Distributed Generators: Review of Issues

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A Review of the Use of

Issues Regarding
Distributed Generators
Vivek Menon, Student Member IEEE, and M.Hashem Nehrir, Senior Member IEEE

Abstract- With falling prices of alternative sources of energy II. PROTECTION ISSUES
like wind turbines and fuel cells and the deregulation of electric
Distribution systems have traditionally been designed as
supply, the use of distributed generation sources at the consumer
radial systems [7], and time coordination of protective devices
end is on the rise. Distribution systems were not designed
at the distribution level is a standard practice used by utilities.
originally to accommodate such energy sources at the load end.
The insertion of a DG downstream of the loads or protection
This paper reviews the concerns of using distributed generators
(DGs) and takes a close look at the issue of unintentional
devices changes the traditionally radial nature of the
islanding. distribution system and hence may necessitate a change in
Index Terms- Distributed generators (DGs), islanding, protection strategy [4]. Some of these protection issues are
microgrid, point of common coupling (PCC).
discussed below.

I. INTRODUCTION A. Fuse-Fuse Coordination

T HE deregulation of electric supply and the emergence of a Fig. 1 shows a DG connected to a utility distribution system
new league of generators, e.g. wind turbines, photovoltaic through fuses. Circuit breakers and other protective devices
cells and fuel cells have led to a new field of study, distributed have been excluded from the figure for clarity of the diagram.
generation. As per IEEE STD 1547-2003 [1], distributed For a fault occurring at location B, fuses A and B would see
generation is defined as electric generation facilities connected the same fault current injected by the utility grid. Fuse B
to power systems through a point of common coupling (PCC). should act faster than fuse A to isolate a minimum part of the
While the addition of DGs to power systems has a number of system.
advantages, a whole host of new problems also comes along Now consider an abnormal condition where the utility grid is
with them. These problems include protection issues, voltage faulted at location A. In this case both fuses see the same fault
and frequency issues, and operational issues. Two important current which is injected by the DG. Under this scenario fuse
issues of interest are minimizing the need to modify existing A should act faster than fuse B to isolate a minimum part of the
distribution systems for accommodating DGs [2] and system. It is clear that the fuse-fuse coordination requirement
unintentional islanding. As per IEEE STD 1547-2003 [1], an for an upstream fault in the presence of DG, is in contradiction
island is a condition where a portion of a grid is energized with the fuse coordination requirement in the absence of DG.
solely by DGs while that portion of the grid is electrically
separated from the rest of the power system. An unintentional Utility Location A Fuse A
island according to the above standard, is an unplanned island.
These issues are discussed in detail in the following parts of
this paper. Two methods of islanding detection are discussed g Fuse B
one is based on total harmonic distortion (THD) and voltage
unbalance (VU) technique [9] which is a passive technique and Aocation B
the other on active islanding detection technique. A new D
method using the combination of VU scheme and the active DG
scheme is proposed. Passive techniques rely on change in 0
parameters in the DG output during islanding while active Q.
techniques try to shut down the DG in case of islanding by
making the DG unstable. These techniques are elaborated later
on in this paper. The proposed method overcomes the
drawbacks of the THD and VU scheme and the active Fig. 1. DG connected to a utility grid.
islanding detection scheme.
In rural areas circuit protection is often done by the
coordination of fuses and auto reclosers. Fig. 2(a) shows a
0-7803-9255-8/05/$20.00 2005 IEEE

radial distribution line feeding a load. For a fault occurring at lines with no downstream power supply sources. But, the
location A, the recloser is normally programmed to make two insertion of the DG could have serious effect on the above
short reclosing attempts, and if the fault persists, it will make a protection strategy.
longer reclosing attempt before it goes to lock out. In a reliable
system the fuse would operate during the long reclosing time rR7
of the auto recloser so that power will continue to be supplied
to the portion of the line between the fuse and the recloser.

Utility Fuse ocation A

Recloser Location A


Fig. 3. Effect of DG insertion in relay coordination.

