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Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

by Anushka Negi

General metrics
8,112 1,147 95 4 min 35 sec 8 min 49 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
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Score Writing Issues

93 29 29
Issues left Critical Advanced

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Report was generated on Friday, Oct 13, 2023, 08:44 AM Page 1 of 10

Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

Writing Issues
22 Clarity
17 Passive voice misuse
2 Wordy sentences
3 Intricate text

7 Delivery
1 Incomplete sentences
6 Inappropriate colloquialisms

Unique Words 33%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 38%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5.7

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 12.1

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

Name: Anushka Negi Roll No:210122010 Mail id:

Radioisotope in Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a significant cancer treatment technique, and numerous
chemotherapy tablets have evolved swiftly in recent years. Ninety-eight
Paclitaxel (PTX) ninety-nine, a popular chemotherapeutic drug, could be
encapsulated in 131I-labeled HSA to achieve 131I-HSA-PTX nanoparticles.
Owing to the enhancement of the nearby oxygen on the tumour website by PTX,
131I-HSA-PTX nanoparticles could not only profoundly modulate the tumour
microenvironment. However, they could also gain a high-quality synergistic
therapeutic efficacy.
In recent decades, cancer has become a significant killer of human health. An
estimate shows that 9.6 M deaths and 18.1 M new cancer cases were
diagnosed in 2018. Sometimes, finding effective treatments in the late stages
of cancer is difficult. Thus, depending on the actual condition of the patients,
the only option is to use an effective treatment to relieve the suffering, improve
their quality of life and increase their life expectancy.


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Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

Radioisotopes are volatile atoms that emit radiation as they decay. They have a
wide variety of packages in medicine, consisting of chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy is
a cancer remedy that uses pills to kill cancer cells. Radioisotopes may deliver
targeted chemotherapy to most cancer cells, even to minimize harm to
healthy cells. Radioisotope chemotherapy has been used to deal with most
cancers for many years. However, it is becoming increasingly famous as new
radioisotopes and concentrated methods are developed. Radioisotope
is now used to treat various types of
cancer, such as thyroid cancers, lymphoma, leukaemia, liver cancers, and
prostate cancer.

Types of radioisotopes used in chemotherapy.
The following listing includes a number of the most common radioisotopes
used in chemotherapy:
6 7
Iodine-131: Thyroid cancer is treated with iodine-131. Additionally, it's miles
used to treat several cancers, including lymphoma and leukaemia.
Yttrium-ninety: Leukemia, lymphoma, and liver cancers are all treated with
this substance. It can also deal with different tumours like ovarian and
pancreatic cancers.

8 9
With lutetium-177, neuroendocrine tumours can be treated. It can also be used
to deal with different cancers, like breast and prostate.

Radium-223: Radium-223 is used to deal with the majority of prostate

malignancies. Two more significant cancers that could be used to treat include

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Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

leukaemia and bone cancers.

Clinical applications of radioisotope chemotherapy
Radioisotope chemotherapy can be used to treat a variety of cancers,

• Thyroid cancer
• Lymphoma
• Leukaemia
• Liver cancer
• Prostate cancer
• Neuroendocrine tumours
• Ovarian cancer
• Pancreatic cancer
• Bone cancer

[Copyright 2012 Annals of Oncology]

The specific radioisotopes and delivery methods used for each type of cancer
vary depending on the location and style of the tumour, as well as the patient's
overall health.

Challenges and future of radioisotope chemotherapy

Here are two case studies of sufferers who have been efficiently dealt with with
radioisotope chemotherapy:
•Case look at 1: A sixty-five-month-old guy has been identified with thyroid
most cancers. He underwent a surgical procedure to remove his thyroid gland,
but most cancers had unfolded to his lymph nodes. He changed into then dealt

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Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

with with iodine-131 radioisotope remedy. The radioisotope remedy turned into
a success in killing the cancer cells in his lymph nodes. The affected person is
now most cancer-loose.
•Case take a look at 2: A 50-year-old woman was recognized with non-Hodgkin
lymphoma. She dealt with a mixture of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
However, most cancers did not go away. She was then treated with a yttrium-
ninety radioisotope remedy. Radioisotope therapy has successfully killed most
cancer cells, and the affected person is now cancer-unfastened.

