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Mr. Edward Mungai Ndungu

Date of birth: 14th June,1970
Mobile: +254706235151 / +254785319995


6th July 1992 – 8th April 1994 : Certificate of Training in Animal Health
Animal Health and Industry Training Institute (A.H.I.T.I)
Kabete, Kenya
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation)
Nairobi Nakuru Highway, Nairobi 001000, Kenya
Language of tuition : English
22nd Aug 1994 - 30th Sept 1994 : Artificial Insemination Training
Animal Health and Industry Training Institute
Ndomba Kerogoya, Kenya
Language of tuition : English
01 Jan 1988 – 30 Nov 1991 : Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Kairi High School
Thika- Matara Road, Gatundu ,
Central Province 83-01000,Kenya
Language of tuition: English
01Jan 1978 – 30 Nov 1987 : Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
St Francis Primary School
Thika- Nakuru Road, Mangu Gatundu
Central Province 01030,Kenya
Language of tuition: English


29th – 30th July 2021 : Certificate of Attendance, Thika Kenya
Language of tuition: English
2014 -2020 : Certificate of Appreciation for services at
Kagambwa Self-help group
Position held: Treasurer
18th July 2014 : Certificate of Participation
Continuous Professional development
National Agriculture Research Laboratories Kabete, Kenya
28th – 29th Aug 2014 : Certificate of Participation
Animal Health and Industry Training Institute

March to July 2010 : Certificate in team Leadership Skills

Tuitor : Alistair Gibbs

Language of Tuition – English

18th Jan 2010 : Certificate of Completion

Breeding Artificial Insemination Techniques

Language of Tuition – English

Nov 2009 : Certificate of Completion

Supervisory Management Skills

Language of Tuition – English

13th March 2006 : Certified Work Safety

16th December 1999 : Certificate of Appreciation

Wonderful Production performance


 Kenyan Veterinary Board Registration.

o No. VTC 04234
 Kenyan Veterinary Paraprofessional Association.
o ID No. 11337697
Internship: Ngong Training Centre
Animal Health and Industry Training Institute (AHITI) Nairobi, Kenya
Authority: Ministry of Livestock Development
Studies: Dairy Management, Pig Production, Poultry production and
apiculture (Bee- keeping)
Languages of communication: English: Proficient
Swahili: Superior level
Kikuyu: Superior level


01 Jan 2013 – Date : Gatukuyu Veterinary

Centre Gatundu P.o Box 283,

Central Province 00232, Kenya

Business : Veterinary Paraprofessional services

Occupation : Self-employed veterinary paraprofessional
Status : Full time, 72 hours per week
Main Duties:
Provided paraprofessional Veterinary services to the dairy farmers.
Animal health and Welfare: Examine diagnosis and treat sick animals.
Advised farmers on good animal management practices for the welfare
of theiranimals.
Animal breeding programmes including use of artificial Insemination.
Completed routine and ring Vaccinations under the direction of the
DivisionVeterinary Officer (D.VO).
Foot Care and treatment of animals including hoof trimming.
Ensured that no milk tainted by antibiotics was sold or consumed.
Regular reports on disease outbreaks treatments and artificial inseminations
activitiesmonthly to the D.V.O.
30th Nov 2005 – 29th Nov 2012 : Almarai Company Limited
Airport Road Exit 8. P. O BOX 8524
Riyadh Region11492, Saudi Arabia
Contact: +966(11)470 0005
Website; https//
Business : Al Badiah Dairy Farm
Occupation : Livestock Foreman
Status : Full time 72 Hours per week

Main Duties:
 Ensured sick animals are identified, examined, diagnosed and treated quickly and
 Applied principles involved in herd health management.

Worked with Veterinarian in cases such as Caesarean Section correction of

right andleft displaced abomasum, Intestinal torsions and traumas.
Carry out disease prevention procedures and controls, Vaccinations,
Foot care(treatment and hoof trimming).
Post mortem and the proper disposal and dead animals.
Sample collections of urine, blood, milk and faeces.
Carry out legitimate orders issued by the farm Manager.
Identified and suggested opportunities for work improvement.
Organization of work in health unit.
Record keeping: Prepared weekly summaries and monthly health incidences.
Health and Safety: Ensured safety principles and policies related to health and
workwere adhered to.
Pregnancy diagnose tentatively.
Heat sychronisation and fertility treatment for controlled breeding
Training of new staffs who join the team and assess needs for team members.
Organise work schedule and day offs.
Assist group Vet in pregnancy diagnosis
 Cow movement depending on pregnancy status for easy management
 Vaccinations
 Calf rearing and hardening to young stock
 Dry offs to prepare for the next lactation build up
 Fertility checks on semen and quality controls
 Assist in dystocia

Apr 1997- Oct 2005 : Dairy Farm(Almarai Company Ltd)