(a) Assume that a fault now occurs at location A in Fig. 3.

both circuit breakers see the same fault current which is
injected by the DG. In this case, CB1 should trip before CB2.
However, this relay coordination is in contradiction with what
Utility Fuse A was originally planned for.


In Fig. 4 a DG source is connected to a three phase line.
CB2 is the CB that isolates the DG from the grid. A fault
DG( occurs between phase C and neutral at location 1, and as a
result excessive current would cause CB2 to trip. Since the DG
is still feeding the faulty system, the neutral is practically
connected to the C phase. Hence, the potential of neutral
essentially rises to that of phase C. If a load is connected
between phase A and the neutral towards the upstream of CB 1,
(b) it will experience a line to line voltage across each phase as the
neutral is at the potential of phase C. This overvoltage could
damage the load [5]. It is therefore necessary that the DG be
Fig. 2 Recloser-Fuse coordination; (a) before insertion of DG, (b) aft effectively grounded to avoid such an occurrence [5].
insertion of DG. According to [5] for electromechanical DGs, the following
conditions should hold
Now consider Fig. 2(b) where a DG is inserted between the xo
fuse and recloser. On the occurrence of the fault, at the first and <I
reclosure attempt the DG might inject enough current to trip the x1 xi -

fuse. Therefore, even in case of a temporary fault the fuse may where
blow leading to a blackout to the downstream of the fuse. X0 = Zero sequence impedance of the DG

C. RELA Y-RELA Y COORDINA TION Xi = Positive sequence impedance of the DG

Fig. 3 shows a distribution line protected by the circuit Ro = Zero sequence resistance of the DG
breakers CB1 and CB2, controlled by relays RI and R2,
respectively. For a fault occurring at location B, in the absence
of the DG, CB 1 and CB2 would see the same fault currents,
and for reliability purposes, relay R2 would trip before relay
RI. This is the conventional protection scheme used on radial

dump load or generation reduction may be needed.


The IEEE Standard for interconnecting distributed resources
de to electric power systems [1] sets the requirements which the
DGs have to meet before connecting to the utility. The
introduction of new or increased generation can have the
following key effects on the electrical system to which
embedded generation is connected [3].
side * Unintentional islanding.
* Increase in fault level which may necessitate
switchgear replacement.
* Alter power flows and voltage profiles: The
insertion of DG affects the local voltage and the
Neutral power imported by the local load from the utility.
* System upgrade: The insertion of DG may
Fig. 4. Over voltage considerations.
necessate upgrading of some system components.
III. VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY ISSUES * Switching/control arrangements.
* Protection system and settings.
Once an unintentional island (defined earlier) occurs, it has * Earthing system arrangements.
to be detected within two seconds, and the point of common Among the above issues unintentional islanding is the most
coupling should disconnect the bus to which the DG is important concern regarding the use of DGs.
connected , from the utility grid. Once this happens an island Fig. 5 shows a DG source connected to an existing utility
or a microgrid is formed, where a portion of the grid is line near a load center. For a fault at the location shown, CB 1
supplied solely by DGs, and the utility has no control over would trip, but the DG may not be able to inject enough
these supplies. It is essential that the frequency and voltage of current
the microgrid be quickly restored after disconnecting from the to trip CB2. This condition where the portion of the grid in
utility grid. Getting the frequency and voltage within between CB 1 and the DG is energized solely by the DG (and
permissible limits as quickly as possible and keeping them the utility has no control over it), is called islanding.
there is a technical challenge currently under research world-