Based on the information presented in the report, the following

recommendations are made:

• Increase access to radioisotope chemotherapy: Radioisotope

chemotherapy is a promising new approach to cancer treatment.
18 19
However, it has yet to be broadly to be had. This is due to several
elements, including the cost of remedy and the need for specialized
education. It is essential to get the right to entry to radioisotope
chemotherapy so that more patients can benefit from it.
• Continue to research and develop new radioisotopes and targeting
methods: Radioisotope chemotherapy is a hastily evolving subject, and
there is a want to retain, analyze, and broaden new radioisotopes and
targeting techniques. This will assist in making radioisotope
chemotherapy even more powerful and on hand to patients.
• Increase awareness of radioisotope chemotherapy: Many humans are
not privy to radioisotope chemotherapy as a treatment choice for most
cancers. It is essential to boost consciousness of radioisotope

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Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

chemotherapy so that sufferers and their docs can talk about this
remedy choice.
In addition to the above, I would also recommend the following:

• Develop guidelines for radioisotope chemotherapy: There is a need to

develop guidelines for using radioisotope chemotherapy. This will help to
ensure that radioisotope chemotherapy is used safely and effectively.
• Educate healthcare professionals about radioisotope chemotherapy: It
is essential to educate them about radioisotope chemotherapy to
discuss this treatment option with their patients.
• Support patients undergoing radioisotope chemotherapy: Radioisotope
chemotherapy can be a brutal physical and emotional treatment. It is
vital to provide support for patients undergoing radioisotope
chemotherapy. This support can include counselling, financial
assistance, and practical support, such as help with transportation to
and from treatment appointments.
I believe that these recommendations will help to make radioisotope
chemotherapy a more accessible and effective treatment option for patients
with cancer.

Radioisotope chemotherapy is a promising new method of cancer remedy. It is
more targeted, powerful, and convenient than conventional chemotherapy.
While radioisotope chemotherapy has some demanding situations, along with
value and facet outcomes, it can be even more effective and timely in the
future. Radioisotope chemotherapy is already used for many cancers, including
thyroid, lymphoma, leukaemia, liver, and prostate cancer. As new radioisotopes
and targeting strategies are advanced, radioisotope chemotherapy is in all

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Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

likelihood for use to treat an even more comprehensive range of cancers.

Radioisotope chemotherapy is a hastily evolving discipline, and the study
findings are very promising. For instance, recent research on lutetium-177
PSMA-617 and actinium-225 PSMA-617 for treating metastatic prostate
cancers has proven that radioisotope remedies can significantly lengthen the
lives of sufferers. Radioisotope chemotherapy is a precious device in the
combat towards most cancers. It is essential to keep investigating and
expanding new radioisotopes and concentrate on methods to make
radioisotope chemotherapy more powerful and handy for patients. In addition
to the above, radioisotope chemotherapy is a customized method for most
cancer remedies. The radioisotopes and shipping strategies used for every
patient are tailor-made to their needs. This way, radioisotope chemotherapy
may be a potent remedy for sufferers who have not responded to different
treatments. Radioisotope chemotherapy has the potential to revolutionize how
we deal with cancer. It is a promising new method displaying superb promise in
clinical trials.
27 28 29
I sincerely thank Google for its invaluable online resources. I also thank my
professor, Prof. Jubaraj Bikash Baruah, for their guidance. The cited authors
and researchers have contributed significantly to this report.
Published in 2017, Biomaterial-mediated internal radioisotope therapy.

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Report: TRP_210122010_AnushkaNegi

1. were diagnosed Passive voice misuse Clarity

2. been used Passive voice misuse Clarity

3. are developed Passive voice misuse Clarity

4. is now used Passive voice misuse Clarity

5. Types of radioisotopes used in chemotherapy. Incomplete sentences Delivery

6. is treated Passive voice misuse Clarity

7. it's → it is Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

8. be treated Passive voice misuse Clarity

9. be used Passive voice misuse Clarity

10. be used to Wordy sentences Clarity

11. be used Passive voice misuse Clarity

12. be used Passive voice misuse Clarity

13. been efficiently dealt Passive voice misuse Clarity

14. been identified Passive voice misuse Clarity

15. was recognized Passive voice misuse Clarity

16. was then treated Passive voice misuse Clarity

17. are made Passive voice misuse Clarity

18. be had Passive voice misuse Clarity

19. This Intricate text Clarity

20. This Intricate text Clarity

21. I Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

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22. This Intricate text Clarity

23. is used Passive voice misuse Clarity

24. radioisotope chemotherapy → Wordy sentences Clarity


25. I Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

26. is already used Passive voice misuse Clarity

27. I Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

28. I Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

29. my Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

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