore these future strategies because there is too must be determined as well.
much uncertainty. However, these uncertainties are likely to * The assumption that the resulting simulated distribution
become resolved as time progresses. Thus, including these will be close enough to the actual distribution by running
possibilities in the valuation of the investment is important a large number of simulations, i.e. the theory of large
since the managerial decisions can change. Real Options numbers applies once there are adequate simulations. If
Analysis is a technique that allows one to include such there are enough simulations for this to hold, the result
managerial flexibility, essentially a strategic road map, while will match or be very close to the option price obtained
more traditional methods do not and therefore, under represent by the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Method.
the value of the project. Real Options Analysis provides such C. Binomial & Multinomial Trees
guidance by providing the investor ways to analyze the
various strategic paths that can be taken throughout the entire Binomial trees are used to represent all of the possible
life of the project and to be able to decide which path is the paths that an investment can take. The trees are basically
most promising given the current status & future outlook. Real constructed like decision tress and the different paths
Options Analysis does this in three main ways. represent different managerial decisions that should be
a.) You are able to analyze when it is the appropriate time considered as well as different possible outcomes that are not
to exercise an option. This can vary from when to abandon the controllable such as demand fluctuations, a new GENCO in
investment project, when to expand the project, when to hire the network, etc. An important part of the setup is that new
more workers, produce more, etc. branches can be added to accommodate for new strategies that
b.) After enough information about uncertainties is were not thought to be possible in the past, i.e. the trees can be
known, you are able to ascertain whether an option is worth expanded or completely new branches added when some
the risk involved. This has a lot to do with the electricity option seems to be more promising and thus, more analysis is
markets, the actions of your competitors, etc. In the electric needed. They can also be shortened or cut-off completely
industry, at times the risk is too high and thus, special when an option is no longer possible or there is too much
contracts are used to share this risk with the ISO. This is uncertainty involved.
known as a grandfathering contract. Binomial trees have just 2 path options at each node while
c.) Last, it allows the investor to continually consider and multinomial trees have multiple paths. The trees are analyzed
include in the valuation of the investment project new options by backward induction so that the value at the initial time, the
throughout the planning horizon. This allows the investor to initial node, can be determined. Each path would have a
consider a new strategic path to be considered. Real Options probability assigned to it and an expected value of the
Analysis looks at what the best decision is at this present time investment at that node. If one is interested in the distribution
given all of the options and risk involved while considering of outcomes, this could be defined at the node as well to
future options as well. Thus, the problem formulation is provide a range of possible outcomes. The other possibility is
always going to be updated accordingly throughout the to just represent the distribution by additional branches. Fig. 1
planning horizon as is the case in real life. shows the setup of a trinomial tree [3]. The use of binomial or
trinomial tress was selected for this paper to more easily
B. Monte-Carlo Simulations demonstrate the ease of calculating the option value, other
Monte Carlo simulation is useful for large problems that techniques, e.g. finite differences, may alternatively be used.
are difficult to solve. Its purpose is to provide information on
the distribution of the variables in question through knowing
the distribution and relationships of the input variables

several specific responsibilities set by FERC. The RTO
overlooks regional transmission facility planning, decides
which expansions are appropriate, and evaluates the effects of
differing pricing approaches for transmission services. Major
categories of transmission service charges provided by RTO
1. System connection charges
2. Wheeling, Access and Use charges, including
- Capital investment charges,
- Operation and maintenance charges, and
- Congestion management charges
C. Evaluation Process of the Transmission expansion
Fig. 1 Trinomial Tree It is important to note that this evaluation is not inclusive
in valuing the complete benefit the transmission expansion
project will have on the network. However, the key points are
A. Transmission Planning considered in this problem formulation. The process of real
options analysis is shown in Fig. 2 for transmission expansion
The decision to build new generation facilities lies with planning. Several issues need to be discussed first:
independent investors, while the decision to invest in As shown in Fig. 2, there are five steps to finish the real
transmission facilities lies with Transmission Owners options analysis:
(TRANSCOs) or ISOs/RTOs. Step 1: Formulate all costs/benefits and direct/indirect
The transmission system has two basic functions: effects corresponding to the transmission planning project by
* Providing the network infrastructure for electricity future cash flows. Determine the 8 factors listed below in
delivery. order to obtain the projected future cash flow.
* Assuring the reliability and security of the 1. Congestion management charge: new transmission line
delivery process. will mitigate the congestion between different zones.
Thus, pricing of transmission services has two Congestion management charge will be a kind of future cash
corresponding basic elements: flow. With a new transmission line, cheaper electricity will be
* Charges for recovering the capital investment, imported from a cheap zone to an expensive zone. Given
operation, and maintenance costs for the forecasted demand and past price information, forecast future
transmission network facilities and equipment. LMPs.
2. Transmission Tariffs: this is the basic charge of
* Charges for assuring system reliability and
transmission service. A flat grid access fee, i.e. a dollar per-
security. MWh postage-stamp charge, is one method and it is applied to
B. Transmission Services all loads in a zone corresponding to the service territory of the
The Regional Transmission Organizer's objective is to
maximize the social welfare for the system while satisfying