Certain operational issues may arise when a DG is connected
to the utility grid. Two important issues are: rpi
iD I rVo
kiDt rNI.
1. Nuisance tripping(s). The DG may have no power
export agreement with the utility. Under such a
condition, if a large load connected to the microgrid
goes off, the DG may not be able to reduce its
generation fast enough. This may lead to a power
export for a duration greater than permissible, which
would cause the CB at point of common coupling to Fig. 5. An instance of islanding.
trip. This CB tripping is referred to as nuisance
tripping [6]. Unplanned or unintentional islanding could have severe
2. Maintaining power quality of microgrids. In case the implications [7], some of which are given below.
microgrid is importing a significant amount of power * Line worker safety can be threatened by the DG
from the utility, if islanding occurs, there may not be sources feeding a system after the primary energy
enough installed capacity to supply all the loads sources have been opened and tagged out.
connected to the microgrid. In such cases loads have
* Public safety can be compromised as the utility
to be selectively dropped to ensure supply of quality
does not have the capability of de-energizing the
power to critical loads. On the other hand, if the
DG sources energizing the downed lines.
microgrid is exporting power to the utility grid, the
microgrid voltage and frequency may rise after * The voltage and frequency provided to the
islanding. In such cases, proper use of a fast acting customers connected to the island are out of the
utility's control, yet the utility remains responsible

to those customers. and voltage. If the voltage and/or frequency limits are crossed,
* Protection systems on the island are likely to be the power electronic interface shuts down. When a DG is
uncoordinated, due to change in the short circuit operated with a positive feedback of voltage and /or frequency,
current availability. as long as the DG is still electrically connected to the utility,
* The islanded system may be inadequately grounded the positive feedback has no impact on the voltage and
by the DG interconnection. frequency. However as soon as islanding occurs, the positive
* Utility breakers or circuit re-closures may feedback pushes the error in voltage and frequency to a higher
reconnect the island to the greater utility system value. As the error is increased a certain stage is reached where
when out of phase, causing over currents and CB the voltage and frequency cross the permissible limits and the
tripping. power electronic interface shuts down, and the DG stops
For safe operation of power systems to which DGs are energizing the island.
connected, unintentional islanding should be properly detected.
There are many proposed ways to detect this condition. In the
next section some common islanding detection schemes will be Islanding detection
explored and the problems associated with each will be
Remote techniques Local techniques
The islanding detection techniques can be broadly classified
into remote and local techniques [8]. The local techniques can
Active techniques
]. Passive techniques
further be classified into active and passive techniques (see
Fig. 6). Remote techniques for detection of islands are based
on communication between the utility and the DGs. These Fig. 6. Islanding detection techniques.
techniques have better reliability but are very expensive to
implement and hence uneconomical. Two important drawbacks of this technique are:
Local techniques rely on the information and data at the DG * If a large number of DGs are connected to the
site. In active techniques disturbances (e.g., the frequency or utility grid, then positive feedback would have an
voltage) are introduced in the output of DG. At the instant of adverse impact on the utility voltage and frequency.
islanding these disturbances cause the microgrid to become * The positive feedback does not permit autonomous
unstable. The instability of voltage or frequency at the operation of the microgrid, meaning that power
microgrid may cause the DG to shut down and hence stop supply to any critical loads supplied by the
energizing the microgrid. microgrid would also be interrupted.
In passive techniques certain parameters of the DG output
are monitored. Normally, a sudden spike is observed in these In the passive technique, the total harmonic distortion
parameters at the instant of islanding. These spikes are used as (THD) in the DG current and voltage unbalance are monitored
islanding indicators. [9]. These quantities are defined below.
Both active and passive techniques have their drawbacks. If
an active technique is used, then in case of a high DG
penetration (i.e., if many DGs are connected to the utility grid), THD=-() II
these disturbances introduced in the output of DG may have an I1
adverse impact on the utility grid. In passive islanding
detection techniques, sudden spikes may occur in the DG where Ih is the rms value of the h,h harmonic component
signals monitored as a result of major load switching in the of current from the DG and II is the rms value of fundamental
vicinity of DG. These spikes could lead to false tripping of component of the current from DG. H is the highest harmonic
circuit breakers. under consideration.
A hybrid islanding detection technique is proposed which
combines the advantages of both active and passive techniques
to eliminate their disadvantages. First the two islanding Voltage unbalance (VU) V2 =
detection schemes on which our proposed hybrid model is V
based are introduced and their drawbacks are summarized. V1 and V2 are the positive and negative sequence components
The active technique explored in this paper, which is also
called the positive feedback technique, was developed by of the DG output voltage, respectively.
Sandia National laboratories, USA [11]. In this technique each Under balanced conditions, the THD and VU are both very
DG is interfaced with the grid through a power electronic small (typically less than 0.05). Whenever there is a change in
interface which can operate only inside a window of frequency loading of the DG, there is a spike in the above quantities [9].
Under normal operating conditions, the DG is either exporting