Breeding Department (Dairy Herd)
Status : Full time 72 Hours/Week


 Farm induction
 Rumen health training
 On job training
 C.S training
 Animal handling
 Vaccination
 Disease identification
 16 point health check
 Safe handling of drugs and equipment
 Principles of animal treatment and nursing care
 FMD Awareness training
 Calf rearing
 Checking of mastitis grade
 Chipping
Parlour :
Checking of mastitis
12 milking routine :
Assemble of cows in wash pen
Move cows to drip pen
Move cows to platform
Srip foremilk to examine mastitis
Attach clusters properly
Check liner position
Wait for milking unit to automatically remove from the cow
Spray teats
Hose off dirty from cluster and platform
Release cows ensuring rapid exit gates are fully raised
Clean the platform
Keep clean all jerry cans for garbage and bloody milk
Calf House & Young Stock
 Feeding
 Training new born calf to take colostrum and milk
 Dehorning and weaning
 Vaccinations
 Heights and weights
 Grass pushing

Breeding (Dairy herd)

Heat detection
Record keeping of daily activities
Artificial insemination to eligible cows
Fertility treatments to eligible cows
Training of Junior breeders
Uterus check of silent heaters presenting poor heats signs
Sorting cows and movements depending on status for easy work management.
Pregnancy diagnose tentatively and competently
Post natal checks and treatments
Risk management proper humane handling, restrain of cows
Good semen handling ,thawing and storage
Daily checks levels of liquid nitrogen in semen tanks
Organising work schedule for the team
Daily, Weekly and Monthly checks on set targets
Culling and sale of culled cows
Re-tagging of cows for easy identification
Jan 1995 – 25th Mar 1997 : Self Employed – Gatukuyu Veterinary Centre Gatundu
Kiambu P.O Box 283, Central Province 00232, Kenya
Business : Veterinary Paraprofessional service
Occupation : Veterinary Paraprofessional
Status : Full time 72 hours per week
Main Duties
 Extension services to farmers on good animal husbandry.
 Artificial Insemination Improving Indigenous breeds.
 Hoof care and trimming.
 Tentative diagnose, Examine and treatment of sick animals.
 Training farmers on importance of good record keeping.

Dehorning, Castration and Debeaking in poultry

Poultry vaccinations routines.
Reporting of disease outbreaks to the Division Veterinary Officer (D.V.O).
Sample collection and packaging in aid of diagnose.
Reference of cases to Veterinary Officer
Pregnancy diagnose tentatively and accurately
Proper disposal of contaminants waste
Heat synchronization protocols and treatment regimes to maximize profits
Assist dystocia and other calving problems
Advice farmers on good calf rearing and other animal husbandry practices
Treatment of metabolic problems resulting from calving stress and feeding problems
Feed formulation for healthy and quality production
Advise on good pastures production to farmers and silage preparation
for qualityfeeds preservation
 Tractor operation
 Loader operation
 Motor Vehicle operation
 Motor cycle operation

 Good communication
 Good management
 Recommendable teamwork
 Quality Leadership
 Leadership
 Peace making
 Honest & Trustworthy
 Availability
 Counseling
I am honest, reliable, good communicator, hardworking and self-driven person who enjoys a variety of
I am adaptable, motivated, energetic, and enthusiastic and have the ability to work on my own initiative or
team work.
I am experienced in organizing and prioritizing work load in order to meet deadlines

 Reading Medical journals
 Playing Chess
 Swimming
 Socializing
1. Seamus Obrien
Manager Al marai
Tel: +966505918354

2. James Mburu MuhiaAlmarai


3. Stephen Githinji MbuthiaAustralia Dairy


4. Paul Kung’u Thuku

Gillear Dairy Farm

Email :
Gatundu North Subcounty, Email
Cell: +254723714978/+254735794039

2nd DEC , 2023


This is to certify that Edward Mungai Ndung’u of ID No. 11337697 registered

VTC 04234 is a bonafide practitioner at Gatukuyu Veterinary Centre from Jan
2013 to date. During this period he works as the Senior Veterinary Practitioner offering
Veterinary paraprofessional extension service, Vaccinations, Artificial insemination,
calving assistance, New natal care and Clinical services at large.

As the Management, we are impressed by his interpersonal skills, Professionalism, Man-

agement skills, creativity,flexibility,honesty,great customer relation.

Dealer in :
 Farm inputs & farm equipment
 Day old chicks
 Mineral licks & vetinary drugs
 Animal vaccines
 Poultry drugs & vaccines
 Animal feeds
 Animal Supplements
 Artificial Insemination & clinical services
 Semen & liquid nitrogen distribution

His honesty and loyalty has played a major role to the success of this firm.

We wish Edward Mungai success in his future profession & Career endeavors

Paul Muruu Wahinya

Director : Gatukuyu Vetinary Centre
Tel: +254723714978

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