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Fig. 2 Real Options Analysis Process for Transmission Expansion Planning

RTO. The postage-stamp rate ($/MWh) will be determined the worst case of the NPV based on a defined confidence
based on an initial rate and its adjustment and uncertainty over interval. Risk-adjusted rate of return can be determined based
time will be associated with the forecasted change in the on either Monte-Carlo simulations with VAR analysis or
network. The transferred energy on the new line would also CAPM model.
need to be forecasted. The authors' current research project Step 4: A series of reasonable options are defined, such
handles this by using a stochastic power flow [6]. as abandon, expand, contract, compound, etc. The options can
3. Value of eliminating unserved energy: system unserved be exercised (American option) during any time periods
energy should decrease due to the addition of new within the time horizon. Beyond the planning horizon, the
transmission lines. This would be accounted for by the stochastic power flow data will be ignored and only the
postage - stamp method. abandon, expand, contract, compound, etc. options are
4. Transmission facility capital investment costs: considered.
transmission facility capital investment cost is an important Step 5: Given risk-free interest and risk-neutral pricing
uncertainty source. Future cash flows will include the cost of model, binomial/multinomial trees can be applied to solve the
the transmission line, relaying equipment, circuit breakers, etc. real options problem. Monte-Carlo simulation can be used for
5. Transmission facility operation and maintenance costs: each option in order to get the expected value of the project
transmission facility operation and maintenance costs are a and provide the distribution of possible outcomes.
kind of future cash flow. Transmission system faults and D. Data Acquisition
disturbances, such as blackouts, should be modeled
accordingly in order to estimate the operation and One main obstacle with researching transmission
maintenance cost. One method in which this could be expansion is the data required. Since deregulation, companies
accomplished is by analyzing the disturbances as a stochastic will no longer share information with others since they don't
process. want to give out information on their own company that could
6. Assigning value to reliability: system reliability is help their competitors. This makes data acquisition difficult on
supposed to be enhanced by the new transmission line. It is topics like future generation and transmission growth.
assumed that the benefits (cash flows) from the improvement However, there is some helpful information that can be
of reliability and stability are assigned in the contracts obtained from the DOE's EIA website [12]. This data ranges
between RTO and TRANSCOs. The benefits from the from current generation capacity & new generation plans in
improvement of reliability and stability will be represented by the next few years to recent transmission expansion projects.
future cash flows or assigned by the contracts between RTO
7. Determining the planning horizon: a key aspect to
forecasting the long-term LMP is the planning horizon. The A. Min Cost & Cost/Benefit Analysis Applied to
planning horizon is important by the fact that it is crucial to Transmission Expansion Planning
know to what extent the research needs to go in order to The first case study being presented, "Transmission
validate the investment project. Too much analysis into the Planning in the Presence of Uncertainties" [4], is based on
future can be a complete waste of time since the uncertainty analyzing the uncertainty of where the next generation facility
may become too large. Therefore, the real options analysis will be built as well as size; then, they determine an overall
will consider whether or not further analysis is needed at any acceptable transmission expansion project for the network.
given time. If the analyses show that there is convergence, Once they determine the different scenarios where the
then there is no need to continue since future states can be generation facility might be built, for each probable
predicted. On the other hand, if the uncertainty is getting too generation expansion scenario, they analyze the necessary
large such that the expansion project cannot be validated since transmission expansion possibilities that will meet basic
there is too much risk involved, then the analysis will stop and network requirements, such as N-1 criteria. Next, they select
the TRANSCO & the RTO would have to work out a one expansion plan for each scenario; the selection is made
grandfathering contract or the project would be not be based on minimum cost. The next step is a cost/benefit
implemented. analysis. In addition, since there is uncertainty involved, they
8. The planning horizon must also include the level of mention that there is risk analysis involved with their process
detail that is required, i.e. what is the best time-span for one to determine the best plan. However, they mention that this
period to cover such as seasonal, weekly, etc. Again, for this goes beyond the scope of the paper and do not discuss how
type of complex problem, too much detail will either make it their method evaluates the risk and what decisions they make.
such that the problem cannot be solved or be a waste of time. The next major step is the cost/benefit analysis on the
Too little detail will give a wrong interpretation of the value selected minimum cost projects for each generation scenario.
and risk of the problem. The benefits are based on reliability improvements,
Step 2: After formulating these 8 factors, the project cash consumers' surplus, reduction of losses, etc. and costs are
inflows/outflows will be discovered over the planning based on capital expenditures, operational & maintenance
horizon. costs, etc. Thus, they narrow the projects being evaluated by
Step 3: The volatility of cash flows is evaluated by first choosing one project from each generation expansion
logarithmic returns approach. By stochastic power flow, scenario and then apply a cost/benefit ratio on the remaining
different NPV of the project can be calculated. VAR provides projects. Their method determined an acceptable expansion