power to the utility or importing power from it. At the instant Ix. CONCLUSION
of islanding there is a sudden reduction in loading of the DG if This paper presented some important issues regarding the
it was exporting power to the utility or a sudden increase in the use of DGs, islanding and islanding detection. Active and
loading of the DG if it were importing power from the utility. passive techniques used for islanding detection were presented
This sudden change in DG loading at the instant of islanding and their drawbacks were discussed. A hybrid technique was
causes a spike in THD of the DG current as well as in voltage proposed, which combines the advantage of each method and
unbalance. These spikes are used to send a trip signal to the overcomes their disadvantages.
CB at the point of common coupling.
The drawback of the above method is that if a load switching ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
occurs in the vicinity of the DG, a false tripping signal could
be sent. It is claimed in [9] that, in the utility connected mode, This work was supported by the National Science
the proposed THD and VU techniques would not detect a spike Foundation Grant ECS-0135229 and by Montana State
as a result of load switching. The paper claims that the inertia University, Bozeman. The comments given by Dr. Donald
of the connected utility grid dampens all these disturbances. In Pierre on the paper are acknowledged.
a simulation study we have shown that if the load switching
occurs close to the DG, there is a spike in both THD and VU
parameters and they could have larger values than those due to [1] "IEEE 1547 Standard For Interconecting Distributed Resources with
Electric Power Systems,"2003.
islanding. The power system testbed used for our simulation, [2] Y.Zoka, H.Sasaki, N.Yorino, K.Kawahara, C.C.Liu, "An Interaction
[10], and the corresponding results are given below. Problem Of Distributed Generators Installed In A Microgrid," in
proceedings, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility
Deregulation, Restructuring And Power Technologies (DRPT 2004)
In the model shown in Fig. 7, a 3MVA, 13.8kV, 60 Hz DG April 2004 Hong Kong.
is feeding a radial line, which is fed by a large (1000 MVA) [3] A.S.Jhutty, "Embedded Generation and the Public Electricity System,"
utility-connected grid. There are two loads in the close vicinity IEE colloquium on system implications of embedded generation and its
of the bus to which the DG is connected. Load 3 is (l+j 1) protection and control Birmingham, February 1998.
[4] Adly Girgis, Sukumar Brahma, " Effect Of Distributed Generation On
MVA steady load and load 4 is a (1 +j 1) MVA switching load. Protective Device Coordination In Distribution Subsystem," in
The switching load turns on at 20s and turns off at 25s. CB2 proceedings, Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power
opens at 35s, making an island. Figs. 8,9 show the spikes in the Engineering, 2001.
DG's THD and VU respectively, which occur as a result of [5] Phil Baker, "Over Voltage Considerations in Applying Distributed
Resources on Power Systems," in proceedings, IEEE Power Engineering
islanding and as a result of load switching. It is clear from Society Summer Meeting, July 2002.
these figures that the spikes in THD and VU due to load [6] Wayne G. Hartmann, "How To Nuisance Trip Distributed Generation," in
switching in the vicinity of the DG are greater than those due proceedings, Rural Electric Power Coyonference, May 2003.
to islanding. As a result a false tripping could occur. [7] R.A.Walling, N.W.Miller, "Distributed Generation Islanding Implication
on Power System Dynamic Performance," in proceedings, Transmission
And Distribution Conference And Exposition, 2001 IEEE/PES,
Volume:2, 28 Oct-2 Nov. 2001.
VII. PROPOSED HYBRID ISLANDING DETECTION TECHNIQUE [8] Jun Yin, Liuchen Chang, and Chris Diduch, "Recent Developments in
Islanding Detection for Distributed Power Generation," in proceedings,
A hybrid islanding detection technique is proposed which 2004 Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering -
combines the advantages of both active and passive Conference Proceedings ,July 2004.
techniques. In this technique, the VU at the DG terminals is [9] Sung-Il Jang, Kwang-Ho Kim, "An Islanding Detection Method for
Distributed Generations Using Voltage Unbalance and Total Harmonic
monitored, and if a spike in this quantity is observed, a signal Distortion of Current," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol 19,
is sent to the DG to lower its frequency set point from 60 to 59 No 2, April 2004.
Hz. The frequency of the supply from the DG is again [10] F.Katiraei, M.R.Iravani, P.W.Lehn, "Microgrid Autonomous Operation
monitored 1.5s after the frequency set point is changed. If it During and Subsequent to Islanding Process," IEEE Transactions on
Power Delivenr, v 20, n 1, January, 2005.
has fallen below 59.6 Hz, then it indicates that the DG is no [11] G.A.Kern, R.H.Bonn, J.Ginn & S.Gonzalez, "Results of Sandia National
longer electrically connected to the utility. Hence, a tripping Laboratories Grid-Tied Inverter Testing," in proceedings, 2nd World
signal is sent to the CB at the point of common coupling, and Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, 6-
10 July 1998, Vienna, Austria.
the frequency set point is changed back to 60 Hz. On the other
hand if the frequency at the DG terminals has not fallen below
59.6 Hz it indicates that the DG is still electrically connected to
the utility and the utility is holding the frequency close to 60
Hz. Therefore, it is concluded that islanding has not occurred
and the spike was due to a load switching. In this case an
islanding trip signal is not sent and the frequency set point is
changed back to 60 Hz. The algorithm for the proposed
technique is shown in Fig. 10. This technique can be
implemented using the THD of the current from the DG as
well as the VU at the DG terminals.

