Toeic Writing Ideas

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The girl is choosing many types of bottle drinks where is displayed on the

vending machine
The photographer is taking picture for his wife.
The couple of man is running quickly to their company because they are
The women is putting her grocery bag into the trunk after shopping

From: Kelly Scott

To: Joshua clark, Food and Beverages Service, Centerville
Subject: My experience in your restaurant

Dear Joshua,
I am writing this email in regards to your request. I experienced the
memorable evening in your restaurant two days ago where is have many
wonderful things make me interested. I deeply impressive and appreciate
the way your service teams support to me throughout that night. Firstly,
our team provided me with a lounge room to accommodate our
customized event. As my previous request, I already mentioned that my
family members as well as my spouse’s relatives will be totaled to over
20 peoples that means we required to huge place to serve for all of us. We
felt it was a very cozy atmosphere and comfortable for talking without
making any annoyed thing for anyone. Also, in the dining time, our teams
had many items to choose from. Due to my family’s religion, we have not
been consumed the pork as concern the ingredients of our meal to ensure
the meals right. Your restaurant did great job as prepare carefully the
ingredients of our meal. Even some vegetarians in my spouse’s relatives
were satisfied with this fantastic meals. However, one thing I suggest is
that your restaurant need to be warrantied the elevator’s area. When I
entered, I slightly scared about the quality of this due to outmoded
system. I hope my opinion will help you better your business.

Best wishes,
Kelly Scott.


Dear Ms. Cindy,

I am writing to your inquiries regarding our ….
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“To be a good leader, a person should be able to ask for help”
In my opinion, I strongly agree with this statement. Firstly, being a good
leader we need to understand an enormous knowledge which is various
different majors in life. The reason is when they want to make any
decisions to solve multiple tasks in their teams, they need to seek advice
from their friends and colleagues. These lead them can gather knowledge
and experiences throughout all of these advice. Secondly, we often refer
that “two heads are better than one”. Perhaps their own perspective often
limit us, they just can not seem to think of an answer or a course of
action. Specifically in terms of politics, a leader should be willing to
collaborate with experts in various fields such as economics, public
policy as well as community developments. By asking for help they will
create the opportunity to see the situation from a different perspective,
means opening up the possibilities for determining a solution to the issue.
By surrounding themselves with qualified advisors and professionals,
politicians can address complex challenges. In clonclusion, most of ppl
argue that inferior leaders look for outside advice instead of thinking for
themselves. Meanwhile, effective leaders understand the importance of
recognizing when they need assistance, seeking input and guidance from
others as well as not hesitating to delegate to their team members.

The bird is flying above the sky

The women (who is) holding her phone on left hand is carrying the box
A man on the left is talking while looking at the others
There are some ppl waiting to order while standing in line.


Dear Ms. Osmond,

I am writing this email in regards to your email about giving my valuable
opinion for your book club for the future. Firstly, alongside with whole
many years I have been an loyal club member, I am quite appreciate with
this new. Being the club member, I suggest that many readers take turns
choosing the book rather than having only one person choose. The reason
why I suggest this idea is that when different ppl select their fav books,
there are many interesting stories to choose from. Additionally, this idea
gradually strive their members’ satisfaction.
I kindly hope you consider my valuable suggestion. This will help our
club progress in one day.

Ellen Kim.


Dear Ms. Gilmore,

I am writing this email in regards to your concern about our excursions
next week.

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