project with an internal rate of return above 12% for their D. Discussion & Critique of Case Studies
Mexico-Guatemala case study. First of all, these case studies are taken at face value.
B. Probabilistic LMPs Using Monte Carlo Simulations & With that said the first case study that dealt with transmission
Value Based Planning Approach expansion planning using minimum cost & cost/benefit
analysis is the closest to traditional methods out of these three.
The next paper being discussed is, "Market-Based Their method was to determine a set of probable transmission
Transmission Expansion Planning" [5]. The main objective of expansion scenarios for new generation plants. Then, evaluate
this method is to determine how much a certain transmission multiple transmission projects for each scenario independent
expansion project improves competition in the market. Their of the other projects for the different generation scenarios. For
main method to evaluate this is based on congestion cost. each scenario, they choose the minimum cost plan that meets
Congestion cost is the difference between two buses' all requirements of the network such as the N-1 criteria. Once
Locational Marginal Price (LMP) times the power flow across they have one single expansion project for each scenario, they
the line. As competition improves, this cost should decrease or perform a cost/benefit analysis on these remaining projects.
essentially the difference in the LMPs should decrease. They The main critique of this project is that minimum cost
use Monte-Carlo Simulations to determine the probabilistic planning is used at the first stage when they choose one
LMPs of the network. This includes having to determine the project for each scenario. Even though they then perform a
probability distribution function (pdf) to the random inputs cost/benefit analysis on the subset of projects, they have no
involved throughout the planning horizon like change in load, assurance that the one project that was initially chosen for
generation, transmission lines, etc. each scenario is better than the ones that were disregarded
Once they have sets of buses that have a difference in based on cost only. This reflects back on traditional methods
LMPs beyond a specified level, they determine different that do not evaluate how much a project is worth and just
expansion plans for each case and then ascertain how much consider whether or not it meets the requirements and if it is
each one improves the competition in the market through a set the cheapest. Last, they do not talk about how they evaluate
of market based criteria that they have specified. This deals the risk involved. If Real Options Analysis were used instead,
with the congestion cost as previously mentioned, it would provide a better way to evaluate the projects by
transmission planning costs, etc. The transmission planning evaluating all based on cost, benefit, and risk. It also would be
costs are valued-based. The authors have two ways they better since Real Options Analysis doesn't assume that
evaluate the investment costs: "decrease in annual congestion managerial decisions are static throughout the planning
cost divided by annual investment cost" & "decrease in horizon, which is another reason why this method is more
weighted standard deviation of mean of LMP divided by similar to traditional methods.
annual investment cost" [5]. Essentially, they are using a The second case study is much like the third by the fact
cost/benefit method. Finally, with this data, they perform a that they are using Monte Carlo Simulations and are analyzing
risk analysis on all of the projects and then choose the desired the projects based on cost, benefit, and risk. The one area that
expansion project. there is a difference though is that the second case study, like
C. Uncertain Power Flows & Transmission Expansion the first, assumes managerial decisions are static throughout
Planning Using Real Options Analysis the planning horizon. By doing so, they are not evaluating
This last cast study, "Uncertain Power Flows & options that can occur such as when to actually implement the
Transmission Expansion Planning" [6], is actually a work in expansion, when to expand or abandon it, etc.
progress of the authors of this paper, "Overview of
Transmission Expansion Planning Using Real Options V. SUMMARY
Analysis." Thus, for information relating to this case study, As previously discussed, traditional power systems
refer back to Sections II & III discussing Real Options planning techniques were based on whether or not the project
Analysis & the problem formulation. was justifiable if it achieved a specific rate of return as well as
This research project includes ASU & UIUC. The other the necessary requirements. These techniques did not consider
groups are researching ways to analyze the uncertainty of risk as important as it is and, at the same time, did not
power flows over time by analyzing it as a stochastic process compare overall benefit between different projects. They also
(ASU) and through the use of Monte Carlo Analysis (UIUC). assume that managerial decisions are static. Real Options
This data will then be used by the authors of this paper to Analysis is a method that does a better job at providing
properly model the probability distributions of the necessary information relating to the uncertainty involved in projects,
parameters involved in a transmission expansion planning the risk involved, and the overall benefit it provides. It also
project using Real Options Analysis. Dr. Sheble is the provides ways to adapt the project plan and evaluate such
principle investor of this group and the funding lasts from changes that happen in the real world with managerial
June 2004 through June 2006. At this time, our current decisions that will take place throughout the lifespan of the
progress is being reported to the PSERC meeting at Wichita project. This also applies to evaluating when is the appropriate
State University, at the PES General Meeting in June 2005, time to consider different options like expansion of a current
and an updated paper is being submitted for NAPS [6] along project, when to abandon, etc.
with this paper. Overall, this paper provides a description of Real Options
Analysis, the necessary information required to formulate a

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