100km transmission DG
line Ii ~~.&V~
(0.01273 Ohm/km 3.8kV 0
0.9337*10A-3 H/km AL 3DMVA CB E IrT-

Utility 12.74*10A-9 F/km) - > 61i'OHz

08 lOOh OB
1 L9 3 CB 1003hm CB 10 Ohm PCC
13.8/69kV 69/13.8kV 0.036H Opens 0.036H
1 ;3. e%KV
A r% 1 %
1 OOOMVA Load 3
35s 1MW Load 4
X/R=1 5 1IMVAr
60Hz 1 MVAr
(switc,hes on at 20 s
Load 2 and
0.5MW switc&hes off at 25 s)
Fig 7. The testbed for observing the effect of load switching and islanding on voltage unbalance and THD.

THD versus time

X: 20.01
0.26F Y: 0.2624

X: 25.01
Y: 0.21 34
0.2 F Spikes in THD due to load switching
Spike in THD due to islanding
0.15 F

X: 3.542
Y: 0.1 089 X: 35.0
Y: 0.1041
| _ Spike due to closing of CB U
0.1 at the point of common coupling(PCC)


u .Iu 4U
Time in sec

Fig 8. Spikes in THD due to load switching and islanding.

Voltage unbalance versus time

Xfx.: 25.02
0.05 _- /<Y: 0.05365

0.04 _

Spike in voltage unbalance

a) due to islanding
Spikes in voltage unbalance
.S- due to load switching
0.03 -

X: 35.01

X: 20.02
Y: 00.2295
Y: 0.02012
0.02 -

0.01 [ - X: 3.545
Y: 0.006611 Spike in voltage unbalance due to
closing of CB at the point of common coupling(PCC)

I' _1
1a. ..,k iII
L.. j I
iii L1hLtLiaLill

- .__, fi-|.- -

0 C 10 To 25 :30 35 40
Time In sec

Fig. 9. Spikes in voltage unbalance due to load switching and islanding

No Any spike in voltage



Change frequency set

point of DG from 60 to 59
Hz and monitor frequency
after 1.5s

End Send trip


Fig. 10. Proposed islanding detection technique


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